best tools for home improvement

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Best Tools forBest Tools forBest Tools for

Home ImprovementHome ImprovementHome Improvement

As with all tools, the more versatile you

can make it, the better of an investment it

will become.


the Value of Precision 3

Annular Cutter

The New Wave of Home Improvement 9

Table of Contents

Reamers Reamers Reamers

The Value of Precision The Value of Precision The Value of Precision

A reamer is a drill bit that is used to shape or

enlarge holes. Now, there are many different kinds

of reamers. There are the adjustable hand reamers,

the straight reamer, the machine reamer, the rose

reamer, the shell reamer, the tapered reamer, the

Morris taper reamer and the combination reamer.

The most popular reamers are the hand reamer and

the tapered reamer. Choosing the correct reamer

can make any job a success or a complete failure.

Also, it can take a lot more time to complete a

project if you do not have the proper tools and in

today’s economy time is money.

So how do you know which reamer is best for

your project? First of all you need to make sure you

have the proper equipment at your disposal to

operate a reamer. A reamer will be extremely

successful when using either a lathe or a drilling

machine otherwise known as a drill press.

Secondly, all reaming jobs must be preceded by

drilling a hole to begin with a little smaller than

the size needed. By smaller it is recommended that

the allowance is no more than 0.13 of a millimeter.

The allowance is the difference between the hole

drilled in the first place and the desired diameter of

the hole upon completion of the project. If you

have an allowance greater than 0.13 of a millimeter

it can severely damage the reamer to the point that

it could never be used again.

Okay, now that you have your hole predrilled

in the material you are working with, which type

of reamer should you use? Well, if all you want to

do is clean up the burrs from the hole and make it

look neat and clean, you can use a tapered hand

reamer for this. However, if your hole has to be

precise, you may want to consider using a tapered

machine reamer constructed for precision. These

reamers can get a hole within 0.02 of a millimeter.

Also some jobs require that the cylinder walls of a

hole have a smooth surface finish. This is needed

for many precise engineering applications.

Reamers can be used on a variety of materials

varying from plastics to cast iron to aluminum. If

you are working with metal or plastic, reamers are

the perfect tool for precision. However, if you were

working with concrete or stone a reamer is not a

good choice for materials of this nature. Instead of

ruining a good and expensive reamer, use masonry

drill bits. Usually holes in concrete or stone do not

have to be as precise with an allowance of less than

0.2 of a millimeter. Masonry drill bits will get the

hole close enough for concrete and stone.

As you can see, reamers are a wonderful tool

for projects that require precision. However, as

with anything, they have their limits as to the

material best suited for use. You cannot go wrong

using masonry drill bits when it comes to concrete,

stone or tile.

Annular Cutter Annular Cutter Annular Cutter

The New Wave of The New Wave of The New Wave of

Home ImprovementHome ImprovementHome Improvement

Whether you want to drill a hole in metal,

wood or stone, it seems that old fashioned drill bits

just don’t cut it any longer. With the advent of

more advanced tools like the annular cutter, the

shelf life of traditional drill bits seems to be

limited. Certainly, when it comes to drilling

normal sized holes in rock or creating large holes in

solid metal, there are far better types of machinery

on the market than what your father has in his tool

box. As modern consumers, we demand more of

the equipment we use for home improvement

projects. Holes no longer crack or have dimples

surrounding the surface area when the new wave

of home improvement tools is put to use.

Drilling a large hole in a door to put in a

doorknob is an age old DIY job. One method of

achieving this hole was to drill several holes beside

each other. Eventually, the holes would combine to

create something resembling a space for a

doorknob to be placed. This process took some

time and required great patience. Of course, the

above scenario really involves amateur DIY

enthusiasts but even they can benefit from the

power and convenience of an annular cutter.

Instead of having to bore primer holes before

getting to work with the big drill bit, this type of

cutter allows you to go straight through the metal.

You will only have to use it once to cut the perfect


All you need to do is ensure that the surface

being drilled is clean and free of all debris. Most

cutters are magnetic nowadays so the bottom of the

magnet must also be thoroughly cleaned. The

cutting edges of the cutter are located right at the

edge which allows the surface speed of the tool to

remain constant during the cut. Instead of having

to force your way through the material like you

would with a normal drill bit, the cutter smoothly

saws through the metal, never pausing throughout

the job unless you elect to stop and clean the cutter.

Masonry drill bits are the weapon of choice

when it comes to dealing with stone and concrete.

They are a major improvement over older drill bits

which had a pronounced habit of either breaking

under extreme pressure or chipping the rock. These

types of drill bits work best when paired with

rotary hammer drills because they operate a piston

which hammers the drill bit into the hole. In

contrast, regular hammer action drills tend to

vibrate. If the material is extremely hard and

pressure is put on the drill bit, it could crack.

Rotary drills are more expensive but as they

penetrate hard material more easily than their

regular hammer counterpart, it is certainly worth

paying a little extra.

If traditional equipment is not up to the

standards we now have, items like masonry drill

bits are here to save the day. Consumers

understand the importance of longevity and

performance and this realization has encouraged

manufacturers to produce superior quality goods.

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