bellaplex - scientifically advanced formulation with unmatched anti aging properties

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Bellaplex – Scientifically Advanced Formulation With

Unmatched Anti Aging Properties

Nothing adds so much beauty and grace to a woman as flawless,

glowing skin. All advertisements of creams and skincare formulations

we see all around us feature women with seemingly perfect skin that

radiates health. The celebrities featured on glossy magazines have

smooth and soft skin that adds to their already overwhelming beauty.

The question on our minds is how these women manage to keep their

skin so perfect and free of imperfections. Is it the skincare products

they use, some exotic fruit juices they sip on or a new kind of beauty


Science tells us that a lot of factors go into the creation of beautiful

skin. A balanced diet, adequate sleep, consuming sufficient quantities of

water, an active lifestyle and minimal stress contribute to keeping a

woman healthy and her skin glowing. It is also important to choose

quality skincare products and maintain a good skincare regime of

cleansing, toning and moisturizing. However, if you are above 30 years

of age, there is something else you might need to keep the skin looking

its best.

Identifying And Combating The Signs Of Aging

For most women, crossing the age of 30 years is approximately the

time around which they may begin to notice the first signs of aging. In

some women, the onset of these signs may begin during their late 20s.

Regardless of what age these signs appear, the important thing is to

recognize these signs and provide your skin the necessary care and

replenishment to delay the later signs of aging such as wrinkles and

fine lines.

Increased dryness of the skin is one of the first signs of aging that

almost all women experience. The scientific side of this matter is that

the skin cells lose its natural moisture retention capabilities with

advancing age. As a result of lower moisture content in the cells, the

skin becomes dry and rough. Remember that dry skin must never be

ignored since this type of skin is more vulnerable to developing fine

lines and wrinkles.

Regular moisturizers do not offer the desired results since the

ingredients in it do not retain moisture for long. This is why you have

to try Bellaplex – a unique age defying moisturizer featuring one of the

best known hydrating substances in nature – Hyaluronic Acid. This

ingredient is empowered with unmatched moisture retention

properties that help it to retain moisture more effectively than most

other natural substances. The result is softer, smoother, fresher and

more youthful looking skin. The replenished skin is less likely to

develop new wrinkles or fine lines.

The next sign of aging is a visible dullness of the skin and a reduction in

the elasticity of the skin. Reduction of collagen levels in the skin is the

prime reason for these issues. It is a well-known fact that collagen is

one of the building blocks needed for healthy, firm and smooth skin. A

reduction in collagen content can cause the skin to sag and develop


Bellaplex now features real collagen plus Matrixyl 3000 that work

together to enhance collagen content in the skin. Real collagen

replenishes the natural level of collagen in the skin to make the skin

look younger and more vibrant. Matrixyl 3000 is an ingredient

clinically proven to aid and improve the production of collagen in the

skin, thereby making the skin firmer and reducing the depth, density

and volume of wrinkles.

To try this amazing anti wrinkle cream and help your skin regain its

fresh, radiant and youthful looks, feel free to place an order with today.

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