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Post on 14-Dec-2015






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$100 $100 $100 $100 $100$100$100

$200 $200 $200 $200$200 $200$200$200

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$400 $400 $400 $400$400 $400$400$400

$500 $500 $500 $500$500 $500$500$500

18521852 StrugglesStruggles WhigsWhigs PlacesPlaces PeoplePeopleThis N’This N’ThatThat

This N’ ThatThis N’ That - $100

In the 1840s, the view that God had ordained the growth of an

American nation stretching across North America was called

Manifest Destiny

This N’ ThatThis N’ That - $200

What dilemma did the statehood of California cause?

Unbalanced Congress

This N’ ThatThis N’ That - $300

What was the big problem between Texas and Congress?

Congress gave the eastern part of Texas to New Mexico

This N’ ThatThis N’ That - $400

Most American leaders believed that the only way to keep the new

Pacific Coast territories from breaking away from United

States control was to construct

A transcontinental railroad

This N’ ThatThis N’ That - $500

The only member of President Tyler’s Whig cabinet who did not resign in protest over his policies

was ___

Daniel Webster

1852 - $100

Democratic candidate, “The Fainting General”

Franklin Pierce

1852 - $200

Whig candidate, “Old Fuss and Feathers”?

Winfield Scott

1852 - $300

Under Pierce, the U.S. opened Japan to trade. Who did this?

Commodore Matthew Perry

1852 - $400

Who negotiated the final purchase of Mexican land from

General Santa Anna?

James Gadsden

1852 - $500

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of Stephen Douglas, seemed like a

good idea, but it ran afoul of this?

Missouri Compromise of 1820

StrugglesStruggles - $100

This treaty ended the Mexican-American War?

Treat of Guadalupe Hildalgo

StrugglesStruggles - $200

What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo provide for?

Texas and California and everything in between ceded to the U.S. from Mexico

StrugglesStruggles - $300

This Act prohibited slavery in any territory acquired un the

treaty of G-H?Wilmot Proviso

StrugglesStruggles - $400

What did the political parties try to ignore in the 1848 presidential


The issue of slavery

StrugglesStruggles - $500

In 1848 candidate Cass’ platform was to allow each territory to

decide about slavery. The term for this idea is?

Popular Sovereignty

Whigs - $100

Who ran against Cass (Dem) in 1848?

Zachary Taylor, the Hero of Buena Vista

Whigs - $200

What political party was formed, mostly of Whigs, who were

ardently anti-slavery?

Free Soil Party

Whigs - $300

Why did Taylor win the election of 1848?

He was a Southerner from Louisiana. Van Buren (Free Soil) Took votes away from Cass in New York giving the state to Taylor.

Whigs - $400

How many elections did the Whigs win in their 20 year



Whigs - $500

What party was formed to “replace” the Whigs upon their



Places - $100

The British-American dispute over the border of ____ was solved by a compromise that

gave each side some territory.


Places - $200

____was annexed to the United States as a result of President

Tyler’s desire to help his troubled administration


Places - $300

The primary group that was instrumental in strengthening and saving American claims to ____ were American missionaries to

the Indians.


Places - $400

The largest single addition to American territory was ____

The Mexican Secession

Places - $500

In his quest for ____, President James K. Polk first advocated buying the area from Mexico


People - $100

Who was the American Commander in charge of

California during the Mexican War?

John C. Frémont

People - $200

In the presidential election of 1844, the Whig candidate, ____,

favored postponing the annexation of Texas

Henry Clay

People - $300During the Mexican War, the Polk

administration was called upon several times to respond to “spot”

resolutions indicating where American blood had been shed to provoke the war. The resolutions

were frequently introduced by

Abraham Lincoln

People - $400

_______’s plan to protect the South and slavery involved the election of two presidents, one

from the North and one from the South

John C. Calhoun’s

People - $500

____’s famed Seventh of March speech in 1850 resulted in a shift toward compromise in the North.

Daniel Webster’s

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