belmont chronicle (saint clairsville, ohio : 1855). (st ... · .sol acres west and 41.01 37...

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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They spell it Brook-lyin- g, now. Alexis Cope, Esq., who has been Ce. New Advertisements.indisposed forseveral days, is recover-ing.

EpicalWe don't like The-odo- re of this thing.

OHIO. Sheriff's Proclamation ! The State of Ohio, Belmont County.ST. CLAIBSVILLE of Belmont countyStove trade expects to have a rue Democratic office seekers are culti-

vatingThe Republicans COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.

are clied to meet in Convention, atTHURSDAY Morning. Aug. 6, 1874, thin fall. acquaintances.

- N)8 REEDER. wb resides In Labette Co.St. Clairsville, Ohio, SPECIAL ELECTION J--4 Kansas, Lav ma Reeder, who resides inWlieelug, West Va., Nancy

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Postmasters who have collected The St. Clairsville Cornet Band be-ta- u ox OUR NEW SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS : wuu John Hoods, wooHobba,reside in

Intermar-ried Monroe

OHIO DIVISION.) Held August 18th, 1374. Co., Ohio, Klixabeib Darling, intermarried(CENTRAL for the Chronicle for thepostage their street concerts en Monday SATUKJJAY, AUGUST 2, 174 uith Kobert Oarling, who reside in Wheeling,Central Ohio quarter beginning July 1st should re evening and good of in nomina-

tionU' lib heas, Ly the laws of Ohio regulatlug West Va.. Mary E. Reeder, Rachel M. Reeder,Passenger Trains on some vt-r- lor the purpose placing iiecuuus, it is required of the siieritt ui GOODS SOLD FOU CASH ONLY ! Rebecca A. feeder, John A. Reeder and Mary

Division leave Bellaire and arrive at fund it. music. a Ticket to be supported at the bis county to give uoiice beture the time of Keeder. who reside in Belmont county, Ohio,follows: election. Hie otlicers to ue holding a general or special election, by pro-

clamationwill lake notice that on the loth day of July.Bel ire aa coming tiirouguou', ibe county, of (tie time 174, the nudarsigaed filed a petition in tue

1 WCn-BUC- TiiNS. Anyone reading last week's Oazette The citizens of Cambridge, Guernsey nominated are: at wbicti siica an election shall be boiden ; id All Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices ! Court ol Common Pleas of Belment county.One Clerk ot the Court; one Sheriff; pursuance oi eucb rv j ::sitiou I, WILLIAM C. Ohi , where the same is now pending, demand-

ingZauesvllle will be thoroughly convinced that the county, are buying potatot-- s in Balti-more

L'OCHK.VN.Siieill o: liiuoat County. Ohio, partition ol the loi lowing premises, si matsBellklreltt.11


Faatu 8--

Line.a. m

Aeoom.p. m,

Col, Accold St. Clairsville Whisky Ring has at $3,50 per barrel, for home use. one

InhruiarvRecorder; Commissioner; oue do hereby proclaim auu muke known that the FROM 20 TO 33 PER CENT SAVED TO THE BUYER ! iu





the Nortaud

h endslate



elt'e- .- lv7 throttled it. Each township wiil be entitled to four Third Tuesday, being the 13th half ol the North-we- st quarter of section a,FnukUa-i- U BgJust received and for sale, by E. townsbip 6, range 4, of the lands to be sold atlow U - 6.1S delegates. day of August, A. 0. 1374, Slecbeuvllte, Ohio,Wamock.. U ." f--f TIMOTHY SEED A No. 1 article P. Rhodes &. Son, Bridgeport, 500 It is suggested that the delegates be o A 'so. another tract, being 15 acres in the


Mille- t-ll.UT

t.H - can be sold at bottom prices, by Jas. bushels strictly prime Timothy Seed. chosen al primary meetings held at Is theelectors

day fcjtfdof



upon whichCountv.

the quali-fied Oino. Goods of every eiade sold cheaper than ever before known in the wpst.

south-ea- st

range 4.corner of section 16. township 6.

burr's MilltiU 2s M Okburne, Bridgeport. aug6-3-t. augb-- ot

the usual placed votius: in each town-ship,

shall meet in their respective townships at Stock of goods always will be kept full, and tho best grades and styles in the Also, 12 acres, Ki poles In the north and ofiurlou ' liU .? 6,o7 t ueir usual or proper place oi Holding elect ious, the west hall ot the north-we- st quarter ol seen

i e feus The unpaid taxes in Belmont coun at 4 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, and then and mere, within the lime and in market. lion ti, townsbip and rauge aforesaid.Coluinbus.. sAI am n m lu.i And now approaches the season of August 13. li. t:ie manner prescribed by law, proceed to hold Also, 78 acres. 2 poles In the south side ofty for the 1873 on the Grand Du-

plicateGreat bargains for next 30 days in Carpets, Silks & Dress Goods.

D TBAUCa, when solemn thoughtsyear At the time of choting tne dele-

gatesin eieetion tor the purpose ol voting on the the south-we- st quarter of section , township

camp-meeting- s, New Co.,! iuuiou. A l said eiect'on the ballots aud range aloresaid: for theis exclusive of delin Beginning sameR. O. No. 7 Col. Ex. Fast Line. attune the female mind to considera$9,500, to the County Convention, the siiiUi be in the following form: at the rner of said section, station 7; theneColumbus. 11 v p.m. quency on pikes. delegates to the ConjireM-iona- l Conven-

tion" yew Constitution Ticket. north U7 west VO poles to station 8; tbeuew

Baruesvlile. . 1MB 4,014,11.

S.4U p.w tions of which dress is least likely to which will be held at a time and No. 1030 Main Street, Wheeling, W. Va. north east 40 poles to station : theuce soul ailUTtUO'I Era : hat part ol each vote wlil;ti you do Si east tiU pUea to station 10 ; thence north :!Burr's Jims. 4.20 8.


.show grass stains or caterpillar juice. We are not disposed to a further con place to be fixed hereafter should be not favor. est3i.s po'es to station 2; thence sooth 87

Belmont. named Fir Vote. JZ east 1V1.K4 poles to section .1 on east boon-- ,delegatesUf' Miile. .U 4.09 troversy with the editor of the Gazelle chosen; such.last are dary ol said south-wes- t ofFor tne New Constitution. quarter sections;448 Great ofWarmxk t .4.SI4.4

4J 'quantities grasshoppers about the tail of the bird on the Court apportioned follows: Against the New c'oustuuiion. thence souih 3 west Till I poles to the south-

eastulencoe ".31 have in Western and South corner of last said quarter, north 87 westf ranklin-- .. Ml j 4.31 appepred House. It is that it has Colerain Smith 1 Second Vote. nO.82presumed a- -' poles to seuiiou a, the middle of the northNell's .,,. 6.01

4.47, western Kansas, and are destroying Flushing Somerset 2 For Minority Representation. GEO. B. TATLOB & CO-- , boundary aforesaid, north-we- st qnarter of

tlellaire 6.1a much as is of service to it, and would Gilien Union 1Agaiust Minority Representation. section 8; thence south 2" 50' west 24 poles to

Trains m 111 stop et all stationa when everything before them in the way of it animate the troubled 77nrd rote. stations; theuce north 87 west U.8a poles toshcnailixL,

not, were envy Kirk wood Washington 1 For Kai.mad Aid. station 1 on the west boundary of said sectioncrops. editor on account of any inequality in Mead 1 Wayne 1 Again-- t Railroad Aid. 1150 Main Street, 8 ; thenoe north 2 o' east 24 poles to beginning,Pittsburgh R The enterprising foundrymen, the size of that appendage. Pease 5 Warren 4 Fowih

For License.Vote. s"5 c-i- i sft T&. TmT'sm.m

containingAlso, another

in alltract

lull township

1 rood ands, range

poles.4 be-

ingPultney 5 Wheeling 1 .n i he south end of theCONDENSED TIME TABLE, DEC. 17, 1876. Against Liceue." east half of theWoodcock & Bro., Bridgeport, are not Richland 3 York 1 north- - est quarter of section 8; beginning atBetween forty and fifty thousand If one clause be erased, the other shall beDi3r,Exoept Jrf: HAVING JUST OPENED OUR NEW STOCK OF the south-eas- t corner al said quarter; thenceenjoined from making plow points, as temperance documents have been sent Making S3 n all. Each township counted. If both clau-e-s be erased,that

or neither north S7 west 842 poles; thenoe north 2 Hfclause be erased, the vole upon suLJect'-


u..,i,.We shown at their also select active, earnest Re east 44.01 poles; ihenre south east poles;willWEST." reported. were anOINCI shall uot becouuted.RIVER DIVISION- --' from Cleveland into fifteen hundred thence with the eastern of said

Aeoom. Mall. Express establishment, last week, myriads of townships of the State, within the pastpublicanteeman tor


ensuingas Central

year.Commit section

read:13 ot the Schedule, to the Constitu-

tion, UD n y OjSt id cro all containingsouth 2




boundary tie beginning,


Bellaire. points of all patterns, so that farmers Sec. 1.1. Raid election shall be held and con Also, the loilowlng described piece of land Infew days, by the Union Temperance By order of the Co. Cen. Com. ducted at (be places, by the officers snd In the Bought since the great decline In prices, we are prepared to offer extraordinary inducement County and ruate aforesaid : Beginning at theand dealers can be supplied as usual. League. Alexis Cope, Ch'n. inanuer now by law provided for the electiou in prices aad variety to all bu) era. nortli-ea- st corner of the south-we- st quarter ofof members ol the House ol Representatives, Special attention is called to oar unusually large stock of section 8 township , range 4 and running 40

Notwithstanding the dull time. T. H. Ferrell, Sec'y. as lar aa practicaole; and the judges of elec-tion

roods wide from east to west and to extendIt's nothing mere nor less than a di shak transmit forthwith the poll books south the same width so as to Include 17 acres.Martin's Ferry can show good progress and tally sheets of said election, containing a The undersigned demands partition be made

K! VEB. DIVISION GO v i.AST. rect flying in the face of Providen e to certihed statement ol the number of votes cast which are LOWER than they have been since the war. of said premises, aa follows:Ex Aceom in building this summer. Between lor and against this constitution and foi and To Ibenndendgned one undivided ninth partMa.u turn one's back the fieldsStations. upon reen against each ol said their clerks ULJiCK GKEJWWIXE, GRE' HOODS and to Enos Reeder, Lavina Reeder, NancyPttUborKh." t. m '"' " J? Z sixty and seventy have already been at this beautiful time of year, for the Congression'l Convention. ol the courts oi comiiionpieosol Hie respeclie all for Hobba, Elizabeth Darling, Mary Ellen Reeder,(of kinds, sn.ts,)Kocwtr 1 : V 5 . erected, while others jn con counties, aud said clerks shall lorthwilh muke Rachel M. Keeder, Rebecca A. Reeder, John

WelU-1- l'e Itf) -.

many are, sake of verdant people. an accurateabslraclsot the number ol votes Irish Camel's Hair Turner's As berry Reeder, each one undivided ninth part. - ' templation. O. V. Newt. cast .or aud agaiust this constitution and lor Poplins, Debego. and to Mary Reeder, dower In the w bole.

Bridgeport 10 u . .. The Republicans of the 16th Congres aud agaiust each of said propositions, and the At the next term of said Court, to be heldlr U HI - 16 - The Tilton-Beech- er scandal has be sional District of Ohio, are called to whole numoer ox voies cast at. saia eiec nun in Celebrated Mohairs, Slimmer Silks, November 9th, 1874. an application will madeWe regret to hear of the death, by tbeir several counties, and transmit a copy by the undersigned for an order that partitioncome so voluminous that we are unable meet in Convention, at thereof to the secretary of Stale, aud, wi hiu may b made of said premises.Sun Domestic ic.NOTICES. of Wm. Parasols, Umbrellas, Goods,Flux, on Monday, Dunbar, Jr., to give it to our readers seriatim. Mrs. twenty da 8 alter said election, the secretary Wm. T. REEDER.the son of Wm. Dunbar the popular BELLAIRE, ot state shall open the returns thereof, in the jLJ3.L smtt Bft? ILowest JP?ie. By P. TU.A1T, his Att'y. Juy24w

BROE-A-E- Rss tM pleas take notice that Tilton was before the Plymouth Church presence ol the Governor; aud if it shall ap-pearUpper. Kip eaa Cellsklns roi uu. merchant of Uniontown. The deceased On Wednesday, Augnst 26, 1874, that a greater number ol vttes have been J1 have Committee CARD !- HBBCfcOABSEB. on Tuesday evening. for the of placing in nomina-

tioncast for the uew constitution thau agaiust it.

octtKm was a young man of much promise. purpose then the same shall become and be tue consti-tutionBeecher and Moulton have not yet a candidate for the office of Repre ot the stale of Ohio, if tne said consti J. T. STO N BRAKLEISHe the of his toreoelved a splen-

didwas pride parents,h I outK. Bumgerner ofH. testified. sentative in the Forty-fourt- h Congress tution be so adopted, then such tne separate-

lyatock of Boot, Shoes, and Galtera tor the whom he was always a dutiful son, and sulimilted propotlliois as shall ieceiveanof tne United Estates. Is at his door' ag28tf u'tllnnativ. vole greater lhan the negative vole now ready Saloon, one west ofFall Trade, , , he was esteemed by the community as We admire the bravery of an editor Each county will be entitled to one thereon snail he declared adopted, and become Treasurer's Office, to sttend to all work in the

Ladles' French Kid Button Boots, latest a worthy and honorable young man. who will allow his columns to be used delegate for every 125 votes cast for Al aportions

part of theas snail

coustitlau receive

and suchsucn

ot saidamrma-tiv- e

pro 1874. Spring & Summer Goods. 1874. Switchesline of Hhaving,

and Wigs.Hair


him amakingcall. lebs'73


style, at H. By Bumfernsrs., His remains were interred at Unity on to villify respectable invalid ladies in len T. W ikon for Secretary of State at vote shall be uelared lost: provide J. thata vote against license shall also be deemed andelection and adssesaud Children's Shoes J oat from the Tuesday. the interest of execrable villains whose the October 1873, one counted as an affirmative vote in favor of the

at JB, B. Bum arner'a. . .. ditional delegate for every fraction of section prohibiting the grant of llceuse; and BS0WN & mGGHTS'nfaofarers, skirts are yet red with the blood of 75 over. the Governor shall 1 sense his proclamationA meeting for the discussion of the stating the result of said election.

DR SANB-RS- OX can be consulted per-

sonallytheir victims, and w hose souls are con Upon this basis the apportionment Given under my hand and seal at the Tailors.merits of the New is to HUGHES & CO. MerchantConstitution, TKOS.No North lhamoad Sner lo" al tit. Clairsville, Ohio, thisor by letter at 60, tinually haunted by new made s oce,follows:graves. of delegates is as twenty-sevent- h day of July, A. D. PHOTGGRAAllegheny City, Pa. be held at Dutch School House, Dis P H


Gold 109J-- . ' trict No. 6, three miles south of St. Last Saturday we dropped into the GuernseyBelmont county

do 20delegates.

. do Sheriff of Belmont Co. Ohio. French and English Worsteds.Clairsville, on Saturday the 8th iust., grocery establishment of our former Harrison do 17 doSides 12. EXECUTOR'S SALE ! Foreign Suitings'.of every 2 o'clock P. m. Peter Tallman, Esq., townsman, Jas. Osborne, at Bridge-

port,J efferson do 28 doShoulders 12. French and English Patterns for to speak in favor of, and J. B. Camp-

belland were glad to note his appar Noble do 10 do

Hams 18. and I. M. Riley are to oppose the ent thrift in trade. Jim is a clever fel Chas, Hare, 1 English Meltons and Kerseys for Overeoats. GALLERY,Lard 15.' proposed instrument. low and deserves the good will and Alexis


I DistrictU,'F. will sell



sale atdeceased,

the latenear Full line of best makes of Domestics.

Butter z Cunningham,custom of Joshua Maule's Store, Colerain township, Bel-me- nBridgeporters.: Eggs 15. . Tut following business was transact-


W. K. Gooderl, I Cen. Com. t County, Ohio, on All the above will be made np in the best manner, and on favorable terms.

by the Probate Court during the Mrs. Rosanna Bolon, residing on J. J. Gili, J FRIDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1874,Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods in all Styles. 42 Twelfth Street,

Vote No I on License. The following personal property, to-w- it :week ending August 4th : Captina Creek, Wayne tow nship, when New Advertisements: One covered two-hor- Spring Wagon, one WHITE SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER.

Blackberries are plentiful. Augusta Davis appointed Guardian gathering up some loose wood which Rockaway, one on t, one WHEELING, W. stand of Bees, oue Milch Vow,Iron frafe,of Mary A. Davis et. al.; Bond $1,000; was laying in the fire place, on Sunday FAItH FOB SALE. wo extra fat Cattle. 275 bus hel of Corn In crib, Tho. Hughes & Co., Cor. 12th and Water Streets,

The price of flour ought to tumble. W heat, Oats and Timothy Seed in granary. HayHarrison Bute, surety. morning last, was bitten 011 the finger in barn, a large stock of Fanning Implements Wheeling, West la. mar26- - m AH work made at this Gallery

Dog days' proper have dawned. Wm. Stanton, Administrator of by a copperhead snake which lay con THE undersigned offer for sale their farm, andF'urniture.

a large assortment ol Household Kitchenas the Michlnr fnnn, aituated in

Kpencer Smith; Bond $5,000; John E' cealed under it. Very soon after the Richland Township. Belmont County, Ohio, Sale to commence at 9 o clock A. m. and toRips peaches have made their ap-

pearance.Lee and Edwin Patterson sureties. bite the band and arm became black and one-bu- lf mile north-ea- st of ixydviile, continue from day to day until all are sold. GUARANTEEDand one-hal- f mile north of National roud. TERMS All sum- - over $5,00 a credit of nine

Rev. Samuel Boyd of Wheeling Pres-

byterianand very much swollen, and it was so Said farm contains 112 acres of an good 'and mouths will be given, upon approved security

as lu said county. oeiug furnished. MARY BRACKEN,

standard dish at Church licensed to solemnize painful thai she lost her speech for a There is on said farm a coal bank in good J. T. BRACKEN."Apple Sass" is a condition; a valuable orchard, and two com-fortable

JnlySO-t- ELISHA NEGUS.this marriages. a day. On Tuesday she was better and tenement, houses. Executors of the F.slale to be equal to the

season. Said (arm will be sold on reasonable terms. of Caleb Bracken, de'd.there was hopes of her recovery. For further particulars call on o address CHEMICAL PAINT !The folio ving marriage licenses were CLEVELANDEarly Fruits, ereen corn and KET1I MICHINEK. SB-RIF-FS

SALE.issued by the Probate Judge during the We have received from the publish Washington, Guernsey Co.. Ohio. BesTcholera morbus, are getting plentiful. Or. BARAK MICH IN ER. Loydsville. (o)week ending Tuesday : ers, Robert Clark & Co., Cincinnati, a agtj 3w Brlmonl County. Ohio. . BF.TMONT COM MONT PLEAS. '

Vote Yen! on the New Constitution. Jeremiah Masters and Isabel Yates copy of a new law work by H. D. Anderson Simmons,

The man who doesn't advertise.dies Jas. V. Crooks and Mary E. McGary. Peck, entitled . "Township Ofllcer's ADMINIbTRATOB'S SALE Johnvs.McGilL

and to give

: David Park, Jr., and Florence S, Guide," which will be of invaluable NOTICE Is hereby given that theand leaves no sign. sheriff ol the County of Belmont

Morrison. benefit to for whom it in illpersons was T0WB HII'l l.l l e Ol UUIU. JJ TUWV UI CU UI SATISyMTlOETuk Bellaire tfail Works will stop William. B. Carter and Martha R. tended. All of the laws of the State PE0PEETY! issued the Court



to mePleas

directedof Bel-

mont in iMfon Saturday, for ten days, to repair. Bishop. relating to townships are summarized rY virti.e of an order of saleissaed and tome tavor of Anderson Simmons against John Mo1J directed by the Probate Court of Belmont Gill, will oner, on

--John Lee and Josephine Sitnms. into a simple and compact form for County, Ohio. I will ofler at puolie sale on MONDAY, AUGTST 10, 1874, OHXO. A large stock efST. CLAIRSVILLE,Only sixteen marriage licenses were reference. It Is book which SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1874, .of the Commissioners eay a At the hour of Oue o'clock H., on the farmissued during July. At a meeting

should be in the bands of town Between the hours of One and Four o'clock p on which said McGill new resides, 1 mile south (o)on Tuesday for the purpose of consid every

M . the lollowiug described real estate, it : ol Barneaviile, Belmont County, Ohio, the lol- -ship officer. Price $2.00. Lot No. 4, in the village of MOKRISTOWN, lowing descrioed property as the properiv of FRAMESThe call for the Republican State ering a petition for the annexation of Bttlruom county, Ohio. There is situated on JoUU MCGiu, cine ueavy noau vvagou will tell ! and thethe lot a two-sto- ry lrame house, and rievessary end Bed, oue Harrow, one Plow, oue Black TimeConvention will be found in another the Village of JStnaville to the incor PERSONAL. and a good well of wa'er, lruiL, Horse, 20 years old, one sorrei Mare, 3yeats

column. Village of Bridgeport, they 4c 4 c. old. one bav Mare, 6 years old, one black Horse,porated We had a pleasant call on Tuesday A ppraised at (J00. IU years old, one bay Horse. 12 years old, Avefound that the averments in the peti-

tionfrom President A; T. Ross, of Franklin Terms One-ha-lf cash on day of sale, balance set ot Harness, one set ol Flynels. one Saddle. Cleveland Chemical PaintTwenty bridges were swept away in one year, securea oy mortgage on i.remisea. two Iron Douole-shov- Piows, one Wheelbar-

row,were true, and decided to allow College. He represents the prospects HUGH McMILLtN. Adm'r. one two-hor- se Spring Wagon, one-ha-ll LOW RATE? !by the Pittsburgh flood, entailing a Sw with the Wiil annexed, of interest In held ol corn ni aoout six acres.the prayer of the petitions. B. C. as good for a full attendance at the Col-

legeElizabeth Eaton, dee'd. Terms of sale Caj jh. W.C. COCHKAN,loss of $40,000, .

.-- - Cranston, Ross J. Alexander and D. D, for the ensuiug year. J. a. Collins,Pl'ffs Atty 30-- td

Sheriff. judged hj this snre test. ue25-l- y

Steuben ville Female T. Cowen appeared for petitioners, P.The Seminary Judge Moses M. Granger, of Zanes- - TUE CtLEBRATEl)begins its next term September 9th. Tallman, Esq., with Capt. R. Craw-

fordville, was in town on Tuesday, stop READ THIS TWICE. SHERIFFS SALE. stands to-da- y, tor durabili-

ty,and Mayor Kerr represented the at the St. Clair. " THE PEOPLF-'- LEDGER " contains NOping Continued t4iries,8 Large Pages, 18 Coiuicius BELMONT COMMON PLEAS, IN PARTITION Wsr G:;k 21::,Hon. P. Van of; Trump, Martin's and of Cuoice Uiscellaueous MatterKeadiugprotestants Ferry yEtna-vill- e. Mrs. Agne3 B. Ritchie, eldest sister every

week, togetner with articles troui the inms ol Hannah A. Watson, el. al.from the Twelfth Ohio dis-

trict,Congress All of the Commissioners voted of Mrs. Rev. J. B. Johnston, Master such u writers as NASBY, OLIVKK vs " beauty of finish and undied Friday at Lancaster. annexation.1' . ' OPi I' J. SYbVANUS COBB, i r., MISS A U OTT, ' Andrew P. Ileaton, et. al. FOR COAL OR WOOD."for . ; Robbie and Miss Lida Ritchie, from WILL. .jaBI'uN, J. T. TltOWBRIIXiE, BY virtue of an older of sale in the above SOLO OSI.T BTMAK, TWAIN, 4C issued and to me directed from theIt has beea announced thit a social The meeting at Bellaire this Thurs Philadelphia are visiting the family of

ic" The ' ledger" Court of Common Pleas, of Belmont county, to sassPeople' colors, a.hop will be given in Norriss' Grove Rev. Johnston in this place. Ohio, I will offer for sale, on the premises, on fading superior .. t,day evening in favor of the new Con to any address every week fur one year, AUGUSTTHURSDAY, 27th, 1874.Rev. J. D. Viiil, of the M. E. Churchthis (Thursday) evening. stitution, should be attended by every on trial, on receipt of only $1.00. At the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on said day the ST. CLAIRSVILLE, OHIO.of this place, started on Monday to vis "The People's Ledger" Is an old established following; described premises, t: Situateone who is able to be present. Judge nnd Belmont any paint m nse. IS Stove has been sold by me for the pastThe next session of Franklin College, it his mother who resides in Tuscaraw-as

reliable weekly paper, publish d every in Puitney Towrsbip, county, Ohio, TBCowen, who is to speak, is probably Saturday, and is very popular throughout the and In section 30, range t townsbip 3. aud sub-divided

months during which time num-bersat Athena, begins on the 1st day cf County. He expects to return by N. E. and Middle Stales. Addrcts, by I. M. Kiley. Surveyor, under the oi them have lound their way to the

September.- - - as well posted on the relative merits of HERMANN K. CCRTIS, PullsLer, derectlou of the Commissioneis appointed by H has encountered the natural prejudice of. Kitchens of the economical and JudiciousSaturday. . the Court, to make partition or said premises, housewivesor 81. Clairsville and vicinity, and

the new and old Constitutions as No. uU iirouitie.d St., Uosiou, Mass. aud who has tried them will recommendany splat of which survey was every oneJudge Kennon, who has been quite man in the State, and his opinions in Miss Mollie Bell, daughter of David relumed aud

:n.ed with Ibe report of the Com-- m the people and painters to a nerv thing, and the I




o. fuel,the best


the FlNEfeTmost economical

8TOVKill for several days from a severe attack this regard are worthy of careful con Bell, Wheeling, of Arlington Stove no-

torietyPint Tract containing 9 acres, without the innovation of old established and has that was ever pnt Into a kitcken. Coma andan way, them betore rusticating a few days, and is o 1 underlying the same. see buying

of Cholera Morbus, is convalescing. sideration. Ross J. Alexander, who is &cotul Tract containing 8 acres 25 perches, marS-t- tvisiting the family of Ira Lewis at without the coal underlying the same. in the favor, andalso to deliver an address, has given y OTICE is hereby given that a petitl n will TliirdTract containing 1 acre 7 perches of ben steadily growing popular WOODEN PUMPSThe Commissioners on Wednesday Lewis' Mills. 1 be presented to tne Commisiloners of Bel-

mont the coal uuitetlvleg the same; audmade a view of the Uniontown and much thought to the subject, and we

Miss Nannie Britt and Miss Mary county, at their next session, to be held alsc.iand.witti

Hie coal under tracts Nos. 1 aad 2, and also the sale of it rapidly increasing year after year For Wells and Cisterns of any Depth.fZdoubt not that he will present in a co on the first Monday of beptember, A. U. .874. under the GiU.Koerner and Reservoir lots.con-taiuin- g SALEROOM opposite Gazette office. IFlushing pike. The final levy on that praying lor the vacation of a County road, lead-

ingIS ol coal land, more or less.of for acresWhite,

roadgent and able manner many good and Wheeling, are sojourning from the county road near Pumpbrty s old Also, lots No. 1,2,8,4,5, , 7, and 8. fr. nling until it is generally used in large cities, onwill be made this year. sufficient reasons why the new Consti a short time with their Iriend Miss mill to the township road leading from Smyr-

na on each side of German sli eet, Be.laire City, veryilRS. Mary Henderson, widow of tution should be adopted. Eva Rice of this place. road,


Groundsthe same

to theroad


on the gradeon Belmont

All ol the aboveOhio.

described real estate being fine residences as well as public buildings, andpetition of W. A. Carpenter, et, al. in Puitney township aud in and adjoining Bel-

lairethe late.David Henderson, of Wheel-ing

The School Board at its meeting on Mrs. John Bradfield, Jr., of Barnes- - ag w- PETITIONER. (ilv, U.l:nout coiiuty, Ohio. bv first-clas- s painters.township, died suddenly for ville, Is enjoying for a brief season the First tract appraist-- at S2S60 00.Tuesday Monday, completed arrangements Second tract " " 2148 00.

night of lust week, of Cholera Morbus. the of school, which will hospitalities of Mrs. John Troll. ROAD NOTICE. andAppraised



Reservoiraud coal


at $73441, 2.

00.S The Cleveland Chemical Paint is composed of

occur on Monday, September 7th. A E. P. Moorehead, Esq., Mrs. J. V.Lot 1 at f030 ; lot 2 at $600 ; lot 3 at f575; lot 4 at desirable in WHEELING,Mrs. Mary Burns, widowof Robert of teachers are engaged Cushing, and Miss Granger, niece of J675 ; lot 5 at lot 8 at SoCU ; lot 7 at M75, and lot pure lead, zinc and linseed oil, mostcomplete corps NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition will at 8 45 84400 00. Coal and surface together, ex-

cludingBurns, many years ago a citizen of this foi the school Prof. J. J. Burns Judge Moses Granger, all of Zanesviile, to the Commissioners of Bel-mont last named 8 out lots, $14,640 00. ot 1 hese areyear. be held a really good their Serlng Stock otCounty, at their next session, to .Terms of Sale. One-thi- rd ensh on day of gredients paint. Have received Largeplace, died on the 20th ultimo at Fair-

field,is retained as Superintendent and were stopping at the St. Clair H tel on on the first Monday of September, A. D. 1871, sale, one-thi- rd in one year and one-thir- d in

praying for the alteration of the County Koad with Interest on deferred payments, combined that the oil cannot leaveIowa, of congestion of the brain. Teacher of the High School. The Wednesday. leading lroratbe forks ol the Uniontown and totwo

beyears,secured by mortgage on premises sold. chemically so "

Three henses Grammar Department will be in Rev. S. R. Frazier, pastor of the Harrisvilleand Cadis


to andat or

strikingnear the

thepropertySt. Clairs-

ville or O..


Swanky,July23-t- d

W.C. COCHRAN,Sheriff. the lead and into the wood, as it does in the Carpets, Oil Cloths.were struck by light-

ning of Mr. Wilson Mitchell, who for 3d U. P. Church, Pittsburg, with his James Crogan, adjoining the lands of Kobert ; gochargeat ': Athens, during the recent some years has been a successful teach- - wife, little daughter and Miss Sharon norch-we- st

Wilkins : beginningcorner ol

fora granary

said alterationon the farm

at theof 100 Acres of Choice Land old way, and leave it dry, peel and wash off instorm, one of which was the lock up, of Cadiz, are making a short visit to Joseph Iddings, on said road, and running Mats &The de-

partmentsnorth-easter- ly Bedding, Matting,er at Loydsville. remaining thence in a direction towardssituated in a low and unexposed place. will be in charge of the the family of the Rev's, father, James of

audtheto the


of tieorgepracticable


thenceof the

downline POBSALE.' a few years, but hardens with the lead and zinc

The Martin's Ferry Steel Works, same teachers as last year, with Miss Frazier, Esq., residing near town. themeets


of saidroad

Ueoreeas now



It on the surface, adhering firmly to it, making a LACE CURTAINS,which has been shut down for Maria C. Ryan in the Intermediate, along the bed of said proposed new road to therepairs Hopedale Normal School. A RARE CHANCE TO SECUREer ol section 17, were It strikes AVater-pro- of Coat that will re-

mainElastic,Firm,for several weeks, will resume oiera-aion-s Miss Rebecca Billingsley in the Sec The Fall Term of this, n Hie road leading to Harrisville: thence across '

on Frida or Saturday. ondary, and Miss Amelia Adams in will begin on Tuesday, September 1st.saidieiween

Harrisvilleiae janus





the Hueand

A. - unchanged for years ! in fact, lastingWm. Clark until it Intersects the Uniontownthe Primary department. Parents Besides the scientific which Beautiful Country Home!isWe have received a copy of the should have their children in readiness intended for those who

coursewish to




be vacatedpray

fiomthat said

said three times as long as ordinary paint. Its cost of every description.Rules and Regulations of the Kansas to enter school at its opening, so that acquire polut of intersection to the point where the

a thorough English education and also said Uniontown roud now meets the said road The subscriber will sell at public sale on oil in old:Stat Board of Agriculture, . for their the machinery may all start 011 togeth leading to Harrisville. ag(Kw is. less than pure lead and (mixeder. to receive instruction in School Gov-

ernment,Tuesday, .September 29th, 74, Parlor and Chamber Sets,tenth

heldannualat Leavenworth,

exhibition, whichSeptember

is to be and methods of Teaching, PROBATE CPUaT. At inu o'clock a. m., his Farm, situated at way), which is unmixed and not ready Tor useon Sudden Death. Mrs. Kilgore, HAMMOND'S CROSS ROADS, Harrison Co.7th to 11th inclusive. . there is now a full classical or collegi Ohio, two miles ast of New .Vlhens and lour Paint is allwife of Wm. Kilgore of Wheeling Tp., NOTICE is hereby given that the following mil. s weal of Hairisvllle. whereas the Clkvklaxd Chemical Book-Case- s, Side-Board- s,ate laid down incourse our catalogue Administrators and This farm contains 100 acres of choice farm-In- n. Commissioners Wm. Alexander, B. died suddenly on . Wednesday ot last corresponding with the curriculum in Assignees have hied iu my office, al St. ,:lalia-vill- e land, nearly all In grass, well and will cover more surface thanTE. Dnugan and Sol. Hogue are all pres-e- nt week. She had been, during the fore Ohio, their accounts aud vouchers for abundance of good timber, good fences aud In ready for nse,

our older and best Colleges iu the settlement it s a superior stale of cultivati. the special session of the Board noon, attending to her household duties Latin and Greek languages to winch is Elihu

B andBroomliall,

lura B Worlhlnglon,guardian of

minors.Clarence, Paul

residenceIt lias upon


an almostrooms


two-stor- y

cellar,framewash-hous- any other paint. It is easily and rapidly ap BEDSTE IDS, HAT RACKS

which is u,w being held. It is prob- - as usual, in apparent good health ; had added Hebrew in the senior John D Yocum. Kuard.of Amy While, imbecile. slab: and other and a of onethird in and in a word, everything that Is kept laaioie inai mey will adjourn to-tla- prepared and ate dinner. About oneyear. James V sulweil, adui'rof Elizabeth ilrowu. pair of

olKairiiank'schoice fruit.

Stock Scales. Also uu or-

chard plied by any one. and a saving a first --class Furniture store..Iuch lhan usual. more attention isThursday. two o'clock in the afternoon she Jacob A Holloway, guard, of E A MoOrew. It is located lu airood netahborhood. convent when Goods are guaranteed to ba flrstdaaa. In bothor time and labor is made in its use. These, style and On Ish. Our Carpeta are strictly re .given to the com il 011 English brunches L Voorhies. adm'r ol John Myers, .tee'd. ent........ to schools... and within,easy access....... .. of...-- I .i i ... I ... ular. as we buy direct from masufaetnrers andThe Belmont went to the residence of her husband's of hi ueu.f.i. .it.,........Kobert ClairUeorge Crisweil, guuid. St.Lodge of Good Templars in this Institution and to the prepara-

tionsurroundings and tor desirability anil lienlih-lulnei- s and do not deal in Auction Ooods. We (uarantee

nave a meeting in Centreville at 10 A brother, who lived near by, to do some of teachers for the school room. JSharkey,T

minor.guard, of Daniel W Wade, minor. of location. It is

Inthe most dpsirableand

Ohio.taken into account with its great durability our


wishas low



houseanythinglu lbs country.

in IbeEasternM. on Thursday, the 13th inst. A pub sewing on a machine. The family Vocal and Instrumental Music, Tele--Clarence

Vea-y- , etXlvSwords,

al. minors.guard, of Richard W eligible

-- AIfarmthe same

propertytime and place, he will sell cheapness, make it, as a matter of economy, Furniture

elsewhere.line will do well to call before par-

entis!lic were away from home. The evening John Twinem and U Hart, executors of Miles 100 lal sheep, a number ol cattle, 1 family horse, ngtemperance is be held in 8peclalmeeting to attention toand glTen UndertakingShort-han- dgrahy writing are Heart, deo'd. I good two-hors- e wagon, 1 new buggy. 1 fancythe evening at 7 o'clock. wore on and the continued absence of taught here; also a commercial Jacob Holloway,

Sr,guard, of Mary R and Chalk-le- y sleigh, 1 set of single harness, 1 set of double most certainly for the interest of all intending Q. M UN DEL, BOOTH m OX.course, silver mounted harness, 1 set of wagon harness,c Holloway, minors, 114 Mala atrt.Mrs. K. caused some of her family to to that of I O McFarland, adru'r of Sarah A Bailey, (lee'd. hav, and ot her articles not mentioned,fully up City Colleges, em-

bracing it. WIIEEUNU, WEST VA.Last Saturday afternoon one of our in search of her. Upon reaching Aaron Frame, " Rebecca Wright, deo'd. Tkhhs niai.e known on day of sale. to paint to usego Retail, Wholesale, Commis John Kinslow, executor of K smith, deo'd. CALVIN W. PATTON.


frommena bedroom

gave awindow.


the house, she was found lying on the sion, Jobbing, Importing and Farming Aleyshminor.

V Taylor, guard, of Phebe Reynolds, July St. Clairsville, Obia This' very desirable paint can be had in anydead! Drs. Campbell and Cobb "

was diacevered, during his perforinfloorwere called and a post-morte- m was

Books, Individutil Partnership and ThomasDeborah


ult, ""

. MaryJames

CMilligau,Bundy, minor.' Administrator's Notice. quantity and in white and any desired color at

Joint Stock Company business. James Kinney, i t'orwlo T Moore, OMacles to Mamaance, that he hadn't as "much as 1 held, and it was decided that she came JotuMcKlKSon - Isabella C Dailey, "Is hereby given, that In the ProbateThe boarding arrangements controll adm'rof dee'd.ciodlrey, Mury Barnes, NOTICEpaper collar on to hide bis nakedness." to her death from heart disease, to John

UeoigeE Lee, executor ol Speuoer smith, dee'd. or Htdmonl County. Ohio, the under-

signedHappy ft.ll.r far Taaif Mas from the

Those who witnessed the performance ed by the institution are sucn as to Wllllai. Bundy, guard, of John H Utiudy, m'r. was appointed and qualltied as Admln-l-trab- ir eOeota of Krrurs and Abuses In early Ufa.

Mjr m was gusaing 1which she was subject. Deceased had lurnish boarding and the necessary ac-

commodationsIsaao Holloway, Assignee of Judklns A Vance, late of said

of theCounty.

estate ol Tlluian Sarlel, dee'd, CARROLL & IIOGE'S DRUG STORE, removed.Manhood restored,

Mew methodimpediments

ot Marriage

Newbeen married only about four months, at net coxt to the mtnifs. Hons

assignors.J Alexander. adm'rof Arihor lllfglns, All persons indebted to said estate are re-

quested ..t : . and remarkable remedies. Books and Ctreo-- -

usuully costing from $2 60 to $2 75 to make immediate payment, and lars sent free. In sealed envelopes. Address,TIMOTHY The funeral which took at dec Unity per ClairSEED. We have a of which will be far hearing and settle-ment

those having olalms against said estate are re-

questedOpposite St Hotel, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. i 8oath NinthAilForweek. addresscataloguesnice lot Just in. Call soon. It will not Church on Thursday, was largely at--

W.the on tba 4th day of bept., A. 1. 1N74. to present lliein wlthlu one year froin St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution havingPrincipal, Brinkerhoff, C. W. CA K ROLL. t"1,d",S a oiaa reputation lor noaoraoie eoouuos anaww. St. Ohio."V jepsons'. ISAAC PERKINS Clairsville,;yyao-zi- ; tended; july2-3u- i professional skill. Oc'7S-l- yau0:2t Harrison Jude.ProbaUiHopedale, Co., O. auMw

. JoDO-S- Adm'r, with Will annexed.

top related