better together

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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Just as an author writes a book, every day you’re writing the story of your life. The only things you know for certain is that there is a beginning and an end.

In between those two fixed points are chapters, each contributing to the book’s plot. While no two books are exactly the same, there are usually similarities.

You’re Not Alone

Suffering through an addiction is a surprisingly common chapter for people all over the world. No one should have to walk this road alone.

As human beings, we share a deep physiological need to connect with others. It’s no different in recovery. Recovering people tend to thrive in understanding and supportive environments.

Community Benefits

• Sober communities are meant to encourage communication and deliver hope to recovering people.

• Building relationships with likeminded people is essential to recovery.

• Sobriety is strengthened in community and those relationships you’re building will propel you toward your goal and catch you if you start slipping.

What to Look for in a Community

There are 3 vital characteristics of a healthy community:

1. Support

2. Confidence

3. Honesty


SUPPORTIn good times and in crisis, knowing you have an external

support network will give you confidence and lend you understanding when you need it.


CONFIDENCEIf you have a support system that repeatedly builds you up by reinforcing your goals and believing in you, you’ll gain confidence over time. Confidence in your recovery

and in yourself is truly priceless.


HONESTYHonesty is at the foundation of every healthy relationship.

It will also foster trust and keep you accountable throughout your journey.

Digital Communities

If you’re not quite ready to find a physical community where you live, that’s okay.

• Find or start a Facebook group or an interactive blog

• Download an app that resonates with you


Wherever you are, big city or small town, you can join or build your own community for sobriety support.

Next Steps

Seek people who have had struggles and triumphs similar to your own. The best place to gain quality support is from people who can relate to you. Remember, we’re better together.

Read more about the vibrant recovery community at

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