beauty studio facial care

Post on 07-May-2015



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BEAUTY STUDIO: facial care • product assortment guide



BEAUTY STUDIO: facial care

Product assortment guide



Table of Contents Chapter 1. TianDe facial skincare products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter 2. Getting to know your skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 3. “203040…” line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 4. Gingko Biloba + E line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Chapter 5. Vitamin С line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Chapter 6. Tibetan Herbs line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 7. Zhenfei Perfect line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Chapter 8. Collagen Active line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Chapter 9. Sheep Placenta line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Chapter 10. Marine Collagen line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Chapter 11. Master Herb line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Chapter 12. SPA Technology line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Chapter 13. Solution line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Chapter 14. Line For men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Chapter 15. Corrective Serum capsular skincare products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Chapter 16. NANO CORRECTOR ampular skincare products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Chapter 17. Mezoroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Chapter 18. Day cream masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Chapter 19. Night cream masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Chapter 20. Pro-Comfort molding masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Chapter 21. Dual-System molding masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Chapter 22. Skin Triumph molding masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Chapter 23. De Luxe molding masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Chapter 24. APPENDIX “Complex skincare programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166


TianDe facial skincare products The cosmetic products of the TianDe Company are the synthesis of the latest scientific advances and the centuries-old experience of traditional Chinese medicine. Eastern healers’ secrets are earning the sincere admiration of scientists and physicians worldwide, as their efficacy is superior to many modern drugs and therapeutic procedures. Traditional Chinese medicine utilizes more than 5 thousand healing components of vegetable and animal origin. The effect of many of them is unique, making them highly prized in the West and Europe. They include ginseng, cordyceps, green tea, lingzhi mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and placenta, etc.

When combined with modern technologies, these ancient Chinese medical formulas, perfected over five millennia, become even more effective, thereby providing a solution to the most challenging cosmetic problems.

TianDe cosmetic products are manufactured at first-rate Chinese enterprises in accordance with international quality standards (ISO 9001:2002 and GMP).Imagine for a moment that cosmetic ingredients are animate objects. Finding themselves in a jar containing cream or toner, they begin to interact and communicate. This communication generates new effects that could not be achieved by each ingredient in isolation, despite the best attempts. This process is reminiscent of a performance by a philharmonic orchestra: the music created by the harmonious interplay of 100 musicians is something much greater than a simple sound combination. And no one musician can reproduce such a sound alone. This comparison dramatically illustrates the synergistic principle underlying all TianDe products.

Adding together the different ingredients in TianDe cosmetic formulas yields not just a sum, but a fundamentally-new quality ensuring the maximum efficiency of TianDe products.

TianDe cosmetic products are aimed at maintaining and supporting the skin’s own functional mechanisms. They are intended to enhance its protective functions — not to perform this work in its place. This is achieved thanks to the restoration of natural balance and bolstering of the skin’s immunity and protective functions. Targeting the causes as opposed to the consequences of problems — this is the key principle upon which traditional Chinese medicine rests. Cosmetological programs based on phyto-protective complexes, vegetable bio-proteins and ceramides, marine bio-complexes, peptides and many other components help the skin cope with disturbances in its vital functions on its own.

The cosmetic lines of TianDe Company are based on a systemic approach to preserving the skin’s natural beauty. The surface cleansing, systematic deep cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protection needed by young skin are harmoniously supplemented over time by procedures designed for intensive nutrition, skin recovery at the cellular level, and lifting. Each product formula is developed in due consideration of individual skin type, sensitivity, age and existing problems.

Take care of yourself using TianDe cosmetic products and follow the main trend — beauty and youth. Your skin is worth it!


Getting to know your skinGetting to know your skin

The skin is the “envelope” of the human body — its main protector, containing a description of its entire history. The skin experiences great stresses: indoor air dryness, outdoor cold and heat, air pollution, baking sun; all of these factors result in problems.

The skin significantly surpasses other bodily organs in terms of the number and diversity of its functions. It acts as a third lung — it breathes, maintaining the constant temperature of internal organs. What’s more, the skin is also like a border guard — it shields the internal organs from the outer world while allowing them to remain in close contact with one other. Thus, the skin covering prevents harmful microorganisms and chemicals from penetrating the body, excretes toxins and metabolic byproducts, and is actively involved in water-salt, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Furthermore, the skin performs a regulatory function (controls vitamin D synthesis, which is required for growth and calcium delivery to the bones); a notification function (transfers signals to the brain with the help of 500 nerve receptors located in each square centimeter); an immune function (Langerhans’ cells are the skin’s main immune system elements); and a thermoregulatory function (regulates heat exchange between the body and the environment: when vessels are constricted, body heat is retained, when dilated — body heat is released).

Skin structure The skin is the body’s largest organ: in a human adult, it covers an average area of 2 square meters, while it weighs roughly three times more than the liver (the largest organ in the human body), accounting for about 15% of total body weight.

The skin comprises about 150 nerve endings, more than 3 million cells, approximately 100-300 sweat glands and 1 kilometer of blood vessels. The dermal vascular system contains one third of all blood circulating in the human body, i.e. 1.6 liters. The skin consists of three basic layers: periderm (epidermis), inner skin (derma) and subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue.

Epidermis is the skin’s uppermost, thinnest layer: its thickness is comparable to that of construction paper, but it is precisely the epidermis that is responsible for many dermal protection functions. It consists of five cellular layers: metabolic processes take place and new cells develop in the lowest, i.e. basal (germinal) layer. While moving gradually upwards, they lose their nucleus and become corneous cells. Thus, the uppermost (corneous) epidermis layer consists of “dead” cells peeling away in the permanent process of skin renewal.

Every day, a human loses about 1 gram of corneous scales — accounting for the bulk (70%) of all household dust. The skin “shed” by a human over her entire lifetime can weigh up to 18 kilograms.

In addition to keratinocytes, its predominant cell type, the epidermis also contains melanocytes, responsible for skin pigmentation, Langerhans’ cells and lymphocytes.

Derma consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. The papillary layer gets its name from the numerous papillae jutting out into the epidermis. They determine surface skin pattern, which is unique to the individual. This fact is used in forensic science for the identification of fingerprints. The reticular layer of derma is formed by thick bundles of collagen fibers and a network of reticular fibers. The main derma cells, fibroblasts, are a “factory” of sorts for the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Collagen fiber bundles run mainly in two directions: some of them are located perpendicular to the surface of the skin, while others are positioned obliquely. Together, they form a network whose structure is determined by functional stress on the skin. A wide-cellular, rough-hewn network of collagen fiber is well developed in regions experiencing intensive pressure (feet, finger-pads, elbows etc.). In regions where the skin is subject to significant stretching (dorsal surface of the foot, face etc.), the reticular layer contains a finer collagen network. Elastic fibers follow the pattern of collagen fibers.

Collagen and elastin fibers form the dermal support framework and, acting in conjunction with the intercellular substance, ensure its elasticity and strength. This framework is similar to a three-dimensional net to which all dermal structural components and cell are attached.

”The tallest American skyscraper, Willis Tower

(110 storeys — more than 500 meters high) follows the natural architecture of collagen fibers; therefore, it is able to withstand the power of Chicago’s famous winds.

The derma also contains nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands and oil glands. It also houses the smooth muscles that control facial movements.


Expression lines are the final result of the 15 000 expression changes we make everyday! Young skin contains strong collagen fibers but, as we grow older, they become weaker, are damaged more quickly and recover more slowly. Permanent “traces” begin to appear in the regions of regularly-repeated expressions.Hypoderm (subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue) includes fatty tissue, subcutaneous nerve channels and vascular channels. Hair follicles and sweat glands are located in the same layer. The hypoderm provides thermal insulation and softens mechanical stress on the internal organs. The thickness of this layer is from 2 to 10 mm. Subcutaneous cellular tissue consists of bundles of connective tissue that intertwine and form the network of thick collagen and elastin fibers continuing from the derma, and of fatty tissue lobules. Adipocytes are the main cells in subcutaneous fatty cellular tissue; their basic feature is their ability to become significantly enlarged, almost completely filled with fat.

Skin types In order to select optimum skincare products, it is important to correctly determine your skin type. Several skin types are distinguished depending on the intensity of oil gland function: normal, dry, oily and combination skin.

Normal skin: smooth, velvety, without oily shine, elastic and… extremely rare, occurring in just 2-3% of all people. But even normal skin can become dry or oily without everyday care. If cosmetic procedures are performed insufficiently or excessively, it is extremely rare for normal skin condition to last to age 30. Therefore, with any — even excellent — skin condition, you should systematically take care of facial and neck skin.

Dry skin: skin dryness is unnoticeable at first glance: the skin appears beautiful, delicate — even rosy. Dryness results from the underactivity of oil glands, which can be either hereditary or age-related or caused by the use of unsuitable cosmetic products. Deprived of proper care, such skin fades rapidly, with superficial fine lines becoming more pronounced. Dry skin is sensitive to exposure to water and soap, wind, heat and cold. This causes the skin to become irritated, resulting in red spots and peeling — first in isolated areas, then over the entire surface of the face. Skin dryness — even latent — can be corrected, provided you take care of it properly for an extended period of time.

Oily skin: rough, reminiscent of orange peel, prone to blackheads and acne. Oily skin results from the overactivity of oil glands. Binding with dust and dead corneous cells, the sebum forms plugs that clog the excretory ducts of oil glands. Systematic care and the use of special creams, lotions and masks make oily skin normal, correcting its excessive shine and dirty-gray tinge; the skin becomes soft and has a pleasant matte tint.

Combination skin: combination, or mixed-type skin, is the most common skin type. Human skin has a distinctive feature: the highest number of oil glands is located within


Знакомимся с кожей

”Please take comfort in knowing that your skin can

become ideal with the help of TianDe Company cosmetic products — irrespective of your age or skin type.

the face’s T-zone, and they produce the greatest amount of oil. Skin is oily in areas of intensified sebum production (forehead, chin and nose), and dry around the eyes, on the temples, cheeks and neck. Combination skin often changes quite dramatically during seasonal changes: it behaves like oily skin in summer and dry skin in winter. Therefore, people with such skin should be ready to change their skincare regimen more often than others.

Throughout the world, approximately 70% of all people characterize their skin as sensitive, and this is confirmed by dermatologists. People with any of the aforementioned skin types may face such problems as skin sensitivity . Sensitive skin reacts to different irritants — cold or heat, temperature change, wind, tap water and even sleep deprivation and stress — by reddening, burning, drying out and scaling.

Skin hypersensitivity can be predicated on its structure, whereby the uppermost epidermis layer is very thin and cannot provide an effective barrier against different irritants. Acquired sensitivity develops as a consequence of the incorrect use of aggressive cosmetic products. Another cause of skin hypersensitivity is internal disease: most commonly, these include endocrine and gastrointestinal pathologies, immune disorders, infectious diseases and allergies.


«20,30,40…» line


«20,30,40…» lineSticking to one facial skincare regimen for life is tantamount to wearing the same size clothes at any age. After all, you wouldn’t try putting on a onesie today that fit you when you were a baby! The skin also has age-related nuances, and you should select your skincare products accordingly.

Modern scientists have proven that it is sufficient for young women under age 30 to use moisturizing products in the morning and in the evening. Yet, the skin of women over 30 is more demanding: it needs moisturizing in the daytime and nutrition and regeneration-stimulating products in the nighttime. The cosmetic products of the “203040…” line have been specially developed to account for the skin’s unique biorhythms.

But certain cosmetic procedures are equally necessary at any age. At issue here is regular skin cleansing and toning.

Cleansing and toning products do not have age restrictions. They are selected in accordance with the individual’s skin type.

Cleansing and toning Proper cleansing of the skin is the key to its eternal beauty!

It is precisely the improper selection of cleansing products that causes the skin the most harm.Women often splurge on a good skin cream, yet scrimp on gentle cleansing products, opting instead to use bathroom soap in the old-fashioned way. This can result in the following:

pH ImbalanceThe skin’s natural acid-base balance is equidermal: pH = 5 .5 .

The pH value of soap is 9-12.So, by washing with regular soap, you dry out your skin almost twice too much!

Insufficient cleansing Soap provides only superficial cleansing — it doesn’t purify pores.

Pore obstructionSoap contains carboxylic acids that interact with the calcium and magnesium salts contained in water. This results in the formation of an insoluble “lime deposit,” which settles on the skin and clogs pores.

A well-chosen cleansing product not only removes dirt, but also maintains proper pH balance and preserves the integrity of the skin’s protective mantle.Toning also is an essential facial care procedure at any age. The choice of toner depends on the type and needs of your skin.

Cleansing and toning, just like twins, should always be paired. Toner accomplishes several tasks at once:

• “adds final lustre”: completes the skin-cleansing stage, removes keratinized cells, make-up traces and cleansing-product residue;

• prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cosmetic products: it enhances the skin’s receptiveness to the cosmetics products to be applied later;

• constricts pores: after cleansing, pores must be be “closed” to avoid being penetrated by dust and bacteria.


«20,30,40…» lineSkin cleansing and toning products with aloe extract

Since ancient times, aloe has been prized as an effective substance for cleansing and moisturizing the skin and giving it a healthy appearance. Aloe’s valuable property lies in its universality: it effectively moisturizes dry skin, soothes and softens inflamed skin, and lowers oil gland activity in oily skin.

Экстракт алоэ вера (Aloe barbadensis extract):• contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino

acids, enzymes, minerals, microelements, glycosides, and many more; • contains polysaccharides, which help maintain the skin’s normal hydrobalance; • contains salycilyc acid and essential oils that prevent acne; • its pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level; therefore, aloe normalizes its

acid-base balance; • has the unique ability to meet the needs of absolutely any skin type. If your skin

gives you “surprises,” alternating between oiliness, dryness and scaliness, cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs.

Aloe is called a “vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body tissue, which it does 3-4 times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to the skin’s deeper layers.

Aloe Facial CleanserWhen coming in contact with water, this gentle cleanser easily transforms into airy foam. It cleanses the skin gently yet deeply, without causing any sensation of tightness. The cleanser is enriched with vitamin E.

Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):• skin’s “youth vitamin”: it allows the skin to look younger by nourishing, moisturizing,

regenerating and strengthening the epidermis barrier layer; • shields cells from the effects of free radicals, slowing down aging processes;• makes the skin more resistant to UV-ray exposure; • is involved in tissue respiration and its other critical metabolic processes, preventing

the elevated permeability and fragility of capillaries.

If a competition were held among all vitamins for the title of most-beneficial to the skin, vitamin E would certainly be among the top-3.

Purpose• Gently removes make-up residue, excessive sebum

excreted by oil glands and keratinized skin cells. • Cleanses pores, adds a matte tint to the skin. • Preserves the skin’s natural moisture, soothes


ApplicationSpread the product with light massaging movements across the face and neck until a foam develops. Rinse thoroughly. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for all skin types.

ResultNatural sensation of freshness and cleanness, soft and velvety skin.

Package: 100 g. Code: 12001.


«20,30,40…» lineAloe Facial Cleanser

The process of facial skin cleansing is sure to become a pleasure when you use this cleanser with a delicate airy texture. It cleanses the skin gently yet effectively from dirt and excess sebum.

Purpose • Cleanses the skin effectively and deeply, constricts pores — thereby encouraging the

normalization of oil gland functioning. • Helps get rid of oily shine, blackheads and acne. • Moisturizes the skin, neutralizing the tightening effect of washing.

Application Apply a small quantity of the cleanser to the face and neck with massaging movements, then rinse thoroughtly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for oily skin types.

ResultThe skin glows with cleanness — not with oily shine!

Package: 100 g. Code: 12025.

Aloe Facial Hydrating TonicIf your skin suffers from a lack of moisture, this delicately-textured Hydrating Tonic is just what it needs. The Hydrating Tonic contains Aloe extract, plus vitamin E and allantoin.

Allantoin is produced from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used since ancient times in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue. Allantoin:• has a regenerating effect, softens and soothes sensitive skin;• has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby encouraging the

shedding of dead cells; • effectively prevents pore obstruction and the development of blackheads.

Purpose • Gently cleanses and tones the skin. • Normalizes hydro-lipid balance, moisturizes. • Strengthens skin structure, making it smoother and more elastic.

Application Apply a small quantity of Hydrating Tonic to the face and neck with massaging movements, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Aloe Balance Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for all skin types.

Result Unparalleled feeling of freshness and comfort!

Package: 100 g. Code: 12026.

Allantoin was first discovered in avian embryonic tissue (“allantois” is the name of an embryonic membrane), where embryo formation and tissue growth depend on it.


«20,30,40…» lineAloe Balance Facial Toner

This ultra-light toning product is really a “freshness concentrate,” designed to saturate the skin with energy. In addition to Aloe extract, Balance Facial Toner contains algae extract and allantoin.

Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”: It contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the greatest significance to “tired” skin cells. • Zinc is an important conponent for the more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic

and tissue-regeneration processes• Copper encourages the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth. • Magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the

formation of connective tissue.

Fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea waterPurpose• Gently removes make-up while moisturizing and toning the skin. • Normalizes oil-gland production, cleanses and constricts the pores, giving the skin a

matte tint. • Clarifies and smoothes the skin’s surface, soothing skin irritation and reddening.

ApplicationAfter washing, apply a small quantity of the toner to the face and neck using a cosmetic pad.

Suitable for all skin types.

ResultPhysiological skin balance: sebum production is normalized, pH-balance is achieved.

Package: 100 g. Code: 12002..


«20,30,40…» line

Skin cleansing and toning products with olive extract

Like people, skin can become stressed. Skin cells react to stress faster than others — after all, they are the first to feel the effects of the outside world. Frost and heat, airborne dust and harmful chemical substances, UV-radiation and free radicals “attack” our skin every minute of the day.

“Tired” skin manifests itself as dull, lifeless facial complexion, often accompanied by flakiness and reddening. The mission of cosmetic products containing olive extract is to help your skin “escape” from stress.

Olive extract (Olea europaea fruit extract) is a product obtained from the fruit pulp of the European olive-tree. This is a valuable natural ingredient, known as “liquid gold” for the skin: • oleic acid contained in olive extract is related to the skin: it is included in the lipid

composition of the epidermal barrier, therefore, it is well assimilated, improving the skin’s own protective properties;

• vitamin Е contained in olive extract is called the “vitamin of youth” for its ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. If a competition were held among all vitamins for the title of most-beneficial to the skin, vitamin E would certainly be among the top-3;

• non-comedogenic: thanks to their olive-extract content, these cosmetic products won’t clog pores and are suitable for problem skin.


«20,30,40…» lineOlive Facial Cleanser

This gentle cleanser with a pearly tint “wipes” the skin free of everything unnecessary: make-up residue, dirt and oily shine. It optimizes energetic cell potential. The cleanser is enriched with aloe extract, Camelina sativa seed oil and salvia leaf extract.

Camelina sativa seed oil:• contains linoleic and linolenic fatty acids related to the skin, which protect its water-

lipid mantle while lowering transepidermal moisture loss;• promotes normalization of the skin’s natural pH value; • contains vitamin E, the skin’s “vitamin of youth” and a powerful antioxidant.

Salvia offcinalis leaf extract:• contains flavonoids, which destroy free radicals and accelerate skin regeneration

after its injury by ultraviolet radiation; • contains phytoncides (from the Greek φυτóν — “plant” and the Latin caedo — “I kill”),

biologically-active vegetable substances that have a destructive effect on bacteria and fungi;

• contains vitamin РР, a bonus for the face, an enzyme component involved in cellular respiration. The skin would truly suffocate without vitamin PP!

Romans and medieval Arabic doctors even credited salvia with the ability to endow people with immortality. As the ancient Arabic proverb goes: “How can a human die when he has salvia in the garden?”

Purpose • Cleanses the skin softly and gently.• Normalizes the skin’s hydrobalance, controls oil-gland

production, prevents oily shine and irritation. • Softens and soothes the skin.

ApplicationMix in the palm of your hand with warm water. Apply the product to the face and neck with massaging movements, then rinse thoroughly. Complete the procedure by using Olive Facial Lotion. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for stressed skin.

Result The skin is ideally cleansed, oily shine is eliminated.

Package: 100 g. Code: 12024.


«20,30,40…» lineOlive Facial Lotion

This lotion not only cleanses but also disinfects, making it ideal for inflammation- and acne-prone skin. The product is enriched with hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and allantoin.

Hyaluronic acid is an “apple of youth” for the skin: • it’s a skin super-moisturizer: 1 molecule of hyaluronic

acid attracts 1000 molecules of water; • has an “absorbent” effect: doesn’t allow water to

evaporate — even when its content in the environment decreases;

• preserves skin resiliency and elasticity; • is a “trap” for free radicals.

Purpose • Cleanses the skin gently yet deeply, leaving it

moisturized. • Controls oil-gland production, constricting pores. • Soothes irritation and flakiness.

Application After washing, apply a small quantity of lotion to the face and neck skin using a cosmetic pad.

Suitable for stressed skin.

Result Pores are constricted, preparing the skin for subsequent stages of care.

Package: 100 g. Code: 12027.

Cleansing and toning products for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin does not depend on age. It may be sensitive at 20, 30 and 40 years of age.

According to statistics, about 70% of all people in the world consider their skin sensitive, although only 12% have sensitive skin by nature. In other cases, hypersensitivity symptoms result from exposure to aggressive environmental factors, stress, internal diseases and improper skin care. As a rule, sensitive skin is quite dry, with its oil glands producing little sebum. As a result, the corneal layer becomes very thin and insufficiently protects the skin from external factors.

Cosmetic products in the “203040…” line are intended to meet the requirements of sensitive skin. They comply with the basic rules of care for such skin.• The main rule that should be followed by people with sensitive skin: the fewer care

products used, the better the result! The skin comes in contact with approximately 30 different substances during one care procedure (cleansing, toning, nutrition). The fewer the substances affecting the skin, the lower the risk of it not tolerating any one of them.

• Cosmetic products for sensitive skin should be hypoallergenic, i.e. free of skin irritants.

Active ingredients of sensitive skincare products in the “203040...” line include aloe vera extract, panthenol, allantoin and vitamin E.


«20,30,40…» line

Cleansing Facial MilkCleansing Facial Milk is one of the gentlest cosmetic products, intended for the delicate care of dry, sensitive skin. This gentle formula compensates for the dry sensation that comes after washing with hard water. Active ingredients: aloe vera extract, allantoin, vitamin E.

Purpose • Cleanses while gently softening and moisturizing the

skin. • Normalizes skin pH value and hydrobalance. • Tones, giving the face the sensation of freshness and


Application Apply a small quantity of the product into the palm of your hand, mix with water to obtain foam, spread on the face and neck with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using Moisturizing Facial Toner. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for all skin types.

Result Feeling of tightness and flakiness (peeling) no longer torment your skin!

Package: 100 g. Code: 12003.

Moisturizing Facial TonerThis product immerses the skin in relaxation while simultaneously enhancing its natural protective mechanisms and lowering its sensitivity threshold. Active ingredients: aloe vera extract, allantoin and panthenol.

Panthenol is provitamin B5, a derivative of pantothenic acid (from the Greek word pantos meaning “everywhere”). Pantothenic acid is contained in all biological tissue — if it’s damaged, the need for it greatly increases. Panthenol:• has a dermatoprotective property: promotes

accelerated tissue regeneration, soothes irritation;• acts as a moisturizer improving hydration of the skin’s

corneal layer while decreasing water loss;• protects the skin from harmful environmental effects.

Purpose• Completes the skin cleansing process, smoothes out

its texture. • Restores the skin’s hydrobalance. • Softens and soothes sensitive skin.

Application Apply to the face and neck in the morning or in the evening using a cosmetic pad. Use after each washing.

Suitable for dry, sensitive skin.

ResultYour skin says “thank you” for such gentle cleansing and moisturizing!

Package: 100 g. Code: 12004.


«20,30,40…» lineDaytime skincare products: moisturizing

Moisturizing is one of the basic preconditions for preserving the skin’s youthful appearance. Moisture deficiency accelerates its aging processes, irrespective of skin type.

Normal skin is 60% water, making proper moisturizing essential. On average, 8 liters of water is contained in the skin of man with a body weight of 70 kg.Contrary to popular opinion, it isn’t just dry skin that suffers from a lack of moisture. Incidentally, “dry” and “dehydrated” are absolutely different concepts. Normal, combination and oily skin can also become “parched with thirst.” Only external dehydration manifestations are different. For example, oily skin intensifies oil-gland production in case of moisture deficit: it begins to produce more sebum (in order to retain remaining moisture). As a result, the face becomes oily more quickly, and the skin becomes more sensitive.

It’s a paradox: the more the skin comes in contact with water, the more it loses moisture. But there’s a simple explanation: the moisture contained in the skin strives to merge with topically-applied water. Therefore, skin should always be moisturized after washing.As soon as the skin’s moisture volume begins to decrease, the results are immediately apparent on the face: the skin loses its tone, becomes dry and tight, the face looks tired, and the person looks older than their years.

Day creams in the “203040…” line meet basic skin requirements and moisture needs, making them suitable for any age.

Skin moisturizer with aloe extract Aloe Balance Facial Cream

Balance Cream has a delicate texture and a pleasant, fresh aroma. It is easily spread over the skin and rapidly absorbed. Active cream ingredients: aloe vera extract, vitamin E, allantoin and titanium dioxide.

Titanium dioxide:A UV-filter obtained through the processing of mineral rutile, ilmenite and arkansite; much like a mirror, its mineral particles reflect ultraviolet rays, protecting the skin from damage.

Purpose• Normalizes oil-gland production, giving the skin a light

matte tint. • Promotes normalization of the skin’s metabolic

processes, enhancing its protective properties. • Moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and velvety.

Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck.

Suitable for all skin types.

Result The skin is in physiologically-balanced condition.

Package: 50 g. Code: 12016.


«20,30,40…» lineOlive Energy Light Facial Cream

A cream with a delicate, weightless texture. Gliding smoothly over the skin, it is absorbed immediately — without leaving an oily shine or clogging pores. Active ingredients: olive extract, vitamin E, Ural licorice root extract, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid.

Ural licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza uralensis root extract) contains: • phenolic acids inhibiting melanin synthesis and preventing the development of nevi

pigmentosis; • vitamin С with whitening properties; • phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is similar to human

estrogen, and which are capable of locally simulating their effect on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes, but also normalize melanin synthesis, thereby preventing hyperpigmentation;

• flavonoids, vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong antioxidant properties.

Niacinamide, the active form of vitamin В3:• improves microcirculation, removing congestive phenomena and enhancing

metabolism in skin cells;• increases the ceramide quantity of the skin’s fatty acids, restoring the epidermis’

barrier function;• reduces transepidermal moisture loss.

Purpose • Promotes the recovery of “tired” skin, restoring its tone and healthy appearance. • Prevents the appearance of early aging signs. • Moisturizes, firms skin texture and helps counteract negative environmental factors.

Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck (except for areas around the eyes) with circular movements

Suitable for stressed skin.

Result The skin “escapes” the effect of such factors as stress and fatigue. The skin’s “water channels” are filled with moisture.

Package: 50 g. Code: 12028.


«20,30,40…» lineSensitive skin moisturizer Optimum Hydration Day Facial Cream

This ultralight cream carefully envelops the skin in a protective “barrier.” Your skin will be carefree with this cream!

Active cream ingredients: collagen, hydrolyzed silk, ascorbic acid, arbutin, allantoin, hydrolyzed wheat-germ protein and hyaluronic acid.

Collagen is the skin’s basic protein and is responsible for its youth: • moisturizes the skin, creating a light protective “barrier” on its surface that prevents

moisture loss; • improves skin firmness, strength and elasticity; • promotes the skin’s extended youth.

Hydrolyzed silk is “liquid silk” obtained through the hydrolysis of silk fibers produced by the silkworm: • forms a light “barrier” on the skin’s surface; this “barrier” gives the skin silky

smoothness and provides a slight lifting effect; • contains fibroins (from the Latin word “fibra” — “fiber”), the proteins forming the

basis of natural silk fiber; • fibroin contains a significant quantity of glycin: each second amino acid in its structure

is glycin, a component in the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF);• fibroins have marvelous moisturizing properties: their molecules are able to attract

and retain 300x their weight in water!

Ascorbic acid is vitamin C: • a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals — one of the main causes of

premature skin aging;• enhances collagen production, which is responsible for the skin’s smoothness and

youthful appearance;• improves local immunity and the skin’s protective properties, preventing the

development of acne.

Arbutin is produced from bearberry leaves. Arbutin: • has a whitening effect; • while penetrating deep into the skin, it blocks melanin synthesis; • while influencing pigmentation, it does not suppress the vital activity of melanocytes

and other skin cells.

Purpose • Provides the optimum moisturizing level, restoring

skin elasticity and resiliency. • Softens and soothes sensitive skin. • Improves skin immunity, stimulates skin regeneration


Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck.

Suitable for dry, sensitive skin.

Result “Calmed,” moisturized skin radiates beauty and health!

Package: 50 g. Code: 12017.


«20,30,40…» lineSkin moisturizers with silk proteins

Silk proteins are the “companions” of female beauty — the light proteins that form silk threads. The cosmetic properties of silk were first discovered in China: female workers at silk factories began noticing that their hands were becoming marvelously smooth and delicate. Since that time, the wives of emperors began wrapping their bodies in silk strips in order to achieve such fine skin. The silk fabric was also used for maintaining hair luster: hair was wiped with a piece of silk fabric after washing; as a result, the hair became extraordinarily silky and shiny.

Silk proteins: • thanks to their close relation to the protein structures of human skin (keratin), they

couple well with the epidermal surface, creating a thin, breathable “veil” that superbly retains moisture. The skin looks smoother and fresher under such a “veil;”

• cotain amino acids, comparable to the “building blocks” of collagen and elastin synthesis. As is well known, this is the main skin requirement for people over 30;

• promote deep, long-lasting skin moisturizing, insofar as the basic protein, fibroin, retains up to 300x its weight in water.

Silk Touch Moisturizing Facial CreamLike silk, this cream envelops the skin, softening and saturating it with moisture. The cream contains: hydrolyzed silk, aloe vera extract, hyalurinic acid and allantoin.

Purpose • Provides intensive skin moisturizing. • Improves skin contour, making it more resilient and elastic. • Activates the skin’s own regeneration processes, protecting it from the effects of

aggressive environmental factors.

Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck with massaging movements, except for areas around the eyes.

Suitable for any skin type.

Result “Silky” skin!

Package: 50 g. Code: 12022.


«20,30,40…» lineSilk Touch Intensive Moisture Face Mask

This molding mask consists of the finest network of silk threads. Silk-protein penetration promotes deep moisturizing. Mask composition includes: hydrolyzed silk, aloe leaf extract, panthenol and niacinamide.

Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative: • acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, known as the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one

molecule attracts 1000 water molecules;• forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and has

the effect of “additional moisture”, reducing water evaporation; • increases skin firmness, making it smoother.

Purpose • Intensively moisturizes the skin, smoothing it out. • Reduces the appearance of age-related changes. • Nourishes, softens, maintains skin elasticity, improves complexion.

Application Use the mask immediately after opening the package!

Remove the blue protective film and apply the mask to the face for 3 minutes.

Remove the silver film and apply the mask to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Take the mask off and spread its residue evenly over the face with massaging movements.

It is recommended to use the mask 1-2 times a week. You should not apply the mask to injured or irritated skin

ResultYour skin is as smooth and delicate as silk!

Package: 38 g. Code: 12023.


«20,30,40…» line


Nighttime skincare products: nutrition and recovery

Many women neglect nighttime cosmetic procedures, not suspecting that night is the best time for skincare.

When Brigitte Bardot was asked her secret for preserving youth and beauty, she answered: “Don’t mix up your jars with day and night creams.”Sleep is therapeutic! Skin cells don’t have to protect themselves from adverse environmental factors (sun, wind, cold, heat, etc.) at night, leaving them focused on regeneration.

Skin switches to its “recovery regimen” at night, making cosmetic products most effective at that time.The nighttime skincare products in the “203040…” line have been developed to account for the chronological “habits” of the skin and its age-related features. As we grow older, our skin requirements begin to increase. While moisturizing in both the daytime and nighttime is sufficient for young skin, mature skin needs additional “feeding” and recovery stimulation.

Night care Old age remains an abstract concept. Theoretically, the skin will remain in good condition over the next decade, provided that basic skincare rules are followed.

Active wrinkle prevention should be started early, and good moisturizing will become “an investment in youth.”

Cosmetologists’ observation: the skin of those who’ve been using moisturizing cream since early youth ages 6 times more slowly than the skin of those who didn’t bother with skincare. Nighttime skincare products for young skin should contain ingredients that promote its deep saturation with moisture.


«20,30,40…» line


Hydrating Facial CreamThis cream, with a dissolving texture and delicate aroma, intensifies water metabolism, providing optimum skin-moisture level for a long time!

Cream active ingredients: aloe vera extract, vitamin E and allantoin.

Purpose • Promotes the moisturizing of deep skin layers, reduction of flaking and irritation. • Stimulates skin cell regeneration, slows down aging processes. • Softens and smoothes the skin, giving it elasticiy and a fresh appearance.

Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck.Suitable for day- and nighttime use from age 20.

The natural potential of skin cells is “awakening!”

Result The natural potential of skin cells is “awakening!”

Package: 50 g. Code: 12018.


30+ Night care The internal resources of the skin, “tired” from your constant attempts to juggle everything in the world, begin to become fatigued by age 30. Problems such as inflammation and acne become less significant due to reduced oil-gland production, while new problems arise, i.e. wrinkles.

Age 30 triggers the microaging process, whereby the skin loses its elasticity in the most expressive areas, i.e. in the contours of the eyes and lips and on the forehead. Simply moisturizing the skin is no longer enough: it must also be stimulated to renewal.

Skin changes occurring after 30: the cell regeneration process slows down, and the skin loses its firmness due to the inhibition of collagen and elastin synthesis. Keratinization processes begin to prevail.Cosmetic products should contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and peptides for the effective nighttime skincare of those over 30.


«20,30,40…» line

Purpose • Reduces skin tension and stress, providing it with

valuable nutrients.• Promotes the recovery of dermal structural integrity,

stimulates cell regeneration, improves skin color.• Increases moisture level, which helps smooth out


Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck, except for areas around the eyes, with circular movements.

Suitable for any skin type at ages over 30.

ResultPreserved “youth capital” of skin cells!

Package: 50 g, сode: 12019.

Night Recovery Facial CreamThis cream-gel contains peptides (translation from the Greek — “nutritive”), one of the most promising ingredients in cosmetic products. Similar to proteins, peptides consist of amino acids, but unlike proteins, their size is much smaller, enabling them to easily penetrate the skin barrier.

Peptides are “delivered youth”: they have a high capability of penetrating the epidermal barrier because they contain protein in a form that is optimal for assimilation by the skin, i.e. in the form of a short chain consisting of 2-8 amino acids.The most valuable property of peptides — their ability to influence vital cell activity. Various processes in the skin, including aging, can be controlled with the help of peptide complexes.

Palmitoyl oligopeptide is a “signal molecule” for the production of collagen: • a tripeptide derivative consisting of three amino acid residues (glycin, histidine and

lysine) bound with palmitic acid, which facilitates penetration through the epidermal barrier;

• a collagen molecule fragment involved in the formation of new collagen fibers;• promotes the better penetration of active ingredients in cosmetic products.

Caprooyl tetrapeptide-3:• consists of short chains of four amino acids (histidine, lysine, glutamine and isoleicine)

bound with caproic acid;• helps strengthen collagen and elastin fibers;• has softening and soothing effects on the skin, promotes reduced pigmentation.

This cream also contains hydrolyzed silk, hyaluronic acid and allantoin.


«20,30,40…» line


Night care Age 40 is a milestone triggering the involution process (the opposite of evolution):• connective tissue (derma) element degradation — collagen fibers become thicker,

part of them disintegrate or stick together. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. Skin turgor (water saturation) is also lowered;

• significantly decreased or atrophied function of the oil glands — the skin becomes dry and more susceptible to harmful environmental effects;

• thinned epidermal basal layer — cell division rate is reduced in the basal layer, which is responsible for the “origination” of skin cells, its thickness decreases. On the contrary, corneal layer thickness significantly increases. The skin begins to appear “pursed;”

• disturbed microcirculation — vascular wall permeability changes, resulting in the development of vascular stars and telangiectasias (visible surface blood vessels).

The skin should be stimulated to renewal starting at age 30. You should mainly rely on cosmetic products stimulating collagen and elastin production at age 40.

Firming and Lifting Facial CreamThis cream contains aloe leaf extract and the “gold standard” of anti-aging products, i.e. hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen.

Collagen is known as a “youth protein,” it forms a compact reticular structure of elastic fibers in the skin; similar to framework, it supports the skin. But collagen synthesis processes become slower in most people by age 25-30.

If you examine a wrinkle under a microscope, you can see the worn collagen layer underneath it. Hyaluronic acid is also a natural component of the human skin. While filling the space between collagen fibers, it maintains cell water balance, skin resiliency and elasticity. At a young age, the synthesis and degradation of hyaluronic acid in the human body take place uniformly. But its content begins dropping at age 20, with the process speeding up with each successive year. The quantity of hyaluronic acid in a 50-year-old human is two times lower than in a 20-year-old. The reduced synthesis of hyaluronic acid results in skin dryness and the occurrence of wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid:• “queen of moisturizing” for the skin — each acid

molecule has up to 1000 “servants”: water molecules. If you add just 2 mg of hyaluronic acid to 1 liter of water, you will obtain a thick, gel-like mass;

• “great logistician” — it delivers liquid to the areas where it is required;

• “trap” for free radicals; • maintains skin resiliency and elasticity.

Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that easily penetrates epidermal barriers with the help of enhancer substances (from the English “enhance” — “to improve, to intensify”:• stimulates the renewal of natural dermal collagen

fibers; • improves skin strength, elasticity and firmness; • forms a protective film on the skin; this film binds to

water, thereby reducing transepidermal moisture loss (TEWL).

Purpose • Stimulates collagen synthesis, has a lifting-effect. • Promotes the reduction of expression lines and

nasolabial folds, preventing their further development.• Stimulates the natural cell regeneration process,

improves complexion.ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck. Suitable for any skin type, starting at ages over 40. ResultThe skin is “awakened” from fading slumber!

Package: 50 g. Code: 12020.




«20,30,40…» lineAnti-Wrinkle Active Facial Essence

Essence is a concentrate of beneficial substances — an intensive care product allowing the skin to recover in a short period of time. It contains many more active substances than those found in ordinary creams. Essence is applied after cleanser and toner under basic facial cream.

Essence contains acetyl tetrapeptide-5, hyaluronic acid, collagen, Hibiscus militaris extract and allantoin.

Acetyl tetrapeptide-5:• improves microcirculation and lymphatic outflow,

whose disturbance causes edema;• maintains the skin’s “architecture,” accelerates the cell

regeneration process;• enhances skin elasticity.

Hibiscus militaris flower extract:• a source of tartaric, citric and malic fruit acids, which

ensure deep pore cleansing and the shedding of keratinized skin cells;

• a source of polysaccharides — substances that serve as water “reservoirs” for plants and normalize hydrobalance in the human skin;

• restores skin tone due to antocyanidine content; this is a special flavonoid group promoting the maintenance of collagen fibers.

Purpose• Slows the skin’s aging process, restores its protective

and water-retention ability.• Stimulates metabolism and the cell regeneration

process. • Strengthens skin structure, enhances its smoothness

and elasticity, improves the complexion.

Suitable for any skin type, starting at ages over 40.

ApplicationApply to a well-cleansed face and neck under basic cream in the morning and/or evening.

ResultThe skin regains its youthful glow, elasticity and sensation of total comfort.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12011.



«20,30,40…» lineRevitalising Eye Cream-Gel

The term “revitalization” (from the Latin “vita” — “life”) can be literally interpreted as “returning to life.” This involves the revival of natural skin functions lost with age.

This progressive cream-gel formula is based on bio-gold.

Colloidal gold (bio-gold) is a “luxury ingredient”: • a form of gold (“colloidal”: from the Greek word “kolla” — “glue”) obtained by the

electrolysis method using high-frequency currents and ozone treatment. This process results in the formation of microscopic particles of precious metal measuring less than a micron;

• promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen into skin cells, improving metabolic processes, enhancing circulation, and freeing the skin from harmful metabolic byproducts and toxins;

• stabilizes collagen and elastin, improves hydration and metabolic processes, normalizes local immune reactions;

• acts as a “conductor” for other active ingredients, therefore, cosmetic products containing it are always well absorbed into the skin.

People began using the first “golden” cosmetic procedures way back in Ancient Egypt: Cleopatra slept with a mask of pure gold on her face. This cream-gel contains peptides (translation from the Greek — “nutritive”), some of the most promising ingredients in cosmetic products. Peptides are capable of penetrating the corneal layer of skin cells and, even more importantly, influencing their vital activity. Processes unfolding in the skin can be controlled using peptide complexes, making it possible to slow down aging.

Hexapeptide-10:• peptide consisting of a molecular chain of six amino acids and classified as a

remodeling peptide, stimulating the synthesis of intercellular matrix components (collagen and elastin);

• restructures and strengthens the skin; • dramatically improves the appearance of thinning, fading skin.

This revitalizing cream-gel also contains Butyrospermum parkii butter, Hedera helix leaf extract and Hibiscus militaris extract.

Butyrospermum parkii butter:• has regenerating properties due to its content of unsaponifiable fats, influences

collagen synthesis;• has a plasticizing effect and enhances skin barrier proterties due to its content of

triglyciredes, which include essential fatty acids;• has antioxidant properties, is a natural UV-filter.

30+ Working with “delicate material”: eye skincare

Skin thickness around the eyes is just 0.5 mm — equal to a sheet of paper. The first wrinkles and sagginess appear precisely in this delicate and sensitive zone, where dark circles and bags begin to develop.• The skin around the eyes is the thinnest — it is 5-7

times thinner than the skin on the cheeks.• The skin around the eyes has no subcutaneous

fatty layer, it contains few oil/sweat-gland ducts and comprises virtually no collagen or elastin fibers.

• Eyelid skin experiences the maximum expressive load: the average eye blinks roughly 20 thousand times a day.

Eye skincare involves working with “delicate material.” The products in the “203040…” line have been specially developed in due consideration of the nuances of delicate eyelid skin.


«20,30,40…» lineAs far back as 1940, many scientific observations confirmed that peoples who had been using Butyrospermum parkii butter since ancient times suffered from virtually no dermatological diseases and that their skin was strikingly smooth and elastic. In Africa, every infant is massaged with Butyrospermum parkii butter at birth, protecting the baby’s skin from severe climatic conditions. Hedera helix leaf extract is derived from the leaves of evergreen liana: • contains phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is

similar to human estrogen, and which are able to locally simulate their effect on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes but also normalize melanin synthesis, preventing hyperpigmentation;

• reduce the permeability of capillaries and cell membranes, normalizing skin metabolism;

• has stimulating and regenerating effects, promotes skin strengthening and lifting.

Purpose• Ensures deep skin nutrition, restores its structure by activating cellular

processes. • Reduces the number of wrinkles and their depth, increases skin elasticity and

resiliency.• Promotes the reduction of edemas, protects the skin from adverse

environmental factors.

ApplicationApply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements using a special applicator. Use in the morning and in the evening to enhance the effect. Do not massage in.

Recommended for use from age 30 and up.

ResultEyelid skin glows with health, becoming smooth and elastic.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12021.


«20,30,40…» lineAnti-Wrinkle Eye Cream-Gel

In this cosmetic product, bio-gold acts as a “conductor” for Pisum sativum, Hibiscus militaris and Hedera helix leaf extracts. This cream-gel also contains hyaluronic acid.

Pisum sativum extract:• stimulates skin regeneration processes; • slows down collagen degradation, enhances skin

elasticity and resiliency; • contains a significant quantity of protein substances

and amino acids that nourish and moisturize the skin.

Peas are a leader among vegetables in terms of their content of protein substances: the protein content of peas is almost the same at that of beef.

Purpose• Softens and moisturizes the delicate skin of the eyelids. • Promotes the minimization of wrinkles, restores skin

resiliency and elasticity.• Soothes the skin, preventing the development of

irritation and reddening.

ApplicationApply on the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements using a special applicator. Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best results.

Recommended for use from age 30 and up.

ResultVisible wrinkle minimization, restoration of the resiliency and elasticity of delicate eyelid skin.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12013.

Firming and Lifting Eye Cream-Gel“Lifting” (from the English “lifting” — “tightening”) is the name of a cosmetic procedure aimed at the correction and prevention of sagging skin. Lifting effect is provided by hyaluronic acid, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and Hibiscus militaris extract.

In addition to wrinkles, at age 30 and over, our appearance starts to suffer from dark circles under the eyes and puffiness that can be difficult to conceal.• Swelling in the eye area occurs more frequently than foot swelling. • The skin around the eyes is predisposed towards fluid retention. • Swelling in the eye area occurs most often at night, when lymph microcirculation

slows down.

The acetyl tertapeptide-5 and Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract contained in this cream-gel are intended to combat this particular cosmetic problem.

Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract:• improves microcirculation and favors liquid outflow, which eases puffiness; • contains bioflavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong

antioxidant properties;• contains tannins that firm the skin and constrict pores.

Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as “witch-hazel.” It was so named for its many wondeful properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin to blosson absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn. And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant: they become hardened due to overnight frost and thaw out and open again in the daytime. Another interesting fact: hamamelis is never affected by pests.Purpose • Has a lymph drainage effect, reduces swelling and dark circles around the eyes.• Restores the skin’s hydro-lipid balance, smoothes its overall contour. • Ensures antioxidant protection for cells.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of gel to the skin around eyes. Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best result.

Recommended for use from age 30.

ResultSimple arithmetic of eyelid skin: minus puffiness and dark circles, plus elasticity and resiliency.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12012.

30+ 30+


«20,30,40…» lineAnti-Wrinkle Eye Gel

This gel with a light texture is easily spread over the skin and rapidly absorbed. It contains Butyrospermum parkii butter, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and vitamin E.

Purpose• Has a multifunctional effect on the skin around eyes, stimulates regeneration and

accelerates collagen synthesis. • Restores circulation, thereby promoting a reduction in puffiness and dark circles.• Nourishes and softens delicate eyelid skin, has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

ApplicationApply to clean skin around the eyes in the morning and/or in the evening.

Recommended for use from age 40.

ResultYour eyes become noticeable for their beauty — not for their wrinkles and puffiness.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12014.



«20,30,40…» lineErasing everything you don’t need: deep skin-cleansing products

Our skin is like our permanent “clothing.” Imagine clothes that have been worn for decades without being taken off. The skin, particularly mature skin, also has the tendency of “wearing out.” You see, as we grow older, renewal processes begin to slow down: keratinized (dead) cells accumulate as a thick layer pressing down on “new” cells. This results in dull, “parchment-like” skin covered in wrinkles.

Such skin should be stimulated to renewal. Peels triggering the regeneration process are available for this purpose.

Peels differ from scrubs in terms of the nature of their effect on the skin. Scrubs involve mechanical cleansing — they remove dead cells with the help of abrasive particles. The word “abrasive” originates from the Latin “abrasio,” meaning erasure, scratching. This procedure is quite traumatizing for the skin. Peels remove dead cells by softening and dissolving them.

The word “peeling” originates from the English “peel,” which means “to remove the rind.” Since ancient times, people have attempted to artificially stimulate skin renewal: they burned their faces with vinegar, applied red-hot metal, scraped with pumice, ashes etc.The TianDe Company offers a reliable solution for the problem of keratinized cell accumulation: peels. Peeling involves the desquamation process of superior epidermis layers and the dermal papillary layer. It stimulates regeneration processes in the skin and promotes its renewal.

Peels in the “203040…” line provide for the superficial exfoliation of facial skinSuperficial peeling is known as “lunchtime-peeling.” This is the most sparing method of all chemical peels: it leaves no traces requiring healing. Superficial peeling causes desquamation of the epidermis layer approximately 0.06 mm thick; this is sufficient to refresh the overall “look of the face,” improving the condition of skin affected by acne, smoothing fine wrinkles, making superficial nevi pigmentosis less noticeable, and shrinking large pores.

It is not recommended to sunbathe, use masks-films or other exfoliants for 2-4 days after peeling, depending on skin type.


«20,30,40…» lineActive Facial Gel Peel

This peel contains algae extract, hyaluronic acid and Portulaca oleracea extract.

Portulaca oleracea extract:• is a natural muscle relaxant that relaxes expression muscles, neutralizes their

“excessive” contractions, and promotes wrinkle minimization;• soothes irritated skin, stimulates regeneration processes;• contains vitamic C, which intensifies collagen synthesis.

Purpose• Provides for the exfoliation of dead, keratinized skin cells. • Activates cell regeneration, moisturises, enhances skin elasticity, improves complexion,

constricts pores, smoothes lines and wrinkles.• Clarifies and evens complexion.

Recommendations on frequency of use: • oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry and sensitive skin — once every two weeks.

Application Apply a small quantity of the peel to cleansed facial skin, avoiding the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes and wash off thoroughly with cold water. The skin becomes sensitive after using the peel, therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen with a UV protective filter.

ResultYour skin rids itself of everything it doesn’t need!

Package: 80 g. Code: 12008.

Delicate Facial Gel PeelThanks to its content of hyaluronic acid analogue — sodium hyaluronate — this peel has a pronounced moisturizing effect.

Purpose• Gently removes keratinized cells. • Softens the epidermis and promotes rapid cell

recovery, smoothes the skin and makes it elastic. • Encourages natural skin moisturizing and improves

circulation, enriching cells with oxygen.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of peel to cleansed facial skin, avoiding the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes and wash off thoroughly with cold water. It is recommended to use sunscreen with a UV protective filter after peeling.

Recommendations on frequency of use:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry and sensitive skin — once every two weeks.

ResultYour skin “sighs with relief!”

Package: 100 g. Code: 12031.

30+ 20+ 40+


«20,30,40…» line

Gingko Biloba + E


Gingko Biloba + E 25+


This little leaf was brought to my unpretentious garden from the East, And it reveals secret meaning for a seeing eye.

Could it be that a living creature has halved here? Or, on the contrary, that the two appear before us in unity at once?

I. Goethe. Ginkgo Biloba

The leaf extract of an ancient tree, the oldest on Earth, is the basic ingredient of this cosmetic line. This tree is much older not only than mankind, but also than long-extinct dinosaurs!

Ginkgo biloba is the most valuable link we have between the present and the distant past. According to botanists’ calculations, the tree has existed for more than 300 million years! It is rightly called a “living fossil” — an accidental remnant of distant geological periods. None of today’s modern plants are similar to ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo was considered extinct for a long time — until, in the 20th Century, the tree was found growing in two regions of Eastern China.

Over millions of years, ginkgo biloba has acquired the incredible ability to survive and has emerged as the embodiment of the Earth’s life-giving forces. It is often said of the tree that “it does not burn in flame.” Ginkgo wood is truly resistant to fire: the tree was completely charred during the mighty atomic disaster at Hiroshima — but survived and began blossoming the very next spring!

In the East, Ginkgo is viewed as the symbol of yin and yang (the essence of male and female — a symbol of vital harmony). Ginkgo is a diclinous plant; there are male and female trees. The seeds, which are as large as an apricot, are wonderfully colored in an amber-silver tint, explaining why Ginkgo is known as “silver nut” in China.

Biochemical studies have shown that the leaves are the most valuable part of the Ginkgo tree. It is they that contain many biological substances regarded as natural stimulants of vitality.

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is one of the most-commonly administered preparations in France, and is recognized as the most popular in Germany. Different formulations based on Ginkgo biloba are included in the top-5 most sought-after preparations in America. The plant’s incredible popularity is driven by its ability to have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improve microcirculation and strengthen capillary walls. Recent studies prove convincingly that the lion’s share of all diseases are caused by circulatory disorders. This property of Ginkgo biloba is of particular importance to cosmetology, because normalized circulation means the prevention of many (if not all) skin problems. After all, it is blood and blood alone that delivers nutrients, moisture and oxygen to the skin.

Gingko Biloba + E


Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contains more than 100 biologically-active components, including: • ginkgolides and bilobalides — ginko’s “signature” components, unique to it alone;

they enhance vascular wall elasticity and normalize blood circulation. As a result, bloodflow increases, resulting in improved cell metabolism and enhanced moisture absorption by the skin;

• quercetin — a flavonoid that targets the vascular system: it relieves tension, reduces capillary permeability and fragility, enhances vascular elasticity and tone, and promotes swelling reduction;

• complex of powerful antioxidants that not only destroy existing free radicals but also prevent the production of new free radicals! Ginkgo extract acts as a scavenger (from the English “scavenger” — “garbage collector”) of active oxygen forms (free radicals).

Thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect, ability to normalize metabolic processes and improve skin structure, Ginkgo extract is actively used in anti-aging products. The Ginkgo Biloba + E line is intended for the young skin of 25-year-olds, insofar as skin aging processes begin precisely at this age. While external appearance radiates wellbeing, internal fading processes have already become activated.• collagen production decreases, with firmness suffering as a result; • disturbances develop in the production of the skin’s own moisturizer — its natural

moisturizing factor — with dehydration and the sensation of tightness becoming more pronounced;

• the skin’s cell-renewal process is slowed down, with complexion becoming gray and ashy.

The cosmetic products of the Gingko Biloba + E line are intended for the active prevention of aging. They contain vitamin E, which is rightly called “the vitamin of youth.”

Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):• this “vitamin of youth” gives the skin a more youthful appearance while nourishing

and moisturizing it, regenerating and strengthening the epidermal barrier layer;• releases cells from the effect of free radicals, slowing down aging processes;• makes the skin more resistant to the effect of UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and the tissue’s other vital metabolic processes,

preventing increased capillary permeability and fragility.

The Gingko Biloba + E cosmetic line provides young skin with all of the necessary care stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and eye skin care.

The “vascular system” of the Ginkgo tree is unique in its simplicity: the main trunk is divided into two stems. No other tree in the world boasts anything of the kind.

Gingko Biloba + E 25+


Deep Cleansing Facial MilkThis cleansing milk, with a fine aromatic texture, is ideally absorbed by the skin, without damaging the delicate hydrolipid film on its surface. The cosmetic product contains gentle-cleansing amphoteric tensides (SAS) and cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine. Amphoteric, i.e. “sparing” SAS is one of the most expensive soapy-based ingredients.

Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine is made of coconut oil. This ingredient:• gently cleanses the skin; • protects the skin from dryness and irritation; • “restores” the epidermal corneal layer, making the skin soft, and giving the foam its

creamy texture.

In addition to Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and tocopherol, this cleansing milk contains natural fatty acids — myristic acid and lauryl acid.

Myristic acid is contained in nutmeg. This acid: • promotes recovery of the skin’s protective properties; • helps combat aging; • enhances the penetration of other beneficial ingredients into the skin.

Lauryl acid is a product derived from the processing of bay leaf oil. This acid: • is contained in female breast milk and protects infants against disease; • has an antimicrobial effect; • has antioxidant properties.

Purpose • Gently removes external contaminants and metabolic byproducts from the skin

without leaving a sensation of tightness or dryness.• Promotes normalization of the skin’s natural physiological balance, stimulates cell

renewal.• Boosts the skin’s own protective properties, slows down aging processes.

ApplicationDeposit a small quantity of the product into the palm of your hand, mix with water to obtain a foam, spread over the face and neck with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Complete the procedure by using the Emollient Facial Toner in the Ginkgo Biloba + E line.

Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.

ResultUltra-soft skin that radiates cleanness and health!

Package: 100 g. Code: 14501.


Gingko Biloba + E


Emollient Facial TonicEmollient Facial Tonic ideally completes the skin cleansing procedure while strengthening its natural protective mechanisms and lowering its sensitivity threshold.

By excluding tonic from your skincare procedure, you lower the efficiency of further cosmetic products.

The skin’s natural microcirculation process and antioxidant protection system are activated thanks to the Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contained in this product. The tonic contains allantoin and sodium hyaluronate.

Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient times. Allantoin:• has a regenerating effect, stimulates skin healing while softening and soothing it;• has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby promoting the removal

of dead cells; • effectively prevents the clogging of pores and development of blackheads.

Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative. It: • acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, known as the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one

molecule attracts 1000 water molecules;• forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and adds

an effect of “additional moisture,” thereby reducing water evaporation; • increases skin firmness, making it smoother.

Purpose• Completes the skin cleansing procedure, removing make-up residue and dead

epidermal cells.• Softens and moisturises the skin, preventing transepidermal moisture loss. • Stimulates cell renewal, enhances the skin’s resistance to the effects of adverse

environmental factors.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of toner to the face and neck after washing, using a cosmetic pad.

Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.

ResultThe skin is cleansed and perfectly prepared for the application of moisturizing cream.

Package: 100 g. Code: 14502.


Gingko Biloba + E 25+


Moisturizing Facial Fluid CreamThis cream has an ultralight fluid texture (from the Latin “fluidus” — “liquid, runny”); thanks to which it can be applied to the face uniformly, creating a weightless transparent coating. This cream contains Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and vitamin E (tocopherol) in the form of acetate, which is resistant to oxidation, as well as allantoin and sodium hyaluronate.

Purpose• Moisturizes the skin intensively so that it retains moisture for a long time, and

removes the sensation of tightness and dryness — making facial skin look healthy again, restoring its natural softness and smoothness.

• Provides reliable antioxidant protection, neutralizing the effects of free radicals and preventing the appearance of aging signs.

• Stimulating metabolic processes and boosting epidermal barrier functions.

ApplicationApply to the cleansed face and neck with light massaging movements, except for areas around the eyes. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.

ResultThe skin is moisturized, reliably protected and enriched with nutrients.

Package: 50 g. Code: 14503.

Revitalizing Eye CreamThis cream provides balanced care for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. It has a weightless texture that is rapidly absorbed without making the eyelid skin heavy. Active cream ingredients: Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, vitamin E (tocopherol) in the form of acetate, which is resistant to oxidation, and sodium hyaluronate.

Purpose• Provides reliable antioxidant protection for delicate eyelid skin, softens and

moisturizes it. • Promotes the minimization of “crow’s feet” and smoothing of fine wrinkles. • Prevents appearance of dark circles and edemas.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to cleansed skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. Use in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for skin of all types, starting at age 25.

ResultEyelid skin looks rested and refreshed.

Package: 25 g. Code: 14505.




“Vitamin C” line Серия «Витамин С»


“Vitamin C” line 20+All a person has to do to pucker and wrinkle up is to imagine biting into a lemon wedge — that’s simply the way tastebuds react to ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

In contrast to people, the skin isn’t wrinkled up but smoothed by “acidic” matter: • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it fights against free radicals — one of the leading

causes of premature skin aging; • Cosmetic products containing vitamin C intensify collagen production, which is

responsible for the skin’s smoothness and youthful appearance.

The literal translation of “ascorbic acid” is “against scorbutus” (from the Latin “anti” — “against” and “scorbutus” — “scurvy”), as the disease is caused by vitamin C deficiency resulting in collagen synthesis disturbances and the breakdown of connective tissue.

More than half of all sailors participating in the age of geographic discoveries died of scurvy. The English seafarer James Cook managed to win an accidental victory over it, stocking his ships with a vitamin C-rich food — sauerkraut.

What’s best: eating or topical application?

The human body does not produce vitamin C, so vegetables are the main source of ascorbic acid for humans. But even those who make an effort to eat nutritious food don’t always succeed in obtaining beautiful skin as a bonus. The skin receives nutrients per the residual principle, with vital organs supplied with important vitamins first. The targeted delivery of vitamin C with the help of cosmetic products is highly beneficial to the skin.

It’s a fact: two thirds of all vitamin C delivered to the skin from nutritional sources is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. The cosmetic products in the Vitamin C line contain an active form of ascorbic acid that is able to easily overcome the skin’s natural barrier and preserve its beneficial properties for a long time. This is a significant advantage, insofar as vitamin C is naturally a highly-unstable compound: it is rapidly oxidized and loses its beneficial properties when exposed to air.

The cosmetic products of the Vitamin C line are ideally suited to young skin because they meet two main conditions:• prevention of aging is ensured by the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, and also by

its ability to activate collagen production; • prevention of acne — vitamin C enhances local immunity and the skin’s natural

protective properties, thereby preventing the onset of inflammation.


“Vitamin C” line Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion

Your skin is smooth and elastic when you’re 20 years old. At this age, the main task is to cleanse it correctly.

During the day, our skin is exposed to: • excreted byproducts of approximately • 2 mln sweat glands; this means at least 500 grams of water, urea, lactic acid, sodium

chloride and carbon dioxide;• dirt, dust, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Add creams and make-up, and a mixture will be formed that throws the skin into prolonged imbalance in the absence of good cleansing.

Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion with

vitamin C gently removes contaminants without damaging the hydro-lipid skin mantle or leaving a sensation of tightness. The product is enriched with Morus alba root extract.

Morus alba root extract:• evens the complexion and prevents the occurrence of nevi pigmentosis by regulating

melanin production;• brightens dark circles under the eyes; • contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances boasting strong

antioxidant properties that protect the skin from premature aging.

Purpose • Effectively removes contaminants and make-up. • Refreshes the skin, maintains its protective properties. • Recommended for immunity-impaired skin (acne, dull complexion, sloughing).

Application Deposit a small amount of the product into the palms of your hands, mix with warm water and spread over the face with massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly. Use in the morning and in the evening. Complete the procedure by using the refreshing Facial Toner in the Vitamin C series.

Suitable for all skin types.

ResultGlowing skin!

Package: 100 g. Code: 13801.



“Vitamin C” line 20+Refreshing Facial Toner

While skin cleansing is a given for most people, many ignore the need for proper toning. This is due to popular ignorance as to the important functions of toner. It not only completes the cleansing stage by removing make-up residue and the cleanser itself, but also enhances the efficacy of day and night creams applied immediately thereafter by 20-30%. In other words, by ignoring the toning stage, you’re effectively throwing 1/3 of the total benefit of your cream tube out the window.

Cleansers and toner should be used in tandem, as they complement one another.

Cleansing and toning complement one another to a “T.” Refreshing Facial Toner with vitamin C contains hydrolyzed soy proteins, Aloe barbadensis leaf extract, hyaluronic acid and allantoin.

Hydrolyzed soy protein:• is a source of phytoestrogens, which are vegetable analogues of female hormones;

our skin receptors react to phytoestrogens just as they do to hormones triggering cell regeneration processes and activating hyaluronic acid production. The process of cell saturation with moisture and oxygen is stimulated, sebum reproduction is normalized;

• is a source of amino acids and peptide-containing substances with low molecular weight that easily overcome the skin’s natural barrier and become “building blocks” for cells;

• moisturizes the skin and prevents transepidermal moisture loss.

Aloe barbadensis leaf extract:• contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino

acids, enzymes, minerals and microelements, glycosides and many others; • promotes maintenance of the skin’s normal hydrobalance thanks to its rich

polysaccharide content; • prevents the development of acne because it contains salycilyc acid and essential oils; • normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance because its pH level coincides with the skin’s

natural pH level; • called “a vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body tissue, which it accomplishes 3-4

times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to deep skin layers;

• has the unique ability to meet the requirements of absolutely any skin type. If your skin tends to give you “surprises,” alternating from oiliness to dryness and flakiness, cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs.

Hyaluronic acid:• “star with 1000 admirers”: one acid molecule attracts up to 1000 water molecules; • “great logistician”: it delivers moisture only to those areas that need it; • protects skin cells from the adverse effect of free radicals;• promotes tissue regeneration.

The production of hyaluronic acid in the human body becomes less intensive from age 20.

Purpose• Effectively removes the residue of cosmetic products

and cleansers from the skin’s surface, restores natural • pH-balance. • Prevents skin dehydration. • Prepares the skin for further cosmetic procedures.

ApplicationApply to the face and neck using a cotton ball. Recommended for use after each cleansing.

ResultYour perfectly-moisturized skin glows with good health!

Package: 100 g. Code: 13802.

Light Moisturising Facial Cream

Young skin is amazingly forgiving — but it also has its own requirements, the most important of which is the need for moisturizing. This concerns dry and oily skin alike. Strange as it may seem, skin dehydration and dryness are different conditions:• dehydration is water (intracellular liquid) deficiency; • dryness is fatty component deficiency.

95% of all city-dwellers suffer from skin dehydration. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to quench the skin’s thirst by drinking a glass of water or taking a bath. The problem of moisturizing can only be solved by special cosmetic products. They form a very thin film (protective barrier) on the skin and moisture is “locked up,” with practically no chance of evaporating!

Light Facial Moisturizing Cream with vitamin C contains the following moisturizing ingredients: algae extract, hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed soy proteins. Squalane is also included in this cream.

Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”:• contains alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes

the skin because it is able to absorb roughly 300x its own weight in water;

• contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the most significance for “tired” skin cells:




“Vitamin C” line V zinc is an important component for more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue-regeneration processes;

V copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth; V magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue.

Fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water. Squalane is an oxygen “supplier” for the skin: • is an analogue of squalene (from the Latin squalus — “shark”), a substance isolated

from the liver of deep-sea shark. As an unsaturated hydrocarbon, squalene easily produces oxygen in water, allowing the shark to survive at a depth of 1000 m under conditions of permanent oxygen starvation;

• derived from olive oil and wheat corn, this substance boasts the beneficial properties of its analogue, saturating the skin with oxygen and improving cell respiration. But in contrast to squalene, squalane is more stable and resistant to oxidation, i.e. it preserves its properties for a longer period;

• has natural affinity with the skin and easily penetrates the epidermis without leaving an oily sensation, leaving the skin soft and silky.

Purpose• Provides long-lasting, deep-skin moisturizing, evens the complexion.• Leaves the skin smooth and glowing with health, improving its tone and firmness. • Enhances the skin’s natural protective properties, slowing down aging processes.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream with circular movements to the cleansed face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes.

ResultThe skin is enriched with moisture!

Package: 50 g. Code: 13803.

Renewal Facial CreamYour skin can look dull and tired in the evening. This special cream will help remove the consequences of the stresses to which it was exposed during the day. Renewal Facial Cream with Vitamin C contains Scoparia dulcis extract, hydrolyzed soy proteins and hyaluronic acid.

Scoparia dulcis extract is a plant in the Begonia family: • is a good source of flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable

substances boasting powerful antioxidant properties;• has an antioxidant effect and protects skin cells from premature

aging;• contains terpenes scopadulins, which boast antiseptic properties; • enhances the skin’s natural protective properties.



“Vitamin C” line 20+Phyllacantha fibrosa extract:• activates cell metabolism and cell respiration; • prevents the process of premature skin fading and stimulates cell regeneration;• restores the natural mineral balance of skin cells; • saturates the skin with moisture.

Algae are an extraordinarily-valuable medicinal resource — a virtual pharmacy from the bottom of the sea: investigations of the world ocean have revealed that the composition of sea water mirrors human plasma and that the composition of the various elements contained in algae virtually duplicates their composition in human blood and tissue.

Centella asiatica leaf extract is the “herb of memory”: this plant was so named because of its ability to improve cerebral blood supply, thereby enhancing intelligence. The cosmetic effect of this property is manifested in reduced swelling. The extract• normalizes microcirculation, strengthens vascular walls, promotes fluid discharge and

the removal of puffiness;• is a source of magnesium, vitamins А, В, Е, K;• the triterpene saponins contained in the plant are essential for collagen synthesis.

Purpose• Moisturizes and protects the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of

wrinkles.• Nourishes the skin, stimulates regeneration processes. • Helps reduce dark circles around the eyes and edemas.

ApplicationApply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. Do not massage in. Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best result.

Result Eyelid skin becomes soft, smooth and shiny!

Package: 25 g. Code: 13805.

Purpose• Stimulates cell regeneration, moisturizes the skin

during sleep. • Activates cell metabolism and cell respiration. • Neutralizes the effects of aggressive factors, prevents

the premature fading process.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream with circular movements to the cleansed face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes.

ResultYour skin looks fresh and rested in the morning!

Package: 50 g. Code: 13804.

Eye Contour CreamThe skin around the eyes is 8 times thinner than in other areas of the face. This is a delicate matter requiring special attention. Therefore, you should already begin to take care of it when you’re 20.

Apply the cream in the morning to remove puffiness and swelling, and in the evening — to moisturize it and relieve fatigue. Eye Contour Cream with Vitamin C contains squalane, Carica papaya fruit extract, Harpagophytum procumbens root extract, Aloe barbadensis extract, hyaluronic acid, Centella asiatica leaf extract and Phyllacantha fibrosa extract.

Carica papaya fruit extract:• contains the enzyme papain, which is a light exfoliant

that gently removes keratinized cells; • accelerates the regeneration process and improves cell

metabolism;• papain easily retains moisture in the epidermal

corneous layer, thanks to its “molecular sponge.”

Harpagophytum procumbens root extract: this plant is commonly known as “devil’s claw” due to its large hook-shaped fruit. This plant extract: • contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable

substances that protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, the main cause of premature aging;

• soothes irritated and sensitive skin; • stimulates tissue regeneration.


Renewal Facial CreamYour skin can look dull and tired in the evening. This special cream will help remove the consequences of the stresses to which it was exposed during the day. Renewal Facial Cream with Vitamin C contains Scoparia dulcis extract, hydrolyzed soy proteins and hyaluronic acid.

Scoparia dulcis extract is a plant in the Begonia family: • is a good source of flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable

substances boasting powerful antioxidant properties;• has an antioxidant effect and protects skin cells from premature

aging;• contains terpenes scopadulins, which boast antiseptic properties; • enhances the skin’s natural protective properties.


Tibetan Herbs lineСерия «Tibetan Herbs»


Tibetan Herbs line 35+In Tibet, herbs are much more than mere plants. There are “kings” and “ministers,” “serfs” and “commoners” among them. Similar to human society, a hierarchy is formed in Tibetan phytoformulas. The rank of a specific plant depends on its role and intensity of medicinal effect.

So great is the power of herbs that it sometimes eliminates the need for surgery — instead of removing an appendix, for example, Tibetan doctors often “dissolve” its contents using special herbal infusions.

Tibetan healers say: “Brews (teas) are the smile of medicinal plants, pills (a traditional Chinese drug in the form of large pellets for oral intake) are the look of plants, and Tibetan infusions are the soul of plants.”

Tibetan herbs have successfully been used for cosmetic purposes for thousands of years. The methods for using them to manipulate the skin are somewhat similar to the methods of European cosmetology. For instance, “Lum” in Tibetan medicine is analogous to the popular spa procedure (lum is translated from the Tibetan as “to moisturize”).

Imagine that you are at a spa-center in Tibet. It is located high in the mountains where the snow-covered peaks look like as if they support the sky. You relax and enjoy the aroma of a thousand herbs, the water from a mountain spring breathing with cool freshness. The TianDe Company has turned this fantasy into reality by adding the force and energy of Tibetan plants to the cosmetic facial care products of its Tibetan Herbs line.

Crocus sativus flower extract is the main ingredient in this line.

Stigmas of Crocus sativus flowers are used to prepare Crocus sativus flower extract. A single flower has just three stigmas. Crocus sativus blooms only once for 2-3 weeks. The flower opens for just 2 hours.

This extract is worth its weight in gold: at least 150 flowers must be processed in order to obtain 1 gram of saffron. Today, only 300 tons of saffron are produced in the world every year.Chemical composition of the plant: 5-7% mineral and glycoside substances, 5-8% wax and fats, 12-13% proteins and a small quantity of essential oil, which gives Crocus sativus its signature, pleasant aroma.

Crocus sativus flower extract is an essential ingredient of the “beauty formula” of the Ancient East: Cleopatra took baths with Crocus sativus to preserve the youthful appearance of her skin.

Crocus sativus flower extract is:• a natural moisturizer, which maintains optimum water balance in the skin cells; • an antioxidant, which makes the skin “glow from the inside,” firms and saturates it

with energy, improves its resistance to external factors and prevents loss of elasticity;• a natural whitener, evening the complexion, “smoothing away” traces of nevi


Facial Cleansing MilkSkin cleansing is essential at any age. The efficacy of subsequent procedures depends to a great extent on this important facial skincare stage. The older you are, the more effort is required to cleanse the skin well: the thickness of the corneous skin layer increases after age 30: it becomes thicker by approximately 1% every year. The task for cosmetic products is to help the face get rid of its “dead weight.

The cleansing procedure should be performed at least twice daily — in the morning and in the evening — irrespective of whether or not cosmetics have been used. Facial Cleansing Milk in the Tibetan Herbs line will gently but effectively cleanse your skin from contaminants and keratinized cells. The delicate milky texture of the formula gives the skin an incredible sensation of comfort while compensating for the dryness that often follows washing with hard water. This milk is enriched with vitamin E (tocopherol).

Vitamin E (Tocopherol):• “vitamin of youth”: it allows the skin to look younger, nourishes, moisturizes,

regenerates and strengthens the epidermis barrier layer; • releases cells from the effect of free radicals, thereby slowing down aging processes; • makes the skin more resistant to exposure to UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and other vital metabolic tissue processes, prevents

the increased permeability and fragility of capillaries.

Purpose• Gently removes contaminants and make-up, softens the skin. • Removes the unpleasant sensation of dryness and tightness. • Enhances the skin’s resistance to external factors and prevents elasticity loss.

Application Pour a small quantity of the milk into the palm of your hand and make a foam with warm water. Spread it over the face with massaging movements, then wash off thoroughly.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30.

ResultIncomparable feeling of freshness and comfort!

Package: 100 g. Code: 12108.

Multi-Action Facial Lotion The word “lotion” originates from the Latin “lotio” — “washing.” Most likely, the first lotion was wine diluted with water.• Lotion helps complete the cleansing procedure by

removing everything unnecessary — contaminants and dead cells — from the skin;

• The product prepares the skin for the absorption of moisturizers and nutrients.

Thanks to its light, non-oily texture, this lotion is rapidly absorbed, cleansing and softening the skin. It leaves a pleasant, refreshing aroma. It contains Crocus sativus flower extract, Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract, allantoin and vitamin E (tocopherol).

Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract:• improves microcirculation, promotes fluid drainage,

thereby relieving puffiness; • contains bioflavonoids, which are vitamin-like

vegetable substances with powerful antioxidant properties;

• contains tannins, which firm the skin and constrict pores.

Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient times. Allantoin:• has a regenerating effect, softening and soothing

sensitive skin;• has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer,

thereby promoting the removal of dead cells; • effectively prevents pore obstruction and the

development of blackheads.

35+ 35+


Tibetan Herbs line

Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as “witch-hazel.” It was so named for its many wonderful properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin to blossom absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn. And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant: they become hardened due to overnight frost and thaw out and open again in the daytime. Another interesting fact: hamamelis is never affected by pests. Purpose• Completes the cleansing process, refreshing and

firming the skin. • Normalizes pH level, improves cell metabolism,

intensifies water metabolism. • Protects against the effect of free radicals. Optimizes

further care.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of lotion to the face and neck after washing using a cotton ball

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30.

ResultThe skin is perfectly prepared for the application of subsequent products.

Package: 120 ml. Code: 12109.


Tibetan Herbs line 35+


Tibetan Herbs lineEfficiently Moisturizing Facial Cream

At the age of 30, a woman starts noticing that her face looks as though someone had begun spinning a “web” of wrinkles on it: in the contours of the eyes and mouth, between the eyebrows…

The production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the skin’s smoothness and elasticity, becomes slower by age 35; therefore, you should look for substances designed to “awaken” your skin’s natural regenerative resources in your cosmetic products. The hydrolyzed elastin contained in Efficiently Moisturizing Facial Cream is one such ingredient.

Hydrolyzed elastin, from the Greek word “elastos” — “elastic, ductile”:• is a high-molecular protein preserving the typical structure of protein elastin, which is

the skin’s natural structural component;• provides a long-lasting moisturizing and recovery effect for the skin;• enhances the skin’s natural renewal abilities.

This cream contains Crocus sativus flower extract, vitamin E (tocopherol) and allantoin.

Purpose• Saturates the skin with moisture, removing signs of dryness, increasing firmness.• Nourishes, softens the skin and makes it smooth and elastic, improves complexion.• Protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck in the morning.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30.

ResultYour skin “awakens” from its slumber!

Package: 50 g. Code: 12116.

Anti-Wrinkle Nourishing Matte-Effect Facial Cream

Skincare at age 30 and older should include the use of a targeted night cream: its ingredients will help skin cells recover more rapidly.

Anti-Wrinkle Nourishing Mat-Effect Facial Cream has a saturated compact texture that emulsifies when coming in contact with the skin. In addition to Crocus sativus flower extract, this cream contains betaine, vitamin E (tocopherol), allantoin and xanthan gum.

Betaine, from the Latin “beta” — “beet” is made from sugar-beet. Betaine:• saturates the skin with moisture; • softens and soothes the skin, improves tolerance to

SAS contained in cleansing products; • contains inositol, a B-group vitamin and structural

component of cell membranes that stimulates skin respiration at the cellular level.

Purpose• Nourishes, moisturizes and stimulates metabolic

tissue processes.• Activates cell respiration, normalizes the function of

oil glands. • Promotes the minimization of wrinkle depth, enhances

skin elasticity, prevents the appearance of aging signs.

Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck in the evening.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 30.

ResultThe skin’s natural beauty, which is born deeply inside, is manifested more and more clearly on its surface!

Package: 50 g. Code: 12115.

30+ 30+


Tibetan Herbs line 35+35+ Aloe barbadensis extract:

• contains more than 200 biologically-active substances that nourish the skin and stimulate cell metsabolism;

• maintains the skin’s normal hydrobalance and enhances fading skin elasticity thanks to its content of polysaccharides;

• prevents the development of acne because it contains salycilyc acid and essential oils;

• normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance because its aloe pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level;

• meets the requirements of any skin type: it effectively moisturizes and softens dry skin, soothes sensitive skin and rids oily skin of shine and inflammation.

Aloe is called “a vehicle” for its ability to deeply penetrate body tissue, which it accomplishes 3-4 times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to deep skin layers.Angelica acutiloba root extract:• Facilitates microcirculation by activating metabolic

processes in tissues;• contains arbutin, which is a glycoside that clarifies the

skin by suppressing melanin synthesis; • saturates the skin with moisture and infuses it with

natural glow.

Chrysanthemum parthenium flower extract:• contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable

substances boasting powerful antioxidant properties; • moistens the skin and softens small wrinkles;• contains silicium, which provides conditions for the

effective renewal of the skin’s elastin and collagen fibers. The silicium contained in Chrysanthemum parthenium flower extract is chemically bound with other natural compounds, namely pectin and phospholipids, and is best assimilated by the skin in this particular bound form.

Intensive Eye Skin Complex Eye Mask & Phyto Essence

It is impossible to imagine skincare at age 35 without special products for the delicate skin around the eyes. The first wrinkles appear in this very region; therefore, you should start taking care of it in due time: it is necessary not only to cleanse it carefully but also to moisturize and nourish it.

Intensive Eye Skin Complex is two products in one: mask and phytoessence.

The mask is saturated with a biologically-active formula including the following ingredients.

Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that easily penetrates the epidermal barriers with the help of enhancer substances (from the English “enhance” — “to improve, to intensify”):• stimulates renewal of the skin’s natural collagen fibers; • improves skin strength, elasticity and firmness; • forms a protective film on the skin; this film binds with water, thereby reducing

transepidermal moisture loss (TEWL).

Collagen is constantly produced in the human body. Its body content reaches its peak at age 20. It gradually decreases thereafter, dropping by age 40 to almost half of its content at age 20.

Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”:• contains alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes the skin because of its ability

to absorb roughly 300x its own weight in water; • contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the

most significance for “tired” skin cells: V zinc is an important component for the more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue regeneration processes;

V copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth; V magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue.

It’s a fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water.


Tibetan Herbs lineFemale ginseng” or “angelic herb” (angelica): according to legend, this plant received its healing power from Archangel Michael, hence its name — “angelica” (from the Latin “angelus,” or Greek “angelos” — “angel”). It begins to bloom on the day of his birth, i.e. on the 8th of May. Angelica is often cultivated at monasteries, where it is called the “female herb.” Angelica is known as “female ginseng” in China, and for good reason: it promotes recovery of the female body’s hormonal balance.Phytoessence contains the following ingredients:

Olive oil (Olea europaea fruit oil), a valuable natural ingredient known as “liquid gold” for the skin: • it contains the same percentage of linoleic acid as that found in breast milk;• oleic acid contained in olive oil; a component of epidermal skin lipids, it protects the

epidermal protective barrier, thereby lowering transepidermal moisture loss; • vitamin Е contained in olive extract is called the “vitamin of youth” for its ability to

protect the skin against the harmful effects of free radicals. If a competition for the title of the most beneficial skin vitamin were held, vitamin E would certainly finish in the top-3;

• thanks to their content of olive extract, such cosmetic products do not obstruct pores.

Rosa Centifolia Flower Oil, of the queen of flowers, is an aphrodisiac; boasting a beneficial effect on dry and fading skin, it restores natural glow and healthy appearance:• eliminates flakiness and irritation, reduces wrinkles; • is a source of vitamins A and C, which protect skin cells from the effects of free

radicals; • contains natural fatty acids that restore the skin’s natural protective functions.

It takes thirty buds to produce 1 drop of Rosa Centifolia Flower Oil.Geranium maculatum oil:• moisturizes, promotes recovery of the skin’s natural resiliensy and elasticity;• promotes the reduction of sebum production, normalizes sweat gland production in

facial skin;• protects cells from free radicals.

Lavandula Angustifolia Oil:• nourishes and soothes the skin; it is used to relieve reddening and sloughing; • suitable for all skin types.

The name “Lavender” originates from the Latin word “lavare” — “to wash, cleanse” because ancient Romans added lavender to water for taking baths. In order to obtain 1 kg of Lavandula Angustifolia Oil, it is necessary to process 100 kg of raw material.


Tibetan Herbs line 35+Purpose• Promotes the reduction of wrinkle depth and number, minimization of puffiness and

“crow’s feet.” • Removes signs of fatigue, relieves skin irritation. • Moisturizes the skin, leaving it with a radiant glow. Phytoessence strengthens the

effect of the mask.

ApplicationMask: apply the mask to clean eyelid skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove and rinse the face with water.

Phytoessence: apply a small quantity of phytoessence to the eyelid skin. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for 10-15 days, then follow-up 2-3 times a week.

Suitable for the skin around the eyes, starting at age 30.

ResultThe energetic potential of the skin around the eyes is optimized.

Package: 100 pcs. + 10 ml. Code: 12106.

Facial PeelingPeeling is an exfoliation process of the superior epidermal layers. Peeling stimulates regeneration processes in the skin and promotes its renewal.The peel in the Tibetan Herbs line provides superficial exfoliation of the facial skin. Superficial peeling is called “lunchtime-peeling.” This is the most sparing method of all chemical peels: it does not leave traces requiring healing. This procedure causes sloughing of the epidermis layer approximately 0.06 mm thick; this is sufficient to refresh the overall “look of the face,” improve the condition of skin affected by acne, smooth fine wrinkles, make superficial nevi pigmentosis less noticeable, and tighten large pores.

Purpose• Effectively cleanses facial skin, accelerates metabolic processes that prevent the

development of defects in the form of wrinkles, blackheads, hyperkeratosis and flakiness.

• Smoothes skin contour, improves complexion. • Increases the skin’s moisture content. Recommended usage frequency: • oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry, sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to cleansed facial skin, except for the eye area, massaging in for 1-2 minutes. Wash off thoroughly with water. It is recommended to use sunscreen with UV protective filter after using the peel. It is not advisable to sunbathe, use masks-films or other exfoliants for 2-4 days after treatment, depending on skin type.

ResultSmoothed micro-contour, improved skin texture and color.

Package: 75 g. Code: 12107.


The word “peel” originates from the English word “to peel,” meaning “to remove the rind.”


Zhenfei perfect line


Zhenfei perfect line 35+

“… In an instant, her skin became flabby and covered with many wrinkles. It seemed that her youth had been lost forever, until an infusion of flowers growing in the mountain lake region of Tien Shan restored her lost beauty…” This is a passage from an ancient Chinese legend about a princess named Zhenfei who was turned into an old woman by an evil wizard.

In the life of every woman, time plays the role of the evil wizard stealing youth and beauty. And the properties of the miraculous flower mentioned in the legend are successfully used in modern cosmetology to restore fading skin. At issue is the snow-white Tien Shan lotus, whose extract is the basic ingredient of the Zhenfei Perfect line.

Lotus corniculatus flower extract:• is a source of quercetin, an antioxidant that protects skin cells from the destructive

effects of free radicals.

Why does the skin need antioxidants? This question is answered by the free radical theory, according to which aging is an event programmed at the cellular level; it may be influenced by reducing or completely eliminating cell damage. Free radicals oxidate molecules. The oxidation reaction may be presented as robbery: e.g., if thugs steal your purse on the street, you are “oxidated.” The free radical is short one electron, and tries to steal it away by damaging other molecules.

A large amount of “cross-linked” non-elastic collagen is accumulated in the skin by age 35, causing the appearance of non-expression deep wrinkles. Antioxidants are a very important component in the skincare of people aged 35 years and older;• it is a source of the “vitamin of permeability;” vitamin P is so called (from the English

permeability — “penetrability”) due to its ability to regulate capillary permeability, whose disturbance may cause facial swelling;

• restores even complexion! As we grow older, our skin cells begin to produce melanin more actively in response to multiple stresses caused by UV-radiation. Melanin is pigment that colors not only the hair and iris but also the skin. Therefore, pigmentation becomes a common aesthetic problem in people over the age of 35.

When you were 20 years old, you liberally exposed your skin to sun rays, but lentigo may develop on the skin at age 35. Lentigo means age-related nevi pigmentosis. The origination of the term “lentigo” (from the Latin lens — “lentil”) is associated with the similarity between nevi pigmentosis color and lentil color.Age-related nevi pigmentosis plays an important role in the visual assessment of a person’s age: a study was performed in which people were asked to assess women’s age by their photographs, and faces with a clearer, more even tint were perceived as younger in virtually all cases. Lotus corniculatus flower extract makes it possible to correct this cosmetic defect due to its content of organic acids. The regular use of products in the Zhenfei Perfect line will help obtain an even complexion.

Collagen molecules stick together under the influence of free radicals. Such “cross-linked” collagen is less elastic that ordinary collagen, so its accumulation results in the development of wrinkles.

Lotus corniculatus flower extract is a rather expensive cosmetic ingredient: in order to produce 1 kg of the extract, it is necessary to process 16-18 kg of lotus leaves and flowers.


Zhenfei perfect line35+

Green peas pounded into flour was the favorite cosmetic product of ancient Roman women. Modern cosmetology includes peas in formulas of anti-aging products treated with the enzymatic hydrolysis method, thereby significantly enhancing the assimilation of their beneficial substances.

Gentle Cleansing Facial MilkThe light, fluid-like texture (from the Latin fluidus — “runny”) of this cosmetic product allows it to gently remove contamination without obstructing pores.

Purpose• Gently removes make-up and contaminants from the skin. • Improves skin tint. • Maintains natural cell renewal and enhances hydration level, leaving the skin softer

and more elastic.

Application • Mix in the palm of your hand with warm water, apply to the face and neck with

massaging movements, then rinse thoroughly with water.

ResultYou experience the pleasant sensation of skin freshness without the feeling of tightness!

Package: 90 g. Code: 12802.


Zhenfei perfect line 35+Rejuvenating Energy Face Emulsion

The skin of people aged 35 and over needs not only moisturizing but also nourishing, which can be provided by the active ingredients of Rejuvenating Energy Facial Emulsion.

Portulaca oleracea extract:• is a natural muscle relaxant; relaxes expression muscles, neutralizes their “excessive”

contractions, promotes the minimization of wrinkles; • soothes irritated skin, stimulates regeneration processes; • contains vitamin C, thereby intensifying collagen production.

Hydrogenated jojoba oil: • contains related lipids that easily penetrate the skin, acting as a “conductor” for

cleanser ingredients and promoting deep-pore cleansing;• compansates for moisture and nutrient deficits in the skin, restores natural • pH-balance; • restores skin elasticity, promotes the smoothing of wrinkles thanks to its content of

amino acids structured like collagen.

From the standpoint of chemistry, jojoba oil is not oil but liquid wax. Its unique cosmetic properties are associated with this very peculiarity of its chemical structure: jojoba ester wax is similar to waxes that form the sebum base. Thanks to this, they are well absorbed, easily penetrating the skin barrier together with the biologically-active substances dissolved therein.

Hydrolyzed pea protein:• have an intensive moisturizing effect on the skin, forming a protective film on its

surface. This film acts as a wet compress, it does not prevent gas exchange and does not obstruct pores;

• maintain dermal macromolecules, i.e. collagen and elastin enhancing skin smoothness and elasticity;

• restore atonic skin.

Unique jojoba liquid wax became very important as a substitute for spermaceti, the liquid animal wax that was originally produced from the head of sperm whale until the animal was added to the endangered species list. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical compositions of jojoba and spermaceti are identical.

35+ Hyaluronic acid:• the “queen of skin moisturizing”: one acid molecule is

“served” by up to 1000 water molecules; • has an “absorbent” effect: it does not allow water to

evaporate — even when its content in the environment decreases;

• preserves skin resiliency and elasticity; • is a “trap” for free radicals.

Lowered hyaluronic acid synthesis is one of the main causes of the development of wrinkles. Purpose• Intensively moisturizes the skin, recovers its resiliency

and elasticity. • Promotes the smoothing of wrinkles, evens skin color

and micro-contour. • Protects against adverse environmental effects.

ApplicationApply the product to the clean face and neck as a base under primary cream in the morning and/or in the evening. It may be used alone or in combination with the active cream of the Zhenfei Perfect line.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultThe skin is elastic, resilient and healthy.

Package: 45 ml. Code: 12805.


Zhenfei perfect line35+ 35+ Intensive Hydrating

Cream for Face This cream has a delicate, easily-absorbed texture. It does not leave any oily shine on the skin. The cream contains allantoin and xanthan gum.

Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient times. Allantoin:• has a regenerating effect, softens and soothes sensitive

skin;• has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer,

thereby promoting the removal of dead cells; • effectively prevents pore obstruction and the

development of blackheads.

Xanthan gum — is naturally-derived polysaccharide:• moisturizes, generates a light film that keeps moisture

in the skin; • firms the skin, constricts pores;• makes the cream texture homoeneous, delicate and

pleasant when applied.

Purpose• Provides the optimum moisture level, making the skin

soft and silky.• Smoothes fine wrinkles, preserving the skin’s natural

smoothness and elasticity.• Stimulates the skin’s own regeneration process,

protects it from the adverse effects of environmental factors.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the freshly-washed face and neck with thorough circular movements — except for the region around the eyes — in the morning and/or in the evening.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin is moisturized, soft and silky.

Package: 55 g. Code: 12803.

Anti-Wrinkle Intensive Care Cream for Face

This saturated cream formula is a concentrate of beneficial substances for mature skin. It is easily applied and rapidly absorbed. This cream is enriched with algae extract and allantoin.

Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”:• contains alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes the skin because of its ability to

absorb roughly 300x its own weight in water;• contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the

most significance to “tired” skin cells: V zinc is an important component for the more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue regeneration processes;

V copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth; V magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue.

It’s a fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water. Purpose• Has smoothing properties, intensively mosturizes. • Saturates the skin with beneficial microelements, improves metabolism and

microcirculation in the skin.• Minimizes the visibility of deep wrinkles and expression lines, makes the skin more


ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the freshly-washed face and neck — except for the region around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultThe potential of youthful skin is uncovered!

Package: 55 g. Code: 12804.


Zhenfei perfect line 35+35+ Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream-GelThe thinnest (5-7 times thinner than on the cheeks) and delicate eyelid skin sets the strictest requirements in terms of care. Therefore, the eye skin products of the Zhenfei Perfect line contain special ingredients — peptides.

Peptides (from the Greek πεπτος — “nourishing”) represent the cutting-edge of cosmetic fashion. The popularity of this class of active protein substances is not just growing but exploding. These are signal substances that effectively regulate and coordinate vital cell activity.

Mature skin can be restored through the administration of missing substances (replacement therapy). But in this case, cells will grow very lazily and stop functioning. Peptides act in a different way: they are information “messengers” that stimulate the cells to engage in independent, effective functioning.

The eye skincare products in the Zhenfei Perfect line contain acetyl tetrapeptide-5.

Acetyl tetrapeptide-5:• improves microcirculation and lymph drainage, whose disturbance causes puffiness

and dark circles around the eyes;• maintains the skin’s “architecture,” accelerates the cell regeneration process;• enhances skin elasticity.

This cream-gel also contains Lotus corniculatus flower extract, Butyrospermum parkii butter, Hydrogenated jojoba oil, hyaluronic acid and vitamin E (tocopherol).

Butyrospermum parkii butter is the “bestseller” of anti-aging cosmetic products: • contains unsaponifiable fats, which exhibit regenerating properties influencing

collagen synthesis;• has a plasticizing effect and enhances skin barrier proterties due to its content of

triglyciredes, which include essential fatty acids;• has antioxidant properties, prevents negative consequences of the influence of UV


As far back as 1940, many scientific observations confirmed that peoples who had been using Butyrospermum parkii butter since ancient times suffered from virtually no dermatological diseases and their skin was strikingly smooth and elastic. In Africa, every newborn is massaged with Butyrospermum parkii butter, which protects the infant’s skin from severe climatic conditions.


Zhenfei perfect lineVitamin Е (Tocopherol) is the “vitamin of skin youth”:• it allows the skin to look younger, nourishes,

moisturizes, regenerates and strengthens the epidermis barrier layer;

• releases cells from the effect of free radicals, thereby slowing down aging processes;

• makes the skin more resistant to exposure to UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and other critical

metabolic tissue processes, prevents the increased permeability and fragility of capillaries.

Purpose• Provides deep skin moisturizing and nourishing. • Promotes the recovery of skin structure, activates cell

generation processes. • Promotes the minimization of puffiness and dark

circles under the eyes.

ApplicationApply it to the skin around the eyes with light tapping movements.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultWhen used regularly, it makes skin texture firmer, leaving it looking fresh and healthy.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12806.

35+ Lifting Eye Cream-GelThis cream, with a light gel texture, is easily spread over the skin and rapidly absorbed. In addition to Lotus corniculatus flower extract, it contains acetyl tetrapeptide-5, hydrolyzed pea proteins, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E (tocopherol), Hedera helix leaf extract and Equisetum arvense extract.

Equisetum arvense extract:• is a source of silicium, which strengthens the collagen responsible for improved skin

elasticity;• contains macro- and microelements required for collagen and elastin synthesis:

calcium, potassium, aluminum, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium;• firms the skin, promotes the excretion of excessive liquids from tissue.

It’s a fact: Skin elasticity is directly proportionate to silicium content. Newborn skin contains the maximum quantity of silicium. Hedera helix leaf extract:• has stimulating and regenerating effects, promotes skin strengthening and lifting;• contains phytoestrogens, vegetable substances whose chemical structure is similar

to human estrogen and which are capable of locally simulating their effect on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes but also normalize melanin synthesis, thereby preventing hyperpigmentation;

• reduces the permeability of capillaries and cell membranes, normalizing skin metabolism, provides for the excretion of toxins and excessive liquid from tissue, thereby promoting the elimination of puffiness;

• acts as “a conductor” for other beneficiel cream-gel ingredients: contains glycosides facilitating the penetration of active ingredients into deep skin layers.

Purpose• Saturates the skin with moisture and nutrients. • Removes skin tesion and reduces eyelid puffiness. • Regular use of this cream-gel restores the elasticity and natural shine of the skin

around the eyes.

ApplicationApply to the skin around the eyes with light circular movements. Do not massage in!

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultSimple arithmetic of eyelid skin: minus puffiness and dark circles, plus elasticity and resiliency.

Package: 30 g. Code: 12807.


Zhenfei perfect line 35+35+ Facial Express PeelingDivision in the skin basal layer, which is responsible for the generation of “young” cells, becomes slower at age 35. The corneous layer gradually becomes thicker. The complexion turns dull, with sloughing and wrinkles appearing. This peel will help free the skin from the burden of “dead” cells.

The word “peel” originates from the English word “to peel,” meaning “to remove the rind.” The peel in the Zhenfei Perfect line provides for superficial exfoliation of the facial skin. This is the most sparing method of all chemical peels: it does not leave traces requiring healing. The superficial procedure causes sloughing of the epidermis layer approximately 0.06 mm thick.

The peel contains algae extract and sodium hyaluronate.

Sodium hyaluronate is a hyaluronic acid derivative. It:• acts similarly to hyaluronic acid, which is called the “star with 1000 admirers”: its one

molecule attracts 1000 water molecules;• forms a light film on the skin; this film actively absorbs moisture from the air and

creates the effect of “additional moisture,” thereby reducing water evaporation; • increases skin firmness, makes it smoother.

Purpose• Provides ideal cleansing, softens and clarifies the skin. • Smoothes the skin’s surface and stimulates cell renewal. • Reduces the number of fine expression lines and nevi pigmentosis.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face — avoiding the region around the eyes — massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cold water. It is not advisable to sunbathe, use masks-films or other exfoliants for 2-4 days after using the peel, depending on skin type.

Recommended usage frequency: • oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry, sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

Package: 90 g. Code: 12801.


Collagen Active line


Collagen Active line 35+

If you look great at age 35, it means you know the rules of proper skincare. But you’ll have to modify them after 35, because your skin enters a new life stage at this age. In order to “preserve your face,” you now have to compensate for a deficiency in the “protein of youth,” i.e. collagen.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you can see for yourself that collagen is the “protein of youth”: the appearance of non-expression lines is the first sign of collagen deficiency. Collagen is the skin’s “reinforcement”: it provides for its tone, elasticity and smoothness. What’s more, collagen fibers can accumulate moisture.

Collagen accounts for 70% of all protein in young skin. But the collagen synthesis process starts to slow down in most people between the age of 25 and 30, and this process will continue until the end of life. Collagen quality changes as well: it loses its ability to accumulate moisture, becomes less resilient and elastic.

”Collagen fibers of people in the prime of life are very strong: if they are strung together at a

diameter of 1 mm, they can sustain a load of more than 10 kg: comparable to cable or metal wire. Therefore, skin containing “high quality” collagen is able to stretch without becoming damaged, easily returning to its former shape.Collagen fibers become thicker by age 35; as a result, “cross-linked” non-elastic collagen is accumulated, deep wrinkles develop, and facial skin “sags.” At this age, the processes of “new” collagen production are significantly slower than the rate of “old” collagen degradation. The skin needs a supply of collagen from the outside.

It used to be that cosmetic products containing collagen boasted surface action alone. Its molecules were gigantic and could not overcome the epidermal barrier. Today, manufacturers have learned to break up these molecules by means of hydrolysis, thereby significantly increasing the efficacy of such cosmetic products. Easily-assimilated (hydrolyzed) collagen is the main ingredient in the Collagen Active line.

Hydrolyzed collagen is a “fitness-instructor” for your skin: it stimulates the recovery of natural dermal collagen fibers. Your skin will be “in shape” thanks to hydrolyzed collagen!


Collagen Active line35+ Delicate Face CleanserEveryday facial cleansing is the most important part of skincare at any age. But when you’re over 35, you have to cleanse it not only from dirt but also from the thickened layer of keratin scales, i.e. dead cells. After all, you wouldn’t want to see “corpses” on your face, would you?

The cleanser’s special formula provides for effective cleansing without leaving a sensation of tightness. This cleanser contains hydrolyzed collagen and vitamin E (tocopherol).

Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):• a “vitamin of youth” giving your skin a more youthful appearance by nourishing,

moisturizing and regenerating it, all the while strengthening the epidermal barrier layer;

• promotes skin cell renewal by strengthening cells’ regenerative powers;• a strong antioxidant that protects cells from damage, slowing down the production

of free radicals;• makes the skin more resistant to the effects of UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and other critical metabolic processes, prevents

increased capillary permeability and fragility.

The scientific name of vitamin E is “tocopherol” from the Greek term for “giving birth.”

The natural fatty acids contained in the cleanser provide for very delicate skin cleansing without damaging its barrier properties.

Myristic acid is derived from nutmeg:• promotes recovery of the skin’s protective properties;• helps fight against aging;• enhances the penetration of other beneficial ingredients into the skin.

Lauric acid is made from bay leaf oil:• is contained in female breast milk and protects children against diseases in infancy;• has an antimicrobial effect;• has antioxidant properties.

Purpose• Effectively cleanses the skin from contaminants and make-up.• Maintains the skin’s natural moisture level.• Strengthens the skin’s barrier properties.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cleanser to the face and neck with careful movements along the massage lines, wash off thoroughly with warm water.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultCleanness, softness and comfort for your skin!

Package: 100 g. Code: 12701.


Collagen Active line 35+ 35+ Delicate Moisturizing Face TonerToner completes the facial cleansing process by removing the residue of dirt and the cleanser itself. The gentle formula of this cosmetic product does not contain alcohol, carefully tones skin showing signs of fading.

In addition to hydrolyzed collagen, this toner contains vitamin E (tocopherol) and Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract.

Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract:• promotes fluid drainage, thereby reducing puffiness;• contains flavonoids, which are vitamin-like vegetable substances with strong

antioxidant properties;• contains tannins that tone the skin and constrict pores.

Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as “witch-hazel.” It was so named due to its amazing properties: bushes exposed to stress sometimes begin blossoming absolutely unexpectedly — even in mid-autumn. And hamamelis flowers are extremely resistant to frost: they become hardened because of frost at night, then thaw out and open again in the daytime. Another interesting fact is that hamamelis is never affected by pests.

Purpose• Refreshes and moisturizes the skin, restores hydrolipid balance, promotes the

recovery of collagen fibers. • Soothes irritation, boosts the skin’s natural protective mechanisms. • Enhances the efficacy of products at subsequent care stages. Does not contain alcohol!

ApplicationApply to the face and neck using a cotton pad. Use after cleansing.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin is perfectly toned!

Package: 150 g. Code: 12712.


Collagen Active line35+ Intensive Lifting Face Cream“Lifting” (from the English word “lifting” — “tightening”) is the name of a cosmetic procedure designed to remove and prevent skin sagging. The lifting effect is provided by the hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid contained in this cream.

The fact that 80% of the human body consists of water is thanks to hyaluronic acid alone: it provides for the preservation of liquid in the intercellular space.

Just like collagen, hyaluronic acid is a component of the skin’s connective tissue. Its moisturizing properties are associated with its ability to absorb 1000x of its own weight in water. If just 2 mg of hyaluronic acid is added to 1 liter of water, a dense gel-like mass will form.As we grow older, hyaluronic acid synthesis drops and our skin becomes drier and more vulnerable to different stresses.

Hyaluronic acid is an “apple of youth” for the skin:• it is a skin super-moisturizer: 1 molecule of hyaluronic acid attracts 1000 molecules

of water; • has an “absorbent” effect: the water it absorbs is retained inside the skin and does not

evaporate — even when relative humidity in the air decreases; • preserves skin resiliency and elasticity; • is a “trap” for free radicals.

The cream contains also Aloe barbadensis extract.

Aloe barbadensis extract:• contains more than 200 biologically-active substances that nourish the skin and

stimulate cellular metabolism;• moisturizes the skin thanks to its content of polysaccharides, substances that serve as

a water “reservoir” for plants; • prevents acne due to salycilyc acid and essential oils;• normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance because its pH level coincides with aloe’s

natural pH level; • meets the needs of any skin type: it effectively moisturizes and softens dry skin,

soothes sensitive skin and rids oily skin of shine; • Aloe is known as “a vehicle” for its outstanding ability to deliver beneficial substances

to the skin: aloe is absorbed into tissue 3-4 times faster than water.

Purpose• Restores the skin’s natural firmness and elasticity. • Reduces the development of wrinkles, softens the

skin, stimulates collagen production.• Improves the complexion, makes nevi pigmentosis

less noticeable, protects the skin from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the cleansed face and neck with light circular movements. Do not apply to the area around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin looks lifted, becomes more supple and elastic

Package: 50 g. Code: 12703.


Collagen Active line 35+ 35+ Firming Face and Neck EmulsionThere are two main types of facial aging: fine-lining (the name speaks for itself) and deformational.

The appearance of a so-called “tired” face is a sign of deformational aging; in this case, the face looks young after rest, but by nightfall, light puffiness appears, nasolabial folds become deeper and mouth angles turn down, although wrinkles may be few. Women start encountering such problems after age 35. Firming Face and Neck Emulsion will help enhance the skin’s natural suppleness, restoring its former firmness.

This product, boasting a weightless texture, is absorbed rapidly without leaving oily shine or a sensation of tightness on the skin. The emulsion’s active ingredients are hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid and Aloe barbadensis extract.

Purpose• Slows down the skin’s aging process, enhances resiliency, smoothes skin texture.• Moisturizes the skin, activates the cell regeneration process. • Is suitable for skin exhibiting signs of tiredness. Подходит для кожи с признаками усталости.Application Apply a small quantity of emulsion to the freshly-cleansed face and neck under regular cream. May be used independently, or in combination with the active cream in the Collagen Active line.Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35. Result Your skin becomes suppler, and facial contours become sharper.

Package: 100 g. Code: 12705.


Collagen Active line35+ Contour Sculpting Face GelOur facial beauty depends on more than the quantity of collagen and elastin in our skin. An important structural role is also played by subcutaneous fat. Similar to an envelope, it provides shape and smoothens the underlying bone-muscle angles by softening and rounding their sharpness. Excessive fatty deposits “migrate” downwards due to gravitation. As a result, jaw contrast is erased, with the distinction between neck and chin muddled.

The Facial Contour Sculpting Gel in the Collagen Active line will help even the skin’s surface and overall shape of the face. It contains caffeine, which activates the lipolysis process (breaking-up of lipids).

Caffeine is “youthful energy” for the skin:• accelerates tissue-borne metabolic processes,

activates the burning of excessive fat deposits, leaving the skin smoother and suppler;

• contains linoleic acid, which strengthens the skin’s barrier functions, protects it from dryness and aging, and restores elasticity;

• tones expression muscles, improves lymphic outflow, has a draining effect and strengthens the skin.

Purpose• Slows the skin’s aging processes, enhances its resiliency

and smoothens its texture.• Tightens and strengthens the skin, improves lymphic

drainage and noticeably reduces fatty deposits in the cheeks and double-chin area.

• Promotes a reduction in wrinkle depth, shapes facial contours.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of gel to the face and neck along the massage lines. Do not apply to the areas around the eyes. It is recommended to use this product in combination with lifting crystal collagen facial masks.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35. ResultYour face beams with new, graceful contours!

Package: 150 g. Code: 12714.


Collagen Active line 35+

The writings of the prominent Arab explorer and geographer Idrisi (mid-12th Century) relate that Alexander the Great decided to conquer the Socotra Islands for the sole reason that they were home to the production of healing aloe juice.

35+ 35+ Anti-Couperose Firming Face Essence

Unsightly vascular “patterns” on the skin can spoil even the most beautiful face and make a person lose confidence.

Rosacea is a common cosmetological problem. As a rule, it periodically occurs at a young age in the form of light ruddiness and does not cause alarm. But by 35, the aging process becomes more intensive, and rosacea becomes more noticeable: vascular “webs” are visible to the naked eye. The cause is weak vessels that have lost their elasticity. And what component is responsible for tissue elasticity? Why, collagen — of course.

The hydrolyzed collagen contained in this Anti-Rosacea Facial Firming Essence will help restore vascular elasticity. And the product’s hyaluronic acid will saturate your skin with moisture; you see, dehydration and rosacea go hand in hand: derma lacks a sufficient quantity of liquid due to blood congestion, becoming drier and thinner over time.

Purpose• Removes tension and soothes rosacea-prone skin.• Provides long-lasting moisturizing and a sensation of

comfort.• Activates cell metabolism, stimulates the skin’s own

protective system.

ApplicationApply to the cleansed face and neck under regular cream in the morning and/or in the evening. May be used separately or in combination with the lifting cream in the Collagen Active line.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultEven complexion. Any remaining pinkness only radiates health!

Package: 30 g. Code; 12706.

Lifting Eye Contour CreamAt about age 35, the skin around the eyes starts experiencing significant change. Collagen synthesis is greatly reduced, skin loses its tone and becomes dehydrated, with numerous fine lines becoming deeper and more noticeable.

The skin around the eyes is a “delicate flower” by nature: • it is the thinnest: 5-7 times thinner than the skin on the cheeks;• has a very limited quantity of “supporting” fibers of collagen and elastin; • collagen fibers are distributed in the form of a web, therefore, the eyelid skin easily

stretches and loses its tone.

The eyelid zone starts aging first, simply because of these peculiarities and increased expressive activity. Meteorological factors (wind, cold, sun radiation), daily make-up and insufficient sleep also add their contribution to the premature aging of skin around the eyes.

In order to stall the aging process of the skin around the eyes, specialists recommend using “active” cosmetic products influencing collagen production starting at age 35 and up.

In addition to hydrolyzed collagen, Lifting Eye Contour Cream contains hyaluronic acid and glycoproteins.

Glycoproteins (from the Greek “glykós” — “sweet,” and proteḯni — “protein”):• these are complex proteins which, along with collagen and hyaluronic acid, form the

structural components of the dermal intercellular matrix;• have a general strengthening effect on collagen fiber and the skin;• saturate the skin with moisture.

Purpose• Tightens the skin around the eyes, restoring its youth and health.• Alleviates fatigue and the sensation of eyelid heaviness.• Reduces bags and dark circles under the eyes, smoothes the skin.

ApplicationApply to the eye area with light tapping movements. Do not massage in. It is recommended to use in the morning and in the evening to enhance the effect.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultThe skin around the eyes is elastic and supple.

Package: 15 g. Code: 12704.


Collagen Active line35+ 35+ Collagen Active masksDo you enjoy going to a restaurant to treat yourself to gourmet food once and a while? Our skin also needs additional nutrition, and a good source is provided by cosmetic masks.

Masks are a special “restaurant” for the skin, regular “visits” to which are essential to preserving facial beauty and youth after age 35. The “menu” of the Collagen Active line includes collagen masks ideally suited to mature skin. It is impossible to prepare them at home.

Crystal Collagen Face MaskThe mask is a pliant sheet with a gel-like consistency that follows the contours of your face. The tight fit provides a thermal effect and excellent nutrient absorption. The mask’s active ingredients are hydrolyzed collagen and algae extract.

Algae extract is an “energizer battery for cells”:• contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the

most significance for “tired” skin cells: V zinc is an important component for more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue regeneration processes;

V copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth; V magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue;

• contains alginic acid, which tightens and moisturizes the skin due to its ability to absorb roughly 300x its own weight in water.

It’s a fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water.

Purpose• Has a strengthening and firming effect on the skin. • Stimulates the skin’s own collagen production. • Evens skin surface, slows down aging processes.

ApplicationApply to the thoroughly-cleansed face. Remove the mask 15-20 minutes later, without washing off the serum. Recommended for use 1-2 times a week.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultSupple, noticeably-lifted facial skin.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 12709.


Collagen Active line 35+ 35+ 35+ Crystal Collagen Eyelid MaskThe mask is a pliant sheet with a gel-like consistency that follows the contours of your face. The tight fit provides a thermal effect and excellent nutrient absorption. The mask’s active ingredients are hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin E (tocopherol) and pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid:• a cellular energy source that promotes skin cell renewal and enhances its natural

protection;• an “anti-stress vitamin” for the skin that promotes tissue recovery;• improves cellular metabolism.

Название «пантотеновая» происходит от греческого panthos — «везде, всеобъемлющий», что подчеркивает важнейшие функции витамина В5.

Purpose• Moisturizes the skin, prevents moisture loss.• Helps smooth fine lines.• Has a lifting effect.

ApplicationApply to the thoroughly-cleansed eyelid skin. Remove the mask 15-20 minutes later without washing off the serum. Recommended for use 1-2 times a week.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultIntensive restoration of the elasticity and resiliency of eyelid skin.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 12710.

Intensive Lifting Corrective Face Mask

This mask is a base saturated with a special mixture containing active ingredients: hydrolyzed collagen, algae extract and Aloe barbadensis extract. Securing ear loops provide the tight fit to the skin. Active mask ingredients: hydrolyzed collagen, algae extract and Aloe barbadensis extract.

Purpose• Has a lifting effect.• Smoothes the web of fine lines.• Moisturizes, restores skin elasticity.

ApplicationApply to the thoroughly-cleansed face immediately after opening the package. Leave it on the face for 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask without washing off the serum. Recommended for use 1-2 times a week.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultClear face contour, lifted cheeks, evened skin texture.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 12711.


Sheep Placenta line


Sheep Placenta line 35+The word “placenta” harkens back to the days when our infant skin was delicate and we, under the loving protection of our mother’s wing, received everything essential for life without effort or a care in the world.

Placenta cosmetics include products that help aging skin cells “remember” their lost youth and obtain the nutrition required for active division and growth “in a saucer,” just as received by infants.

”The placenta is an organ connecting the mother’s body and the developing-child during pregnancy.

It is a wellspring of biologically-active beneficial compounds.Sheep Placenta is used in the manufacture of cosmetic products in the Sheep Placenta line because it is the most compatible with human skin components. Manufacturers achieve a high degree of extract purification using a high-tech extraction method. This method guarantees the complete safety of the yielded product. What’s more, all of the components determining the placenta’s considerable value are preserved.

The history of placenta rejuvenation dates back to 1912, when Professor Alexis Carrel (Switzerland) identified an active substance capable of restoring cells. A Swiss doctor Paul Niehans used Carrel’s experiments to design the treatment method with use of living cells. Thirteen years later, Japanese scientist Shan Dao succeeded in obtaining the extract of sheep placenta.

Placenta use started long before scientific discoveries: • placenta was used as a rejeuvenating product as far back as the days of Cleopatra. The

first scientific explanations of placental healing properties are found in the writings of Hippocrates and Avicenna;

• in China, placenta was known as “the boat on a violet river” on which an infant came into the world. When an infant was born, his afterbirth was collected and dried; if a severe disease developed, it was used to prepare an infusion that was then given to the patient. This remedy was considered extremely effective in stimulating the body’s own protective resources;

• after delivery, Russian midwifes recommended burying the placenta under a threshold (ancestral resting place) or in a pit in which a tree was then planted as a symbolic sibling of the born child.

Placental extract is a product obtained via hydrolysis (breaking up) of the placental tissue, which is a unique natural complex containing proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, lipids, enzymes, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements.

How do placenta cosmetic products work?

• Stimulate the “protein of youth”: the composition of the protein contained in sheep placenta is very similar to the basic building-block protein of human skin, i.e. collagen, whose natural production drops off dramatically by age 35, resulting in the onset of lines and wrinkles.

• “Block” free radicals: free radicals are the convicted criminals behind premature aging. Skin collagen is most susceptible to them, because radical molecules prevent the free movement of collagen fiber molecules. As a result, they form bundles, lose resiliency and become rigid.

• Reduce transepidermal moisture loss: amino acids in the placental extract create a protective film on the skin that prevents moisture loss without impeding cellular respiration.

• Provide rich cell nutrition: placental extract contains a complex of nutrients that includes amino acids, enzymes, mineral substances and many others.

• Enhance “cosmetic immunity”: the skin is an immuno-competent organ. This means that it’s responsible for its own immunity! For this purpose, the skin is armed with an entire system of immune cells; Langergance cells exercise contol, lymphocyte cells “bombard” the enemy and macrophage cells “finish off” any foreign agents.

The skin is the body’s shield — it’s tasked with constantly repulsing attacks from the outside world. But the skin’s own protective system is often outmatched, with victory going to the agressor. As a result, dermatitis, eczema, acne and other cosmetic problems develop.

”Many microbes settling on the skin die within 20-30 minutes.


Sheep Placenta lineSheep Placenta Moisturizing Nourishing Facial Cream

The skin is subject to constant deformation: stretching, twisting, compression. On the one hand, it must stand up to the pressure, i.e. remain strong. On the other, it must not restrict our ability to move, i.e. remain plastic. Water is the main internal “plasticizer” of the corneous layer of our skin. Without water, it would be like a hard tortoise shell. Therefore, moisturizing the skin is a vitally important procedure.

Starting at age 30, the corneous layer’s thickness begins to increase: it consists of just 4-5 keratin scales when we’re 20-25 but reaches 6-8 scales by the time we’re 35 (by comparison: the rat has 9-12 scales on its tail). The need for moisturizing increases dramatically.

Sheep Placenta Moisturizing Facial Nourishing Cream saturates the skin with moisture while nourishing it and stimulating its renewal thanks to its content of placental extract and Triticum vulgare germ oil.

Triticum vulgare germ oil:• contains vitamin A, sulfur, zinc and copper that form a complex stimulating the

natural synthesis of fibrillar protein collagen and elastin, giving the skin elasticity and resiliency, improving the skin’s structure and surface, and promoting the smoothing-out of age-related wrinkles;

• contains a high concentration of fatty acids that are the skin’s natural relatives (linoleic and oleic acids); they strengthen its barrier properties, impede transepidermal moisture loss and prevent the development of sloughing and irritation;

• contains vitamin E in the most active alpha-tocopherol form. For this reason, it has a strong antioxidant effect, protects the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Purpose• Promotes normalization of the skin’s water-lipid balance and the improvement of

epidermal protective properties.• Softens and nourishes the skin, protecting it from drying and sloughing.• Activates regeneration processes, thereby promoting skin rejuvenation.

ApplicationApply the cream to the freshly-cleansed face and neck with careful circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin radiates with renewed suppleness and vitality!

Package: 50 g. Code: 10304.


Sheep Placenta line 35+Sheep Placenta Anti-Wrinkle Recovering Facial Cream

This cream is ideal for nighttime skincare. When we’re young, we often neglect this item, but we can’t get by without a recovery product once we reach the age of 35.

Get the most benefit out of the night for your skin: the active renewal of cells takes place from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. — but that’s only if you’re asleep! During nighttime wakefulness, the hormone cortisol is produced, which promotes the destruction of skin cells. But if you’re asleep, your body produces another substance — growth hormone.

Recovery cream intensifies skin regeneration cell after cell, restoring its energy and vitality. It works when you’re at rest.

Active cream ingredients: placental extract and Propolis extract.

Propolis extract • a valuable source of amino acids, vegetable resins, tannins, essential oils, waxes,

vitamins (E, C, PP, B2), microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc)... This list goes on and on, because propolis contains more than 180 ingredients that are beneficial for the skin;

• nourishes the skin, stimulates regeneration processes;• is the enemy of bacteria, as confirmed by a simple experiment: a piece of raw meat

smeared with propolis won’t go bad for several weeks — even if left in direct sunlight.

Purpose• Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, alleviates redness, relieves discomfort.• Protects the skin against the effects of adverse environmental factors.• Improves the skin’s barrier properties, restores vitality.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the freshly-cleansed face with careful circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultRecovery of the skin, active aging prevention.

Package: 50 g. Code; 10303.

”The human body’s stores of hyaluronic acid drop 20x during a person’s lifetime. One of the main

challenges of preserving the skin’s beauty and youthful appearance involves compensating for its shortage.

Sheep Placenta Spot-Removing Facial Cream

If your complexion is discouraging, Sheep Placenta Dispel Spot Cream for Face from the Sheep Placenta line is for you. It balances skin condition, combatting reddening and flakiness in sensitive areas, evening the complexion and saturating the skin with moisture, thereby boosting its suppleness and smoothing surface texture.

Active ingredients of Sheep Placenta Dispel Spot Cream for Face: placental extract and hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid:• is the most important moisture-retaining skin

component: 1 gram of hyaluronic acid absorbs 3 liters of water!

• not only saturates the skin with moisture but also creates an airy protective film on its surface; this film prevents moisture from evaporating and keeps the deeper skin layers from dehydrating;

• has a lifting effect, enhances the skin’s suppleness;• has an antioxidant effect;• is a great logistician; it never delivers too much liquid

to areas where it isn’t needed — and won’t leave “parched” areas to die of thirst.

Purpose• Promotes the reduction of pigmentation, evens the

complexion.• Moisturizes the skin while maintaining its natural

protective mechanisms.• Delays the onset of noticeable aging signs.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the freshly-cleansed face and neck with careful circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultBetter complexion and improved tone of fading skin, evened tint and microsurface.

Package: 50 g. Code: 10302.


Sheep Placenta lineAnti-Wrinkle Eye Cream

Our eyes betray our age because our thin eyelid skin ages first. This is associated with the fact that it contains very few “supporting” collagen and elastin fibers. But expression load is very high: the human eye blinks on average roughly 20 thousand times every day. Only thorough care can extend the youth of this delicate skin.The Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream in the Sheep Placenta line nourishes and moisturizes the eyelid skin, correcting aging signs. It contains placental extract, as well as hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamin E and Jojoba esters.

Jojoba esters: • are superbly assimilated by the skin, softening and nourishing it, because approximately

one-fourth of all human skin consists of lipids related to jojoba lipids; • contain wax esters that act as a natural moisture factor (NMF) and recover the skin’s

hydrobalance; • contain amino acids whose structure is similar to that of the skin’s natural collagen;

therefore, they restore its elasticity and help smooth out wrinkles.

”Unique jojoba liquid wax became very important as a substitute for spermaceti, the liquid animal wax

derived from the head of the sperm whale. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical composition of jojoba and spermaceti is identical.Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):• is the skin’s “vitamin of youth,” allowing it to appear younger by nourishing,

moisturizing and regenerating it, all the while strengthening the epidermal barrier layer;

• releases cells from the effects of free radicals, thereby slowing the aging process;• makes skin more resistant to the effects of UV-rays.

Purpose• Refreshes, immediately softening the delicate eyelid skin. • Reduces visible signs of age-related changes.• Promotes the smoothing of wrinkles, moisturizes and strengthens the skin, enhances

its elasticity.

Application Apply to the skin around the eyes with light tapping motions. Do not massage in! Use in the morning and in the evening to achieve the best result.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin looks brighter, clearer and more alluring every day!

Package: 50 g. Code: 10306.


Sheep Placenta line 35+Sheep Placenta Facial Peel

The list of essential skincare procedures starts growing at age 35. Specialists recommend not contenting yourself with routine cleansing at this age, and making it a habit to do peels.

”The word “peel” originates from the English term “to peel,” meaning “to remove the rind.”

Peeling is the process of exfoliating keratinized cells. Keratinization processes start to dominate skin condition at age 35, when the thickness of “dead” cells increases. If you forego performing a “general tidying up,” keratinized cells will block oxygen access, making the skin’s respiration, blood supply and metabolism difficult.

Sheep Placenta Peeling for Face contains Aloe barbadensis leaf extract and vegetable amino acids.

Aloe barbadensis leaf extract:• contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino

acids, enzymes, minerals and microelements, glycosides and many others; • promotes maintenance of the skin’s natural hydrobalance, thanks to its content of

polysaccharides; • prevents the development of acne because it contains salycilyc acid and essential oils; • normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance because its pH level coincides with the pH level

of aloe; • has the unique ability to meet the requirements of absolutely any skin type. If your

skin gives you “surprises,” alternating from oiliness to dryness and flakiness, cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs.

Vegetable amino acids:• essentially proteins in broken form, they are the “building blocks” of skin cells; • moisturize the skin, forming a light coating on its surface. This coating makes the skin

smooth and reduces transepidermal moisture loss;• improve metabolic processes, stimulate local immunity and enhance the skin’s natural

protective properties.

Purpose• Gently removes keratinized cells. • Stimulates natural skin renewal, moisturizes, has a rejuvenating effect.• Evens the skin’s microsurface, improves complexion.

Recommended usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Massage in for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with plenty of water. It is not recommended to sunbathe, use masks-films or other exfoliants for 2-4 days, depending on skin type, after using the peel.

ResultRejuvenated, smooth and supple skin!

Package: 80 g. Code: 10301.


Marine Collagen line


Marine Collagen line 35+The power of the marine element, which gave birth to the ancient goddess of beauty Aphrodite, is contained in the Marine Collagen cosmetic line. These are first-rate products intended for a queen who wishes to look like a princess.

Not only marine organisms but also water itself have valuable cosmetic properties: saltwater waves contain practically all of the elements on the periodic table.

The mystery of the sea was solved in 1904 by the French biologist René Quinton, who proved that the chemical composition of sea water is similar to the composition of human blood plasma. The cosmetic products in the Marine Collagen line “work” without intermediaries to influence collagen, which is the main component responsible for youthful skin.

Scientists refer to collagen as primus inter pares, Latin for the “first among equals”: undoubtedly, collagen is the most important protein — primus inter pares — in organisms at the top of the evolutionary tree, i.e. humans. Forty percent of all human collagen is contained in the skin, so it’s the first to signal its deficiency by forming wrinkles.

Seventy percent of the skin’s connective tissue, i.e. derma, consists of collagen. Skin strength, elasticity and smoothness depend on it alone. Although collagen is constantly produced by the human body, its quantity declines with age, dropping by age 35 to nearly half of its quantity at age 20.

Young skin is like a new mattress whose resiliency and elasticity depend on its “springs,” i.e. collagen fibers. Coiled like a spiral, they protect the skin from stretching and sagging.

Yet it’s possible to compensate for this deficiency in skin collagen by using the cosmetic products in the Marine Collagen line. Marine collagen is their main ingredient, whose structure closely approximates human collagen; therefore, the skin assimilates it as efficiently as possible, recognizing it as its “own” collagen.


Marine Collagen line


Marine collagen is an analogue of human skin collagen: • built into the intercellular matrix, it triggers a mechanism for collagen structural

renewal with the subsequent rejuvenation of tissue; • enhances intercellular couplings, improving skin metabolism and nutrition; • forms a breathable protein matrix on the skin that boosts plasticizing and smoothing

properties and prevents water loss.

Hydrolyzed Gadidae Protein and Hydrolyzed Mytilus Edulis Byssus are the sources of marine collagen for the cosmetic products in the Marine Collagen line.

Byssus is a byproduct secreted by the glands of Mytilus Edulis mussels. They form thin yet strong protein threads that they use to attach themselves to seashells, stones and sand. The word “byssus” originates from the Greek word “byssos,” meaning “thin yarn.” In ancient times, a luxurious fabric called “marine silk” was made from byssus threads. It was so fine and light that a pair of gloves woven from it could be placed in the shell of a small walnut.

Pharaohs’ robes were made of marine silk. Historical documents indicate that Christ’s burial shroud was also made of this rare material.

Today, byssus is a rare and expensive product. One mussel produces 1-2 grams of thread, and 1000 mussels must be separated from the stone and processed in order to obtain 200-300 grams of byssus.

Revitalizing Facial TonicOur skin is constantly being renewed. New cells are born in the lowest, basal epidermis layer. After separating from the basal membrane, they take the path of inevitable death: as they gradually move to the skin’s surface, they transform into dead, corneous cells.

When we are young, our skin cells are renewed over the course of roughly 28 days; this cycle increases to 40 days by age 30, with the regeneration period lasting a full 60-80 days by age 40.

Revitalizing Facial Toner stimulates the skin’s renewal processes: basal layer cells receive a signal to function at an accelerated rate more typical of young skin. The active ingredients contained in this toner, marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, promote this activity.

Hyaluronic acid is the “faithful companion of collagen”:• fills the space between long-chain collagen and elastin molecules, keeping the

dermal structure in the proper position, preventing facial contours from becoming deformed and the skin from becoming faded and wrinkled;


Marine Collagen line 35+• plays the role of “molecular sponge,” attracting moisture while preserving dermal

water balance, regulating tone and resiliency, i.e. firmness;• provides for the movement of nutrients from blood vessels to skin cells.

If collagen is like the springs in the skin’s “mattress,” hyaluronic acid is the mattress packing — essential to the restoration of softness and beautiful appearance. Algae extract is an “energizer battery for the cells”:• contains a mineral energy cocktail in which zinc, copper and magnesium are of the

most significance for “tired” skin cells: V zinc is a vital component for the more than 200 enzymes involved in metabolic and tissue regeneration processes;

V copper promotes the healing of wounds and scratches, activates cell growth; V magnesium is essential to the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in the formation of connective tissue;

Zinc, copper and magnesium are cofactors of the most important antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. This is the enzyme responsible for reducing the frequency of cell damage. It neutralizes the effect of the most common — and most dangerous — free radicals, superoxides. In the human body, the quantity of superoxide dismutase declines with age, while the amount of free radicals increases.

It’s a fact: 1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water. Algae is one of the most ancient biological species on Earth. Over the innumerable years of their existence, these marine plants have gained a unique intracellular balance — they’re even immune to radioactive radiation. Panthenol is provitamin B5, a derivative of pantothenic acid (from the Greek word “pantos,” meaning “everywhere”). Pantothenic acid is contained in all living cells: • has a dermatoprotective property: it promotes rapid tissue regeneration, soothes

irritation;• acts as a moisturizer, improving hydration of the skin’s corneal layer and decreasing

water loss;• makes skin more resistant to UV rays.

Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissues since ancient times. Allantoin:• has a regenerating effect, stimulates skin healing, softens and soothes the skin;• has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer, thereby promoting the exfoliation

of dead cells; • effectively prevents the clogging of pores and development of blackheads.

Allantoin was first discovered in avian embryonic tissue (“allantois” is the name of an embryonic membrane), where embryo formation and tissue growth depend on it. In the manufacturing of cosmetic products, allantoin is derived from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale).

Purpose• Refreshes and tones the skin by gently removing make-

up and cleanser residue.• Provides intensive, long-lasting moisturizing.• Promotes epidermis renewal and stimulates the

production of collagen and elastin fibers, leaving the skin supple and firm. It boosts the performance of subsequent cosmetic care products.

ApplicationApply to the cleansed face and neck in the morning and in the evening using a cotton pad.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin becomes smooth, supple and firm, radiating with health and energy.

Package: 100 ml. Code: 13504.


Marine Collagen lineRejuvenating Facial Day Cream

Beginning at age 35, facial skin starts needing intensive care that impacts the deepest dermal layers. That’s why Rejuvenating Facial Day Cream in the Marine Collagen line contains a complex of active ingredients that maintain the high functional capacity of cells, thereby activating skin renewal and regeneration processes.

Don’t forget: the effect of a skincare product can only be assessed at the end of the complete skin-renewal cycle, which lasts from 60 to 80 days at age 40, i.e. after 2-3 months of continuous use of the cream.The cream’s main ingredients are marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as squalane, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil, algae extract, vitamin E (tocopherol), pearl powder and arbutin.

Squalane is an oxygen “supplier” for the skin: • an analogue of squalene, it’s made from olive oil and wheat corn. But in contrast to

squalene, squalane is more resistant to oxidation — it provides the skin with oxygen, thereby improving cell respiration;

• has a natural affinity with the skin and penetrates easily through the epidermis without leaving a sensation of oiliness, making the skin soft and silky. This excellent compatibility is explained by the fact that squalene is the main hydrocarbon of the skin’s surface lipids, accounting for 15% of an adult human’s skin sebum;

• Studies have shown that sebum squalane is not comedogenic, in contrast to triglycerides and fatty acids.

The deep-sea shark Centrophorus artomarginatus lives at a depth of 1000 m; in an environment virtually devoid of sunlight. Its liver, which accounts for 25-30% of the shark’s total body weight, helps it survive under conditions of anoxia. In 1906, the Japanese physician Tsujimoto obtained an extract from the liver of this marine predator; the extract was later identified as squalene (from the Latin term “squalus,” meaning “shark”). Squalene is unsaturated hydrocarbon, which can easily produce oxygen when bound with water.

35+ Simmondsia chinensis seed oil is a “close relative of the skin”: • because of its chemical composition, it is not an oil but

a wax highly similar to sebum lipids. For this reason, it is well assimilated by the skin, softening, moisturizing and nourishing it;

• contains amino acids whose structure is similar to that of skin collagen; therefore, they restore its elasticity, promoting the smoothening of wrinkles and lines;

• protects the skin against the destructive influence of free radicals.

Unique jojoba liquid wax became very important as a substitute for spermaceti, the liquid animal wax made from the head of the sperm whale. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical composition of jojoba and spermaceti are identical. Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is the “vitamin of youth”:• makes it possible for the skin to look younger,

nourishes and moisturizes it, regenerates, strengthens the epidermal barrier layer;

• releases cells from the effects of free radicals, thereby slowing down aging processes;

• makes skin more resistant to influence of UV rays;• improves blood and lymph microcirculation, prevents

increased capillary permeability and fragility.

Pearl powder is “precious nutrition” for cells:• the calcium it contains promotes the excretion of

toxins, improves tissue metabolism and blocks the action of free radicals, thereby creating a rejuvenating effect;

• increases the production of cell “fuel”: adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which plays the role of universal energy accumulator and carrier in living organisms;

• is a natural clarifier; pearls suppress melanin synthesis and help restore the skin’s healthy shine, elininating nevi pigmentosis.


Marine Collagen line 35+Pearl powder is an expensive ingredient, and rightfully so — it takes 12 years for a natural pearl to grow to the size of a pea!

Arbutin (obtained from bearberry leaf and licorice root) is a “skin tint corrector”:• slows down melanin synthesis. Due to this fact, it has

a whitening effect; • removes nevi pigmentosis and prevents its further

development;• protects the skin from free radicals.

Purpose• Intensively saturates the skin with moisture, refreshing

and toning.• Stimulates collagen synthesis, smoothening fine

wrinkles and evening the skin’s microsurface, enhancing skin resiliency and elasticity.

• Protects against the negative effects of free radicals.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to the freshly-cleansed face and neck with careful circular movements, except for the region around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultThe skin’s look and condition are improved, age-related signs are reduced.

Package: 30 g. Code: 13501.


Marine Collagen line35+

Purpose• Helps the skin recover after the day’s stresses,

replenishes its antioxidant reserves. • Promotes the cell renewal of the skin, firming its

structure, increasing elasticity and reducing wrinkle depth and number.

• Regulates the skin’s hydro-lipid balance, strengthening its natural protective mechanisms.

Application Apply a small quantity of cream to the freshly-cleansed face and neck with careful circular movements, except for the region around the eyes.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultYour skin recovers from the inside night after night, looking supple and smooth.

Package: 30 g. Code: 13502.

Nutritious Regenerating Facial Night CreamBy nightfall, our skin gets tired just as we do. Its cells have a natural 24-hour rhythm, which changes depending on the time of day and night. In the daytime, their objective is to protect against the harmful effects of the environment. At night, the effect of external stress factors is significantly reduced, and the skin can finally “concentrate” on recovery processes: the production of collagen and replenishment of antioxidant resources expended during the day.

Night is the best time for the recovery of skin cells: their ability to regenerate triples at night! A well-chosen cosmetic product improves this process.

Microcirculation intensifies at night, improving the delivery and assimilation of the nutrients contained in cosmetic products. The formula of Nutritious Regenerating Facial Night Cream in the Marine Collagen line has been developed in accordance with the skin’s natural biological rhythms.

This cream contains marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as Sunflower seed oil peg-8 esters, panthenol, allantoin, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil, hydrolyzed pearl, algae extract and vitamin E (tocopherol).

Sunflower seed oil peg-8 esters are a source of vitamins F and E: • vitamin F is a complex of the omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

contained in cell membranes, and is required for normal metabolism; • the vitamin E content in sunflower seed oil is 12x higher than that contained

in olive oil!• strengthens the skin’s barrier properties, promoting its deep moisturizing and

nutrition;• a natural antioxidant, it protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays; slows

down skin aging, preserving its freshness and firmness for a long time.

Hydrolyzed pearl is a source of the easily-assimilated protein conchiolin, known as “pearl protein”: • it is a natural moisturizer that controls the skin’s hydrobalance;• has detoxifying and antioxidant effects, absorbs ultraviolet rays;• smoothes out small wrinkles.


Marine Collagen line 35+35+ Разглаживающий гель-крем для контура

глаз / Smoothing Eye Gel CreamStarting at age 35, the skin around your eyes begins reacting immediately to negligent care, insufficient sleep and ailment. This is because it is the area’s most sensitive, thin skin, and the most prone to age-related changes. Its structure differs from the skin in other facial areas:• the collagen fibers of the eyelid skin form a sort of web, which is easily stretched; • the slack (low density) of subcutaneous fatty tissue is the cause of the frequent

development of eyelid puffiness.

Smoothing Eye Gel Cream has been developed with the unique characteristics of the eyelid skin in mind. It contains the main ingredients of the Marine Collagen line: marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as Centella asiatica leaf extract, Tagetes erecta flower extract, retinol, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil, algae extract, vitamin E and allantoin.

Centella asiatica leaf extract is the “herb of memory”: the plant was so named because of its ability to improve cerebral blood supply, thereby enhancing intelligence. The cosmetic effect of this property is manifested in reduced swelling. The extract:• promotes fluid drainage reducing edemas; • a source of magnesium, vitamins A, B, E, K;• promotes collagen synthesis due to its content of triterpene saponins.

Tagetes erecta flower extract is a source of lutein (from the Latin “luteus” — “yellow”), a special pigment contained in yellow plants and fruits, as well as in egg yolk:• promotes the formation of self-protection against UV-rays, thanks to the lutein

accumulated in the skin;• provides reliable antioxidant protection for skin cells;• moisturizes the skin, normalizes hydro-lipid balance and pH level.

Retinol (vitamin A) delivers three blows against aging: • boasting excellent antioxidant properties, it successfully fights against free radicals; • activates regeneration processes; as a result, the skin breathes better and

is moisturized, nutrients penetrate it more easily;• accelerates the skin’s cell division process (this process slows down as we grow older).

We stimulate collagen synthesis by “boosting” the skin with a dose of vitamin A.

Purpose• Firms the structure of eyelid skin, enhancing its elasticity and creating a lifting-effect. • Reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. • Nourishes the skin cells, improves tissue metabolic processes.

ApplicationApply to the skin around the eyes with delicate tapping movements.

Suitable for all skin types, starting at age 35.

ResultVisible reduction of puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, correction of wrinkles.

Package: 15 g. Code: 13503.

Retinol was originally used in the treatment of acne and other skin diseases, when it was discovered that it had an excellent “side effect”: it smoothed wrinkles.


Master Herb line


Master Herb lineWhile European cosmetics are based on advances in the chemical industry, Chinese cosmetic products also incorporate the experience of healers and specialists in herbal treatments. The formulas of the products in the Master Herb line include natural ingredients whose efficacy is confirmed by the centuries-old practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

The Master Herb cosmetic line includes extracts from 12 herbs and plants: Salvia miltiorrhiza, Aloe barbadensis, Lonicera caprifolium, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Camellia sinensis, Mentha piperita, Chrysanthemum parthenium, jojoba, Echinacea purpurea root, Hamamelis virginiana, Algae, Bambusa arundinacea leaf. They form a complex system for caring for problem and oily skin.

Oily skin is in fact a type of problem skin, confounding those who have it. Problems include unsightly shine, dilated pores and blackheads with acne. Even specialists’ assertion that oily skin ages more slowly than dry skin is of little comfort.

Oily skin is a result of the excessive activity of sebum-producing oil glands (glands that generate skin oil).

Oil glands are located nearly everywhere in the human skin — only the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are devoid of them. The number of oil glands reaches 800 per 1 cm2 in the regions of their maximum density (scalp, forehead, chin, back).

Under normal conditions, sebum serves as a lubricant for the skin and is essential to skin protection, as it prevents possible dehydration. But excess sebum results in the clogging of pores, development of inflammation, sloughing and skin irritation.

The cells of oil glands are driven to “suicide”: having accumulated skin oil, sebocytes are destroyed like a Samurai committing harakiri. Sebum is the result of sebocyte degradation.

Caring for oily skin is aimed at the regulation of oil gland activity. Many people take care of oily skin generously yet incorrectly, thereby only aggravating the problem. For example, it is widely believed that oily skin should be cleansed until it’s “squeaky clean,” but this results in damage to the epidermal barrier, which consists of much more delicate lipids than sebum. When the protective epidermal barrier is damaged, irritating and comedogenic substances penetrate the skin; as time passes, this may lead to increased oiliness and the development of blackheads.

The opposite situation can also occur: people who are aware of the need to cleanse oily skin carefully sometimes choose products that are oversaturated with fats and oils and poorly remove sebum.

The Master Herb line has been developed taking into account the needs of oily skin. The active ingredient in Master Herb products is Salvia miltiorrhiza flower/leaf/root extract. The term Salvia derives from the Latin verb salvia, meaning “to save.” Ancient Egyptians believed in its ability to save from death and prolong youth.

Salvia miltiorrhiza flower/leaf/root extract:• is a source of phytoestrogens, vegetable substances

whose chemical structure is similar to human estrogen, and which are capable of locally simulating their effect on the skin; phytoestrogens not only slow down aging processes but also inhibit the excessive production of the sebum, thereby preventing the development of blackheads and acne;

• is a source of linoleic acid, which is essential for oily skin: its deficiency always accompanies both juvenile and mature acne;

The pathological activation of oil gland function involves not just the quantitative but also the qualitative transformation of sebum. Decreased linoleic acid concentration changes pH level to alkaline values and creates preconditions for the development of microbial or fungal infections and also blackheads. As a result, oily shine, acne and seborrhea become the skin’s “calling card.” • is a source of vitamin PP — a bonus for the face:

PP (nicotinic acid) is among the enzymes involved in cell respiration: the skin would suffocate without this vitamin!

V nicotinic acid lowers the level of triglycerides and fatty acids, which are sebum components;

V nicotinic acid soothes irritated skin, promotes the elimination of erythema and sloughing.


Master Herb line

Cleansing Facial GelThe main error all people with oily skin make involves their constant use of overly-aggressive products. Oil glands only intensify their activity in response to this, and the problem becomes aggravated.

Cleansing Facial Gel in the Master Herb line has been developed especially for the daily cleansing of oily skin. It removes dirt and excessive sebum gently and effectively. The gel is enriched with jojoba extract.

Jojoba esters:• contain skin-related lipids that easily penetrate the skin and act as a “conductor” of

cleanser ingredients, thereby promoting the deep cleansing of pores; • compensate for the skin’s moisture and nutrient deficiency, restores its natural pH

balance;• provide skin protection: against the damaging effects of free radicals.

Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):• a “vitamin of youth,” making it possible for the skin to look younger by nourishing,

moisturizing and regenerating it while strengthening the epidermal barrier layer;• releases the cells from the effects of free radicals, slows down aging processes;• makes the skin more resistant to the effects of UV-rays; • is involved in tissue respiration and other vital metabolic tissue processes, prevents

increased capillary permeability and fragility.

Purpose• Penetrating deeply into the skin’s pores, it removes excessive sebum without drying

the skin.• Normalizes oil gland activity, soothes the skin and removes erythema.• Restores pH level.

Suitable for oily skin at any age.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of gel to your palms, mix with water to obtain a foam and spread over the face and neck. Massage in for 1-2 minutes, then wash off with water. Recommended for use in combination with the other products in the Master Herb line for the best results.

ResultThe skin is left clean without the sensation of “oily heaviness,” free of blackheads and dilated pores.

Package: 100 g. Code: 11319.

”Unique jojoba liquid wax became very important as a

substitute for spermaceti, the liquid animal wax derived from the head of the sperm whale. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical composition of jojoba and spermaceti are identical.

Nicotinic acid deficiency results in a severe type of dermatitis: pellagra (from the Italian “pelle agra” — “rough skin”). The name “vitamin PP” is decoded as “pellagra preventing factor,” i.e. the factor that prevents pellagra, and is not related to tobacco nicotine at all!


Master Herb lineAnti-Acne Facial Lotion

Lotion is used after the first stage of skin cleansing, i.e. washing with gel. It helps remove everything unnecessary from the skin, penetrating deep into the pores and thoroughly cleansing them. In contrast to toning products, lotion has disinfecting properties because it has been especially developed for the fight against acne.

The word “lotion” originates from the Latin term “lotio,” meaning “washing.” Wine diluted with water was likely the first lotion. Active lotion ingredients are the vegetable extracts of Salvia miltiorrhiza, Aloe barbadensis and Lonicera caprifolium.

Aloe Barbadensis Extract contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, the following of which are the most important for oily skin:• polysaccharide acemannan, stimulating the skin’s immunity and enhancing cells’

ability to resist bacteria and viruses; • salicylic acid, a liposoluble acid that is able to freely penetrate into oil glands, thereby

dissolving blackheads; it has antiseptic properties, helps fight against acne; V aloe pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level, therefore, aloe normalizes its acid-alkaline balance;

V called “a vehicle” for its ability to penetrate deep into body tissues; it does this 3-4 times quicker than water. As a result, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to deep skin layers;

Lonicera Caprifolium Extract:• contains polyphenols; a component of fruit and berry pigments, they are created

by Mother Nature to protect plants against the adverse effects of the environment, viruses and pests. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants for the skin;

• contains natural fruit acids (malic acid and citric acid), which are the popular ingredients of chemical peels. They provide for the exfoliation of epidermal corneous cells and promote skin renewal;

• moistens the skin and therefore helps smooth out the small wrinkles.

Purpose• Refreshes, tones the skin.• Removes the excessive sebum secreted by oil glands, restores pH level.• Vegetable extracts soothe the skin, promote the removal of edema and erythema.

ApplicationApply to clean skin using a cotton pad. Treat mostly problem zones, avoiding the area around the eyes. Use in conjunction with the other products in the Master Herb line to achieve the best results.

ResultClean skin means clean pores!

Package: 60 ml. Code: 11320.

”Aloe is an excellent “diagnostician” and

“physician”: it knows all about the needs of your skin and can meet them! It soothes irritated areas, intensively moisturizes dehydrated regions and rids oily zones of unhealthy shine.


Master Herb lineAnti-Acne and Scar Facial Cream

The daily care of problem oily skin is aimed not only at the fight against acne, but also at the removal of the consequences of this fight. Dehydration is the most common among them.

Oily skin should be moisturized: many people believe that dry and dehydrated skin types are synonymous. But in fact, there is a significant difference. First of all, dry skin experiences nutrient and fatty-lubricant deficiency. Dehydrated skin suffers from moisture deficiency alone, which is in no way associated with oil quantity. In the case of moisture deficiency, oily skin ramps up oil gland activity; it begins producing more sebum (in order to retain its remaining moisture). Anti-Acne and Scar Facial Cream fights against acne while preserving the skin’s normal hydrobalance. Active cream ingredients are Salvia miltiorrhiza extract, Aloe barbadensis extract, panthenol and vitamin E (tocopherol)Panthenol is provitamin B5, a derivative of pantothenic acid (from the Greek word “pantos,” meaning “everywhere”). Pantothenic acid is contained in all living biological tissues and in case of their damage, the need for it is greatly increased. Panthenol: • has a dermatoprotective property: it favors rapid tissue regeneration, soothes

irritation;• acts as a moisturizer, improving hydration of the skin’s corneal layer and decreasing

water loss;• protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment.

Purpose• Prevents the formation of scars after acne.• Nourishes and moisturizes oily skin, regulates oil gland activity.• Removes erythema, fights against defects, evens the complexion and skin

microsurface.ApplicationApply it to the skin with light massaging movements until complete absorption. Use in combination with the other products in the Master Herb line to achieve the best results.ResultThe skin is moisturized and restored. Defect number is reduced, the face looks healthy and beautiful.

Package: 20 g. Code: 11323.


Master Herb line«PhytoCorrector» Anti-Acne Facial Lotion

“PhytoCorrector” Anti-Acne Facial Lotion is a topical product, it should be applied directly to acne foci.

It is commonly believed that oily skin and acne are problems of young people experiencing hormonal change. But adult people also suffer frequently from increased skin oiliness. According to statistics, up to 80% of the population faces the problem of acne at age 12-25, and approximately 30-40% of all people aged 25 or older.Active lotion ingredients are extracts of Salvia miltiorrhiza, Lonicera Caprifolium, Chrysanthemum Parthenium and Mentha Piperita Leaf.

Echinacea Purpurea Root Extract:• stimulates the protective mechanisms of the skin’s immune cells;• contains polysaccharides moisturizing the skin;• contains polyphenols, which resist the attack of free radicals.

The skin is the body’s shield, constantly repelling attacks from the outside world. Many microbes coming in contact with the skin die within 20-30 minutes. Mentha Piperita Leaf Extract:• when coming in contact with the skin, it creates a

sesation of coolness by rapidly consticting pores and lowering oil gland activity;

• improves skin cell circulation and metabolism;• fights against acne by preventing bacterial propagation.

Chrysanthemum Parthenium Extract:• contains highly-active antioxidants — vitamin C and

vitamin E; their content in Chrysanthemum Parthenium is greater than that in any other plant;

• helps smooth out small wrinkles;• enriches the skin with mineral substances: potassium,

magnesium and zinc.

Purpose• Prevents the development of acne, regulates oil gland

activity.• Removes erythema, soothes the skin, prevents the

occurrence of scars.• Strengthens the skin’s natural protective resources.

ApplicationApply the product to acne-affected areas several times daily. Use in combination with the other products in the Master Herb line to achieve the best results.

Result The secret of perfection is now available for your skin: the problem of acne is solved.

Package: 10 g. Code: 11322.


Master Herb line«BioComplex» Anti-Acne Facial Gel

“BioComplex” Anti-Acne Facial Gel is “first aid” in solving the problem of acne. Its active ingredients promote the rapid healing of eruptions and prevent the spread of acne. “BioComplex” Anti-Acne Facial Gel contains extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa flower, Chrysanthemum Parthenium, Camellia sinensis leaf, camphor, menthol and panthenol.

Hibiscus sabdariffa flower extract:• is a source of tartaric, citric and malic acid, which provide for deep pore cleansing and

the exfoliation of keratinized skin cells;• is a source of vitamin C and flavonoids, which are components of the skin’s antioxidant

protection;• is a source of polysaccarides, which normalize the skin’s natural hydrobalance.

Camellia sinensis leaf extract:• is a powerful antioxidant preventing destruction of the lipid film, strengthening the

epidermal barrier and reducing moisture loss;• contains tannins, which improve skin circulation, tone the skin and boast antimicrobial

actvity;• contains caffeine, which constricts pores and activates metabolic skin processes.

Camphor is obtained from the wood of the camphor tree: • constricts pores, regulates oil gland activity;• has an antiseptic effect, helps rid the skin of acne;• has a slight whitening effect.

Menthol:• constricts pores, lowers oil gland activity;• improves circulation and metabolism in skin cells;• fights against acne by preventing bacterial propagation.

Purpose• Promotes the rapid removal of acne and prevents its onset.• Constricts pores and regulates oil gland activity.• Maintains the regeneration process of epidermal cells.

ApplicationApply the product to inflamed zones and the surrounding skin 2-3 times daily. Use in conjunction with the other products in the Master Herb line to achieve the best results.

ResultAcne disappears within 1-2 days.

Package: 25 g. Code 11321.


Master Herb linePurpose• Deeply cleanses the skin, promotes the elimination of

post-acne spots and scars, prevents the development of acne.

• Stimulates cell renewal, evens skin color and microsurface.

• Normalizes the secretion of oil glands, restores the hydro-lipid balance, prevents moisture loss.

ApplicationApply the mask to the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, then remove any residue with water. It is recommended to use the mask daily for 2 weeks, then 2-3 times a week thereafter.

ResultSmooth skin, beautiful and even complexion.

Package: 35 g. Code: 11307.

Anti-acne and scars face cleansing maskOily skin is frequently accompanied by scars, which are traces of the long and persistent fight against acne. It is impossible to “erase” them using scrubs, since these products target healthy skin: any scrub, even the finest one, will spread the infection over the face and several eruptions will occur instead of one. Moreover, scrub causes additional injury to inflamed skin.

Anti-Acne and Scars Cleansing Masks are sure to become an important discovery for problem skin. They contain AHA (alpha hydroxyl) and BHA (beta hydroxyl) acids.

AHA (alpha hydroxyl) acids are commonly known as “fruit acids” because they were first discovered in fruit. They include glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric and other acids. They gently cleanse the skin from excessive sebum and dead cells, leaving it flawless by evening skin color and texture.

Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used lactic acid (sour milk), glycolic acid (sugar-cane juice), tartaric acid (wine sediment) and other acids (fruit and berry juices) for skin rejuvenation. Glycolic acid is contained in sugar-cane and green grapes. Its molecule has the lowest weight in the AHA row, therefore, it easily penetrates through the epidermal barrier and has the most pronounced effect.

Lactic acid is contained in sour milk, yoghurt, whortleberry, passion-flower, maple syrup, apples, tomato juice and grapes. It has pronounced moisturizing and exfoliation effects.

Malic acid is contained in fruits and vegetables, mainly in apples and tomatoes. It exfoliates and stimulates cells, intensifying cellular metabolism.

Tartaric acid is contained in mature grapes, old wine and oranges. It has exfoliating, whitening and moisturizing effects.

Citric acid is contained in the fruit of citrus plants (lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange). It has a whitening effect on the skin, which is enhanced in the presence of tartaric acid. It has antioxidant and bactericidal properties.

BHA (beta hydroxyl) acids are used in combination with fruit acids. The main difference between AHA- and BHA-acids is that AHA acids are water soluble while BHA acids are liposoluble. Liposoluble acids are able to penetrate oil gland ducts and dissolve sebum plugs. The placenta peel contains salicylic acid, which is the most notable specimen of BHA. It is contained in the form of esters in birch bark and gaultheria leaves. It has keratolytic (exfoliating) and antiseptic properties.

Algae extract: • compensates for skin moisture loss thanks to its content of alginic acid: it absorbs

300x its own weight in water; • regulates the skin’s acid-base balance, promotes reduced sebum production. • moistens the skin and smoothes out small wrinkles.


Master Herb linePurifying Clear Pore Nose StripBamboo Charcoal Nose Cleansing Strip

Deep pore cleansing is very important for oily skin. Otherwise, you won’t be able to avoid blackheads or comedons.

A comedon (Latin comedo, comedonis — “glutton”) is a pore overfilled with a mixture of thick sebum fat and keratinized cells. A small plug is formed, whose “apex” is oxidized in the air and turns black. Comedons like to concentrate in the center of attention — on the nose. The Clear Pore Purifying Strip in the Master Herb line will help get rid of them. Its cotton base is saturated with active ingredients, including the mineral bentonite and Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract.

Bentonite: • is a natural mineral distinct from clay in that it forms a gel when mixed with liquid;• absorbs dirt and sebum;• rids the skin of toxins.

Hamamelis virginiana leaf extract:• constricts pores no less effectively than special lotions; reduces the secretion of oil

glands;• is a source of tannins, which provide a bactericidal effect;• is a source of flavonoids, which boast antioxidant properties.

”Hamamelis is a perennial bush commonly known as “witch-hazel.” It was so named because of its

wonderful properties: bushes exposed to stress can begin to blosson absolutely unexpectedly — sometimes even in mid-autumn. And hamamelis flowers are extremely frost-resistant: they become hardened because of frost at night and thaw out and open again in the day. Interestingly, hamamelis is never affected by pests.

Purpose• Cleanses and constricts pores, ridding them of

comedons.• Reduces oil gland secretion.• By creating a compress effect, Clear Pore Purifying

Strip stimulates metabolic processes in the skin cells due to the active ingredients it contains.

ApplicationRemove the protective film, attach the Strip to the nasal area — once cleansed and dampened with water. Make sure that it adheres well to the skin. Remove in 10-15 minutes. Use as necessary 1-3 times a week.

ResultSkin cleansing without steaming, squeezing or even a trip to the cosmetologist!

Package: 1 pc. Code; 11317.


Master Herb lineBamboo Charcoal Nose Cleansing Strip

It’s a fact: 75% of people have comedons, and blackheads can occur on both dry and normal skin, although oily skin is by far the most susceptible.Bamboo Charcoal Purifying Strip is based on Bambusa arundinacea leaf extract, a natural absorbent that extracts contaminants from pores like a magnet, as well as lactic acid, vitamin E and titanium dioxide.

Bambusa arundinacea leaf extract: • stops bacteria growth: wherever the plant is, in a swamp, mud etc., it does not rot

and is not covered with mold or fungus. Eighty percent of all bacteria dies on the surface of natural Bambusa arundinacea fiber within 24 hours;

• contains silicium, a microelement as essential to the skin as calcium is to bones; the skin becomes flabby, disposed to rash and rapid aging without silicium;

• binds moisture and protects the skin from dryness, maintains pH balance.

Lactic acid: • stimulates the exfoliation of corneous scales and epidermis renewal;• has the most powerful moisturizing effect of all AHA-acids because it is contained in

the natural moisturizing factor (NMF); • is able to bind water by means of hygroscopic molecules and while penetrating the

skin, it delivers moisture to deep epidermis layers;• prevents bacteria propagation.

Purpose• Absorbs contaminants in a natural way by cleansing and constricting pores. • Soothes irritation and nourishes the skin.• Promotes normalization of the skin’s natural hydrobalance, stimulates metabolic

processes in the cells.

ApplicationRemove the protective film, attach the Strip to the nasal area — once cleansed and dampened with water. Make sure that it adheres well to the skin. Remove in 10-15 minutes. Use as necessary 1-3 times a week.

ResultAll of the contaminants that have accumulated in skin pores are left on the Strip. Pores become less noticeable, the skin “breathes” again!

Package: 1 pc. Code: 11325.


SPA-tecnologies line


SPA-tecnologies line

A living organism is animated water.

Leonardo da Vinci

According to one version, the word SPA is the abbreviation of the Latin phrase Sanus per Aqua, literally meaning “health through water.” As far back as the 5th Century B.C., the Greek scientist and thinker Herodotus developed a method for using mineral water for therapeutic purposes. Somewhat later, the famed healer Hippocrates mentioned the benefits and amazing properties of sea, salt and river water in his writings. Ancient Romans invented thermal baths, drawing on the experience of the Greeks.

Today, the spa is an entire industry and a set of luxurious salon procedures incorporating the use of valuable natural components that harmonize not just the body but also the mind. Cosmetic products in the SPA Technology line have been developed on the basis of the best spa traditions and include “luxury ingredients” (pearl powder and Hydrolyzed conchiolin protein, placental extract, sodium stearoyl hydrolyzed silk). The SPA Technology line includes components aimed at meeting the most important skin need, i.e. moisturizing.

Our skin consists of roughly two-thirds water, amounting to about 8 liters. And the skin contains 25-35% of our body’s total water content. Moisture is as vital to the skin’s robust activity as air is to the lungs.

Aging begins when the body loses water. Studies show that insufficient water content in epidermal and dermal cells results in disturbances of all skin metabolic and recovery processes. Therefore, the skin should be treated to spa-procedures 365 days a year.The skin should be moisturized in summer because: • it sweats and actively loses moisture due to hot weather; • the air in air-conditioned rooms is very dry, causing the skin to lose moisture stores 2-3

times quicker than outdoors;• UV-rays destroy the epidermal barrier, resulting in increased transepidermal moisture


The skin should be moisturized in winter because: • moisture is evaporated very rapidly from the skin’s surface at low temperatures;

therefore, the popular belief that moisturizers should not be used in winter is simply mistaken;

• the air in heated rooms is very dry, therefore, the skin rapidly loses its moisture stores; • cold wind and frost promote destruction of the epidermal barrier, resulting in

increased transepidermal moisture losses.

The skin has its own natural irrigation system. It includes a water-intake mechanism that “draws” water from internal and external sources; this is natural moisturizing factor (NMF). It is contained in the corneous layer and includes a complex of organic molecules: amino acids, fats, salts, minerals and other substances attracting moisture from the air and cosmetic products and retaining it in the epidermis.

”Without the molecules of the natural moisturizing factor,

water loss by the corneous layer would total 8.5 liters daily.

The epidermal (lipid) barrier is also responsible for water preservation in the skin. It is a defensive structure serving as the main obstacle in the way of liquid evaporation. Epidermal lipids play a role in “cementing” epidermal cells with one another. If gaps occur in the “cement,” the skin loses its barrier properties and water is evaporated from it very intensively. This process of transepidermal moisture loss (TEWL) is one of the main causes of dehydration.

Spa-saving the skin:Active ingredients in the SPA Technology line:• are able to “quench the thirst” of the skin: intensively

saturating it with moisture; • recover the skin’s physiological moisturizer, i.e. the

natural moisturizing factor (NMF); • protect the skin from “water leakage” by “patching

up the holes” in the epidermal barrier and lowering transepidermal moisture loss (TEWL).


SPA-tecnologies lineNatural Beauty Cleansing Gel

The use of overly-aggressive cleansers is one of the most widespread causes of skin dehydration.

Natural Beauty Cleansing Gel is based on a gentle cleansing ingredient that is often used in cosmetic products for children and bio-cosmetics, i.e. cocamidopropyl betaine.

Cocamidopropyl betaine is a soft-surface active agent obtained from coconut oil. Its amphoteric (from the Greek word “amphoteros” — “both”) nature is explained by the presence of different functional groups, some of which are acidic and the others — alkaline. Therefore, the acid-base balance of cocamidopropyl betaine is compatible with the natural pH level of facial skin, which ranges from 4 (oily type) to 5.7 (dry type).

This gel contains the sebo-regulating ingredient hydroxyethylcellulose.

Hydroxyethylcellulose has an oil-eliminating effect because it absorbs oil like a sponge absorbs water. It does not irritate the skin, and is used in foodstuffs and medicines as a stabilizer and water-retaining ingredient.

Hydroxyethylcellulose, a cellulose derivative (from the French cellulose, and Latin cellula, literally meaning “room, cubicle, cell”), is cellular and one of the most widespread polysaccharides, the main component of vegetable cell walls and responsible for providing vegetable tissue with strength and elasticity.

Natural Beauty Cleansing Gel is supplemented with the antiseptic ingredient triclosan.

Triclosan was first synthesized in Switzerland in 1965 and since that time has been used in oral care products, hand creams, haircare items and other personal hygiene products.

It’s a fact: 99 microbial species in a colony of 100 are sensitive to triclosan. Purpose• Effectively cleanses the skin from make-up, sebum and external contaminants without

damaging the epidermal barrier.• Regulates the skin’s lipid balance, making the skin look matte. • Prevents the development of acne, improves the complexion.

ApplicationMix a small quantity of gel with water to obtain a foam, apply to the damp face and neck, massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Suitable for skin of any age and type.ResultA sensation of comfort and natural skin cleanness.

Package: 150 g. Code: 10203.

According to statistics, dehydrated skin develops due to improper skincare in 50% of all cases.


SPA-tecnologies lineGreen Tea Cleansing Gel

This cosmetic product contains gentle cleansing ingredients (cocamidopropyl betaine, hydroxyethylcellulose) that delicately remove contaminants and sebum without damaging epidermal barrier properties, all the while preserving the skin’s natural pH balance. Green Tea Cleansing Gel is enriched with Camellia sinensis leaf extract.

Camellia sinensis leaf extract is a source of vitamins С, Е, B1, K, Е, P, PP and an essential oil containing more than 100 ingredients that are beneficial for the skin:• contains a very rich complex of antioxidants that protect the skin from the destructive

effects of free radicals; • the polyphenols it contains prevent the destruction of the lipid film, strengthening the

epidermal barrier and reducing transepidermal moisture loss. • moistens the skin, helping smooth out small wrinkles.

Purpose• Cleanses the skin gently yet effectively without disturbing its acid-base balance. • Constricts pores, suppresses the excessive activity of oil glands.• Restores the skin’s matte tint, improves complexion.

ApplicationMix a small quantity of gel with water to obtain a foam, apply to the damp face and neck, massage for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Suitable for skin of any age and type.

ResultClean skin without irritation or a sensation of tightness.

Package: 150 g. Code; 10201.

Seaweed Cleansing Milk Seaweed Cleansing Milk gently cleanses the skin’s surface from contaminants and sebum, leaving a sensation of natural cleanness and comfort. The cosmetic product contains active moisturizing “marine” ingredients: algae extract and hydrolyzed conchiolin protein.

Algae еxtract:• is a concentrate of beneficial substances obtained from seawater and salt that

effectively enriches the skin with minerals and vitamins А, В2, С, Е, D, which stimulate and regenerate the skin cells;

• is a source of polysaccharides, which attract moisture from the air. These substances leave the skin with an airy film that absorbs moisture from the outside and prevents its evaporation. It’s like “sealing” water in an envelope, so the moisturizing effect of polysaccharides lasts for a long time;

• alginic acid is the main polysaccharide of algae extract. It absorbs 300x its own weight in water;

• contains potassium and sodium, which are regulators of the water-salt metabolism of skin cells.

Algae are nearly 10 times as rich in microelements as land plants. Hydrolyzed conchiolin protein is a source of the easily-assimilated protein conchiolin, which contains more than 20 amino acids related to the amino acids of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF): • is a natural moisturizer, regulates the skin’s

hydrobalance;• has detoxifying and antioxidant effects, absorbs

ultraviolet rays;• stimulates circulation, promotes active cell

regeneration;• whitens the skin.

Purpose• This fine milk gently cleanses the skin without leaving

a sensation of dryness or tightness.• Maintains the skin’s normal pH balance.• Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the milk to the face with careful circular movements along the massage lines. Massage in for 1-2 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

ResultThe skin looks healthy and glows.

Package: 150 g. Code: 10204.


SPA-tecnologies lineOcean Beauty Cleansing Gel

Beauty Ocean Cleansing Gel contains a complex of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor ingredients (NMF): Sodium PCA, lactic acid and sodium lactate. This gel is enriched with collagen amino acids and retinol (vitamin A).

Sodium PCA, a natural amino acid derived from vegetables, sugar or starch, is the basis of the skin’s natural moisturizing process: • effectively absorbs and retains liquid, maintains optimum moisture level;• softens, reduces the sloughing and irritation of dry skin. • helps smooth out small wrinkles.

Lactic acid has the strongest moisturizing effect of all AHA-acids because it’s the skin’s natural moisturizing component:• is included in the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF), so it effectively moisturizes

and maintains the optimum epidermis hydro-balance;• stimulates the exfoliation of corneous scales and epidermis renewal, thereby boosting

the content of the skin’s functionally-active natural moisturizing factor (NMF) and bound water molecules;

• binds water due to hygroscopic molecules, delivers water to deep epidermis layers after penetrating the skin.

Sodium lactate, a lactic acid derivative: • is a “physiological” skin moisturizer. Its composition is similar to natural moisturizing

factor composition, therefore, sodium lactate actively replenishes water deficiency in the skin;

• restores pH level to its physiological norm;• inhibits the growth of microorganisms extraneous to the skin.

Sodium lactate is used in the food industry as a moisture-retaining and acidity-regulating agent. Collagen amino acids:• penetrating the deep skin layers, glutamic acid, leucine, lysine, aspargine, glycine and

valine promote its regeneration; • strengthen the skin’s collagen “frame;” they are built in the structure of collagen

fibers, where they act as “spare parts;”• moisturize the skin, making it supple.

Retinol (vitamin A):• has excellent antioxidant properties, successfully fights against free radicals;• activates regeneration processes; as a result, the skin breathes better and is

moisturized, with nutrients penetrating it more easily;• accelerates the skin-cell division process (this process slows down as we grow older).

We stimulate collagen synthesis by “boosting” the skin with a dose of vitamin A.

Purpose• Effectively cleanses the skin’s surface, constricting

pores. • Maintains the activity of the skin’s natural moisturizing

factor ingredients, normalizes its hydro-lipid balance. • Activates the skin’s natural protective mechanisms.

ApplicationMix a small quantity of gel with water to obtain a foam, apply to the damp face and neck, massage for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Suitable for skin of any age and type.

ResultClean, soft and moisturized skin.

Package: 150 g. Code: 10202.


SPA-tecnologies lineMilk Peeling

A peel (from the English term “to peel” — “to remove the rind, skin”) is a cosmetological procedure aimed at removal of the thickened epidermis corneous layer.

Not only the skin’s appearance, freshness and color, but also its moisturizing depend on the condition of the epidermis. A complex of natural moisturizing factor (NMF) molecules is located on the surface of the main epidermal cells — keratinocytes. They attract water from the surrounding air and retain it, generating a water “pillow” from which our skin can “drink” if necessary. NMF is the most pronounced in young cells and degrades in old corneous scales. Keratinocyte renewal processes are accelerated in response to the sloughing off of keratinized cells, thereby increasing natural moisturizing factor concentration.

The peels in the SPA Technology line exfoliate (peel) the corneous cell layer, thereby stimulating the epidermis to qualitative regenerative changes.

Should I use a peel or a scrub? The difference between a scrub and a peel lies in the nature of the effect. A scrub involves mechanical skin cleansing — it removes dead cells with the help of abrasive particles. The word “abrasive” originates from the Latin word “abrasio” and means “stripping, scratching.” This procedure is quite traumatizing for the skin. Peels remove dead cells by dissolving them — without damaging the skin. Dissolution is caused by acids.

Malic acid is the main ingredient of SPA Technology peels.

Malic acid is one of the most popular fruit (AHA) acids; it is contained in many fruits and vegetables, especially in apples and tomatoes: • dissolves sebum plugs and epidermal keratinized scales, thereby cleansing the skin

from dead cells;• stimulates skin-cell renewal processes and increases the content of the skin’s

functionally-active natural moisturizing factor;• activates fibroblast activity, intensifying collagen and hyaluronic acid synthesis,

resulting in significantly-increased skin moisturizing levels.

The moisturizing action of the Milk Peel is enhanced by hydrolyzed milk protein. It minimizes the reactions caused by skin irritation, accelerates recovery processes.

Hydrolyzed milk protein:• enhances cell viability while softening and moisturizing even the most dry and

sensitive skin;• contains cytokines, skin-cell growth factors that accelerate regeneration processes.

Growth factors issue a command for the body to generate cells in the required number and dispatch them to the required site; thus, cell division is stimulated and natural renewal takes place;

• contains lactoferrin, which is a protein and active antioxidant that prevents lipid oxidation in the cell membrane. Thus, it protects the cell from disturbances in vital activity processes because it obtains nutrients and “communicates” with other cells via the membrane; lactoferrin is an immunomodulator enhancing the activity of the skin’s immune-cell macrophages.

Purpose• Provides for exfoliation of the epidermal surface layer,

cleanses thoroughly and constricts pores.• Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms.• Promotes enhanced collagen, elastin and hyaluronic

acid synthesis. • Smoothes fine lines, reduces the degree of deep

wrinkles.• Improves complexion, clarifies nevi pigmentosis,

leaves the skin matte and supple.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face except for the region around the eyes; massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids: • individual intolerance; • skin hypersensitivity; • fresh skin injuries; • herpes rash; • rosacea; • extended sun exposure.

Recommendations on usage frequency: • oily skin — 2-3 times a week, • normal skin — 1-2 times a week, • dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultClean, moisturized skin, healthy complexion and smooth surface.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30247.


SPA-tecnologies lineLemon Peeling

Lemon Peeling contains the extract of the Citrus aurantium bergamia fruit, which was obtained by cross-breeding lemon and bitter orange.

Citrus aurantium bergamia fruit extract:• constricts pores, regulates the secretion of oil glands;• promotes normalization of the skin’s hydrobalance, refreshes, tones and whitens the

skin;• contains bioflavonoids, which have antioxidant and restorative effects on the skin; • promotes the excretion of harmful metabolic products and toxins.

The peel also contains ingredients boasting an active moisturizing effect: malic acid, sodium stearoyl hydrolyzed silk and collagen amino acids.

Sodium stearoyl hydrolyzed silk is “liquid silk” obtained via hydrolysis of the silk fibers produced by the silkworm: • forms a light “film” on the skin’s surface; this “film” gives the skin silky smoothness

and a slight lifting effect;• contains fibroins (from the Latin word “fibra” — “fiber”), proteins forming the base

of natural silk fiber; V fibroins contain a significant quantity of glycin: each second amino acid in its structure is glycin, a component of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor;

V fibroins have marvelous moisturizing properties: their molecules are able to attract and retain 300x their own weight in water!

The cosmetic properties of silk were first discovered in China: female-workers at silk factories noted that their hands were becoming amazingly smooth and soft. Since that time, the wives of emperors began rubbing their body with silk strips in order to have fine skin. Silk fabric was also used for maintaining hair beauty: the hair was dried with a piece of silk fabric after washing; as a result, the hair became extraordinarily shiny and silky.

Purpose• Provides for exfoliation of the skin’s dead cell layer. • Constricts pores, regulates the secretion of oil glands. • Has a whitening effect. • Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms.• Promotes enhanced collagen, elastin and hyaluronic

acid synthesis.• Smoothes fine lines, reduces the degree of deep


ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• prolonged sun exposure.

Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultThe skin becomes smooth and supple, wrinkles are less noticeable, the complexion is more even.

Package: 120 g. Код: 30246.


SPA-tecnologies lineOlive Peeling

This peel is enriched with Olea europaea fruit oil, which is one of the most valuable cosmetic ingredients for the skin.

Olea europaea fruit oil:• contains linoleic acid in the same percentage as breast milk; • contains oleic acid, which is a component of the skin’s epidermal lipids; therefore, it

strengthens the epidermal protective barrier and lowers transepidermal moisture loss;

• contains vitamin E, which is called the “vitamin of youth” for its ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. If a competition were held for the best skin vitamin, vitamin E would surely rank in the top-3.

The peel also contains malic acid and collagen amino acids.

Purpose• Gently removes the keratinized cell layer, thereby renewing the upper epidermal

layers. • Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms, preventing sloughing and

erythema. • Constricts pores, improves and evens the complexion. • Promotes enhanced collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid synthesis.• Smoothes fine lines, reduces the degree of deep wrinkles.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• prolonged sun exposure.Safety precautions Before using the product, perform a spot test: apply a small quantity of the product to the back of the hand and observe the reaction for 24 hours. If signs of side effects develop (burning, erythema, itching, pricking, pain, hypersensitivity to sunlight), discontinue use of the product.

Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultSoft, supple skin, healthy complexion, reduced number and depth of wrinkles.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30251.


SPA-tecnologies lineCucumber Peeling

This peel restores the skin’s beautiful, even color thanks to its content of Cucumis sativus fruit extract.

Cucumis sativus fruit extract:• contains polysaccharides, which increase the skin’s moisture level;• contains polyphenols, which protect the skin from the effects of free radicals; • contains the enzyme lysozyme, which whitens and cleanses the skin, ridding it of

blackheads;• constricts pores and has a softening effect.

This peel contains malic acid, which provides for the exfoliation of keratinized epidermal scales and activates the skin’s renewal processes.

Purpose• Deeply cleanses the skin by gently exfoliating keratinized cells. • Clarifies the skin, evens facial tint.• Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms• Constricts pores. • Promotes enhanced collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid synthesis.• Smoothes fine wrinkles, reduces the degree of deep wrinkles.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• extended sun exposure.

Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultРовный цвет лица, мягкость и гладкость кожи, улучшение тургора.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30248.


SPA-tecnologies lineGrape Peeling

This peel contains Vitis vinifera juice extract — a product that has become popular as a powerful antioxidant in connection with the so-called “French paradox.”

Vitis vinifera juice extract:• contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant whose discovery explained the “French

paradox;” • its antioxidant effect is tens of times more powerful than vitamin E and vitamin C —

even in the case of their combined use when the synergetic effect is observed; • protects collagen and elastin from free-radical damage, i.e. preserves skin firmness

and suppleness; • contains tannins, which constrict pores and normalize sebum production.

The peel contains a fruit acid that acts as an exfoliant, and collagen amino acids that enhance elasticity and the skin’s moisture content.

Purpose• Gently removes keratinized scales, deeply cleanses and constricts pores. • Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms.• Promotes enhanced collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid synthesis.• Smoothes fine wrinkles, reduces the degree of deep wrinkles.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• prolonged sun exposure.

Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultThe skin becomes firmer, smoother and more supple.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30249.

”Resveratrol is the key to the “French paradox”: although

a tremendous amount of wine has traditionally been consumed in France, the country has the best statistics in terms of cardiovascular disease. Scientists once explained this paradox by the favorable effect of small doses of alcohol — until a substance known as resveratrol was discovered in the peel of Vitis vinifera. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect and strengthens blood vessels.


SPA-tecnologies linePomegranate Peeling

This peel contains Punica granatum extract with a high content of fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids, which fight one of the main causes of skin dehydration, i.e. transepidermal moisture loss. Punica granatum extract:• strengthens the epidermal barrier thanks to its content of fatty acids (fatty acids

are “intercellular cement” binding corneous layer scales and preventing water from evaporating uncontrollably);

• contains punicic acid, which improves cell metabolic processes, has a soothing effect on the skin and antimicrobial activity;

• contains phytosterols, which prevent the development of wrinkles by providing skin protection against free radicals.

The peel contains malic acid and collagen amino acids, which are ingredients stimulating the skin to active renewal and moisturizing.

Purpose• Accelerates exfoliation of the epidermal surface layer, deeply cleanses and constricts

pores. • Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms, soothes irritated skin.• Prevents skin aging processes by protecting its cells from free radicals. • Smoothes fine lines, reduces the degree of deep wrinkles.ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• prolonged sun exposure.Safety precautions Before using the product, perform a spot test: apply a small quantity of the product to the back of the hand and observe the reaction for 24 hours. If signs of side effects develop (burning, erythema, itching, pricking, pain, hypersensitivity to sunlight), discontinue use of the product.Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultThe skin is smooth and velvety, wrinkles are less noticeable.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30250.


SPA-tecnologies linePeach Peeling

This peel contains Prunus persica fruit extract and malic acid, which effectively replenish moisture deficiency in the skin and prevent its loss.

Prunus persica fruit extract:• contains sugars, dextrins, pectin substances and starch, which are moisturizers with a

long-lasting effect that promote rapid moisture-balance recovery in the skin; • contains flavonoids and vitamin C, powerful antioxidants that prevent premature skin

aging;• contains pangamic acid, which improves tissue respiration.

Purpose• Gently removes the keratinized epidermal layer, deeply cleanses and constricts pores. • Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms.• Prevents the skin’s aging processes by protecting its cells from free radicals.• Smoothes fine lines, reduces the degree of deep wrinkles.• Improves the skin firmness.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• prolonged sun exposure.

Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultThe skin becomes firmer, smoother and more supple. Wrinkles become less noticeable.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30252.


SPA-tecnologies lineApple Peeling

Malic acid, Pyrus malus extract and collagen amino acids play the role of the peel’s “rejuvenating apples.”

Pyrus malus extract:• contains apple polysaccharide pectin, which is a powerful natural skin moisturizer that

promotes its smoothening and boasts a “surface lifting” effect; • contains vitamin C and flavonoids, which protect the skin from free-radical attacks; • improves metabolic processes in the skin, clarifies and cleanses it while leaving the

skin fresh and attractive.

Purpose• Gently removes keratinized cells, deeply cleanses and constricts pores.• Activates the skin’s natural moisturizing mechanisms.• Prevents the skin’s aging processes by protecting its cells from free radicals.• Smoothens fine lines, reduces the degree of deep wrinkles.• Improves skin firmness.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of the peel to the cleansed face, except for the region around the eyes. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then wash off thoroughly with cool water. It is not recommended to sunbathe or use other exfoliants after the peel.

Contraindications against the use of products containing AHA-acids:• individual intolerance;• skin hypersensitivity;• fresh skin injuries;• herpes rash;• rosacea;• prolonged sun exposure.

Recommendations on usage frequency:• oily skin — 2-3 times a week,• normal skin — 1-2 times a week,• dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

ResultSkin texture is evened, the skin acquires a beautiful matte tint, pores and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Package: 120 g. Code: 30253.


SPA-tecnologies lineAloe Face Film Mask

Film masks combine the advantages of surface peels with the caring properties of classical masks, i.e. moisturizing, nutrition and recovery.

Having saturated the skin with beneficial substances, the nutritive mask jelly will turn into a film; by taking it off, you remove dead corneous cells and cleanse obstructed pores.

Effect of film masks:• exfoliation (peeling) of the epidermal surface layer, deep cleansing and constriction

of pores;• evened skin texture; • improved microcirculation and creation of the perfect conditions for metabolic

processes in deep skin-layer cells;• activated epidermal cell (keratinocyte) renewal processes, followed by an increase

in natural moisturizing factor (NMF) concentration providing the optimum skin hydrobalance.

Aloe barbadensis leaf extract is the main ingredient of Film Mask.

Aloe barbadensis leaf extract::• contains more than 200 biologically-active substances, including: vitamins, amino

acids, enzymes, minerals and microelements, glycosides and many others; • contains polysaccharides, which promote maintenance of the skin’s normal

hydrobalance; • contains salycilyc acid and essential oils, which prevent acne; • its pH level coincides with the skin’s natural pH level, thereby allowing aloe to

normalize its acid-base balance;• has the unique ability to meet the requirements of any skin type. If your skin gives you

“surprises,” alternating between oiliness, dryness and sloughing, cosmetic products with Aloe extract are just what it needs;

• Aloe is called “a vehicle” for its ability to penetrate body tissue, which it does 3-4 times faster than water. Thanks to this, the beneficial substances contained in Aloe extract are rapidly delivered to deep skin layers.

Purpose• Dissolves sebum plugs by cleansing pores and removing the keratinized cell layer.• Delivers nutrients to the skin. • Favors normalization of the skin’s natural hydrobalance. • Prevents acne.

ApplicationApply the mask in a thick layer to the cleansed, dry face, careful not to touch the lip, eyebrow and eye area. Leave on for 18-20 min. Take the mask off from the bottom up, carefully separating its edges from the skin. If small film traces remain, wipe the face with a wet cotton ball.

Safety precautions Do not allow excessive drying of the mask: if the mask does not adhere to your dry fingers, this means that the mask has dried and may be taken off.

If you have dehydrated skin and excessive growth of vellus hair (“peach fuzz”), use the mask only with caution. It is contraindicated if you have rosacea.

ResultSoft, velvety skin, unnoticeable pores.

Package: 80 g. Code: 50226.


SPA-tecnologies linePlacenta Face Film Mask

Placenta Film Mask has a complex effect on the skin and replaces mechanical face cleansing. Active mask ingredients, hydrolyzed placental extract (Sheep) and vitamin E, nourish and moisturize the skin and stimulate renewal mechanisms.

Hydrolyzed (Sheep) placental extract is a product obtained by hydrolysis (breaking up) of the placental tissue, which is a unique natural complex containing proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, lipids, enzymes, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements.• stimulates the production of collagen: the composition of the protein contained in

sheep placenta is very similar to the basic building-block protein of human skin, i.e. collagen, whose natural production in the human body drops considerably as we grow older, resulting in the occurrence of wrinkles;

• “blocks” free radicals, the admitted perpetrators of premature aging;• activates the skin’s metabolic processes: placental extract contains a complex of

physiologically-active components (peptides, sodium, potassium, phosphorus mineral salts, nucleic acids, enzymes) that nourish the skin and saturate the cells with vital energy;

• enhances “cosmetic immunity”: the skin is an immunocompetent organ. This means that it’s responsible for its own immunity! Placental extract boosts the skin’s natural protective mechanisms;

• contains amino acids, which nourish the skin and create a protective film on it, thereby preventing moisture loss without impeding cellular respiration.

Vitamin Е (Tocopherol) is a “vitamin of youth” for the skin:• makes it possible for the skin to look younger by nourishing, moisturizing and

regenerating it, strengthening the epidermal barrier layer;• releases cells from the effects of free radicals, thereby slowing down aging processes;• makes skin more resistant to influence of UV rays.

Purpose• Cleanses deeply, freeing the skin from dead corneous scales. • Evens the complexion and facial skin surface. • Prevents wrinkles.• Is a source of nutrients for the skin.

ApplicationApply the mask in a thick layer to the cleansed dry face, careful not to touch the lip, eyebrow and eye area. Leave on for 18-20 min. Take the mask off from the bottom up, carefully separating its edges from the skin. If small film traces remain, wipe the face with a wet cotton ball.

Safety precautionsDo not allow excessive drying of the mask: if the mask does not adhere to your dry fingers, this means that the mask has dried and it may be taken off.

If you have dehydrated skin and excessive growth of vellus hair (“peach fuzz”), use the mask only with caution. It is contraindicated if you have rosacea.

ResultSmooth, supple skin without erythema or sloughing.

Package: 80 g. Code: 50227.


SPA-tecnologies lineWater Soluble Pearl Powder Mask

100% of the mask’s composition is pearl powder, which is ground natural pearl.

Pearl is a first-line energy supplier for cells. It is able to increase the production of cell “fuel”: adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which plays the role of universal energy accumulator and carrier in living organisms.

Pearls contain 22 amino-acid types, which are very important for the skin. They act similarly to the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF), therefore, they hydrate epidermis superbly.

Pearl powder is “precious nutrition” for cells:• thanks to its content of bioavailable calcium, it promotes the excretion of toxins,

improves tissue metabolism, and blocks the action of free radicals; • is a source of the freely-assimilated protein conchiolin, which is known as “pearl

protein.” A natural antioxidant and moisturizer, it regulates the skin’s water balance and pH level;

• pearl is a natural clarifier; it suppresses melanin synthesis and helps restore the skin’s healthy glow, eliminating nevi pigmentosis.

”Pearl powder is an expensive ingredient, and rightfully so — it takes 12 years for a natural pearl

to grow to the size of just a pea!

Purpose• Strengthens the cell’s protective powers, activates flabby, tired skin, enhances its

immune capabilities. • Moisturizes and nourishes, makes the skin fresh and firm.• Stimulates circulation, promotes active cell regeneration.

ApplicationMix pearl powder with warm (+30˚С) water (milk, fruit juice), bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream, then apply it to the cleansed skin for 15-20 min. Wash off with water.

Suitable for skin of any type and age.

ResultSupple, matte, silky skin and a healthy blush..

Package: 100 g. Code: 50224.


Solution line


Solution line

”According to studies by French scientists, 60% of all

appearance insecurities are caused by facial skin problems.

Do you have a problem? We have a solution!ACNE

Acne is not just a problem for adolescents. It may accompany a person throughout his (her) lifetime if his (her) face has elevated oil-gland activity.

Stop Acne Lotion in the Solution line targets the cause of acne, i.e. excessive sebum production. This cosmetic product not only effectively fights eruptions, but also helps avoid additional cosmetic flaws in the form of red spots and scars.

BAGS UNDER THE EYES It is a problem well known to many people. The cause lies with the peculiarities of the eye’s skin structure: its thickness is only 0.5 mm, 5-7 times thinner than on the cheeks. But eye expression is one of the most active muscle processes in the human body. Therefore, it is quite natural that the skin around the eyes often loses its tone. Disposition towards edemas is also caused by “loose” subcutaneous fatty tissue structure.

Smoothing Eye Patch in the Solution line has been especially developed for the delicate skin around the eyes. Its active ingredients improve tissue microcirculation, thereby promoting the excretion of excessive liquid and removal of edemas.

Are you satisfied with your reflection in the mirror?

If not, do not despair: you have, at least, 1000 chances to make your skin impeccable! You see, the epidermis is renewed an average of 1000 times over the course of a person’s lifetime. In order to prevent the problems of the old layer from being inherited by the new layer, use the special cosmetic products in the Solution line. The word solution has an English synonym: “resolution.” The products in this cosmetic line are aimed at solving — or resolving — the most common aesthetic skin problems: acne and bags under the eyes.


Solution lineStop Acne Lotion

Pimple squeezing is the most common and serious mistake made by people trying to rid themselves of acne. If the problem of acne were compared with flooding an apartment with water from an open tap, squeezing the pimples would be as effective as collecting the water already covering the floor. Until the tap is closed, the problem will not be solved. Moreover, squeezing pimples creates conditions for more active bacterial propagation and often results in the occurrence of scars.

Stop Acne Lotion in the Solution line helps get rid of acne without unpleasant consequences in the form of scars. The lotion’s main active ingredients are sodium shale oil sulfonate and Portulaca oleracea extract.

Sodium shale oil sulfonate:• contains phytoncydes (from the Greek word “φυτóν” — “plant” and the Latin word

“caedo” — “I kill”), which are biologically-active substances that have a destructive effect on bacteria and fungi;

• normalizes the function of oil glands by reducing sebum production;• gently dries pimples, accelerating tissue regeneration processes.

Portulaca oleracea extract:• contains linoleic acid, which is essential for oily skin. Its deficiency always accompanies

both juvenile and mature acne;• contains vitamin C, which protects cells from the destructive effects of free radicals

and supports collagen production, thereby helping to preserve the skin’s youthful appearance;

• elevates the skin’s protective functions, accelerates the regeneration process.

Purpose• Deeply cleanses the skin, absorbs excessive sebum.• Restores the skin’s physiological balance, improves the complexion.• Stimulates the acne healing process, prevents the occurrence of spots and scars.

ApplicationApply locally to problem areas in the morning and in the evening.

Suitable for skin of any type and age.

ResultGentle drying of individual pimples and rapid healing of acne.

Package: 7 ml. Code; 13203.


Solution lineSmoothing Eye Patch

Smoothing Eye Patch is able to restore the skin to a fresh, rested look in just 15 minutes. Its active ingredients: Portulaca oleracea extract, siloxanetriol alginate and caffeine make it possible to achieve this effect. They remove the edemas that influence blood vessels.

Portulaca oleracea extract:• contains noradrenaline, which acts similarly to the hormone synthesized by the

human adrenal cortex: it constricts vessels, promotes the outflow of excessive liquid and removal of edemas;

• acts similarly to a muscle relaxant: relaxes the expression muscles, neutralizes excessive contractions, thereby preventing the appearance of new wrinkles and promoting the smoothing of existing ones;

• contains vitamin C, which protects the cells from the destructive effects of free radicals and maintains collagen production, thereby helping to preserve the skin’s youthful appearance.

Siloxanetriol alginate is a mixture of the esters of alginic acid produced by marine algae: • smoothes the skin’s microsurface by increasing its moisture balance: alginic acid

absorbs 300x its own weight in water; • acts similarly to hyaluronic acid: it transforms liquid into gel, leaving the skin firmer; • strengthens vessels by exerting a strong antioxidant action.

Caffeine:• stimulates metabolic processes, thereby improving cell nutrition;• enhances the efficiency of antioxidants; • is a “dose of energy for tired skin”: edemas are the result of liquid retention, caffeine

eliminates it, thereby reducing congestive phenomena.

Tea also contains caffeine, which is why tea bags are applied to swollen eyes. Purpose• Provides intensive care for delicate eyelid skin.• Soothes, removes tension, smoothes fine lines.• Improves microcirculation, thereby promoting the elimination of puffiness.ApplicationRemove the protective coating from the patch, apply patch to the lower eyelid. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.Suitable for skin of any type and age.ResultPuffiness disappears, the eyes look rested.Package: 1 pc. Code: 13204.


line For men


line For men



At the dawn of mankind, men were kept busy with war, hunting or hard labor. Unshaven and swathed in a leopard skin, the representative of mankind’s stronger half was a standard-bearer of force, dexterity and manhood. He frightened away enemies by his violent appearance.

In today’s modern world, an attractive appearance is a competitive advantage: whether in his private life or career, a man aims not at frightening people away but, quite the contrary, at winning them over. A well-groomed man becomes the synonym of a successful man.

Of course, a man should always remain manly. But, applied to the rational male mind, ask this question: in which connection is face cream mentioned here?

Setting aside the aesthetic aspect of the question for a moment, we can safely assert that a man needs skincare no less than a woman does. You see, the objective of cosmetic products is achieving a sensation of comfort: the absence of the sensation of skin tightening, irritation and inflammation. And a man should know: skincare does not require titanic efforts or significant time expenditures.

Having begun to take care of his skin, a man should know that he will not solve his problems by borrowing a couple of cosmetic tubes from his girlfriend or wife. Men’s cosmetics differ from women’s cosmetic products not only in terms of fragrance and packaging color but also in terms of tasks, because the skin of men and women is also very different.

Advantages of men’s skin:• 15-25% thicker than women’s skin; • its mean acid-base balance value (pH) is 5.4 (5.7 in women); • it contains more capillaries, so its circulation is more intensive; • it contains more collagen and elastin fibers, so wrinkles appear later and are less


Disadvantages of men’s skin:• it contains more sweat and oil glands, meaning that blackheads and acne often

develop in the absence of care;• it is supplied with blood more intensively but the capillaries are more fragile, therefore

red or violet vascular webbing can be seen on a man’s face much more often that on a woman’s;

• it is predisposed to intense keratinization, therefore, it needs deep cleansing.

The TianDe company’s line of cosmetic products for men has been developed in due consideration of all of the physiological peculiarities of men’s skin. By using just three products: Facial Cleansing Gel for Men, Regenerating Aftershave Balm and Facial Cream for Men, a man can avoid irritation, sloughing, burning and increased skin oiliness. And his daily shaving routine will become painless and comfortable.

Historically, men were the first to start using cosmetic products. It was only quite some time thereafter that women started following their lead. As far back as the 16th Century B.C. ancient Assyrians, Babylon residents and Egyptians colored and perfumed their beards and hair. The favorite aromatic product of the Roman Emperor Caesar was made from olive oil and the dried peel of a special variety of lemon. Men used fragrant cosmetic soap in Europe during the Renaissance.

“One-two-three” skin care

One: The skin should always be cleansed using Facial Cleansing Gel for Men before shaving; otherwise you run the risk of infecting skin micro-traumas.

Two: Use Regenerating Aftershave Balm after shaving; it will help avoid such unpleasant consequences as irritation, inflammation and skin dryness.

Three: To make sure that your skin remains healthy and youthful-looking for a long time, use Facial Cream for Men in the morning and in the evening.


line For menFacial Cleansing Gel for Men

The toiletry product range of most modern men is limited to shaving foam and (at best) lotion. Such scanty care cannot cleanse facial skin sufficiently, and becomes a cause of the development of blackheads and acne.

Between 100 thousand and several million various microbes land on 1 cm of facial skin in a single day. A man should know that washing with water alone is insufficient to cleanse the skin! This is because water does not interact with oils and they remain on the skin, getting mixed up with dust and bacteria. The consequences are clogged pores, blackheads and acne.

Men’s skin produces 50% more sebum that women’s due to its intensified activity of oil glands. Washing with soap doesn’t solve the problem either, because it is based on alkali. Alkali removes the sebum but acts aggressively, provoking the oil glands to produce it even more actively.

”It’s a fact: the natural pH level of men’ skin is 5.4. Soap’s pH level is 9-12. Consequently, while washing

with soap, you over-dry the skin almost twice too much, destroying its protective hydro-lipid film and “irritating” the oil glands. They produce a larger quantity of sebum (skin oil) in response to irritation.Only daily washing with a special cleansing gel is able to cleanse the skin sufficiently and eliminate blackheads and acne.

The Facial Cleansing Gel produced by the TianDe company contains Hydrogenated jojoba oil.

Hydrogenated jojoba wax:• its composition is similar to wax esters, which account for 25% of all sebum. While

mixing with its ingredients on the skin’s surface, jojoba wax freely penetrates the skin barrier, moisturizing and nourishing the skin;

• form a very thin air-permeable film on the skin that boasts protective and nourishing properties;

• leaves a pleasant, velvety and oil-free sensation while preventing water loss and increasing skin firmness;

• is used in cosmetics as a substitute for spermaceti, the highly-valuable animal wax made from the head of the sperm whale. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical composition of jojoba and spermaceti are identical.


line For menPurpose• Effectively removes contaminants and sebum, cleanses pores without damaging the

protective film, eliminates oily shine. • Prevents skin dehydration while creating an ultra-thin moisture-retaining film on its

surface.• Normalizes the skin’s acid-base balance.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of gel to damp facial skin, massage, then wash off thoroughly.

Suitable for men’s skin of any age and type.

ResultSkin free of oily shine and blackheads.

Package: 100 g. Code: 10124.

Regenerating After Shave BalmShaving is a daily test of skin strength, a cause of its irritation and sensitivity. But that’s not surprising: you see, a man makes an average of 100-150 movements with his razor while shaving, thereby traumatizing the epidermal protective layer.

Dermatologists say that shaving often worsens the skin’s barrier function and subjects it to constant stress.What’s more, men’s skin has a low pH value, i.e. lowered acidity, making it more sensitive and susceptible to irritation. Therefore, the use of special cosmetic products after shaving should become part of every man’s skincare routine.

Regenerating Aftershave Balm does not contain alcohol, so it doesn’t irritate or dry the skin. It contains sodium lactate, which is a component of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor.

Sodium lactate is the sodium salt of lactic acid:• is the skin’s physiological moisturizer, whose composition is similar to the composition

of natural moisturizing factors; therefore, sodium lactate actively compensates for moisture deficiency in the skin;

• restores pH level to physiological normal value;• boasts antimicrobial activity.

Purpose• Soothes the skin after shaving by eliminating irritation.• Maintains the normal moisture level in the skin,

thereby preventing dehydration.• Normalizes pH level, enhances the skin’s protective


ApplicationApply a small quantity of balm to facial skin after shaving.

Suitable for skin of any age and type.

ResultSensation of comfort, no feeling of skin tightening or burning.

Package: 100 ml. Code: 10122.


line For menFacial Regenerating Сream

According to statistics, only 10% of all men treat themselves by using a daily cream — despite the fact that men’s skin needs care no less than women’s skin does.

The daily use of Facial Cream for Men provides the optimum moisturizing, nutrition and protection level. Healthy skin survives the shaving routine without pain, ingrown hair or frequent inflammation, emerging looking smooth and supple.

The Facial Cream for Men produced by the TianDe company contains a complex of active care ingredients, including: Simmondsia chinensis seed oil, zinc gluconate, hydrolyzed wheat protein, vitamin E (Tocopheryl acetate), algae extract, panthenol and allantoin.

Simmondsia chinensis seed oil:• thanks to its chemical composition, it is not an oil but a wax very similar to sebum

lipids. Due to this fact, it is well assimilated by the skin, softening, moisturizing and nourishing it;

• provides skin protection: from the damaging effects free radicals.• unique jojoba liquid wax became very important as a substitute for spermaceti, the

liquid animal wax made from the head of the sperm whale. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical composition of jojoba and spermaceti are identical.

Zinc gluconate is zinc in the form best suited to assimilation:• любой клетке человеческого организма требуется цинк, чтобы правильно рас-

пределять энергию. Он действует подобно уличному регулировщику — контро-лирует и направляет процессы обмена веществ, поддерживая здоровье клеток;

• регулирует деятельность сальных желез, подавляя излишнее выделение кожно-го сала, обладает антимикробной активностью;

• стимулирует выработку коллагена и эластина; • участвует в регенерации клеток.

Hydrolyzed wheat protein:• thanks to its unique amino acid composition, which is similar to the amino acid

composition of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor, it has a pronounced, long-lasting moisturizing effect;

• forms a viscous-elastic air-permeable film on the skin’s surface, restores its microsurface through softening and smoothing effects.

Vitamin E (Tocopheryl acetate):• releases cells from the effects of free radicals, thereby

slowing down aging processes;• makes skin more resistant to influence of UV rays;• nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates, strengthens the

epidermal barrier layer.Algae extract:• is a concentrate of beneficial substances obtained

from seawater and salt, effectively enriching the skin with minerals and iodine;

• contains a valuable ingredient: alginic acid, which has a lifting effect and moisturizes the skin because it is able to absorb 300x its own weight in water;

• contains a powerful antioxidant complex: zinc + copper + magnesium, which neutralizes the effect of the most widespread and dangerous of all free-radicals, i.e. superoxides.

Panthenol is provitamin B5, a derivative of pantothenic acid (from the Greek word pantos which means “everywhere,” because pantothenic acid is contained in all living cells). Panthenol:• has a dermatoprotective property: it promotes rapid

tissue regeneration, soothes irritation;• acts as a moisturizer improving hydration of the skin’s

corneal layer and decreasing water loss;• helps smooth out small wrinkles.Allantoin is made from the roots of woundwort (Symphytum officinale), a plant that has been used in the healing of wounds and regeneration of injured tissue since ancient times. Allantoin:• has a regenerating effect, stimulates skin healing,

softens and soothes the skin;• has a keratolytic effect: softens the corneous layer,

thereby promoting the removal of dead cells; • effectively prevents pore obstruction and the

development of blackheads.


line For menPurpose• Provides for the optimum skin moisturizing level.• Regulates the activity of oil glands, thereby preventing

pore obstruction and the development of acne.• Protects against the effects of environmental factors by

activating the natural mechanisms of skin protection.

ApplicationApply a small quantity of cream to cleansed facial skin.

Suitable for men’s skin of any age and type.

ResultMoisturized skin without irritation, sloughing or acne.

Package: 50 g. Code: 10123.


Corrective Serum


Corrective Serum

Serums are champions in terms of their content of active ingredients. They are rightfully known as “beauty concentrates”: the quantity of biologically-active substances contained in these cosmetic products is, on average, 10 times higher than that found in creams. Serums were originally used in professional cosmetology alone, but now these intensive products are available for home use as well.

Advantages of the Corrective Serum formulas produced by the TianDe company• Absence of preservatives: serums consist of oils, they do not contain water and a

water medium is required for bacterial propagation. • High percentage of natural ingredients (hydrolyzed silk — 40%, Evening primrose oil

esters — 16.8%, Evening primrose oil — 16.8%, jojoba oil — 6%, jojoba stone oil — 6%, vitamin E — 4%, ceramides — 3%).

• Active serum ingredients completely preserve all of their beneficial properties: the active substances of the serums are placed in airtight gelatin capsules; therefore, they avoid additional contact with the environment and are not subject to oxidative and other destructive processes.

• The result of using the serums is immediately noticeable: the skin instantly receives the necessary quantity of active substances in the most easily-assimilated form.

Another characteristic feature of serums is that they are NOT selected on the basis of age or skin type but on the basis of the cosmetic problem to be solved. The cosmetic serums in the Corrective Serum line provide extra-rich nutrition for the skin, thereby accelerating regeneration processes and maintaining the youth of cells.

Each and every capsule in the Corrective Serum line is a new dose of youth and beauty! The skin reacts instantly to the first application of the serum; therefore, the products in the Corrective Serum line can be used for one-time procedures, i.e. in cases when it is urgently necessary to restore complexion and skin tone, or eliminate the signs of fatigue. The serum should be applied 1-2 times daily in the morning and in the evening for 10-15 days in order to achieve a stable effect. It is recommended to perform such courses 3-4 times per year.



Corrective SerumThe word “ceramides” is related to the word “ceramics,” which originated from the ancient Greek “keramos,” meaning “clay.”Purpose• Moisturizes, nourishes the delicate eyelid skin, leaving

it soft and velvety. • Removes signs of fatigue and stress, helps get rid of

dark circles. • Improves skin color and texture, effectively protects

against free radicals, slows down the skin’s aging process.

ApplicationApply the product carefully to the cleansed skin around the eyes with light tapping movements. The serum is suitable for daily use (in the morning and in the evening) in combination with regular moisturizer.

ResultYour eyes look brighter and younger.

Package: 36 pcs. (0.7 g each). Code: 10102.

Eye Corrective Serum in CapsulesThe skin around the eyes reacts first to insufficient sleep, unbalanced nutrition and fatigue, betraying our condition when the rest of our skin still looks fresh and energetic. The cause of this “rapid reaction” lies with the special sensitivity and thinness of the delicate eyelid zone. Moreover, this region is one of the projections of kidney activity producing the main “stress hormones.” Stresses literally “settle” on the eyes by causing spasms of the ocular muscles and disturbing circulation in the region around the eyes.

The serum in the Corrective Serum line rapidly and effectively eliminates signs of fatigue and stress, refreshes and tones the skin around the eyes, reduces swelling. It contains Evening primrose oil decyl esters, hydrogenated jojoba oil, vitamin E and ceramides.

Evening primrose oil decyl esters:• contain fatty acids that are related to the skin: linoleic and oleic acids that restore the

epidermal protective skin barrier. Its function is similar to the role of a fortress wall defending a town, while its structure is reminiscent of brickwork: it consists of hard corneous scales (“bricks”) interlaid with the lipid layer (“cement”). The epidermal barrier serves as an obstacle in the path of liquid evaporation and protects the skin from penetration by “trespassers” such as bacteria;

• Contain vitamin E and other antioxidants that are “traps” for free radicals protecting the skin cells from damage and early aging.

Hydrogenated jojoba oil:• is superbly assimilated by the skin, because approximately one-fourth of all sebum

consists of lipids related to the lipids contained in jojoba oil; it softens and nourishes the skin;

• contains wax esters that act as a natural moisturizing factor (NMF) and restore the skin’s normal hydrobalance;

• contains amino acids whose structure is similar to skin collagen; therefore, they restore its elasticity and promote the smoothing of wrinkles;

• provides sun protection: from the destroying effects of free radicals.

Vitamin Е (Tocopherol):• is a “vitamin of youth for the skin”: it nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates and

strengthens the epidermal barrier layer;• contains antioxidants that help the skin fight against external aggressors, i.e. free

radicals;• makes the skin less sensitive to the effects of UV-rays.

Ceramides 4 are the “restorers of the skin’s beauty and youth”: • these are “building cement” for cells in the epidermal skin barrier; • help maintain intercellular couplings and regulate the penetration of nutrients and

active substances in the skin; • dramatically increase the skin’s moisture level, prevent moisture loss; • freely penetrate the skin’s structure, thereby protecting it from the effects of

unfavorable external factors, preventing drying and the development of wrinkles.


Corrective SerumCorrective Serum in Capsules

According to statistics, the skin’s biological age and the woman’s actual age differ on average in 47% of all representatives of the fairer sex. And this difference can be significant: up to 15 years. Thus, every second woman looks older than she actually is.

Top-3 causes of aging

Formation of free radicals throwing the skin cells out of balance.

Moisture deficiency in the skin.

Reduced intensity of metabolic processes due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Corrective Serum helps fight the causes of age-related changes by providing reliable antioxidant protection for the cells, compensating for moisture and beneficial-substance deficiencies in the skin.

Similar to Eye Corrective Serum in Capsules, this product is enriched with ceramides and Evening primrose oil, with jojoba stone oil added instead of hydrogenated jojoba oil. The distinctive feature of Corrective Serum in Capsules lies in its content of hydrolyzed (liquid) silk and hydrogenated coconut oil.

Hydrolyzed silk is “liquid silk” obtained by hydrolysis of the silk fibers produced by the silkworm:• forms a light “film” on the skin’s surface; this “film” gives the skin silky smoothness

and provides a slight lifting effect;• contains fibroins (from the Latin word “fibra” — “fiber”), the proteins forming the

basis of natural silk fiber; • fibroins contain a significant quantity of glycin: each second amino acid in its structure

is glycin, which is a component in the skin’s natural moisturizing factor;• fibroins have marvelous moisturizing properties: their molecules are able to attract

and retain 300x their own weight in water!

”Unique jojoba liquid wax became very important as a substitute for spermaceti, the liquid animal

wax made from the head of the sperm whale. Special studies by American scientists have shown that the chemical composition of jojoba and spermaceti are identical.

Hydrogenated coconut oil:• contains phospholipids, which restore cell membranes.

A living cell with a damaged membrane is like an egg with a broken shell; destroying the cell membrane is the fastest way to destroy a cell;

• contains hyaluronic acid, which is a powerful natural moisturizer: it plays the role of molecular sponge: its one molecule retains 1000 water molecules;

• has an antioxidant effect.

Purpose• Promotes the reduction of wrinkle depth and size,

restores skin resiliency. • Moisturizes, protects the skin from free radicals,

strengthens its barrier properties. • Maintains the youth and health of cells, improves


ApplicationApply to the cleansed skin 1-2 times daily. Use in 15-20-day cycles 3-4 times per year. May be combined with cream.

ResultEach used capsule enhances skin resiliency, your face looks fresh and healthy again.

Package: 36 pcs. (0.7 g each). Code: 10101.



Transdermal Complex


Transdermal ComplexAlways fighting for their beauty, women have spared no sacrifice, guided by the principle that “all’s fair in love and war.” For instance, Poppaea, the wife of the Roman Emperor Nero, took baths in the warm milk of five hundred female asses, and herds of the animals usually accompanied her during her travels. The Austrian Empress Elisabeth placed a raw veal cutlet on her face, fastening it with a leather mask and sleeping that way all night.

In those bygone days, the inventions of modern chemistry and advances of high technology were not available to beautiful women. In our high-tech world, research laboratories around the globe keep busy trying to develop products for the preservation of youth. TianDe Transdermal Complexes are based on advanced technologies in the field of aesthetic medicine and rejuvenation. These products really help turn back the hands of time!

Thanks to their microscopic dimensions, the product’s active substances penetrate the deepest skin layers, and are superbly assimilated without damaging the skin’s integrity. It is no less important that nano-corrector has no side effects such as expression-muscle paralysis, which leaves the face looking like a wax mask. Transdermal complexes are a painless alternative to “beauty injections.”

Each complex includes two high-concentration products: microcapsules and a meso-cocktail. Microcapsules consist of 100% collagen placed in an ultra-thin gelatin envelope. Placing the collagen in such capsules protects it from contact with the environment, bacteria and destructive oxidative processes while completely preserving its beneficial properties. When subjected to mechanical effect (light tapping), the “micro-containers” release their collagen.

Meso-cocktails contain a complex of active ingredients with targeted action, which have a Botox- or lifting-effect, depending on the chosen complex.

Botox Effect Transdermal ComplexThe day is fast approaching when

a face without a single wrinkle will be the only sign of old age.

Philippe Buear

The effect generated by using this complex is comparable to the results of Botox injections. The main “target” of the product is expression muscles.

Specialists distinguish between several types of expression (or dynamic) wrinkles:• “crow’s feet” along the outer corners of the eyes caused, as a rule, by frequent

laughter or the habit of squinting; • “lion’s wrinkles” involve one or more transverse wrinkles between the eyebrows that

develop in those who frequently frown;• “thinker’s wrinkles” are longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, which are caused by

the habit of furrowing one’s brow or raising one’s eyebrows; • “nasolabial folds” are two deep folds running from the nose to the corners of the

mouth; they become especially noticeable in case of a special feature type, e.g. if there is a wide distance between the mouth and the nose.

The cause of expression lines is hyperactive muscle movements. As they contract, they provoke the stretching of fibroblasts, the main dermal cells responsible for hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin synthesis. From a constitutional standpoint, fibroblasts are very similar to muscles and are able to contract. Their muscular contraction results in mechanical skin deformation. Connected to fibroblasts, the collagen matrix experiences repeated stretching — it weakens and can no longer play a supporting role.


Transdermal Complex

In the 1st Century B.C., Romans were already performing plastic surgery: the Roman physician Cornelius Celsus (25 B.C. — 50 A.D.) describes procedures for circumcision and breast reduction in men. An operation to remove scars on the back was the most popular in Ancient Rome, as they were considered signs of shame suggesting flight from the battlefield. The Italian Gaspare Tagliacozzi (1546 — 1599) is considered the “father” of modern plastic surgery. In his book “De curtorum chirugiau,” he wrote of the need for surgical intervention because of duels or street fights, as well as the widespread syphilis epidemic, as the nose was destroyed by this disease.

Botox Effect Transdermal Complex contains peptides with a Botox-like effect that are able to reduce expression activity by blocking muscle contraction.

Acetyl hexapeptide-30 is a muscle contraction blocker: • has a pronounced muscle-relaxing effect (from the Latin myo — “muscle,” and

relaxo — “loosen”), slows down the signal transmission process from the nerve synapsis to the muscle;

• prevents the contraction of fibrillar muscles, thereby promoting the smoothing of expression lines;

• promotes the reduction of wrinkle depth and number. The second peptide contained in Botox Effect Transdermal Complex is referred to the class of remodeling peptides, which improve intercellular matrix quality and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Palmitoyl tripeptide-5 is a dermal matrix reconstructor:• boasts considerable penetrating abilities, gets into the skin’s deep layers; • stimulates fibroblasts, promotes the restructuring of connective tissue and

strengthening of vascular walls; • stimulates collagen synthesis, enhances skin resiliency;

The complex also contains hyaluronic acid..Hyaluronic acid is the only substance known to scientists that is able to:• bind water (its one molecule binds up to 1000 water molecules), • reduce moisture evaporation from the skin (even in a dry atmosphere), • activate cell functioning, • neutralize free radicals, which are one of the main causes of skin aging.

Purpose• Promotes the smoothing of wrinkles. • Stimulates production of the skin’s own collagen. • Acts as a local muscle relaxant while preserving expression.

Application1. Using the applicator tip, apply several drops of meso-cocktail (product No. 1) to your fingertips and distribute it over the cleansed facial skin.

2. Apply a small quantity of microcapsules (product No. 2) to the tip of your finger and spread over the areas treated with meso-cocktail with tapping movements.

3. Spread the meso-cocktail over the skin as a third, additional layer.

Apply to the dry, cleansed skin once daily (in the evening, 2 hours before going to bed) if you have moderate signs of skin fading, 2 times daily in case of pronounced problems. It is recommended to refrain from the use of peels during the use of transdermal complexes.

ResultReduction of wrinkles after just 7 days of using the transdermal complex.

Package: 3 g/7 ml. Code: 12202.


Transdermal ComplexLifting Effect Transdermal Complex

Everything she had experienced was written on her face, emphasized here and there by wrinkles.

Emil Krotky

As we grow older, muscle tone decreases, a double chin appears, cheeks start to sag. For a long time, it was only possible to correct the changing shapes of the face with the help of surgical intervention.

Thanks to the dawn of highly-effective cosmetic products, it became possible to delay plastic surgery or forego the procedure altogether. Lifting Effect Transdermal Complex can become an alternative to the surgical scalpel. Its active ingredients help restore the clearness and beauty of the face contours with absolutely no pain. The main active substances of the meso-cocktail are beta-glucans and glycoasmines.

Beta-glucan, a skin immunostimulant, is a long-chain polysaccharide whose structural link is glucose. Beta-glucan is isolated from the cell walls of baker’s yeast, cereal extracts (oats, wheat) and some fungi. • The main advantage of beta-glucan is that it triggers the skin’s natural mechanism

for the production of vital substances by influencing the immune cells — Langergance cells;

• Langergance cells are intraepidermal macrophages (immune protectors) that act as the skin’s “ambulance crew,” restoring damaged epidermis and killing pathogenic organisms;

• Langergance cells activated by beta-glucan start to produce several biologically-active substances, including an epidermal growth factor that promotes the production of new collagen and elastin and an angiogenesis factor that forms new blood vessels.

Beta-glucans play the same critical role in immunology that penicillin does in the world of antibiotics.Glycosamine hydrochloride, the “workmate of hyaluronic acid and collagen,” is a compound of glucose and amino acids produced through acidic hydrolysis of the natural polysaccharide chitin obtained from the shells of marine crustacea (shrimps, lobsters or crabs): • is the source material for collagen and hyaluronic acid synthesis, helps complete the

collagen and elastin chain, improves skin firmness; • promotes the smoothing of wrinkles, accelerates regeneration processes, has a

rejuvenating effect;• recent studies have confirmed that glycosamine is able to prevent the development

of age-related nevi pigmentosis on the skin by lowering the melanin content in cells.

Together with hyaluronic acid and collagen, glycosamine is the main building material for dermal connective tissue.

The meso-cocktail also contains hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen. With the help of substance-enhancers (from the English word enhance — “to improve, intensify”), the latter ingredient freely penetrates the skin’s protective layer and is included in metabolic reactions, thereby nourishing, moisturizing and renewing the skin from the inside.

Hydrolyzed collagen:• stimulates the recovery of natural dermal collagen

fibers;• improves the skin’s strength, elasticity and firmness; • forms a protective film on the skin; this film binds to

water, thereby reducing transepidermal moisture loss (TEWM).

Purpose• Promotes the recovery of skin resiliency and distinct

facial contours.• Activates the synthesis of the skin’s own collagen

fibers.• Deeply moisturizes the skin, improves firmness.


Using the applicator tip, apply several drops of meso-cocktail (product No. 1) to your fingertips and distribute it over the cleansed facial skin.

Apply a small quantity of microcapsules (product No. 2) to the tip of your finger and spread over the areas treated with meso-cocktail with tapping movements.

Spread meso-cocktail over the skin as a third, additional layer.

Apply to dry, cleansed skin once daily (in the evening, 2 hours before going to bed) if you have moderate signs of skin fading, 2 times daily in case of pronounced problems. It is recommended to refrain from using peels during the use of transdermal complexes.

ResultSmoothing of imperfect features after just 7 days of using the transdermal complex.

Package: 3 g/7 ml. Code: 12201.




TianDe Mezoroller


TianDe Mezoroller Rarely, in small doses and right to the point!

Michel Pistor, physician, founder of the mesotherapy method

Mezoroller: your personal cosmetologist! The TianDe Mezoroller is a home alternative to the professional mesotherapeutic procedure known as the “medicine of high fashion.” During the process of mesotherapy, biologically-active substances are delivered to the deep skin layers with the help of numerous microinjections. Boasting an efficiency equal to that of mesotherapeutic products, the mezoroller rules out the risk of pain, erythema, edema, lumps and bruises. The procedure will not leave painful traces on your face. And the TianDe mezoroller is several times less expensive than a single mesotherapeutic procedure at a beauty salon.

Mezoroller: collagen induction therapy

In order to understand the principle behind how the mezoroller works, let us recall the skin’s structure. Its superior layer, the epidermis, is the thinnest one, and it consists of several cell layers: keratinized, pigment-forming cells, cells of the immune system and others. The lower skin layer is hypoderm or subcutaneous fatty tissue. The mezoroller “works” with the middle skin layer, i.e. the derma, “the frame” on which skin tone and resiliency depend because it contains elastin and collagen fibers. Therefore, the use of a mezoroller is called collagen induction (i.e. production) therapy.

The microneedles of the TianDe mezoroller are made of medical steel, which is widely used in the manufacture of surgical instruments. It is so solid and smooth that bacteria literally cannot “grab hold of anything.” This steel is resistant to acids and alkalis.

Microneedles perforate the external corneous layer, thereby forming numerous microchannels. Needle thickness is comparable to that of the human hair. Their length is just 0.2 mm, therefore, punctures are very small and close within one hour. But a real revolution takes place at the cellular level during this time! Circulation is improved, metabolism is activated, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated.

Targeted delivery of cosmetic products

As the body’s protective barrier, the skin actively resists any substances rubbed into it; therefore, a significant quantity of cosmetic products remains on the epidermis surface and simply evaporates.

The mezoroller forms microchannels in the skin, allowing the active ingredients contained in creams and serums to freely penetrate its deep layers. The skin turns into a “foam-rubber sponge.” The mezoroller enhances the efficiency of creams and serums by up to 90% .

Attention: skincare products should be applied before the microchannels close, i.e. within one hour of using the mezoroller.


TianDe Mezoroller

Mezoroller action

1. Reduces the number and depth of wrinkles and promotes the formation of distinct facial contours due to the activation of collagen production.

2. Promotes the elimination of scars (caused by acne, burns), stretch marks and cellulite. The mezoroller can even be used on such delicate skin regions as the mammary glands (stretch marks often appear on them following childbirth and nursing).

3. Improves overall skin condition: it stimulates the vital activity of the skin cells, increases their tone and improves circulation. All metabolic reactions in the skin are significantly normalized; as a result, its general condition is improved, sebum production is reduced, pores are constricted.

4. Promotes the elimination of pigmentation: the mezoroller improves the penetration of special products into the skin, dramatically increasing the efficacy of pigmentation treatments.

5. Stimulates hair growth on the head: the mezoroller improves circulation, thereby promoting the saturation of hair bulbs with nutrients, and is a very powerful growth stimulant for “dormant” follicles.

”Our hair prefers a scalp massage: it has been proven

that daily massage improves hair quality and growth because it improves circulation and the delivery of beneficial substances to the hair bulbs. The mezoroller is an unmatched “massager” for your hair and scalp!

Using the mezoroller

Step 1. Cleansing the skin.Remove all traces of make-up and clean the skin thoroughly using a cleansing gel, rinse and dry with absorbent paper.

Step 2. Using the mezoroller.When treating the face, you should distinguish between the nasal area, the forehead, the mouth area, the cheeks and the neck area. Each of these areas should be treated with the mezoroller separately. Rolling is performed 10 times vertically, horizontally and diagonally (diagonals in both directions) with equal intensity.

At home, the standard procedure may take from 5 to 10 minutes depending on the size of the treated region. It is possible to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.

Step 3. Applying skincare products.Apply the active product to the area being treated.

Step 4. Cleaning the mezoroller.It is important to observe all sterility rules. You should place the device in disinfecting solution at the beginning and end of each procedure. Then place it for aeration in a plastic container. The mezoroller is an instrument for individual use. One mezoroller means one owner.

CAUTION! The mezoroller must never be used on infected or irritated skin. If you have fungal diseases, pustular diseases, eczema, psoriasis, open wounds, tumors, warts or large birthmarks, NEVER USE the mezoroller! The mezoroller should be replaced as its needles become blunt. Do not place the mezoroller on hard surfaces to ensure that its needles remain sharp for as long as possible.

TianDe Mezoroller: make your skin young again with a little sleight of hand!Code: 90141, 1 pc.


TianDe Mezoroller

Purpose Recommended products

Face lifting Lifting Effect Transdermal Complex

Facial contour correcting

Firming, strengthening of facial skin

Nutritious Regenerating Facial Night Cream

in the Marine Collagen line

Intensive Lifting Facial Cream in the Collagen Active line

Firming Face and Neck Emulsion in the Collagen Active line

Removal and prevention of wrinkles

Skin renewal, rejuvenation

Stimulation of collagen production

Botox Effect Transdermal Complex

Nutritious Regenerating Facial Night Cream in the Marine Collagen line

Rejuvenating Energy Facial Emulsion in the Zhenfei Perfect line

Anti-Wrinkle Intensive Facial Care Cream in the Zhenfei Perfect line

Stimulation of hair growth

Fight against hair lossHair growth activator-tonic Bio rehab

Removal of stretch marks on the body

Enhancing the skin’s firmness and elasticity

Fight against cellulite

Anti-Cellulite Tahua Cream in the Model Up line

Anti-Cellulite Complex in the Model Up line

Shaping cream for bust firmness in the Model Up line

Firming Anti-Cellulite Gel in the Collagen active line

Mezoroller + TianDe skincare products = super effect


Dual-System molding masks


Masks TianDe

Day express-recovery Popular, universally-beloved TianDe rinse-free cream masks are a simple and effective way to activate skin circulation, enhance its nutrition and… become irresistibly beautiful. The use of these marvelous products provides immediate, visible results: skin color improves, tissue resiliency is restored. “Facial effect”Day cream masks are a real godsend for women on-the-go. For example, having performed the procedure when taking your morning bath or having a cup of coffee, you will prepare your skin for the busy day ahead, infusing it with energy till nightfall.

Directions: apply the mask in a thick layer to your face and neck, remove product residue using a cloth or rub into the skin with soft massaging movements after 10 min.


Day cream masks Peach Rehydrating Cream Mask

This cosmetic product is ideally suited to the care of dry and fading facial skin.

The product contains peach leaf extract, algae extract and Eriobotrya japonica leaf extract.

There are figurative comparisons in virtually all world languages: “skin like a peach,” “not a girl but a peach.” Thanks to the “Peach” mask, these compliments will be paid to you as well…

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientPeach leaf extract saturates the skin with moisture, thereby making it fine and soft like a peach. The flavonoids contained in the extract protect skin from the adverse action of free radicals and early aging.

Purpose: • moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin;• prevents desquamation;• relieves inflammation and itching;• rejuvenates, brightens the skin.

ResultRegular use of the mask provides excellent facial skin moisturizing and protection. The condition and appearance of sensitive and inflamed skin will significantly improve.

Package: 35 g. Code: 50106.

Moisturizing and protection

Active repair

Ideal balance


Masks TianDeAloe Moisturizing Cream Face Mask

This cosmetic mask is a real boon for those struggling with the imperfections of dry or oily facial skin.

The product contains algae extract, aloe extract and hyaluronic acid.

“Plant-pharmacy” — such is the honorary title bestowed upon aloe vera, an unpretentious flower at first glance. Many of its curative properties have been known and used on different continents for centuries. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, physicians of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome all used aloe in their practice. The ancient Greek doctor Dioscorides described in detail in his manuscript De materia medica the use of aloe for cosmetic purposes, e.g. in people with hair loss, for moisturizing the skin and in the treatment of pimples.

It may come as a surprise, but the common indoor plant aloe was once the cause of a victorious military campaign. Historical fact: the famed conqueror Alexander the Great conquered Socotra Island in the Indian Ocean for one reason only: curative dry aloe juice was produced on the island.

”Aloe juice contains essential oils, about 20 amino acids, B vitamins (including the rare vitamin В12),

С, Е, choline and beta-carotene, plus numerous macro- and microelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, chromium etc.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Aloe extract rejuvenates, regenerates, restores affected skin areas, leaves skin toned and resilient, smoothes out lines and wrinkles, provides freshness and a pleasant complexion.

Purpose: • moisturizes deeply; • intensifies cell regeneration processes; • has a soothing effect, eliminates erythema; • enhances resiliency and elasticity; • smoothes out lines and wrinkles; • makes the skin look fresh and healthy again.

ResultYou will experience extraordinary skin smoothness and moisturizing immediately after using the mask. When the product is used on a regular basis, it is possible to normalize the skin’s oil balance and protect it from unfavorable environmental factors, all while restoring the right moisturizing level and complexion.

Package: 35 g. Code: 50109.

Marine Elixir Repairing Cream Mask

Universal mask for any skin type and age. This cosmetic product is an excellent opportunity to take care of facial skin rapidly and effectively

The product contains algae extract.

It has been known for a long time that the natural ingredients contained in cosmetic products obtained from the sea are able to work wonders. But, the blue depths still hide many more mysteries. Every week, scientists discover approximately 35 new algae and coral species in the sea with tremendous potential for preserving the beauty of our skin.

Algae can rightly be called a source of skin youth and health — their extract is a veritable treasure trove of valuable elements and compounds in a bioavailable form; vitamins А, В1, В2, С, Е, D, iodine, polysaccharides, organic acids and mineral salts.

To obtain 1 kilogram of algae concentrate, it is necessary to process more than 6 kilograms of freshly-gathered sea plants.Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Algae extract effectively moisturizes the skin and prevents moisture loss, stimulates skin cell regeneration processes, has a softening effect, promotes the excretion of toxins, and protects against the harmful effect of free radicals.

Purpose:• moisturizes deeply, nourishes and strengthens the

skin; • has regenerating, antioxidant properties; • returns the skin to health and youth; • excretes harmful metabolic byproducts and toxins.

Result:In just minutes of the mask’s action, the skin of your face is soothed, becomes soft, looks healthy and well cared for.

Package: 35 g. Code: 50111


Day cream masks Glacier Water Refreshing Cream Face

A cosmetic life-preserver for dehydrated and mature skin. This mask will become a true “sip of vital moisture” for skin at any age under conditions of baking summer sun or dry indoor air. The product contains algae extract and hydrolyzed collagen.

The word “collagen” originates from the Greek kolla, meaning “glue,” and genos, meaning “genus.” Thus, “collagen” literally means “generating glue.” In fact, it is a structural protein that forms connective tissue and fills the gap between muscles and cells. The main function of collagen is its repairing effect: if a skin area or muscle is damaged, it is involved in the fastest-possible cell recovery and renewal.

Long-term investigations resulted in the development of different medical products based on collagen for the rapid stop of bleeding, treatment of wounds and burns. “Active” hydrolyzed collagen was obtained by breaking down the collagen molecule for the purposes of cosmetology.

”According to the latest studies, excessive tissue-moisture content promotes intensified proteolysis,

i.e. the breakdown process of protein structures triggering the synthesis mechanism of new collagen. Thus, basic skin structures are renewed with general rejuvenation. When collagen is applied to the skin, a very thin gas-permeable film is formed, which favors moisture accumulation in the derma. Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Hydrolyzed collagen boasts nourishing, rejuvenating and wound-healing effects for tired skin that has lost its vitality.

Purpose:• refreshes and provides vitality for skin weakened by stress and environmental

factors; • improves turgor, enhances tissue elasticity; • superbly moisturizes.

Result:Tone, resiliency and moisture are returned to your skin. Face contour is more lifted.

Package: 35 g. Code: 50110.

Radiant freshness


Masks TianDeCalla Soothing Cream Face Mask

This is an excellent cosmetic product for moisturizing and combatting the first signs of aging. The mask takes into account the needs of skin predisposed to inflammation and erythema.

The product contains algae extract, Calla palustris extract.

Calla is a wonderful and mysterious plant; the qualities of happy-home talisman are even ascribed to it. This snow-white flower not only brings opposite energies into happy medium, but also transforms them into a single flow of joy. The energy of this plant resists despondency, pessimism and depression vibrations. Calla enhances human immunity to emotional exhaustion and stress, thereby filling the household with an atmosphere of joy and cheerfulness.

In folk medicine, calla is used in the treatment of colds. The tea obtained from dried extracted root is used in the treatment of influenza, dyspnea and bleeding and as an analgesic agent.

Calla palustris extract contains saponins, flavonoids, resinous substances, starch, organic acids and sugars. People once referred to calla as the “bread plant” because the rhizomes of this plant were used for making bread. Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Calla palustris extract superbly relieves inflammation, heals micro-fissures, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Purpose: • protects skin from irritations and erythema; • creates a natural protective barrier; • prevents moisture loss, has an antioxidant effect; • protects skin from the aggressive effects of environmental factors.

Result:This mask is virtually indispensable when you need to recover your skin after stress and remove inflammation. Now, you will forget all your problems — your facial skin is healthy, resilient and moisturized.

Package: 35 g. Code: 50112

Reliable skin protection

Night cream masks


Tomato Cream Face Mask An effective product for mature skin ages 35 and up. The mask freshens the complexion, tones the skin, and promotes the recovery of a more distinct face contour. It also helps problem skin fight against acne.

The product contains tomato and algae extracts.

Tomato was a well-known and widespread vegetable in the land of the Aztecs, and at the beginning of the 16th Century, Spanish conquistadors brought the bright fruit back to Europe, where the French gave it the romantic name “apple of love.” Tomato became famous as a vegetable as a source of excellent health and zest for life.

Thanks to its unique natural composition, the tomato is successfully used in cosmetology. Products containing tomato extract improve the complexion, rejuvenate the skin, smooth wrinkles.

Tomato is rich in lycopene, carotene, vitamins A, B, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP and beta-carotene. It contains a significant quantity of active substances required by the human body, fruit acids, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron and manganese.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Tomato extract is ideally suited for all skin types and evens the epidermal surface, thereby returning it to smoothness and the sensation of comfort. Tomato extract helps in the treatment of acne. The lycopene contained in this vegetable surpasses such vitamins as C and E in terms of its antioxidant properties. The “apple of love” effectively prevents skin aging processes.

Purpose:• protects skin from the negative effects of the

environment, • removes signs of fatigue, • rejuvenates the skin actively, nourishes and renews it, • leaves a sensation of comfort, tones the skin and has

a lifting effect.

Evening rejuvenation “Facial effect”

Night cream masks not only alleviate skin tension immediately after a difficult day, but also help manage stress.

Directions: apply the mask in a thin layer to your face, neck and décolleté, remove product residue after 20 minutes by blotting with a wet cloth. Do not apply to injured, irritated or inflamed skin.

Green Tea Cream Mask This mask is suitable for any age and skin type. It will soothe sensitive skin and smooth away the imperfections of oily skin; it will nourish young skin with vitamins and microelements and tone mature skin.

The product contains green tea leaf extract and algae extract.

The Celestial Empire is famed for its ancient traditions in the production of green tea, whose beneficial properties have been known to the Chinese for more than 4,000 years. As long ago as the 7th Century, Buddhist monks prepared this beverage with a delicate, exquisite taste. Green tea extract is used widely in cosmetology and is included in cosmetic products for practically all ages. Chinese women know that masks based on green tea leave the skin glowing and radiant.

Green tea is rich in vitamins K, В1, В2, В9, В12 and РР, and contains amino acids, carotene, essential oils, caffeine, gold, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium and enzymes (up to 25%).

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Green tea leaf extract effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves and strengthens its structure. The extract also prevents skin aging by enhancing its protective functions, it has a general positive effect at the cellular level.

Purpose:• has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect, • prevents early skin fading, • tones the skin and has a lifting effect, • saturates the skin with nutrients, • smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

ResultThis mask, based on green tea, will immediately tone your skin, moisturize it and protect it against free radicals.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50101.


Masks TianDeResultAs if by magic, this cream mask will “erase” signs of fatigue from your face — it will improve turgor while returning a glow and healthy radiance to your skin.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50102.

Blueberry Cream Face Mask This mask is a true boon for those who’ve decided to preserve their skin’s youth and fresh appearance for a long time. Blueberry Cream Mask significantly slows down the processes influencing skin aging.

The product contains blueberry and algae extracts.

The residents of northern latitudes have been bestowed a generous gift from nature — the forest-dweller blueberry, which is a veritable font of vitamins and microelements. In ancient Russia, it was known as the “rejuvenating berry” thanks to its ability to rejuvenate the body and help in the treatment of many diseases. To preserve health and body strength, it was sufficient for Siberians to eat just one handful of these berries daily. Blueberry masks helped beautiful Northern women, who were famous for their skin whiteness and clearness, preserve their beauty for a long time. It is well known that blueberry masks promote pore constriction and the strengthening of vessels, block bacterial growth on the skin, eliminate free radicals and superbly moisturize.

Blueberry recovers the skin’s cells while protecting it from aging. The berry contains manganese, potassium, calcium, iron. It contains a significant quantity of vitamins (C, A and B) and flavonoids. Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Blueberry fruit extract is one of the most effective natural products stimulating cellular metabolism. This property is achieved thanks to the record-breaking manganese content stored in the berries.

Purpose:• saturates the skin with nutrients, thereby enhancing its resiliency, • moisturizes, constricts pores, • stimulates renewal of the skin’s cellular structure, • promotes the removal of edemas.

ResultWhen you use the mask regularly, you will achieve a slowing-down of the skin’s aging process thanks to the unique natural properties of the blueberry. Facial skin becomes natural, delicate, fresh and velvety after several “blueberry” procedures.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50103.

Fresh complexion

Escape from stress and fatigue

Excellent tone

Night cream masks


Grape Cream Face MaskThis mask is ideally suited both for fading and problem-oily skin.

The product contains grape, algae extracts.

According to biblical lore, grape was the first plant cultivated by Noah after the Flood. It is one of the first crops to be cultivated by people deliberately and purposefully for their own needs. Grape is the only plant in the world studied by the modern science of ampelography. These berries were used for cosmetic purposes as long ago as the 17th Century. Grape is a generous gift from the gods for preserving health, beauty and youth.

The method of wine therapy is being introduced in France, where all classical grape varieties grow in abundance. In Bordeaux, wines are taken as baths, and special wine massages are performed for the treatment of cellulitis. After such procedures, the skin becomes virgin smooth, fresh, moisturized and velvety. Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Grape extract is saturated with youth-and-beauty vitamins A, E and C, B-complex vitamins, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, flavonoids, enzymes and linoleic acid. Having been imbued with these vitamins and substances, the skin obtains the sensation of youth and health.

Purpose:• refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, • tones the skin and has a lifting effect, • regenerates skin cells, eliminates toxins.

ResultThe “grape beauty procedure” will grant immediate skin transformation and pleasant sensations as a bonus as if you, without leaving your house, suddenly found yourself at a health spa in Bordeaux surrounded by vineyards more than a thousand years old.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50104.

Masks TianDe


Loquat Cream Face Mask Loquat Cream Mask helps tremendously in the case of adolescent skin problems and effectively nourishes and soothes sensitive skin. When this mask is used, your skin will look well cared for at any age.

The product contains Eriobotrya japonica fruit and leaf extract, algae extract.

The evergreen tree loquat grows on the mountain slopes of China, Japan and the Himalayas. In folk medicine, loquat is used in the fight against infections that are considered incurable in classical medical practice. Beautiful Eastern women have long-since discovered long the properties of this plant for preserving skin tone and elasticity. Loquat also contains malic and citric acids, polysaccharides, vitamin C, pectin, phytoncides, aromatic substances and tannins.

The beneficial properties of loquat are still being studied. It is known that this plant fights a dreadful disease — diabetes. Loquat leaves contain triterpenes, thanks to which the production of insulin in the blood increases.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Eriobotrya japonica fruit and leaf extracts strengthen the skin’s collagen fibers, have a toning and astringent effect. Loquat fruit extract makes the skin resilient, eliminates irritation and fights against various rashes.

Purpose:• nourishes and tones the skin, • stimulates metabolic processes, • saturates with nutrients, • retains moisture inside the cells, thereby enhancing the skin’s resiliency, • slows down the development of wrinkles, smoothes out existing lines.

ResultThis mask is exactly what you’ve been searching for a long time. Now, it’s so easy to help your skin always remain resilient and preserve a distinct, beautiful face oval for a long time.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50105.

Healthy resiliency

Healthy resiliency


Pro-Comfort molding masksHyaluronic Acid Hydro Intensive Face and Neck Mask

The mask is an ideal product for dry skin — it is suitable for any age in that period when the skin experiences thirst and literally “begs for water.” The mask is a real salvation from dry, conditioned air. Even its one-time use helps to experience the effect of “immediate beauty,” and when used regularly, you will be able to preserve your skin’s tone and youth for a long time.

The product contains: hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen.

The youth, beauty and resiliency of facial skin are largely determined by the degree of its moisture content and the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture. And this is directly associated with the quantity of hyaluronic acid in our skin. As we grow older, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid decreases — the skin becomes drier, loses its elasticity, and wrinkles develop. What’s more, 100-200 ml of water is evaporated daily through the epidermal corneous layer (including the facial skin). As a result, the skin is virtually tormented by thirst. It’s time to use a powerful moisturizer created by nature itself, i.e. hyaluronic acid.

”It is notable that 1 gram of hyaluronic acid easily absorbs 3 liters of water. The combination of

hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen provides the effect of instant beauty.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Hyaluronic acid is well distributed over the entire skin surface and forms a light film that actively absorbs moisture from the air. This promotes the increased content of free water in the corneous layer and also creates the effect of additional moisture, which helps reduce water evaporation from the skin’s surface. Skin appearance improves noticeably, as if “plumped” from the inside.

Purpose: • moisturizes, improves skin tone, • recovers and strengthens the protective epidermal barrier, • removes the sensation of dryness and tightness, • improves skin texture and turgor.

ResultYou will recover the sensation of comfort and facial smoothness after the very first use of the mask. Surface wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less pronounced. When used regularly, the mask provides a stable, prolonged lifting effect.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 52901.

8 ways to become more attractive

“Pro-Comfort” is eight unique masks with pronounced nutritive, moisturizing, toning and restorative properties. Their use is a guarantor of the marvelous effect of rejuvenation and beauty.

Caring for yourself using molding masks is a harmonious combination of excellent cosmetic effects and the pleasures of beauty rituals.

Molding mask is: • soft touch of ultra-thin fabric following your facial

features, saturated with a special active mixture. The mask base guarantees the uniform distribution of active ingredients over the skin’s surface;

• compress effect: the efficiency of the mask is increased by up to 90%. The mask’s fabric material tightly covers the skin, thereby creating a thermal effect and allowing the pores to open more quickly.

“Facial effect”“Pro-Comfort” products have been specially developed for modern women who value themselves and pursue an active lifestyle. These wonderful masks are a real home beauty spa. At any time, you can perform these highly-effective beauty procedures on your own — without resorting to expensive services at the beauty salon.

Directions: apply the mask to the cleansed facial skin, remove in 15-20 minutes, rinse the face with water. Do not apply to injured, irritated or inflamed skin.


Masks TianDe

Active regeneration

Immediate moisturizing Lingzhi Revitalizing Face and Neck Mask An excellent product for mature skin. Thanks to its content of valuable ingredients, this mask delays the onset of signs of aging, helps fight against nevi pigmentosis.

The product contains: Reishi mushroom extract, hydrolyzed collagen.

Since ancient times, Chinese women have used Reishi mushrooms to maintain their beauty and prolong their youth, because this marvelous mushroom contains effective ingredients for whitening and clearing the skin.

Reishi mushroom is highly respected in the East; it is called the “mushroom of spiritual power” in Japan and the “herb of immortality” in China. The Chinese emperor Shen-nun composed a list of 365 herbs, dividing them into 3 categories: “excellent,” “worthy” and “fair.” Reishi mushroom topped the first list, followed by ginseng. This miracle-working mushroom has a very complex and rich composition, thanks to which it helps preserve the health and maintain the beauty of skin.

Reishi mushroom is a pure organic germanium. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it influences the skin at a deep level, saturating it with oxygen while neutralizing the harmful effect of free radicals. Moreover, Reishi mushroom contains natural UV-filters.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Reishi mushroom contains microelements, organic acids, polysaccharides, coumarins, vitamins, phytoncides, triterpenes, polysaccharides, ganoderma acids and germanium. Thanks to them, it virtually “revives” the skin, nourishes it, clears and rejuvenates.

Purpose: • antioxidant effect, • nourishes and moisturizes, • protects the skin, prevents early aging, • improves the complexion.

ResultThe use of the mask preserves and regulates the skin’s moisture content, tones, makes the skin elastic, smooth and velvety. The mask changes the complexion.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 52902.


Pro-Comfort molding masksQ10 Intensive Rejuvenating Face and Neck Mask

The mask is suitable for any age and skin type. If you have mature skin, it is recommended to use it in weekly cycles; thanks to this, the physiological accumulation of beneficial substances in the skin takes place, protecting it from early aging and helping to reduce wrinkle depth.

The product contains: coenzyme Q10, hydrolyzed collagen.

The discovery of the substance “coenzyme Q10” in the middle of the 20th Century became a watershed event of the last century. It turned out that coenzymes are present in every cell of the human body. The first researchers even called it “ubiquinone” (from the English ubiquitous, meaning “omnipresent”). Later, the English biochemist who actively studied coenzymes was awarded with the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

Coenzyme Q10 properties useful in cosmetic products were discovered somewhat later. Today, many cosmetic products with a rejuvenating effect are manufactured with the inclusion of this substance. Ubiquinone provides cells with energy — its action is comparable to the uninterrupted functioning of a tiny battery.

Stores of coenzyme in the cells decline as we grow older (after age 30-35), and not without leaving traces on the skin: it loses its elasticity, grows dull, and fine wrinkles appear.

Excess ultraviolet radiation and bad habits, especially smoking, also result in the reduction of ubiquinone production. When penetrating the skin, nicotine changes its molecular structure, thereby creating molecules with a deficit of electrons and protons. The more such defective cells are present in the body, the faster the skin aging process is. Antioxidants are able to fight free radicals and the consequences of their destructive activity — coenzyme Q10 is one of them.

A 25% coenzyme Q10 deficiency is a precondition for the development of many diseases, while a 75% deficiency is incompatible with life! The byproducts of this substance, which is so indispensable to our body, starts declining at age 20 and is only 50% of the normal level by age 60. Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Coenzyme Q10 is the most powerful antioxidant used in cosmetology delaying skin aging. Thanks to it, the cells obtain the energy they need for constant renewal.

Purpose: • antioxidant effect, • reduces wrinkle depth, • improves skin turgor and elasticity.

Result The rejuvenation process is triggered in the skin cells, its resiliency and moisture content are enhanced, desquamation and irritation stop, expression lines become less noticeable.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 52903.

Everlasting youth

Natural resiliency and radiance

Extra recovery


Masks TianDeMineral Complex Regenerating Face and Neck Mask

This mask is beneficial for any age and skin type. It effectively helps recover its condition, color and texture in periods of stress and poor nutrition.

В составе: The product contains: hydrolyzed collagen, mineral salts, coenzyme Q10, tocopherol (vitamin E), Lavandula angustifolia oil.

Wonderful legends about miraculous healings with the help of water can be found among any people, regardless of their location. The fame surrounding healing mineral sources spreads throughout the world, and grand hotels and health spas sprout up around them.

What is the secret of this water? The point is that natural mineral water passes through the multi-kilometer natural filter of ancient limestone and silica before it comes to the surface. Purified and “charged” by powerful earth forces, it becomes a well of essential minerals and microelements for human health.

So, the universally-familiar mineral water has become a wonderful source of beneficial substances, which are extracted from it by a special method in order to be used as the main ingredient of the facial mask.

”Each cell of the human body needs the daily delivery of 600-650 nutrients.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Mineral salts can promote the elimination of toxins, exert toning and softening effects, have deodorizing, disinfecting and antioxidant properties. They saturate the skin cells with oxygen, help it assimilate microelements.

Purpose: • saturates tired skin with vitamins and minerals, micro- and macroelements, • stimulates metabolic processes, • moisturizes, tones. Result The mineral balance of your skin is restored — it looks as if it just got its second wind and radiates with health again!

Package: 1 pc. Code: 52904.

The combination of several vitamins and substances with antioxidant properties in one cosmetic product significantly reduces the number of cells damaged by free radicals, enhances the skin’s resistance to various aggressive environmental factors.

Vitamin C Clarifying Face and Neck Mask

The mask is beneficial at any age to prevent early skin aging, improve cellular respiration and enhance local skin immunity. This product is indicated for dry, irritated facial skin.

The product contains: ascorbyl palmitate (a form of vitamin C), panthenol (provitamin B5), aloe leaf extract, sodium lactate, allantoin, portulaca extract and coenzyme Q10.

After a full breakfast in the morning, you will hardly ask yourself: and what did my skin have for breakfast? But it is not an idle question! The point is that the skin is nourished last. Therefore, you should specially care for its saturation with vitamins.

Vitamin C rightly plays a leading role among antioxidants. This beauty vitamin prevents oxidative stress, takes an active part in the synthesis of collagen fibers, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and slows down the skin’s aging processes. In combination with coenzyme Q10 and other mask ingredients, vitamin C provides energy for each cell of your skin.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredients Vitamin C actively neutralizes free radicals, maintains skin tone, enhances local immunity, improves vessel elasticity, stimulates collagen synthesis, regenerates the skin, activates blood microcirculation, provides photo-protection, whitens, reduces pigmentation, protects against the effects of harmful factors and prevents aging. Sodium lactate moisturizes, soothes, eliminates irritation and inflammation, has a strong rejuvenating and smoothing effect, recovers and protects the skin. Panthenol (provitamin B5) makes the skin elastic, soothes, eliminates irritation and inflammation, promotes skin regeneration. It is involved in the normalization of cellular metabolism. It removes desquamation, enhances the strength of collagen fibers.Portulaca extract improves microcirculation in the skin, protects collagen and elastin from damage, has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, enhances the skin’s barrier functions.


Pro-Comfort molding masks

Soft and gentle skin protection

Purpose: • moisturizes, restores the skin’s resiliency and radiance, • saturates the cells with oxygen, • activates regeneration, • protects the skin from the effect of harmful environmental factors. ResultYou receive compliments because of your fresh complexion and feel that your skin is freshly toned, “charged” with energy, oxygen and vitamins from the inside. Package: 1 pc, code: 52905.

Lotus Rejuvenating Tonic MaskThis is an effective product for mature skin, when the first signs of change to the face oval appear and the web of fine wrinkles occurs. Regular use of the mask will make it possible to significantly delay age-related skin changes. The product contains: hydrolyzed collagen, lotus flower extract. The use of the lotus in cosmetology came to us from the East. There, the flower is respected as a holy plant. According to legend, if you carry a part of the lotus with you at all times, it will bring the blessing of the gods and happiness. Lotus clears the mind, promotes unselfish love and prosperity, opens the cardiac chakra. And a reliable method for a woman to make herself more attractive and desired is to spread lotus oil on the middle of her forehead and behind her ears. Lotus extract soothes irritated and sensitive skin, removes inflammation and itching. It effectively solves the problems of oily and combined skin, removes acne, constricts pores.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Lotus extract exerts an effective stimulating, refreshing and clearing action on the skin. It moisturizes, promotes cell regeneration, makes the skin resilient, restores its elasticity. It helps get rid of blackheads, favors the removal of hyperpigmentation.

”Lotus is used in more than 200 preparations of Eastern medicine designed to revive the body

and soul. In China, lotus rhizome is used as a toning, cardiac, hemostatic agent, and also for the treatment of vitamin B1 deficiency. All lotus parts are used for food; the taste of sugared rhizome pieces is similar to that of fruit jelly — they are served as dessert at tea time.

Purpose: • strengthens the skin’s barrier function, • maintains a high moisture level, • refreshes, clears and improves the complexion, • evens the skin’s surface, makes it resilient and elastic.

Result Fresh, clear and glowing complexion as if you had turned back the hands of time. An additional bonus is the inexpressible pleasure of this cosmetic procedure with lotus extract.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 52906.


Masks TianDePearl Vibrant Beauty Face and Neck Mask

“Pearl” cosmetics are a true luxury in caring for yourself. Using this mask, you can preserve a fresh complexion, remain naturally beautiful and well-cared for at any age. The mask will enhance the skin’s resiliency, delay the appearance of fine lines and crow’s feet.

The product contains: hydrolyzed collagen, pearl protein (hydrolyzed conchiolin protein).

In the East, pearl is respected as a jewel bringing happiness, beauty and joy. It is the only precious stone that does not require faceting — each pearl is unique and unlike any another. In many languages, its name is translated as “charming, radiant, unique.”

According to Chinese wise men, pearl contains the most important primary elements: Water, Air and Earth, which determines its cooling effect and soothing action. It is believed that pearl enhances vitality and vigor.

One of the secrets of beautiful Eastern women with porcelain-like skin lies in the fact that they use “live” pearl protein in their daily skin care. The wonderful precious gift of the sea may truly be called “live” because it contains the organic substance conchiolin with cementing nacre layers; its work continues for years: a pea-sized jewel grows for more than 10 years.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Blueberry fruit extract is one of the most effective natural products stimulating cellular metabolism. This property is achieved thanks to the record-breaking manganese content stored in the berries.

Conchiolin accounts for approximately 6% of pearl composition. It obtained one more name — “the sixth element of life” for its beneficial properties because it is the only naturally-edible dietary fiber of animal origin. Conchiolin is able to activate immune system cells in the human body, thereby enhancing its vital capacity.

Purpose: • saturates the skin with nutrients, thereby enhancing its resiliency, • moisturizes, constricts pores, • stimulates renewal of the skin’s cellular structure, • promotes the removal of edemas.

Result When you use the mask regularly, you will achieve a slowing-down of the skin’s aging process thanks to the unique natural properties of the blueberry. Facial skin becomes natural, delicate, fresh and velvety after several “blueberry” procedures.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 52907.

Incredible freshness


Pro-Comfort molding masksRoyal Jelly and Propolis Nourishing Face and Neck Mask

Regular use of this mask from age 30-35 and up will make it possible to provide timely nourishment and moisturizing for the skin while slowing down its fading processes.

The product contains hydrolyzed collagen, coenzyme Q10, royal jelly extract, propolis.

All natural forces are gathered in the bee; this insect appeared on the planet much earlier than man, more than 30 million years ago. Bees produce unique products with healing properties. They include royal jelly.

Royal jelly is the only food for the queen bee; thanks to this, it lives 5-6 years — 52 times longer than the average lifespan of the worker bee.

Gamma-globulin is found in royal jelly; it is a protein ensuring antimicrobial and antiviral immunity. Proteins of this “royal” product contain 22 amino acids, including several essential ones. Microorganisms have not been detected in royal jelly. This api-product is able to sterilize itself — it stops the development of many bacteria. Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsRoyal jelly has a long beneficial internal effect on the skin, aimed against aging processes, early skin fading. This “royal product” triggers the cell regeneration process, stimulates cellular metabolism, normalizes the secretion of oil glands, improves skin structure, tissue tone and turgor.

Propolis is a strong natural antioxidant. Boasting high antioxidant properties, it promotes the slowing down of the skin’s aging processes.

Purpose: • rejuvenates and recovers, • smoothes the skin, makes it resilient, enhances its tone, • makes the skin look bright and healthy. ResultThanks to the api-products contained in the mask, you obtain a long-lasting beneficial rejuvenating internal effect on your facial skin. You feel that your skin is toned and brimming with health once again.Package: 1 pc. Code: 52908.

Жизненная энергия


Masks TianDe


“Dual-System” masks include two stages of complex care:

Stage of nutrition and “soft touch” lifting: use of the fabric molding mask saturated with extracts and natural ingredients;

Stage of moisturizing and “golden pleasure” rejuvenation*: application of the restorative emulsion containing biogold and biologically-active substances. The effect of the mask is strengthened and active substances penetrate more deeply.

“Facial effect”Masks in the “Dual-System” series have a long-lasting effect. Lifting, tone, vitality of the skin are guaranteed to you. For a long time!The magnificent result of using “Dual-System” masks is instantly visible!

Everything according to science. Millions of women worldwide are delighted with the results of using our biogold masks.How does biogold help preserve the skin’s beauty and youth? Biogold is a unique conductor, thanks to which the mask’s active vegetable and mineral ingredients penetrate the deep epidermal layers. Gold provides for the activation of blood and lymph circulation, has a toning effect, stimulates metabolic processes, significantly enhances the skin’s ability to absorb and retain moisture, thereby slowing down aging processes.

The ability of gold to preserve the skin’s youth was known many centuries ago. An ancient Chinese doctor prepared products with it for preserving beauty and health on the orders of beautiful noble women. Mystics and alchemists in the Middle Ages tried to obtain the elixir of youth using gold.

How do scientists obtain the noble metal for beauty today?The obtainment of biogold or colloidal gold is similar to a mysterious ritual. Imagine: purified water is passed above the surface of pure gold under a high frequency current and high voltage. Gold ions move from its surface to the water, which is then treated with ozone and passed through a strong magnetic field.

Result: We have pure gold for your beauty!

Directions: apply the mask for 15-20 min, after that, remove the mold, wash off any residue with water, strengthen the effect with a small quantity of emulsion. Do not use the mask on skin areas with cuts, eczematous rash.

*Biogold is contained in the emulsion of masks 51404, 51405, 51406, 51401.

Golden care means noble radiance of the skin


Dual-System molding masks Placental Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Biogold

A remarkable product for mature skin after the age of 40. This mask is truly a royal method for preserving the youth and beauty of facial and neck skin.

The product contains: placental extract, hydrolyzed collagen, algae extract, niacin, biogold.

Placenta was considered a secret ingredient in products for preserving beauty and as an elixir of youth in feudal Japan. Placenta was described as a premium-class preparation in the compendium of drugs in Ancient China in the Age of Mei. The emperors highly valued it as a substance providing unfading longevity.

Today, modern high technologies are used to obtain the placental extract. This makes it possible to extract each active ingredient separately in the required concentration without any loss of its efficiency. This method guarantees the absolute safety of the obtained extract.

The placental extract contained in the mask is a source of nutrition and an immunostimulant initiating regeneration processes at the cellular level.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsPlacental extract is a highly purified, hormone-free product; it has a bio-stimulating effect on the skin, thereby rejuvenating it. The placenta contains amino acids, mineral salts, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, growth factors, coenzyme Q10 — a potential energy source and powerful antioxidant, and glycans — intensifying the synthesis of skin collagen and elastin.

Hydrolyzed collagen has a nourishing, rejuvenating and wound-healing effect. It is indispensable for tired skin that has lost its vitality. It promotes the production of natural collagen and renewal of basic skin structures.

Niacin is indispensable to the production of energy in the body’s cells. It has a smoothing effect on wrinkles. It functions the most effectively in combination with the placental extract and collagen.

Purpose: • smoothes wrinkles effectively, • accelerates cell division and skin renewal, • protects the skin from stress factors, • enhances the skin’s ability to absorb active substances, • neutralizes free radicals, stimulates internal cell reserves.

Result Moisturized, smooth and resilient skin, splendid complexion. Comfort sensations are preserved for a long time because the mask protects the epidermis from dryness and slows down the skin’s aging processes.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 51404.Fights the skin’s aging



Masks TianDeRadiant complexion Rejuvenating Face and Neck

Mask with Fruity Acids A remarkable mask for any age that effectively solves the problems of oily and combined skin, significantly improves the complexion.

The product contains: alpha-hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric acids), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), salicylic acid; algae extract.

”The active mechanism of fruit acids is quite simple and similar to that of biological peels. By peeling

the old keratinized cell layer, acids open the way for new, juvenile cells, thus, the skin rejuvenation process takes place. By applying the emulsion with a high content of algae extract (more than 8%) to the cleansed skin, you improve its general condition. As a result, the skin is more moisturized, lifted, wrinkles are smoothed.The rejuvenating effect of fruit acids has been known to mankind for several thousands of years. There is evidence that Cleopatra, the recognized ideal of women’s loveliness, washed herself with sour wine. Slavic women maintained their beauty by making berry and milk masks using cranberries and sour clotted milk. Ancient Roman and Egyptian women made masks out of products containing acids — lemon and grape juices.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsAlpha-hydroxy (fruit) acids have a positive effect on the skin condition at the molecular, cellular and tissue level. They exert a peeling, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. They stimulate the appearance of new cells, intensify the synthesis of collagen and elastin, clear, even the skin structure.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) acts as a triggering spring in the synthesis of tissues, helps in the production of the cellular energy, makes the skin healthy, smooth and resilient. Vitamin B5 is known as the “anti-stress vitamin” and boasts an added anti-inflammatory effect.

Salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent. It gently peels the dead skin layer, cleanses pores, fights effectively against acne and pigmentation.

Purpose: • reduces the number of wrinkles, provides a lifting effect, • has an antioxidant effect, • promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, • has a slight peeling effect, • maintains the optimum moisture balance.

ResultThe skin’s appearance changes noticeably after the very first use of the mask. It becomes smoother, more resilient, wrinkles are smoothed out, nevi pigmentosis are cleared.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 51403.


Dual-System molding masks Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Ginseng Extract

Thanks to its record-breaking collagen content, the mask fundamentally changes mature facial skin by transforming it from aging and fading skin into resilient, elastic and healthy skin.

The product contains: hydrolyzed collagen, ginseng root extract.

By right, ginseng is called the “root of life.” The healing forces of this plant are so strong that even mystic properties were ascribed to it in ancient times: people believed that the plant shined with bright fire in the period of its blossoming and that if its root was dug out in this time, it was possible to obtain the elixir of immortality.

The root contains the most important microelements and minerals, a powerful antioxidant complex and the unique substances ginsenosides. Ginseng extract contains elements which are of great value to the skin: essential and fatty oils, mineral compounds and group B vitamins.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsGinseng extract stimulates cells to self-renewal, thereby improving the skin’s general condition. Ginseng regulates and normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates tissue regeneration, intensively nourishes and recovers the skin.Hydrolyzed collagen has nourishing, rejuvenating and wound-healing effects. It is indispensable for tired skin that has lost its vitality. It favors the production of natural collagen and renewal of basic skin structures.

Purpose: • enhances the skin’s vitality and resiliency, • protects the skin against early aging, • evens micro-relief, smoothes wrinkles, • has immunomodulating, anti-stress, toning effects, • restores epidermal cells.

ResultYour skin is moisturized, resilient, elastic and healthy. By using the mask regularly, you notice that your facial skin is obtaining excellent nutrition in order to remain young for a long time.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 51409. Protection against early aging


Masks TianDeSmoothing Mask for Face after Party

Thanks to this mask, you can easily amuse yourself for the whole evening without a care in the world — the force of ocean depths will take care of the healthy glow of your skin, while the super-conductor colloidal gold delivers all beneficial substances to each skin cell .

The product contains: algae extract, biogold, disubstituted potassium.

Algae are the treasure of the ocean, absorbing all of the most beneficial substances from sea water. Underwater plant extracts are a well-known remedy for the elimination of excessive liquid from tissues. This algae property alone underlies the action of this anti-edematous mask.

Algae lose 80% of their moisture in the process of drying, thus transforming into a dry concentrate completely preserving all of the beneficial properties and ocean riches contained in the mask in unchanged form for returning your skin to a state of comfort, smoothness and lifting.

1 kg of algae contains the same quantity of copper, zinc and magnesium as 10 tons of sea water. The mineral energy cocktail of the algae extract restores the functioning of “tired” skin cells.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Algae extract enriches the skin with a true “sea concentrate”: minerals, macro- and microelements, proteins and vitamins, eliminating excessive liquid from tissues.

Disubstituted potassium is a substance obtained from Glycyrrhiza extract. It moisturizes and tones the skin, has an antioxidant effect, eliminates irritation.

Purpose: • restores a healthy complexion, • removes edemas and skin erythema, • refreshes and tones, • has a lifting effect and moisturizes the skin.

ResultFacial skin has obtained dual nutrition and recovery — stress consequences are removed. Now you look fresh and rested as if you had slept soundly for 8 hours.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 51406.Restores vitality


Dual-System molding masks

Eyelid masks These cosmetic mini-masks make it possible to correct skin defects around the eyes. They are intended for home and professional use.

“Facial effect” Thanks to their targeted action, these modern mold masks for the skin around the eyes effectively prevent wrinkles, erythema, swelling and dark circles around the eyes. The emulsion, containing biogold, strengthens the result for a long time.

Anti-wrinkle 100% Collagen Eye MaskThis mask virtually postpones time by preventing age-related skin changes for a long time: overhang of the upper eyelid, “crow’s feet,” reduced resiliency of ultra-delicate eyelid skin. Any woman at the age of 30 and up can include it in her regular beauty regimen.

The product contains: collagen, Malva sylvestris leaf extract, ginseng root extract, biogold, algae extract.

Can a man live for a long time without water? Of course not. It is difficult to even imagine what would happen to us if our bodies did not receive life-giving moisture! But collagen is indispensable for our skin roughly to the same extent as clean water for our body. In case of collagen deficiency, it fades rapidly and is covered with wrinkles, in short — it ages.

As we grow older, starting at age 35 and up, cells stop producing a sufficient collagen quantity — collagen fibers start to lose their resiliency, structure and ability to retain moisture; as a result, wrinkles appear. What to do? Cosmetic products with high collagen content can come to the rescue.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsCollagen functions as a “youth protein,” it improves the skin’s strength, elasticity and turgor, fights against wrinkles.

Malva sylvestris leaf extract makes the skin soft and velvety, smoothes fine wrinkles, moisturizes, improves turgor.

Purpose: • moisturizes deeply, • recovers tone and elasticity, • smoothes fine wrinkles.

ResultWrinkles around the eyes are noticeably smoothed, you feel confidence in your beauty, your look is open, bold and fascinating.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 51401.

Placental Eye Mask with Shark Oil and Olive Leaves Extract

A cosmetic product for women who’ve decided to preserve their beauty and youth for a long time. This mask is highly suitable for women aged 40-50 years and up.

The product contains hydrogenized shark hepatic oil, olive leaf extract, hydrolyzed collagen.

The image of dangerous predator has been assigned to the shark and it was not considered a valuable edible fish for a long time. But it was discovered in the middle


Masks TianDeRadiant, youthful appearance

Say goodbye to edemas and inflammation!

of the 20th Century that the liver of the deep-sea shark contained 100 times as much vitamin A as cod liver. A new, seafaring “gold-rush” started in America after that. Shark liver was called “gray gold,” and fishermen hunted the gigantic dangerous prey with the same fervor as their predecessors who had panned for gold dust.

In addition to vitamin A, many beneficial elements were isolated from the liver of the deep-sea shark; squalene is one of them. It is a polyunsaturated liquid hydrocarbon that has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-tumor properties.

Squalene captures oxygen and saturates bodily tissues with it, thereby preventing the destructive effect of free radicals on the cells.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsShark liver oil helps cope with fine wrinkles, promotes the renewal of epithelial cells and activates the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the skin’s resiliency.

Olive leaf extract is a product obtained from the leaves of Olea europaea, the olive tree of the Oleaceae family. It contains unsaturated fatty acids — oleic, linoleic, linolenic acids, vitamin E and other active ingredient softening the skin. The extract has recovering, moisturizing, antioxidant and rejuvenating effects. It is widely used in anti-age therapy.

Purpose: • pronounced lifting-effect, • removes edemas and bags under the eyes, • relieves inflammation, • activates protein metabolism, • enhances the skin’s resistance to stress factors.

ResultAfter each use of the mask, your eyelid skin delights you with its resiliency and lift. Your appearance becomes younger and more attractive.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 51402.


Маски-муляжи Skin Triumph

Savor the triumph of your beauty «Эффект на лицо»Mold masks are a unique offer from the TianDe company. The natural composition and properties of the mask make it possible to revive the skin in mere minutes. By tightly covering the facial and neck skin, the fabric base creates a thermal effect, improves the penetration of nutrients to the cells, saturates the deep skin layers with vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

“Skin Triumph” masks are a consistent and thorough approach to your beauty. Each package contains 10 masks, i.e. the number which required for the intensive recovering course. After that, it is sufficient to use the mask once-twice a week for maintenance care.Directions: apply the mask to the cleansed facial skin, remove it after 15-20 minutes, rinse the face with water. Do not apply to damaged, irritated or inflamed skin.

Active Oxygen Face and Neck MaskThis mask is a wonderful anti-stress product for skin of any type and age. The “Active Oxygen” complex is a real boon for modern active women working at an intensive pace. The urban atmosphere, air-conditioning systems, absence of physical activity and restorative sleep — all of these factors have an unfavorable effect of skin condition. First of all, it loses moisture, resulting in the accelerated formation of wrinkles and a dull complexion.

Include “oxygen beauty procedures” in your daily plans and enjoy the splendid result!The product contains: hyaluronic acid, collagen, naturally-derived polysaccharide (xanthane gum).The Anti-Wrinkle Mask for Skin around the Eyes with 100% Collagen solves two problems at once: it eliminates moisture deficit in the epidermis and saturates the skin with oxygen. This occurs thanks to the fact that the product contains a record-breaking quantity of hyaluronic acid, which is a medium substance for skin cells, maintaining water balance. The cell cannot breathe without water; therefore, by saturating the skin with water, we accelerate all metabolic processes and improve cellular respiration. Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsHyaluronic acid is well distributed over the entire skin surface and forms a light film that actively absorbs moisture from the air. This promotes an increased content of free water in the corneous layer while creating the effect of additional moisture. The skin is as if “plumped” from the inside. Collagen has nourishing, rejuvenating and wound-healing effects. It is indispensable for tired skin that has lost its vitality. It favors the production of natural collagen and renewal of basic skin structures.Naturally-derived polysaccharide (xanthane gum) provides moisturizing, creates a light film that retains moisture in the skin, tones and constricts pores.

Purpose: • saturates the skin with oxygen, • improves metabolism, • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, • moisturizes the skin, reduces the depth of wrinkles thereby making the skin more

elastic, resilient and radiant again.Ваш ResultThe use of the mask even once grants the sensation of skin softness and wonderful moisturizing. And it looks younger and healthier, fine wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic and looks radiant after a 10-day course of procedures. Package: 10 pc. Code: 54101.


Masks TianDe

Moisturize! Breath! Glow!

Grape therapy

Grape Seed Face and Neck MaskThis cosmetic product may be used without any restriction, irrespective of skin type and age. Grape stone extract is known for its anti-aging properties and helps keep the skin in perfect condition for a long time. The tannin contained in the extract promotes the constriction of pores, reduces the production of sebum (skin oil), which is quite important for problem skin predisposed to oiliness.

The product contains: grape stone extract, collagen, panthenol, xanthane gum.

By right, the grapevine is considered a symbol of health and fertility. The healing properties of grapes have been known since time immemorial: ancient Greeks restored their vitality and health using the sun berry.

This wonder-berry has become very popular in cosmetology. The point is that grape stones contain a high concentration of the powerful antioxidant resveratrol.

”Thanks to the resveratrol contained in grape stone extract, its antioxidant properties are 50 times

higher than that of vitamin E and 20 times higher than that of vitamin C!

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Grape stone extract wonderfully moisturizes and tones the skin, makes it resilient and elastic, strengthens the walls of the smallest vessels. It helps resist the breakdown of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic and glucuronic acids, which are the skin’s main strengthening components. This extract protects against the negative effects of UV-rays.

Purpose: • has a strong antioxidant effect, • tones, has a lifting effect and refreshes the skin, • smoothes wrinkles, • stimulates the production of collagen, • slows down the skin’s aging processes, • improves water intercellular metabolism.

Ваш ResultBy regularly using the “Grape Stone,” you extend the natural youth and beauty of your skin. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of grape, the mask superbly recovers, softens and nourishes the skin, thereby noticeably improving its color.

Package: 10 pc. Code: 54102.


De Luxe mold masksTransformation in no time at all

“Facial effect” The unique “De Luxe” system will return your skin to a healthy look, free from signs of fatigue and stress, while smoothing wrinkles. Each package of the mold mask is a complex ritual of beauty: a moisturizing and nourishing procedure not only for the face but also for the neck, as well as a special emulsion for achieving maximum effect.This system allows you to implement the ideal skincare program at home, which, on the one hand, will give you excellent results that are comparable to the effect of professional salon cosmetic procedures and, on the other hand, save you money and time.

Secret of her youth…Why does the “De Luxe” series, a suitable cosmetic care complex, include a mask for both the face and neck? It has been noted that fair women take daily care of their face but often do not pay sufficient attention to neck skin care. Thus, the difference between the fresh, well-cared face and the “forgotten” neck betrays the true age of the woman. To control the mystery of your age on your own, it is important to start caring for the beauty of your neck in due time before irreversible changes appear: loss of resiliency, development of folds and winkles. In order to

preserve skin elasticity for as long as possible, it is recommended to use masks with an intensified moisturizing effect and high vitamin content, which will make it possible to activate metabolic processes in epidermal cells. The regular and full-value care of the facial and neck skin will help every woman remain confident of her attractiveness and radiate with the beauty of her skin like a 24-carat diamond.

“De Luxe” series is: • an ideal complex skincare program to be used at home;• result is comparable to the effect of salon cosmetic procedures; • convenience of use and attractive price.

Each product in the “De Luxe” series includes:

special box with base for facial skincare. The fabric base is saturated with jojoba oil, hydrolyzed silk and natural fruit acids. special box with base for neck skin care. The fabric base is saturated with aloe vera leaf extract and hamamelis extract. special box with emulsion, which ideally completes the effect of the mask. Thanks to conditioning agents, the skin is moisturized, fine wrinkles are smoothed, the skin lipid balance is normalized.

Directions: Apply the mask for the neck and for the face on the preliminarily-cleansed skin, remove it after 15-20 minutes, rinse with water. Apply the moisturizing emulsion by spreading it along the massage lines. Do not apply to injured, irritated or inflamed skin.

“De Luxe” masks are a base of unwoven fabric saturated with a special cosmetic gel containing active natural ingredients. The mask’s fabric tightly covers the skin and creates a thermal effect, thereby allowing pores to open more quickly. This enhances the efficiency of the use of the mask by 90% and the penetration of nutrients into the skin cells.



Masks TianDe 24-Carat Face and Neck Mask

This complex cosmetic product is well-suited to facial and neck skin showing the first signs of aging — it awakes the internal forces of fading skin. It effectively helps sensitive and dry skin “regenerate.” This mask will help solve the problem of desquamation and loss of skin resiliency.The mold mask for the face contains: jojoba stone oil, alpha-hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric acids), salicylic acid.

The history of this extraordinarily-effective cosmetic product, jojoba oil, is nearly mystical and dates back centuries. Specimens of this oil were found during the archeological digs of Egyptian pyramids. It is surprising that it preserved virtually all of its properties! It remains a mystery how this oil was delivered to Egypt, because Mexico is the motherland of this evergreen plant.

The Spanish conquistadors who discovered the American continent were amazed by the surprising properties of the potion that was used by the American Indians to smear their skin and hair, added to food and applied for salving and in magic rituals. Jojoba oil, which was called “liquid gold” by the American Indians and Aztecs, helped them to preserve excellent health and beauty.

Precious oil of beauty

”“Liquid gold” stands apart from other oils

because it has no equals in terms of its usefulness for facial skin. Jojoba oil is a vegetable wax with a unique composition and consistence. It is superbly absorbed by the skin, thereby nourishing it and strengthening its protective barrier.


De Luxe mold masksSilk Face and Neck Mask

This gentle, light mask is a veritable treasure trove of pleasure and rejuvenation. It will be ideally-suited for any skin type. It is indispensable for mature women — its one-time use practically revives the skin from the inside.

The mold mask for the face contains: hydrolyzed silk, jojoba oil.

Silk is a streaming, alluring jewel. It has been appreciated more than gold for many centuries and the secret of its production meant more than life itself. The name of the transcontinental arterial road “The Great Silk Road” shows the significance of silk in the history of many countries. In the Middle Ages, the Chinese used silk cuts as a means of payment. And in Ancient Rome, citizens of high standing were ready to do anything, even to bribe large sums of money, in order to obtain the precious fabric.

The structure of natural silk is similar to human skin. It has been proven that silk consists of 100% fibrous proteins and contains highly-valuable amino acids. So, the structural silk protein fibroin is a rich glycine source exerting a truly marvelous effect on the skin and hair.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredient Thanks to their low molecular weight, silk proteins freely penetrate the skin and are rapidly absorbed, thereby nourishing it. Silk amino acids immediately fill all skin injuries and irregularities thereby restoring softness and smoothness — they are excellent moisture reservoirs, stimulating collagen production.

The mold mask for neck skin care contains: aloe vera extract, floral hamamelis water.

Purpose: • moisturizes and nourishes the skin intensively, • activates cell renewal, • instantly recovers the look of healthy skin, • smoothes wrinkles, • slows down the skin’s aging process.

Result The “silky” nutrition has a noticeable rejuvenating effect, smoothes wrinkles, improves the complexion. Without leaving your house, you obtain the sensations and effect of a salon spa-procedure.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50142.

Effect of the mask’s active ingredientsJojoba oil contains amino acids, collagen, protein and vitamin E. “Liquid gold” stimulates the skin-cell regeneration process, thereby extending its youth.

Alpha-hydroxy acids are highly-effective fruit acids. They superbly dissolve the intercellular bonds linking keratinized skin cells. This promotes the acceleration of epidermal renewal and rejuvenation processes.

Salicylic acid was isolated for the first time from willow bark, and has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It softly peels the dead skin layer, cleanses pores, fights effectively against acne. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

The mold mask for neck skin care contains: aloe vera extract, floral hamamelis water.

Effect of active ingredients Aloe vera extract influences the skin at the cell level, rejuvenates, regenerates, recovers injured skin regions, eliminates inflammation, makes it toned and resilient, smoothes wrinkles, makes the facial skin look fresh and pleasantly colored.

Aloe contains essential oils, about 20 amino acids, vitamins B, C, E, choline, beta-carotene and many more microelements.

Floral hamamelis water has a soothing, toning effect, favors lifting of the face oval, pore constriction, it recovers the balance of oily and combined skin, improves the complexion.

Purpose: • removes signs of fatigue and stress, • relieves desquamation, • restores a healthy complexion, • nourishes the skin deeply, • reduces nevi pigmentosis.

Result:Use of the “24-Carat Face and Neck Mask” even once will provide skin elasticity and resiliency for a long time. Your skin receives deep nutrition and moisturizing, it is relieved from desquamation and inflammation, epidermal elasticity and resiliency are enhanced. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out. As in your youth, your facial skin is velvety again and glows with freshness.

Package: 1 pc. Code: 50141.


Masks TianDe

Silky pleasure

Beautiful geishas rubbed their entire body with natural silk, virtually polishing it; such a simple method left their skin smooth and shining.


Complex skincare programs FRESH SKIN skincare program

Skin type For all skin types

Age 20 +

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, antioxidant protection of skin cells, protection against unfavorable environmental factors

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Cleansing Milky Facial Emulsion Vitamin С, code: 13801

Seaweed Cleansing Milk Spa Technology, code: 10204

One of the products should be applied 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Toning Refreshing Facial Toner Vitamin С, code: 13802

The product should be applied 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening after skin cleansing

Day care Light Moisturizing Facial Cream Vitamin С, code: 13803

Use it in the morning after cleansing and toning the skin

Night care Renewal Facial Cream Vitamin С, code: 13804

Apply it in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin

Eye skin care Eye Contour Cream Vitamin С, code: 13805

The product should be applied 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Deep cleansing Delicate Peeling Facial Gel, code: 12009

Milk Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30247

Use one of the peels. Usage frequency depends on skin type: oily skin — 2-3 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Extra-care Aloe Moisturizing Cream Face Mask, code: 50109Marine Elixir Repairing Cream Mask, code: 50111

Glacier Water Refreshing Cream Mask, code: 50110

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.



YOUNG SKIN skincare programSkin type For all skin types

Age 25 +

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, antioxidant protection of skin cells, protection against unfavorable environmental factors, prevention of age-related changes, fight against the first signs of skin aging

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Deep Cleansing Facial Milk Gingko Biloba + E, code: 14501

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Toning Emollient Facial Tonic Gingko Biloba + E, code: 14502

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing the skin

Day care Moisturizing Facial Fluid Cream Gingko Biloba + E, code: 14503

In the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Night care Night Recovery Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12019

In the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin

Eye skin care Revitalizing Eye Cream Gingko Biloba + E, code: 14505

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

FRESH SKIN skincare programStage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Water Soluble Pearl Powder Mask, SPA Technology, code: 50224

Use depending on skin type: normal skin — 1-2 times a week; oily and combination skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Cream masks: “Green Tea,” code: 50101“Grape,” code: 50104

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days before going to bed for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.


Complex skincare programs YOUNG SKIN skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Deep cleansing Delicate Facial Gel Peel “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12009

Milk Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30247

Use one of the peels. Usage frequency depends on skin type: oily skin — 2-3 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Extra-care Active Oxygen Face and Neck Mask Skin Triumph, code: 54101

Grape Seed Face and Neck Mask Skin Triumph, code: 54102

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course.

Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Mineral Complex Regenerating Face and Neck Mask, code: 52904

Q10 Intensive Rejuvenating Face and Neck Mask, code: 52903

Royal Jelly and Propolis Nourishing Face and Neck Mask, code: 52908

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course.

Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Marine Elixir Repairing Cream Face Mask, code: 50111

Glacier Water Refreshing Cream Face Mask, code: 50110

Aloe Moisturizing Cream Face Mask, code: 50109

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course.

Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Blueberry Cream Face Mask, code: 50103

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days before going to bed for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.


AppendixANTISTRESS skincare program

Skin type For all skin types

Age For any age

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, antioxidant protection of cells, providing an infusion of beneficial substances to skin cells, stimulation of skin immunity.

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency Cleansing Olive Facial Cleanser

“20, 30, 40…”, code: 120242 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Toning Olive Facial Lotion “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12027

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Day care Olive Energy Light Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12028

In the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Night care Hydrating Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12018

In the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Deep cleansing Delicate Peeling Facial Gel, code: 12031

Milk Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30247

Olive Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30251

Use one of the peels once every 2 weeks.

Extra-care Rejuvenating Mask for Face and Neck with Fruit Acids Dual System, code: 51403

Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Ginseng Extract Dual System, code: 51409

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course.

Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Active Oxygen Face and Neck Mask Skin Triumph, code: 54101

Grape Seed Face and Neck Mask Skin Triumph, code: 54102

1-2 times weekly.


Complex skincare programs ANTISTRESS skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency Silk Face and Neck Mask De Luxe, code: 50142

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course.

Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Cream masks: “Green Tea,” code: 50101“Tomato,” code: 50102“Grape,” code: 50104

Use daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course.

Use 1-2 times a week before going to bed for maintenance care.

Placental Eye Mask with Shark Oil and Olive Leaf Extract Dual System, code: 51402

Use 1-2 times weekly.

SENSITIVE skincare programSkin type Sensitive skin

Age For any age

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, antioxidant protection of cells, strengthening the epidermal barrier and enhancing resistance to aggressive factors, reducing hypersensitivity, correction of defects (erythema, desquamation.

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Cleansing Facial Milk “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12003

Use 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Toning Moisturizing Facial Toner “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12004

Use 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing the skin.

Day care Optimum Hydration Day Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12017

Use in the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Night care Hydrating Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12018

Use in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Deep cleansing Delicate Facial Gel Peel “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12009

Use once every 2 weeks.


AppendixSENSITIVE skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Calla Soothing Cream Face Mask, code: 50112

Use daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Active Oxygen Face and Neck Mask Skin Triumph, code: 54101

Grape Seed Face and Neck Mask Skin Triumph, code: 54102

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Cream masks: “Green Tea,” code: 50101“Tomato,” code: 50102“Grape,” code: 50104

Use daily for 10-15 days before going to bed for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care .

ANTIACNE skincare programSkin type Oily, combination skin

Age For any age

Tasks Effective cleansing, normalization of oil gland function, restoration of pH value, pore constriction, evening skin surface and complexion, antibacterial protection, removal of erythema and inflamamtion, prevention and removal of acne.

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Cleansing Facial Gel Master Herb, code: 11319

Green Tea Cleansing Gel SPA Technology, code: 10201

Olive Facial Cleanser, “20, 30, 40…”, Code: 12024

Aloe Facial Cleanser, “20, 30, 40…”, Code: 12025

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Toning Anti-Acne Facial Lotion Master Herb, code: 11320

Use 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening


Complex skincare programs ANTIACNE skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Day care Anti-Acne and Scar Facial Cream; Master Herb, code: 11323

Use once daily, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Deep cleansing Milk Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30247

Grape Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30249

Apple Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30253

Pomegranate Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30250

Peach Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30252

Cucumber Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30248

Use one of the peels 2-3 times a week if there are no pustular rashes.

Clear Pore Purifying Strip Master Herb, code: 11317

Bamboo Charcoal Purifying Strip Master Herb, code: 11325

Use as pores become contaminated — 1-3 times a week.

Aloe Face Film Mask SPA Technology, code: 50201

Placental Face Film Mask SPA Technology, code: 50202

Use 2-3 times a week, alternating with peels.

Extra-care «BioComplex» Anti-Acne Facial Gel Master Herb, code: 11321

«PhytoCorrector» Anti-Acne Facial Lotion Master Herb, code: 11322

Stop Acne Lotion Solution, code: 13203

Use locally, on problem skin regions.

Purifying Clear Pore Nose Strip Mask Master Herb, code: 11317

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.


AppendixHYDROMAX dehydrated skincare program

Skin type For all skin types в состоянии обезвоженности

Tasks Effective cleansing, intensive moisturizing, recovering hydrolipid balance, reducing transepidermal moisture loss, restoring skin turgor and elasticity.

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Aloe Facial Cleanser “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12001

Seaweed Cleansing Milk SPA Technology, code: 10204

Cleansing Facial Milk, “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12003

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Toning Aloe Balance Facial Toner, “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12002

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Day care Aloe Facial Hydrating Tonic, “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12026

Silk Touch Moisturizing Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12022

Use one of the products in the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Night care Hydrating Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12018

Use in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin

Deep cleansing Delicate Facial Gel Peel, “20, 30, 40…”, Code: 12009

Facial Peeling, Tibetan Herbs, Code: 12107

Use one of the peels. Usage frequency depends on skin type: oily skin — 2-3 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Extra-care Silk Touch Intensive Moisture Mask “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12023

Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Intensive Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52901

Peach Rehydrating Cream Face Mask, code: 50106

Aloe Moisturizing Cream Face Mask, code: 50109

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.


Complex skincare programs HYDROMAX dehydrated skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Corrective Serum in Capsules, Corrective Serum, code: 10101

Use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days to achieve a stable effect

Mezoroller, code: 90141 Start to perform procedures once every 3 days and then gradually proceed to daily use.

Beauty Time skincare programAge 35+Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, stimulating production of the skin’s own collagen and elastin, enhancement

of the skin’s resiliency and elasticity, prevention of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging, antioxidant cell protection, protection against adverse environmental factors.

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Gentle Cleansing Facial Milk Zhenfei Perfect, code: 12802

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Toning Moisturizing Facial Toner “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12004 (for dry and sensitive skin)

Aloe Balance Facial Toner “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12002 (for normal and combination skin)

Olive Facial Lotion “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12027 (for oily skin)

Use one of the products depending on skin type 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing the skin.

Day care Rejuvenating Energy Emulsion for Face Zhenfei Perfect, code: 12805

Intensive Hydrating Cream for Face Zhenfei Perfect, code: 12803

Apply the emulsion after cleansing and toning the skin, under one of the creams.

Night care Anti-Wrinkle Intensive Care Cream for Face Zhenfei Perfect, code: 12804

Используйте одно из средств вечером, после очищения и тонизирования кожи.


AppendixBeauty Time skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Eye skin care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream-GelZhenfei Perfect, code: 12806

Lifting Eye Cream-Gel Zhenfei Perfect, code: 12807

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Deep cleansing Facial Express Peeling Zhenfei Perfect, code: 12801

Usage frequency of the peel depends on skin type: oily skin — 2-3 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Extra-care Lingzhi Revitalizing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52902

Q10 Intensive Rejuvenating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52903

Mineral Complex Regenerating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52904

Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Intensive Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52901

Vitamin C Clarifying Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52905

Pearl Vibrant Beauty Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52907

Lotus Rejuvenating Tonic Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52906

Royal Jelly and Propolis Nourishing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52908

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

«24-Carat» Face and Neck MaskDe Luxe, code: 50141

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Face and Neck Rejuvenating Mask with Fruit Acids Dual System, code: 51403

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.


Complex skincare programs Beauty Time skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency


Placental Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Biogold Dual System, code: 51404

Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Ginseng Extract Dual System, code: 51409

Anti-wrinkle 100% Collagen Eye Mask Dual System, code: 51401

Placental Eye Mask with Shark Oil and Olive Leaves Extract Dual System, code: 51402

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

Botox Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12202

Lifting Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12201

Use once daily (in the evening, 2 hours before going to bed) in case of moderate signs of skin fading.

Use 2 times daily if you have significant problems.

Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10101

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Eye Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10102

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Intensive Eye Skin Complex Eye Mask & Phyto Essence Tibetan Herbs, code: 12106

Use daily for 10-15 days, then 2-3 times a week.

Mezoroller, code: 90141 Start to perform procedures once every 3 days and then gradually proceed to daily use.


AppendixLIFTING skincare program

Age 35+

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing and increasing skin turgor, evening skin surface and face oval, recovery of tissue resiliency and elasticity, acceleration of metabolic processes, stimulating the renewal of the skin’s own collagen

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency Cleansing Delicate Cleanser for Face Collagen

Active, code: 127012 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Toning Delicate Moisturizing Toner for Face Collagen Active, code: 12712

2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Day care Firming Face and Neck Emulsion Collagen Active, code: 12705 (for normal, combination and oily skin)


Intensive Lifting Face Cream Collagen Active, code: 12703 (for dry skin)

Use one of the products depending on skin type after cleansing and toning. The emulsion may be applied under the basic cream.

Night careFirming Face and Neck Emulsion Collagen Active, code: 12705

Firming and Lifting Facial Cream “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12020

Use one of the products in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Eye skin care Lifting Eye Contour Cream Collagen Active, code: 12704

Firming and Lifting Eye Cream-Gel “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12012

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening

Deep cleansing Grape Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30249

Apple Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30253

Pomegranate Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30250

Peach Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30252

Cucumber Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30248

Usage frequency of peeling depends on skin type: oily skin — 2-3 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.


Complex skincare programs LIFTING skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Crystal Collagen Face Mask Collagen Active, code: 12709

Intensive Lifting Corrective Face Mask Collagen Active, code: 12711

Contour Sculpting Face Gel Collagen Active, code: 12707

Crystal Collagen Eyelid Mask Collagen Active, code: 12710

W intensywnej pielęgnacji stosuj kurację czterdziestodniową (40 dni).

W celu podtrzymania efektu stosuj raz w tygodniu.

Q10 Intensive Rejuvenating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52903

Lingzhi Revitalizing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52902

Mineral Complex Regenerating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52904

Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Intensive Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52901

Vitamin C Clarifying Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52905

Pearl Vibrant Beauty Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52907

Lotus Rejuvenating Tonic Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52906

Royal Jelly and Propolis Nourishing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52908

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

Smoothing Eye Patch Solution, code: 13204

Use daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.


AppendixLIFTING skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Face and Neck Rejuvenating Mask with Fruit Acids Dual System, code: 51403

Placental Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Biogold Dual System, code: 51404

Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Ginseng Extract Dual System, code: 51409

Anti-wrinkle 100% Collagen Eye Mask Dual System, code: 51401

Placental Eye Mask with Shark Oil and Olive Leaf Extract Dual System, code: 51402

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

Lifting Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12201

Use once daily (in the evening, 2 hours before going to bed) in case of moderate signs of skin fading.

Use 2 times daily if you have significant problems.

Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10101

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Eye Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10102

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Mezoroller, code: 90141 Start to perform procedures once every 3 days and then gradually proceed to daily use.


Complex skincare programs SKIN REVIVAL skincare program

Age 35 +

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, rich nutrition, enhancement of skin immunity, stimulating the production of the skin’s own collagen and elastin, increase in skin resiliency and elasticity, fight against wrinkles and other signs of aging, antioxidant protection of skin cells, protection against adverse environmental factors

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Cleansing Facial Milk “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12003

Aloe Facial Cleanser “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12001

Olive Facial Cleanser “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12024

Use one of the products 2 times daily – in the morning and in the evening

Toning Moisturizing Facial Toner “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12004

Aloe Balance Facial Toner “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12002

Olive Facial Lotion “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12027

Use one of the products 2 times daily – in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing the skin.

Day care Sheep Placenta Spot-Removing Facial Cream Sheep Placenta, code: 10302

Sheep Placenta Moisturizing Nourishing Facial Cream Sheep Placenta, code: 10304

Use one of the products in the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Night care Sheep Placenta Anti-Wrinkle Recovering Facial Cream Sheep Placenta, code: 10303

Use in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Eye skin care Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream Sheep Placenta, code: 10307

Revitalizing Eye Cream-Gel “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12021

Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream-Gel “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12013

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.


AppendixSKIN REVIVAL skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Deep cleansing Sheep Placenta Facial Peel, code: 10301

Usage frequency of the peel depends on skin type: oily skin — 1-2 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks

Extra-care Lingzhi Revitalizing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52902

Q10 Intensive Rejuvenating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52903

Mineral Complex Regenerating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52904

Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Intensive Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52901

Vitamin C Clarifying Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52905

Royal Jelly and Propolis Nourishing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52908

Pearl Vibrant Beauty Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52907

Lotus Rejuvenating Tonic Mask Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52906

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

Face and Neck Rejuvenating Mask with Fruit Acids Dual System, code: 51403

Placental Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Biogold Dual System, code: 51404

Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Ginseng Extract Dual System, code: 51409

Anti-wrinkle 100% Collagen Eye Mask Dual System, code: 51401

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care


Complex skincare programs SKIN REVIVAL skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Placental Eye Mask with Shark Oil and Olive Leaf Extract Dual System, code: 51402

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

Botox Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12202

Lifting Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12201

Use once daily (in the evening, 2 hours before going to bed) in case of moderate signs of skin fading.

Use 2 times daily if you have significant problems.

Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10101

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Eye Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10102

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Intensive Eye Skin Complex Eye Mask & Phyto Essence, code: 12106

Use daily for 10-15 days, then 2-3 times a week.

Mezoroller, code: 90141 Start to perform procedures once every 3 days and then gradually proceed to daily use.

ANTI AGE GLOBAL skincare programAge 40+

Tasks Effective cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, stimulating the production of the skin’s own collagen and elastin, correction of wrinkles, increase in skin resiliency and elasticity, antioxidant protection of skin cells, protection against adverse environmental factors.

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Cleansing Facial Milk “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12003

Aloe Facial Cleanser “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12001

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.


AppendixANTI AGE GLOBAL skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Cleansing Olive Facial Cleanser “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12024

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening.

Toning Revitalizing Facial Tonic Marine Collagen, code: 13504

Use 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing the skin.

Day care Rejuvenating Facial Day Cream Marine Collagen, code: 13501

Use in the morning, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Night care Nutritious Regenerating Facial Night Cream Marine Collagen, code: 13502

Use in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Eye skin care Revitalizing Facial Tonic Marine Collagen, code: 13504

Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel “20, 30, 40…”, code: 12014

Use one of the products 2 times daily — in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing and toning the skin.

Deep cleansing Grape Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30249

Apple Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30253

Pomegranate Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30250

Peach Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30252

Cucumber Peeling Spa Technology, code: 30248

Use one of the peels. Usage frequency of the peel depends on skin type: oily skin — 2-3 times a week; normal skin — 1-2 times a week;dry and sensitive skin — once every 2 weeks.

Extra-care Lingzhi Revitalizing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52902

Q10 Intensive Rejuvenating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52903

Mineral Complex Regenerating Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52904

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care


Complex skincare programs ANTI AGE GLOBAL skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Intensive Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52901

Vitamin C Clarifying Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52905

Royal Jelly and Propolis Nourishing Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52908

Pearl Vibrant Beauty Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52907

Lotus Rejuvenating Tonic Face and Neck Mask Pro-Comfort, code: 52906

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance car

Face and Neck Rejuvenating Mask with Fruit Acids Dual System, code: 51403

Placental Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Biogold Dual System, code: 51404

Collagen Mask for Face and Neck with Ginseng Extract Dual System, code: 51409

Anti-wrinkle 100% Collagen Eye Mask Dual System, code: 51401

Placental Eye Mask with Shark Oil and Olive Leaves Extract Dual System, code: 51402

Use the mask daily for 2 weeks for the intensive course. Use 2-3 times a week for maintenance care.

Cream masks: “Loquat,” code: 50105 “Tomato,” code: 50102

Use one of the masks daily for 10-15 days before going to bed for the intensive course. Use 1-2 times a week for maintenance care.

Botox Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12202

Lifting Effect Transdermal Complex, code: 12201

Use once daily (in the evening, 2 hours before going to bed) in case of moderate signs of skin fading.

Use 2 times daily if you have significant problems.


AppendixANTI AGE GLOBAL skincare program

Stage of care Cosmetic product name Usage frequency

Extra-care Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10101

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Eye Corrective Serum in capsules, code: 10102

To achieve a stable effect, use as a course 1-2 times daily for 15-20 days in combination with cream or alone.

Intensive Eye Skin Complex Eye Mask & Phyto EssenceTibetan Herbs, code: 12106

Use daily for 10-15 days, then 2-3 times a week

Mezoroller, code: 90141 Start to perform procedures once every 3 days and then gradually proceed to daily use.

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