berlin 1945…the red noose tightens around berlin · 2010-05-16 · berlin 1945…the red noose...

Post on 25-Apr-2020






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Berlin 1945…the Red Noose tightens around Berlin

What shall we do?? Is it all lost!?!?

Mein Fuehrer, we can continue the fight – but not from here.

The Fuehrer makes a desperate escape attempt into the streets of a Berlin in chaos. Can he make it to the helicopter before the Red Noose closes?!

The view from near Parisier Platz

The ruins of the Chancellery

Brandenberger Gate

The view from Tiergarten Park

The Russian scout patrol is first to close on the Chancellery

Soviet armor moves out from across the Tiergarten

Hitler’s escape party dashes for the LZ

Urrah! Onwards!! Take the Chancellery!

SS take up positions to block the Russian advance

Soviet armor and infantry on the move

Accurate fire from the plucky Nachtjagers pins the Soviet push…

…while the plucky Volksturm meet a hungry lion from the Berlin Zoo!

Achtung, gibt's ein Löwe! Fall Back!!!

Another Big Cat stalks the night. The last King Tiger rumbles into position…

…and greets the Russians with a roar!

The Soviet center stalls in fear of King Tigers and Nachtjagers

The King Tiger owns Parisier Platz!

Panther on the move, another cat comes calling

Russian armor takes a beating at Parisier Platz

The firefight intensifies as the Escape Party approaches the Platz on foot

Soviets work their way through the gardens to flank the German defenders…

…and push hard up Wilhem Strasseto close on the Escape Party

The Fa223 Drache approaches the LZ

SS Charlemagne hold up the Soviet push up Wilhem Strasse

Fierce fighting roils across Parisier Platz as the Escape Party makes it to the LZ

Hitler makes to the helicopter, flown by Hanna Reitsch

Nightmare --Der Krieg ist nicht vorbei!

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