better sharepoint through service oriented architecture and development dev346, pm346

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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Better SharePoint through Service Oriented Architecture and


DEV346, PM346

Eugene Rosenfeld, MVP, MCAD CTO, Black Blade Associates Programmer, better programmer, architect,


About this Session

Intended audience Application architects Some SharePoint dev experience is helpful Some distributed application design

experience is helpful Very little code, mostly Visios


EAI and SOA Traditional SharePoint Application

Architecture SOA Intro Rethink the Application as Services Case Study: Document Section Manager

application to docBlock service


EAI – Enterprise Application Integration What does EAI have to do with SOA?

The goal of both EAI and SOA is to let systems communicate

Prime Tenet of EAI

Minimal intrusion into a system The fewer changes made to a system, the

fewer things break The fewer changes made to a system, the

fewer things to maintain The fewer changes made to a system, the

fewer things will break when the system is upgraded

Intrusiveness (low to high)

Client-side artifacts Images CSS JavaScript

Server-side artifacts CAML (List / site def, content types, etc) Web Parts / application pages Event Receivers / workflows Any other compiled code


EAI and SOA Traditional SharePoint Application

Architecture SOA Intro Rethink the Application as Services Case Study: Document Section Manager

application to docBlock service

Sample SharePoint Application

Aspects of the Architecture

Entire codebase must reside on each web front end server

Web front end servers bear the bulk of the load for executing the code

Most code runs in the w3wp.exe process Most code runs in the context of an HTTP


Problems with the Architecture

Entire codebase must reside on each web front end server Deployment complexity Configuration complexity Potential application compatibility issues One more thing to worry about when

upgrading to next version of SharePoint

Problems with the Architecture

Web front end servers bear the bulk of the load for executing the code Difficult to determine load application places

on farm May require scaling out the web front ends

Problems with the Architecture

Most code runs in the w3wp.exe process Recycling the w3wp.exe process causes all

applications to restart

Problems with the Architecture

Most code runs in the context of an HTTP request HTTP has a 60 second timeout Bad code can break the HTTP request



EAI and SOA Traditional SharePoint Application

Architecture SOA Intro Rethink the Application as Services Case Study: Document Section Manager

application to docBlock service

SOA Intro

SOA: Service Oriented Architecture SOA is architecture, not technology

SOA Myths

Myth: SOA is new Myth: SOA needs an Enterprise Service Bus Myth: SOA requires a particular technology

Myth: SOA requires Web Services Myth: SOA requires XML Myth: SOA requires text-based interface Myth: SOA requires HTTP

Proof: Look at WCF in .Net 3.0

Web Service is not a SOA Service

What’s Left in SOA Definition?

SOA is a design principle that abstracts a business capability from the interface used to access the capability.

SOA services should: Scale up Scale out Be distributable

– Have remotable interfaces– Be topology-aware

Who are the Clients?

HTML Client: IE, Firefox, Safari, etc RSS Client: Outlook, NewsGator, etc SMTP Client: Outlook, Notes, Evolution, etc Terminal Client: HyperTerminal, x3270, etc Web Service Client: ? – Custom Code XML Client: ? – Custom Code


EAI and SOA Traditional SharePoint Application

Architecture SOA Intro Rethink the Application as Services Case Study: Document Section Manager

application to docBlock service

Design Goals

Get as much code out of the w3wp.exe process as possible

Get as much code out of SharePoint web front ends as possible

Why? To Mitigate Risk

Writing the application is the easy part Operational cost of the application

70% of app cost after completion, during operations and maintenance

Platform updates and configuration changes Platform variations

– Windows Server 2003 / 2008– x86 / x64


Achieving the Design Goals

Separate processing into 2 categories: Requires SharePoint infrastructure Does not require SharePoint infrastructure

Separate processing duration into 3 categories Fast (< 15 sec) Medium ( > 15 sec) long running ( > 60 sec)

Design ImplementationProcessing Length

Short Medium Long

SharePoint Required


1. Web part or synchronous event receiver

2. Asynchronous event receiver.

3. Workflow in SharePoint farm.

No 4. SOAP or WCF service on separate hardware from SharePoint farm.

5. Workflow, console app, or service on separate hardware from SharePoint farm.

6. Workflow, console app, or service on separate hardware from SharePoint farm.

My code fits more than one box

Of course it does. It should. Most non-trivial applications will use at

least 2-3 boxes.

For Example… Box 1: A click in a web part causes a document

property in SharePoint to change. Box 2: The property change triggers an

asynchronous event receiver to call a remote web service.

Box 4: The remote web service starts a long-running operation.

Box 6: The long-running operation completes and publishes the results back to SharePoint.

Box 1: The web part displays the new state of the data when a user revisits the page.

Re-architecting an Application

It’s time when…foreach(SPWeb web in currentWeb.Webs)

foreach(SPList list in web.Lists)

//do lots of work!

Process flows are the key to re-architecture

Reuse processes, not code


EAI and SOA Traditional SharePoint Application

Architecture SOA Intro Rethink the Application as Services Case Study: Document Section

Manager application to docBlock service

Document Section Manager App

What it did Software that allowed multiple people to edit

the same document at the same time How it did it

Converted a physical document into a virtual document with multiple physical sections

Merged section changes back into main document so main document was always current

Document Section Manager App

Implementation Document section changes trigger an

asynchronous event receiver Event receiver invokes a custom Windows

service to process document sections Windows service invokes MS Word through

PIA / DCOM to perform the section merges Another Windows service uploads the

processed document back to SharePoint

DSM Process Flow

DSM’s Place in SharePoint Farm

Issues with the Architecture

All processing ran on each web front end Deployment was a nightmare

Deploy and configure MS Word to each WFE Deploy and configure custom Windows

service to each WFE System reliability was sub-optimal, mostly

due to constant DCOM issues

Issues with the Architecture

Application did not work when SharePoint was installed on Windows Server 2008, due to DCOM differences

Application did not work when SharePoint was installed on Windows Server 2003 x64

Document processing put substantial load on WFEs

Issues with the Architecture

Main issue:

The Document Section Manager was too intrusive in the SharePoint system. This caused the deployment, configuration, stability, and maintenance issues.

This is an architectural issue that required a fundamental redesign of the application.

Re-architecting the DSM

1 34 4, 6

3 4 4, 6

Re-architecting the DSM

Document Assembler Service remains mostly unchanged but is moved from SharePoint farm to external application server on external hardware.

Uploader Service remains mostly unchanged but is moved from SharePoint farm to external application server on external hardware.

Re-architecting the DSM

New SOAP Service interface created for Document Assembler and Uploader services on external application server.

Event receiver remains mostly unchanged but now invokes the Document Assembler Service remotely rather than locally.

MS Word is removed from SharePoint WFEs.

docBlock’s Place in SharePoint10% 90%

docBlock Client Process Flow

docBlock Service Process Flow

Tech Benefits of Re-architecture

Deployment is 80% easier 90% less code running on SharePoint

WFEs MS Word no longer required on

SharePoint WFEs 95% less load on SharePoint WFEs 75% increase in processing reliability

Non-Tech Benefits

Easier to find developer resources: not everyone working on the app needs to be a SharePoint expert.

Easier to sell the application: very little push-back from IT concerned about what gets installed on SharePoint farm.

Companies requesting services work to help them similarly re-architect their applications.

Non-Tech Benefits

Application can now be distributed as a virtual or physical appliance.

Application can now be hosted “in the cloud.”


If processing doesn’t require SharePoint, don’t run the processing in SharePoint.

Minimal intrusion into SharePoint yields a more stable, reliable, performant platform.

Execute slow code asynchronously with respect to the web UI.

Utilizing SOA service interfaces yields more manageable, upgradable, and supportable code.

Additional Resources

Document Section Manager code:

Things that Should be Easy

Black Blade Web Site

Thank you for attending!Please be sure to fill out your

session evaluation!

Eugene Rosenfeld

DEV346, PM346: Better SharePoint through Service Oriented Architecture and


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