benefits of marijuana cannabis to chemotherapy (thesis)

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Benefits of Marijuana (Cannabis) to Chemotherapy Patients


The drug “Marijuana” or “Cannabis” was already banned ever since the year 1619 and was labeled as “poisonous” in many states since 1906 and onward. But later on, it was discovered that Cannabis may be used as a medical drug.

In today’s generation Marijuana has been shunned upon because of people believing that it is bad for the health and addicting likewise to “Cigarettes” but they show signs of prejudice on the side of Marijuana because studies show that Marijuana is healthy and has no negative side effects. Also, Marijuana can be a big help to cancer patients undertaking the chemotherapy by easing the pain caused by the therapy’s side effects.

Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to determine the effects of marijuana to cancer patients. Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

• What are the possible outcomes of this study?

• How Marijuana does helped chemotherapy patients?

• What are the properties of Marijuana essential for chemotherapy patients?

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study would be of great help to those who are concerned with the integration of medical technology, such as using Medical Marijuana in helping chemotherapy patients.

• To the Cancer Patients. This will give them a cheaper, healthier, and safer way to treat the sickness they are going through

• To the Doctors. This gives them a new arsenal for treating cancer and makes their job easier by making the instruments needed cheaper and easier to use.

• To the Researchers. This will help them find out how to ease the pain of the chemotherapy or its side effects and solve their problems.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Marijuana (cannabis)

1.1 Description

Marijuana (cannabis) - is the most widely used illegal drug in many developed countries. Medical studies have shown that the active ingredient in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), might provide some medical benefits in some patients. Under the impression that these benefits were substantial, voters in California and Arizona approved initiatives allowing the use of "medical" marijuana by patients under certain circumstances. This paper represents a current review of the medical literature regarding the benefits and drawbacks of using marijuana for medical or recreational purposes.

1.2 Properties

Marijuana have an active ingredient in it called, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is a cannabinoid compound, which binds to CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the human brain. These cannabinoids mimic naturally occurring endocannabinoids produced within the brain, but with more powerful effects. CB1 receptors are found in the cerebral cortex (primarily the frontal regions), the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the hypothalamus, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the hippocampus. The effects of THC have been experimentally shown through the use of animal studies and some in vitro human studies. THC acts by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, including L-glutamate, GABA, noradrenaline, dopamine, 5-HT and acetylcholine. Although endocannabinoids are rapidly inactivated by the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase, exogenous cannabinoids, such as THC, persist for extended periods of time, resulting in the noted physiological effects.

1.3 Medical Benefits

Cancer treatments are becoming more and more effective, but along with the destruction of cancer cells come a lot of extra undesirable effects. More and more it is becoming widely known that chemotherapy patients benefit from smoking marijuana. Smoking it is not actually necessary though. Eating it in some form seems to be the most beneficial mode of ingestion. Extracts are becoming more frequently made and available which do not produce any feelings on intoxication.

The idea behind chemotherapy began when it was noticed that WWII sailors who had been accidentally exposed to mustard gas had very low white blood cell counts. White blood cells multiply rapidly, as do cancer cells, so doctors began injecting an ingredient from the mustard gas into cancer patients. The doctors reported a rapid and significant improvement, although the effects were short-lived.Since the mustard gas experiments many much more effective chemotherapy agents have been developed. They help many patients survive or recover completely from cancer, but just as many can benefit from adding cannabis to their treatment regimen.

The method used in this study was descriptive. The researchers of this study aims to know if the properties inside of marijuana can be beneficial to chemotherapy patients.

• Here’s the interviewLeela was suffering from Cancer for the past many a months. She was

not in a condition to even eat, as her health was deteriorating drastically. She was vomiting since many months. Doctors offered to operate and treat her, but still they could not guarantee her survival.

It is at this juncture when Leela's husband, who was in a state of distraught met Viki Vaurora, a resident of Bangalore, who offered to cure her from Cancer using Cannabis (Marijuna). Initially, it was very difficult for the husband to digest what Viki promised him cure her cancer using Cannabis.

But, after Viki explained him from the process to everything, the husband agreed and it worked wonders for Leela. Within two weeks, she stopped vomiting and began to eat as well. This was a victory for Viki, who was himself surprised by its instant results.

Here is an excerpt from Viki's interview, who talked about how he treated Leela. He also has a suggestion for the Government of India asking them to research about the medicinal impact of Cannabis and the need for it to be legalized.

He says, ''Just legalize it, regulate it effectively and sit back and watch the economic boost. You'll be creating millions of Jobs overnight. Millions! Yes. This is so big. ''

• Ashim Sunam (AS): What made you think that Cannabis (Marijuna) could help cure a cancer patient?

• Viki Vaurora (VV) : I did not create something new. The cure for cancer, using cannabis has been in existence for 3 decades now. But it has been hidden as it doesn't serve the pharmaceutical companies, if everyone can grow their own medicine.Back in the days when I was exploring the plant by myself, I happened to like and follow many of the sites and pages on social media, which fed me quite a lot of truth about this plant. When I read that something as deadly as cancer could be cured by GANJA (flowers/buds of Cannabis), which our society very blindly considers and propagates to be a bad drug, I couldn't help but dig further into this.

• AS: Was the medicinal process of Cannabis painful for Leela?• VV: The medicine isn't painful. In fact, it's known among the

medicinal users of the plant to cure any sort of pain in the body. The patient basically has to take just one drop of the oil and it'll work in the body for up to 12 hours. So it can be quite a trip for an inexperienced user.So, I always made sure she took it during the night and sleep it off. The medicine, when ingested, usually takes about half an hour to 2 hours to show its effects. By that time she would have fallen asleep and she would wake up the next day feeling normal and more refreshed.(We use high concentrated oil so that effect is stronger on the body and a concentrated dose lasts longer thereby killing cancer cells all over the body and also shrink tumors. But when smoked from the raw plant, the effect usually fades within 1 or 2 hours)

• AS: Just in a week's time or so, her health began to improve. How did her doctor react to it?

• VV: Yes, she responded to the medicine quite fast or the medicine helped heal this dying woman so quick. Either ways, when I got a call a week after, she started administering the medicine, I was informed that her vomiting had completely stopped and to everyone's surprise, she had started eating again.That was the most overwhelming moment to me. To a guy who just liked to smoke up every now and then, using this plant to cure someone's deadly disease was one of those moment that I'd always thrive for, again. It was a new wave of energy that I had never experienced before. And I knew the medicine was working, as Leelahad been vomiting severely for over 8 months and she hadn't eaten anything for nearly a month as every bite of food had to be vomited because the cancer had blocked the region after her stomach.Her doctors knew nothing about it back then, because, Leela's husband was sent away saying that she couldn't be cured by their medicine.

• AS: There are some doctors, who do not believe in such kind of treatment. But, why not?

• VV: I don't know. Maybe it has a very strong thing to do with Cognitive-Dissonance. For years, they read their textbooks and worship the impossible creations of their pharmaceutical companies. And once in while, when alternative medicines work (which are the natural treatments known to man), their brain fails to accept the truth.But I'd like to say that not all doctors are the same and some of them genuinely care about healing. I recently got a call from an oncologist who had given up on allopathic treatments after seeing failed results for over 8 years and was always in search of something that works effectively to cure cancer.He happened to read my post and showed me a lot of appreciation for trying this out and wanted to help design a better research study so that we can change the law by producing these results to the Supreme Court.





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