bell ringer use either the four-square method or the vocabulary chart to write about the following...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Bell Ringer

Use either the four-square method or the vocabulary chart to write about the following word: boisterous


Boisterous- adjective

Very noisy and active in a lively way.

Other forms of the word: boisteriously—adverb, boisterousness—nous

Ex: the fans at the baseball game because particularly boisterous after the home run.

Origin: Middle English boistous meaning crude, clumsy, from Anglo-French . First used in the 14th century.

Synonyms: knockabout, raucous, wild

Antonyms: orderly

The Language of PoetryEnglish IEnglish Language Arts and Reading

Unit: 02A Lesson: 01Day 03 of 12

Daily Lesson 3 WORD STUDY


E1.1B; E1.1E

Key Understandings and Guiding Questions

Understanding new words, concepts, and relationships enhances comprehension and oral and written communication.

How does understanding the denotative and connotative meanings of words help increase understanding? 

Vocabulary of InstructionDiction Denotation Connotation

Analyze a Poem


Divergent takes place in a futuristic, dilapidated Chicago in a collapsed society that had been divided into five factions in hopes of creating a better, more peaceful world than the one that existed before. Currently the city is in the process of renovating the city from the heart of the city outwards.  

Five factions including: Amity, Erudite, Candor, Abnegation, and Dauntless.

The majority of the book takes place in the Dauntless faction, where Tris is going through an initiation process in order to become a member of her newly chosen faction.

BackgroundSignificance of the Time Period

This book is dystopian fiction, meaning that the time period in which the novel takes place plays quite a significant role.

The book takes place sometime in the “near future.”

Divergent takes place in a futuristic Chicago after the fall of the previous society.

Dystopian fiction is all about the rebuilding of a supposedly “better” or “stronger” society, but instead, the society typically

ends up being led by unsavory people who think that limiting freedom and oppressing certain groups of people while giving more power to others.

Understatement – a rhetorical technique, often incorporating irony and humor, in which something is represented as less than it actually is.

Overstatement: – an exaggerated statement

In the real world, clothing may tell us something about a person, but Divergent takes this to the extreme, where every factions' clothing tells us how they see the world—and how they want the world to treat them.

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory– the use of symbols to represent abstract ideas in concrete ways (e.g., The United States flag stands for freedom.)

The factions are very important for the setting and the plot and the characters; but they're also just big, big symbol factories.

Almost everything about the factions is pretty symbolic of how their members think about the world. Take something super simple, something you have on you right now (we hope): clothes.

Allusion – a reference within a literary work to another work of literature, art, or real event. The reference is often brief and implied.

Pick out the symbolism.

• Irony – a literary technique used to create meaning that seems to contradict the literal meaning or events

• Verbal irony – the use of words in which the intended meaning is contrary to the literal meaning (e.g., I could care less)

• Paradox – a seemingly contradictory statement that on closer scrutiny reveals a deeper truth (e.g., life is but a dream)

Content Objective: Students distinguish between the denotative and connotative meaning of unfamiliar words based on context.


What are the denotative and connotative meanings of words?

Look at the words, along with the context of the text/poem.

Think Aloud to determine the meaning of the unfamiliar word based on its context.

Does the author/poet use this word based on its denotative or connotative meaning?

Examine a word

The word home “denotes the place where one lives with one’s family, but it connotes comforts, intimacy, privacy.”

Content Objective: Students identify and analyze diction and imagery in poetry.


Discuss the quotation from Mark Twain:

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug”.

There is an importance of word choice in conveying meaning, particularly as it applies to poetry.

Add Connotation:

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

Add Denotation:

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

Content Objective: Students identify and analyze diction and imagery in poetry.

Remember to distinguish between the denotative or connotative meanings of words from Word Study instruction.

Display and read the modified poem and the original version.

How did changing the poet’s words affect the poem’s message?

Content Objective: Students identify and analyze diction and imagery in poetry.

In Collaborative Groups,

Read and analyze diction in selected passage.

Change the author/poet’s original word choice by substituting words to create either a more positive or negative impact on the poem’s message.

Divergent Quote

In Groups: Add Connotation and Denotation

People who get this kind of result are..." She looks over her shoulder like she expects someone to appear behind her. "...are called...Divergent." She says the last word so quietly that I almost don't hear it, and her tense, worried look returns. She walks around the side of the chair and leans in close to me. (3.20)

Hasn’t been used recently. Someone is gone? On vacation? Other?

No one is in the room. Company doesn’t stay in this room. Pictures of an older woman, once beautiful old hats sit fading in their boxes.

Loving smile in a picture frame. Never changes, always beckoning “Come get some homemade cookies.”

House shoes. Well worn. Still under the bed, waiting to be placed upon her feet.

It is empty. A granddaughter wears it proudly after her wedding.

The bed is made. The trinkets are still on the dresser.

Nothing has been changed. The suitcase is missing. Sunscreen left on the dresser.

Dusty Room



Ring Box


Contents of the room

Hasn’t been used recently. Someone is gone? On vacation? Other?

No one is in the room. Company doesn’t stay in this room. Pictures of an older woman, once beautiful old hats sit fading in their boxes.

Loving smile in a picture frame. Never changes, always beckoning “Come get some homemade cookies.”

It is empty. A granddaughter wears it proudly after her wedding.

House shoes. Well worn. Still under the bed, waiting to be placed upon her feet.

The bed is made. The trinkets are still on the dresser. Nothing has been changed.

The suitcase is missing. Sunscreen left on the dresser.

Dusty room Hasn’t been used recently. Someone is gone? On vacation? Other?

Expression No one is in the room. Company doesn’t stay in this room. Pictures of an older woman, once beautiful old hats sit fading in their boxes.

Pose Loving smile in a picture frame. Never changes, always beckoning “Come get some homemade cookies.”

Ring box It is empty. A granddaughter wears it proudly after her wedding.

Shoes House shoes. Well worn. Still under the bed, waiting to be placed upon her feet.

Contents of the Room The bed is made. The trinkets are still on the dresser. Nothing has been changed. The suitcase is missing. Sunscreen left on the dresser.

Content Objective: Students distinguish between the denotative and connotative meaning of unfamiliar words based on context.


1.Each group shares their words with the class. Add the words to the class Word Wall as appropriate.

2.How does distinguishing between the denotative and connotative meanings of words help the reader understand the author’s purpose and help increase understanding?

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