best php frameworks

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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clixlogix technologies

• PHP is amongst the World’s most

popular scripting languages which is used to develop Web applications.

• 50% of the web world is made and powered on PHP language, which quite simply gives you an idea of its impact on the Internet.

• The major reason for this is the ease with which a person can learn and use it.

The major limitation of PHP language is that it takes a lot of time to code. Coding in any programming language including PHP gets quite repetitive and monotonous, as you have to write the same code again and again.

This is where a framework comes from!

PHP frameworks are the basic building blocks which are usually used to promote rapid web applications development (RAD).

A PHP framework streamlines the process of web development by eliminating the need to write repetitive code again and again.

A ready made structure

Proper connection between the database layer and the coding on the application layer

Stability of the application

Removal of repetitive coding

This is exactly why Developers like to use Frameworks while doing PHP coding

PHP frameworks works on the fundamentals of THE MVC MODEL

Controller Model









MVC or Model View Controller is basically an architectural pattern which keeps your programming logic separated from the

User Interface (UI).

Basically, MVC breaks up the development process of an application, so you can work on individual elements while others are unaffected. Essentially, this makes coding in PHP faster and

less complicated.

Raw data/database connection User Interface

– Business Logic/ controls the entire

Good Community Support (Forum, online members, etc) Ease of use Strong Features Documentation support (Proper framework documentation) Rapid Development

Started in April 2005 by a Polish programmer named Michal Tatarynowicz.

Designed and inspired after the principles of Ruby on Rails. Highly promotes Rapid Application Development It is a feature rich framework which comes with a lot of built in

features such as, database accesses, code generation, caching, authentication, validation, and translations, along with tools to keep your application safe and secure.

Convention over configuration paradigm on the MVC and ORM architectural patterns.

CakePHP is best suited for huge development projects with strict delivery dates and budgets. CakePHP is very effective build heavy portals such as Social Networking websites, etc.

Built in March 2006 initially, Zend Technologies released the latest version “Zend Framework 2” in August 2010.

Zend Framework an object oriented open-source web application framework which was .

Easy to use database abstraction system and supports multiple database systems.

The individual components of the framework are not heavily inter-dependent on each other forming a loosely coupled architecture. This enables the development of framework components individually, that allows us to enhance specific components as per the requirement of the project.

Best suited for portals which require heavy usage of database, such as, E-commerce websites

CodeIgniter is more of a lightweight PHP framework. It is simple and easy to learn and get well versed with.

CodeIgniter was initially released in February 2006 to build dynamic websites.

Has a rich set of libraries for the tasks which are extensively needed in the development process.

• It highly promotes the RAD (Rapid Application Development) model urging the development of web portals faster than other frameworks could.

• Has an agile base on which additional functionalities can be efficiently added.

• CodeIgniter also has a comparatively smaller footprint as compared to other frameworks.

Best for simple projects which require the use of custom open-source framework on a tight delivery date, such as, listing websites

Released in December of 2008, Yii is newer class of open-source PHP frameworks built on the concepts Object Oriented Programming - Yes It Is (expansion of Yii).

What is best about Yii is that supports third party codes.

Yii comes with a powerful layered caching support making it a high-performance PHP Framework to build large scale web applications.

• Yii is again built on the concepts of MVC architecture designed to work efficiently with AJAX which helps in the development of a clean code. It a great framework from the security point of view too as it has several built-in security measures such as cross-website request forgery & scripting prevention.

Yii a very good platform to develop web 2.0 applications such as Social Networking Portals.

Overall, PHP frameworks promote Rapid Application Development (RAD) and greatly reduce the project costing and duration by eliminating the need of repetitive coding.

Choosing the right framework is vital for an efficient project delivery.

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