bernie nc garcia - revelations 5:8

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These are the quotes from Bro. William Branham's messages that Bro. Bernie Jr. used during his message "Revelations 5:8" preached on June 14, 2009 (Part1) and August 2, 2009 (Part 2).


Revelation 5:8 Prepared by Bro. Bernie NC Garcia Jr 1

June 14, 2008 Sermon

THE.CRUELTY.OF.SIN.AND.THE.PENALTY.THAT.IT.COST.TO.RID.SIN.FROM.OUR.LIVES_ JEFF.IN V-25 N-4 FRIDAY_ 53-0403 60 Now, when this man, then, when He put him in his senses, his five senses... And then, the man, he was lonesome, so He made him a wife, a helpmate, taken from his side a rib and made a woman. A beautiful type there, all in type, of God taking from the side of Christ, the Bride. See? God opened up Adam's side, taken a rib; which, a man has one less rib than a woman in the structure of the--the body. And now God opened up the side of Christ, in the--at Calvary, and taken out the Bride. The Church comes through the Blood of Christ into the Body of Christ. See? That's how--how we come in, and through no other way. No matter how church you belong to, how good a man you are, how good a woman you are; you must accept God's all-sufficient Sacrifice, His provided way, or you're lost. That's right. That's the only way that you can come in, is through there. Now, there's only one way, and that's the Door. THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS_ EVANSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 53-1122 E-21 Now, first we want to get the background of it and find out... And I want you to--to pray with me now, and give me your undivided attention just for a few moments. I believe in the resurrection. I believe in a bodily physical resurrection. I believe in the physical bodily return of Jesus Christ. I believe that His Church is His representative on the earth now. I believe that the Church is washed with the Blood of Jesus Christ. And the Church is a Holy Ghost filled Church, preaches holiness to the very extremes. Don't you think so? I think of in the Bible when there was a sin offering, they taken two turtledoves, or a cleansing for leprosy... Leprosy in the Bible was a type of sin. They used to take two doves, and one of them, they took and pulled its head off, and turned it up like this and bled the blood... let the blood come on the other live mate, take it to the window and turn the dove loose, the live one, and is--as it fluttered its little wings, why, the blood fell down to the ground off of its dead mate, and that blood hitting and splattering on the ground from the dead mate, cried to the Lord, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS_ EVANSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 53-1122 E-22 How perfect that is of the Church. How that Jesus Christ, when God came down and was manifested in flesh, took upon Himself the form of sinful flesh, was killed and crucified at Calvary, and the Blood of the dead mate is put upon the Church, the living Bride, and She goes across with her wings a flapping and the Blood of Jesus Christ crying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty," a perfect cleansing for leprosy. Leprosy, there was no cure for leprosy. They haven't found it yet. Only God can cure leprosy. They haven't found even nothing for it, to help it. But it's a type of sin. It sets in so gradual; it's painless. Just moves right in; you don't know it until you're dying. Big white warts come out all over you, limbs drop off and everything, eat you right into the... Just--just eats you up, leprosy. Jesus was the only One Who could heal this leprosy. He's the only One today Who can heal this leprosy. THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS_ EVANSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 53-1122 E-23 But now, in the beginning of Jesus' ministry, He's such a great Person, there never was no one ever on the earth like Him, and there never will be anyone like Him. He was--He was the only begotten Son of Almighty God. We are sons by adoption, through Him. But He is God's only begotten Son. Adam was God's son. Do you believe that? He was God's creative son. But this is His begotten Son. God begotten His Son. It's just like the blood. The bloodstream comes from the male sex; we know that. The mother is just the incubator for the child. And the mother's blood has nothing to do with the child at all. Although it's born in the blood of the mother, but it has nothing to do with it. It hasn't got one drop of the mother's blood

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in it; it's the blood of the father. And the life lays in the blood. THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS_ EVANSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 53-1122 E-24 Here, many of you people round here, you--you're farmers, perhaps you go out on the farm to get your poultry and stuff. Look at a hen. A hen can lay the egg. And she don't necessarily be with the male to lay the egg. And it's a--it's a egg just the same, everything just like. But it'll never hatch. It'll just lay right there, and it'll rot. You can set that egg, but if it isn't fertile, if she hasn't been with the male bird, it'll--it'll never hatch, it's no good. For it hasn't got the blood in it. The blood come from the male. Well, that's... No matter, if the old hen can set there on that egg until she got so poor she couldn't get off the nest. Well, the egg won't hatch; it'll rot. THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS_ EVANSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 53-1122 E-25 I've often made this expression, that's just about like the church today. And every form of godliness we have, go to church, pay your tithes, good church member and everything like that, but brother, they'll never be able to get anywhere, you'll just have a nest full of rotten eggs until they get in contact with the Mate, Jesus Christ, and be borned again. That's right. The old church can hover it, till she gets so poor she can't off (That's right.), and don't know nothing else but churchism. But I tell you brother, until a man's borned again, it won't do any good, and he can't be born again until Life comes into him. That's right. Now, looky how God planned that. Now, God is the male part of--that brought Jesus Christ here. Now, God's a Spirit, so there couldn't be any sex. There couldn't be any sexual desire. Because if it was, then Jesus wasn't born a virgin birth. So God is a Spirit, and He overshadowed this Mary and created in her the Blood cell that brought forth the Son of God. And it's through His holy Blood that we have access to life. And our sexual blood is dismissed, and we have the Blood of Jesus Christ that stands for an atonement, making an atonement for our sins. How beautiful the picture. You believe that? You have to be if you're saved. You can't accept nothing else and be saved. Only He was the virgin born Son of God. God Almighty just overshadowed the woman; she knowed nothing about a man. And so He just overshadowed her and created in her, this cell. THE.SEVEN.CHURCH.AGES_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-2 WEDNESDAY_ 54-0512 204 Now, that's the Bible. That's what the Spirit said. See? The candlesticks... All right. Now, the 13th verse. And in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks one like the Son of man... What? One like Him. Who was this? His Bride. One like Him, watch how it was. ... clothed with a garment down to the foot... The holiness of Jesus Christ covering Her. Has washed us from our sins, with His Own Blood. All right. ... girded about the paps... (not a man; a woman)... with a golden girdle... (The Gospel that held the power and glory of God over the Body of Christ.) Oh, what a beautiful picture we got here under consideration. Looky here. ... down to the foot, and a gird about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hair was white as wool... white as snow... (Righteousness, holiness, white speaks of...); and his eyes like flames of fire; (Looks right through us.) Don't try to hide from Him. He knows who you are, where you are, and what you done. Yes, sir. He sees everything. Oh, God... We got just a few minutes left, to get to this other church age, if we can. Notice. And his feet were like fine brass...

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June 14, 2008 Sermon

FELLOWSHIP_ MINNEAPOLIS.MN SUNDAY_ 56-0212 E-46 Some time ago John Sproule, a friend of mine was at Alsace Lorraine, France, and they was taking him out through a garden, he and his wife, and was showing them the statues and so forth; and there was a statue of Christ. John stood and looked at it, and he said, "Brother Branham, I looked, and it just didn't look right. I didn't see why they put a statue like that as a shrine to Christ." He said, "There was no suffering, no pity, just an old piece of rock, looked like hanging there, hewed out on the cross," and said, "The guide said to me, 'Kind, sir,' said, 'you'll perhaps criticizing the statue.'" He said, "Yes, I am." He said, "You're just not looking at it right." He said, "You see, there's an altar down below it." He said, "Now, you go and kneel down at that altar, and then you look up, and then come back and tell me what you think." FELLOWSHIP_ MINNEAPOLIS.MN SUNDAY_ 56-0212 E-47 So he went down and knelt, he said, at the altar, raised his head up and said his heart almost failed. There was the suffering. There was the--the agony of Christ. The sculptor had cut out into the face of the cruel suffering that He did, and it made a difference. It turned the critic into tears. That's the way it is with God's Word. God's Word is not supposed to be learned like a newspaper story. It's not supposed to be tried to figure out. It's to get down, look up to it, saying, "God, be merciful to me and give me faith to believe Your Word. I accept now the Blood of the Lord Jesus for my sins." Then it'll look a lot different. It'll make critics believe in Divine healing. It'll make those without the Holy Spirit, never been borned again, knows nothing about God or the new birth, become a seeker of the Holy Ghost and not to be an argue. It'll put a love in his heart when he looks through the Blood of Christ to the Word to say, "Yes, God. You died to make that Word real to me." It'll change your whole attitude. It'll make you a different person. FELLOWSHIP_ MINNEAPOLIS.MN SUNDAY_ 56-0212 E-48 Notice what a time. Now, the worshipper then come inside. He was in that blessed fellowship of the believers. And now today when the worshipper comes through the Blood of the Lord Jesus and comes into the tabernacle or the tent of the believers, with the firstborn of the Church, the Holy Ghost Bride, then you have fellowship one with another, for the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. I've thought many times back in the Old Testament in my first study back in school, I'd think of how I love the Old Testament, for It's a type of the New, and the worshipper coming, knowing that he was guilty, and he must die because he trespassed against God, he'd broken His laws, and he come with a lamb under his arm. And he brought the lamb up to the priest, and he laid the lamb down, put his hands upon the--the lamb and confessed his sin, and his throat was lanced. FELLOWSHIP_ MINNEAPOLIS.MN SUNDAY_ 56-0212 E-49 Did you ever hear a lamb die? It's the most pitiful thing you ever heard. Even a poor little lamb... When they go to kill it and he sees even the instruments they're going to kill with it, he starts crying and begging. Here some time ago I watched them. They was going to chop a, lamb's head off--a butcher--to kill it, when that poor little lamb saw that axe coming, he just started crying and going on. I--I couldn't stay there. And I watched the... poke the little lamb and in there the lance knife go under his throat, and when it's a dying and kicking, his hands are bathed with the blood, and he looks up to Jehovah and says, "Jehovah, that should be me, but the lamb's taking my place." But that man went back out with the same desire in his heart to sin that he ever had, because the life

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that was in the blood of the lamb was an animal life, and the animal life, animal spirit couldn't come back and blend with the human spirit for one is an animal and the other is a human. FELLOWSHIP_ MINNEAPOLIS.MN SUNDAY_ 56-0212 E-50 But when Jesus died at Calvary, and the worshipper ever comes to Calvary, by faith lays his hands upon the head of the Son of God, when he's confessing his wrong, and he feels the tear and the agony of Calvary that really paid his price, the debt that he should pay, he feels that in his own soul. And the life that was in the Blood cell of Jesus Christ was none other than God Himself, and when that Holy Spirit that was in Christ's Blood comes back on him and makes him a new creature in Christ Jesus. Therefore the man's spirit's blended out, and God comes in and takes over. Then they got fellowship one with another, and the very God that created the heavens and earth that wrote His Word dwells in you, and you'll believe that everything God wrote is the Truth, and you'll accept it and believe it and hold on to it, and you'll have fellowship. THE.LAW.HAVING.A.SHADOW_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ 56-0621 E-42 And when you lay your hands by faith upon God's accepted and provided Sacrifice, which was absolutely perfect... There's the body of Christ. And out of Adam's side come a rib that made his bride. And out of the side of Christ came the Blood, water, Spirit for His Bride. And how do we get into that body? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body." And Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." They're like Abraham; they call things which were not as though they were, because they are dead to the things of the world and alive again in Christ Jesus by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen. THE.MARK.OF.THE.BEAST_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 56-0715 E-48 Now, listen closely before closing. "How can I escape it, brother?" Neither male or female is accepted or dispelled. You're all one in the sight of God when it comes to this. How do you do it? Your heart is a womb. You know what I'm speaking of women and men? Your heart is a womb. And the womb holds the seed. And the seed is the Gospel. Now, the seed alone in its heart... No matter how many Gamaliels you set under, no matter how great your pastor is, and how much you've read the Bible, it'll never take life until the germ of life has come to it. A woman's seed is a wonderful thing. It's the building of a body, but it has no life. It can't; it's impossible. It has no life to begin with. So no matter how much you know the Bible, and how well it is in your heart, you're still a sinner. Now, what happens? The heart is a womb. And faith cometh by a open ear that's not been sealed by theology. Faith cometh by hearing. To hear... The Word comes into the mind. You make up your mind about it: "Is that right? Could that be right? Well, the Bible said so. I believe it." Whew. Down into the heart it goes. Then it's a womb. Then the male sex... We are the Bride, the woman. The Seed goes into the Church. Then the male sex, which is the Blood cell... The Blood of Christ is applied. And in the Blood comes a germ of Life that goes into the Seed and brings forth a newborn baby, crying, "Abba Father, abba Father, my God, my God, why did I ever do those things? My God, my God." There you are. THE.MARK.OF.THE.BEAST_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 56-0715 E-49 The little womb here in your heart, with the seed this morning falling into it... Won't you open your eye? Won't you let it fall? Not from your mind, down into the womb of your heart. Men and women alike, there's neither male or female in this now; both of you has got a heart. Let it fall down here and say, "Well, sure, that's the truth." Look. The Bible said don't act like the heathen, the

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unbelievers. Don't yoke yourself with them. Come out from among them. Don't be a this way. If you love the world or the things of the world, the fashions... That word came from the Greek word "Kosmos," which means "the fashions of the world." If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in you yet. You've never been born. Then let the Male, Christ Jesus, our Lover, with His Seed in your heart... He comes to His Seed to make it alive. The word... The letter killeth; the Spirit giveth Life. The letter alone kills. But when the Holy Spirit comes down through the cleansing Blood into this womb, a germ takes on. THE.MARK.OF.THE.BEAST_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 56-0715 E-50 What is it by a mother? The little egg lays there. The little seed lays there waiting for the male. And as soon as the male germ comes... The male germ rushes quick. And what is it? A blood cell. It opens itself. Oh, God, can you hear--understand what I mean? God, let it... It opens itself, and around this forms a little pocket of blood. On the inside of this puts this little egg to life, and in there begins to come forth. In there brings life. We are conceived by the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of God comes into our hearts, brings a new Person Christ Jesus; old things die. And if you reject to hear it and just keep... "Well, my preacher said this, that, or the other." And you refuse to have life, you become sterile. Then you come to a place where you can't have no more children. You're sterile. You're in reproach. You can't have children. And if you grieve the Spirit of God too many times, you are sealed. You don't hear It no more. First time you hear it, oh, my, you let your hair grow out. You act like ladies. You didn't wear these things. You act like a lady; you act like a man. You kept your house in order; you done those things. But then all at once It begin to move around. What was it? You never let the life come in and go to work. You died prematurely. That's right. A.TIME.OF.DECISION_ LA.CA SATURDAY_ 59-0418 E-39 Now, just in closing, I'd like to say this. On our little subject tonight, the decision... Eliezer... Did you notice, when he come... Now, Isaac was a type of Christ. Through Isaac come Christ. And then, Rebekah was a type of the Church. Did you notice the--the Bride... And Eliezer found Rebekah in the evening time. The sign was performed in the evening time. That's the time we're living in. I trust that you get this. It was in the evening time when Rebekah came out led by the Spirit. Do you believe that? How otherwise would she have come? There might have been many before her. But she was led by the Spirit in the evening time. And Eliezer, the messenger, the minister, the true servant to his master, was led in the evening time. And the true servant had left his creeds and things behind him and made up his mind that he was going to trust God in the evening time. A.TIME.OF.DECISION_ LA.CA SATURDAY_ 59-0418 E-40 Wonder why that Rebekah came before any of the other girls. Did you know that Rebekah and Isaac was blood relation? Cousins. And the Bride of Jesus Christ is blood relation to Him: a Blood bought Bride. No wonder she was led by the Spirit. There was a connection coming together. There was a union coming together. That's the reason I think today that the borned again, the--the Holy Ghost filled people is connected with God and are led by the Spirit of God. That's why they act so peculiar to the people. They've made their decisions. They're going to go on out; regardless if the rest of them don't go out, they're going anyhow. I like that. Don't care if this one walks or that one walks, I'm going to walk anyhow. I don't care whether this one... of what they say, I don't... They call me anything they want to, I'm going anyhow. Why? The Life is in the Blood. And the Life is in the Church, the Christian that's borned again by the Spirit of God. That's

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the Spirit of Life, Blood relation to Christ. The Spirit of Christ in the Blood of Christ leading a child of Christ, the seed of Abraham. That's why they move peculiarly. That's why the world thinks so strange of them. A.TIME.OF.DECISION_ LA.CA SATURDAY_ 59-0418 E-41 And remember, Rebekah, hardly knowing what she was doing, yet she watered the same animal, the camel, that was to take her to her bridegroom, to her husband, her lover. And always a beast of burden in the Bible represents a power. Like the beast come up out of the sea in Revelations, it was a power that raised up among the people. And this beast was being watered. Rebekah watering the same beast that she rode on, that taken her away from her place here to her new home, is a type of the Church today, watering and blessing the same Holy Spirit that's going to lift It up and take It to Its new home. The Church that's praising and blessing and watering with thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost Who has brought the Word to you... The camel packed the messenger, Eliezer, the true messenger who looked for a sign to the woman that he was going to take. It was God's choice, because he was going to watch for the supernatural. THE.TIME.OF.DECISION_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ 59-0611 E-29 So why did Rebekah make that sudden move? Why did she go to the Waters of Life so quickly? Why could the Angel speak to her? Because she was a blood relation to Isaac. And that's who the Angel can speak to tonight is a Blood relation. By the Blood we are borned into the body of Christ. Rebekah was Isaac's own cousin by both fathers, which made them blood relation. And the Bride of Jesus Christ is sanctified through the Blood of Christ, and an open vessel for the Holy Spirit to speak to. No wonder She'll come to the Waters of Life. "He that heareth, let him come to the waters of Life freely." "The Bride said, 'Come.'" "He that's a thirst, let him come." "Blessed are ye when you hunger and thirst for righteousness, for you shall be filled." It's a promise of the Father. THE.MARRIAGE.OF.THE.LAMB_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 62-0121E E-59 But did you ever notice what the real church is supposed to do? In the Old Testament, when they had the--the sacrifice they killed one bird, and put the blood of one upon the other, the dead mate. And it flew across the earth spreading the blood of the dead mate. When the church becomes the real bride of Jesus Christ, she'll carry the Blood of Jesus Christ with her, sprinkling it upon the ground, calling, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." Her atmosphere, her... Every bit of her will be of God. Her whole makeup will be of God. You can't expect nothing else. THE.COUNTDOWN_ SHREVEPORT.LA SUNDAY_ 62-1125E E-60 And now, if He is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities, then if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, how would He act if He was touched? The woman that touched His garment, He physically didn't feel it, 'cause He--the Palestinian garment hangs loose with a underneath garment. And so Peter rebuked Him, said, "Everybody's touching You." He said," Yes, but it was a different touch." Virtue, strength, went from Him. And He looked over His audience till He found the little woman, and He told her she had a blood issue, and her faith had saved her. Now, that's the way the High Priest acted yesterday. And if He's the same High Priest, He'd act the same today. Now, being that He don't have a corporal body on earth but just His Bride, He works through that: man, He's always... It was God in Elijah, God in David, God in Christ, always. See? He's got His Body on

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earth. Now, no matter how much He would anoint me, He's got to anoint you too. Many things Jesus could not do Himself because of their unbelief. We know that. See? They said, "He done this in Capernaum. Let's see Him do it here." And He was astonished, and walked away, and left them (See?), at their unbelief. THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 129-1 {79} And how can a man say that the Bride of Christ goes into the tribulation? I can't understand it. See? She's took away from the tribulation. If--if the Church has been judged, and they have judged themselves, and have accepted the Blood, how can God judge a man that's perfectly, totally sinless? You say, "There's no such a person." Every borned again believer, true believer, is perfectly, absolutely sinless before God. He's not trusting in his works. In the Blood of Jesus that his confession's dropped into... The Bible says so. See? "He that--that is borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin." How can you make a man a sinner when the bleach of the Blood of Jesus Christ is between him and God, that would scatter sin till there'd be nothing left of it. See? How can that pure Blood of Christ ever let a sin pass there? He cannot. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And how could we even start the thought of being perfect, but Jesus required it. And if Jesus required it, He's got to make a way for it; and He has: His own Blood. THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 129-4 {82} Now, all--reveals all the mysteries that's gone on in the past. Now, the thought is here at the end time that the mysteries that begin way back long ago and has come down through the church ages is to be revealed here at the breaking of the Seals here at the last days, after the time of intercession is just about finished at that time. Then the judgments wait for those who are in the back. They go on out into that. That is after the Bride has been taken from the scene. THE.THIRD.SEAL_ JEFF.IN WEDNESDAY_ 63-0320 252-4 {180} All right. They miss Him, the living Word manifested in the flesh by the Word that is promised. The Word promised to do these things. The promise was made, and it'll be like this in the last days. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, watch what happened at Sodom. "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See? Watch what happened then. See? Now, He said it'd be the same thing, and we live in that day where that it could be... I guess I could get six hundred promises of them like that out of the Scripture just referring to it. See? Now... But they rejected. She held to her traditions and substitute instead of the--the... She held to the substitute blood instead of the real Blood. Jesus, the Word said... When He was manifested to her... Because she held to these traditions, Jesus the manifested Word, said to the bride, Hebrew bride, "Because you hold to your traditions, you make the Word of God without any effect to you." It can't be effective. THE.FOURTH.SEAL_ JEFF.IN THURSDAY_ 63-0321 318-5 {285} Now, the battle started in heaven. It'll be finished on earth in the form of Armageddon. Now, let's watch and see it unfold. And maybe we can unfold it if the Lord help us right now to do this now. Watch it unfold. The mysterious rider (Watch what he does now.) opposed, refused to repent and to go back to the original blood Word. The Word became blood and flesh (See?); he refused to go back to It. Is

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antichrist... The true Word Bride is the... He's opposed to the true Word Bride. Takes his own bride (He opposes this true Bride too.), and he takes his own bride and brings her to him in a form of religion called creeds and dogmas. See? And now, seeing the holy Bride, he is against her, but he forms his own bride called antichrist by antichrist teaching, which is contrary to Christ. See how shrewd he is? And now, instead of having a unity of love controlling worship under Blood, he's got a denomination. Instead of having the Word, he took creeds, dogmas, and so forth. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.THE.SEALS_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0324M 494-2 {230} 21. Is the Bride of Christ and the Body of Christ the same? Yes, sir. See? Now, here... Now, see, I don't want to get started on it, 'cause I get a--preach a sermon on it. See? But I won't do that, but I want to show you. When God gave Adam his bride from his side, he said, "She is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone." Is that right? When God give Christ His Bride (the Spirit gave the flesh, the Bride) He was plush--pierced in the side under His heart, and water, Blood, and Spirit came forth; that become flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone. We are the flesh and bones; the Bride will be the flesh and bones of Christ, exactly. They are the... That is His Bride. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 432 Notice, making it known! How, my, there's just so much here, we could just keep on going. Notice, the Tree of Christ's Body in the garden, making... now making His mystery known to this Bride Tree. 433 Watch, redeemed by Christ, the second Adam! You believe He was? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Going back Home, to Eden, with His fallen wife redeemed back Home again. That's Christ, and the Church today, taking His Wife back. See the threefold mystery now? ["Amen."] God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; all together, to bring back the original Adam and Eve again, man and woman, which are one, made out of the same Blood and same Spirit, and everything else. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 434 The Church is the Blood of Christ, by the Spirit, because the--the Life is in the Blood. That's the baptism of the Holy Ghost that baptizes us into His Body, that recognizes only His Body, His flesh, His Word. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.] 435 Denomination won't, never touch that. It's a revelation. She knows it. So did Eve know it, but she fell; but this one knows it, and won't fall. She is ordained! Hallelujah! Whew! She is ordained to not fall. She won't fail. She is predestinated to it. "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin." You ministers know what I'm speaking of, when there's a couple dozen of you sitting here. See? "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin," David. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 599 He proves His resurrection Life then as He a vindicates Himself. She, the Bride, is independent from all others. She's an independent Woman, a great speckled bird that's different from all others. You remember the Bible on that, "The great speckled bird." But, She had His Name, She had His Life. For the... 600 How did they speckle the bird? They were both white, and then they pulled the head off of one bird and drained the blood out upon the other bird. And the other bird was speckled with the red blood, and it flopped its wings like this, and the blood cried, "holy, holy, holy," as it bathed the ground. 601 So Christ, the dead Mate, put His Blood, His Blood from His Life, into us; sprink-... carrying His

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Blood, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord!" It's an odd-looking bird. Sure, it is. But She, the Bride, is--is identified by Him, and She is independent from all others. "Keep thee only unto her as long as you both live. Keep thee only to Him, the Word," no, no adultery, not one sign of denomination, not one sign of creed, no adultery at all. The Word, and Him alone! 602 "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sands," said Eddie Perronet. Uh-huh. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728 603 That's it, Christ, the Word! He was the Word; He is the Word. And the Church becomes the Word, by Him making Her a part of Him, and that's the Word again. Personally identified by Him, His property alone! His property alone! She is redeemed by Him, through Him, for Him, and for Him alone. That's right. Then, what the devil is howling about, that it's being revealed. PERSEVERANT_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-4 FRIDAY_ 63-0802 35 Now look. To those scribes... Can you hear me? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Those scribes, even those apostles, that, their very last sign, was looking for Elias. Let me repeat it. They had the very Elected, the scribes and the apostles, called of the Lord, were looking for the Messiah to come, but Elias to come and forerun His coming. And he come it, and--and did it in such humility, and... till they even didn't recognize him. 36 And may I say this, as my own thought, one of these days... You're looking for a lot to happen, that's happening and you don't know it. You're going to say, "Before the Rapture of the Church..." 37 Now I'm not here preaching doctrine. There is ministers on the platform here, that would disagree probably with This. Most all ministers believe that the Church goes through the Tribulation period, for purification; I can't see it. The Blood of Jesus Christ is our purification; nothing cleaner, see. See? I believe that the church, the denominational church and the sleeping virgin, does go through the Tribulation, but not the Bride. There is a difference between the church and the Bride. The Bride goes in the Rapture. That's where you church of God, of Anderson, all got mixed up there, see, is in that. INVESTMENTS_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-5 SATURDAY_ 63-0803B 86 Now, all your sensations, as we Pentecostal people like to jump and shout. I do. I believe that's right. We like to speak with tongues. I believe that's a gift of God. The devil can impersonate anything that you can produce in that line, but notice, then it shows that something is wrong, the Life of Christ isn't flowing through the church the way it should. The Body, the Bride, it's not going through there like it should, now it finally clogged up somewhere. 87 Notice, when this, your sins are confessed, and your sins are dropped into the bleach of the Blood of the Son of God, it remits sin so much that it's--it's put in the Sea of God's Forgetfulness, and can never even be remembered in His sight anymore. Then what, that, does that make a man? A son of God. God never remembers you to be a sinner. You are a son, you are a daughter, there is no more remembrance of sin at all. God puts it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, the bleach. The Sea of Forgetfulness is Christ's Blood that was shed for you. And therefore, then, you and God, are Father and son, by Jesus Christ's grace; not by anything you done, but by His grace. You are sons and daughters of God, and a partaker of His blessings and of His power and of His Life. His Life is in you, for you are a son of God. Oh, if the church could, we would only to represent that! INVESTMENTS_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-5 SATURDAY_ 63-0803B 88 No wonder Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then ask what you will." See? "The works that I do," John 14:12, "he that believeth, confessed and believeth on Me, see, the works that I do shall he do also." Because, God is in the--the believer just like He was in Christ. Not in the

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fulness He was in Christ, but He is in you just like He was, because you are a son of God through Jesus Christ. DESPERATIONS_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0901E 21 And the devil can impersonate any of those things, but he cannot be the Holy Ghost. See? He can impersonate these gifts, but he can't be the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Token that the Blood has been applied, because It follows the Blood all the way from the Book of Redemption. See it? That was the purpose of Him coming. That's what He followed in every age. Every age He has followed that, to see that It's brought forth, and they could not be made perfect without us. And now the entire Holy Spirit visits the Church, making God in human flesh; as He did before Sodom, the burning there, which was a type. Then, Abraham, He appeared to him. 22 And all the things that He hasn't done down through the ages, in the church ages, He is now doing. Back to the Word, because the messages and the messages and the messages has to wind up in the entire Word. And in the last days, the Seven Seals being opened, was to pick up every straggle that's been left off in it, and make the whole thing in one great big body of the Bride, that them who lived back there was not perfect until this Church be perfected, this Bride group in the last days, to bring them in, and all together be taken up. See? THE.SIGN.OF.THIS.TIME_ NY.NY V-18 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1113 115 Notice like this. When a baby is born, there is three things that constitutes its birth. The first thing in normal birth... You adults listen close now; the young children will never catch it. But, let's see, the first thing in a normal birth is water, then blood, then life. See? 116 Now that's the same thing that constitutes the new birth; water, Blood, Spirit. The elements that came from His body is what makes His Body. See? It come from His body, is the material that takes to--to make His Bride. Because, Adam had his bride taken from his body. Christ has His Bride taken from the body. And when Christ died, there was three elements that came from His body; water, Blood, Spirit; justification through believing, water; sanctification through the Blood; the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 117 Now this last great step must come into the perfection, that the Holy Spirit has to live in that Church so perfectly, it'll make the Head and the Body unite together. See? See? That's the Body. He is the Head in the Body. Now we find that He promised, in these last days, that that would be done. We find it. JEHOVAH.JIREH.1_ LOUISVILLE.MS THURSDAY_ 64-0402 111 But the spiritual, Royal Seed of God that believes, the Royal Seed of Abraham which believes every Word of God, there is a confirmation of a living, resurrected Jesus Christ in them. Amen. Amen. Oh, my! See, the same thing it was, the whole Church much be relation. 112 When it was typed in the natural seed, look, Isaac and Rebekah were first cousins, blood relation, same fathers; see, fathers was brothers, made them blood cousins, the bride and the bridegroom. 113 And in Adam and Eve, it was all Adam, to begin with. God took a rib from his side and made a woman, and He took the feminish spirit out of Adam and put it in a woman. THE.FEAST.OF.THE.TRUMPETS_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-16 SUNDAY_ 64-0719M 183 What has it done? In the "cunningness," as He said, he come in like flatteries. And what has he done? He is bringing the Protestant Ecumenical Council of the World Churches, the spirit of antichrist upon both of them, bringing them to the slaughter, just like they did the other, in the hour to call the Bride. How? Loosed in the ecclesiastical church spirit. Loosed upon what? Not upon the

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denominations; upon the Bride! But here you'll get it, the Bride will not go through that time. The Bible says not. The church will, but not the Bride. Can't you see? Ministers, can't you see that, brethren? 184 You say, "The Church has to go through the persecution, for the--for the perfection of It." The Blood of Jesus Christ perfects the Bride. 185 A man who chooses a wife don't put her through a lot of punishment; he's already found grace, too, with her; she has found grace with him. He--he engages to her. And, if there is anything, he'll keep her from every place to turn her hand. His grace is so great upon them. THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 357 Now watch. Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved Bride, designs in tenderly love for His Bride. 358 Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which, Jesus was a part of the earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God, was designed in the womb of a woman (that right?), which was the earth. All right. And then the Life of God came in, so, "He was the beginning of the creation of God." See? And then that Blood of God, that was there by that germ; when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it's been justified; it's been sanctified; called, and claimed; and now it's to receive its baptism of Fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride. 359 And you are these other parts that's drawed out of this earth. The earth, you're a part of the earth; your body. Your soul is part of God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body is to be redeemed. 360 Now, the soul is redeemed, because it was in sin. So God come down, by a process of justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul. THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 361 And you, being part of the earth, it's redeemed by it. You're in the process now. It's growing on. Your body was justified under Noah's baptism. Amen! And, your flesh, when It dropped upon there. And the earth is to be cleansed by Fire, the place where you'll live, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost; a dwelling Place for Christ and His Bride, the New Jerusalem. THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 362 Watch this City; earth, take up its abode on earth. Now you can plainly see as I said, the... this change, the earth must be changed. It cannot have It like this. The church could not go... Or, the world could not go right on, after the Millennium, without being changed. See? To have such a Place in it, it'll have to be changed. 363 Just like, we must be changed by His holy Fire, to condition and make a place for Him to be contained within us; that is, the Holy Ghost. A.THINKING.MAN'S.FILTER_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-0822E 191 But, Lord, I thought when You spoke to me there in the woods, You know the time in the morning, it just I couldn't get it off my mind. I accepted it as coming from You. So, Father God, I have already spoke it. And I pray, God, that You'll let it be in the way that I thought it to be, that the thinking man, the man if he's got any thinking at all, he'll know he has to stand in the Presence of God, and he won't take into his soul anything that contaminates or is contrary to the Word of God. 192 And, Father, we realize that, as I compared it with these organizations of today; not to be different, Lord. You will judge me, someday, from my heart. And I pray, God, that You'll see that it

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wasn't to be different, but it was to be honest, to try to be sincere, realizing I hold the purchase of Your Blood, from coast to coast, right now, in my hand. And many of them has believed the Report. 193 And, God of Heaven, may there not be one of them lost. I claim them, every one, and hold before them the Filter from sin, the Waters of separation, the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Grant it, Lord. And may the Holy Spirit pour through every promise, into our souls. And may we be living representatives of the Bride of Jesus Christ, in the time of the eyes, of the seeing in the evening Light, for we present it to You in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 262 He, the Bridegroom, took away your shame, "And put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, by the washing of the Water of the Word and the Blood of Life." That's what the Bible said. Your first husband that you were married to, the world; the anointed Bridegroom, which foreordained you, has washed you by the washing of the Water. By "the church"? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] That don't sound right. Does it? ["No."] You might find that in the almanac, but not in God's Bible. "By the washing of the Water by the Word." In the Word! See? By the... 263 You are standing completely justified, as though you never did it at the beginning. This is my Message to the Church now. As you... as we go off the air, just in a minute. You are standing, if you're standing on God's Word and with God's Word, every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing? I'm trying to tell you, pull away from them shucks. And get out here in the wheat, where you can get ripe before the Son. I hear the coming of the combine. You're standing complete, justified, like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah! 264 Talk about a thanksgiving! I feel real good. I'm more thankful for that than anything I know of. 265 You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living God. Every man and woman that's born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though you never sinned at the first place. You are perfect. The Blood of Jesus Christ! How can you... If a man... THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 266 If I was supposed to die in the morning, a man took my place, I cannot die for that sin. Somebody took my place. 267 And Jesus, the Word, took my place. He become me, that a sinner, that I might become Him, the Word. Amen. Let me hold true to It, not the church. The Word! Amen. 268 Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it's happening, day by day. Why, it's cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn't even keep up with it. We're near the Coming of Jesus, to be united with His Church, where the Word becomes the Word. Call of the Holy Spirit, searching the hearts! THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 269 You're standing, completely. You never sinned at the first place. God don't even know. It's in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God. You're standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it's dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God. 270 You're the virtuous Bride of Christ, washed in the Blood of Christ. Precious, virtuous, sinless Son of God standing with a pure, unadulterated Bride-Word that He washed by the Water of His Own Blood; that become flesh and manifested, that He might take you which were predestinated in the bosom of the Father, before the beginning, the same as He was. He was that great attribute of God,

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called "love." THE.RAPTURE_ YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 SATURDAY_ 65-1204 158 And there, when I was watching, one day, when I started preach these Seven Church Ages. And I called Jack Moore, a great theologian. I said, "Jack, Who is this Person standing there? 'There is One like the Son of man standing there, hair as white as wool.'" I said, "He was a young Man, how could He have hair as white as wool?" 159 He said, "Brother Branham, that was His glorified body." That didn't ring the bell. But when I went in the room and started praying, He let me know what it was. See? 160 I've always preached that He was Deity, not just a man. He was God manifested in the flesh: God, the attribute of God, of love; the great attributes that come down, displayed here on earth, of God. Jesus was God's love, which built a body that Jehovah Himself lived in. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. What God was, He manifested through that body. That body had to die, so He could wash the Bride with His--with His--with His Blood. THE.RAPTURE_ YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 SATURDAY_ 65-1204 161 And notice, not only is the Bride washed, forgiven, but She is justified. See? Did you ever try the word justified, to see what it means? Now, for instance, if Brother Green heard that I had been drinking, I been doing bad things, then he found out that I didn't do it. Then he come, say, "I forgive you, Brother Branham." 162 "You forgive me? I never done it. What you forgiving me about?" See? But if I'm guilty, then I can be forgiven; but I'm still not just, because I did it. But the word justified is "though you never done it, at all." Justified! And then the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so from sin, till it's put in the Book of God's forgetfulness. He's the only One can do it. 163 We can't. We can forgive but not forget. I could forgive you, but I always remember you done these evil things. Then, you're not just; you're forgiven. But, in the sight of God, the Bride is justified. She never done it, in the first place. Amen. Standing there, married to the virtuous Son of God; never sinned, in the first place. Why? She was foreordained. She was trapped into this. And now when She heard the Truth and come forth, the Blood cleansed Her. And She stands there, virtuous. See? She, no sin on Her, at all. THE.RAPTURE_ YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 SATURDAY_ 65-1204 164 Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, the shout. And the trumpet... The same One, He, with a loud voice, He screamed out with that shout and a voice, and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, "Lazarus, come forth." See? And the voice wakes up--wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead. 165 And the trumpet, "with the sound of a trumpet." And, when it does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the feast of the trumpets. See? Which, was a pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the sky; and the feast of the trumpets. And, now, a trumpet denounced a calling together, "Come to the Feast." And now that is the--the Lamb's Supper in the sky. Now watch. The assembling together; and the Bride; the feast of the trumpets, the Wedding Supper. We have seen it in types. Now watch just a moment before we close. Notice. We seen it in types. THINGS.THAT.ARE.TO.BE_ RIALTO.CA V-4 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-1205 61 Now, we find, this life holds all kinds of evils, so therefore the life that is to come won't have it. This one has lust, and sickness, death. Because, what is it? It's not the house that He's gone to prepare.

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This is a pesthouse. How many knows what a pesthouse is? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure. Well, that's what you're living in. A pesthouse is where they put all the diseased people. Well, that's just what sin done to us, put us in an earthly pesthouse. Were you... They wouldn't let anyone else come in the pesthouse, because there's all kinds of germs flying around in there, and--and the people will take these germs and--and be sick, themself. And sin brought us into the Devil's pesthouse. THINGS.THAT.ARE.TO.BE_ RIALTO.CA V-4 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-1205 62 Oh, but the other one is called, "My Father's House." "I'll go and prepare a place for you. Take you out of this pesthouse and deliver you into My Father's House." Amen. There you are; take you out of this old earthly pesthouse. He's gone to prepare a place, a perfect place where no evil exists, no sickness exists, no old age exists, no death exists. It's a perfect place calling you to that perfection, and you have to be perfect to get there. The Bible said so. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." It's a perfect Kingdom, so it must be a perfect people come. Because, you have to stand and be married to a perfect Son of God, and you must be a perfect Bride. So how can you do it through anything else but the perfect Word of God, which is, "The Waters of separation, that washes us from our sins"? Amen. That's right. The Blood of Jesus Christ, think of It, the dripping, Bloody Word. Amen. The Blood, the--the Word of God bleeding Blood, to wash the Bride in. Amen. Yes, sir. She stands perfect, virgin, unadulterated. She never sinned, in the first place. Amen. She was trapped into it. See? There's the Father's House that He's gone to prepare. THINGS.THAT.ARE.TO.BE_ RIALTO.CA V-4 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-1205 63 This one come by sex, and from the fall, and must fall with the fall. No matter how much you patch the old thing up, she's going to fall, anyhow. She's done, because she's doomed, because God said so. She is finished. God is going to destroy it. He said so. There'll be a renovation of the whole thing. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] In the beginning, when the world had its birth, when God pulled back the water, first, off the earth, like He did the water from the mother's womb, there was a world born. Yes. And peoples begin to live on it when God put them on there. And then they begin to sin. And it was baptized, by immersing, in the days of Noah. Then it was sanctified by the Blood of the Creator dropping upon it. And now that's the way you come, through justification, to believe God. You were baptized unto repent, or, too, for the remission of your sins. You confessed your sins before God, and He forgave you for it. And you was baptized, to show that you had been, you had been forgiven; confessing to the people, and showing to the world, that you believe that Jesus Christ died for you. And you... He took your place, and now you stand in His place. He become you, that you might become Him. Then the sanctifying power of God cleansed all the habits out of your life. You used to smoke, drink, do things that wasn't right, tell lies, everything. Then the sanctifying power of the Blood of Jesus Christ comes into your life and takes all the things away from you. If you happen to say something's not wrong, quickly say, "Wait a minute. Pardon me. I didn't mean to say it like that." See? The Devil got a trap setting there. But you got grace to come back, if you're a real Christian, say, "I was wrong." Yes. So, therefore, now, the... THINGS.THAT.ARE.TO.BE_ RIALTO.CA V-4 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-1205 64 Now, the next thing you receive, was the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Now, God, when this Millennium is over, God is going to give the world a baptism of fire. It's going to blow the whole thing up. "The heavens and earth will be on fire." Peter said so. And the thing will have a baptism of fire, renovation of the whole thing. And then there'll be a new heavens and a new earth. That's, when, where dwelleth righteousness.

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That's where we are. We have become from mortal beings, from time beings, to Eternal beings. When the Word of God lit our souls, and we become sons and daughters of God, with the attributes, the gene of God in us, to be sons and daughters of the Father, God in Heaven, crying, "Abba, Father! My God, my God, in my Father's House." MODERN.EVENTS.ARE.MADE.CLEAR.BY.PROPHECY_ SBD.CA V-7 N-6 MONDAY_ 65-1206 263 Notice now, they had done to Him just exactly what the prophets said they would do, just as they are doing to this very same day in the Laodicean Age. If you want to look at it, read Revelation 3, "Blind, naked, and don't know it. Turning Christ..." When He begins to reveal Hisself into the seed form again, the same one that went in the ground come back to be the Bride; just the Bride and the Groom, is the same flesh and blood, the same ministry, and the same things, doing just exactly what He done; the Spirit. 264 And here they're impersonating and doing everything else, and each one has got his book and running, and this. Oh, you never heard such sensations! And... [Brother Branham inhales through his nose--Ed.] "I smell a devil now." All this, that, just as unscriptural as it can be! 278-4 SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.7 It is the second resurrection that the "souls under the altar" as set forth in the fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11) are given white robes, and of course eternal life, or there would be no point of white robes. "And when He had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." Now note particularly that none of these under the altar were killed for the testimony to Jesus. They were not like Antipas who was slain for holding fast His Name. These are not born again ones, with eternal life as their possession. They come up in the resurrection and receive life because of their stand on the Word. And notice how these are crying out for vengeance. They cannot be bride material. The bride turns the cheek and cries, "Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do." These are Jews. They have to be because they are in the fifth seal, and it is in the fourth seal that the Gentile bride is gone in the rapture. So these Jews aren't born of His Spirit. They don't even believe that Jesus is the Messiah. But as they were blinded by God for the Gentile's sake, God gave them eternal life on the grounds that though they could not come to Him, yet they were truly faithful to all the Word they knew, and died for it as multitudes died under Hitler, Stalin, etc., and will yet die. 279-1 SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.7 It is the second resurrection wherein the five foolish virgins come up. Notice that they were virgins. They did not have the Holy Spirit so they missed being in the bride, while the five wise who had oil became a part of that bride. But these people, being a separated, God-loving people, and trying to abide in the Word, according to what they knew of it, and being a help in the work of the Lord will come up at the end of time. They will miss the millennium, which you can begin to see by these truths is much more important and wonderful than we have ever thought or believed. Sea of Forgetfulness

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MOSES_ HOUSTON.TX TUESDAY_ 50-0110 E-43 Here a few nights ago saw a woman. People, when they come to the platform, ugly, vulgar things that they've done down in their life. Now, remember friends, those things are told publicly right here before this audience; what you've done in your life, is told right here. So if there's anything upon your heart, and you do not wish to be known, stay out of the prayer line if you don't want it to be known. Unless that you come with a perfect faith, or ask--ask God to forgive you and put it under Blood, in the sea of forgetfulness, and whatever it is. Because I will not be responsible for what is said... what been brought out. Because if it's in your life, it's coming out. EXPECTATION_ FLINT.MI SATURDAY_ 51-0714 E-28 I'm so thankful my name's on her book tonight, wrote by the Blood of Jesus Christ across it, "Pardoned." Oh, my. You'll think I'm a holy-roller after while, sure enough. But brother, when I think of the Blood of Christ that pardoned my book of sin, and throwed it in the sea of forgetfulness, it makes me get happy and rejoicing. I love Him with all my heart. If the old time power of God that's saved me and has kept me through the age. I love Him with all my heart tonight. And I take my stand with Paul of old. "In the way that's called heresy, so worship I the God of our fathers. I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto the salvation to those who believe." Marvelous, He's wonderful. FOR.HIM.WILL.I.ACCEPT_ HAMMOND.IN FRIDAY_ 52-0718 E-44 Now, you come, lady, and stand right around this a way, if you will, so I can talk to you just a moment. Now, do you believe these things that I have said? Do you believe it to be truly sent from God? Do you, with all your heart, you believe that? Well, I--I'm happy that you do, for I can only say... Now, the only thing that I could do, was just be see what was wrong with you. See? Just like, or--or, if it was in the line of sin, I might be able to know that. And if you've confessed it, well, probably I... It's under the Blood then (You see?), and that's done. He, when you confess a sin, He puts it in the sea of forgetfulness, to remember it against you no more. It's just... Did you--you know what this bleach is, that you use for your washing, clorox, ever what it is? Well, you take just one drop of ink, and drop it into that tub of bleach, what would happen to that drop of ink? You couldn't find it, could you? It would just--it would just be bleach. Is that right? DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 220 At Toledo, Ohio, I went into a little restaurant I been eating at a place, a little Dunkard place, lovely little place. They were so nice. That afternoon they'd closed up, to go to Sunday school. And when they did, I had to go across the street to a worldly little old place, and I walked in there. And I know it's illegal to gamble in Ohio. And here stood a State Police with his arm around a girl, his hand hanging here on her bosom, playing a slot machine. The law of our states and nation, all gone: pitiful. I trust on Christ the Solid Rock, I stand, all other grounds is sinking sand: nothing else left. That's right. DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 222 I looked back there, and there was a beautiful young lady, probably in her teens, nineteen, eighteen, nineteen years old. And what they were doing, them boys back there around the table, it was horrible. I set down there. And now to my surprise, setting right here where a lady come over, said, "Will you have a chair?" I said, "Thank you. I wanted breakfast." And setting in a chair, here set an elderly lady, as old as my mother, fifty-five, fifty-eight years old. She had on a little pair of those little ungodly clothes they wear.

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They claim it's cool. Science says, "You're crazy." Certainly, it's not. You just want to show your naked self. It's a shame, a disgrace. A lady won't put them on. A woman will, but a lady won't. DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 225 And then, so then they... There she was, setting there. Her poor flesh was flabby. She had that kind of an orchid-looking manicure, or what you call it, on her lips, and a little bitty haircut like a man, and fuzzed all up; what the Bible said, which was a disgrace. And a woman, that a man... The Bible claims, if a woman cuts her hair, a man's got a right to put her away in divorcement, because she's not honest with him. We have to get down and preach the Bible here some of these days. Said, "If she bobs her hair, she dishonors her husband." If she's dishonorable, she ought to be put away. You can't marry another one, but you can put her away. Whew. Boy, that--that's going hard; I can feel it. But that's the truth. DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 227 Oh, it used to be we had it in the Holy Ghost realms, but we let down the bars. Old brother used to say, "We let down the bars, we let down the bars, we compromised with sin. We let down the bars; the sheep got out, but how did the goats get in?" You let down the bars. That's what was the matter; you let down the bars, the world and the church mixed together. Just like the Moabs and the so forth, and Balaam, and how he married among them, that's just exactly the same thing today. And the church is all polluted, and the Pentecostal age is the Laodicean age, which gets lukewarm, and spurted out of God's mouth. And out of the whole group, God calls His remnant and takes her home (That's exactly right. That's exactly.), through the resurrection. DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 228 And there she was setting there, lip manicure all over her face, and it was all over it like that. And she had this here black stuff over her eyes, and she was sweating; it was running down. And the poor old thing might have had great-grandchildren. And she was setting there with two old men, and one of them with a big old scarf around his neck, and it in June, setting there. And he got up, and was kind of drinking, and she was drinking too, and she was looking around. I thought, "O God. God, why don't You just wipe the thing off of the map? Why don't... Does my little Sharon, my little baby, my little Sarah and my little Rebekah have to be raised up in that generation to come to face such stuff as that?" I thought, "Look out here in these parks and things and what goes on." I thought, "O God. Oh, I'm glad You took Sharon if it was Your will. Does my little Rebekah and little--little Sarah have to be raised up under such stuff as that?" Which, and them people call them--sing in the choir and everything. And I thought, "Isn't that a shame?" I thought, "God, how can Your holy righteousness stand it? Look like that Your righteous indignation would fly out there and--and blow this place up." DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 230 And I heard the Angel of the Lord, said, "Come aside." I walked over there. And when He got through with me, I felt like a different person. "What are you condemning her for?" I said, "Look at that, the way she is." And here's what He... I saw a vision. I saw a world like this, around, another world. But this world here, it had a rainbow around it, and that was the Blood of Christ that protects God's wrath. He couldn't look upon that. He--He'd destroy the thing right now, because He said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." So He'd do it. Then I thought like this. I seen myself. Although I didn't do that, but I was a sinner anyhow. And then the Blood of Jesus Christ acts to us like a bumper. See? That when I sin, my sins hit Him and jarred His

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precious head, and I could see the tears and Blood running down. "Forgive him, Father; he don't know what he's doing." And I'd do something else and hit it. "Forgive him, Father." DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 233 If it ever passed Him, I'd have been destroyed. And if I'd never accept His grace, and the day my soul sails beyond that, I'm already judged. I've rejected. There's nothing left but judgment. Judged, I've already been judged. God said, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." You're judged right at the judgment seat this afternoon, your attitude towards Christ. And then I thought, "Yes, that's right." And I seen one day I crawled up to Him. I seen my old book laying there, a sinner, there laid everything on it. And I seen my sins is what was doing it, and I said, "Lord, will You forgive me?" Took His hand in His side, got some Blood out, wrote it across the top, and said, "Pardoned." Throwed it back in the sea of forgetfulness, to remember it no more. It was gone forever. He said, "I forgive you, but you're condemning her." That changed my idea. I said, "Lord, have mercy." DEMONOLOGY.RELIGIOUS.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 41-78 TUESDAY_ 53-0609A 236 After I come out of it, I walked over and set down. I said, "How do you do, ma'am?" She said, "Oh, hello." And I said, "If you'll pardon me," I said, "I'm Reverend Branham, a minister." She said, "Oh, excuse me, excuse me, Reverend Branham." I said, "Lady..." I was... Told her the story. I said, "I was standing there, and I was condemning you in thinking what a horrible thing. Maybe you've got children." She said, "I have." I said, "What caused the way to go wrong?" She begin to unfold the story to me that would rend the heart of anything. I said, "I--I was asking God why didn't He just rake such off the earth? Here you here with these two drunken men, and you're drunk yourself." And I said, "Someday that Blood that's holding God's wrath off from you, you're going to die one of these days, and then you're... You're a free moral agent now; you can reject or receive." And I said, "But someday your soul's going beyond there, where there's no mercy left. And if you die in your sins you're already judged, and you're going to hell." And you know what? That woman slipped out of that seat there in that restaurant, and we had a prayer meeting like you never heard in your life, and she come to Christ. What was it? Don't condemn them; tell them the Gospel. They're demon possessed; they're mortals in this realm. They're influenced from over here. Our influence comes from above. Let's see what we can do with our talents to win others to Christ. TESTIMONY_ CHICAGO.IL WEDNESDAY_ 53-0902 E-8 And I said, "I was the one who did that. Will You forgive me?" And He took His hand and dipped it in His side and wrote on that old Book "pardoned," throwed It back behind Him in the Sea of Forgetfulness, never to remember it against me no more. That's right. Now, He forgave me and I wanted to condemn her. That changed my attitude. I walked down there to the woman. I said, "How do you do?" There was two men with her, and they were very very bad acting. And so they just stepped out. And I walked down, and said I said, "Would you pardon me?" And she's drinking. And she said, "Yes, sir." I said, "I'd like to talk to you." I said, "I'm a minister." She said, "Yes?" And I said, "I am." I said, "Wonder if I could ask you a question. Why does this, be like this? Are you a mother?"

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She said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Why would you be drinking and things? May I ask if it's not into getting personal with you?" Well, if you'd have heard the woman's story, it was a heart broken story. And she said, "I was once a Christian." Said, "If I'm not mistaken, aren't you Rev. Branham that was down there?" I said, "I am." REDEMPTION.BY.POWER_ LVL.KY V-25 N-7 MONDAY_ 54-0329 178 Then I seen myself. I seen my Lord Jesus standing there with a crown of thorns on His head, and the tears running down, mixed up with Blood, as it washed off of His beard. And I seen my sins coming before Him. And every time they would come before Him like that... []... till He was shaking. The thorns would stick in His brow more. He'd stagger back. He'd say, "Father, forgive him; he don't know what he's doing." And again I would do something, and then His Blood was like the bumper on the car, protecting the car, a shielding me from the wrath of God, undeserving. And I come to Him slowly, knelt down to Him. I said... Looked down there, laying in front of me, and there was an old book of sin, and my name wrote across the top. I said, "Lord, will You forgive me?" "Certainly," He said with loving eyes; reached to His side, got some Blood out, and wrote on it, "Pardoned," and throwed it back in the Sea of Forgetfulness. He said, "Now..." I said, "Thank You, Lord." He said, "Now, I forgive you; and you're condemning her." Oh, that changed the picture for me. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-25 Notice Him now. And when they got to the Red Sea, the Red Sea got in the way of God. Think of that. The Red Sea got in God's way. God was moving on with His children. Do you believe He's with His children today? "A little while and the world won't see Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world." God moving with His children... Now, notice, here's another beautiful picture. We don't get too much into it, but notice, that when Pharaoh's army was just about to overtake Israel, because they had to halt, the sea was before them, an obstacle. But before God could move them through the sea, and move back the sea, the Pillar of Fire went over and stood between Pharaoh and Israel. And what was light to Israel was dark to Pharaoh. You see it? If you won't accept the truth, it'll become darkness, and you'll walk in darkness. "He that sins wilfully, after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin." WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-26 They marched on, Walked in the light, the beautiful light, Come where the dew drops of mercy are bright. (You remember singing the old song?) Shine all around us, by day and by night, Jesus, the Light of the world. Israel was marching on, yet there was a--a sick spell in front of them, or an obstacle of some sort. And Israel marched down to the sea. God caused a mysterious thing to happen. He opened up a little crack yonder in the atmosphere or somewhere, and blew down a hard wind from His nostrils. And it blew it real hard, and it just dried up the sea, and she got scared and moved her walls back, and Israel marched across on dry land. Oh, isn't that marvelous? Now remember, that same God's here tonight. He wasn't back there only; He's forever the same. He is here tonight. And He gives the same kind of a sign for an evidences that He is in the camp. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224

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E-27 Listen. I will get off this--on--just for a minute. Any time, any place, any part of the Bible, where God's message is going, there was signs and wonders following it, always. Never still a ritualistic thing that died when they got without a vision. Pattern it to judges, during the time of judges, nothing happened. Just the very, cold, formal, ritualistic affair. God wasn't in the camp. But as soon as God came in, then signs and wonders begin to take place. Do you see what I mean? Notice. Then God opened up the Red Sea, and Moses and... led Israel across the Red Sea, and the uncircumcised--ritualistic ones that rejected the Light, refused to walk in the Light... God being long-suffering, give them plenty of time to believe it. He give them signs and wonders, and so forth, and they shut up their faces from it. "I don't believe it. I believe it's witch-craft." Get it? And they refused to receive it. They, being uncircumcised in heart and ears... "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word." Receiving the Word brings new Light. And if they strived to cross like the--the Israelites did, the sea gave away and destroyed every one of them. See it? WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-28 Then notice, here is a beautiful thing of every believer that once takes his stand for Christ Jesus. Remember, they come forth... why? Why was God favoring them? Because they was a redeemed people, redeemed by the blood of the lamb. God had brought them into a full assurance, and had redeemed them from death, and was taking them to the promised land. You see it? No wonder God could work with them. They were under the blood. He couldn't see their sins, because it was hid by the blood of the lamb, redeemed, marching forward. None of your business to say, "Well, wait a minute, let me look out what that's going to be, how we going to do this." They didn't even use their own knowledge. They only followed the Spirit. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-29 And every man that's borned again tonight doesn't try to figure out his own... with his own mentality, for it's so weak, it's human, full of corruption. But he seeks after the things of God. Here it is. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." The Indian friend, last evening, he's coming up here... There's a little, lovely, little Spanish woman come up crying, the tears running down her cheek. I never said nothing. I reached over to shake her hand, (she's probably sitting here tonight) and she had a gallstone trouble. I seen a vision break over her. She took a hold of my hand, and she kissed me on the back of the fingers, like that. She looked up like that, just as satisfied. And God's my judge here. I... If she's here now, she knows she's free of gallstones. It was a little, Indian maid walked up there in her humble simplicity, her staring, black eyes looking this way, she kept searching till she caught mine. A little smile tricked across her. She had a breast trouble. She'd stuck a pencil in her breast, years ago, and it'd hurt her breast. She'd had an awful time with it. If she's setting under the sound of my voice, don't you worry, sister. Your faith made you whole; you're going to get well. That's right. Watched them in the simplicity of walking, their faith moving... I thought, "There's no need of telling her about it, 'cause she'll find it out after a while, any how." Just... When God's done it, that settles... You couldn't tell everything, Just going every way. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-30 So I was just thinking of how after they crossed, they was separated people. God required total annihilation from sin. Isn't that a word for a Calvinist to say? But that's right. God requires total annihilation. And how can you do it as a man? You can't. But Christ can for you. And you just abide in Christ. That's all. God can't see the sin at all, 'cause He has to see the Blood first, and He can't see through the Blood. If He's looking through the Blood, He sees you white. Just stay in Christ, that's all.

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Isn't that simple? And we're in our pilgrimage; we're going to have our up-and-downs like they did, our jubilee times, that are up-and-down, but we're on our road. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-31 Now, look at this. After crossing, after they looked back and seen the old taskmasters dead behind them, it caused a little jubilee time. I believe in having those once in a while, don't you? It kindy shakes off all the ashes, you know. I was standing, not long ago, above--up in Chicago, a few weeks ago, when I was watching there on Lake Michigan, the ice froze around everywhere, that great, big, old sea waves coming in like that, dashing and flashing, angry like. It was trying to get in. I thought, "Well, what's that dashing like that for?" And I thought, "Well, you know what? There's no more water in it right now, than it is when it's perfectly calm, only it's just having a revival." That's all. That's right. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-32 When you believe the Lord Jesus, that settles it. Jesus Himself said, "He that heareth My words, believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation, but's already passed from death to Life." Now, we need a revival. I thought, "What does the sea jump like that for?" Well, there comes a mighty, rushing wind down and causes a revival. Same amount of water (That's right.), but it's got a revival. What does it do? It throws--floats all the trash up on the shore. We need a scouring out once in a while. God gives us a revival, and a sweeping mighty wind, that rushes down through the church like that, and floats all the trash out of her. God purifies us by the Holy Spirit, the Wind that comes from heaven, that shakes your soul, scours you out. Still the same creature, but you got scoured out. See? That's right. WATER.FROM.THE.ROCK_ PHOENIX.AZ THURSDAY_ 55-0224 E-33 Now, Miriam and them, looking back, and saw that separation, annihilated from their enemies forever... How long? How long was they going to be safe from them? "These Egyptians that you see today, you'll see no more forever." Amen. Put them in the sea of forgetfulness and remember them no more. That's what kind of a God we have, not goes and digs it up again, and holds it against you. "I forget about it." Amen. Oh, my! No wonder Miriam had a hot spell. She picked up a tambourine, begin to dance, and jump down on the bank. Oh, you know the Holy Spirit looked like just catches from one to another, like a atoms in a relay. See? And it begin to jump from one to another, and they all got tambourines, and just had a real jubilee. And old Brother Moses got so happy, that he held up his hands and sang in the Spirit. If that ain't a holy-roller meeting, I never seen one. That's right. This is nothing new. It's just a new taped with the old. That's right. There they was, singing in the Spirit, dancing in the Spirit; beating all the music, clapping their hands. What a time they was having. Why? They was annihilated from their enemy. Amen. He still does the same thing, under a better covenant, way better than the old covenant. THE.MIGHTY.CONQUEROR_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 56-0401M E-93 Here sets a man, setting right here on the outside row, way back towards the back. He's suffering with headaches. He--he isn't from this country. He come from Montana. He's a light-headed man. He's wearing glasses, got his hand up now. That's right, sir, migraine headaches. That's a beautiful country you come from. I've hunted in that country. May you return home, and the headache's in the Sea of Forgetfulness; migraine headaches leave you, my brother. Go and be made well through Jesus' Name.

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What's the matter with you Jeffersonville people? Can't you have faith? I'm your brother. Have faith in God. Believe. Do you believe, lady? I'm a stranger to you. You believe, sir? You're not from here either. You're from Ohio. She's from Ohio too. That's right. You're from Hamilton. That's right. Mr. Allen, you can go home and be well. You have your hearing. Amen. WHY.IS.IT.THAT.SO.MANY.CHRISTIANS.FIND.IT.SO.HARD.TO.LIVE.THE.CHRISTIAN.LIFE_ PHX.AZ SUNDAY_ 57-0303A E-55 Oh, brother, intellectual will never do it. Mental conception will never do it. It's the work of the Holy Spirit that brings the human being to his place. Make your choice. Oh, happy day! I fixed my choice on Thee my Saviour and my God. No matter what the rest of the world does it's sinking sand, my choice is on Thee. The Holy Spirit that's moving down through His Word, saying, "This is My Word. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of mouth of God." "Yes, Holy Spirit." "I promise Eternal Life to them that believe." "I believe, Holy Spirit." "I'll seal You." Then watch your life begin to move, not the church, the Holy Spirit; not the denomination, the Holy Spirit. WHY.IS.IT.THAT.SO.MANY.CHRISTIANS.FIND.IT.SO.HARD.TO.LIVE.THE.CHRISTIAN.LIFE_ PHX.AZ SUNDAY_ 57-0303A E-56 Now what happens? When the old spirit has gone out of a man, the Bible said, he--the devil is gone out of the man, he walks in dry places and comes back to found the house all swept out. You know what happens? You once lived in old tin can alley (That's right.) where all the devils, and rats, and everything else lived, fusses, and fights, and stews, and arguments. But when the Holy Spirit comes in, He can't live in a place like that. That's the reason people today can shout, and scream, and go on, but live any kind of a life afterwards. The Holy Spirit, when It moves in, It takes God's big bulldozer, and comes down and digs that old alley up, throws the dirt out, buries it in the sea of forgetfulness, and terraces off a nice big place, and puts up a great big mansion; and He lives there. And the flowers of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, and mercies, and kindness, and faith is blooming around this house. Glory. WHY.IS.IT.THAT.SO.MANY.CHRISTIANS.FIND.IT.SO.HARD.TO.LIVE.THE.CHRISTIAN.LIFE_ PHX.AZ SUNDAY_ 57-0303A E-57 That's it. I just got to quit preaching. I haven't even got my text good yet. Look. That's it. When the Holy Spirit moves in, the tin cans, and rats, lies, backbiting, selfishness, indifference with other Christians, all move out. And if you've still got them, it shows the Holy Spirit has never terraced out your life yet. Amen. Get rid of your rats. The Holy Ghost takes away them differences. It makes you full of love, joy, peace. Look at the flowers blooming around. Satan just can't step his dirty foot on there, for your life is dead, and you're hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost. Then what comes forth? Why, the Holy Spirit's living there? These flowers just actually accompany the Holy Spirit. Now, you can't go, and get some of these artificial flowers, and set them out in the yard, 'cause they haven't got any life in them. And you say, "Well, I joined church. I guess I'm just going to have to be this a way." You're a miserable wretch. That's right. But when the Holy Ghost is there, It just automatically loves. "Oh, I could pull every hair in her head out. Ummm, that old Oneness, that old Trinity, that old this, that, or the other. Oh, I wouldn't speak to

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her. Will I go down to that meeting? Why, it's just the...?..." Oh, you old Pharisee. LIVING.DYING.BURIED.RISING.COMING_ JEFF.IN EM 1-14 SUNDAY_ 59-0329S 36 That's why many, after while, will walk one by one to this pool to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Why? Something has took place. That Spirit that came out of that body, when He screamed, "It's finished," has condemned sin in our bodies. And we must bury it to be remembered no more. I'm so glad that it is. When anything's buried, it's hid; it's out of sight. "And buried, He carried my sins far away." God can see our sins no more, for they are buried. They are buried where? In the Sea of Forgetfulness. Think of a Sea of Forgetfulness. God cannot remember them no more, because they are both dead and buried. It cannot be even remembered no more. They're out of God's memory. LIVING.DYING.BURIED.RISING.COMING_ JEFF.IN EM 1-14 SUNDAY_ 59-0329S 38 He was also in this "buried," He represented in the Old Testament... They had two... They had a sin offering at the cleansing of the sanctuary. And that sin offering was that they taken two goats, and one goat was killed; and the other goat had the sins that was placed upon the dead goat put upon the live goat. Remember, Jesus was a Sheep. He was a Lamb, but in this case He become a goat; He was righteousness, because He was God, the Sheep. But He come a goat, sin, that He might be the sin offering for me and you: from a Sheep to a goat. LIVING.DYING.BURIED.RISING.COMING_ JEFF.IN EM 1-14 SUNDAY_ 59-0329S 40 And Jesus was represented in both the animals, both goats. For one, he died, he died for the atonement; the second, the sins from the atonement was put on the scapegoat, and the scapegoat took the sins of the people and went far into the wilderness to bear the sins of the people. What was it? It was the death and the burial of our Lord Jesus. Dying... "Living, He loved me. Dying, He saved me. Buried, He carried my sins far away." He took the sins of the people upon Himself and carried them plumb down into the lowest of hades. He was the sin Offering. He had the sins of the people. He died for them. And also the sins was placed upon Him, and He took our sins far away, so far that God could never see them no more. Think of it. Oh, the Church could scream, "Hallelujah," for such a Saviour. LIVING.DYING.BURIED.RISING.COMING_ JEFF.IN EM 1-14 SUNDAY_ 59-0329S 41 Not only is our sins forgiven, but they are buried in the Sea of Forgetfulness, to be remembered no more. "Buried, He carried our sins far away." No more can they be remembered, for they are gone. They're out of the eyes of God. They are paralyzed. They're divorced. They're put away. God don't remember them no more. What? The Church ought to rejoice this morning to know that our sins will no more be remembered. They are put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, into the grave of beyond any resurrection. They are dead forever and forgotten about. They are if they had never happened. "Dying, He saved me. But buried, He carried my sins far away." He carried them so far till they went into the Sea of Forgetfulness. Oh, we know that those things are most surely believed among us, and they're most surely the truth. They are God's truth. All those great things were beyond human expressions. We could never express our gratitude for such things. WHY_ BEAUMONT.TX WEDNESDAY_ 61-0125 E-18 He nodded His head to me, and I could see that--looked like you see Him in the picture, with that crown on Him, like that, blood in His eyes and face. And He looked at me, and looked like tears all matted His beard together, blood stains all over His face. I said, "Did my sins do that to You?" He nodded His head to me. I said, "God, forgive me. I--I wouldn't--I wouldn't to want to hurt You like that,

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Lord. I love You with all my heart." He took His side, patted it with His hand, took His finger like this and wrote on my old dirty book, "Pardoned," took it and throwed it over behind Him, like this, into the sea of forgetfulness, laid out a new book. I said, "Lord, I thank You. I'll--I'll never try to do anything wrong. You..." He said, "Now, I freely forgave you. I freely forgave you, and then you want to destroy her." And by that time the door had come back, and I was looking right at the woman setting there. I wanted to destroy her, after I was freely forgiven. I just pulled the door back together where I'd been moving my arms while the vision was on. I pulled the door back, and I said, "Father, forgive me. I'll--I'll go right to her and I'll apologize." WHY_ BEAUMONT.TX WEDNESDAY_ 61-0125 E-19 I stepped out the door. One of those old men, drunk, setting there with her, said, "You think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?" They'd got up, and excused themselves, and walked out to the rest room. I kind of strolled over that way, and this policeman still playing the slot machine. I walked over kind of where she was at. I said, "How do you do?" Poor old thing looked up and said, "Oh, hello." And I said, "Could I set down?" She said, "Thank you, I have company." I said, "I didn't mean it like that." I said, "I just want to say a word to you. I want you to ask you... I want to ask you to forgive me." Said, "What did you ever do to me?" I said, "Will you wait just a minute, let me tell you?" Said, "Yes." I said, "I stood in the door..." And I told her the story. I said, "Right back behind there He showed me where I was wrong." She looked up, and looked like it sobered her. She looked up, she said, "Are you Brother Branham?" I said, "I am." She said, "You're that minister down here." I said, "Yes, ma'am." She said, "I'm ashamed for you to see me like this." I said, "Will you forgive me?" She said, "Certainly." She said, "Set down." I said, "Thank you." And I set down at the little booth with her. WHY_ BEAUMONT.TX WEDNESDAY_ 61-0125 E-20 And she said, "I want to tell you something, Brother Branham." She said, "I passed by and seen your meetings. I seen it advertised and I went in." Said, "I'm simply ashamed of myself." She said, "What would you believe if I told you that my father was a Methodist minister?" Said, "I got two daughters. Both of them are Sunday school teachers." I said, "What happened?" She told me about a letter from her husband, and he run off with another woman. She started in drinking, and started off... And she said, "I know I'm past redemption," strictly a legalist. You see? And I said... Said, "I'm past redemption." I said, "No, you're not. No, you're not." She started crying. She said, "Brother Branham, you think I'm not past redemption?" I said, "Why did He say that to me then a few minutes ago?" I took her by the hand, knelt down there on the floor, and there she gave her life to Jesus Christ. You talk about slot machines stopping and everything else, everybody in there. We was crying and praying. She got up, went out to go home, a

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new life. WHY_ BEAUMONT.TX WEDNESDAY_ 61-0125 E-21 See, God showed me that in my own heart wasn't right, because I was trying to condemn her, and not looking at what I come from too. So we can always remember; look back to the pit where we was hewed from, things will look a lot different. See? We don't want to condemn no one. Love everybody. Whenever you lose that real genuine love that's in your heart, you've lost everything. Just don't never forget that, that when you lose love, it's all gone. Now, remember that, the love this little brother had for all of you. And we'll remember the love of the brethren here. Brethren, whatever you do... IT.IS.I_ GRANDE.PRAIRIE.AB WEDNESDAY_ 61-0517 E-84 We are strangers to each other. I never seen you in my life. You're younger than I. I--I have just never seen you. But perhaps that woman that met our Lord at the well that time, she was probably younger than He was. And that was their first time meeting. And here we meet just like they did. Now, you're a human being; I'm a human being. I don't know you; you don't know me. But by being Christians, then we have a Father Who knows both of us. If He can tell me something that you're here for, or something that you have done, something that you ought not have done, if He can tell you what has been, surely you can believe what He says will come will be right, if He tells you what has been. Now, if I come here and said, "God give me a gift of healing." I lay my hands upon you, "Glory to God; be healed," you could believe that; that could be true. That's right. I believe that with all... The Bible said so. But now, let's go beyond that. We've had that day. Let's go beyond that. And now, what if He stands here now and can tell you what you are, what you're wanting, and the desires of your heart, and the secret of your heart, and the things in your life that you need, or ought not have done... If they're not under the blood He will expose them. See? Now, because if they're under the blood, they're in the sea of forgetfulness; no man can dig those up. That's right. You are a Christian. The vibration of your spirit... (That's what I call it; I know it's a the wave.) You feel welcome, you believe me. I... You believe that. See? Soon as you walked up, I knew that. You could've been a--a deceiver, walked up here, and then what would've happened? You heard of what happened on them: many laying paralyzed tonight, many in the grave for that. We're not playing church. We're serving a God. You're real nervous: got--had a lot on your mind, a rough life, your back life, a lot of worry and trouble. You also suffer with a rupture...?... Now, you believe me to be His prophet, or His servant?...?... And you think that was a guess? Wait a minute. And she's a very fine contact with God, this little lady. I don't know what I told you, but ever what it was, was the truth. Is that right? Now, if we have to stand with this woman just a moment...?... she can talk to someone, a real fine spirit. Yes, nervousness (That's right.), and a nervous condition, and Satan bothers you about it, says you're going to lose your mind and everything, but you're--he's lying. You had a rupture; I see that, waiting for an operation, but that... You have also varicose veins in your limb. That is right. Then you've got somebody on your heart; that person is here: your husband. You think, if God can tell me what's wrong with your husband, will you believe it? His back. That's right. Here's something else; I see a child appear. You're praying and interested in a child; there's something wrong with that child. It's because it doesn't learn very well. That is true: THUS SAITH THE LORD. Those things true? Do you accept it all as a deliverance ticket from God for you? Go, and it'll be just as you have believed. God...?... THE.MESSAGE.OF.GRACE_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-3 SUNDAY_ 61-0827

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154 But people think that they can merit it. "Why, we... I--I went to school and I learned to do this, and I went to seminaries and I done..." That don't mean one thing. You can't buy God's grace. God's grace is like this. Let me tell you a story in ending. God's grace is like this. One time there was a mighty king, and this mighty king had a son, and it was his only son. And one day a murderer killed that boy. And through that kingdom went the delegates hunting for that murderer. They finally found that murderer. And when they found him, they brought him back and imprisoned him. And when they did, a trial was set and a sentence was made. Oh, it was a terrible thing. He had murdered the king's son, and he knowed what was coming to him. THE.MESSAGE.OF.GRACE_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-3 SUNDAY_ 61-0827 156 They put him into the inner cells; they locked the doors; they put pads on it so no one--and guards around it, 'cause we know what kind of a horrible punishment this boy was going to receive, because he killed the king's son, the royal king's son. Guards was placed all around the doors. He was put in inner cells. Stripped, with nothing but a--a loincloth on. And there he was, set there in that condition, starving, wouldn't give him nothing to eat. He was setting in that condition. Then they brought him out to a trial. He was found guilty and proven guilty. A sentence was made, that he was to be executed under horrible capital punishment; he was to be killed by inches until his mortal life was gone. Sentenced by the judge, he was to die. And he begged and he cried, and he said, "Though I am guilty, though I am guilty, I'm sorry that I did that. I wished I had've never done it. I'm sorry that I did it. In a moment, in a rage of temper, I did it. I didn't mean to do it that way." THE.MESSAGE.OF.GRACE_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-3 SUNDAY_ 61-0827 158 One day the king went down to the place to visit the boy, to tell him, talk to him and tell him about killing his own son, the only son he had. He'd killed that boy. He said, "I'm going down to talk to him." And when he went down there, he looked back in that cage, like a caged-in animal. He saw his little skinny body laying back there in a corner, crying, his face all sunk in, his jaws sank back, his eyes way back; matter was all in his eyes; and his mouth was all whited over: no water, thirsty, laying back there on his face, crying. The king said, "Stand up." He come up to him; he looked at him. He said, "Why did you kill my son? What did my son do to you? What did he do to merit such a death as you killed him, stabbing him to death with a spear?" He said, "Nothing, my lord, not one thing. Just my own impudence, just my own ways. I killed him because I was jealous of him, and I got in a temper fit, and I killed him." Said, "I'm to die under your justice, sir. I realize that, and I deserve to do it. Only thing I'm crying for, that I'm just sorry that I killed that royal man like that, without a cause." THE.MESSAGE.OF.GRACE_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-3 SUNDAY_ 61-0827 161 The king turned on his heels and walked out, went out to the desk, and said, "Destroy all the records (You know, put them in the sea of forgetfulness.) Destroy all the records. Wash him up, and bring him up. I'll send down a robe for him." After while, a great big limousine drove up to the door. When it did, a carpet was spread out to the prison cell. The king stood at the end of limousine, said, "Come, my son, and ride home with me to the palace," put the king's robe around his shoulder. He said, "From henceforth you are my son." Because he had pity. That's grace. That was me, that was you. We killed the Son of God with our sins. We were alien, dirty, filthy, laying in the cells of the world. God washed us by the Blood of His Own Son, and cleansed us, put on the robe of the Holy Spirit. And now the great chariot of God will back up to the door someday, and we'll go home to live with Him. All records are destroyed; we can't be judged no more; burn them up, He put

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them in the sea of forgiveness and remembers about it no more. No wonder we can sing, Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I'm found, And was blind, but now I see. It was grace that taught my heart to fear, Grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 61-1015M 685-204 And... But now, if you make a mistake and do something wrong... You don't willfully... If you are a Christian, if you're a borned again Christian, you don't mean to do wrong. Your intentions and everything is right. But if you do, as she said here, make a mistake and do something wrong, will God let you just go on and go on and die like that and be lost, or will He bring you back to reconciliation? He will bring you back. That's right. He will bring you back. And if a--and then, if you do anything wrong, it don't condemn you and you go on like that, on out, remember, you wasn't saved at the beginning. That's right. You--you wasn't--you wasn't saved; you just had a make-belief; you wasn't saved. But when you're saved, you have a different spirit; you're a different nature. You're a new creature in Christ, and the old things has passed away, and they are dead and buried in the sea of forgetfulness. You see? And... But being you're living here in this world here, there's traps set for you everywhere, and you're walking with your eyes on Christ. And remember, that when you make a mistake, a real Christian will always come back quickly for reconciliation. PRESUMING_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 62-0117 E-23 How can the world stand much longer? A celebration... And then, I suppose they presume that that's the right way to do it. See? That's what they're supposing to do. But they're just presuming that. See? And here comes New Year's around. After New Year's gets around, why, usually the people all have a great New Year's party. And then in this New Year's party, they all get on a great big drunk around midnight. And I suppose they put to death their sins to forget them all, what they've done in the year. They just get so drunk that they forget all about their sins. And I guess they presume that that's the way you get rid of sins. But they're wrong. That only makes more sin. You can't righten anything by doing another wrong. So it's just presuming, drowning out. PRESUMING_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 62-0117 E-24 I wonder what people think, that when... And the pleasure of drinking, that they call pleasure... When whiskey becomes into the system, it heats the blood in such a way it addles the mind, the brain, and you become blank. Your mind is so addled until--with the heat of this alcohol in the blood stream, so the doctors say, that it just kinda blanks your mind. Why, if there was some disease in your body that would make your mind go blank, you'd search every doctor's office in the city to find something to get rid of it. And yet, people celebrate the birthday of Christ, and trying to drown their sorrows by blanking their mind. Don't you realize, my friend, that people--you've got to meet that at the judgment bar? You can't get by with that. But they presume that that's the regular custom here in this nation, is to blanken your mind on Christmas Eve night, or on New Year's Eve night--blanken your mind with drinking.

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PRESUMING_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 62-0117 E-25 They call it a little--a--a little clean fun, or a little pleasure that people have to have to give vent. Well, if that's all the pleasure that a person ever got out of life... What pleasure would it be to blanken your mind so blank that you don't even know what you're doing? Then call it pleasure? Now, I could see the men of the world doing that. But when it comes to the church doing that, people who call themselves Christians, then it goes to show that there's been a letdown somewhere, 'cause that's not the way you forget sins. They're on God's book, and the only way they can be gotten rid of is put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, the Blood of Jesus Christ, and then remembered against you no more. That's the only way. But they presume that the right way is to do it the way the regular--the people does it. PRESUMING_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 62-0117 E-26 We also have preachers of denomination, great denominations across the nation, and these ministers preach the doctrine of their denomination, presuming that they are doing exactly what's right. Many of them, no matter how contrary to the Scripture it is, they presume they're doing right when they preach that doctrine, let it be whatever it might be. They presume that that's just what God requires: a certain creed, or a certain affiliation. They think that's just all that God requires. They presume that they're taking the people to heaven by just joining a church and preaching a creed. They presume that that's all right; that's all you have to do. But what a mistake that is. That's a terrible mistake, just presuming on that. POSSESSING.ALL.THINGS_ JEFF.IN V-10 N-4 SUNDAY_ 62-0506 107 "Brother Branham, are you worthy of that?" No. "You think I'm worthy?" No. "Do you think the Bishop's worthy?" No. "Is there ever a man worthy?" No. "Well, why?" You're an heir. If you was the biggest drunkard in the world, and your father left you a million dollars, whether you're worthy or not, his--his--his heir is... You're the heir of your father's heritage. Whatever he left you, it's yours. Whether you're worthy or not. He left it to you. Amen. I was a sinner, but an heir. I was no good, not yet, but still I'm an heir. I should die and go to hell, but I'm an heir. I'm an heir of what? Eternal Life. "How do you know you're going to get It?" I feel It. The Holy Spirit brought It. Jesus rose from the dead so It could come. And now It's come, and It bears record and vindicates just exactly what It said It would do. I've passed from death unto Life. I've become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Then I'm heir. Yes, sir. Now, I'm on my march. Amen. Things are slaughtered. What's all them mean things I done? Just like Miriam did. Look back there, there they are, dead, buried in the sea of forgetfulness, in the Book of God's great Book in heaven. It's done been. My name has done been put on that Book, and done sealed, and put down in the sea of forgetfulness, and a new Book, with a new name written down in glory, and it's mine. Yes. Now, we're heir of all things then. POSSESSING.ALL.THINGS_ JEFF.IN V-10 N-4 SUNDAY_ 62-0506 128 Oh, isn't He wonderful? Now, now, with our confessions, our belief, our confession of our sins, believing that all of our sins is in the sea of forgetfulness... He that will confess his sins, God is just to omit them. See? They're in the--the sea of the Blood of Jesus Christ, never to be remembered no more. How many of you women know what bleach is? All of you. Now, let's just take a great big washtub full of Clorox; that's one bleach, a great big tub full of Clorox. And then you're going to take a little eyedropper, and you got one drop of black ink in that eyedropper; that's your sins. Stand right up over the tub, and squeeze it down, then look down in the tub and find it. What become of it? What become of the ink? When it struck that bleach, it was so powerful it just took the coloring right out of it; it can never be no more. What is it? It's gone, it's eternally lost. What is it? The--the ink itself becomes

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Clorox. That's the Blood of Jesus Christ to every confessed sin. What is it? It's forgotten; it's done; it's finished; it's omitted; it's divorced; it's put away. It can never be remembered against you no more. IN.HIS.PRESENCE_ JEFF.IN V-11 N-4 SUNDAY_ 62-0909E 61 God puts our sins in the sea of forgetfulness, blots them out, and they're as if they never did happen. Oh, my. Then we stand by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, pure and holy, just as holy as He was, because He doesn't see me when I come up there, He sees His Own Son. The only way He can see. Can't see me, because I'm in His Son (Yes, sir.), and He only sees His Son. Isn't that wonderful? We don't have to think about sins any more; it's all gone; it's under the Blood. Yes, sir. Don't have to worry about it any more; it's all out, and out of God's memory. He don't even remember it no more. REMEMBERING.THE.LORD_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-2 SUNDAY_ 62-1209 87 Just reminds me of a testimony that was made recently. A minister, and was on an elevator going up over here at the Heyburn Building. And there were three men standing with this minister on the--on the elevator, and they--they didn't know this man was a minister; I suppose not. And as they went up, they all stopped at the eighth floor. And one man looked around to the minister, and said, "You know what? This is just about as close to heaven as we'll ever get." "Well," the minister said, "I--I suppose you're right; I--I guess that you're right, for as long as we are trusting in our own merits, this is as close as we'll ever be." That's right. As long as you're trusting in what you do, you're remembering what you done. And I'm sure that most of us know we didn't do nothing, we're not deserving of anything. Said, "I suppose if we're trusting our own merits, this is as far as we'll ever get." Well, if we're trusting, that's as far as we'll get. REMEMBERING.THE.LORD_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-2 SUNDAY_ 62-1209 89 But, oh, I'd like to say something. If I can forget what I was and remember what He is, if I can remember Jesus, if I can remember Him at the cross, if I can remember what He done for me, and I can remember the hour that He washed away my sins, and give me the Holy Spirit to guide me, then I'm lifted above everything that holds this earth. I'm lifted above every earthly thing into heavenly places in Christ Jesus, where I can fellowship with Him. There in His Presence, forgetting what I ever was, forgetting all my sins and everything, because they're in the sea of forgetfulness, forgetting all my past, forgetting everything, and remember that He made me His Own by His Own death... He took my place. And I that had not a right to go nowhere but to hell, He took my place and lifted me from hell. He went there for me. And He lifted me up by His grace abundance, until now we are sons and daughters of God, and we set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, ever rejoicing and remembering Him Who brought us safe thus far. And with pulsating faith in our souls pressing us, and by grace He'll take me on. GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 245 A few years later, when they was going to kill one of His apostles, the great Saint Paul, he screamed and said, "O death, where is your stinger? Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Yes, sir. What was it? God humbled Himself. Oh! 246 When man sinned, he crossed a great chasm put between him and God, leaving his way back, none. And then God took a substitute, offered a substitute, and accepted it. Then if man would accept this substitute for his place, then he could cross back into fellowship with God, as I said at the beginning. And then men, for years, went about through the blood of goats, and sheep, and animals. They could never take away sin. It only covered sin. 247 But then what happened? What happened? One day there come something that could remit sin,

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the Blood of His Own Son. And He remitted sin. GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 248 Now, here not long ago... Now, I won't know. There may be scientists setting here. I'm going to make a remark. I'm just going to call it something. It doesn't mean that, at all. But I'm going to say, we used to... We get, like one little, simple drop of ink. God can hide Himself in that. See? If it's a drop of ink, it had to be something before it was a drop of ink. Let's see what it is. 249 The first, it's a drop, an ink. What is it? It's chemicals. We break it back. Where did it come from? "Well," you say, "then, from its water." That's H2O, a formula. That's part of it. 250 Then it's got a chemical in it, of color. Where did the color come from? Now, there's only one original color, and that's white. We know that. All other colors are made off of white. So then, we find out, how did it ever come? Where did this ever come from? 251 Now let's follow it back. First thing you know, "Well, well," you say, "it becomes an acid." GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 252 From the acid, then it becomes what? Next thing, it comes back, "Well," you say, "then it becomes from a--a light." What is light? Come to so many molecules. 253 And now let's say molecule one, molecule four, molecule eight, come together, and made atom one, times atom four, times atom six. Now, if it been atom four times atom five, it would have been white. It happened to be six. What determined that? Where am I getting the chemical, together, to make that color, black ink? See? All right. 254 It all formed. Then where did it come from? It had to come from somewhere else. It had to come from a Creator, because it's a creation. A creation has to come from a Creator. 255 So then it come into ink. It was for a purpose. It can write your pardon. Could write John 3:16 and save your soul. And then, also, it could write your condemnation, and send you to the death cell. It's here for a purpose. 256 Now, all these years it's become what it has, determined by something, to be made in what it is. Now how you ever going to get it back there? GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 257 They manufactured a stuff called bleach. You women use it, Clorox. Now, I've got a tub of Clorox setting here, and I drop that drop of ink into that bucket of Clorox. Now find your color. What happened to it? What happened? The first thing it did, it hit the water, hit the Clorox. That chemical was so great till it sent all the way back. You can't see any fumes of it or nothing else. It's gone. It'll never be no more, because it's turned back to the original place to where it come from. 258 And now that's exactly what the Blood of Jesus Christ does to sin. The Blood of Jesus Christ! Confess your sin upon the Blood of Jesus Christ. It omits. It puts in the Sea of Forgetfulness, and to be remembered no more against you, at all. 259 Now, where is the Church today, brethren, if we are born to be sons of God? 260 And Jesus Himself said, "If your own law said ye are 'gods,'" amateur gods with control of the earth. He said, "If they call those 'gods,' who the Word of God came to," which was the prophets. The Word of the Lord comes to the prophet. "And if you call them 'gods,' how do you condemn Me," He said, "when I say I'm the Son of God?" GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 261 Now, if the blood of bulls and goats could give a power to Moses, to go out there, by the commission of God, and stretch forth that rod, and say, "Let there come flies." He had the Word of God, and he spoke that Word. And when he did, it become from God's thought. A word is a thought

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expressed. And so then when God thought it, and put it in Moses' mind, and he spoke it, it become a Word. And Moses turned around and went back; maybe not a fly in the country. In an hour from then, maybe one old green fly begin to buzz around. In a half hour, there was ten pounds per square yard. What was it? The creative Word of God that was spoke by the lips of a mortal man. 262 God uses men. God could have used the sun to preach the Gospel. God could have used the wind to preach the Gospel. But God chose men to preach the Gospel. GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 263 What's the matter with the church today? There's something wrong. My opinion, we're not coming with that sincerity, to the right thing, for that. If God could do that by the blood of bull, goats and bulls that only covered sin and made a propitiation for the sinner, but the sin was still there (only covered over), what can He do through the Blood of His Son that omits sin? And God has not manufactured, but He created a Blood that takes away all sin. GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 264 And Mark 11:24, "Whatever you say to this mountain, 'move,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Where's the pentecostal Church at, today? Amen. You don't realize that confessed, truly confessed sin, omits sin. If there's no omit to it... It builds a bridge across this chasm, that takes man back in the Presence of His Creator and makes him a son of God. Amen. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Amen. There you are. "Verily I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Glory to God. It's my God revealing Himself in humility. See? GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 265 God taking a humble sinner and cleansing him by His Blood, and dropping that confessed sin into that Clorox bleach of the Blood of Son of God, and putting His Own Life into that man, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Then if we have the genuine baptism of the Holy Ghost, what's wrong with us? When, the type, when Elijah dropped the robe for Elisha, he got a double portion of it. Jesus said, "The works that I do, you shall do also. And greater than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father." What's wrong, church? 266 Now, you've called us a Beelzebub, of visions and things like that. Get off of my back. Brother, get down to the cross. Get to the Gospel. We don't have to impersonate. Why would you take an impersonation? Why would you take some false conception of It? When, the skies are full of genuine Pentecostal power that makes a man or a woman, a son or daughter of God, that takes him back in the Presence of God. Amen. There you are. God revealing Himself in humility. GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 267 You've got to get away from your own thoughts. You've got to let the mind that was in Christ be in you. You've got to stay there till every sin of fear, every sin of doubt has gone from your heart. And if you're there, and God doesn't take you and omit your sins and send you into the Presence of God, there is something wrong with your experience. 268 I don't care how many degrees of doctor you have, how much big church you are, what kind of a big wheel you belong to, how many organizations, whatever it is, has nothing to do with it, until your sins are confessed and in the Blood of Jesus Christ. You stand unadulterated, a born-again son and daughter of God, with the Life of God in you, to speak a Word of creation, "Let this mountain be moved," and it'll mind you. Amen. 269 God revealing Himself in humility. He picks up them kind that's has no education. He picks up

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them kinds will just believe that. "I thank Thee, Father, Creator of heavens and earth, Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent." GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY_ ALBQ.NM FRIDAY_ 63-0412E 270 [] "... smitten and stricken. And yet we did esteem Him smitten and stricken, sure, of God. But He was wounded for our transgressions." The Clorox came. "He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with His stripes we were healed." 271 What did He do? Humble Himself to death, on good Friday afternoon, that He might rise on Easter Sunday, amen, to send back the Holy Spirit upon the Church, with a double portion of It, that we might do the same things that He do, that He did. He promised, "These signs will follow them that believe." And how far we get away from Him, by our traditions! There you are. 272 God hiding Himself in humility, revealing Himself in power, that's the way God does it. That's God's program of doing it, yes, sir, that He may bring sons across this chasm. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 71 Now, when Jesus came, He wasn't just a man. He wasn't just the third person of the trinity. He, He was God. He was God, Himself. He, He was Emmanuel. And we're taught, in the Bible, that, "We're saved by the Blood of God." When God Himself became one of us, He--He changed His--His--His, what He was. He changed His tent. He came down, condescending from Glory, and became man. Therefore, born without sex, He created Himself a body that He lived in, Himself. Emmanuel, God represented with us, the Word made flesh among us, and lived with us, to redeem many sons back to God, through the shedding of this Blood. 72 The body, sure, was Christ. It was the anointed One. And if Christ means "the anointed One," and He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is the Word, then the Word is the anointing. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, then say what you will." It's the Word of God, the anointed Word, that's what does it. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 73 Now, there was a time, as I have remarked, that a woman, when she got a stain on a--a white piece of goods, she... There's no way of getting it off. I remember when my mother used to put black coffee on grease, to try to take a stain off of something. I remember a time she used to take the old turpentine bottle and try to wash out the stain, coal oil and so forth, to remove the stain from a garment. Well, you just wouldn't move it good. There's still a trace of it. That, in symbol, I'd like to take, as the blood of goats and sheep, and so forth. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 74 But now they have manufactured a stuff called bleach. And that bleach, Clorox or whatever it is, it's a bleach that's been manufactured. And what, this morning, if I had a tub full of that bleach setting here, and a--a little eye dropper with black ink in it? Let's study it a minute. What is that black ink? Much of it is water. But, the color, where did the color come from? The color had to start. We know it's a creation. So if it started with a creation, it had to come from a Creator before it can be a creation. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 75 I don't know what these words mean. I couldn't break it down. But you excuse the words that I'm going to use, but to make a point. Well, let's say, well, when it drops... 76 This drop of ink, now, it was for a purpose. That color become that color for a purpose. That one drop of ink can sign your death warrant, can send you to the electric chair. Or that one drop of ink can

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pardon you from your sins. It was set here for a purpose. We got to use it for the right thing. 77 But, for instance, it's finished. And we drop that one drop of ink into a tub full of bleach. What happens to it? You don't see nothing happen, but there's no more color. The color breaks up. You don't know where it went. Well, it turned back to acids. Course, the water is a form, with H2O, it goes back, the water, back to the water that's in the bleach. But the chemical in this bleach broke that so completely, till you can't find a stain of it no more. It's gone. It broke into, say, it went back to acids. What did acids come from? It goes on back, say, it come from--from atoms, what, or molecules. And what molecules? Molecule from atoms, atoms to electrons, so forth and so on, as you go on. 78 Let's think of it. When it begin back there, we say it come from atom, or from molecule, say, molecule four-one times molecule six-nine made molecule H. What if it been six-eight instead of six-nine? It'd come out pink instead of black. Something had to determine it. What if it was atom times four, times six, times eleven? It ought to been... If it come out six instead of eleven, it would have been brown. See? It had to come from somewhere who designed it. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 79 Look out the window at that palm tree. What is it? It's volcanic ash with a life in it. Look across the street from it, you see a eucalyptus. What is it? Volcanic ash with life in it, a different kind. Look, you see a rose. What is it? Volcanic ash with life in it. Where did the color come from? Just think of that. Well, Who colored that flower? There is two flowers, of the same specie, one is yellow and the other one is red. Both of them come from a little seed. And what, where'd the coloring come from? Part of it's green, part white, part red, part yellow, where did the coloring come from? Same sun shined on the same place. Something has to determine it. It's a natural substance, so it had to have a creation somewhere. Now look, then, what does it do? It goes plumb back to the beginning, to a Creator. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 80 Then if sin put a stain on a human being, and Moses, by offering a sheep, could take the--the Voice of God... "I'll put My Words in your mouth." 81 And he walked out there with the Word of God, and said, "Let there be flies." And there wasn't a fly, nowhere. In less than five minutes, maybe, an old green fly begin to buzz around. In another ten minutes, they were maybe two pound per square yard. What was it? The Word of God in the mouth of His prophet. The Word of God is creating, but it's got to come from the right resource. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 82 And then if God could take that man, and bridge a way across there, by the blood of sheeps and goat, and could make the Word of God creative by the mouth of a man, how much more... not only, but the creative... or the power of the sacrifice of a bull or a goat. But the Blood of Jesus Christ, that when sin is confessed and drops into that bleach of God, the own... God's own creative way of taking away the stain, so far, that it's put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, to be remembered no more. 83 When a man confesses his sins and gets right with God, and God drops the sin of this confession into the Blood of His own Blood, and forgives that sin, and--and replaces in that man the original Spirit that should been there, His own Spirit, making him a son of God, how much more ought the creative power of God to be in the Church! See? It breaks down every wall of sin. It breaks down. See? LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 84 People today try to say, "Those words was back for another age." It is, if you're still out from under that Blood. 85 But if you're under that Blood, the power of God by His Word remains the same. It's got to be the

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same. If He could do that by the blood of sheep and animals, what about the Blood of Jesus Christ? 86 I could do it. We must cope our lives and focus it in to the Word of God. Just like that we would a picture camera, or try to get the right focus before we snap it, and then we got the real true picture. That's what we want to do, to focus our lives into Jesus Christ, that Christ and you become the same Person. You are a son adopted to God by the Blood of the righteous Jesus Christ. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 87 Then the Church would be moving on without friction, without hurt, without harm, without--without doubts, without scruples, without friction. It would be moving in the power of the Word of God, manifesting every Divine blessing that God promised to It, if it'd just do that. 88 We must do our lives, and then see Him and see Him only, not some bishop, some great man, or something we take pattern by, but we look to Jesus Christ. Not some organization, not some pope, or--or some archbishop of Canterbury, or some other "Divine man," that we call on earth. But we must look to Jesus Christ. He is the Word. And the o-... LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 89 Abraham, when he was asked to sojourn in a strange land, and look for the promise, he never doubted the promise. The Christian looks at the unseen. 90 Remember, you are endowed with five senses. One of them is sight. But I'll prove to you, your sight don't see everything. Here, this morning, right in this room right now, there's living representations of creatures in this room. There's living voices in this room. If you do not, then go turn on the television and see if there isn't people plumb across the nation that's being represented right here in this room this morning. Their figures and their beings is passing through this room. Is that true? Why? Only way you'll ever know it, is a transmitter, to pick it up and transmit it into reality. LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428 91 And the only way that the Church will ever know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is get into that transmitter, the Blood that transmits our sins away from us, and brings us across that chasm, into the Presence of God, being sons of God which He represents Himself in. Oh, what a great thing! If we'd look to that this morning, we'd forget the differences of the things that's in the world today, and the things that other people looking for, and the great numbers and so forth. "We're looking to Jesus Christ, Who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith." SHOW.US.THE.FATHER_ TUCSON.AZ THURSDAY_ 63-0606 17 Now, now, when she would try to take a spot out of my shirt when I was a little boy, many years ago, she used to try to get coal oil or--or something and take the spot out. And really, she never took the spot out; she just made it a little bigger. It didn't show so much in one place. But that's how, that's all they had to work with. 18 Now let's compare that with the blood of goats and sheep, for sin. It was just... It was a propitiation, certainly, but it didn't sufficiently do the job, because it was an animal's blood. And when that blood cell is broke, of the innocent one, see, the lamb's life could not come back on a human, because it had no soul. It's merely an animal. 19 But when Jesus came and that Blood cell was broke, the Life of God Himself comes upon us. And we are sons and daughters of God, with His nature. Notice. SHOW.US.THE.FATHER_ TUCSON.AZ THURSDAY_ 63-0606 20 Now, nowadays, if I get a spot on my shirt, my lovely wife, she just goes and gets some of this

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here, I think she calls it Clorox bleach. Puts it in there and it's all gone. 21 Let's think of just a--a little drop of ink, one little drop of black ink. Now, that ink was manufactured for some reason. 22 And it's a color. And there's only really one color; all the rest of them is off of it; and that color is white. But now, this color, I do not know the chemicals of this, but let's say this, that it had to have begin from a creation, because that's what it is. It had to be made by a Creator. A Creator has to create a creation. 23 And this little drop of ink, now, it's come down, say, for instance, it's for a purpose. Now that little drop of ink can write John 3:16 and pardon my sins. Or, that little drop of ink can sign my death warrant, to send me to the--to the gallows. It's for a purpose. SHOW.US.THE.FATHER_ TUCSON.AZ THURSDAY_ 63-0606 24 But perhaps if that little drop of ink, now, with all of its coloring in it, drops into a tub of bleach, what happened to the color? Now just think, what happened to it? You'll never find it again. The water that was in the ink, the--the formula of H2O, is still it's in the bleach. Its water turns to its what? But let's say if the color started out at the beginning, it goes back, maybe, into like a mist, or a gas. 25 And that gas, now, this is not the formula, there happen to be somebody here that understands this. I'm just saying it for so that you'll know what I'm talking about. 26 Say there was, it went back to atoms, or molecules, and molecules turned back to atoms. And say molecule four-six-nine plus six-nine-seven made black. If it been six-nine-six, it would have come out pink, and so forth, and on back to atoms. Something had to determine it in the beginning, what it was going to be. 27 But when it once drops in this bleach here, it goes all the way back through every molecule, every atom, back to its Creator. SHOW.US.THE.FATHER_ TUCSON.AZ THURSDAY_ 63-0606 28 Well, that's like our black sins. Once confessed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, it's forgotten. There's no more sin, at all. You are free from sin, and there's no sin about it. It's not because you--you deserve it, but because the grace of God, that you are. When man sinned, he crossed a great chasm between he and God, and, left, there's no way back. But, God was full of mercy, He--He took a substitute. And a lamb was that substitute until the fullness of time come, when He, God, made flesh, to take away sin. And now there's not even a chasm there, between. A man and God become Father and son. There's no sin, at all. He puts them in the sea of the bleach of forgetfulness, and cannot even remember them no more. 29 Now, we can't do that. We're human. We can forgive, but cannot forget. But God is infinite, and He's so great that He can absolutely forgot you even did it. Think of it. You never did even sin. And there puts a man again in the Presence of God as his Father, and you're His child. We are sons and daughters of God now, not will be, now we are the sons and daughters of God. Oh, my! That make Methodists feel like shouting. Doesn't it? 30 Now, we are very happy to know that we have this great, great bleach that Jesus Christ brought to us, His Own Blood. We're going to speak a little about Him now, giving you a chance to get kind of quietened. STANDING.IN.THE.GAP_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0623M 41 And when God was going to take the life of the whole world, and destroy it, and all the sinners, and condemned to die, Christ died for us all. And God could not cross over Christ, being His Own Son. And then Jesus gave Himself freely, that He might pay the way then if... Moses couldn't have done that. Moses had no blood but human blood, like we are. So, therefore, his blood would not be, it would not

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suffice. But Jesus being the Blood of God Himself, the creative Blood of God, God just excused the entire human race then, of sin, because it was all laid upon Him. And He went to Calvary and died out, of the Presence of God, and suffered. And was cast into hell, because that He was sin, made our sins upon Him. And there being our--our burden bearer, took our sins to--to Calvary, and from Calvary to hell; and God raised Him up on the third day, for a propitiation of our sins. STANDING.IN.THE.GAP_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0623M 42 And today He is the only mediator between God and man, and we're freely pardoned and forgiven. God don't even know we ever sinned. Our sins were put in the Sea of Forgetfulness, never to be remembered no more. We cannot do that ourself; we are finite. He is infinite. And our finite, we can still remember, because we're not big enough. But He is so great that He even forgets we ever did sin. We are sons and daughters, in His Presence. And all things that He was, we are. He become my sin, that I might become His righteousness. He become your sin, that your... He... you might become His righteousness. So God cannot see no sin in you as long as your confession is in Christ Jesus. STANDING.IN.THE.GAP_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0623M 43 Someone said, sometime ago, said, "If I believed a thing like that, would I ever turn on the steam! I'd paint the town red. I'd go to every dance hall. I'd get so drunk, and everything, because,..." "Why?" "You're already secured in Christ. What difference does it make?" 44 I said, "That shows you haven't got it." See? If the love of God ever struck your heart, in the tenderness of Jesus Christ, you would be so in love with Him, the world would be dead, as your sin. That's how you know you have the Holy Spirit. Not because that you could scream, shout, speak, or tongues, or whatever it is. But when sin becomes dead, and you're alive in Jesus Christ. Oh, love of God, how rich, how pure! See? STANDING.IN.THE.GAP_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0623M 45 Now here in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, a minister was talking, that there was a--a young lady. She had waited a little long in life to be married, somewhere around her twenty-five, thirty years old. And she was a fine, staunch Christian girl. And there was a certain man in Louisville that wasn't; he hadn't lived such a good life. He had run to dances and roadhouses, and so forth, but one day he found pardon for his sin and he--he become a real Christian, real staunch Christian. About a year later, he fell in love with this young lady, and the young lady madly fell in love with him. And they were married. STANDING.IN.THE.GAP_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0623M 46 And after they lived together about two years, they said that this young lady said to her husband one day, she said, "Dear, I suppose that's kind of hard for you, just a new Christian," said, "I've been a Christian since a little girl." But said, "For you, a young Christian, to have to stand all the--the--the wiles and temptations that goes with it after you--you've sinned so long." And he said, "Well, it does become a battle." 47 She said, "I want you to remember one thing, that if the enemy does upset you somewhere, and you fall and you go back into sin, don't stay away from home. I want you come on home." Said, "You're going to find at home the same wife that you married." And said, "I'll help you to pray back, and pray through, and get back to God again." Said, "I--I--I--I don't want you to stay away." Said, "Look, I married you upon the basis not of what you were, but I married you because I loved you." And she said, "No matter what you do, I still love you. I married you because I loved you."

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STANDING.IN.THE.GAP_ JEFF.IN V-6 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0623M 48 And the man that day went to work, was heard repeating it in a... the place where he was working. He said, "Now, how could a man do anything wrong against something like that?" When a woman, that loves him so much that, no matter what he did, was willing to come back and take him again, and try it again. See? It shows... Now, you multiply that by a billion and then you have some idea of what the love of God is. See? 49 That when a man falls in love with Jesus Christ, the things of the world... When you think of what He did for you in the light of the Scripture, not in the light of some emotion, but in the light of facts, what it is, then there is something happens in you. When the new Birth comes, the sin is dead as midnight. When as long as that Light is in you, how can darkness shine? It cannot do it. That's what God did to one man who throwed hisself in the gap, that could take the promise. And Moses being a--a type of this Antitype, that's why Moses stood in the gap for the people. WHY_ HOT.SPRINGS.AR V-20 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-0626 113 Now, God seen that the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin. He never manufactured, but He created a chemical in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. That sin once confessed in the right way; you--you don't even bridge that chasm, you take the chasm completely away, and God don't even know that you ever sinned. That's right. He said He "put them in the Sea of Forgetfulness," to remember them no more at all against you. Then men and women stands in the Presence of God, as sons and daughters of God, the very nature of their God in their hearts. 114 Where is the church today, brother? What's happened to the church? When, we can see that the Blood of Jesus Christ so remitted sins, that God don't even remember we sinned. Then, "Whatever you ask in My Name, that I'll do." What's the matter? It's because somebody has been indocumating these Scriptures for the people. This is the only thing that I can figure has been done, because God's remedy is still the same. Now, it's dangerous to refuse the doctor's inoculation, how much more God! INVESTMENTS_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-5 SATURDAY_ 63-0803B 86 Now, all your sensations, as we Pentecostal people like to jump and shout. I do. I believe that's right. We like to speak with tongues. I believe that's a gift of God. The devil can impersonate anything that you can produce in that line, but notice, then it shows that something is wrong, the Life of Christ isn't flowing through the church the way it should. The Body, the Bride, it's not going through there like it should, now it finally clogged up somewhere. 87 Notice, when this, your sins are confessed, and your sins are dropped into the bleach of the Blood of the Son of God, it remits sin so much that it's--it's put in the Sea of God's Forgetfulness, and can never even be remembered in His sight anymore. Then what, that, does that make a man? A son of God. God never remembers you to be a sinner. You are a son, you are a daughter, there is no more remembrance of sin at all. God puts it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, the bleach. The Sea of Forgetfulness is Christ's Blood that was shed for you. And therefore, then, you and God, are Father and son, by Jesus Christ's grace; not by anything you done, but by His grace. You are sons and daughters of God, and a partaker of His blessings and of His power and of His Life. His Life is in you, for you are a son of God. Oh, if the church could, we would only to represent that! CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-8 SUNDAY_ 63-0804E 41 Now, that same Pillar of Fire, the Fatherhood, came down and was made God in Sonship. He dwelt in a Pillar of Fire, here He... in the Shekinah Glory. Here He dwelt in a body, which was His Son that He created and made in the form of a man, so that made Him the Son of God, Second Adam. Now, He had to come through the womb of a woman, not like Adam, because that that's what He had to condemn, the birth of a human being by a woman. See, so He had to come that way. Now that's God,

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the Son, the same God. And now He, through offering that body without sin, made a human offering. CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE_ CHICAGO.IL V-21 N-8 SUNDAY_ 63-0804E 42 Now, the cell, or the spirit, life, lays in the blood. And when the blood cell of a lamb or an animal was broken, the life that was in that cell could not come back upon the worshiper, 'cause it was an animal. And we are a human being, we are different. The animal doesn't have a soul. The human being has a soul. So the--the--the spirit could not come back upon him after he made his offering, but yet he made it, and sincerely, speaking with faith that he believed that that perfect Offering was coming. 43 But when the Blood cell was broke, in Jesus Christ, God was released. See, He was God. That Blood wasn't Jewish. That Blood wasn't Gentile. That was a creative Blood cell, God Himself. And now through that Blood, making a propitiation for our sins, cleanses the believer, takes all of his sins away from him, as if he never had sinned. God puts them in the Sea of Forgetfulness. And the same God that was upon Jesus Christ continues in the believer, doing the same works that He did here, for It's the same Spirit. THE.SIGN.OF.THIS.TIME_ NY.NY V-18 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1113 32 If Jesus stood here tonight with this suit on, that He gave me, He could not heal you. He would just... He--He could might... You might know that it was Jesus; but He could not heal you, because He has already done it. See, you would have to believe it. Now He would say, "My child, you know not that by My stripes you were healed?" See, He has already done it. It's already a finished work. It's a past tense. We just believe it now. And, to me, the Word would be sufficient. If you told somebody something, they didn't want to believe it, well, that--that would settle it, let them go ahead and not believe it. But that's not God, see. THE.SIGN.OF.THIS.TIME_ NY.NY V-18 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1113 33 It's just like a little song I used to hear a minister and his wife sing, "Not as mortals forgive one another. Jesus forgives and forgets." See? We can't forget it, see, but He can. He is God. He can forget it; it never was. Put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, and not even remember it. He is God. He can take it from His complete memory. But we can't do that, see. He can. 34 Now when you believe Him, that He has did this for you, "He healed you when He--when He was wounded for your transgressions, and with His stripes you were healed," past tense. Now the only thing you have to do is to believe it. Now the Word teaches it. No one can say the Word doesn't teach it. And It does teach it, now, and we see so much evidence of people being healed everywhere. But there is Divine healing. THE.SIGN.OF.THIS.TIME_ NY.NY V-18 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1113 35 Now if it would be you or I, if we sent our word, and sovereign like God, well, if people didn't want to believe it, they wouldn't have to; after all, it's them sick. But not God. 36 He also set in the Church, apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists, see, all that for the perfecting of the Body. And in this Body, every local body, He gave nine spiritual gifts, and those gifts are--are different kinds; wisdom, knowledge, speaking in tongues, gifts of healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth; nine spiritual gifts, all to show His love towards the Church, see, that He wants you to stay in order, the great Holy Spirit Himself being the Tutor of the Church. It's too bad we took a bishop instead of the Holy Spirit, to be our tutor, see. But we--we... The Holy Spirit is the Tutor that God gave to the Church, to raise the Church, to bring it up in the admonition of God. So the Holy Spirit freely sets these gifts in the Church, and they perfectly operate, if you just won't get excited and try to just take what you think yourself.

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WHO.DO.YOU.SAY.THIS.IS_ PHOENIX.AZ V-6 N-9 SUNDAY_ 64-1227 8 There's many of the things as I... we're approaching the New Year that I--I wish I could--could forget about, but I know that I've confessed them as wrong to Him and--and He put them in the Sea of Forgetfulness, and He won't never remember them no more. Now see, we're not made that way, we'll always remember. We can forgive one another, but we--we can't forget about it because we are--we are--we are made different. But God can forgive it and forget it. He can just wipe it out as though it never was. See? Because He has access to that Sea of Forgetfulness, but we don't. Just think of it, that God cannot even remember that we ever sinned. Think of that! Choir, you young folks, what if... what about that? God don't even remember that we ever sinned. See, He can forget the whole thing, and never will be brought into memory anymore. Wouldn't that be something? THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 221 But, remember, when it went down; and the grain begin to ripen. You find, before that grain can ripen, everything in that stalk has to be dead. Hallelujah! Can't you see where we're standing? Life is in the grain again. What is it? Just exactly like the same grain that went in the ground, the same Jesus in the Bride form, same power, same Church, same thing, same Word. The same Word sucked up through these and come out here, and come to a head here. And all that Life that come through here, picked up its people. Now it's forming up into a head, for the Rapture. Speaking on that tomorrow night, or next night, one, the Lord willing. 222 Well, you separated from your first union, by spiritual death. Now you are born again, or remarried again, to the new spiritual union; of not your natural life of the things of the world, but of Eternal Life. That germ that was in you at the beginning, found you. THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 223 Now, your old book is gone, with your old union. Now, your name in your old, in your... has been transferred. Now, you say, "Do you mean to tell me that my old book..." God put it in the Sea of His Forgetfulness. You stand perfectly before God. 224 Now, your name is now in the new Book; not the book of life, but the Lamb's Book of Life, what the Lamb redeemed. Not the old book of your natural union, but your new, Bride. Hallelujah! Your new life is in the Lamb's Book of Life, your marriage certificate, hallelujah, where your true Eternal germ, from the beginning, takes hold. Now you're not only forgiven, but you're justified. Glory! "Justified," Romans 5:1 said. Yeah. Romans 5:1 said, "Therefore being justified by faith." THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 225 Look up the word. The word don't mean forgiven. The word means justified. It don't mean you're forgiven. 226 For instance, you heard I got drunk and--and done some evil things, and everything. Then you come around, say to me. You found out I didn't do them, then you come around, say, "Brother Branham, I forgive you." Forgive me? I didn't do it, at the first place. See? 227 Now, if I did do it, I'm guilty. But you could forgive me, and I wouldn't be guilty. But yet I'm not justified, because I actually done it. 228 But the word, justified, is though you never done it. Amen. It's not even regarded, at all. How is it done? In God's Book of the Sea of Forgetfulness, your old book and marriage is divorced and dead. It's not even in the memories of God. Amen. You are justified. "Therefore being justified." It was accused. You was accused. You never done it, in the first place. The old union is in the Sea of God's Forgetfulness. You wasn't married to it, to begin with. He, the Bridegroom, bore your shame, Himself, for you, in your place. He took your place, for you were predestinated for Him, to be in His Bride,

Revelation 5:8 Prepared by Bro. Bernie NC Garcia Jr 40

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before the foundation of the world. The Bible said so. You are the predestinated Seed. THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 229 How did you come to do this? You were deceived into it by your first marriage, to your adulterous parent, Eve. It's no fault of your own. By your natural birth, you come after Eve, who committed adultery. That's the reason you was born an adulteress. You're a sinner, to begin with. That's right. You was deceived into it. You had no... No, you, it ain't your fault. 230 You never did it. Because, that little germ that was in you, was to be you, before the foundation of the world. God put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 262 He, the Bridegroom, took away your shame, "And put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, by the washing of the Water of the Word and the Blood of Life." That's what the Bible said. Your first husband that you were married to, the world; the anointed Bridegroom, which foreordained you, has washed you by the washing of the Water. By "the church"? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] That don't sound right. Does it? ["No."] You might find that in the almanac, but not in God's Bible. "By the washing of the Water by the Word." In the Word! See? By the... 263 You are standing completely justified, as though you never did it at the beginning. This is my Message to the Church now. As you... as we go off the air, just in a minute. You are standing, if you're standing on God's Word and with God's Word, every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing? I'm trying to tell you, pull away from them shucks. And get out here in the wheat, where you can get ripe before the Son. I hear the coming of the combine. You're standing complete, justified, like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah! 264 Talk about a thanksgiving! I feel real good. I'm more thankful for that than anything I know of. 265 You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living God. Every man and woman that's born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though you never sinned at the first place. You are perfect. The Blood of Jesus Christ! How can you... If a man... THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 266 If I was supposed to die in the morning, a man took my place, I cannot die for that sin. Somebody took my place. 267 And Jesus, the Word, took my place. He become me, that a sinner, that I might become Him, the Word. Amen. Let me hold true to It, not the church. The Word! Amen. 268 Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it's happening, day by day. Why, it's cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn't even keep up with it. We're near the Coming of Jesus, to be united with His Church, where the Word becomes the Word. Call of the Holy Spirit, searching the hearts! THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 269 You're standing, completely. You never sinned at the first place. God don't even know. It's in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God. You're standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it's dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God. 270 You're the virtuous Bride of Christ, washed in the Blood of Christ. Precious, virtuous, sinless Son of God standing with a pure, unadulterated Bride-Word that He washed by the Water of His Own

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Blood; that become flesh and manifested, that He might take you which were predestinated in the bosom of the Father, before the beginning, the same as He was. He was that great attribute of God, called "love." Forgive and Forge DIVINE.LOVE.AND.SOVEREIGN.GRACE_ PRINCE.ALBERT.SK TUESDAY_ 56-0814 E-18 My wife is setting present. When we were married, I took her to be my wife, and promised to live faithful to her until death separated her; and she promised--separated us; and she promised the same to me. Now, it isn't a law. When I leave and go overseas, or somewhere, and be away a long time, I don't have to go say, "Now, Mrs. Branham, I'm going to lay down the law to you. While I am gone, I don't want you flirting with any other husband, and I don't want you doing so-and-so." I don't say that. Now, she doesn't come to me and say, "Mr. Branham, and then I'll tell you. You'll not flirt with any other wives, and you mustn't do this or that." We don't think that. We just love each other. When I get ready to go, we kneel in the room and take hold of each other's hands and raise the other hand to God, and say, "Thank you, Father, for being so kind to us and for helping us. And now we must separate because You said, 'If you won't forsake wife, children, and all, and cleave after Me, you're not worthy to be My disciple.' And now, Father, no matter what I would do, I'm still not worthy to be Your disciple, but this is such a little thing that we can do, but we're willing to do this little thing to--for love, that we have for You, as we know You have for us." DIVINE.LOVE.AND.SOVEREIGN.GRACE_ PRINCE.ALBERT.SK TUESDAY_ 56-0814 E-19 When we get through praying, I kiss her good-bye and say, "Good-bye, sweetheart." She'd say, "Good-bye, I'll be praying for you, Billy." That settles it. There's no "thou shalt not," and "thou shall," nothing about it. Now, when I'm out into the field, and when I'm out there... And yet, I would know, and I... She don't have to worry about me. I don't worry about her. As long as I love her the way I do, she'll never have to worry. And as long as she loves me, I'll never have to worry. So we got confidence in each other, as husband and wife, that we love one another, and that just settles it. We don't... We just go on the regular routine of life. DIVINE.LOVE.AND.SOVEREIGN.GRACE_ PRINCE.ALBERT.SK TUESDAY_ 56-0814 E-20 Now, even if I know that I could do something bad, and get by with it, and go tell her, confess my sin, and go tell her I done wrong, yet I wouldn't do it. If she'd forgive me, say, "That's all right, Billy, I know it was a case of--of this, that, and you've explained it to me; I'll forgive you; we'll just forget it." I--I still wouldn't do it, because I love her too much to do that. I--I--I love her; I wouldn't hurt her, yet she'd forgive me. I know it would scar her heart, if I did something was wrong. And if I think that with a Phileo love, of human love towards my wife, how much more ought I to my Saviour? No matter what would be this, that, I want to please Him; I want to love Him. And I want Him to be able to say, "That's My servant. I can tell him to go here, and he will do it." And I want to say, "That's my Lord, if He sends me here, I'll go." And that's what love is. It's--it's something that binds us with God. And that takes all the fear. DIVINE.LOVE.AND.SOVEREIGN.GRACE_ PRINCE.ALBERT.SK TUESDAY_ 56-0814 E-21 Now, if somebody come, say, "Mrs. Branham is not true to you." I wouldn't believe it; you couldn't make me believe it. No sir, for I have confidence and love. I wouldn't say, "Oh, you reckon she is? What will happen to my children?" No, I wouldn't believe it in the first place, because I love her. And as long as I love her that way, I've got that confidence in her as a woman.

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And no matter what you say, "The days of miracles past; God don't do this, and God don't do that." You just might as well save your breath. I love Him, and I believe Him, and I take Him at His Word. So that settles it; that's all. God said so. And if you can get to a place where you love Him, it will cast out the fear that you have that He won't keep His Word. That's really true. REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1_ JEFF.IN ROJC 551-584 SATURDAY_ 60-1231 33 Our heavenly Father, we are approaching Thy Divine holiness in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that all-sufficient Name that was given here among men, that even the families in heaven and in earth is all named Jesus. And we pray, Lord, that You'll receive our thanksgiving. First, to begin, this dying year as we're issuing it out tonight in service, issuing it out giving praise, studying Thy Word and knowing what THUS SAITH THE LORD means. How many things could we put down on a paper to be thankful for: the little, narrow escapes that we've had this year, where Satan would've smothered our life out, but You're not through with us yet. So we're still continuing on. We believe, Lord, that we're only born and raised in this world to honor and glorify Thee. And we pray, Father, You forgive us for every trespass and every mistake that we've made down along the journey. Let us forget our mistakes tonight as we confess them, burying them in the Sea of Forgetfulness, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, never to dig them up again; but now press towards this mark to that perfect Man, Christ Jesus. Grant it tonight, Father. LET.YOUR.LIGHT.SO.SHINE.BEFORE.MEN_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 61-0903 E-27 Except we are converted and become like these little children. You know what? You could hurt their little feelings. And papa and mama knows a lot of times, they get in trouble, give them a spanking. Why, in two minutes their little arms are right around you and forgot all about it. And that's the way we got to be. No matter what goes on, we got to be forgiving and kind to one another, and--and--and be like that, like little children, willing to--to forgive and forget, and--and like that. That's what we're--we're supposed to be. And then when we do like that, we're coming near to the Kingdom of God. I believe two little girls is kinda bashful. Papa and mama had to walk up with them. Well, that's mighty fine. We just like that. We like bashful girls. IN.HIS.PRESENCE_ JEFF.IN V-11 N-4 SUNDAY_ 62-0909E 53 If we have confessed that He is--we been in His Presence, and we have confessed our sins, they are blotted out the book of His memory. There's nobody but God could do that. Now, you can do anything to me; I'll forgive you, but I'll remember it. If I'd do anything to you, you'd forgive me, but you'll remember it. But God can forgive and forget it. Think of that, "Don't even remember it." Amen. That makes me feel good. When it's not even remembered any more, nothing can do it but God. Nothing but God can do that. He said He would blot it out of His book of memory. I can't do it; you can't do it, because we've only got these little finite senses. But He's infinite God; He can absolutely forget that it ever was done. Amen. SHOW.US.THE.FATHER_ TUCSON.AZ THURSDAY_ 63-0606 28 Well, that's like our black sins. Once confessed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, it's forgotten. There's no more sin, at all. You are free from sin, and there's no sin about it. It's not because you--you deserve it, but because the grace of God, that you are. When man sinned, he crossed a great chasm between he and God, and, left, there's no way back. But, God was full of mercy, He--He took a substitute. And a lamb was that substitute until the fullness of time come, when He, God, made flesh, to take away sin. And now there's not even a chasm there, between. A man and God become Father and

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son. There's no sin, at all. He puts them in the sea of the bleach of forgetfulness, and cannot even remember them no more. 29 Now, we can't do that. We're human. We can forgive, but cannot forget. But God is infinite, and He's so great that He can absolutely forgot you even did it. Think of it. You never did even sin. And there puts a man again in the Presence of God as his Father, and you're His child. We are sons and daughters of God now, not will be, now we are the sons and daughters of God. Oh, my! That make Methodists feel like shouting. Doesn't it? 30 Now, we are very happy to know that we have this great, great bleach that Jesus Christ brought to us, His Own Blood. We're going to speak a little about Him now, giving you a chance to get kind of quietened. THE.SIGN.OF.THIS.TIME_ NY.NY V-18 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1113 32 If Jesus stood here tonight with this suit on, that He gave me, He could not heal you. He would just... He--He could might... You might know that it was Jesus; but He could not heal you, because He has already done it. See, you would have to believe it. Now He would say, "My child, you know not that by My stripes you were healed?" See, He has already done it. It's already a finished work. It's a past tense. We just believe it now. And, to me, the Word would be sufficient. If you told somebody something, they didn't want to believe it, well, that--that would settle it, let them go ahead and not believe it. But that's not God, see. THE.SIGN.OF.THIS.TIME_ NY.NY V-18 N-8 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1113 33 It's just like a little song I used to hear a minister and his wife sing, "Not as mortals forgive one another. Jesus forgives and forgets." See? We can't forget it, see, but He can. He is God. He can forget it; it never was. Put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, and not even remember it. He is God. He can take it from His complete memory. But we can't do that, see. He can. 34 Now when you believe Him, that He has did this for you, "He healed you when He--when He was wounded for your transgressions, and with His stripes you were healed," past tense. Now the only thing you have to do is to believe it. Now the Word teaches it. No one can say the Word doesn't teach it. And It does teach it, now, and we see so much evidence of people being healed everywhere. But there is Divine healing. THE.RAPTURE_ YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 SATURDAY_ 65-1204 161 And notice, not only is the Bride washed, forgiven, but She is justified. See? Did you ever try the word justified, to see what it means? Now, for instance, if Brother Green heard that I had been drinking, I been doing bad things, then he found out that I didn't do it. Then he come, say, "I forgive you, Brother Branham." 162 "You forgive me? I never done it. What you forgiving me about?" See? But if I'm guilty, then I can be forgiven; but I'm still not just, because I did it. But the word justified is "though you never done it, at all." Justified! And then the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so from sin, till it's put in the Book of God's forgetfulness. He's the only One can do it. 163 We can't. We can forgive but not forget. I could forgive you, but I always remember you done these evil things. Then, you're not just; you're forgiven. But, in the sight of God, the Bride is justified. She never done it, in the first place. Amen. Standing there, married to the virtuous Son of God; never sinned, in the first place. Why? She was foreordained. She was trapped into this. And now when She heard the Truth and come forth, the Blood cleansed Her. And She stands there, virtuous. See? She, no sin on Her, at all.

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