beware female contractor on site

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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Beware Female Contractor on site

A look

into the world of a female contractor on an IT Project

Hi welcome on board .I am very busy

program manager. You can work with the other contractors

while I go to the other office.

Hi other contractor

this is how I see it . What do you think?

Um well umm. I

think I’ll take over from here.

Why is she trying to

do my work. We must get her re-trained.

Morning I’m another new contractor on

this project. what are you doing here. Isn’t it a bit early to start?

Umm I guess his

wife is still doing her hair or

washing up the

breakfast dishes.

Hi other contractor I’m working on a special bit of work and it is nearly nine

o'clock and I have quite a few

meetings today.

I am the new leader of this team and we are going to

have meeting.

Hi new senior person. I am really exited about this

contract and looking

forward to working with


Yes that is agreed and we will update female contractor later. We will send someone else to

head office for us and

we can be in meetings here all

day every day.

Let us give female

contractor lots of work then we men can

work together on the

important stuff together.

Where is everyone? I was going to

suggest going to the pub tomorrow.

Must ring wife and tell her I'll be here

for another few months. Best not

tell her about female contractor

after what happened on last

project.When are we having that meeting?

Meeting? We do not

need meeting. I have given you work to

do, you understand!

I do not understand what you

mean. I have been in crucial

meetings at head office for

the last two weeks.

Hi second new contractor, have you

finished that configuration as yet so we

can deliver the next bit?

What is she on about I do not need to speak “HER”I have

problems with wife and kids.

Such a shame I

could have done with the role

travelling to head office

myself.. I guess they sent him

there to get him up to


The other contactors are all happy with the work they are doing. What’s wrong with

you ?I don’t understand

why don’t you want to renew contract with


What’s wrong doesn’t she like being put in her


Sorry to hear you are

leaving us so soon.

Yes it's a shame

especially after all that hard


Ah ha thought that would

work.. All set to get my

mates onto this project. After all they

need the money to pay for those little b** they keep


Hi husband glad to hear you got

rid of that female contractor.

Yes dear. I have got

your friends’ husband

the interview

so you girls

should be happy.

Shame we cannot get any Totties on site. I

can dream… Suppose I

will have to take the wife on a

cruise instead.

Of course he will

help get me big

management job

when I go back to

work. So I will keep

him sweet.

Oh no what have they done to my

female contractor wife.

Now I a big problem to deal with. Wish they had sent her to head office. I

could have done with a few days


It’s all your fault. You are as bad as the rest of them. You are going

to pay for this.. How can you

live with yourself! #¥#¥##

I heard you are out of work


Maybe you should have

gone into marketing like my sister. She

has just become a director.

Yeah better

luck next time I guess. Plenty

more fish in the sea!

That will

teach her.

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