behind ood: domain modelling in post-oo world

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Behind OOD // domain modelling in a post-OO world

Ruslan Shevchenko Lynx Capital Partners @rssh1

Domain modelling

• Representation of business domain objects: • in ‘head’ of people • in code

Domain modelling.

• Outline typical OOD issues

• Build

• simple domain model for toy billing system. // scala, can be mapped to java.

• internal DSL

Domain modelling

• Traditional OO way: have layer of classes, which corresponds to domain objects.

• Extensibility via inheritance in some consistent Universal Ontology

• Intensional Equality [identity != attribute]

• Object instance <=> Entity in real world

Traditional OO WAY

• Human is an upright, featherless biped with broad, flat nails.

Traditional OO WAY

• Human is an upright, featherless biped with broad, flat nails.

Open for extensions close for modifications

Traditional OO WAY

• Human is an upright, featherless biped with broad, flat nails.

Open for extensions close for modifications

Traditional OO WAY

• Intensional Equality [ mutability ]

// same identity thought lifecycle

Traditional OO WAY

• Object in code <=> Object in real world

class Person { int getId(); String getName(); int getAge();

Set<Person> getChilds() }

— thread-safe ?

— persistent updates ?

Domain modelling

• Traditional OO way: have layer of classes, which corresponds to domain objects.

• Extensibility via inheritance in some consistent Universal Ontology

• Intensional Equality [identity != attribute]

• Object instance <=> Entity in real world

Domain modelling

• Traditional OO way: similar to early philosophy

• Very general

• Idealistic

• Fit to concrete cases may be undefined

Domain modelling

• Post OO way: describe limited set of objects and relationships.

• Algebra instead Ontology

• Existential equality [identity == same attributes]

• Rules of algebra <=> rules of reality.

Domain modelling: where to start.

• Example: description of small billing system


Billing System

Service PaymentPlanuse in accordance with

Service is Internet | Telephony

PaymentPlan is Monthly Fee for Quantity Limit and

Overhead cost per UnitUnit Internet is Gb in

Telephony is Minute and Bandwidth

TariffPlan: Use limit and quantity from service.

sealed trait Service { type Limits def quantity(l:Limits): BigDecimal }

case object Internet extends Service { case class Limits(gb:Int,bandwidth:Int) def quantity(l:Limits) = }

case object Telephony extends Service { type Limits = Int def quantity(l) = l

TariffPlan: Price per limit and charge

case class TariffPlan[Limits]( monthlyFee: BigDecimal, monthlyLimits: Limits, excessCharge: BigDecimal )

Subscriber ? Service ?

case class Subscriber( id, name, … )

trait BillingService { def checkServiceAccess(u:Subscriber,s:Service):Boolean

def rateServiceUsage(u:Subscriber,r:ServiceUsage):Subscriber

def ratePeriod(u:Subscriber, date: DateTime)

def acceptPayment(u:Subscriber, payment: Payment)


// Aggregate// let’s add to Subscriber all fields, what needed.

adding fields for Subscriber aggregates.

case class Subscriber(id, name, serviceInfos:Map[Service,SubscriberServiceInfo], account: BigDecimal, ….. ) case class SubscriberServiceInfo[S<:Service,L<:S#Limits]( service: S, tariffPlan: tariffPlan[S,L], amountUsed:Double ) trait BillingService { def checkServiceAccess(u:Subscriber,s:Service):Boolean = u.serviceInfos(s).isDefined && u.account > 0


adding fields for Subscriber aggregates.

case class Subscriber(id, name, serviceInfos:Map[Service,SubscriberServiceInfo[_,_]], account: BigDecimal, ….. ) case class ServiceUsage(service, amount, when)

trait BillingService { def rateServiceUsage(u:Subscriber,r:ServiceUsage):Subscriber = serviceInfo(r.service) match { case Some(SubscriberServiceInfo(service,plan,amount)) => val price = …. u.copy(account = u.account - price, serviceInfo = serviceInfo.updated(s, }

adding fields for Subscriber aggregates.

trait BillingService { def rateServiceUsage(u:Subscriber,r:ServiceUsage):Subscriber = serviceInfo(r.service) match { case Some(SubscriberServiceInfo(service,plan,amount)) => val price = …. u.copy(account = u.account - price, serviceInfo = serviceInfo.updated(s, ServiceInfo(service,plan,amount+r.amount)) ) case None => throw new IllegalStateException(“service is not enabled”) } ……………. }

Subscriber aggregates [rate: lastPayedDate]

case class Subscriber(id, name, serviceInfos:Map[Service,SubscriberServiceInfo[_,_]], account: BigDecimal, lastPayedDate: DateTime )

trait BillingService { def ratePeriod(u:Subscriber,date:DateTime):Subscriber = if (date < u.lastPayedDate) u else { val price = ….. subscriber.copy(account = u.account - price, lastPayedDate = date+1.month) } }


case class Subscriber( id : Long, name: String, serviceInfos:Map[Service,SubscriberServiceInfo[_,_]], account: BigDecimal, lastPayedDate: DateTime )

case class SubscriberServiceInfo[S<:Service,L<:S#Limits]( service: S, tariffPlan: tariffPlan[L], amountUsed:Double )


case class Subscriber( id : Long, name: String, internetServiceInfo: ServiceInfo[Internet,Internet.Limits], telephonyServiceInfo: ServiceInfo[Telephony,Telephony.Limits], account: BigDecimal, lastPayedDate: DateTime ) {

def serviceInfo(s:Service):SubscriberServiceInfo[s.type,s.Limits] = ….

def updateServiceInfo[S<:Service,L<:S#Limits]( serviceInfo:SubscriberServiceInfo[S,L]): Subscriber = … }

From domain model to implementation. [S1]

Subscriber Service TariffPlan

Domain Data/ Aggregates Services

SubscriberOperations TariffPlanOperations ….


DD — contains only essential data

Services — only functionality

Testable. No mess with implementation.

Service calls — domain events

From domain model to implementation. [S1]

Improvements/Refactoring space:

• Errors handling

• Deaggregate

• Fluent DSL

Errors handling (design for failure)

trait BillingService { def checkServiceAccess(u:Subscriber,s:Service):Boolean

def rateServiceUsage(u:Subscriber,r:ServiceUsage):Subscriber

def ratePeriod(u:Subscriber, date: DateTime): Subscriber

def acceptPayment(u:Subscriber, payment:Payment):Subscriber


Design for failure:

trait BillingService { def checkServiceAccess(u:Subscriber,s:Service): Boolean

def rateServiceUsage(u:Subscriber,r:ServiceUsage):Try[Subscriber]

def ratePeriod(u:Subscriber, date: DateTime): Try[Subscriber]

def acceptPayment(u:Subscriber, payment:Payment): Subscriber


Design for failure:

sealed trait Try[+X]

case class Success[X](v:X) extends Try[X]

case class Failure(ex:Throwable) extends Try[Nothing]

when use Try / traditional exception handling?

Try — error recovery is a part of business layers. (i.e. errors is domain-related)

Exception handling — error recovery is a part of infrastructure layer. (i. e. errors is system-related)


trait Repository { def create[T](): T

def find[T](id: Id[T]): Try[T]

def save[T](obj: T): Try[Boolean]



trait Repository { def create[T](): T def find[T](id: Id[T]): Try[T] def save[T](obj: T) : Try[T]


def subscriberServiceInfo[S<:Service,L<:S#Limits] (id: Id[Subscriber], s:S): SubscriberServiceInfo[S,L]

def updateSubsriberServiceInfo[S<:Service,L<:S#Limits] ( id: Id[Subscriber],s:S,si:SubscriberServiceInfo[S,L]): Try[SubscriberServiceInfo[S,L]]



trait BillingService { def checkServiceAccess(r:Repository, uid:Id[Subscriber], s:Service): Boolean

def rateServiceUsage(r: Repository, uid:Id[Subscriber], r:ServiceUsage):Try[Subscriber]

….. }


trait BillingService { val repository: Repository

def checkServiceAccess(uid:Id[Subscriber], s:Service): Try[Boolean]

def rateServiceUsage(uid:Id[Subscriber], r:ServiceUsage):Try[Subscriber]

….. }

// BillingService operations interpret repository

Deaggregation. [S2]

Subscriber Service TariffPlan

Domain Data/ Aggregates Services

SubscriberOperations TariffPlanOperations ….


Interpret - Not for all cases - Loss

- generality of repository - simply logic

- Gain - simple repository operations - more efficient data access.

DSL: Domain Specific Language.

Idea: fluent syntax for fluent operations. • Syntax sugar, can be used by non-programmers • ‘Micro-interpreter/compiler’ • Internal/External

Let’s build simple Internal DSL for our tariff plans.

TariffPlan: DSL

case class TariffPlan[Limits]( monthlyFee: BigDecimal, monthlyLimits: Limits, excessCharge: BigDecimal )


TariffPlan(montlyFee=100, Internet.Limits(gb=1,bandwidth=100), 2)

100 hrn montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess 2 hrn per 1 gb

// let’s build

TariffPlan: DSL

(100 hrn) montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess (2 hrn) per (1 gb)

trait TariffPlanDSL[S <: Service, L <: S#Limits] {

implicit class ToHrn(v: Int) { def hrn = this

def monthly(x: LimitExpression) = TariffPlan(v, x.limit, 0)

def per(x: QuantityExpression


1 hrn = 1.hrn = new ToHrn(1).hrn

trait LimitExpression{ def limit: L }

type QuantityExpression { def quantity: Int }

TariffPlan: DSL

(100 hrn) montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess (2 hrn) per (1 gb)

object InternetTariffPlanDSL extends TariffPlanDSL[Internet.type, Internet.Limits]

implicit class Gb(v: Int) extends LimitExpression with QuantityExpression{ def gb = this

def limit = Internet.Limits(v,100)

def quantity = x


TariffPlan: DSL

(100 hrn) montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess (2 hrn) per (1 gb)

(100 hrn) montly (1 gb) == (100.hrn).montly(

TariffPlan: DSL

(100 hrn) montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess ((2 hrn) per (1 gb))

trait TariffPlanDSL[S,L]

case class PerExpression(money: ToHrn, quantity: QuantityExpression)

trait RichTariffPlan(p: TariffPlan[L]) { def excess(x: PerExpression) = p.copy(excessCost=x.v)


((100.hrn).montly( speed 100).excess((2 hrn) per (1 gb))

TariffPlan: DSL

(100 hrn) montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess ((2 hrn) per (1 gb))

object InternetTariffPlanDSL[S,L]

trait RichTariffPlan(p: TariffPlan[L]) extends super.RichTariffPlan(p) { def speed(x: Int) = p.copy( monthlyLimits = p.monthlyLimits.copy( bandwidth = x) )


((100.hrn).montly( speed 100).excess ((2.hrn).per( ((2.hrn).per(

DSL: (100 hrn) montly (1 gb) speed 100 excess ((2 hrn) per (1 gb))



Need some boilerplate code.

Useful when developers need fluent business domain object notation.

Internally - combination of builder and interpreter patterns

Useful when external users (non-developers) want to describe domain objects. Internally - language-mini-interpreter. // [scala default library include parser combinators]

Post-OOD domain modelling

Domain Data Objects

‘OO’ Objects with behavior

• Closed world. • Different lifecycle can be described by different types • Composition over inheritance

Domain Services• Open world. • No data, only functionality. Calls can be replayed. • Traditional inheritance

Infrastructure Services• Interpreters of ‘domain services’ functions

// phantom types.

Thanks for attention.

Fully - implemented ‘tiny’ domain model and DSL:

Ruslan Shevchenko Lynx Capital Partners @rssh1

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