being an apostle of divine mercy

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Being an Apostle of Divine Mercy

If you become an Apostle of Divine Mercy, you will start to receive great blessings from Our Lord granted, in a special way, to those of us who have the task of spreading His Mercy.

You must read all the material of our page:

If possible, read the Diary (included in this page) to get to know the devotion in a better way

It is very important to pray very much since it is Our Lord Himself who acts inside us (if possible before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. This is the source of grater graces for best results of any apostolate).

We, in Mexico City, are in different parishes in the west side of the city. We visit hospitals in the same area and try to pray together once a week, but we individually pray every day. Once a month, every second Tuesday of each month, we worship the Divine Mercy in the Parish of Czestochowa ( located in Lomas de Tecamachalco: Fuente de Cibeles # 38) where we pray the Chaplet at 3:00 o’clock pm in front of the image of Merciful Jesus and the relic, in firs degree, of Saint. Faustina

Pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy every day, if possible at 3:00 o‘clock pm "The Hour of Mercy". Implore Mercy for the world.

You can spread the message of the Divine Mercy in your community. Form prayer groups and lead a group of the Divine Mercy that starts emerging in your area. We are a small group who is dedicated to spread the devotion in the west side of Mexico City, basically by making visits in hospitals and (when requested) give lectures on the devotion in some parishes. There are many people who would like to spread this devotion, not necessarily in Hospitals, sometimes we find sicker people outside the hospitals, not a physical disease but an ailment in their souls.

There is a lot to do in this wonderful Apostolate!

If you want to visit Hospitals, we will immediately send a letter sharing what we do during our visits, so that many other hospitals in other areas can have this privilege. It’s beautiful to see how our Lord pours His infinite mercy on those who need it the most and those who allow it, and how they receive great peace.Sometimes we have been witnesses of great conversions and unexplained healings (especially when people have put all their trust. The great secret is "Faith, Trust"). Let us know if you want the aforementioned letter.

Jesus told Sister Faustina, “Do everything within your means, I will provide anything else you need” (we must trust God. If he put this feeling in our hearts, there is no doubt that He will help us).

We have images we can give you; all of them have being blessed. We just ask for the cost of shipping and handling. This amount is $150:00 for 5 kilos to any part of the Mexican Republic, and this must be paid once you receive the package. We would also appreciate any donation, depending on your possibilities, this donation will be used to continue printing more images and reach more people.

For other countries, shipping cost could be very high, then, if you would like to receive the images, we request a payment in advance. The amount would depend on the country.

Another option is to print them in your own country. We can send you the file.

You can start being a promoter also through the internet (great scope) sharing our page with all your contacts so that we can get farther and farther. Jesus wants the whole world to know His merciful infinite love.

Summarizing, to be an Apostle of the Divine Mercy you need to:*Worship the Image of Merciful Jesus*Be merciful, do merciful acts*Pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (ideally at 3:00 o’clock pm “the Hour of Mercy”)*To know and spread this devotion*to spread the message of Jesus

May Merciful Jesus grant His Mercy to you and your family and may the Holy Virgin let you feel Her Maternal love.

Apostolate Jesus Divine Mercy

Jesus, I Trust in You!

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