beat 3: the way of humility - quest novato“so god created mankind in his own image, in the image...

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© Lifewords 2018 �55




Send encouragement and reminders to participantsDecide who will lead various session activitiesPrint Session 3 hand out (Or remind participants to bring their Ninefold Path Notebook)Set up spaceGather suppliesLEVEL UP: Can you think of a way that your whole group could do something to serve together as an experiment? How could you do a hard job or a chore together, that you wouldn’t usually do?

SUPPLIES:Ninefold Path Notebooks or Session 3 Hand OutsNine Beats to the Bar album (recommended tracks: Letting It Go, Flame, The Beatitudes)Television or video projector (if you plan on showing slides and video)Light refreshments (optional)Towels, basin and soap, wet wipes or hand sanitiser and cloths


____:____ Hospitality & room set up ________________:____ Pre session team meeting ________________:____ Welcome and gathering prayer ________________:____ Practice check-in ________________:____ Beat 3 invitation ________________:____ Group exercise: washing each other’s feet ________________:____ Introduction to the Lab practices/commitment ________________:____ Closing mantra ________________:____ Team evaluation ________________:____ Follow up note to participants ________________:____ Next session planning and communication ___________

© Lifewords 2018 �56




Journal: Identity checkThink back over the last week or month, and write/journal in response to these questions: Who are the people you consider yourself different from or better than? In what ways do you put yourself down, or think of yourself as less than others? What are the conscious things you do to try to elevate your status or independence? Which is more difficult for you, to help others or to ask for help?

Now imagine, if you could be fully secure in who you are, how might that change how you think, talk, and act?

When this week are you going to write/reflect on how you compare yourself to others? (Put it on your calendar)


Daily habit: Own your worthEach day, practice a breath prayer or mantra that helps you remember your true dignity and worth. A breath prayer is a short sentence you can repeat that helps you be present to what is real. This week, practice humility by kneeling to pray three times a day. Choose three times when you will pause during the day (i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner, at bathroom breaks) and make a plan for reminding yourself of this commitment (e.g. set an alarm on your phone). Find a private

place to do this so that it may be done in secret. Trying saying the words of Jesus, “not my will but yours be done.” or a affirmation like, ‘I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made’.

What are the three times a day this week you plan to stop, kneel and repeat your this affirmation? (Set an alarm or reminder on your phone right now)


Experiment: Serve or be servedHumility is when you can serve, and allow yourself to be served. Create an experiment in serving or being served this week. Commit to do the thing in your household, school, or workplace that you try to avoid or prefer to leave to others – emptying the rubbish, cleaning the toilet, clearing the table. Or take a step to express vulnerability by depending on someone, or asking for help. Which do you

find easier and more difficult— giving help or asking for help? Experiment with the one you find more difficult.

What intentional action are you going to take this week to do a hard job to serve others OR ask for help? (Plan a time when you will take this action)


© Lifewords 2018 �57

FACILITATOR: __________________

GATHERING PRAYER (2 minutes) Gather everyone and invite the group to move through the ninefold path prayer postures. Have someone read each beatitude and then have the group respond by saying, “Lead us in the way of…” while adopting the appropriate posture.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Lead us in the way of TRUST

(Open hands)

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Lead us in the way of LAMENT

(Head in hands)

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Lead us in the way of HUMILITY

(Bow with hand on heart)

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. Lead us in the way of JUSTICE

(clinched fists crossed)

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Lead us in the way of COMPASSION

(Make heart with hands)

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Lead us in the way of RIGHT MOTIVE

(Jazz hands)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Lead us in the way of PEACEMAKING

(Reach out to embrace, clasp hands)

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Lead us in the way of SURRENDER

(hands lowered and crossed)

‘Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Lead us in the way of RADICAL LOVE

(Extend arms in posture of crucifixion)

© Lifewords 2018 �58

FACILITATOR: __________________PRACTICE CHECK-IN (25 minutes)

The Ninefold Path Learning Lab follows an action/reflection method. In the last session you invited everyone to commit to three practices. Divide into groups of three and have each person spend 5-7 minutes responding to the following questions about the practices. (It can be helpful to set a timer). If you didn’t all follow through on one of the practices you committed to, spend some time

reflecting with your group on the internal resistance or external obstacles that you encountered. If viewed properly our struggles and “failure” can be tools for learning and growth.

Journal: Complain. If you feel able, share your poem, song or letter of complaint. How did writing this help you face your pain?

Daily Habit: Fast and be still. How well did you do with keeping your commitment to limit or abstain from a normal source of distraction, or escape? What kind of resistance did you face and what did you do instead? What did you encounter in your 10 minutes of daily waiting in silence?

The experiment: Join with those who mourn. What did it feel like to join a public space of mourning? Show any pictures you took of this experience.

© Lifewords 2018 �59

FACILITATOR: __________________

BEAT 3 INVITATION: The Way of Humility (10 minutes)Read the following, or show the Beat 3 video invitation from the slides.

Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

Meekness isn’t a quality that is particularly valued in a world built on individualism, competition and comparison. If you want something you have to seize it, or you’ll be trampled on by others. The meek get nothing. Who is the strongest, the smartest, the richest and the best looking? Am I less than or greater than you?

Our tendency to do this math reveals a fragile sense of self, and insecurities about who we are. The time we spend striving to defend or dismiss our sense of self is exhausting. Some of us fight to get on top, and some of us have learned to live with the sense that we are less than others.

How do you tend to get caught in the trap of competition and comparison, of feeling greater than or less than other people? (pause to allow each person an opportunity to share)

What if we could learn to live differently? This beat invites us to embrace our true selves. Reality is that we are all made in the image of the Divine, endowed with infinite dignity and worth. We are all equal. Humility is the quiet confidence and strength that comes from being secure and at home with who you are— out of the game of making comparisons and striving to be on top.

There is an ancient story about Jesus where he was a guest of honour at a feast. He got up during the dinner and washed the feet of his followers. They were incensed. That was the job of a household servant, to wash the feet of guests when they arrived. It was the most humble job, not fit for a teacher or Rabbi. Yet Jesus could do it freely, because he knew his true self, his dignity and worth. He washed his friends’ feet, because he knew their equal dignity and worth.

Place your hand on your heart and bow your head as a gesture of dignity and respect.

Imagine if we all chose to use our strength to serve, and not to oppress; to wash the dirt from each other’s feet. In the end, it won’t be the proud strivers who inherit the earth, it will be those who embrace the reality of equal dignity and cooperation who will “go ahead” together.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

So today we see our true selves. We stop striving. We choose the way of humility, and we bow to the dignity of all.

© Lifewords 2018 �60

FACILITATOR: __________________

Further Wisdom about the Way of Humility (Optional)

If it’s helpful for your group, have someone read these texts aloud.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

“When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honour, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, “Give this person your seat.” Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, “Friend, move up to a better place.” Then you will be honoured in the presence of all the other guests. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 14:8-11)

“You call me “Teacher” and “Lord”, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (John 13:13-17)

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very naturw of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death –even death on a cross!Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:3-11)

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” (James 3:13)

Stories from the life of Jesus that illustrate the Way of Humility:

Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. (John 13:1-17)

© Lifewords 2018 �61

FACILITATOR: __________________

GROUP EXERCISE: Wash each other’s feet (15 minutes)

There are a lot of misconceptions about humility. Some people think meekness means letting other people take advantage of you, always saying “yes” or taking the serving role. What we see in the life of Jesus is a flexibility that comes from true humility. Jesus did live as a servant and poured out his life for others, but he also let others serve and care for him. He asked for a drink of

water from a woman from a culture his own people looked down on. He depended on friends for funds, food and shelter as he traveled. He even let a woman of questionable reputation wash and pour perfume over his feet.

Jesus washing his disciples’ feet is often seen as an incredible act of humility— The great teacher taking up the towel and basin to do the lowest work of a slave. But what the story also reveals is how the disciples were stuck in rigid, false hierarchical thinking. They resisted having him wash their feet because they divided the world into greater than and less than, the helpers and the helpless. Jesus easily and naturally chose to ask for help AND to wash their feet because he saw the equal dignity and worth of all. He affirmed that we are all beloved beings made in the divine image. He invited people into a community of interdependence; we all need help, and we all have something to give. After Jesus washed his disciples’ feet he said,

“You call me “Teacher” and “Lord”, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

I’m going to invite you now to do something tangible that will help us embrace the reality that we are all beings of equal dignity and worth. We are going to take turns washing each others feet. I know this might seem awkward, but it might help us confront and subvert our tendencies to think in terms of greater than and less than. As you begin washing the other person’s feet, say, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made, a creature of infinite dignity and worth.” The person whose feet are being washed should respond with, “Yes! I am fearfully and wonderfully made, a creature of infinite dignity and worth.”

TURN AND TALK After everyone has had a chance to wash feet and have their feet washed, reflect as a group on the following questions (show slide on screen):

•Which was more stretching and humbling, washing someone's feet or having someone wash your feet? Why? ••What might be the equivalent of washing someone's feet today? Brainstorm and discuss a few possibilities. 

© Lifewords 2018 �62

TIP: You can use a towel and basin for this activity, but changing

water between washings will take more

time. As a simpler option, use sanitiser or

hand wipes. Each person should take a turn washing feet and

having their feet washed if they feel able.

FACILITATOR: __________________


In this session we’ve explored steps we can take to live in the way of humility. Reality is that we are all made in the image of the divine, with equal dignity and worth. Knowing who we are frees us to step out of competition and comparison, to serve others. I’m inviting you to take on three practices this week that will help you deepen your experience of the way of humility.

Journal: Identity check. Think back over the last week or month, and write your response to these questions: Who are the people you consider yourself different from or better than? In what ways do you put yourself down, or think of yourself as less than others? What are the conscious things you do to try to elevate your status or independence? Which is more difficult for you, to help others or to ask for help? Now imagine, if you could be fully secure in who you are, how might that

change how you think, talk, and act?

Daily habit: Own your worthEach day, practice a breath prayer that helps you remember your true dignity and worth. A breath prayer (or mantra) is a short sentence you can repeat that helps you be present to what is real. Choose three times at the beginning, middle, and end of each day when you will stop to use the mantra, repeating it several times. You could try kneeling as you do this, or bow with your hand on your heart. Here are some examples, or you could create your own: “I am

fearfully and wonderfully made.”, “I am made in the Divine image, a creature of infinite dignity and worth.”

Experiment: Serve or be servedHumility is when you can serve, and allow yourself to be served. Create an experiment in serving or being served this week. Commit to do the thing in your household, school, or workplace that you try to avoid or prefer to leave to others – emptying the rubbish, cleaning the toilet, clearing the table. Or take a step to express vulnerability by depending on someone, or asking for help. Which do you find easier and more difficult— giving help or asking for help?

Experiment with the one you find more difficult.

© Lifewords 2018 �63

FACILITATOR: __________________


Take a few minutes right now to decide when and how you will do these practices and share the details with one other person, or in small groups.

Journal: Identity check. When this week are you going to write/reflect on how you compare yourself to others? (Put it on your calendar)

Daily habit: Own your worth. What words will you use as your mantra or breath prayer? What are the three times a day this week you plan to stop, kneel and repeat this? (Set an alarm or reminder on your phone right now)

Experiment: Serve or be served. What intentional action are you going to take this week to do a hard job to serve others OR ask for help? (Plan a time when you will take this action)

FACILITATOR: __________________

CLOSE: Ninefold Path mantra Read this expression of intentions together, assuming the posture of each beatitude as you speak it.

Today I want to:Live with open handsMourn what’s broken

Serve with self respectUse my power for goodLook with compassion

Walk in honestyReach past difference

Suffer for loveand live fearlessly

following the way of radical love.

© Lifewords 2018 �64


FACILITATOR: __________________TEAM EVALUATION: (5 minutes)

• What went well and what did we each do well? • Where did the group have the most energy? • When did the group struggle? • What can we do differently to make the next session stronger?

FACILITATOR: __________________

SEND A FOLLOW UP MESSAGE TO PARTICIPANTS. On the day after this session, send an email or message to each participant reminding them of the three practices. You may want to send additional encouragements and reminders via text messages throughout the week.


In this session we explored the way of humility. Reality is that we are all equals, made in the divine image with infinite dignity and worth, which frees us to serve others. We each committed to doing three practices before our next session.

Journal: Identity check. Reflect on how you tend to compare yourself to others and imagine if you could be fully secure in who you are. How might that change how you think, talk, and act?

Daily habit: Own your worth. Each day, practice a breath prayer that helps you remember your true dignity and worth.

Experiment: Serve or be served. Choose an intentional action to take this week to do a hard job to serve others OR ask for help.

Setting aside the time to do these practices is essential to this learning journey, so we encourage you to calendar when you are going to do each one and set up reminders.

If something profound or hilarious happens as you take steps to live in the way of humility, feel free to send us all a message.

All the best!

© Lifewords 2018 �65

© Lifewords 2018 �66

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