best practise 33

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Sekolah Rendah HajiMohammad Jaafar Maun

Kiulap, Brunei III

Best Practice Title:

Enrichment Learning Programme


SLP Team :Hajah Saramah Binti Mail

Rosinah Binti YahyaHajah kasmah Binti Haji Berudin

The programme is

adapted from Sekolah

Menengah Sayyidina

Hussain, Jerudong.

To suit and enhance

primary school numeracy


It is a pulling out system

where one teacher handles

two students.

It is conducted during

teacher’s free time and

during recess.

Each session runs for thirty



•SLP team identified students (low achievers)

in numeracy for Year 1 to Year 5.

•Scheduling teachers to handle enrichment

learning programme.

•Preparation of materials ( appointment cards

and log books).

•Briefing on Best Practice project.

Pre Implementation….

A Best Practice meeting was held

and chaired by the Headmistress.

The Headmistress explained

appointment card to the teachers.

Intervention Implementation

• Each student is given an appointment cardstating day and time to meet the respectiveteacher.

• Consultation session - (teacher notes downstudents’ progress).

Intervention Sessions

Year 2B

Area of weakness: Unable to identify

place value of

numbers up to three

digits correctly.

Instructional strategy: Different coloured number cards were used to

differentiate place values.

Intervention Sessions

Year 4B

Area of weakness: Unable to identify

place value of

numbers up to three

digits correctly.

Instructional strategy: Using number cut outs and five stones and visual

addition to reinforce.

Intervention Sessions

Year 5A

Area of weakness: Unable to subtract

numbers up to four

digits correctly.

Instructional strategy: Using counters and Abacus.

Intervention Sessions

Year 3A

Area of weakness: Unable to add 2-

digit numbers


Instructional strategy: Using Based ten blocks

Teacher fill in the appointment card

The appointment card

the appointment card

Project Impact

•Students learning progress could be

monitored easily.

•Teachers can easily identify student’s

weakness so that they could provide effective

coaching techniques.

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