belmont chronicle (saint clairsville, ohio : 1855). (st ...€¦ · no ringing ears. ijegal xotiee....

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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w'BaBBBBajae7wBaaw'"Ltttlk ingf-Ns-" are In tbe market. The days are now longer than tbe Frederick Rose, of Morristown, bas The Legislators held a shorter session Master Commissioner's SaleBelmont Chronicle nights. been granted a pension. this year than any time within tbe ptst FOR SALE.Who will be candidates for council? thirti-M- X years, and its record will com-

pareThe chances favorable for tbe BELMONT COMMON PLEAS.are'7 PriTOt sale until? Saturday.The normal at Centreville will begin favorably with its predecessors.building of the this at March 6h. f87. and if Bnt old b.creamery spring . , . , ,Spuing election week from next 2d, and cotinue 16 weeks. lt .lmaa bmii .Mall air .i 'W. A. HUNT, one MayGleocoe. McPherson A Dallas vs. Mary Sharp, et aL .7 ""mhotmi Didder,

At this several of older on that day, the following property in West Brida.-por- t.Monday. writing the to an alias order of sale in the above Ohio it: On. two-t- ory frame dweUiiirEditor and Proprietor. J. W. Coulson, of Bellaire, left Tnes ."spring began officially on Sunday, citizens of town are quite ill, among PURSUANT iiwued and to me directed, from rionse with eiuht rooms, now occupied by fourNew maple syrup is not abundant and day, for Wichita, Kansas, wheie he will since which time snow squalls have been them are, I H Patterson, Joel Elliott. SAESAPAEILLA t he court of common pleas of Belmont county, state lam lies, situated on a corner lot, with good well f

ol unio, i will oner lor sale, at ue ironi ouw oi water: also, vacant lota number , 5, 8, 7, 8, and mid--price high. make bis home. almost continuous. Mrs S Richardson and Mrs Thus. Rice. uie court house, in said eoanty, on .11. inrfnf nnmK.. 11 jn ....k. it . ,

Published Every Thursday 5th adihtion to Bridgeport.Oft LLCOD HHD LIVES SYRUP.Alex. Back, of Waruock Station, bas Saturday, April 16th, 1887, aui.TO MoCONNATJGHY.willCadiz Presbyterians probably Thomas S. Ambrose. Esq.,the Morris- - "Chuck" Rhodes, the Bridgeportto Missouri, where be will make A peerless remedy for Scrofula, White BUKUET McCONJiAUliHY.gonebuild a parsonage this summer. town saddliT is Iving dangerously ill at tough who was before the probate court At 1 o'clock p. m., the following described premises, S Mt Executor..bis home in the future. Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, GoutST. CLAIRSVILLE & NORTHERN R'Y, it:his home in that town. last week for assault and battery, was Chronic Soros. Syphilis, Tumors, Car-buncles,

Lot number 21 in Hunt's second addition to theOPERATED BY Are tbe fruit buds all killed yet? About $700 has been subscribed sentenced to pay a fine of $150 and be Salt nheum. Malaria, Bilious town of barnesville.The St. Clairsville Company. They are every year, you know. Charles Sheets, of Bellaire. will pay toward the erection of a Methot'ist committed to jail for tbree months. Complaints, and all diseases indicat-

ingAppraised at $rjOO. FARM FOR SALE.

a visit to relatives in China, who are church at Warnock Station. an Impure Condition of the Blood,Terms



C. W.Commissioner.


Time Schedule of Trains, in effect Nov. 14, '85. Geo. Otto, of Clarington, was robbed engaged in missionary work. The people of St Clairsville should Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Bowels, J WILL OFFER AT PCBUC SALE, onACCORDING to the Monroeof $100 while in Wbeehog last week Spirit, a endeavor to select men for tbe common Skia,otG. This Grand Iiemedy is com-

posedWednesday, March 30th, 1887.teacher maintains that the earthBtater4 Tl ., which la M minute slower . Twenty-fiv- e young men, of Bellaire county council wbo bave no schemes to carry of vegetable extracts, chief of

than Ircal time. is flat and denies that it makes revolu-tions.

" Sheriff's Sale. fhe farm on which I reside containing 54 acres.been purchased forhave haNew to becomecarpets which SARSAPARILLAve sigut-- a paper agreeing out for the especial benebt of tbem are and situated in Wheeling townerup, Bel niont county, ().,the Iudrmary, from Klotz in Bellaire. members of a lodge of U xxl Templars. selves or their bosom friends, to the det-

rimentSTILLINGIA. The cures effected are miaway netween r airpoint and Mruce stationa, one

SOUTH BOOND. The Prohibitionists in Colerain town of the general public. absolute. For sale by all Druggists--BELMONT COMMON PLEAS. mile from each, on C L. A, W. K'y. Said farm is in

i high state of cultivation, adapted to either garden-ingStation. Noll No 9 No IS Ho 15 The Collins property on East Main The horribly muiiiaied remains of an ship have nominated a township F. HSrai & CO., Hew York; Bridgeport Building Association or dairying. There is on the premises a new

T. Si. Olalrivllle .7am



40 8pm

45street, is being repainted and otherwise unknown man were packed up on the be supported at tbe election on tbe 4th City Clerk John R. Gow, of Bell tyWrite for Illuminated Book. frame honse, containing eight rooms and cellar.

within nlainFrederick Robrecht, et al. view of itai.l rnilwavr nlun 11

Barton - -- 7 15 43 12 00 4 06 Improved. C & P railroad track near Steubenville, proximo. aire, failed 'o put in an appearance with 75" out buildings. Haid farm is underlaid with 4 and 5pra Saturday night. tbe prohibition ordinance Tuesday eve TURSUANT to an order of sale in the aboTft en. ft. veins of coal, easy to mine. Sale to commencePaaeo . 7 25 9 55 if 10 4 15 Wm. Finney win learn the art of M Will the Inter State Commerce bill X titled case, issued and to me directed, from the t 1 o'clock p. m. Terms easy made known on day

7 10 20 12 25 4 30 ning, consequently council ordered ar. Bridgeport.... 40 court ot common pleas ol Helmont county, Ohio, 1 of sale.Martin'. Faery. ..J 48 10 25 1 20 63 erraptiy under tbe tuiti f. of John F. Mr. ad. Howell will' close bis win affect "J. N's" passes? If so. be may be special meeting for Wednesday evening will oner at public sale, on tite premisea, on iWt JNO. McPHKRSON.Bellaire via'.' & PS 10 10 45 250 6 10 CroMlaud. ter term of school in tbe Bowles district loo tired to lecture when be reaches The present council will have but one KASKINE! Saturday, April 16th, 1887,OKTH BOUND. here on the 3lst instFriday afternoon. In tbe evening more regular session before tbe expiraStations Ko


amo No 14 No

pmIS Coal advanced half a cent a bushel in spelling match will be held. Samuel Simmons and family, of Bell. tion of its term, hence the presence of (THE NEW QUININE) At 1 o'clock p. nu. the foUowinjr described real AGENTS WANTEDestate, it:Lt Boll-Ir- e rlaO Ft 30 ?m 4 20 Carrolltoii, owinR to tbe difficulty of aire, will remove to Muskegon, Micb.. the clerk is much to be desired. Situated in the Tillage of Bridgeport, ooanty of FllttMart In 'a Ferry .7


4 45 drawing it over muddy roads. D. R. Davis. Esq.. formerly of Morris- - where Mr. Simmons bas large lumber Belmont and state of Ohio, and known as lot numLt. brine port 110 4 50 PERLEY'SV- - Paaeo 8 ll 1 25 606 town, but who baa been in Cbattanonga interests, next Monday. A DisrATCH to Judge C. W. Carroll.on NO BAD EFFECT. theber



of Bridgeport,and Lbeneser


(newa addition

number ofto

Bart n... 8 20 45 I 35 6 15 Major Camp, the temperance evan for the past two years, bas made some Saturda). announced tbe death, after lot which will appear more fully by referenceAx. St. Ol Irsrille 2t 85 10 00 la5 6 86 The pitman of the boiler feed REMINISCENCES!is in Martin's pumpgelist. Ferry, conducting lu'-k- turns in real estate recently. two weeks' il'ness from diabetes, at lAI UIO putt, Ul BB1I1 M1U1UUU,

Connection at Barton with all at Standard mill NO HEADACHE. Appraised at $1.00.passenger ot the gave way Mondaya series temperance meetings. Auburn, N. Y, at ten o'clock thaton Terms Cash. O. E. FOCLKE, 8heriff.trains on me U., U. W. K'j; at Bridgeport Social, Anecdotal, Political ofmilk cat. try lor Belial re. Mania Ferry W. N. Coffland. administrator, sold afternoon, causing tbe stopping of tbe day. of Mr. Charles Baker, well known R M. M. Kxyrr TVmitv- - .lwiuuuSixty Yar in

Pittsburgh, and other point. East and Weal. The Bellaire nail works is erecting a entire mill for a few days. Geo. C. McKee, PlfFs Att'y. td.Metropolis.

.tbe farm belonging to the estate of tbe in this place. Deceased was tbe son of NO NAUSEA. txu d. u inew laboratory, and will give tbe old late C C Coffland, south of tbe "West David Irwin, of Warnock, will move tbe late James Baker.formerly of Wheel-


of the senate printing records, editor of the Con-gressional

Q.EOSGK LINN, oue to the C, L. & W. for a depot ern, containing 80 acres, at public sale his family to this place, in a few weeks, aud later of Philadelphia. In his NO RINGING EARS. Ijegal Xotiee. M la Kranlr WillDirectory,

Ka WAlMmm.uaand author

..11of various

U - works.1 J

on Saturday, to John Welty, of Wheel when he will leave for Kansas with tbe early life he spent much of bis time vis at every n reside. Each volume contains a steWATTORN EY.AT-L- W, It is stated that prospects are not of this Consid "s si-i- ui uiuiy cnoice portraits, sKetcnes,ing, formerly township. intention of buying a home. itiog tbe family of Judge Ruggles.whose autographs, etc. TaxCURES XTOTICE is hereby given to William J. Rainev. of Volcmks will bb Sold bybright for s'eady work at the coal mines QUICKLY.

Office In Collins' Block, eration $3180. daughter was his stepmother, and later ii Cleveland. Ohio, and to the heirs of David At UUBUv. avn im, UOUI OI Uie WW.Robertalong the river during tbe summer. Everett, of Warnock, a son. Agents wanted for exclusive territory in thisMr. Baker and bis family resided here kinson, deceased, wbose names and places of resi-dence7 15-t- f St. CL41K8TIU.E, Oaio. Hon. Geo. M. Patton, Harrison coun member of Co. A, 43d O V L as been for several to Auburn PLEASANT, PURE. are unknown, that at the March session. lNHl

county. Address at once far terms, etcremovingFor the first time in tbe of granted a pension of $S month, andyean, of the Commissioners of Belmont count t. Ohio.memory per P. J. FLEMS & Generalty's Representative in tbe present Legis-

lature,in the spring of 1883. Deceased was Ammst Kncknck and others nlad thmr mtition for CO., Agents,

the oldest inhabitant, St Patrick's Day in a letter to tbe Republican, back pay, amunting to SI, 153 37. possessed of many admirable traits of A POWERFUL TONIC an alteration of a state road, known as the Steuben120-l- No. 4 Fifth Ave- - Pittsburgh. Pm.Town and Country. (last Thursday), was not disgustingly while disavowing any intention of seek Monday Sheriff O. E. Foulke took character among them that of being ville and Marietta road, between the following

DOinta. it: A ooint in said state road on the westunpleasant ing a renomination. favors abandoning Charles Johnson, the young man con especially thoughtful of sick neighbors that the most delicate stomach will bear. side of the C. ft P. railroad, south of Rainey's switchlOCil followed victed of burglary at Mt Olivett at tbe on said railroad and a point on said state road at or N. 315.. VVOODaFlELD WautS OptiOD. the practice heretofore by tbe and friends, and was ever found minis A forSpecific Malaria. near the south end of the bnlge over Deep run, byA department of Agriculture re voters of bis county, of only allowing recent term of court to tbe penitentiary. tering to their comfort He was a locating and establishing the same on the follow ma- REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF

has struck in suf-ficUu-tMocnimville gas port shows that 36 cent of last line, Commencing at point in saidper it a statequantities to supply tbe town. year's corn crop remains in tbe bands of

Representative one term. Charles Blanknet, of Bellaire. late pleasant companion, wbose death is Rheumatism, road on the west side of the C. ft P. railroad south The First National BankB. Z & C telegraph operator, has gone to lamented by a wide circle of acquaint of Rainey's switch on said railroad; thence north on OFC & P. freight firemen now receire tbe farmers. Mrs. Luct Tuckwillow, a colored he ances. A devoted wite and two sons Nervous Prostration, the west side of said railroad through the lands ofSedalia, Mo, where bas secured sit-uation

a William natnev. Henry West. J as. W. dray and John$1 85 per day, and pay for orer time, woman, wbose borne was in Wheeling, on the Southern Pacific railroad. are bereft by bis death. His funeral Hiurhes. to the northwest corner of Aiueust Kuc-- ST. cumsviuE,The Steubenville Board of Improve and all Germ Diseases.met with a peculiar death Thursday took place Tuesday; interment at kucfc s orchard: thence northerly through his landonFob lame back, side or chest, use Bhiloh'i ment will make an effort t induce the and the lands of Thorbumft Gray and the lanls be t St. Clairsville, la the State of Ohia, at th.night She had gone to bed drunk, and Robt. McKelvey, Esq., of Mead Philadelphia. FOR COLDS KASKINE HAS BEEN FOUND TOPorous Piaster; price ittc. At fattersons'. to the estate of David Atkinson, cIm. ml baaiaeaa, Mar. 4th, of the C, L. &W. to extend BE ALMOST A SPECIFIC. Superior to quinine. longing deceased,township, last week sold Holsteinwith of snuff ber aa paekage in posses to the Deep run road; thence easterly with the lineD. D. Tatloe, editor of the Guernsey Its track to that city. bioo. She was found dead t riday morn calf to James Alexander, of Quincv, for Belleview Hospital, N. Y 'Universally sncceanfnL' of Deep run road to a point in said state road at or RESOTJBCE8.Yourself and Neighbors. ( 'Every patient treated near the south end of the bridge over Deep thatTimes, bas named bis new baby John ing, having been choked by tbe snuff, $125. Tbe calf was eleven months old. St. Francis Hospital, N. Y. with hAtfkine has been viewers and a surveyor of said road were appointed

run; Loans and dlaoooji la .195.511 2S

Sherman. Shilob's Vitaluu is what you need for with wbicb her moutb and tbroat was I dincharKed cored.' bv said Commissioners, and that said viewers and Overdrafts 258 SS

constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness and all A little child of Henry Kirkland Miss Emma Kline, of Wheeling, is surveyor will meet at the south end of Rainey's U 8. Bonds to sec ore circulation- - 10U.WJU ouTon Nicholson, of Bellaire, will symptons of dyepepsia; price 10 and 75 cents

caked. - so badly burned . at its borne near tbe guest of Miss Belle Webber. writes that Kaakine has cured Ins win-- , after twenty switch on the Cleveland ft Pittsburgh railroad iu Otheru S Bonds on hand 3.2U) 00

bondsthe Steubenville base ball club Miss Jessie Morton Sunday ears suffering from malaria mid nervons dyspepsia. said county on the 2uth lay of April, lw7, at 1M stocks, and raorlgbgee 13.8U0 00of weeks spen;manage Businessburg a couple basbottle. At Pattersons'. ago, uue irom reserveper Prof. Watters attended tbe Vrite him for narticninrH. o clock a. m. to enter upon the uisciiarge of their approvea agents- - a.oui 14meetingthe coming season. since died from tbe effects of its injuries. with ber mother in Allegheny. St. Joseph's Hospital, N. Y.: 'Its use is considered duties. AlliLSI h.b( hLCK, Dae from other National Banks

Bellaire saloon of the school superintendents of tbe Rev W H Haskell, of the M E indispensable; it acts perfectly. 3 D-- 4t J Vinci pal Petitioner. Due from Mtate Banks and bankersSbiloh'b Codoh and Consumption cure is keepers are prepa-

Ohio Valley, held at Martin's Ferry, James Manley was recognized to Prof. W. F. Holcombe. M. D.. 54 wt 2ith St.. N. ileal estate, furniture and llxlureesold by us on a guarantee; it restores consump--tio- ring to make a lively spring campaign. church, is in Pittsburgh this week, visit Y., (late Prof, in N. Y. Med. college! write; 'Kankine Current expenses and taxes paid 2.717 87of incourt by Mayor Brown, Bellaire,Friday Public exercises, the Checks and ot her cash 1

Patterson & Bona. and have been holding meetings to con-sider

evening. ing bis mother, who is in poor health, is Buuenor to omnine in its suecinc oower. and tenia 5,tt 23

and supply by the Board of Education of tbe sum of $500, Saturday, for the al and attending a meeting of tbe Publi never produces the alightet injury to the hearing or Mayor's Proclamation Fraot'lBills or other Banks... 11,423 (W

differences the Ohio ways means. and leged robbery and assault of "Friday" constitution. paper eorrenoy, nickels andAll at Valley supplementary reading matter its use cation Board of the church. Thousands noon thousands writes that Kaskind m 42foundry, have been settled, and the Spanoler Post. G. A. R. of Bellaire, in schools, and corporal punishment, Sprowl. Mrs Elizabeth Morton made a flying hat cured them after all other medicinee had tailed. OF ELECTION. Trade Dollars 25 00

Write for book of testimonials. Specie.. ,075 doworks will soon resume. will give a fair and festival next month, were among tbe subjects discussed. Tbe Francis, son of Frank Althoff, of visit to St Clairsville Monday, returning Kadkine can be taken without any special medical Legal-tend- notes.. 2O.UU0 00TN with the of thnext meeting will bo held at St Clairs-ville himself home to Allegheny in the evening. advice. $1 00 per bottle. Sold by Pattkbhon A compliance requirements Redemption fund with U.S. TreasurerAn individual who knows, that tbe proceeds to go toward defraying the Bellaire, injured internally by asays Friday evening, April 15th. Sons. St. Clairsville, Ohio, or sent by mail on re I laws of the State of Ohio, T, David M. la V oenu ol olrculutlon) 4,500 00

In well regulated barber shops tbe bar-bers

expenses of Memorial day. fall across a coal scuttle one day recent -- Rev D C Stewart, of Frankfort ceipt of price. J&AbKiiHtt I U., bi Warren Mt., IN. X. 1 Davies, Mayor of the vil luge of St. Clairsnever speak to a customer until Capt. John Carlin. of Wheeling, ly, dying from bis injuries Tuesday Springs, Pa, is on a visit to bis parents ville, Ohio, hereby notify the qualified voter? Total.. .t1.03 t

spoken to first. Wm. Oallaher, of Businessburch, morning. east of town. of said municipal corporation, that on Monday, LIABILITIES.died 64. He served in theFriday, aged SATiE OP Capital stock paid In .000 00haa been granted a pension, and Jesse Mrs Lorenzo Danford and dangbter -- 1100,the 4th dav of April, A. D. I8S7, between theCeodp, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis Mexican war, enlisting as a private, and Wm Bradford, of the Bradford honse. surplus innd.. . 40, OuO

Boyd, of Bellaire, and Amos Walters, of Miss Carrie, who bave been spending hours of 6 o'clock and 6 o'clocka. m. p. m., at Undivided profits- - 4S5 68immediately relieved by Suiloh'a Cure. Sold was made First Sergeant of bis compa Bellaire, fell while walking in bis yardincrease of time New Orleans, started National Bank notes outstanding 84 3H0 00Beallsville, an pension . some in on COUNTY BONDS. the Court House, within said corooration, anby Patterson & Sons'. ny for gallant conduct on tbe field of Tuesday, and sustained what it is feared Individual deposits subject to check lit),,17 78their homeward trip Saturday, on the election will be held for the of choos- -Buena Vista. When the rebellion broke will prove fatal injuries by striking bis

purpose uemanu oerunoaiesoi deposii 17, .271 8Messrs 3. F. Patton and Albert and New exhibition. The the ofheers for eaidplow now on steamer Houston. ng following corporation, Due to other National Banks 6, ,851 12

Beguel Troll, started to Philadelphia Modern Marvel, reversible point South out he recruited and organized Battery bead against a wagon wheel ; he is 82 to-w- it: Three Councilmcn for the term of two Due to Stale Banks and bankers 980 14

and New York, Saturday, to purchase Bend chilled. Dout fail to look at it. D, of wbicb he was commissioned Cap years of age.Good Results in Every Case.

rTVHEKE will be offered at public sale, at the years; one Clerk for the term of two years. Total.. ..twists 58goods for tbe spring trade. 3l7 2t. Geo. Jepson. tain, and served with credit until the N. B. and J. W. Helsley. of Pultaey 1 othce of the Commissioners of Belmont county, Given under my hand andothcial seal, at my State ol Ohio, County ofD A Bradford, wholesale dealer of Belmont, at.--close of the war. At the time of his paper St. Clairsville, Ohio, at one o'clock p. m on office in said corporation, this loth day ol I.J. K. Mitceill, Cashier of the above-nam- edhave to Lamore,township, Dakota,goneA of natural is Chattanooga, leon writes, tbat be was seri-

ouslyshortage gas again death be was G. A. R. Department Com-

manderAPRIL March, A. D. 1887. Bank, do solemnly swear tbat theTHURSDAY, 7th. 1887,causing much incouvenieuce to Bellaire Three cars on tbe morning north for West Virginia. His funer-


to farm a tract of land recently pnr. afflicted with a severe cold that settledSeal.l DAVID M. DAVIES, above statement la trne to the best of my

glues manufacturers. The "fuel of the bound C, L & W freight, filled with nails took chased by Rev R Y Wallace, pastor of on bis lungs; had tried many remedies with $30,000 of Belmont County, Ohio, Court House 3 17-- ' anowieage ana oeuer.Sunday. ilajor.the place on tbe Bellaire U P church. Their fami-lies

out benefit; being induced to try UT King s J- - k. Mi iUHfcLij, casnier.future" appears to be feeble. aud miscellaneous freight, lumped and Jail Bonds, of the following denominations: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8thtrack near Wheeling creek coal works, will join them soon. New Discovery lor consumption, did so, and 20 bonds of $1,000 each and 20 bonds of $500 each, day ol March. 1887.Slbbpless Nights! made miserable by that At tbe Presbyterian church, Sunday, was entirely cured by use of a few bottles; interest jams r. iiiLiAX, notary ruDUCbearing at the rate of 5 cent,Friday. per per annum,

terrible cough; Sbiloh's Cure is the remedy Rev. Robert Alexander preached a very Rev. Mr. Hissom. pastor of the M E since which time he bas used it in bis family payable y, on the 1st day of Septem-ber

SHERIFF'S SALE. OorrtKi GEORGE BKOWN,tor you. At Patterson & dons'. able sermon from tbe text "He tbat church, of Morristown circuit being ill. for all coughs and colds with best results; GEO. J EPSON.and 1st day of March bonds and interestA law was enacted by tbe Legisla preaches the Gospel shall live by tbe Rev J C Smitb, of Bellaire, bas taken this is the experience of thousands whose


ableD. M. SUTTON,

at the County Treasurer's Bel-mont

IX PART1TIOX. 3 t0--- ttBueglaks broke tbe glass out of a ture authorizing tbe Soldiers and Sail office, Directors.Gospel," demonstrating clearly tbe duty charge of his appointment duriog this lives have been saved by this wonderful dis-covery;

County, Ohio. These bonds will bewindow iu Dent's store in retain num-bered

drug Bridge Home at Xenla, toors Orphans' and week, and the trial bottles free at Pattersons'. 5of congregations to promptly amply is conducting protracted from 86 and will- and stole three to 125, inclusive, mature as BELMONT COMMON PLKASSaturday night,port, girls in that institution until they are Sheriff's their spirital guides, tbe very meeting at Morristown. follows: Number 88 to 90, inclusive, of the de-

nominationrevolvers and box of finea cigars. of18 years age. When children show otnature of whose office precludes the pos-

sibility the numerousyour

ofany of $1,000 each, and 106 to 110, inclu-

sive,Clara L. White, et al. vs. Milton Hoge, et al.

A fa eewell banquet was tendered of their augmenting their sala The Standard mill at iEtna-- such darksymptoms

under theworms,

of the denomination of $500 each, will fall due IX PARTITION.Rev. S. F. DsHASsJof Martin's Ferry, company as rings eyes, order of sale in the aboveto Jack Glasscock, of tbe Indianapolis by in commerce or and become March 91 to inclu-


to anries engaging specu ville, will of picking the nose, swelled stomach. payable 1st, 1894; 95,begin shortly the. erectionill to London soou to superintend PURSUANT Belmont Common Pleas.and Sam Barkley, of the Allegheny ball govarious books. lation. The man into whose bands is an addition to their mill of the dimen had wvath, extraordinary appetite, restless-

nessof the denomination of $1,000 each, and 111 to issued snd to me directed,

tbe second edition of hieclubs, Ml Bridgeport, Saturday nigtit. committed tbe spiritual guidance of tbe during sleep each or all indicate the 115, inclusive, of the denomination of $500 each, of common pleas of BelB. W. Liadsey vs. James Lash, et aLHe will also visit the Holy Land du sions of about 40x50 feet, for the pur I will offer atre deserves tbe and liberal presence of worms. Patterson's Worm Syrup will fall due and become payable September 1st, mont county, Ohio, public sale,y That Hacking Catjob can be so quickly ring tbe summer. people prompt pose of puttins in galvanizing appara-

tusis a remedy compounded in accordance with 1894; 98 to 100, inclusive, of the denomination of on the premises, on PURSUANT to an order of sale in the above

bis should isaued andtemporal of flock.and to me directed, fromcured by Shiloh's Cure; we guaraatee it. At support with which to galvanize their sheet the latest discoveries in medical science, is$1,000 each, and 116 to 120, inclusive, of the denom-ination

the court of common pleas, of Belmont countyPatterson & Sons', St. Clairsville. receive it for "the laborer is worthy of perfectly safe, always effectual, and 80 plea-

sant,Saturday. April 23d, 1SS7. oublicM. L. Blackburn, of Bellaire, has

his hire."product

that " Children cry for it " bold by all of $500 each, will fall due and become pay-able


county,I will offer

onat sale, on the oremi-e- in

Samuel Stilwf.ll, of Bridgeport.fell been granted a patent on a glass mold, dealers Trice 2octs. March 1st, 1895; 101 to 105, inclusive, of the de-

nominationAt 2 o'clock p. m., the following described

from a wagon load of oats Wednesday and Wm. S. Fox, of Short Creek, Harri Probate Judge Gaston issned mar of $1,000 each, and 121 to 125, inclu real estate, Monday, April 18th, 1887,of last week, and dislocated one of bis son county, a patent on an attachment A Temperance Prayer Meeting riage licences during the week ending Exciteuieut in Texas. sive, of the denomination of $500 each, will fall due Situated in township of Goshen, county of At 1 o'clock p. m the following described realshoulders and broke an arm near tbe for mowing machines. will be held in the Presbyterian church, Luther Guider and Sophia Boggs; Great excitement has been caused in the and become payable September 1st 1895. Belmont and state of Ohio, and known as the estate, it:

elbow. of this place, on Tuesday. March 29. Ex-

ercisesChalmers L Monroe aod Alice Neff; vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarkable These bonds are issued by authority and in pur-

suancenorthwest quarter of section number 2 i, town- - situated in the town of tenrerville, county of

Gen. Warner states that work will will begin at 10 a. m. and 1 p. Thos H Curtis and Isabella Weaver; recovery of Mr J E Corley, who was so of an act of the general assembly, state of hip number 7 and range number 5, and con natedBelmont-

on theand





asknownlot number

and deaiff- -&, asMr. McLeod, of Marion,Ind.,has been he recommenced on tbe Ohio Valley and will be under the direction of W C Bishop and Ella F Green; helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his Ohio, passed April 10, 1884, entitled "an act to au taining one hundred and sixty-on- e and 68-1- by a reference to the plat of said town will more

appointed superintendent of the B , Z. & road this spring, and pushed forward the Woman's Temperance Society. This Frank Siull and Phebe J Masters. heart; everybody said he was dying of con thorize and require the commissioners of Belmont acres (161 0) of land. Said premises to fully appear.C. railroad telegraph liue vice J. B. with more energy than bas heretofore meeting is held in response to a call of sumption; a trial bottle of Dr King s New county to build a court house and jail," and an act be gold subject to dower of Asanath Uoge, Tebss

AppraiseuOne-thir- d

ai s?kcash on day of sale: one-thi-

Bbodes resigued to go into business at characterized operations on that line. the National W. C. T.Union appointing For Male, Two saddle and ligbt harness Discovery was sent bits; nnding reliel, ne supplementing and amending the same, passed described as follows: It being the southeast in one year; one-tlu- in two years, with interest,Sarab8ville. the day as a day of special prayer for blooded mares, one good brood draft mare. bought a large bottle and a box of Dr King's March 19th, 1885, entitled an act supplementary to part of the northwest quarter of section 22, secured by mortgage

ULilVulon premises


Shentt.of the of New Life Pills; by the time he haj taken two an act entitled "an act to authorize and require the 7, at tbe south-


rWill Too Suffer with and liver Republicans hold their nominating the success cause temperance one three-year-o- ld and one spring horse-col- t, township range 5, beginning Bt M. M. Bcott. Deouty.dyspepsia

which boxes of pills and two bottles of the discovery. commissioners of Belmont county, Ohio, to build a of the above-mention- John Pollock, Plffs Atty.Saitoh's Vitalizer is conventions in the townships for the in tbe State of Michgan, votes on one sow and six pigs, one thoroughbred Poland- - corner quartercomplaint? guaranteed to be was well and bad gained in nesb inirtytiix court house and jail, passed April 10th, 1881, (O. L, and thence with south lineCon China fifteen of bees running boundarycure At Patterson & Sons'. most part naxt Saturday. These con tbe 4th of April on a prohibitory hog (1 year old), coloniesyou. Trial bottles of tbis Great Vol. 329,) and to amend section 1 of thepounds. Discovery 81, page of said 88.88 rods; thence n.72 rods;ventions should be well attended ana stitutional amendment A number ol n good condition. All must be sold prior to quarter w.

Bellaire Prohibitionists will Dot he best men put in nomination for tbe leading citizeus will be present and April 1st. Call on or address A. or SI. T. for consumption free at Patterson & iPons'. 2 same." thence east ob.cts rods; thence south fj rods to Liegal Notice.These bonds will be offered in one lot, in two lotsnominate ticket until the candidates of 40a address tbe meeting. All are cordially-invite- Ruse, Fairpoint, O. 1. place beginning, containing acres.

of the other parties have been named, attend.

A Gin to All. and in lots of $1,000 and $500 each. Tbe above-describ- premises will be sold of the city ofand will endorse any nominee of either The Cadiz Republican says the Can The Democrats of Smith township In order to give all a chance to test it, and FIRST OFFER $30,000 In Forty Lota. either as a whole or in parcels to suit pur HH.-HORXBROO- in tbe state of West Virginia, aivl

known to be in favor of thus be convinced of its wonderful curative March chasers, as will bring the most money. B. Allman, of Wichita, in the stateparty prohibi-tion.

out" in nominated tbe following ticket on Sat $7,500 maturing 1st, 1894; $7,500 maturingBall bas not "played Denver ofproject The News, Februarynon Daily Dr. King's New Discovery for Conpowers. at ofAppraised $6427.20. Kansas, will take notice, that Olivia Peck,September 1st, 1894; $7,500 maturing March 1st, 1895;Harrison county, but that there is a lull 9tb, contains an account of the dnath in urday : J ustices of the Peace, S J Jack sumption, coughs and colds, will be, for a $7,500 maturing September 1st, 1895. Tkbjis One-thi- rd eash on day of sale: one-thi- rd aa executrix of the estate ot Daniel Peck, de-

ceased,James McComas, of Colerain town in securing money subscriptions ana bat city, on Feb. 7th, of Mr. hnocb son, John Workman; Trustee, J D Mc limited time, given away; ibis oner is not in one Tear: one-thir- d in two years, with interest. on the 3d day of February, i, filedship, late candidate for County commis-sioner,

rights of way, and advises its readers to Harris, formerly a well known citizen Kelvey ; Clerk, R H Clifford; Treasurer, only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in SECOND OFFER $30,000 In Two Lota. secured by mortgage onO.

premisesE. t OULAE,

sold.SbenfT. in the court of common pleas of Belmont

and his son William, are both 'just wait of Mt Pleasant, Ohio, who conducted a A Bryson; Assesscr, Silas Hart; Con tbe merits of this great remedy; all who suf-fer

PIBST LOT.By M. M. Scott, Deputy. county, Ohio, in case number 4140, against the$7,500 maturing March 1st, 1894; $7,500 maturingafflicted with pronounced cancerous tu book bindery in tbat place, and wbo stables, R V Wiley, J A Coulter. from coughs, colds, consumption, asthma,

September 1st, 1894. H. & W. Mitchell, I'ln--s Att'y. 3 17-t- d above named parties and others, her petition,mors, for which they are under tbe care The new freight rates adopted by was a brother of tbe late Judge David bronchitis, or any affection of the tbroat or setting forth among other things, .that theof a specialist. tbe railroads, made necessary by tbe pass Harris, of this township. Deceased was Mrs. Mary A. Doyle, of this place. lungs, are especially requested to call at Pat-

tersons' MarchSECOND LOT. Exchange Bank, of Wheeling, obtained at the$7,500 maturing 1st, 1895; $7,500 maturing

age of the Inter-Stat- e commerce law, a native of Columbiana ceunty, and for whose husband was a soldier of Co. C, drug store and get a trial bottle free; EXECUTORY SALE. fall term, ltWti. of said court, a judgmentSeptember 1st, 1895.Me. . J. or EastCarman, Richland, are not satisfactory to manufacturers in many years carried on an extensive 32d O. V. I., and wbo died in 1869. bas large bottles $1. 4 against the defendants, Lewis Woodmansce,bas sold bis interest in the wholesale THIRD OFFER $30,OOO.

this seccios, and are a source of much bindery in St Louis. A fbw months received a pension amounting to $929 80 to an order from the Probate Court fiat tie Wood man see and Susannah LewU for thenotion business, to his son, James L. annoyance. before bis death, while en route to Cali-

fornia,and $12 per month hereafter during her All of said bonds will be offered in one lot of PURSUANT countv. Ohio, the undersi-rne- d ex sum of $850, with interest; that said plaintiff,

''Carman, who will continue iu the trade; widowhood. This worth Stockholders' Meeting:. $30,000. ecutor ot the estate ot (jeorge w . btout, deceased, as executrix aforesaid, is liable for said judg-mentbe stopped in Denver to visit a pension is one

he went East on Saturday, to lay in a None of said bonds will be sold for less than the will offer at public sale, on the premises, on on account of the obligation of her testa-torD. H. Williams, formerly manager daughter Mrs. Tony Faifer, wife of the ily bestowed, wbicb we trust will bring

stock of goods. face value thereof, with interest that have which is made liennew any may Saturday, April 9th, 1887, as security, judgment aof tbe Bellaire steel works, was instant foreman of Tbe News bindery. On tbe much solid comfort to tbe recipient of it. Annual Meeting of the StockholdersTHE accrued thereon. Bonds mnst be paid for at the on the following premises, situate in PeaseCatabkh Cdbbd, health and sweet breath ly killed on. Wednesday of last week, by Friday before bis death he contracted a the St. Clair Building and Loan Com-

panyCounty Treasurer's office at the time of sale, at At 1 o'clock p. m., the following described premises, township, Belmont county, Ohio, and being thesecured by Shiloh's Cutvrrh Kerned?; price 25 falling 60 'feet from tbe roof of the cold, wbicb culminated in pneumonia. Local talent, gave a dramatic enter will be held at its office in St. Clairs-

ville.which time and place the same will be delivered to

situated in Belmont county, state of Ohio, it:

same premises conveyed to said Hattie Wood-

manscecents; Nasal Injector free. At Pattersons'. tainment in tbe town Hall at Morris First Tract The northwest onarter of the southFottfltown steel works, of which be was from which be died on Monday, aged 71 Ohio, on thethe purchasers. The Commissioners reserve east quarter of section 33, township 5, range 4, con by deed from Amos Osborne and wife,The young ladies of the M. E. church, tbe manager. years. town, on Saturday evening, for the ben Saturday, April 2d, 1887, right to reject any or all bids. taining w acres. dated the 13th day of March, It$3, and record-

edof this place, organized a Young Ladies' . efit ot the band, rendering tbe interest For information of parties desiring to bid, we Second Tract Part of the east half of the south-west be-ginning

in record of deeds of said county, in volumeelection of Seven quarter of section 33, township 5, range 4,theAt 6 o'clock forMissionary Society last Friday evening, House cleaning time Is coming and Thomas Johns, an emplov of tbe ng drama. "The Ticket of Leave Man." p. m.,of such other state that the tax duplicate of Belmont county for the same at the northeast corner of the 80, page 247. And the plaiutiff asks tbat theDirectors, and tbe transactionat the residence of C.W.CarrolI.Esq.witb will need lime, scrub brushes, white puddling department of tbe JEtntt Iron Mr E T Clark, well known among tbe amounts to $23,258,000; indebtedness, $75,000; popu southwest quarter of said section; thence west to the first aliove-name- d defendants be required toyou business be said thence south Wild Catas middle of the to

a membership of eighteen, with Miss wash brushes, carpet tacks, stove biacs- - and Steel Co's., mill, at Bridgeport was young people of this vicinity, appears i may necessary.r. K. BULIUVVIUK.,

lation of county in 1880, 50,000. run; thence with thequarter;

meanderings of said run to the set up any lien they may have on said premises,Clara Carroll as president. ing, brooms, lye, soap, potash, soapioe, behind in bis dues to tbe Amalgamation in the role of Mr Gibson, carrying his 3 24-- 2t Secretary. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Bel-

montintersection of the line dividing said section; thence or the same may be forever barred; that all

etc. We have full stocks of tbe above, $14, and refused to square up, although part admirably. county, Oldo. north with said line to the place of beginning, liens be adjusted according to their priorities,Republicans should make it their D. H. DABRAH, Auditor. together with the lien of the said Exchangecheap and good. 3 17 2t Geo Jepson. several times asked to do so. Tbe man Sheriff's Sale. Third 1 met Being the north hail or the east nan

business to see that good men are placed agement were asked to discharge Johns Hon. N. H. Albaugh, of Miami coun St. Claibstuxe, O., Mar. 12th, 1887. 3 d of the southeast quarter of section 33, township a, Bank, of Wheeling, and that the premisesIn nomination for the offices to be filled rnnim 1 imnlA.ininr 10 mcm aforesaid be sold and the distributedForty citizens of this county peti but they declined to do so, claiming tbtt ty, the poet of the 67th General Assem BELMONT COMMON PLEAS. Knhetct to and inenmbered bv the dower interest proceedsat the spring election. Taxpayers are they had no right to meddle in the bly, wrote a poetical farewell to his fel of Margaret K. Stoat, widow of Geo. W. Stout, de among the claimants according to their respec-

tivetioned the State Senate to give tbe Sale. the shall be found byinterested asespecially in securing careful, Assigiiees ceased, described as ioliows: priorities, sameaffairs of tbe association. Thursday all low members, in which the following B. F. et ai.economical public servants. 815,000 appropriated by tbe General Henry Disque vs. Richeson, Being the northwest quarter of the southeast the court. Said parties are required to answertbe Amalgamated men emploved in the complimentary reference is made to Bel-

montnnarter of section 33. townshin 5. rantte 4: and alsoGovernment for agricultural expert to an order of sale, in the PUR8ANCE of an order of probate court of Bel-

montbeginning at the northwest corner of the north half on or before April 18th, 18H7, or their liens, if

Garden Seeds D M Ferry's new ments to tbe Ohio Agricultural Experi-ment

mill, 350 in number, quit work stating connty's legislators: PURSUANT case, issued and to me county, Ohio, 1 will offer at public sale, of the east half of the southeast quarter of said sec-

tionany they have on tie above-describ- premises,

and celebrated Seeds now in; buy while Station instead of to the State to tbe management that their places The Poor-ma- n from Belmont, not noisy or loud. the court of common pleas, upon the premises, sitnate about one-lia- lf mile 33; thence south 11 rods to the highway; thence will be forever barred.northwest of Maynard Station, on the C L. A W. thence south 60"south 9 rods;east 10 rod; thencecan get an assortment. were open and other men might be em-ployed

Strikes "straight from the shoulder," hold OLIVIA University. can of Belmont county, Ohio, I will offer for sale, Railway, on COB. io nlrt, tk.-- aaI4J iwit- .,.!.til '1tn 1. U A.- ---m Xi IH a vu tnv thOiv

3 3 21 Geo. Jepson. to fill them if possible. They say anv' crowd; upon the premises, on north boundary of said quarter; thence west 3 rods Executrix of Daniel Peck, dee'd.

The Bellaire Independent At a recent funeral at Warrenton, up they are not on a strike, and tbat the Tuesday, April 10th, 1887, to the place of beginning, containing 44 acres, more 0. V. Carroll, Att'y. S 17-- 7tcomplains less.resignation of their places was a matter "if you would know Moutlay, April 25th, 18S7, following described real orof tbe drunkenness and which the river, after the casket was lowered At 1 o'clock p. m., the Appraised at $3100.rowdyism of individual deliberation. Could it be Where true friendship stays and wheie straw- - estate, l run mo tup-uin- ii v ui, uiit-iu- int iu uur ;n.,disgust passengers on tbe B., Z. & C, es-

peciallyinto tbe grave, a quantity of nitre-glyceri- ne

At 1 o'clock p. m., the following real estate, First Tract Being a part of the northeast half of and one-thi- in two vears. with interest: deferredwas distributed arouud it and then proven tbat they had deliberated as a oernes crow. the northeast quarter of section L townthip 8, range payments to be secured by mortgage on premises Qon Saturday nights, when A L E S M Emany body over the matter they would be down to the Hilles of Belmont no pelf, 4. beginning at the northeaHt corner of said section; soiu. illresidents along the line who have been the grave was filled up. This course

liable to arrest for conspiracy. Tbe mat-ter

But "whoppin big berries 1 tried em myself. Situate in the township of York, county of thence south IJd poles; thence south 47 west 51 GEORGE W. town on business return home well was taken to deter gbouls from inter Belmont and state of Ohio,. and known as the poles; thence south KW?..' west 41.85 Doles: thence S 10-- td Exec'r of Geo. W. Stout, dec d.

was adjusted and the men resumed north 160 poles; thence north 81u east 7V.H5 poles tosupplied with whisky. fering with the Monday. An End to Bone east half of the northwest quarter of section beginning, contain g 75 acres, 2 roods, at perchee 3 '7w-Kr7-

,X! J

number 9, township number 4 of range 3, con-

tainingexcepting from the above tract ' acres sold to Wil-

liamBellaire parents have bad a bad Jim Ewing, the lirst engineer of tbe Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111,eighty acres of land. Jones by Alex. Y. Henderson; also, excepting Sheriff 's Sale. To canvas, for the sale of Nursery Stork! Hfcvkiy

scare owing to an epidemic of scabies Narrow road, who was indicted Mrs. Margaret Courtney, wife of says: 'Having received so much benefit at $1700. from the above tract one-ha- lf acre sold to Jonathan employment imaranteed. Salary and Kxpeuaeagauge Appraisedand a committee was appointed by by tbe Columbiana county grand jury Wm. Courtney, died at her home in this from Electric B tters, 1 feel it my duty Terms Cash.



Alex. Y.Being

Henderson.a part of section 2, township Belmont Common Pleas.

faid. Apply at once, statins't Refer this paper.)

' the board of education to examine the for penury, bas forfeited his bail and place, on Sunday evening, the 20th lost, to let suffering humanity know it; have O. E. FOULKE, Sheriff. 8, range 4, beginning for the same at a stone at the 1 KWt KOCHtsSTrJi, tbe 82d of ber had a running sore on leg for eight soutikwest corner of lands owned by Alex. Y. Hen-

derson;matter. Those pupils affected have been left for parts unknown. Lyons, tbe man from pneumonia, year my M. M. Scott, Deputv. thence south 8V3 west 17.4H poles; thence Ann Cowenexcluded from tbe schools, and tbe com-mittee

indicted with him, bas been sentenced age. Deceased was a remarkably healthy years; my doctors told me I would have J. W. Shannon, Pill's Att'y. 3 24lfd north 112 east 7.7 poles; thence north 51 west 9U.7H that there is now no dan to tbree years in the Penitentiary. person, abstaining entirely from tbe use to bave the bone scraped or leg amputa,






5.ti poles;50', east

thence52 poles;

north Annie R. Hunt, et aL Valuable Farm for Sale.ger of contagion. of medicine. A few months ago she ted; I used instead tbree bottles of Elec thence north 57 !4 east 54 poles to corner of William T1URSUANT to an order of sale in the above

Compare Juvenile St Clairsville had a chance contracted a severe cold, which culmi-nated

trie Bitters and seven boxes Bucklens Notice Henderson's lands and with the line thereof north courtX titled

of commoncase, issued


of Belmontto me directed



1 OFFER for sale tbe farm owned by the latequality, with

our teas,House



prices and last week to purchase roller skates at In pueumonia, producing death. Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound tojontractors. A4

toV1a stake



boundarythence north

of said744

section;east 8H.S

thencepoles will offer at public sale, upon the premises, on I Daniel Peck, situated in Richland township,any county

five cents per pair, and was not slow to She was born in county Tyrone, Ireland, and well.' Electric Bitters are sold at south 149 poles; thence south H74 west 22 perches; Monday, March 88th, 1887, Belmont county, Ohio, on the NationalUun fowder Young Hyson, Japan, south 71 west 57 poles to a stone; thenceof and as and was united in marriage before 50 cents a bottle and Bucklen's Arnica Commissioner's Offick, thence Road, one and a half miles west of St. Clairs-

ville.avail itself athe opportunity, south 45w west 44 poles; thence a 22 west 27 poles toOolong and mixed. 3 17 2t. Gfo Jepson St. March 11, 1HS7.

tbe streets were utilized as leaving her native land, to Wm. Court-ney,

Salve 25c per box by Patterson & Sons. 5 Claibsviixe, O.,beginning, containing ltW acres excepting from At 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real The farm contains about 117 acres ofconsequence will be received at the offioe it:

W. C. Watson, of East Liverpool. skating ground for a day or two or un wbo survives ber. Twelve children SEALEDComminioneraproposals

of Helmont ooanty, Ohio, above fourthAlex.

tractY. Henderson:

U'i acresalso,sold to




Situate in the township of Goshen, county of Bel-mont

good and well lying land; well watered; in awants to be appointed a member of the til tbe "powers that be put a veto on were the fruits of the marriage eight James Davis a young man about 19 until noon, Monday, April th, 1HH7, fcr lime stone all of the

byabove described tracta the six-fo- ot vein of and state of Ohio, and known as a itart of the good state of cultivation. There is 100 acres

Inter-Stat- e Commerce Commission. Mr, of whom are living. Two reside in the years of age, wbo lives about 3 miles of aood quality for macadamizing, delivered at the coal and other privileges sold by Alex. Y. Hender-son

south half of the northeast quarter of section num-ber

cleared land, the balance timber; alwut 50the practice. jail yard of aaid county, in such quantities and at Chamberlain, will fully by a 13, township 7, of range . beginning for theWatson will be remembered as the first old country William, in Scotland, and from Belmont, started to tbat place sach times as Commissioners may specify. Bidx reference

to Helahto volume 82, page

as7V of records

appearof deeds nuiiv m uie MHiuirwiv cKHTier oi nam qiuu-iir- r acres in grass. On the farm are a comtortable

and only Tobacco Inspector at the State Thomas Stoffel, of Washington tp Eliza, in Ireland. The other members Sunday evening to attend church, and mnxt be made at a given price per ton, weighedof Belmont county. Ohio. thence w. with said quarter seetion line to a stake at dwelling house, a good stable and wagon shed,

city soales, fees contractor. All bida the corner of MadiHon Prvor's lands: thence northon paid by of land will be sold and otherdescribed tractsWarehouse in Bellaire. Just what tbe bas written on a postal card 3.205 words, of the family are, Mrs. James Anderson, while walking along- - the railroad track. must be accompanied by bond satisfactory to the The abovetogether, as will bring the mest money. 40 rods; thence east to the line of said quarter sec-lio-n; necessary an apple

"Colonel knows about Inter-Stat- e com containing 13,252 letters, properly caoi Mrs. Simon Jones, Mrs. Fred'k Troll, at tbe upper end of tbe switch at Bel Commissioners, for the faithful performance of separatelyAppraised

oras follows: First tract, $4tkW; fourth thence south to the place of beginning, con orchard of about four acres trees of good

contract. The Commissioners reserve the right to taining ju acres or lanou size and variety. There is also a vineyard ofbas not Mrs. Rachel Rice, Mrs. Jacob Martin, of mont, caught bis foot in a switch trot tract, $rtUH4.merce transpired. tali zed and punctuated and legibly reject any or all bids. D. H. DAKRAH,Terms-One-th- ird cash on day of sale; one-thi- rd

Appraised at $300. 135 vines, consisting of ten varieties otwritten. Mr. Stoffel once wrote tbe this place, and Robert Courtney, of and was unable to extricate it before a s Auditor Belmont County. in in two with interest, Terms Canh. O. E. FOULKE, Sheriff. grape

one-thi- rd years,One for one year; tbe most choice fruit. There is a number ofapplicant a certificate at the By M. M. Soorr, Deputy.Bellaire. There freight train going west with two en-sin- secured by on premises sold.lord's Prayer ibiee times once in Ger-m- an are sixty-seve- n grand mortgage C. W. Plffslate Teachers' examination, held in JOHN POLIiOTK, Carroll, Att'y. 2 24-t-d other fruit trees, peaches, plums, cherries, tc.Barnesville recently, was provided with and twice in English on a piece children and seven great grand children. attached, struck him crushina S 17-- td Assignee of Alexander Y. Henderson. Tbe farm is in an excellent neighborhood, con-

venientthe foot and tbe other Hisof paper an inch square. Deeeased came to St Clairsville, with mashing leg. to schools: and, located as it is, on thelist ofa lengthy towhich

answers questions her husband, January 20, 1859, and resi-ded

cries were beard by the engineer of the National Road, will make a very desirable andpounded,





beafterpro A meeting of the members of the here the remainder of her days. She front engine and the train was stopped, Notice to Physicians. r i N- - i pleasant home for a family. Terms of sale

Presbyteriau congregation was called was accounted a good neighbor, a faith and the Injured young man removed to will be made reasonable. For further particntbe examination in the desk the pepa--ur favvtia for 4rMgoccupied for Saturday afternoon, at their church ful wife and mother, whose life was the Lynn House. Both legs were so V t r j VTOTTCE is hereby given that bids will be receiv-- 1 Um bur, ROTtortaf lor h lars or information concerning the the dishonest candidate. A nice paron Marietta street, to consider the advi-sability

spent in unselfish devotion to the inter-ests

badly mangled that amputation was ed at the othce of the Belmont County Infirmary,ft iiliiniii call on or address the undersigned, St. Clairsty that to have the teaching of children. until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, March 1887, ths aoaiK Mnt ta.

of making repairs upon tbe of ber family. She was a member necessary, and was performed by Drs. from Physicians for medical attendance on out-door

ville, Ohio. OLI I A PECK.Fon RtNT The Sherman House,Mar- - church edifice, and other matters per-

tainingof the M. E. church. Her funeral took Schooley, of Belmont and Kurz and An paupers in the several townahiM of the county We. aod Urn I 1 1 1 1 -- If Executrix of DanielPeck.dec

tir. s Ferry, Ohio. For particulars, in to the welfare of the churcb.bul place on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, the Rev. derson, of Bellaire. He was removed to PitUburffh, Pa. ofbe

Belmont.required to


whosea bond

bidsin double

are acceptedthe amount

will HINDERCORN8. and BOA.BD tor three Mtquire of A. Sbreiner, Martin's Ferry owing to the limited number in attend-

ance,Robt. Alexander, officiating. Interment his home on Monday. It is not thought The oldest and best appointed lnntitution for at-

tainingof bid, for the faithful performance of contract. TfMt. as Mnr.torOra.knWi.a S65M1 men or ladle. In each coo. sty.

unio. 2-- im adjourned without action. at the M. E. cemetery. that be can recover. a Baainem Education. For particulars, Hv order ot noaru oi uiret-iors-. oomiwtutHV S.T rat P W Ziruisa C-o- Phli.del.

3 Mm Addre P. DUFF A BON. I10--3t WM. IaIDUE, President. wv ft. MtM bngaira, Haiot Cv, a. X. P.

top related