behat: beyond the basics

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Behat: Beyond the Basics@jessicamauerhan

10-13-15 Dallas PHP User Group

My Introduction to Behat

Our Admin Panel

Moving Forward

Topics● Writing Better .feature Files

● Drivers

● Hooks

● Step Definitions

● Page Objects & Elements

● Unusual Interactions

Code Examples● Mostly Behat 2.5

● Some Behat 3.0

Writing Better .Feature FilesScenario: Visit Seminar Page before Broadcast Time Given I want to watch the video called "Future Seminar" When I visit that seminar's page Then I should see "Future Seminar" on the page And I should see "Future Seminar Author" on the page And I should see "This seminar begins at 6:00 pm EST" on the page And I should see a countdown timer

“What is behavior-driven development, you ask? It’s the idea that you start by writing human-readable sentences that describe a feature of your application and how it should work, and only then implement this behavior in software.”

- Behat Documentation

Writing Better .Feature FilesScenario: Visit Seminar Page before Broadcast Time Given there is a seminar scheduled for the future When I visit that seminar's page Then I should see the seminar's name And I should see the seminar's author’s name And I should see "This seminar begins at" And I should see the seminar’s start time in EST And I should see a countdown timer

Why?● Easier for Programmers to Understand

● Helps Prevent Regression

● Easier for Business Users to Understand

● Easier for Business Users to Write

● Can Identify Bad Code!

How Better .Feature Files Can Identify Bad CodeOriginal:

Scenario: Display Local Services in Product Catalog Given I view the catalog When I select "Texas" from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered


Scenario: Display Local Services in Product Catalog Given I view the catalog When I select a state from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered

How Better .Feature Files Can Identify Bad CodeOriginal:

Scenario: Display Local Services in Product Catalog Given I view the catalog When I select "Texas" from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered


Scenario: Display Local Services in Product Catalog Given we have a regional office offering local services in a state When I view the catalog And I select that state from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered for that state

Feature Description - As A, In Order To, I Need...Feature: Display Texas-Specific Local Services As a company, we offer specific services only in Texas In order to sell these services to the right people We need to display the services when users are browsing our catalog for Texas

Scenario: Display Local Services When Texas is Selected Given I view the catalog When I select Texas from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered

When I select Texas from the states list

/*** @When /^I select Texas from the states list$/*/public function iSelectTexasFromTheStatesList(){}

When I select "Texas" from the states list

/*** @When /^I select "([^"]*)" from the states list$/*/public function iSelectFromTheStatesList($arg1){}

A Clear Behavior

Negative CasesScenario: Display Product Catalog Given I view the catalog When I select a state from the list Then I should see the list of products for sale in that state

Scenario: Display Local Services Given we have a regional office that offers local services in a state When I view the catalog And I select that state from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered for that state

Negative Casesecho '<h1>Products</h1>';foreach ($products AS $product) { echo '<p>' . $product->getName() . '</p>';}

echo '<h1>Services</h1>';foreach ($services AS $service) { echo '<p>' . $service->getName() . '</p>';}

Negative CasesScenario: Display Product Catalog Given I view the catalog When I select a state from the list Then I should see the list of products for sale in that state

Scenario: Display Local Services Given we have a regional office that offers local services in a state When I view the catalog And I select that state from the states list Then I should see the list of services offered for that state

Scenario: Don’t Display Local Services When No Regional Office Given a state has no regional office offering local services When I view the catalog And I select that state from the states list Then I should not see a list of services

Negative Casescatalogecho '<h1>Products</h1>';foreach ($products AS $product) { echo '<p>' . $product->getName() . '</p>';}

if(count($services) > 0) { echo '<h1>Services</h1>'; foreach ($services AS $service) { echo '<p>' . $service->getName() . '</p>'; }}


Auto-Generated StepsYou can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets: /** * @When /^I select Texas from the states list$/ */ public function iSelectTexasFromTheStatesList() { throw new PendingException(); } /** * @Then /^I should see the list of services offered$/ */ public function iShouldSeeTheListOfServicesOffered() { throw new PendingException(); }

GerkhinGiven: Set up

When: Action

Then: Outcome

But/And: More of the same...

IDEs & Plugins

Writing Better .Features● Don’t Make Assumptions

● Scenarios should run independently

● Follow the Flow: Given, When, Then


Driver Capabilities

- Drivers

- Driver Feature Support


Capturing Screenshot on Error/** @AfterScenario */public function afterScenario($event){ if ($event->getResult() == Event\StepEvent::FAILED) { $imageData = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getScreenshot(); $imagePath = $this->getArtifactsDir() . time() . '.png'; file_put_contents($imagePath, $imageData); }}

Hooks & Tags/** @AfterScenario @javascript */public function afterScenario($event){ if ($event->getResult() == Event\StepEvent::FAILED) { $imageData = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getScreenshot(); $imagePath = $this->getArtifactsDir() . time() . '.png'; file_put_contents($imagePath, $imageData); }}

Hooks & Tags (Multiple Tags)<?php

/** @AfterScenario @javascript,@screenshot */public function afterScenario($event){ if ($event->getResult() == Event\StepEvent::FAILED) {

$imageData = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getScreenshot(); $imagePath = $this->getArtifactsDir() . time() . '.png'; file_put_contents ($imagePath, $imageData);


/** @AfterScenario @javascript,@screenshot*/public function afterScenario($event){ if ($event->getResult() == Event\StepEvent::FAILED) { $imageData = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getScreenshot(); $imagePath = $this->getArtifactsDir() . time() . '.png'; file_put_contents($imagePath, $imageData); }}

Dealing with AJAX (jQuery & Angular)/** @BeforeStep @javascript */public function beforeStep($event){ $waitTime = 5000; $jqDefined = "return (typeof jQuery != 'undefined')" ; $active = '(0 === && 0 === jQuery( \':animated\').length)'; if ($this->getSession()->evaluateScript($jqDefined)) { $this->getSession()->wait($waitTime, $active); }}


Fixture Datanamespace Acme\AppBundle\DataFixtures;

use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\FixtureInterface;

class UserFixtureLoader implements FixtureInterface{ public function load(ObjectManager $manager) { $user = new User(); $user->setUsername('admin'); $user->setPassword('password');

$manager->persist($user); $manager->flush(); }}

Load Fixture Data Hook/** @BeforeFeature */public function beforeFeatureReloadDatabase($event){ $loader = new Loader(); $directory = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'DataFixtures'; $loader->loadFromDirectory($directory);

$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager(); $purger = new ORMPurger(); $executor = new ORMExecutor($entityManager, $purger); $executor->execute($loader->getFixtures());}


Multiple Regular Expressions/*** @Given /^I view the catalog$/* @Given /^I am viewing the catalog$/*/public function iViewTheCatalog(){ $this->getPage('Catalog')->open();}

Case Insensitive - FlagWhen I view the catalogWhen I view the Catalog

/*** @Given /^I view the catalog$/i*/public function iViewTheCatalog(){ $this->getPage('Catalog')->open();}

Case Insensitive - InlineWhen I view the catalogWhen I view the Catalog

/*** @Given /^I view the (?i)catalog$/*/public function iViewTheCatalog(){ $this->getPage('Catalog')->open();}

Unquoted VariablesThen I should see an "error" message

/*** @Given /^I should see an "([^"])" message$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnMessage($arg1){


Unquoted VariablesThen I should see an error message

/*** @Given /^I should see an (.*) message$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnMessage($arg1){


Unquoted Variables with List of OptionsThen I should see an error messageThen I should see a success messageThen I should see a warning message

/*** @Given /^I should see an? (error|success|warning) message$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnMessage($messageType){ $class = '.alert-'.$messageType; $this->assertElementExists($class, 'css');}

Optional VariablesThen I should see an error messageThen I should see an error message that says " Stop!"

/*** @Given /^I should see an? (error|success|warning) message$/* @Given /^I should see an? (error|success|warning) message that says "([^"])"$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ($messageType, $message = null){ $class = '.alert -' . $messageType; $this->assertElementExists ($class, 'css'); if ($message !== null) { $this->assertElementContainsText ($class, 'css', $message); }}

Non-Capturing GroupsThen I view the catalog for "Texas"Then I am viewing the catalog for "Texas"

/*** @Given /^I view the catalog for "([^"]*)"$/* @Given /^I am viewing the catalog "([^"]*)"$/*/public function iViewTheCatalogForState($stateName){ $args = ['stateName' => $stateName]; $this->getPage('Catalog')->open($args);}

Non-Capturing GroupsGiven I am viewing the catalog for “Texas”Given I viewing the catalog for “Texas”


/** * @Given /^I (?:am viewing|view) the catalog for "([^"]*)"$/ */public function iViewTheCatalogForState($stateName){ $this->getPage(‘Catalog’)->open([‘stateName’=>$stateName);}

Then I view the catalog for "Texas"Then I am viewing the catalog for "Texas"

/*** @Given /^I (?:am viewing|view) the catalog for "([^"]*)"$/*/public function iViewTheCatalogForState($stateName){ $args = ['stateName' => $stateName]; $this->getPage('Catalog')->open($args);}

Step Definition Changes in Behat 3.xGiven I am viewing the catalog for “Texas”Given I viewing the catalog for “Texas”


/** * @Given /^I (?:am viewing|view) the catalog for "([^"]*)"$/ */public function iViewTheCatalogForState($stateName){ $this->getPage(‘Catalog’)->open([‘stateName’=>$stateName);}

Then I view the catalog for "Texas"Then I view the catalog for Texas

/*** @Given I view the catalog for :stateName*/public function iViewTheCatalogForState($stateName){ $args = ['stateName' => $stateName]; $this->getPage('Catalog')->open($args);}


SubContext (Behat 2.x)<?php

namespace Acme\AppBundle\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;

class FeatureContext extends MinkContext{ public function __construct(array $parameters) { $this->parameters = $parameters; $this->useContext('MessageContext', new MessageContext()); }}

Several SubContexts (Behat 2.x)[...]

public function __construct(array $parameters){ $this->parameters = $parameters; $this->useContext('AdminContext', new AdminContext()); $this->useContext('FormContext', new FormContext()); $this->useContext('EditUserContext', new EditUserContext()); $this->useContext('ApiContext', new ApiContext());}

Alias All SubContexts Automatically (Behat 2.x)private function loadSubContexts(){ $finder = new Finder(); $finder->name('*Context.php') ->notName('FeatureContext.php' ) ->notName('CoreContext.php' ); $finder->files()->in(__DIR__);

Alias All SubContexts Automatically (Behat 2.x)private function loadSubContexts(){ $finder = new Finder(); $finder->name('*Context.php') ->notName('FeatureContext.php' ) ->notName('CoreContext.php' ); $finder->files()->in(__DIR__); foreach ($finder as $file) { $className = $file->getBaseName('.php');

$namespace = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $file->getRelativePath(); if (substr($namespace, -1) !== '\\') { $namespace .= '\\'; } $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($namespace . $className); $this->useContext($className, $reflectionClass->newInstance()); }}


namespace Acme\AppBundle\Context;

class FeatureContext extends CoreContext{ /** @Given /^I should see an? (error|success|warning) message that says "([^"])"$/ */ public function iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ($messageType, $message = null) { $class = '.alert -' . $messageType; $element = $this->getPage()->find('css', $class);

$actualMessage = $element->getText(); $this->assertEqual($actualMessage, $message); }}

Message Context

Find Required Element Shortcutpublic function findRequiredElement ($locator, $selector = 'xpath', $parent = null){ if (null === $parent) { $parent = $this->getPage(); }

$element = $parent->find($selector, $locator); if (null === $element) { throw new ElementNotFoundException ($this->getSession(), null, $selector, $locator); }

return $element;}

Message Context<?php

namespace Acme\AppBundle\Context;

class FeatureContext extends CoreContext{ /** @Given /^I should see an? (error|success|warning) message that says "([^"])"$/ */ public function iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ($messageType, $message = null) { $class = '.alert -' . $messageType; $element = $this->findRequiredElement ($class, 'css');

$actualMessage = $element->getText(); $this->assertEqual($actualMessage, $message); }}

CoreContext with Step Annotation causes Error [Behat\Behat\Exception\RedundantException] Step "/^I should be redirected to "([^"]*)"$/" is already defined in Acme\AppBundle\Context\FeatureContext::iShouldBeRedirectedTo() Acme\AppBundle\Context\FeatureContext::iShouldBeRedirectedTo() Acme\AppBundle\Context\MessageContext::iShouldBeRedirectedTo()

Reusing Multiple Steps

Reusing Multiple StepsThen I should see an error messageThen I should see a success messageThen I should see a warning message


/** * @Given /^I should see an? (error|success|warning) message$/ */public function iShouldSeeAnMessage($messageType){ $class = ‘.alert-’.$messageType; $this->assertElementExists($class, ‘css’);}

Scenario: Upload a csv file Given I am viewing the csv import form When I attach a csv to "Import File" And I submit the form Then I should see a success message And I should see the file review screen

Scenario: Review and Confirm the csv file Given I have uploaded a csv And I am viewing the file review screen When I select a property for each column And I submit the form Then I should see a success message

Meta-Stepsuse Behat\Behat\Context\Step;

class FeatureContext{ /** * @Given /^I have uploaded a csv$/ */ public function iHaveUploadedACsv() { return [ new Step\Given('I am viewing the csv import form'), new Step\When('I attach a csv to "Import File"'), new Step\When('I submit the form') ]; }

Meta-Steps With Multi-line Argumentsuse Behat\Behat\Context\Step;use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;

class FeatureContext{ /** * @Given /^I should see the file review screen$/ */ public function iShouldSeeTheFileReviewScreen() { $content = 'Please review your file .' . PHP_EOL . 'Press Submit to continue'; $pyString = new PyStringNode($content); return new Step\Given('I should see', $pyString); }

Direct Method Call - Same Context/*** @Given /^I should see an error about the file type$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnErrorAboutTheFileType (){ $message = 'This file type is invalid' ; $this->iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ('error', $message);}/*** @Given /^I should see an? (.*) message that says "([^"])"$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ($messageType, $message = null){ $class = '.alert -' . $messageType; $this->assertElementExists ($class, 'css'); if ($message !== null) { $this->assertElementContainsText ($class, 'css', $message); }}

Direct Method Call to Another Context (Behat 2.x)/*** @Given /^I should see an error about the file type$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnErrorAboutTheFileType(){ $message = "This file type is invalid"; $this->getMainContext() ->getSubContext('MessageContext') ->iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays('error', $message);}

Direct Method Call to Another Context (Behat 2.x)/*** @return MessageContext*/public function getMessageContext (){ return $this->getMainContext()->getSubContext('messageContext');}

/*** @Given /^I should see an error about the file type$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnErrorAboutTheFileType (){ $message = "This file type is invalid" ; $this->getMessageContext ()->iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ('error', $message);}

Suite Contexts (Behat 3.x)default:



paths: [ %paths.base%/features/core ]

contexts: [FeatureContext, MessageContext]

Store Other Contexts (Behat 3.x)use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope ;

class FeatureContext implements Context{ /** @var MessageContext */ private $messageContext;

/** @BeforeScenario */ public function gatherContexts(BeforeScenarioScope $scope) { $environment = $scope->getEnvironment(); $this->messageContext = $environment->getContext('MessageContext'); }}//

Direct Method Call to Another Context (Behat 3.x)use Behat\Behat\Context\Context ;

use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope ;

class FeatureContext implements Context


/** @var \Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext */

private $minkContext;

/** @BeforeScenario */

public function gatherContexts (BeforeScenarioScope $scope)


$environment = $scope->getEnvironment ();

$this->minkContext = $environment->getContext('Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext' );




/*** @Given /^I should see an error about the file type$/*/public function iShouldSeeAnErrorAboutTheFileType (){ $message = "This file type is invalid" ; $this->messageContext->iShouldSeeAnMessageThatSays ('error', $message);}

Reusing StepsMeta-Steps

● Return a Step or array of


● Hooks will fire

(could be slow)

● Moving Step definitions

does not break

● Removed in 3.0

Calling Methods

● Like any other method


● Hooks do not fire

(typically faster)

● Moving Step definitions

might require refactor

Page Objects

Page Objects Extensionphp composer require "sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension"

default: extensions: SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\Extension: ~

Seminar Page ObjectScenario: Visit Seminar Page before Broadcast Time Given there is a seminar scheduled for the future When I visit that seminar's page Then I should see the seminar's name And I should see the seminar's author’s name And I should see "This seminar begins at " And I should see the seminar’s start time in EST And I should see a countdown timer

Scenario: Visit Seminar Page before Broadcast Time Given there is a seminar scheduled When I visit that seminar's page during the broadcast time Then I should see the seminar's name And I should see the seminar video And I should not see a countdown timer

Seminar Page Object<?php

namespace Acme\AppBundle\PageObjects;

use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Page;

class Seminar extends Page{ protected $path = '/seminar/{id}';


Seminar Page Object<?php

namespace Acme\AppBundle\PageObjects;

use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension \PageObject\Page;

class Seminar extends Page{ protected $path = '/seminar/{id}';

protected $elements = [ 'Author Info' => ['css' => "#author"], 'Video' => ['xpath' => "//div[contains(@class, 'video')]" ], 'Countdown Timer' => ['css' => ".timer"], ];}

Element <?php

namespace Acme\AppBundle\PageObjects\Elements;

use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Element;

class AuthorInformation extends Element{ protected $selector = ['css' => "#author"];

public function getAuthorName(){ return $this->find('css', '.name');}

public function getAuthorPhoto(){ return $this->find('xpath', '//img');}


CSV Report@javascriptScenario: View Summary Report Given a user in a group has registered for a seminar with a company And I am logged in as an admin And I am viewing the reports area When I download the "Summary" report Then I should see the following columns: | column | | Group | | Company | | Total | And I should see that user in the report

File Download Test/*** @When /^I download the "([^"]*)" report$/*/public function iDownloadTheReport ($reportName){ $xpath = "//a[normalize-space()=' {$reportName}']"; $link = $this->findRequiredElement ($xpath); $this->getSession()->visit('view-source:' . $link->getAttribute('href')); $content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(); $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content);

$this->csvRows = []; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strlen(trim($line))) { $this->csvRows[] = str_getcsv($line); } }}

Zip File Download@javascriptScenario: View Large Report Given I am viewing the reports area When I click "Export" for the "Extremely Large Report" report Then a zip file should be downloaded When I unzip the file and I open the extracted csv file Then I should see the following columns: | column | | Group | | Company | | Total |

File Download Test/*** @When /^I click "Export" for the "([^"]*)" report$/*/public function iExportTheReport($reportName){ $this->file = $this->getArtifactsDir() . 'download-' . time() . '.zip'; file_put_contents($this->file, $this->getSession()->getDriver() > getContent());}

/*** @Then /^a zip file should be downloaded$/*/public function aZipFileShouldBeDownloaded(){ $header = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getResponseHeaders(); $this->assertContains($header['Content-Type'][0], 'application/forced-download'); $this->assertContains($header['Content-Disposition'][0], "zip");}

File Download Test/*** @When /^I unzip the file and I open the extracted csv file$/*/public function iUnzipTheFileAndOpenCsvFile (){ $zip = new ZipArchive; $unzipped = $zip->open($this->file);

$csv = $zip->getNameIndex(1);$zip->extractTo($this->getArtifactsDir() );$zip->close();$fileRef = fopen($this->getArtifactsDir().$csv , 'r');

$this->csvContents = [];while (($data = fgetcsv($fileRef)) !== false) { $this->csvContents[] = $data;}fclose($fileRef);


Confirm Text In PDF

/*** @Given /^I should see a PDF with the order total$/*/public function iShouldSeeAPdfWithTheOrderTotal(){ $total = 'Order Total: ' . $this->orderTotal; $this->getMainContext()->assertPageContainsText($total);}

@javascriptScenario: View PDF Receipt Given I am viewing my order history When I click "View Receipt" for an order Then I should see a PDF with the order total

Testing a Command Line Process

Testing a Command Line Process with BehatScenario: Test User Import With a Large Data Set Given the system already has 100000 users And there is a company with 10000 of the users assigned to it And an admin has uploaded a spreadsheet for the company with 10000 rows When the system has begun to process the spreadsheet And I have waited 1 minute Then the batch process status should be set to "Running" or "Completed" And I should see at least 100 new users in the company

The System Already Has 100000 Users /** @Given /^the system already has (\d+) users$/ */public function theSystemAlreadyHasUsers ($numUsers){ $userSQL = "INSERT INTO `user`(firstname, lastname, username) VALUES" ; $userValues = []; $faker = $this->getFaker();

for ($i = 0; $i < $numUsers; $i++) { $firstname = addslashes($faker->firstName); $lastname = addslashes($faker->lastName); $username = $faker->username . $i; //unique $userValues[] = "('{$firstname}', '{$lastname}', '{$username}')"; } $userQuery = $userSQL . implode(', ', $userValues); $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->exec($userQuery);}

There is a company with 10000 users assigned to it/** @Given /^there is a company with (\d+) of the users assigned to it$/ */public function thereIsACompanyWithOfTheUsersAssignedToIt ($num){ $company = $this->generateCompany(); $conn = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection();

$userCompanySQL = "INSERT INTO `user_company`(user_id, company_id) SELECT `user`.id, {$company->getId()} FROM `user` LIMIT {$num}"; $conn->exec($userCompanySQL);

$this->getEntityManager()->refresh($company); $companyUsersCount = $company ->getUserCompanies()->count(); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual ($num, $companyUsersCount );

$this->company = $company; $this->companyNumUsers = $companyUsersCount ;}

An Admin Has Uploaded a Spreadsheet/** @Given /^an admin has uploaded a spreadsheet for the company with (\d*) rows$/ */

public function adminHasUploadedSpreadsheetForTheCompanyWithRows($numRows){ $faker = $this->getFaker(); $this->filePath = $this->getUploadsDirectory() . 'import -' . $numRows . '.csv'; $fh = fopen($this->filePath, "w"); $rows = 'firstname, lastname, username' . PHP_EOL; for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) { $firstname = addslashes($faker->firstName); $lastname = addslashes($faker->lastName); $username = $faker->username . $i; //add $i to force unique $rows .= "{$firstname}, {$lastname}, {$username}" . PHP_EOL; } fwrite($fh, $rows); fclose($fh); $repository = $this->getRepository('BatchProcess'); $this->batchProcess = $repository->create()->setFilename($this->filePath); $repository->save($this->batchProcess);}

The System Has Begun To Process The Spreadsheet/*** @When /^the system has begun to process the spreadsheet$/i*/public function theSystemHasBegunToProcessTheSpreadsheet(){ $command = 'php app' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $command .= 'console batch:process --batch_id='; $command .= $this->batchProcess->getId();

if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows") { return pclose(popen("start /B " . $command, "r")); } return exec($command . " > /dev/null &");}

I Have Waited 1 Minute/*** @When /^I have waited (\d+) minutes?$/*/public function iHaveWaitedSomeMinutes($num){ $seconds = 60; $outputEvery = 30; $cycles = ($num * $seconds) / $outputEvery; for ($i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++) { sleep($outputEvery); echo '.'; } echo PHP_EOL;}

The Batch Process Status Should Be/*** @Given /^the batch process status should be set to "(.*)" or "(.*)"$/*/public function theBatchProcessStatusShouldBeSetTo($statusA, $statusB){ $this->getEntityManager()->refresh($this->batchProcess); $statusName = $this->batchProcess->getStatus()->getName(); if ($statusName !== $statusA && $statusName !== $statusB) { throw new \Exception("Status is currently: {$statusName}"); }}

I should see at least 100 new users/*** @Then /^I should see at least (\d+) new users in the company$/*/public function iShouldSeeAtLeastNewUsersInTheCompany($num){ $company = $this->company; $this->getEntityManager()->refresh($company);

$companyNumUsersNow = $company->getUserCompanies()->count(); $originalNumUsers = $this->companyNumUsers; $difference = ($companyNumUsersNow - $originalNumUsers);

$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($num, $difference);}

Thank You!@jessicamauerhan

10-13-15 Dallas PHP User Group

Resources & ToolsDrivers:

Angular AJAX check:

Doctrine Data Fixtures:


Symfony Finder:

Page Object Extension:

PHP Zip Archive:

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