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Bell Work. Explain the details of the XYZ Affair. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? This Day in History: April 11, 1803- French Foreign Minister Charles Talleyrand offers to sell the Louisiana territory to the U.S. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Bell WorkExplain the details of the XYZ Affair.

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?

This Day in History:April 11, 1803- French Foreign Minister Charles Talleyrand offers to sell

the Louisiana territory to the U.S.April 11, 1814- Napoleon Bonaparte abdicates his throne and is exiled to

the island of Elba. April 11, 1945- American forces liberate Buchenwald, the second largest

concentration camp of the Holocaust.April 11, 1951- President Harry Truman fires General Douglas

MacArthur as head of U.S. forces in the Korean War. April 11, 1970- The ill fated Apollo 13 mission is launched from Cape

Canaveral. April 11, 2004- Phil Mickelson wins his first major at the Masters.

The Civil War 1861-1862

The ConfederacyOn Feb. 8, 1861 the

seceding states formed the CSA.

Each state was independent, guaranteed slavery, banned tariffs, and limited president to single 6 year term.

Jefferson Davis was elected president.

The War BeginsOn April 12, 1861 the

Confederates bombarded Union troops at Fort Sumter in South Carolina when Lincoln tried to resupply.

After Fort Sumter the upper south seceded.

Lincoln declared martial law in the border states.



Naval power

Transportation infrastructure

Fought defensively

Better generals

Better soldiers, more experienced

Advantages Confederacy

High CasualtiesNew technologies

combined with old tactics.

The Minie ball bullet made rifles more accurate.

Lack of sanitation

Union Strategy

Winfield Scott developed the Anaconda Plan.

Meant to slowly choke the south with blockades and attacks.

Confederate Strategy

Planned to fight defensively.

Wanted to choose battles wisely like Washington during the Revolution.

FIRST BULL RUN (JULY 21, 1861) The Union wanted to

control the vital railroad junction at Manassas.

Stonewall Jackson became famous in this battle when he held the line.

The Union retreated and the South gained its first victory.

THE PENINSULA CAMPAIGNAt the beginning of April

McClellan started the siege of Yorktown.

He then advanced to Richmond.

Lee took over Southern command near Richmond and pushed McClellan back in the 7 Days’ Battle

Clash of the IroncladsThe Confederacy

Captured Union ship Merrimack, turned it into ironclad, and renamed it the Virginia.

Met by a Union ironclad, the Monitor, in battle near Hampton Roads, Virginia, in March 1862 and it forced the Confederates to withdraw

The Monitor’s success saved the Union fleet and continued the blockade.


Costliest day of fighting in U.S. history.

Union had 12,000 casualties; Confederacy had 13,000

The Confederates were forced to retreat.

Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation shortly after this battle.

THE WESTERN THEATER In February of 1862

Ulysses S. Grant knocked out Forts Henry and Donelson.

Shortly after Henry and Donelson the Union Army captured Nashville.

SHILOH (APRIL 6-7, 1862)Massive victory for

Grant and the North.

The South were winning the battle before Union reserves arrived by steamboat.

More casualties than all previous wars combined.

Each side had about 10,000 casualties.

Reading Quiz on MondayRead Chapter 16.4

Pages 528-534

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