beginnings - · beginnings my hike we had our hike on the 28th of april. we went...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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An Adventure with the

Indian Dolphin

There were two explorers

named Kawish and Nirmit.

They were studying the

habits of the Indian Dol-

phin. They went in their

jeep to Kanya Kumari. From

there, they went out to sea

in a speedboat. They went

far out into the ocean

where dolphins are found.

When they dived into the

sea and swam around, they

could not see any dolphins.

Suddenly, they heard a

sound like someone crying.

They followed the sound

and saw a sweet little baby

dolphin. Soon, they understood

that it was crying for its moth-

er. They tried very hard to look

for the mother. Suddenly, they

heard a dolphin calling. The

mother dolphin came nearer

and seemed pleased to have

found her baby. She shook her

fin at the explorers and took

her baby home.

Nimrit Garg 5A

A Dream

I was resting in bed because I was not feeling very well. My mother had gone to the

market. Suddenly, I was lifted out of my bed and I was out of the

window! I landed in a lovely meadow There were many deer and cows

grazing nearby and I went to pet them and play with them. I stroked

each cow and deer, one by one. But, as I was about to stroke the

last deer, I saw a bull come rushing at me. It shook me hard!

Then, I opened my eyes and saw my mother back from the market

shaking me awake .

Nikita Arya (3A)


My Hike

We had our hike on the 28th of April. We

went to Lal Tibba and Char Dukan. We ate

chips and drank cold drinks. There was a

church near Char Dukan. They were get-

ting ready for a wedding and they had

decorated the church beautifully. Then ,

we went to Lal Tibba and on the way, we

climbed the grassy slopes. We saw two

dogs at Char Dukan. We named the black

one, Kalu and the light brown one, Lallu.

We fed the black dog and it didn’t bite us.

We saw a graveyard. Ma’am gave us a

treat of orange flavoured ice cream. Then

we came back to school. We had a lot of

fun on our hike to Lal Tibba.


Jaiswal 4A



Colour all the

pictures !!

Interesting facts at the

top of each page contrib-

uted by Shubh and Anwar

of Class 4A!

PAGE 1 Roald Dahl Day is celebrated on 13th September.

My School

I love my school a lot. My school is like my home.

My school is like my family. My teachers, aunties

and friends are all like my family. The school has

everything we want – education, good food, sports,

competitionscompetitionscompetitions, swimming classes, hikes and trekking,

nature walks, nice classes, artwork, and exeats!

Our aunties are like our second mothers. Our

friends are like brothers and sisters. Here, we

have visiting weekends and outings. In June, we will

have Fancy Fair and then our vacations. In June,

we will also have a very special day called Founders’

Day. On that day, there will be a swimming gala

too. In Mussoorie, we have nice weather. It is a

beautiful place.

Here, we enjoy ourselves

with our wonderful fami-

ly. My school is the best

school in the whole world.

“East or West, Wynberg

-Allen is the best!”

-Shreya Kakkar 5A

Wynberg-Allen School

I study at Wynberg-Allen School. This

is the best school I have ever seen in

my life. It is a very big school. There is

a very big field. There are many chil-

dren in my school. There are many

teachers. They

are helpful and

kind. They are

always ready

to help us.

There are many

dormito- ries


Wynberg- Allen

School. There is a big hospital in this

school. There is a baker’s shop from

where we buy things. There is a big

staffroom where the teachers go for

meetings. There is a hall called Hart

Hall where we have assemblies. I like

this school very much.

-Adya Jalan 4A

A Happy Child

I am a happy child. Everybody loves me. I work hard at studies. My

father and mother love me a lot. My friends play with me. We do

not quarrel. Sometimes we play in the park. I catch butterflies but

I do not harm them. A happy child makes everybody happy

Ayush Petwal 2B

My School

My school’s name is Wynberg-Allen. It is a boarding school for girls and

boys. The Junior School is known as Wynberg ; the Senior School is known

as Allen. It has many children. We have a basketball court where we play

and a library where we read interesting books. Allen has a large swimming

pool. We have a dining hall where we eat our meals. I love my school !

The cockroach’s favourite food is glue!

PAGE 2 The Penny Black was the world's first adhesive postage stamp used in a public postal system.

My Pet

My pet’s name

is Tuffy and

he is a dog.

He is white in

colour and has

fur all over

his body. I

bathe him everyday and after having a

bath, he plays with me. He likes to eat

meat and biscuits. He is very nice and

he is not naughty. He always stays

with me. I take him for a walk every-

day. I love my pet very much.

Rohi Ong Lepcha 4A

My Pet

My pet is a dog. She is a girl. Her

name is Stella. She is one year

old. She likes to eat chapat-

tis, bread, biscuits and dog

food and she likes to drink milk. Her ears

are long and floppy and her eyes are big and

shiny. She likes to play and she licks me

when she is happy. She likes to play with a

stick and ball.

Abigail Tete 4A


One day, we went on a hike. While coming

back, we saw a cute pup. He was hurt very

badly. We felt very sad. It had a cut on

its tail and one eye was hurt. Tears were

running down its nose. I took off my cap,

put the pup in it and carried it back to

school. Mr. Greene and MissLucas did not

know what to do. So, we gave it to Ma’am

Teron. Some of the girls were crying. I

was going to cry but I controlled myself.

Ma’am has kept it in her home and takes

care of it. I rescued a dog and I am very

happy. We

have named

him Rex.

Karma 4A

My Pet

My pet is a dog. His name is Jimmy. Jimmy

is white and black in colour. He likes to eat

bread and bones and he likes to drink milk.

He likes to play with me. I love my pet very

much because he is

very brave.

Jatin Aggarwal (2A)

A ladybug can eat sixty insects in a day. It likes spiders, mites and other bugs.

My Pet

My pet’s name is Softy.

I give my pet a bath every day.

My pet runs to me when I come home from


My pet’s fur is very soft.

My pet loves me very


My pet jumps on me.

I love my pet very much.

-Priyanshi Gupta 2A


Scientists believed that Roberto Nevilis from Italy started homework in 1095. He was a school

An Elephant

An elephant eats grass and leaves.

Elephants carry load for us.

They have flat teeth to chew


An elephant uses its long


An elephant is very brave.

They are grey in colour.

They have no house to live in.

They live in a forest.

-Sania Chugh 2B

The Peacock

The peacock is our national


It is a very beautiful bird.

It has colourful feathers.

It dances happily in the


I like to see a dancing pea-


Manu Rajput


A Frightening Dream

I was alone at home. Suddenly, I heard a noise coming

from my garden. I looked out from the window. I saw two

men dressed in black who were climbing up the wall. I ran

and hid under my bed.

Both the men’s faces were covered with a black cloth. I

saw that they were burglars stealing my mother’s orna-

ments. Suddenly, one of them saw me and threw a knife

at me. I screamed loudly and opened my eyes and saw

that my mother was shaking me. She asked me why I was


Thank God, it was only a dream!

Yuvraj Singh Chauhan 3B

Going Swimming

Every two weeks, we go swim-

ming. Our class teacher, Ma’am

Ragini Sharma and Mr Colvin

come with us. There is a short

cut from Junior School to Sen-

ior School. We walk in pairs.

Everyone is excited.

When we reach the swimming pool, we wear our swimming costumes and take a show-

er. Then, we wait for our swimming teacher, Mr Samundar Singh. When he

comes, he tells us about the rules of swimming. Sir teaches us how to dive, splash

with our legs and feet in water and how to swim. After an hour, we come out of

the swimming pool, take a shower and wear our uniforms. After everyone has

changed, we return to Junior School.

We are very tired but happy. We wear our sweaters and ties and hurry to the

dining hall because we are very hungry after a lot of exercise.

Ayan Singal 3B





The most dangerous insect is the housefly because it carries disease.

PAGE 4 Levi Strauss was the inventor of blue jeans.

A Fairy Tale

Down came a fairy,

With twinkling stars,

With a rainbow dress,

And a garland of flowers.

She came from a world so far,

Perhaps from a distant star!

She made me smile with her magical powers,

And with a smile flew back to the stars!

Saamragyi Gupta 3A



12 13



What’s in the middle : 13 or B?

Ans: Both of them.

What belongs to you but is used by others?

Ans: Your name.

Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

Ans: All the months.

What’s the full form of N E P A L?

Ans: Never Eat Potatoes After Lunch

Contributed by Balrammit S. Bhullar



Holi happens to be my favourite festival. I par-

ticularly enjoy the brightness of it that comes

from the colours used. I keep a stock of every

colour but red happens to be my favourite. The

other ones ,particularly, the purple is one I

hate to use on Holi. It never comes off and

makes one look so bad.

I also enjoy preparing gujiyas with my mother

and sister. My mother keeps frying them in the

pan while my sisters do the rolling, cutting and

filling. My favourite part is to do the filling

which gives me a chance to keep stealing the

tasty khoya which is full of dry fruits. Eating

the gujiyas piping hot, just as they come off

the stove, is the most cherished moment of the


I also make other preparations for the festi-

val, like choosing an old and faded pair of jeans

and a shirt. I think that having to apply oil and

cream is the boring part of it. But, if that is

not done the chemicals in the colour can be

harsh on the skin and hair.

I had a bad experience after Holi once. I was

so engrossed in playing with colours that I did

not realize there wasn’t a drop of water left

for me to bathe. That winter day I had to wait

for hours soaked in Holi colours before the

water supply was restored. It was a very im-

portant lesson that I learnt that day – to have

a bath on time.

I particularly enjoy the festival in the compa-

ny of friends and relatives, that is, when there

are lots of people to have fun with. The ex-

citement is unmatched

when everybody loves

the festival as much as

you do.

Dhruv Goyal 4A

A golf ball has 400 dimples.

PAGE 5 The average number of licks to polish off a single scoop of ice-cream cone is approximately 50.

The koala is not a bear but we still call it a bear because it looks like a teddy bear.

PAGE 6 "Barbie Millicent Roberts" is Barbie's full name.


My name is Madhav.

I am eight years old.

I study at Wynberg-Allen School.

I like to eat mangoes. I like to

play P.S.3. on T.V.

I live in Muradabad.

I love my family very much.

-Madhav Dudeja



My name is Abhyday Rastogi.

I am seven years old.

I live in Mussoorie.

I like to play football.

I like to eat ice cream.

I study at Wynberg-Allen School.

I like to watch television.

-Abhyuday Rastogi



My name is Raghav.

I am seven years old.

I like watching cartoon mov-

ies on T.V.

I like to play football.

I have a pet dog.

I live in Mussoorie.

-Raghav Dabral



My name is Anshu.

I like to play with a bat and a ball.

My teacher teaches me good things.

I live in Mussoorie.

My mother and I like to see birds in

the sky.

Every Sunday, I go swimming.

I love my family.-Anshu Gupta 2A


A Magic Umbrella

One day, while I was walking along, I saw something shining in the bushes. I went near them

and saw an umbrella with the picture of a robot across it. He looked like me! He started talk-

ing to me. He told me that he would grant me three wishes.

He asked me what my three wishes were. I wished I had superpowers so that I could save

people from danger. He granted my wish. Then I had superpowers. I saved people from trains

crashing together and from many other kinds of danger.

Then, he asked me what my second wish was. I thought about it and said, “I wish that my

friends and I become wealthy.” Then he said that it was a very nice wish. He granted it.

Myself My name is Shreyash.

I am eight years old.

I like to play P.S.3.

I like to play ludo.

I like to see cartoon movies.

I live in Mussoorie.

I study at Wynberg-Allen School.

-Shreyash Pundora 2A

My Mother

My mother is tall.I love her very


Her hair is brown.

She is a housewife.

She is very beautiful.

She cooks food for


She plays with me.

She looks after me.

She buys me new clothes and toys.

-Chitwan Agarwal 1A

My Mother

My mother cares for me.

My mother cooks food

for me.

My mother helps me with

my homework.

My mother washes my

dirty clothes.

-Thakur Adhyan Sa-

My Mother

Her name is Juhi Sabharwal.

She is short in height.

Her hair is brown in colour.

She is a teacher.

My mother cooks food and washes my


She takes care of me.

I love my mother.

She is very beautiful.

-Neil Sabharwal


My Mother

My mother’s name is Ra-

kashree Roy Chowdhury.

She is a tall lady.

She has short, beautiful hair.

She is a working lady and

teaches in a school.

She loves to cook food for


She loves me a lot.

-Shreemit Roy Chowdhury 1A

My Mother

My mother’s name

is Rakhi Maini.

She is tall and


Her hair is long and

black in colour.

She is a housewife

and washes clothes.

She takes care of

me and loves me.


Maini 1A

My Mother

My mother’s name is Mrs

Meena Kathait.

She is tall.

She has beautiful hair.

She is a housewife.I love my

mother a lot.

-Himanshi Kathait


My Mother

My mother’s name is Shivali. Her favourite colour is blue.

She loves cooking. My mother loves me and I love my


-Kritin Garg 1A

The heart of a blue whale is as big as a car and its tongue is as long as that of an elephant.

The carnation is the special flower for Mother’s Day. PAGE 7

The Magic Umbrella

Then suddenly, my friends and I were rich. My friends’ par-

ents and my parents bought me lots of things. After an hour,

the money got over. Then he asked me about my third wish. I

told him I wished time would stop for an hour so that I could

do anything naughty. It was done. I did many naughty things.

After my third wish, the umbrella disappeared! I told my

friends about my umbrella. They laughed. I laughed too be-

cause I knew the truth.

Arun Lal 3B


Kanisha 2B

Anisha Kalara 3A

Page 8 Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1962. It now hangs in the Louvre in Paris.

PAGE 9 Leonardo enjoyed purchasing caged birds so that he could set them free. Da Vinci is best known for his masterpieces;

Mona Lisa, Madonna of the Rocks, and The Last Supper.

Prashant Bhati 3A

Page 10


Fill in the empty squares and

read the letters going down

between the dark lines to

find the answer.





The word palindrome is derived from the Greek palindromes, meaning running back again . A palindrome is a word or

phrase which reads the same in both directions. E.g. Do geese see God? ,pop, madam, radar, level, deed, eye

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