behind the colors

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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nails Mai




Nail colors can show the feelings and emotions of the person that wears it, by editing these photos I realized nail polish are an important part for women. They should all feel beautiful and not try to hide their feelings, also by doing these photos my intention was

to show the changes one can make to a photo to change it completely and make the viewer focus their attention in what you want. It is important to have in mind the fact that

people edit photos all the time, and that most of the photos we see in our daily lives are not real. Many edited photos in this album can be seen as original. The viewer has to

open their eyes and realize the distortion a photo can have.

Original Photos

The technique I used for this photo was photomontage, I cut the pink nail from the first photo and paste in on the black nail of the second photo. Also for it to fit perfectly, I had to use the brush to add some black in the border and also the clone tool to add an extra piece in the outer part of the nail.

Edited Photo

Original Photo

In this photo, the only technique I used was filters in order to achieve a distortion of the face making it seem older without emphasizing the nails.

Edited Photo

Original Photos

In this photo, the technique used was blending, it was necessary for me to cut the black part of the first photo so it would not appear two black lines. The intention of the photo was to mix the nails and the lips showing the different interesting angles of women’s beauty.

Edited Photo

Original Photo

The only effect used in this photo is the removal of the sky blue background. We can se that with the color of the background the nails are kind of lost, that is why I decided to take it off so the nails attract more the viewer.

Edited Photo

Original Photo

In this photo again the only effect added was the color saturation. The change of color in the photo causes for it to again emphasize the nails and cause a bigger contrast with the purple skin.

Edited Photo

Original Photo

In this photo I painted the lips with the brush by forming a path and adding effects. This is a selective colorization to show an example of how nails can be completely ignored because of emphasizing in another part of the body.

Edited Photo

Original Photo

In this photo, many techniques were used; firstly there was a selective colorization because I formed paths in the nails and the lips to change the colors. Apart from that, I used the brush to add a black line on the upper and lower eyelids. Finally the last tool I used was dodging to make the image clear and seem to have more light.

Edited photo


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