beginnings & endings getting your essay to make the grade!

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Beginnings & Endings








The Introduction

The introduction to any essay serves two purposes: It gains the reader’s attention

It reveals the theme of the essay to the reader; (the thesis statement does this.)

Attention Grabbers

There are several ways to grab the readers attention, but some of the most effective techniques are:

1. Contrary Opinion

2. Striking Statement

3. Anecdote

4. Quote

Any of the techniques can be used to open up an essay, and successfully draw in the reader.

Contrary OpinionOne way to begin a paper is to state the opposing opinion (the opinion against yours,) and then transition to your thesis statement. Basically, you state what the “misguided fools” believe, but then you state your opinion in the form of your thesis statement.

Some people think smoking makes them appear sophisticated and mysterious, (maybe even sexy.) They become like one of they see their favorite star smoking in a movie, and they instantly become a Transition “star want to be.” Those people, however, are wrong and foolish. Smoking is a disgusting habit, messy, irritating to others, and harmful to everyone within range of the second-hand smoke.

Example: Contrary Opinion

Transition Thesis

Striking StatementActing as though you are angry or disturbed about something is another way to hook your reader.

Smokers are so inconsiderate! Their eagerness to stain their teeth, coat their lungs with tar, and their willingness to harm others around them with their second-hand smoke, just proves their stupidity!Smoking is a harmful habit. Let’s face the facts: Smoking is a disgusting habit, irritating to others, and definitely harmful to the nonsmoker within range on the smoke.


Striking Statement

Transition Thesis

AnecdoteAnother way to lure your readers into your writing is by telling a brief story, an anecdote.

Walking into the living room he turned on the television; he settled back comfortably in his recliner, and he was instantly drawn to a sensuous blonde slinking towards him. Her eyes were looking straight into his. She whispered at him, provocatively, “ I like a Marlboro man.” For a few seconds he was temped to start smoking, but he quickly snapped back into reality, realizing the absolute foolishness of his momentary laps of reason. Smoking is a disgusting habit, irritating to others, and definitely harmful to the nonsmoker within range on the smoke.



Transition Thesis

QuoteUsing a quote from a wise and notable source is always an effective way to draw in your readers, and a valid way to give strength and credibility to your thesis.

“A cigarette is the only consumer product which, when used as directed, kills its consumer,” said Dr. Greg Harlem Brundtland. The fact that smoking kills people, is public knowledge; there are still millions of people that consciously choose to do this everyday. Let’s face the facts:Smoking is a disgusting habit, irritating to others, and definitely harmful to the nonsmoker within range on the smoke.





**Use one technique to begin every essay you

write.This is an expectation, not an


A To your success:

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