bell-ringer activities objective: to define, understand, analyze and apply concepts, rules and sols...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • Bell-ringer Activities Objective: to define, understand, analyze and apply concepts, rules and SOLS discussed in class. Guidelines: each bell-ringer will be worth 5 points of a quiz or test grade. COPY ALL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR FULL CREDIT**
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  • Bell-ringer: Grammar Review COPY numbers 1 through 9 Write an example beside the name of each Part of Speech below that could serve as that Part of Speech, when used in a sentence. If you are uncertain, write a question mark beside the name of each part of speech: 1. Noun:________________ 2. Conjunction:___________ 3. Verb:_________________ 4. Adjective:_____________ 5. Pronoun:______________ 6. Preposition:____________ 7. Interjection:____________ 8. Adverb:_______________ 9. Article:________________
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  • Identifying prepositional phrases and subordinating conjunctions. Copy the following five sentences and underline the prepositional phrases with one line and the subordinating conjunctions with two. 1. Miles of wooded trails wind within the boundaries of Maymont Park. 2. Because our house was built in 1748, its the oldest house in the Bronx. 3. Unless Im mistaken, our estate became parkland in 1888. 4. The Christmas gifts are inside of my car because Ashley put them there yesterday. 5. After 11 th grade, Amy and Sam began driving to school.
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  • Bell-ringer 3: Vocabulary review Copy each sentence and fill in the blank with one of our new vocabulary words. A. WistfulB. Anonymity C. Merriment D. MuseE. ExultationF. Furnace G. InitationH. SpontaneousI. Exuberant 1. Ashley ________ly longed for her lost love. 2. The seniors displayed great ________ when receiving their diplomas on Graduation day. 3. The pit was situated near the blast _________ about half a mile from the village. 4. Kayla made ______________ and random decisions: if she decided on visiting the mall, she would change her mind and visit the beach.
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  • BR: review of vocabulary words Copy down the definition and identify the vocabulary word based on your memory! No flash cards! 1. Definition: random and impulsive behavior: _______________ 2. Definition: longing or yearning: ___________ 3. Definition: a feeling of extreme joy: ________ 4. Definition: gaiety and fun: __________ 5. Definition: lively and animated: __________ 6. Definition: a state of being unknown: _______ Identify the vocabulary words that are missing from this list!
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  • Vocabulary Review: Visuals
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  • Bell-ringer Write five sentences using you vocabulary words! 5 minutes.
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  • Vocabulary Review Identify the following vocabulary words. 1. Joshua was quite a ________ character; With his animated face, he excelled in drama. 2. The volleyball team celebrated with great _________ after the great victory. 3. Stevie always celebrated his birthdays with great ________; there were so many fun activities! 4. The meaning of this word is to be random and impulsive. 5. The meaning of this word is longing or yearning. 6. The meaning of this word is to meditate in deep thought. 7. The meaning of this word is enthusiastic or abundance.
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  • Reminders: Vocabulary quiz: Thursday! Update your interactive notebook. Number each page to page 30. Update your table of contents.
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  • Writing Prompt On a new page write a minimum of one paragraph in response to this question. You can use your own experiences! What do you know about peer pressure and how have you seen it influence people?
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  • Bell-ringer You were each given vocabulary words on Tuesday. Write five sentences using any five of the vocabulary words. We will share in one moment
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  • Bell-ringer: subordinating conjunctions review. Select a subordinating conjunction from the word bank below to complete the four sentences. Afteralthoughprovided(that)as though So thatbeforeas long asas if 1. __________ you go, sign the log book 2. Tyler completed his homework _______ dinner. 3. __________ it was raining, we still had football practice. 4. You may attend the party ______ you complete your chores.
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  • Bell-ringer two: Grammar Review Nouns: Definition: a noun is a person, place, thing or idea. Common: any person or thing. Proper: names a specific person, place or thing. Requires capital letter(s). Possessive: show that something belongs to a person, place, thing or idea. Abstract: ideas or concepts- things that you feel or think about. Concrete: concrete nouns are sense nouns. You can see, hear, smell, taste, and/or touch them. Copy this sentence and identify/label each noun: 1. The bailiff asked Mayella Ewell to raise her right hand and say, Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?
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  • Common mistakes in grammar Do you know the difference between there, their, and theyre? Correct the following passage for mistakes. My grandparents are so festive! Yesterday, I went to there house for theyre annual Halloween party. They had all of theyre spooky ghosts sprawled across the lawn as well as authentic cobwebs all over their windows. I was impressed! When I arrived, I asked if I could see there candy collection. My grandma replied, sure, honey, there over their in the cauldron.
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  • Bell-ringer: Literary Devices Review COPY EACH QUESTION! 1. What is the difference between a literary device, a literary element and a literary technique? 2. Define the following: Alliteration: Simile: Metaphor: Imagery:
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  • Bell-ringer: Symbolism Define symbolism. Identify the symbolic meaning behind each image (think about color, emotion etc).
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  • Bell-ringer: Sentence Structure Write each of the following sentences in your notebook. Label each as being either correctly formed (C), comma-splice (CS), run-on (R), or fragment (F). Then, rewrite each incorrect sentence in a correct form. You may invent words, as necessary, to complete the sentences. 1. Although John received a gold medal in the 220- meter run. 2. However, John lost the next event. 3. John is a great athlete and he is continually improving. 4. When the bell rings you may go to your next class. 5. I made a great grade on the Anglo-Saxon test, I studied. 6. The grammar quiz will not be difficult it will seem easy, if you study.
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  • Bell ringer: What is a root, a suffix or a prefix? The word construction has three parts: a prefix, a root, and a suffix. Pre = pre-game = before the word. Root = root of a tree = the main part of the word. Su = the ending of the word. Brainstorm words using the follow prefixes or suffixes: 1. pre- 2. con- 3. logue- 4. ment- 5. tion- 6. anti- 7. im- 8. in-
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  • Bell-ringer Activity: Science-Fiction. Respond to the following question by writing a minimum of three, well formed sentences. What is your favorite science-fiction movie? Why did you enjoy this movie?
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  • Bell-ringer: Response to A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. Directions: respond to the following question by writing a minimum of three, well formed sentences. If you were allowed to travel back in time, which decade or era would you travel back to? Why?
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  • Bell-ringer: response to the conclusion of A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. Directions: write a min of 3 sentences. Discuss a time when your actions or decisions resulted in a negative effect or consequence: what did you learn from this experience? (relates to foreshadowing in A Sound of Thunder)
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  • Bell-ringer: Introducing Theme Directions: 3 sentences min. Think of your favorite T.V. shows. What ideas from those shows and the stories they tell can you connect to your own life? Think of one episode as an example and describe how you learned something from it.
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  • Bell-ringer: response to Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut. Directions: write a min of 3 sentences. Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of disguising your personal strengths in order to pretend that you were equal to another. Example: letting a friend win at a video game or catch the football when they easily could have.
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  • Bell-ringer: Simile and Metaphor Identify these literary devices as a metaphor or as a simile. COPY EACH SENTENCE! 1. The car headlights were as bright as the sun. 2. His face was a barren landscape of sorrow, parted by rivers of tears. 3. His sword was as sharp as a knife. 4. His back pack was like a giant basketball. 5. Their relationship had begun to bud again, after a long and desolate winter. (Write two sentences using a simile and a metaphor.)
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  • Bell-ringer: Imagery Writing prompt: Imagine you are writing to a letter to a pen pal from the planet Venus. This friend has never seen the sun. Write a letter describing the light and warmth of the sun. Be sure to use sensory details and suggest some sunny day activities. (5 sentence min).
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  • Bell-ringer: When the bell rings, silently read the prompt below: Identify examples of character, imagery, symbolism, conflict and plot. List at least five examples:
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  • Bell-ringer: The Writing Process Identify the steps of the Writing Process. Additionally, identify a strengthening tip from your notes for each step. Writing step one: strengthening tip: Writing step two: strengthening tip: Writing step three strengthening tip: Writing step four strengthening tip: Writing step four Strengthening tip:
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  • Bell-ringer: Locating main and supporting ideas. Instructions: glue the text into your interactive notebooks. After reading the restaurant review, answer the following questions by highlighting and adding notations to the side. 1. Identify the main ideas (problems) of the complaint 2. Identify the supporting ideas (the details) 3. Infer resolutions (pretend you are the manager, calling to win the customer backwhat would you do?)
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  • Bell-ringer: Using context clues Define the following vocabulary words using context clues from the sentences. COPY EACH SENTENCE! 1. Bounded to his wheelchair, the two mile walk to school is nothing but a ____________ to Aaron. 2. My grandma would always _________ under the stairs when thunderstorms would begin. 3. Ashley ___________ every time the nurse applied the pressure to her wounds.
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  • Bell-ringer: Vocabulary Review..changing the parts of speech. Copy the following chart and change the parts of speech for each vocabulary word. Vocabulary WordChange to 1. Synchronizing (verb)Noun: _____________________ 2. Oppression (noun)Verb: ______________________ 3. Hindrance (__________)Verb: ______________________ 4. Vigilance (___________)Adjective: __________________
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  • Bell-ringer activity: vocabulary review for Quiz on _____________ Copy and complete the sentences below: 1. It remains our duty to do all we can to resolve conflict, confront_________________, reduce poverty and promote good governance. 2. Our technical assistant ________________ the promethean board so that the interactive pen could connect accurately with the screen. 3. Susie ______________________ in fear as the monster crept from under her bed. 4. Considering that Ashley is on crutches, the steep stairs in the high school are nothing but a ______________________ on Ashleys ability to get to class on time. 5. The football field was bathed in a __________________ light as the players ventured onto the grass for their final game.
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  • Vocabulary Review Complete four sentences using the following vocabulary words: wince (v), consternation (n), synchronizing (v) and vigilance (n).
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  • Bell-ringer activity: Complete the following matching items.
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  • Vocabulary Review: Synonyms and Antonyms! Observe and analyze the synonyms and antonyms below. Which vocabulary word could they represent? 1. Blaze, burn, fire, flame, flare, glow, ignite. 2. Liberate, set free. 3. Despise, detest, hate, loathe, scorn. 4. Inconsistent, capricious, superficial. 5. Rational, reasonable, supported. 6. Calm, normal, organized, quiet. 7. Genuine, real, true. 8. Merciless, cruel.
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  • Bell-ringer activity: Formal versus Informal Tones. Draw a chart in your notebooks with two columns and two rows: Place the following tones in either the formal or informal box. Very often, with informal tones we frequently see such contractions as dont, wont, its etc. Humorous, grave, objective, casual, controlled, zany, ornate, offhanded, rambunctious, impersonal, elaborate, simple, reserved, experimental and decorous. FormalInformal Comedic
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  • Bell-ringer activity: Prefixes and suffixes. Identify prefixes or suffixes in your new set of vocabulary words. If you are having trouble, refer to the Jigsaw Puzzle on the wall. 1. Abhor: prefix ____suffix _____ 2. Arbitrary: prefix____suffix _____ 3. Conservatism: prefix____ suffix _____ 4. Chaotic: prefix ____ suffix _____ 5. Counterfeit: prefix ____ suffix _____ 6. Enfranchise: prefix ____suffix_____ 7. Implacable:prefix ____suffix _____ 8. Kindle:prefix ____suffix _____ 9. Noxious:prefix ____suffix _____ 10. Flailprefix ____suffix _____
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  • Bell-ringer: Vocabulary and context clues Create a two column chart. On the left side, list the vocabulary words that belong in each of these sentences. On the right side, list the context clues. 1. Ashley _______________ the pile of wood near her tent in order to provide warmth for the cold evening. 2. The ___________ atmosphere of the daycare left Mrs. Worthington with a daily headache. 3. My mother _____________ my behavior last night during the game; she detested it so much that I was grounded for 6 months. 4. I felt ______________ inhaling the toxic fumes that filtered into my bedroom from the road construction outside of my house. 5. Brian is a very ______________ little boy. He is often known to bite the other children in his class and never apologizes for the pain he causes. 6. Sam hit his head on something hard as he________________ his arms wildly in the air. 7. Alex was arrested after he attempted to use a ____________ twenty dollar bill at the grocery store.
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  • Bell-ringer: Benchmark Review. Identify at least 5 fictional literary terms that we have studied so far this year in the two column chart below. On the left side identify the term and on the right side, identify the definition/meaning Also identify elements of plot.
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  • Bell-ringer: The Harlem Renaissance. Create a KWL chart by identifying this topic: WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE? What I KNOW.What I WANT to know. What I have LEARNED. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.
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  • Bell Ringer! Copy and answer the following questions. We will discuss them in five minutes. 1. What is poetry? 2. Identify 4 literary devices used in poetry and their definitions!
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  • Bell-ringer Activity. Voracious and veracious (adj) Context clues: Stuart has a voracious appetite and can eat an entire box of cereal in one sitting, but at least hes veracious about it. Copy each sentence and fill in the blanks with either voracious or veracious. Tessa, who has a ______________ interest in worms, spends every free minute digging in the dirt. No one is more __________________ than Joe; he founded the Honor Society. Write two sentences using the words voracious and veracious.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity. (always copy the sentences!) What does the word, voracious mean? Bizarre and bazaar (noun) Context Clues: We found the most bizarre cufflinks at the bazaar. Fill in the blanks with either bizarre or bazaar. Every weekend he peddles his wares at the ________ on the other side of town. His behavior is so ___________________ that everyone calls him Weird Walter.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity Illusion and allusion (nouns) Context clues: I didnt get a single one of his allusions, but I managed to create the illusion that I did. Fill in the blanks with either illusion or allusion. Did you catch my learned _________________ to Shakespeare? The kids were entirely fooled by the magicians _____________.
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  • Bell-ringer: copy the question and answers. Circle the answer.
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  • Bell-ringer: copy each of the sentences below by creating compound-complex sentences.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity! Copy down the meaning of the suffixes eer and ist. Brainstorm as many words as you can think of ending with these suffixes.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity! Paragraph Correction: Find the 15 mistakes and correct them. Big Mouth and ugly girl is a novel by Joyce carol Oates. The story is about a girl who plays basketball and a boy who is a writter for the school newspaper The Rocky River Run. The girl Ursula and the boy Matt eventually get closer as they go through diffecult times in High School.
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  • Bell-ringer Paragraph Correction: Identify the twelve mistakes and correct them. Little brother is a novel by cory doctorow who is a author from London. The book is about a group of kids living in San francisco during a terrorist attack. The main character Marcus is a technological genius and he wants revenge on the department of homeland security
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  • Bell-ringer: Drama Instruction: Copy and answer the following questions. You may use your notes. 1. What is the difference between a soliloquy and an aside? 1. What is the root word of the word, monologue? 1. Identify three examples of dramatic conventions? How do they enhance a dramatic text?
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  • Bell-ringer: Dramatic Techniques Use your prior knowledge to identify whether the following are examples of protagonists or antagonists.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity Paragraph Correction Locate and correct the 14 mistakes in the following paragraph: Morgan, and samantha had a awesome time over spring break. When they came in to the building today they walked sad. They thought that nothing could cheer those up, until they herd that there would be free ice cream at lunch today. After waiting thru the first four periods of the day the to girls ran to the Auditeria and were the first in line to recieve a free nestle cruch ice cream bar.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity! Commas!! Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses in a series. 1. The beverages included fruit juice ginger ale and jasmine tea. 2. Ceramic vases were placed on the table on the mantel and on the windowsill. 3. We needed to know where we would catch the plane when it would leave and how much baggage we were allowed. Write two compound sentences.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity: Writing and Grammar Review Writing prompt: write about a girl named _____ and/or a boy named _______. Stories must be at least 5 sentences long and include the following: A series separated by commas. A compound sentence using a comma + conjunction or semicolon.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity Copy, translate, and respond, in one well written paragraph (5-6 sentences), to the following quote: We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them. -Epictetus, ancient Greek philosopher.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity: COPY AND ANSWER.
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  • Bell-ringer Activity: Vocabulary Review Look up and define one of these words in a dictionary: contentious, requiem, munificence, or approbation. (2min) Use the word to construct your own multiple-choice question like the ones from the previous bell-ringer. (2 min) Exchange questions with another student. (2 min)
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  • BR: Using Colons Complete the notes and fill in the blanks using pages 676-678 in the blue grammar book. 1. The colon acts mainly as an _______. 2. Use a colon before a ___________ following an _________________. 3. Colons can also be used to introduce __________. 4. The quotation should be _________ or __________ and should not contain __________ expression. 5. Use a colon to introduce a sentence that _________ or _________ the sentence before it. 6. Use a colon to introduce a ________ appositive that follows an independent clause. 7. Special uses of colons include:
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  • BR: Using Colons Copy each sentence and place the colon where you believe it should go 1. I have one project for myself this summer to chart my family tree. 2. To being, I will need some important information my mothers maiden name, my grandparents dates of birth and marriage, and the year the family came to America. 3. Before long, I will have found just what I need my grandfathers birth certificate. 4. It is time to do the research off to City Hall! 5. My grandmother gave me sound advice know your roots
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  • BR: Using Semi-Colons Write the CORRECT form of the sentence on your paper. (COPY)Use a semicolon between two independent clauses of a compound sentence when they are not joined by a coordinate conjunction. Example: There was a sudden silence; everyone was stunned by the outcome. Instructions: Place semicolons where they are needed in the following sentences. 1. Carl is tall his brother is short. 2. He knocked several times no one came to the door. 3. The siren blew loudly I rushed to the window the police raced pass as I looked out.
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  • BR: Correct by adding semi-colons or colons. 1. Michael Jordan was not the best basketball player however, he went on to win multiple NBA championships in his lifetime. 2. Yu-Na Kim broke the Winter Olympics Free Skating record she earned 150 points and beat the silver medalist by 18 points. 3. Hey, remember to bring your supplies paintbrushes, oil paints, and a canvas. 4. Linda received a lot of presents a fuzzy, blue scarf soft, blue leather boots and a shiny, blue IPod touch.
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  • BR: Correct by adding a semi-colon or a colon. 1. The last installment of the Harry Potter movies will be broken up into two parts part one will come out in 2010 and the final one will come out in 2011. 2. Boozer had an injury recently and is unable to play for the rest of the season however, the Bulls will still probably do really well! 3. Tina Marie likes to shop at many stores Target, where she buys her basics Macys, where she purchases her nice clothes and Forever XXI, where she buys trendy garments for less!
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  • Bell-ringer: Punctuation/Semi-colons and Colons. Copy the question and the correct answer. (extra bonus pts for copying as you see it!) 1. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. a. You asked for forgiveness, he granted it to you b. You asked for forgiveness; he granted it to you c. You asked for forgiveness: he granted it to you. d. You asked for forgiveness he granted it to you. 2. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. a.The American flag has three colors: red, white, and blue b.The American flag has three colors; red, white, and blue. c.The American flag has three colors, red, white, and blue. d.The American flag has three colors red, white, and blue.
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  • BR: Punctuation/Semi-Colons and Colons. 1. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation a. I need a few items at the store, clothespins, a bottle opener, and napkins. b. I need a few items at the store; clothespins, a bottle opener, and napkins. c. I need a few items at the store: clothespins, a bottle opener, and napkins. d. I need a few items at the store clothespins, a bottle opener, and napkins. 2. Re-write the following sentences and correct the errors in punctuation and capitalization. a. I bought five bags of candy from the store jolly ranchers, skittles, mini butterfingers, sour patch kids and starburst. b. ashley had never been to myrtle beach before, she packed her suitcase three weeks before the trip.
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  • BR: Vocabulary Copy and complete the following sentences using your new vocabulary words. 1. That____________child in the grocery store gave me a headache. 2. A mixture of oil, water and mercury forms three _____________layers. 3. He __________________for 10 years in the King's dungeon. 4. The historic red-brick structure owes its existence to the _________________of Fairhaven millionaire Henry Huttleston Rogers.
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  • BR: Text structures. Copy the question and all answers.
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  • BR: active versus passive voice. Objective: Throughout the writing process, active voice is preferred over passive voice. Active voice: indicates that the subject of the verb is acting Passive voice: indicates that the subject becomes the passive recipient of the action. (two verbs) Copy the sentences below, and identify by underlining the passive or active voice. 1. The report cards will be given at the end of the day. 2. Tyler was jumped on by the aggressive dog. 3. The review committee denied your request for funding. 4. Your request for funding has been denied by the review committee 5. Alex baked a cake for the whole class.
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  • BR: match the following vocabulary words to their definitions.
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  • BR: Vocabulary Review Copy and answer the odd numbered sentences; simply answer the even numbered sentences. 1. Munificence means the act of being ____________________ 2. To be quarrelsome; argumentative is to be_________________. 3. A constant runny nose can be referred to as a _____________. 4. To dwell and weaken in state for an extended amount of time is to _______________________. 5. If two substances cannot mix they are ________________. 6. To be rendered useless and ineffective is to be ____________. 7. The ________________ of the hostages was a huge relief to the frightened community. 8. A Supreme Court judge carries out critical ______________ everyday that affect our everyday lives. 9. Singularity is the act/idea of being _____________ or being ____________. 10.A large ___________________ gathered to honor the Indian Chiefs who had passed away.
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  • BR: Infinitives Write the infinitive in each sentence. Then, label each subject, direct object, predicate nominative, object of preposition, appositive, adjective, or adverb. Page 459 1-4. (create a table with nine boxes)
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  • Bell-ringer: Supporting opinions with facts. Write whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the following statements. Then, write a sentence or two for each statement to explain your reasoning. Animals have a natural desire to protect and love their children. Sometimes animals exhibit behavior that we admire in people, such as bravery and intelligence. Some animals can help parents keep their children safe from harm.
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  • Bell-ringer: supporting ideas with facts and experiences. Writing prompt: write whether you agree or disagree for each sentence. Write one sentence for each statement that explains why you agree or disagree. The weather has an effect on peoples moods. It is normal to feel resentful of others who are in a better position than you are. People should refrain from following others to fit in.
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  • Bell-ringer: Flash Fiction Write a flash fiction based on the following award-winning photograph:
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  • Bell-Ringer Activity! Writing Prompt: choose one of the following prompts and write a response to it: If I could have one wish (explain) I am looking forward to (explain) (5 sentence min) Make sure to include the following: 1. A compound sentence joined by a comma and conjunction. 2. A compound sentence joined by a semicolon.
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  • BR: Split Infinitives An infinitive phrase will begin with an infinitiveinfinitive [to + simple form of the verb]. It will include objects and/or modifiers. Here are some examples: modifiers To smash a spider To kick the ball past the dazed goalie *Copy and correct sentences 1 and 2 below:
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  • Bell-ringer: Passive or Active Voice. Objective: review these sentences for active or passive voice. COPY EACH SENTENCE, identify the verb(s), and whether the sentence is active or passive. Example (you do not have to copy the example) Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare Verbs Passive. 1. The coach presented the baseball trophy. 2. The birthday card was signed by all his coworkers. 3. The sprinklers were turned on when the gardener started his yard work. 4. Income taxes were increased too much.
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  • Bell-ringer: Affect versus Effect Objective: to identify the correct use of affect or effect. COPY EACH SENTENCE AND IDENTIFY THE CORRECT WORD. 1. The volcanic eruption (affected/effected) the entire country. 2. Your answer will not (affect/effect) your grade on the test. 3. Your answer will have no (affect/effect) on your grade on the test.
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  • BR: passive versus active voice. Passive versus Active Change the following sentences to active. 1. Lauren had been spoken to by the principal. 2.The final piece of cake was given to me by my mother. 3.The rules were approved by the administrator. 4. I baked the cake last night.
  • Slide 79
  • BR: Final review of passive and active voice. COPY THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO YOUR NOTEBOOK AND APPLY THE STEPS OF ACTIVE VOICE WRITING. 1. Julie had been asked to the Prom by Peter three separate times. 2. Several thousand people were killed by the earth quake. 3. Spanish is spoken.
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  • BR: Effect versus Affect. Copy each sentence and select either effect or affect. 1. The funeral ____________ my mood for the rest of the day. 2. The sound _________ were amazing! 3. The medication had no ____________ on my broken leg. 4. The laws were put into ________on January 1 st.
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  • BR: semi-colons and colons. Objective: place the semi-colon or colon where it is needed. 1. Kelly wants to play outside Kim wants to play inside. 2. I will have the following flavors of iced tea at my party raspberry lemon blackberry and tangerine. 3. My hair is very wet I just washed it. 4. All students must arrive on time complete all tasks follow the rules and be their best. 5. I love going to the gym I also like riding my bike.
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  • BR: Semi-colons and colons. Objective: place the semi-colon or colon where it is needed. 1. My mom didnt feel well however she still came to my game. 2. Jill was the only girl the team needed her. 3. I packed the following items for the beach trip sunglasses, shorts, two t-shirts and suntan lotion. 4. The sun rose the alarm clock went off. 5. Exercising helps to keep you healthy and fit proper nutrition is also important.
  • Slide 83
  • BR: What is parallel structure? COPY THE BELOW NOTES IN ITALICS! Objective: parallel structure = using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same importance. This happens at the word, phrase, or clause level. Typically, parallel structures are joined coordinating conjunctions ("and" or "or.)conjunctions COPY EACH SENTENCE AND CIRCLE THE PARALLEL STRUCTURE. IF IT IS NOT CORRECT, IDENTIFY THE ERROR AND CORRECT! 1. Monica brewed espresso, steaming milk, and told jokes as she prepared Mikes latte. 2. Jim wanted to scare us by telling us a ghost story and he showed us a horror movie. 3. Brian disliked not only playing baseball but also to run long distances.
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  • Bell-ringer: Vocabulary matching activity Pick up a copy of the matching activity and match the appropriate vocabulary words to their definitions. You will have a quiz on ___________________________.
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  • Bell-ringer: Vocabulary Objective: identify the following vocabulary words by filling the blanks. Identify the definition. These are the words that will be on your vocabulary quiz on _____________________: 1. _ _ _ _ain 2. B_ _ _ _ _ 3. En_ _ _ _ _ _ 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _th 5. _ _ce_ _ _ _ _ _ 6. T_ _g_ _ _ _
  • Slide 86
  • Bell-ringer: what is parallel structure? 1. Locate the definition of parallelism at the top of page 138 in Writing and Grammar book. 2. Take notes on the tips for revising sentences to form parallel structure on page 139. Each tip needs to be written down including the parallel example. Underline the parallelism in the sentences.
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  • Bell-ringer: parallel structure. Re-write the sentences by and apply knowledge of parallel structure. Sam enjoyed reading books and to watch movies. My friends were always going off to job in the park or a game of tennis. My manager asked me to file an application and would I leave my number Washing clothes and to iron clothes are my chores.
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  • BR: Every-day editing. Find all mistakes! Who be came the first black streetcar conductor in san francisco and later red her poetry at the inauguration of president Bill Clinton! Born in St Louis, Missouri, in April 1928, Maya Angelou are the African- American authors who overcome so much to reached her goals. Maya received national attention when she published hers book titled I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She was nonimated for an Emmy award for her roll in Roots.
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  • Bell-ringer: find all mistakes. A persons a person, no matter how small, said author and illustrator Theodor Geisel, who was born on March 2, 1904. Gesiels first book for children And to Think That I saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected by 27 publishers before it was printed. At a time when many childrens books were dull, Geisel, who is also know as Dr. Seuss, published The Cat in the Hat since then millions of Dr. Seuss books has been sold!
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  • BR: every-day edit. Find all mistakes! Mary Ludwig was born in October 1754. By the time the Revolutionary War broke out, she was married to William Hays. When hays went to war, mary follow him she carried pitcher's of water to the troops, which earn her the nick name Molly Pitcher. When William was hurt in battle, Mary taken his place as a gunner. "A cannon shot passed between her legs, carrying away the lower part of her petticoat, Says one record of that battle.
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  • BR: every-day edit. Find all mistakes. April was national poetry month. Its a time when kids can enjoy the fun of vurse. childrens poet Jack Prelutsky remembers how one of his teachers made him feel that poetry was like liver. I was told that it was good for me, but I wasnt convinced, Prelutsky said. Years later he wrote some lines of poetry to go with drawings he maid of imagery animals. Those lines of poetry become the first of his entertaining poems of children.
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