benefiting from collaboration and transparency

Post on 24-May-2015



Leadership & Management



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benefiting from collaboration and transparency: a scenario of how to win in a connected business world


benefiting from collaboration and transparency

advantages of working with people and utilising modern communication tools

created by liri andersson and jonathan macdonald

this fluid world

By Tim Forrest, Head of Communications Planning at OMD

“The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” [Einstein]

When I read the social media and scenario whitepaper by this fluid world, it struck me that the cynic might say it is easy to be wise after the event, in this case that comment would not so much ring true as ring hollow

this fluid world have to my mind very much envisioned the future by rewriting the past, one day at a time 

The scale and scope of this highly engaging story is, when broken down to its component parts, an instructive manual for creating a process that conditions operational readiness for as yet undefined scenarios

I don’t believe it is as important to anticipate a specific scenario, as to have a broad process in place for dealing with rising situations. The process that this paper articulates implies a good deal of change for many companies, and something of a leap of faith

However, is it not the point of scenario planning to accept and anticipate future change both unknown and beyond control? – beyond control only if you expect to respond within the confines of what you historically have done

It is therefore highly appropriate to end as I began with further wise words from Einstein. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results  


this fluid world

the events that unfolded during the BP oil crisis of 2010 made us question what would happen if a public facing organisation, such as BP, had a different approach and attitude to positioning, collaboration, communication and transparency

this fluid world

this fluid world

due to this we spent the summer of 2010 developing an alternative scenario based on a combination of the changing communications world we live in, the thinking, tools and methodologies of this fluid world, and learnings from the BP case

the tool used to arrive at our alternative scenario is known as scenario planning

scenario planning is a method for learning about the future by understanding the nature and impact of the most uncertain and important driving forces affecting our world

scenario planning works under the assumption that the future can differ greatly from what we know today

the purpose is to portray a variety of potential outcomes, or an ideal outcome, by applying a combination of trends, best practice and available resources in today's world

this fluid world

the thought processes involved in getting to the scenario has the dual purpose of increasing knowledge of the communications environment, and to widen an organisation's perception of possible future events

the end goal of designing a scenario is for an organisation to ask itself, “what do we need to do to be prepared for different outcomes, or what do we need to put in place for this ideal scenario to become reality?”. the answer is used in building strategies to manage a different picture of the future

this fluid world

Advanced Energy Futures (AEF) is one of the largest energy companies in the world

with 310.37 billion in revenue*, 94,100 employees*, and numerous oil wells and

pipelines across the globe

*Source: AEF Annual Report 2007


this fluid world

18th – an AEF pipeline ruptures off the coast of Alaska, backup equipment kicks in

and the risk of cataclysmic explosion is avoided

this raised a question internally as to AEF’s ability to respond to such a disaster

due to this, a crisis meeting is scheduled


this fluid world

23rd – the crisis meeting is held at AEF headquarters in Atlanta

Simon Davies, the recently hired CTO, argues that, “From a communications perspective, the digitally interactive world of social media can magnify a crisis exponentially, and at an alarmingly fast speed”

he suggests this requires AEF to learn and adapt to a new communications landscape in order to handle any potential communications crisis


this fluid world

27th – AEF seeks advice from Clarity Tank, a London based firm with expertise in business and

communications strategy, on how to harness social media and how to best handle a social media crisis

the initiative is driven by Emma Baker, CMO of AEF and the meeting is attended by AEF’s CEO Bob Young, CTO

Simon Davies, Head of PR Fiona Marshall and the Head of Engineering Stuart Fallows


this fluid world

1st – over a period of five weeks, a strategic development programme is designed by Clarity Tank in collaboration with AEF stakeholders

the programme is a combination of the consulting firm’s two core social media products; ‘use’ aimed at helping organisations create a social media strategy that achieves brand and business objectives, and ‘diffuse’ which ensures an organisation’s ability to address and resolve a social media crisis in a beneficial and timely way


this fluid world

the overall initiative is designed to establish full understanding of the risks, opportunities, implications and realities of social media, whilst also creating an improved communications and crisis management strategy


this fluid world

5th – the initiative will sculpture the media training for spokespeople, including Bob Young, in order to ensure

future public statements and reactions are suited to an age of rapid editing, publishing and sharing of

information by official and unofficial sources


this fluid world

8th – Clarity Tank recommend to AEF that, in order to be able to harness the belief and support of people

moving forward, AEF needs to be relevant to the general public

Clarity Tank suggests that the most powerful way to do this is for AEF to stand for something that people

can identify with, and to, in a collaborative way, define a clear and relevant external purpose

reflecting this


this fluid world

10th – the decision is made to gather a group of influential people, including an AEF representative, for a two-day workshop facilitated by Clarity Tank at a neutral location in London

the purpose of the workshop is to create a pledge of combined activity and direction moving forward, in addition to defining a new mission statement for AEF; one that is closely in line with the organisations environmental position moving forward

a short-list of potential attendees is created and invites sent out


this fluid world

15th – news of the planned collaborative meeting starts

trending on twitter with 132 blogs covering the story in a positive way

influential environmental blogger Steven Henshaw writes “It seems like

AEF has made it their mission to work with others to enable combined



this fluid world

17th – a story appears in the New York Times written by Susan Timon, a guest columnist from the

humanitarian site, discussing the invitation she received three days prior

Susan calls AEF “Brave and forward-thinking” and pledges “Full support for an open discussion of mutual



this fluid world

5th – the workshop is a success

attendees include the U.S Secretary of State, CEO’s of three global energy companies, leaders of the largest environmental organisations, eminent research scientists, key journalists and bloggers along with technology experts from all over the world

the group is named The Collective


this fluid world

a pledge by The Collective to drive initiatives benefiting the environment is finalised for joint release via news wires and communities by the morning

AEF’s mission statement is agreed as being “To collaborate with the goal of providing the best energy sources for the world, whilst protecting and bettering the environment”


this fluid world

6th – the US President, Marie Montgomery states in a press conference “The Secretary of

Homeland Security was present in a meeting of minds” and that “I am

pledging my full support to the efforts of The Collective with whom

we are proudly involved”


this fluid world

17th – there are over 4000 stories on the web about The Collective

thousands of comments are left on hundreds of forum boards

the main news headlines are all positive, one carrying the headline “AEF & Friends become The Collective - a mission without ego”


this fluid world

20th – a blog post appears on a satirical comedy site making a joke about AEF and The Collective mission statement. within a few hours 441 comments are made in support of the AEF approach

the original satire is drowned in positivity, and quickly forgotten about


this fluid world

26th – the AEF mission statement, supplemented

by The Collective pledge, drives an up-lift for AEF’s

stock value of 19% over the course of 18 days

January 2009

this fluid world

27th – AEF distribute a company press release regarding the stock valuation rise

they speak of being “Very pleased with the growth” but maintain that “The added value in the company is also for reimbursement into the efforts and solutions we are collectively working on to ensure we can find more sustainable energy sources and protect our environment - everyone needs to benefit from this success”


this fluid world

28th – the press release is referenced across the main

news sites and featured in broadsheets all over the world

the news programmes concentrate on AEF's intention to

share the benefit

the stock continues to grow in value


this fluid world

1st – to bring the new vision to life, and to harness the power of the general public, AEF launches a global crowd sourcing initiative orchestrated by Clarity Tank

the goal is to outreach for ideas, suggestions, technologies and research with the intention to act as a global resource and discussion around energy, the environment and people's lives


this fluid world

this manifests as SolvMachine, an interactive website (, where statements of intent and ideas for bettering energy sources and environmental initiatives, can be registered by professional and amateur collaborators all over the world

a desktop widget is also released along with an iPhone, Android and Java application enabling people to create, edit and share ideas relating to energy and the environment


this fluid world

4th & 5th – Clarity Tank runs a two-day workshop about crisis management in communications at the AEF New York office. the workshop is attended by key internal stakeholders

it is agreed that a core team be created, and trained, to rapidly deploy prepared strategies in the event of a disaster


this fluid world

13th – eight people from across AEF with links to PR, Marketing, Business Development and Technology are appointed as The Interaction Team

a virtual situation room is created by Clarity Tank in a secure shared online space incorporating monitoring tools, video calling, document storage and reporting software


this fluid world

the role of The Interaction Team is to be in conversations with the public, and to manage the monitoring of conversations, in order to feed back into the rest of the organisation through the virtual situation room


this fluid world

15th – in accordance with the communication crisis programme Clarity Tank creates a flag

system within the monitoring and reporting dashboard

the system flags real-time levels of sentiment, inaccurate or overtly critical statements

on the dashboard screen a red flag indicates urgent action, orange a mild issue and a green

flag indicates positivity


this fluid world

17th – crisis guidelines are created enabling AEF to react appropriately in the event of issues arising that could have a negative impact on AEF, or any of the initiatives it is associated with

these guidelines include direction on the most suitable tone of voice, blog responses, press releases and communication with partners and stakeholders in the event of a crisis


this fluid world

19th – the AEF board work with Clarity Tank to create a fast sign-off process for orange and red flags that circumvents standard procedure


this fluid world

the sign-off process works as follows:

the orange flag process triggers enhanced monitoring of discussions and feeds in positive messaging from influencers

the red flag process is in six steps that take as little as six hours in total to complete

1. red flag identified 2. the Interaction Team are alerted 3. red flag cross-matched with crisis guidelines 4. adjustment of pre-designed communication 5. action authorised 6. action deployed


this fluid world

20th – internal staff, external influencers and all partners are informed and trained on how to alert

The Interaction Team to situations

this is termed The Interaction Protocol


this fluid world

22nd – a wide scale press, TV, poster, online and mobile

campaign for SolvMachine goes live across multiple regions,

promoting the unilateral initiative and urging people to get involved

with the tag line: “We’re all in this together”

calls to action lead to SolvMachine’s website, and an SMS

short-code enables people to either download the application

or register for text alerts


this fluid world

4th – downloads of the SolvMachine widget reaches 368,000 in just under

5 weeks

the iPhone application is recommended in a tweet by the

famous comedian, Peter Tuck, to 1.5 million followers. thousands retweet,

reaching over 50 million users

within 48 hours, the SolvMachine application reaches 1 million

downloads across all platforms


this fluid world

9th – the leading technology review site,, calls SolvMachine:

“Perhaps the most important application ever”


this fluid world

12th – by now, the organisations in The Collective are running over 50 agreed initiatives in support of the mandate

AEF is attached to each one as a sponsor and runs ten key initiatives of its own


this fluid world

15th – Bob Young says on Sky News: “The support of Governments throughout the world has shown the validity in our mandate. We will continue to endorse initiatives that propel this forward and embrace the close working relationship we have with the political, environmental, scientific and technological partners, combined with the general public”


this fluid world

5th – Bob Young has a vision to turn the crowd-sourcing tool, SolvMachine, into a scenario

planning tool

with that in mind, Young introduces two new stakeholders to the consortium:

Evy Akolley from Onsidia and Joan Madeski from Palo Alto's Institute for Generations


this fluid world

to enable anyone in the world to create, edit and share ideas that can

be fed into a scenario planning tool, Young commissions an effort to

combine SolvMachine with Akolley’s crowd-sourcing site and Madeski’s

problem-solving games

the goal being to find energy sources and protect the planet, in addition to preparing for any potential accident that could lead to an environmental disaster


this fluid world

25th – in support of the upgraded SolvMachine, Planet of Quest,

Foundville and Seventh Life create virtual doorways with signposts

directing people into SolvMachine as an extension to their platforms


this fluid world

29th – the environmental, technological and gaming community spread the news about the platform tie-up across twitter

over 12,000 developers download the API code, enabling them to build on the platform, whilst 27 major bloggers and journalists take screen grabs and write about the seamless user experience


this fluid world

1st – members of The Collective, and the public, are making voluntary weekly donations to support the increasing number of initiatives

the people involved in generating the top ten ideas are rewarded by being able to assign a proportion of the donation to a charity of their choice


this fluid world

each idea is rated and a summary of the top ten is published daily across

numerous websites

a full report is sent to The Interaction Team at AEF for analysis. the content, with comments, is re-published on the AEF site:


this fluid world

2nd – a leading news site publishes a weekly update of the selected ideas and distributed funds

other publishers pick this up and decide to link the reported progress to related stories involving the selected charities


this fluid world

3rd – commentators express that SolvMachine is now a multinational

response mechanism that pools support from individuals and

organisations to solve scenarios together

within SolvMachine, The Interaction Protocol is merged

with the crisis guidelines to ensure full understanding of how

SolvMachine can be used


this fluid world

the US President, Marie Montgomery and UK Prime Minister, Jack Brewer announce at a

joint press conference “We stand shoulder to shoulder with the AEF and The Collective. 21 Global leaders, ourselves included, are now

interacting with SolvMachine to ensure we are up to speed with the ideas, creations and

methodologies of all contributors and collaborators.”


this fluid world

6th – Pablo, a 13-year-old student in Mexico sends a tweet about his daily battle to run a

wildlife sanctuary on his uncle’s ranch, close to Rio Gande, where he seeks to protect 'at

risk' animals from the elements

he adds several hashtags, including #AEF and #SolvMachine, to the tweet

this activity is immediately picked up by The Interaction Team on their twitter stream


this fluid world

7th – the tweet is distributed to The Collective and one of the technology partners offers to

set up a short-code that allows people to donate by sending an SMS

by the following day, the short-code is being distributed all over twitter and donations

rapidly increase


this fluid world

8th – the story is picked up by Sky News who flies a reporter to Mexico to interview Pablo

pictures of the boy showing the reporter around the wildlife sanctuary, describing what he is planning to do with the donations, are broadcasted all over the world

Pablo is quoted as saying “Large corporations can really make a positive difference – thank you for all your support!”


this fluid world

5th – directions to the SolvMachine have been seen within games by millions of players. over a hundred experts get involved, on a daily basis, in the discussion and modelling of the best collaborative ideas, solutions and missions

each one is rated, and a shortlist summary of the top ten is published daily – this is sent in full to The Interaction Team at AEF


this fluid world

12th – Bob Young says to Time Magazine “We have been delighted with the development and input into SolvMachine. For us it is built into everyday business, but I am told by many other organisations that this is fast becoming a scenario planning tool they can use in collaboration with the wisdom of the crowds to solve environmental and energy issues”


this fluid world

16th – Tom Ford, CEO of the Worldwide Foundation of Wildlife Protection, confirms Bob Young’s claim in a BBC interview where he states: “SolvMachine enables us to assess and prioritise the top initiatives to consider in terms of wildlife protection in all continents. old and new activists, researchers and scientists are encouraged to help out”

Ford finishes with The Collective’s slogan; “We’re all in this together”


this fluid world

18th – conversations about SolvMachine are now taking place on 16 Facebook groups

major brands around the world are also getting involved creating their own platforms; among them the American Access ‘Open Place’, the Erolssin ‘Thinking Forward’ site and in the HBM ‘Smarter Universe’ community


this fluid world

20th – the main environmental blogs facilitate around 3000 comments a day

most commentators are also adding insight into SolvMachine and act as self-appointed moderators and quality control officers by ensuring negative, slanderous or illegitimate

content is removed

new findings are published, tweeted, discussed whilst being monitored and interacted with by

The Interaction Team


this fluid world

4th – the constant cycle of monitoring continues, covering

internal developments, public sentiment and the activities of

environmental organisations, bloggers and other influencers


this fluid world

7th – an issue grows online

the community is questioning whether AEF is financially and procedurally set up to action

any of the scenarios from SolvMachine, threatening its


this is raised as an orange flag


this fluid world

The Interaction Team responds immediately by publishing their crisis and resource plan, adding:

“We welcome any collaborators willing to help implement scenarios with us to change their profile setting to ‘willing collaborator’, we will then involve them in future conversations about existing and new projects we can work on together”


this fluid world

20th – AEF announces its intention to close down the Freshpool Skyline, an exploratory drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, with a view to open it soon after as a commercial well

technical and strategic information of the well, and its surroundings, are fed into the SolvMachine

scenario modelling commences by ad hoc teams in order to detect any possible issues with the plan


this fluid world

5th – the feedback leads to AEF making some additional

investment in safety and backup equipment that is

deployed in the areas identified in the scenarios


this fluid world

27th – AEF creates a digital wall of fame where the names of the contributors and collaborators are displayed (where permission has been granted), as a symbolic representation of cooperation

from Times Square in New York, to the Reuters Building in Canary Wharf and the N Building in Tokyo, there is a constant ticker of contributors and collaborators for the world to see and celebrate


this fluid world

20th – thousands of political, economic, sociological and technological scenarios have been created by virtual teams within SolvMachine


this fluid world

6th – a news story runs in one of the largest American broadsheets, Today’s News, quoting a

research scientist Alvaro Sanchez, who claims that “AEF is hardly involved in any of the

collaborative work, they seem to want the glory without actually getting involved”

due to the wide influence Sanchez has, this is a red flag


this fluid world

within an hour, three of the main bloggers who have been covering The Collective’s progress write a reply proving Mr Sanchez wrong

they correct the false information by discussing key projects and initiatives driven by AEF, in addition to the collaborative progress made to date


this fluid world

hundreds of supportive comments have now been posted

the AEF Interaction Team update their website with a live feed of the story and ongoing comments


this fluid world

the Freshpool Skyline drilling rig explodes off the Louisiana coast

in the Gulf of Mexico

oil starts leaking into the ocean

20th april 9.46pm

this fluid world

The Interactive Team is alerted of the crisis and all stakeholders,

partners and influencers are


20th april 9.51pm

this fluid world

due to SolvMachine, key stakeholders are aware of the potential consequences, and the relevant solutions that have been modelled that could add value in addressing the crisis

20th april 10.11pm

this fluid world

Bob Young rapidly hosts an online webinar where he honestly explains the

situation, and what action is being taken to minimise damage

this is broadcasted by all major news channels across the world

20th april 10.55pm

this fluid world

relevant information is instantly inputted into all media assets of AEF and The Collective

there are continuous, real-time updates to all stakeholders

20th april 11.22pm

this fluid world

over a thousand people start working on new scenarios and solutions which are instantly fed back into AEF and partner companies

20th april 11.24pm

this fluid world

all major social networking sites and tools are immersed in support of AEF and the collaborative efforts in finding solutions

this combines the thinking of competitive energy companies, environmentalists, scientists, legislators, politicians, bloggers, journalists and the general public

20th april 11.44pm

this fluid world

the partner energy companies provide extra equipment to aid the relief effort

the US President maintains ongoing dialogue with The Interaction Team and

The Collective

21st april 6.46am

this fluid world

what is needed to find a solution is in place

and the rest became history…

22nd april 10.21am

this fluid world

Introduce  scenario  

other than publicly used platforms, all characters, and or companies

appearing in this work, are fictitious. any resemblance to real persons, living

or dead, is purely coincidental

this fluid world

so marks the end of our scenario

the thinking, approach and methodology within this document is part of a range of solutions provided (in real life) by this fluid world

the scenario was built upon the principles of our advanced scenario planning service, called ‘asp’ – for more detail visit:

the social media components were built upon the principles of our social media protocol services ‘use’ and ‘diffuse’ – for more detail visit:

if you would like to discuss this further, please contact:

liri andersson

jonathan macdonald

this fluid world

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