benifits of okra vegetables by allah dad khan

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Benefits of Okra Vegetables By Allah Dad khan
  2. 2. What is Okra? This therapeutic vegetable is developed all through the tropical and warm mild districts around the globe for its stringy fruits or ponds. The Okra can be consumed as a vegetable. Ladys finger i.e. Okra is fitting in with the Malvaceae (mallows) family and is named deductively as Abelmoschus esculentus
  3. 3. Nutritional contents of Okra per 100gm of okra Fiber 2.5 grams. 10% of RDA (recommended daily value) Vitamin C 16.3 milligrams. 27% RDA. Folate 46 micrograms. 11% RDA. Vitamin A 283 international units. 6% RDA. Vitamin K 40 micrograms. 50% RDA. The vitamin K found in okra is known as vitamin K1, one of two beneficial forms. The other beneficial form is K2; K3 is synthetic and should be avoided. Niacin (Vitamin B3) 0.9 mg. 4% RDA. Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0.1 mg. 9% RDA. Vitamin B6 0.2 mg. 9% RDA. Magnesium 36 mg. 9% RDA. Manganese - 0.3 mg. 15% RDA. Beta carotene 225 mcg. Lutein, Zeaxanthin 516 mcg.
  4. 4. Anemia Reducers : with the help of vitamin K, folate and iron the okra will help your fight against anemia. Hemoglobin forms, the blood coagulates, and the production of red blood cells is increased.
  5. 5. Asthma treatment : The Vitamin C content in okra works as a treatment for inflammations and asthma. It is said that it may help reduce the wheezing symptoms in children and in susceptible adults. In fact, it is known as one of the most common natural home remedies for asthma.
  6. 6. Blood network: Okra serves in helping the structure of blood vessels (consuming a lot of flavonoid and vitamin C-rich leafy foods).
  7. 7. Blood Pressure and Heart Health: Okra is a good source of both vitamins and minerals, including potassium, which is an essential aspect of human health. Potassium is necessary to maintain proper fluid balance in the body, because it balances sodium. Furthermore, potassium helps to relax the blood vessels and arteries, which therefore reduces blood pressure and lessens the strain on the cardiovascular system. This means that clotting and atherosclerosis will be greatly reduced.
  8. 8. Cholesterol reducers : it lowers the cholesterol levels because its rich on soluble fiber Pectin. The Pectin lowers the bad cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis.
  9. 9. Colon cancer: the fibers in the okra reduce the risk for colon and rectal cancer. They clean our intestines tract, while the antioxidants eliminate the free radicals.
  10. 10. Constipation: the fibers in the okra facilitate proper absorption of water, lubricates the large intestines and ensure bowel movements. The works as a natural laxative.
  11. 11. Diabetes: Okra aides in diminishing the glucose levels. The kind of fiber found in Okra i.e. Eugenol, aides in settling glucose by controlling the rate at which sugar is ingested from the intestinal tract.
  12. 12. Fetal advancement: Okra is helping not only in imagining additionally in hatchlings mind health, aversion of unnatural birth cycles, development of the fetal neural tube, and keeping any imperfections in the tube
  13. 13. Detoxifies and Cleanses Your Digestive System There are two things in okra that make it a natural detoxifier. Its high soluble fiber content helps ease the digestive system and prevents any type of irregular bowel movement. It helps in the absorption of water and protects you from constipation, gassiness and bloating. It also aids in improving the population of beneficial bacteria in your tummy.
  14. 14. Excellent Bone Builder The folate and other B Vitamins in okra build strong bones and density, which helps prevent osteoporosis. Its high levels of Vitamin K, which is a co-factor for blood clotting enzymes, is needed for strengthening the bones.
  15. 15. Fibers Rich Source: rich in fibers, which improves digestion and heals the bowels. It helps us easily dispose of toxins in the intestines.
  16. 16. Genital disorders: eat okra if you want increased sexual potency. The okra can also treat disorders like gonorrhea, leucorrhoea, syphilis and dysuria and prevents excessive menstrual bleeding
  17. 17. Hair neuterlizer: brings your hair to life; it acts as hair conditioner, it moisturizes your scalp while preventing dandruff. Your hair will look shiny and fresh.
  18. 18. Helps with Kidney Disease One study published in the October 2005Jilin Medical Journal found that regular consumption of okra can help prevent kidney disease. In the study, those who ate okra daily reduced clinical signs of kidney damage more than those that simply ate a diabetic diet. This also ties in with diabetes, as nearly 50% of kidney disease cases are caused by diabetes.
  19. 19. Immune system : The various antioxidant components of okra make it very beneficial to fight off free radicals, but the high vitamin C content also means that the general immune system is boosted. Vitamin C can stimulate the immune system to create more white blood cells, which can combat the other foreign pathogens and materials in the body that can compromise the immune system.
  20. 20. Improves mental function Folate or Vitamin B9 is another critical nutrient present in ladys finger. This nutrient is required by your brain to function properly as it aids in the production of several important compounds.
  21. 21. Okra Promotes a Healthy Pregnancy An extremely important B vitamin for producing and maintaining new cells, folate is an essential compound for optimal pregnancy. The vitamin helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida and helps the baby to grow sufficiently. Vitamin C is also essential for fetal development. Okra is rich in both folate and vitamin C.
  22. 22. Prevents Obesity: the Okras fiber helps in keeping you full, and the copious supplements sustain you. This therapeutic vegetable gives us least calories.
  23. 23. Promotes Healthy Skin - Vitamin C helps keep the skin looking young and vibrant. The vitamin aids in the growth and repair of bodily tissues, which affects collagen formation and skin pigmentation, and helps to rejuvenate damaged skin. Okra is full of vitamin C. Topical tip: Boil a handful of okra until soft. After letting it cool, mash it, and apply it to your face. After 5 minutes, your skin should feel smooth and rejuvenated.
  24. 24. Probiotics feed : The great microscopic organisms (probiotics) in the guts, blossom with Okra acting extraordinarily to the soundness of the intestinal tract. It helps biosynthesis of Vitamin B intricate, like how yogurt serves the small digestive tract.
  25. 25. Relieves Constipation: the mucilaginous and rich fiber content in Okra cases helps enhance stool mass, binds poisons, guarantees simple solid discharges, encourages fitting assimilation of water, greases up the substantial intestines with its common purgative properties.
  26. 26. Respiratory soother : for treating bronchitis and pneumonia you ought to utilize a decoction of leaves and blooms of Okra. Its adhesive (disgusting, gluey) quality makes it an astounding home solution for treatment of common cold and influenza.
  27. 27. Rich Protein Source: The superb wellspring of top notch vegetable protein and oils, cystine, advanced with amino acids like tryptophan, and other sulfur amino acids content in the seeds of Okra.
  28. 28. Skin Detoxifier: it cleans our skin from wastes and repairs our tissue. It prevents skin pigmentation, reduces acne, and prevents psoriasis and other conditions.
  29. 29. Stimulates Nerve Function It is also high in potassium that helps maintain balance of fluids required in effective nerve functioning. It helps in improving metabolism and proper transferring of nerve impulses.
  30. 30. Sun strokes: if you suffer from sun strokes you can eat okra to relieve weakness and exhaustion from the heat
  31. 31. Supports Colon Health Okra is full of dietary fiber, which is essential for colon health and digestive health as a whole. The fiber Okra provides helps to clean out the gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency. Additionally, the vitamin A contributes to healthy mucous membranes, helping the digestive tract to operate appropriately.
  32. 32. Treat diarrhea Okra juice used to treat diarrhea with fever and related abdominal pains
  33. 33. Treats Genital Disorders: Okra treats genital issue like syphilis, extreme menstrual bleeding, leucorrhoea, dysuria, gonorrhea and increments sexual potency
  34. 34. Treat urinary problems Decoction of okra leaves, fruits and leaves are used to treat urinary problems, such as painful urination and other genitourinary problems including gonorrhea and syphilis.
  35. 35. Ulcers reducers : it neutralize acids and speeds up the healing of peptic ulcers by providing a temporary protective coating for the digestive tract.
  36. 36. Vision Booster: Okra contains a very high content of vitamin A, as well as antioxidant components like beta carotenes, xanthenes, and lutein. Antioxidants are powerful compounds that destroy or neutralize free radicals, which are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. Free radicals are responsible for the degradation of the cells in the body, including those responsible for vision. With high levels of okra in your diet, you will have more protection for your sight, including macular degeneration and cataracts.
  37. 37. Weight management Okra helps in weight management and it's good for people on a weight loss or fitness journey. This is because 100g of raw okra pods contains 30 calories and also has lots of dietary fibers that gives you a feeling of fullness.

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