beginning jquery part 2

Post on 06-May-2015






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Introduction to jQuery (for journalism students) and review of the Code School "Try jQuery" course, Parts 4-5. Revised in March 2014. New exercises available on GitHub:


Beginning jQuery (part 2)

Review of the Code School course“Try jQuery” (parts 4–5)

Review of Levels 4–5

Simple Interactions

$('#pushie').click(function() {// some code here// more code


$('#apple').hover(function() {// some code here// more code


“Event handlers” are different$('.confirmation').on('click', 'button', function() {


An event handler always includes .on()In this example, .confirmation is a DIV or other container.Inside the container are one or more buttons.The handler “listens” for a click on any button inside any element with the class .confirmationWhen a click occurs, in this case jQuery travels “up” the DOM to find .confirmation and then “down” the DOM to find .ticket — then it reveals (shows) the .ticket element with a sliding motion.

$('.confirmation').on('click', 'button', function() { // some code here


$('button').on('click', function() { // some code here


These two are different: The first one “listens” only to the .confirmation element(s).The second one listens to every button element on the whole page.(The second one is not efficient.)

Event Handlers (2)

Event Handlers: Mouse Events

What are we “listening” for?

• click• dblclick• focusin• focusout• mousedown• mouseup

• mouseenter• mouseleave• mousemove• mouseout• mouseover

Mouse Events

• There is no hover that can be used with .on() — there was, in an older version of jQuery, but not anymore.

• So, we use "mouseenter mouseleave" to achieve the same effect as hover.

• Note: Even though mouseover seems similar to mouseenter, and mouseout seems similar to mouseleave, do not use them.

$("#states").on("mouseenter mouseleave",

We will do an exercise (later) that uses this.

Instead of hover

More Event Handlers

Keyboard events

• keydown• keypress• keyup

Form events

• blur • change • focus • select • submit

What about touch and swipe events?

But back to our beginner lessons …

Fading and Sliding!







We’ll do two exercises with these, later.



Styling• Do not stick a lot of CSS styles into your jQuery functions:

$(this).css('background-color', '#252b30');$(this).css('border-color', '1px solid


• Instead, you should put CSS styles in your stylesheet (where they belong), and use them like this:


• You can also toggle styles:$(this).toggleClass('highlight');


$('#vacations').on('click', '.vacation', function() {$(this).toggleClass('highlighted'); $(this).animate( {'top': '-10px'} );


Here, jQuery will make the element with the class .vacation slide up (but not disappear) on the page, by 10 pixels, when it has been clicked.Note: The element needs to have position set to relative in the CSS, or this won’t work.

$('#vacations').on('click', '.vacation', function() {$(this).toggleClass('highlighted');if($(this).hasClass('highlighted')) {

$(this).animate({'top': '-10px'});} else {

$(this).animate({'top': '0px'});}


Here we see an if statement inside the jQuery function. It plays off the .toggleClass() method, which adds/removes ‘highlighted’(from Code School lessons).

Reverse the animation

Control the speed

$(this).animate( {'top': '-10px'}, 400 );$(this).animate( {'top': '-10px'}, 'fast' ); $(this).animate( {'top': '-10px'}, 200 );$(this).animate( {'top': '-10px'}, 'slow' ); $(this).animate( {'top': '-10px'}, 600 );

Animate more than one thing

$(this).find('.per-night').animate( {'opacity': '1', 'top':'-14px' } );

Basically, you can animate anything that you can change or control with CSS.

Because—ahem!—CSS is doing the animation!


• Direct CSS transitions are faster than jQuery:

• You have more control with jQuery (but it will

be slower overall). Less code with jQuery.• So you need to judge: CSS, or jQuery? (Lots of examples here)

• CSS transitions – demos and more:

jQuery vs. CSSMaybe you didn’t know about CSS3 transitions …

#apple {width: 100px;height: 100px;transition: width 2s, height 2s;/* Firefox */-moz-transition: width 2s, height 2s, -moz-transform

2s; /* Safari and Chrome */-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 2s, -webkit-

transform 2s; /* Opera */-o-transition: width 2s, height 2s, -o-transform 2s; }

CSS3 transitions need more code

transition: width 2s, height 2s;/* Firefox */

-moz-transition: width 2s, height 2s, -moz-transform 2s;

/* Safari and Chrome */-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 2s, -webkit-transform 2s;

/* Opera */-o-transition: width 2s, height 2s, -o-transform 2s;

jQuery vs. CSS

Again, we’ll do two exercises to learn more about animation in the browser.

With jQuery:animate.html

Without jQuery:animation_with_css.html

Beginning jQuery (part 2)

Review of the Code School course“Try jQuery” (parts 4–5)

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