beyke shaman rules

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8/10/2019 Beyke Shaman Rules 1/16

6. MagicMagic is universal in Glorantha. Natural processes that take place due to physicsin the real world are magically caused in Glorantha, and magic can affect them.The ability to use magic to make changes is widespread, and has been developed bydifferent cultures into different forms of magic. The most widespread is Divinemagic, which is practiced through most of the world, including Dragon Pass. Thesame areas usually have hamanism as a minority tradition. The people of thewestern lands use sorcery, and are believed to be athiests. !n the east a mysteriousmystical form of magic is used. Plus, there are numerous alien forms of magicused by non"human races such as the dragonewts, the elves, the dwarves, andothers. These rules will only deal with the first two of these forms, Divine Magicand hamanism.

6.1 GENERAL RULESMost forms of magic have some similarities. These are described here. #dditionaldetails on specific forms are provided in the following sections.

TerminologySpell$ Many magic effects are done by %&asting pells'. &asting a spell meansactually using a magic ability, whether that ability is learned through study, giftedfrom a deity or spirit, or a power gained on a (uest. # spell is the actual magicitself, either in action or effect )such as saying %My sword is stuck in my scabbard

 by a spell'* or in ability )as in %! have the +efuddle spell'*.

Rituals$ # magical casting that involves some amount of improvisation based on a basic body of knowledge. or e-ample, Divine rituals can be done by reenactingmyths, and shamanic rituals are usually done by appealing to and appeasing spirits)though there is some cross over between these two*. ituals do not have the

 preset, e-actly specified effects of spells. ome think that most spells were once

rituals that became well known, well used, and perfected.

Magic Points$ The energy used to cast most spells and rituals. Magic Points aregenerated by P/01 a being with P/0 will regenerate her P/0 in MPs every day.!f it matters, assume one forth of your P/0 is regained at midnight, at dawn, atnoon, and at sunset. No person may have more MPs than her P/0 without magicaid, such as the effects of a certain spells, or magical devices.

Intensity$ The power or strength of a spell. 2sually each intensty of a spellre(uires one MP )though more MPs may be re(uired for other aspects of the spell*.Most spells can be cast at different intensities1 these are said to be 3ariable. pellsthat may only be cast at a specific intensity are called i-ed or Non"3ariable.Divine spells that can be cast at different intensities are called tackable1 in general,the intensity of divine magic is not based on MPs, but on the number of castingsused at once )see the Divine Magic section*.

Magic Resistance$ pells cast on targets with P/0 or MPs may have to overcometheir Magic esistance. To do this, oppose the roll made to cast the spell with aroll against the target4s MPs.

Attac !s. Non"Attac Spells$ #n 5attack5 spell, such as Disrupt, must overcomea target6s MPs in order to take effect. 7owever, a target can choose not to resist, inwhich case the spell takes effect once cast. # non"attack spell, such as 7eal,normally does not have to overcome a target6s MPs1 but a target can choose to resistsuch a spell, in which case it must overcome the target6s MPs. The only time thatthe difference between these spells is meaningful is when the target is unaware ofthe incoming spell1 in such a case she would normally resist Disrupt, but not 7eal.

#oosting$ # spell may be boosted to help it penetrated defensive magic. +oosting aspell is done by casting it with more MPs than the spell needs. These e-tra MPsadd nothing to the intensity, range, duration, or any other aspect of the spell otherthan it4s ability to penetrate defensive magic. The number of MPs the spell is

 boosted with )which is limited only by amount of MPs the caster has available* isadded to the spell4s intensity to determine if it penetrates any defensive magic.

Range$ 7ow far away the target of the spell can be from the caster. Possible rangesare elf, Touch, anged, and pecial.

• elf$ the spell may only be cast on the caster.

• Touch$ the caster must be touching the target. Touching the clothing or armor of

the target is sufficient unless the spell description declares otherwise.

• anged$ the spell can be cast at any target within the standard range of the form

of magic used.

• pecial$ the range is non"standard, and specified in the spell description

$uration$ 7ow long the spell is in effect. Possible durations are !nstant, Passive,#ctive, Transient, Triggered, and pecial.

• !nstant$ the spell takes effect instanly, and has no real duration, though the effects

may linger. or e-ample,. a 7eal spell is instant1 the 7Ps are restored at once,and remain until lost through additional damage.

• Passive$ the spell lasts for the standard duration of the form of magic used,

independent of the caster.

• #ctive$ the spell lasts for the standard duration of the form of magic used as long

as the caster concentrates on it. 0hen an active spell is up, you cannot castany other spells. #n active spell can be allowed to lapse into (uiescence, andthen later brought back into activity by concentration, as long as the standardduration has not e-pired.

• Transient$ like active, but if you end your concentration the spell is cancelled. !f

you want to re"use it, you have to re"cast the whole thing.

• Triggered$ a passive spell that ends if a certain condition occurs during it4s

duration, which usually activates the spell. 8-amples of this are most missilespells, that are triggered if fired anytime during the duration of the spell.

• pecial$ the duration is non"standard, and specified in the spell description.

8/10/2019 Beyke Shaman Rules 2/16

 Example: A Passion Spirit attacks Suboti in spirit combat. Its POW is 13, hers 11. In the first roun of spirit combat, the spirit rolls !an Suboti rolls 3. "he spirit #on theresolution, an Suboti loses 3 ma$ic points.Since she achie%e a partial success, the

 spirit loses one point.

Petty Magic %asting Ta&le

%ritical Success' /nly one MP spent1magic is cast successfully.

Success' ull MP cost of magic spent,magic is cast successfully

(ailure' No MPs spent, magic fails(um&le' ull MP cost of magic is

spent, magic fails

 Example of &astin$: Suboti is castin$ 'emorali(e on a troll. )er POW is 11, thetroll*s is 1+. She roll 1+ so her spell in*t#ork. She tries a$ain, an rolls , a success-the troll has to resist, an rolls . "he

 'emorali(e o%ercomes the troll .

Petty Magic Spell List

 spell si(e, ran$e, uration+efuddle 9, ranged, passive+ladesharp var, touch, passive+ludgeon var, touch, passive&oordination var, touch, passive&ountermagic var, ranged, passiveDarkwall 9, ranged, activeDemorali:e var, ranged, passiveDetect )substance* ;, ranged, activeDispel Magicvar, ranged, instantDisruption ;, ranged, instantDullblade var, ranged, passive8-tinguish var, ranged, instantanaticism var, ranged, passivearsee var, ranged, passiveirearrow 9, touch, triggered

ireblade <, touch, passiveGlamour var, touch, passiveGlue var, ranged, passive7eal var, touch, instant!gnite ;, ranged, instant!ronhand var, touch, passive=ight ;, ranged, passive=ightwall >, ranged, activeMindspeach var, ranged, passiveMobility var, ranged, passiveMultimissile var, touch, tr iggeredProtection var, ranged, passiveepair 9, touch, instantecond ight <, ranged, passivehimmer var, ranged, passiveilence var, touch, passivelow var, ranged, passivepeeddart ;, touch, triggered

pirit creen var, ranged, passivetrength var, touch, passive3igor var, touch, passive3isibility 9, ranged, passive

%asting TimeThe casting time for most forms of magic is based on the number of MPs e-pended. !f the spell has ? MPs or less,including boosting, then it can be cast in a single melee round. !f it has more than ? MPs, the casting will take one meleeround per ? MPs, or fraction thereof, in the spell

%om&ining Spells!n general, the effects of multiple spells do not combine1 the most powerful effect is used. pells with different effectsmay be cast on the same item, and all the differing effects are present, but only the most powerful of any similar effectswill be1 i.e. +ladesharp > and the sorcery spell Damage +oosting !ntensty @ are cast on the same sword, it would do @e-tra points of damage )from the Damage +oost*, and have A> to hit )from the +ladesharp*. ome spells can combinewith certain others, but these are specifically stated in the spell descriptions.

Enc)antmentMost forms of magic have the ability to create permanent magic items, or enchanting. This involves the enchanter usinga ritual to place some of her personal P/0 into an item to power the magic. #dditional P/0 over what the enchantmentcalls for can be used to place conditions of the use of the item. ee specific rules below.

Spirit %om&at an* Possession!t6s possible to do magical battle directly, without casting spells. This is called spirit combat, and normally one or both

 participants must be discorporate. The two participants make an opposed roll of their P/0. The loser loses d< magic points. !f she also made his roll, the winner loses one magic point. !f there is no winner, no result occurs that meleeround. !f the winner criticals, the loser6s magic points are reduced by d@.

0hen one combatant is reduced to :ero magic points and the other is not, the victor can perform an appropriate action)bind a spirit, possess a person, etc.*.

Possession$ Possession occurs when a disembodied spirit of some sort inhabits the body of a being. There are two sortsof possession$ Dominant and &overt.

$ominant Possession$ This is when the personality of the possessing spirit takes control of the body. The personality ofthe owner is suppressed and imprisoned within the body beyond normal reach, and cannot act, communicate, or regainMPs. The possessing spirit can only be e-orcised by another spirit, or perhaps some rare magic spells or rituals. !fmagically viewed, the aura of the possessed being has the appearance of the possessor4s natural aura, with the entrappedspirit visible as a cyst or smudge within is. /nly one spirit may dominantly possess someone at a time.

%o!ert Possession$ !n this case the possessing spirit e-erts no control over the actions of the owner of the body, but canalter the body or emotions. 8-amples of this are passion spirits, disease spirits, spell spirits, and others. The aura of the

 possessed being appears as the natural aura of the owner of the body, e-cept it is cloudy where the spirits overlap.2sually, the only way to e-orcise the spirit is by possessing the body with another spirit of the correct type )i.e. healingspirits drive out disease spirits, and then leave*. #ny number of spirits may covertly possess someone.

6.+ PETT, MAGI%Petty magic is a broad set of low level spells offered from numerous sources. Most deities gift their worshippers with theability to cast some %=ow Magic' spells, shamans can summon spirits to steal powers from, and there are rituals to passon esoteric secrets of families, guilds, secret societies, and other groups. Minor magics from all these sources are treatedsimilarly in the game rules, and in the rules are called, collectively, Petty Magic.

6.+.1 #asicsPetty Magic is cast by the caster e-pending her own Magic Points )MPs* to power the spell. To cast a petty magic spell,the adventurer makes a P/0 roll. !f the adventurer fumbles, all the magic points of the spell, are spent, but the spell isnot cast. !f the roll fails, the spell is not cast, but no magic points are spent. /n a success. the magic points of the spellare spent, and the spell is cast. /n a criticals, only one magic point is e-pended.

The standard duration for petty magic is P/0 minutes. The basic range is P/0 - ? meters. pells described asvariable may be cast at up to the caster4s Ma- Magic score )P/0B<*. ome cults will increase this with favored spells1for e-ample, &halana #rroy initiates can cast the 7eal spell four points higher than their Ma- Magic score. There is nolimit to spending magic points for boosting. ome places )such as a temple or clan hearth* are inherently magical andallow larger spells to be cast.

# fi-ed point spell must be cast at the number of MPs shown in the spell description. !f the caster4s Ma- Magic is lessthan this, the spell may not be cast.

Learning an* Using Petty Spells#n adventurer may know as many different petty magic spells as her Memori:e skill. !f she knows that many and wisheto learn a new spell, she must first forget one1 the player erases the spell from her sheet.

Petty magic spells can be learned as part of a winter6s e-tra learning. To learn spells over the winter, one takes that as thetraining done1 ;d< Petty spells may be learned, up to the limit of the Memori:e skill. pells may also be learned in playthe character must go to some place or person who can teach the spell, and spend the time and money re(uired. Themost common sources of learning Petty Magic are temples and shamans. #nother source is communing with any of avariety of nature spirits, but that would need to be done in game.

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6.+.+ Spell $escriptions#e-u**le 9 points, ranged, passive

This spell confuses an opponent who succumbsto it. !t causes him to wonder such things as$ 0hy am! hereC 0hat is happeningC 0ho are theyC 0hichones are my enemiesC 0hy is everybody fightingC

0hen this spell successfully overcomes theP/0 of its victim, he can take only defensive actionsand cast only defensive spells. Depending on thenatural inclinations, he may choose to stay put, seekcover, cast healing or protective spells, put his back toa wall, or run. !f attacked, the victim6s confusion is

resolved, and he will no longer act as confused )theguy that attacked me is my enemy, and once he is deadhis obvious allies are my enemies*.

8ach round the affected person may try aecogni:e roll to figure out friends and foes are. !fsuccessful, he may act normally. !f he fails, he remainsconfused. !f the roll is a fumble, he will attack hisfriends. 7as no effect on unintelligent targets.

#la*es)arp variable, touch, passiveThis spell works on any cutting, stabbing, or

hacking weapon. !t adds A; to skill and A; damagewith that weapon. !t6s incompatible with the otherweapon"enhancing spells of +ludgeon and ireblade.

#lu*geon variable, touch, passiveimilar to +ladesharp, e-cept it works only on

crushing weapons.

%ontrol species/ variable, ranged, activeThis spell lets the caster control the actions of

the being it4s cast on. This spell only works if thetarget is unable to resist, either because it4s in a

 binding, or because it4s MPs have been reduced to through spirit combat.

%oor*ination  variable, touch, passive8ach point of this spell increases D8E by 9

 points, thereby increasing D8E rolls, Movement ate,and skills whose initial chance is based on D8E. #creature6s D8E may never be increased to more thantwice its unadFusted D8E.

%ountermagic  variable, ranged, passiveThis spell defends against spells. !f an

incoming spell isn4t at least ; point less than

&ountemagic, it fails. !f within ; point of&ountermagic, lower or higher, both spells areeliminated1 if it is 9 points or more greater than the&ountermagic spell, countermagic is eliminated.

$ar0all 9 points, ranged, passiveBactive&reates a ;m s(uare - ; cm thick wall of

darkness. The wall can be moved ?m with one action,or changed to a different shape1 it is active while either is done. !t blocks all sight from either direction.

$emoralie variable, ranged, passive!f this spell overcomes the target6s P/0, he

must make a &owardly roll, at A9 for each magic point in the spell. !f this succeeds, he loses faith in theability of himself and his party to win a fight, findtreasure, rescue the princess, etc. 7e uses no offensive

tactics, and casts only defensive and heal spells. !f practical, he will withdraw from combat. #ny3alorous rolls needed are at 9 per point while the spellis active.

This spell counteracts anaticism1 if it6s largerthan the anaticism, it forces a &owardly roll based onthe e-cess.

$etect enemies, magic, substance, speciesH ; point,ranged, active

0ill guide one toward nearest source ofwhatever is being detected. !t is blocked by densematerial or countermagic. Detect enemies works onlyon those who knowingly wish to harm the casterspecifically.

$ispel Magic variable, ranged, instant

emoves an e-isting spell if intensity is greaterthan or e(ual to the spell cast on. May be cast at atarget without specifying a spell1 will knock outdefensive spells first.

$isruption ; point, ranged, instantThis spell damages the target6s body. !f the

target6s P/0 is overcome, a wound of d< points isinflicted. This damage is not absorbed by armor.

$ull&la*e variable, ranged, passiveThis spell works on any weapon, sharp or blunt.

!t reduces damage by two points per point of spell.

Dullblade can also be used to counteract the effects of+ladesharp or +ludgeon on a one to one basis.

E2tinguis) variable, ranged, instantPuts out fires. ; point for a torch, 9 for a

campfire, < for a small bonfire, etc.

(anaticism variable, ranged, passive!f this spell overcomes the target6s P/0, he

must make a 3alorous roll, at A9 for each magic pointin the spell. !f this succeeds, he becomes concernedonly with fighting. 7e may not use the Defense tactic,and may not cast magic other than attack spells. #nyfurther 3alorous rolls are at A9 per point while thespell is active.

anaticism counteracts Demorali:e1 if it6s larger than the Demorali:e, it forces a 3alorous roll based onthe e-cess. !f cast on an unwilling target, the castermust overcome his P/0.

(arsee variable, ranged, passive8ach point of this spell halves the apparent

distance as seen by the caster to the rest of theuniverse. The effect includes foreshortening of thefield of vision, e-actly as if a telephoto lens was beingused. !f a particular target is specified, then the spellmagnifies only the target, and the viewer6s #warenessskill is increased by one for each magic point spent

 powering the spell.

(irearro0 9 points, touch, triggeredThis spell creates a missile of fire which does

A9d@ damage when it strikes. !t must be cast on anordinary arrow, rock, or dart which bursts into fire andis consumed as the missile leaves the hand of the

caster. #rmor will help protect a target. # irearrowwill ignite flammable material. This damage cannot be resisted )i.e. P/0 vs P/0* because it is actually physical damage from the heat of the fire. This spell isincompatible with Multimissile and peedart.

(ire&la*e < points, touch, passive&ast on any edged weapon or spear, adds A9d@

to damage. The weapon is unharmed by this magicalfire. ireblade is incompatible with +ladesharp andTrue weaponH.

Glamour variable, touch, passive#dds 9 #PP per point of spell, to a ma-imum of 

twice normal #PP. Targets with over ;.? times normal#PP are hard to recogni:e.

Glue variable, ranged, passive

astens a ; s(uare cm patch of two thingstogether with a T of ; per point of spell. !temsmust be non living and held still during casting

3eal variable, touch, instantThis spell repairs damage done to hit points.

or creatures of the caster6s species, 7eal replaces ; hit point for each point of 7eal used. The part of the body being healed must be touched. The effect isimmediate. &reatures of species other than the caster6scost 9 points of healing per hit point repaired. #wound may only be magically healed once.

3eat Metal variable, touch, passiveThis spell is used to heat metal, to make it

malleable and easier to work. Different metals takemore points to melt, as shown below. Metals become

malleable 9 points below their melting point. The hotmetal will do damage e(ual to the intensity in d@ ittouched to skin.

 /etal /elt /etal /elt Iinc > ilver JGold ? &opper ;;#luminum @ Nickel ;>+ron:e K !ron ;?

Ignite ; point, ranged, instantMakes a small flame. Must overcome

resistance to ignite part of a creature )e.g. hair*.

Iron)an* variable, touch, passiveimilar to +ladesharp, e-cept it works only on

natural weapons.

Lig)t ; point, ranged, passiveMust be cast on something )coin, fingertip,

wall*. Makes ;m radius light, enough to read by.&an cast on someone4s eyes to blind him if overcomeMPs.

Lig)t0all  > points, ranged, passiveBactive&reates a wall the si:e of Darkwall, but glows

 brightly and can be seen through from one side.

Min*speec) variable, ranged, passiveThis spell allows mind"to"mind communication

like mental telepathy. 8ach point of the spell allowsone more person to be in contact with the caster.

Mo&ility variable, ranged, passive8ach point of this spell adds one to the target6s

movement rating for its duration.

Multimissile variable, touch, transient8ach point of the spell cast upon an arrow,

rock, throwing knife, Favelin, throwing a-e, orcrossbow bolt creates a magical missile the instant thatthe original is fired. 8ach of the missile attacks isrolled separately1 the first roll is for the original, whichis the only one that can critical. This spell isincompatible with peedart and irearrow.

=arger missile weapons re(uire several pointsof this spell to create a single missile. #n arbalest, forinstance, re(uires 9 points of spell per missile.

8/10/2019 Beyke Shaman Rules 4/16

Protection variable, ranged, passive8ach point of this spell adds a point of armor

 protection to the whole body or obFect. Nakedhumans )and others with no natural armor* receivetwice this protection. !t acts in every way like magicalarmor.

Repair 9 points, touch, instantThis spell repairs broken items )such as

weapons broken by a fumble*, provided all the piecesare available. !f used to epair magic items, the spelldoes not return any broken enchantments or releasedspirits. !f a successful !ndustry or Devise roll is made

 before casting epair, the item will show no visiblescar.Secon* Sig)t < points, ranged, passive

This spell allows a person to view the P/0aura of living beings and to gauge its relative strength.&an tell if P/0 is within ? points own, five or more

 points less, or five or more points more.

S)immer variable, ranged, passiveThis spell blurs and distorts the target6s visual

image making it harder to hit. 8ach point subtractsone from the skill of any enemy attempting to hit theaffected target.

Silence variable, touch, passive8ach point of this spell adds 9 points to the

tealth skill of a person attempting to keep down his

noise, and will muffle incidental noises )the brush of pants, soft footsteps, etc.* made by the target. !t willnot stop someone from chanting a spell, issuingcommands, clumsily stepping on a large twig causinga loud snap, knocking over a vase and having itshatter, or similar loud and sharp sounds caused byfumbled tealth rolls.

Slo0 variable, ranged, passiveThis spell slows down an enemy at a rate of one

meter per point of spell. !t may reduce the movementof a creature to :ero. # creature whose movement isreduced to :ero may still move by increasing its

movement rate by running or sprinting, but thisincreases the target6s chance of fatigue.

Spee*art ; point, touch, transientThis spell adds A;d@ points of damage to any

missile, and adds A< to the weapon skill with thatmissile.

Spirit Screen variable, ranged, passiveThis spell protects the target in pirit &ombat.

Make the opposed roll normally. !f the target wins, sherolls for damage as normal )and may lose magic pointsfor a partial success*. !f the target fails, add double thenumber of points of pirit creen to his P/0 for the

 purpose of determining his opponent6s success.

 Example: Suboti, in spirit combat #ith a passion spirit, casts Spirit Screen 3 on herself. )er POW is0, the spirit*s 1+. She rolls 11, a failure, an the

 spirit rolls +. ormall2, she #oul lose ma$ic points, but the spell $i%es her a efensi%e abilit2 of1 #hich makes her roll a success, so she takes noama$e. "he next roun, she rolls !, an the spiritrolls . She #ins, but still loses 1 ma$ic point for the

 spirit*s partial success. 

Strengt) variable, touch, passive8ach point of this spell adds 9 points of T to

the target for the spell6s duration. This spell affects

damage and movement rate for the duration of thespell. # creature6s T may never be increased tomore than twice its unadFusted T.

4igor variable, touch, passive8ach point of this spell adds 9 points to the

target6s &/N. This increases MaFor 0ound, Total 7itPoints, 2nconscious, and &urrent 7it Points. #creature6s &/N may never be increased to more thantwice its unadFusted &/N.

4isi&ility 9 points, ranged, passiveThis special spell transfers an otherworld

creature from the spirit plane to the mundane plane,giving it a translucent form.

S)amanic Tra*ition (ormat

Name o- Tra*ition Runes&ommon "itles of Shaman(ollo0ers$ Types of people who follow the

tradition$uties$ Duties of shamans in the traditionTa&oos$ orbidden actions or associations(a!ore* Spells$ Petty magic spells favored(or&i**en Spells$ Petty magic spells which

are forbiddenA&ilities Taug)t$ hamanic abilities taught

 by this tradition(or&i**en A&ilities$ hamanic abilities

forbidden to be learned.(rien*ly Tra*itions$ /ther traditions sha"

mans are allowed to cross initiate into.Notes$ #ny additional notes

S)amanic Tra*itions

Esrolian EeS"he Earth Witchollowers$ emale shamans in /rlanthi societyDuties$ +less the 8arth, ensure the life cycles,

tend the ill and wounded, prepare thedead, midwifing.

Taboos$ Never desecrate the earth, never useany weapons not made of copper, wood,or bone, abilities at half strength unlessstanding on earth.

avored pells$ +efuddle, 7eal, himmer,3igor 

#bilities Taught$ &ure Disease, Discorpor"ation, Mind 8-pansion, econd ight,how pirit, pirit Trapping, 8arth#ffinity

orbidden #bilities$ Noneriendly Traditions$ Daka al,

 Notes$ 7as a semi friendly rivalry with theLolatings.

6.5 S3AMANISMhamanism is a different way of looking on the world. 8veryone knows there are spirits everywhere, but most arecontent to ignore them and go on with their lives. hamans see the spirits as a part of their community. The 0ell Toadand 7earth Gnome are part of your family1 the o- 0oman will try to cheat you if you let her1 2ncle +older sleeps mostof the time, but knows deep wisdom if you can get him to talk. ust like your neighbors. /nly more so.

S)amans an* Societyhamans are often on the fringes of society. Most people feel strange hanging around someone who talks to thin air atrandom moments, is seen doing ine-plicable things, and sometimes smells funny. 7owever, most people recogni:e thevalue of a shaman. =ike the hedge"witches and wise women of old, shamans provide a service that often can4t be hadelsewhere. Do you think you4ve been cursedC Go see old 7attie. Did you lose your favorite dogC 0indy 0ose canfind it for you. 0ould you like a blessing on your childC Neela the 8arth 0itch can help.

%ults an* S)amansMost cults, however friendly to shamans, do not permit shamans as other than initiates. # few cults allow shamans to

 become acolytes and priests. !n such cases, the shaman can only sacrifice for a few special une spells, and often not all

that. +ut there are some cults that re(uire their priests to be shamans. !n general the less civili:ed, and the lower the population of an area, the more rela-ed the cults are about shamans. The priests are part of their communities first, anda shaman can give them a hand with the spiritual well being of the people.

S)amanic Tra*itionsince shamans are on the fringes of society, and are seldom in cults, they do not have the normal channels for trainingand preserving knowledge. !nstead they have what are called hamanic Traditions. # shamanic tradition is a group ofshamans who share common descent from some %ancestral' teacher. The shamans in that tradition will train theirassistants as their teacher taught them. !t is possible for shamans to break with their tradition, but would need to ac(uiresignificant wisdom from outside of it to do this.

8ach shamanic tradition has a body of wisdom which it passes on. This includes duties and taboos, particular abilities,favored spells, knowledge of spirits, and rituals. # small list of some traditions in Dragon Pass is given on the ne-t pagein the format given in the sidebar.

6.5.1 )at Maes A S)aman7# shaman has several abilities that set her apart from other people. ome are skills, which she learned from the shaman

who trained her, but most are based on the shaman awakening a etch.

S)amanic SillsThe first two of these skills listed can be learned by non"shamans, but are learned in a very different manner. The thirdcan be, but only with magical assistance, and only under e-traordinary circumstances will it be taught to any but ashaman4s assistant, who is in training to be a shaman.

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Ritual$ Most people learn itual from a cultic point of view1 which has fairly well established patterns to follow.hamanic ritual, on the other hand, is a seat"of"the"pants type of thing. #ll spirits are different, and each must be dealtwith it4s own way. Their rituals are much more fle-ible than the cult4s, in general, but are not as assured of success. ore-ample, where a divine enchantment basically consists of asking a deity to make a magic item for you, a shamanicenchantment is often getting the right kind of spirit to inhabit the item.

!n addition to the rituals given later, the itual skill can be used to enhance the chance of casting a spell. 8ach meleeround spent in itual increases the chance to cast a spirit spell by A;. # ritual magic re(uires an hour of &eremony foreach A; increase. The modifyer gained cannot e-ceed either the base casting skill or the itual skill.

Spirit Lore$ Gives the shaman6s chance to know something about a spirit encountered, such as its affinities, abilities, orwhat will appease or drive it away. pirit =ore cannot be increased by e-perience. # non"shaman can learn this skill,

 but will not be able to use it in many of the ways a shaman can. or instance, a shaman can donate MPs directly to a

spirit through the etch, and use the pirit =ore skill to help make a bargain with it. This is not possible for a non"shaman.

S)amanism$ This skill concerns secret knowledge possessed by shamans, and governs, among other things, discorporateshaman6s ability to travel the spirit world and track down specific spirits. !t can be increased by e-perience, but non"shaman can only learn this spell if they are under the direct training of a shaman, and then certain magical herbs ordevices will be re(uired )to allow the non"shaman to separate spirit from body*.

A0aening t)e (etc)The fetch is a spiritual entity which can be connected to, or awakened, through certain trials and rituals, some of whichare very dangerous. hamans believe that anyone can awaken a fetch, but very few have the courage, luck, or insight todo so. /nce awakened it can never be lost, dispelled, or separated from the shaman.

To become a shaman, you must first become an assistant shaman. ou must find a shaman willing to take you as anassistant. ou will be re(uired to work for the shaman, doing whatever is asked, from hunting to cleaning to sitting inone spot and chanting all day. !n e-change the shaman will teach you the shamanic skills of itual, prit =ore andhamanism, and prepare you to try to awaken your fetch.

/nce the shaman feels you are ready, which will usually take a year, or more, you will attempt the ritual to gain a fetch.ou should have, at minimum, skills in itual and hamanism of ;. The actual ritual done varies with the tradition,

 but it nearly always has the following steps$

;. Meeting the irst haman$ 2sually after a lengthy ordeal, the assistant meets the source of shamanism for thetradition. The irst haman will escort the nascent shaman along the path to shamanhood.

9. The acrifice$ The first step on the path is the sacrifice. # number of points of P/0 are sacrificed to the sleepingfetch1 the assistant loses them, and the magic points, immediately. #t least one point of P/0 must be sacrificed. !fthe ritual is successfully completed, this becomes the P/0 of the awakened fetch.

<. 0aking the etch$ # successful summoning must be made1 roll against hamanism skill. This can be aided by itual,as described above. !f the roll is successful, the fetch is awakened, and has the P/0 sacrificed to it. !f it fails, theP/0 is lost, no fetch awakens, and the ritual ends1 it must be completely redone if a fetch is still desired.

>. The ight 0ith the 8nemy$ #t the ritual4s end, the tradition4s 8nemy must be faced. 8ach tradition has a enemy1 the+ad Man is common to several, but most are uni(ue. The 8nemy will not attack the irst haman, nor will the irsthaman defend the assistant. The 8nemy usually has a P/0 of ;d@, but cannot stand the presence of a fetch forlonger than 9d@ rounds. !f the 8nemy reduces the assistant to :ero MPs by that time, then she is possessed andkilled. !f she survives until the 8nemy flees, then she is now a shaman.

T)e (etc)0hat is the fetchC The fetch may be a number of things, depending on the mystical tradition of the shaman. !t might beone of the shaman6s own ancestors, or a totemic spirit. !t might be a spirit double of the shaman, evoked from thesubconscious. #mong non"humans, it might be a premortal monster, an unborne spirit, or a fragment of divineovermind. 0hatever the source, it is certain that the maintenance and evocation of the fetch is dependent uponsomething within the shaman "" a special organ, a new bone, a secret name. 0hatever the source, every fetch sharesmany things in common, and yet every fetch is different.

Stan*ar* (etc) #ene-its1. A**itional P8 an* Magic Points$ The fetch provides P/0 and magic points to the shaman. !ts magic points arealways accessible, and its P/0 can be sacrificed at will. # Divine !ntervention can be paid for partially or wholly withthe fetch6s P/0 )but the die roll is still based on your own P/0 alone*. The fetch6s P/0 does not rise on its own, but isincreased only by sacrifice to it. The shaman4s Ma-imum Magic are based only on personal P/0, not fetch P/0.

The fetch6s MPs regenerate at the normal rate, in parallel to the shaman6s. !f the fetch6s P/0 is 9>, it regains ; MP perhour, regardless of the shaman6s P/0.

The fetch shares the shaman6s mind, and can act and react as Fust as can the shaman. 0hen the shaman is discorporate,things the fetch sees and does are not made aware to the shaman until she returns to her body. 7owever, the fetch is

 privy to all that the shaman is e-periencing and doing and can communicate this knowledge to others. 0hen the shamanis not discorporate, the fetch is present on the spirit plane, and both parties are fully aware of everything that the other isdoing.

S)amanic Tra*itionscontinue*/

9olating AVS"he Win Shamanollowers$ 0ind or breath shamansDuties$ 8nsure the freedom of the winds.Taboos$ #lways challenge shamans to magic

duels, live where the winds blow free.avored pells$ &oordination, Disrupt, Dispel

Magic, Mobility, trengthorbidden pells$ None#bilities Taught$ #ir #ffinity, Magic #ttack,

oul 8-pansion, pell +arrageorbidden #bilities$ Noneriendly Traditions$ Pra-ian

$aa (al MS"he Speakers to the 'ea ollowers$ #ncestor worshipping shamansDuties$ &ommuning with ancestors, watching

over the family, obedience to ancestorsTaboos$ Never dishonor an ancestor, never 

 bind or possess a relative without permission

avored pells$ Detect 8nemies, DispelMagic, 7eal, pirit creen

orbidden pells$ None

#bilities Taught$ Discorporation, econdight, Possession, Daka al #ffinity

orbidden #bilities$ Noneriendly Traditions$ many, based on culture

Su&ere DMS"he )ell Witchollowers$ troll and kitori human shamansDuties$ ighting the ky, aiding the dark Taboos$ Never deal with a fire spirit, never eat

cooked meat on ree:edayavored pells$ Darkwall, Demorali:e,

8-tinguish, pirit creenorbidden pells$ irearrow, ireblade, !gnite,

=ight#bilities Taught$ Discorporation, Magic

#ttack, Magic Defense, how pirit,

pirit Defense, pirit Trappingorbidden #bilities$ ire #ffinityriendly Traditions$ Lyger =itor 

 Example: When 4ottasin5s fetch #as first forme, it ha a POW of 3, entitlin$ him to 1abilit2 le%el. )e chose Possession. When his

 POW rose to , he ae another le%el of Possession. When his POW reache 11 he summone his clan #2ter in a ceremon2 anlearne a le%el of /in Expansion.

A&ilities$&onceal etch econd ight )enhanced*&ure Disease elf"esurrectionDiscorportation how pirit7ide oul oul 8-pansionMagic #ttackpell +arrageMagic Defense pirit DefenseMind 8-pansion pirit MasteryPossession pirit Trapping)Tradition* #ffinity

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+. Secon* Sig)t$ # shaman automatically has permanent econd ight, as per thespell. he can see other people6s P/0, and tell whether their P/0 is about thesame as hers, five or more points less, or five or more points more. 0hen lookingat a shaman she sees both the shaman6s spirit and the shaman6s fetch. he can seeP/0 in the dark.

8-ample$ Temuchin the shaman has a P/0 of ;O. 7e can tell whether a target hasa P/0 of ;9 or less, ;<"9;, or 99A, but cannot :ero in closer than that unless hechooses the ability of enhanced econd ight.

5. Spirit $e-ense$ The shaman can draw MPs from the fetch at will, to replace herown, even during spirit combat. !f an attacking spirit comes solely from the spirit

 plane, she can intercept it with the fetch, and have the fetch fight it instead of her.

7owever, if the shaman is discorporate, the fetch cannot intercept an attacker, norcan the shaman draw the fetch6s MPs while in combat. )but she can afterwards*. !nany case, the shaman can put MPs into her fetch as well, should she so desire.

!f a shaman loses a fight on the spirit plane, her soul automatically retreats to her body, accompanied by the victorious spirit. There, the spirit must now battle thefetch. !f the fetch is victorious, the spirit is e-pelled. !f not, the shaman remains


:. S)amanic A&ilities$ 8ach shamanic tradition teaches different abilities. Theseare described in their own section, below.

T)e %osts o- #eing a S)aman/f course, shamans don4t get all these abilities for nothing. They have a cost, in theform of taboos, tasks, and drawbacks.

Ta&oos$ #ll shamans have these. !f you break 6em, you suffer. !f you6re lucky,

you6ll Fust lose the use of one or more abilities, until you make restitution, if youcan. Taboos are given with the tradition descriptions.

S)aman Tass$ hamans are e-pected to perform a number of Fobs in theircommunity, for which they are, of course, fed, protected, and honored. ome ofthese are$

• 8-orcism$ those possessed or covertly possessed with evil spirits are brought to

shamans to be cleansed. # shaman can cast out an evil spirit in a number ofways. !f the target is overtly possessed, the shaman can cast out the evil spiri t

 by using his own overtly"possessing spirit, or by Discorporating, casting3isibility, and engaging the enemy spirit himself in spirit combat. !f the targetis covertly possessed, the task is more difficult. Normally the shaman willneed to send a special curative spirit into the target to heal him.

• Dealing with spirits that affect the society.

• pell Teaching$ shamans have access to spell spirits, and are often hired to teach

spells to others.• 0orship$ shamans are called to tend to the spiritual welfare of their people.

• #ny duties given in the tradition description.

Special S)amanic A&ilitiesTypically, a shaman receives ; ability for every > P/0 in her fetch )round up*.Most abilities are always in effect, and take no special force of will to muster. !tis simple to add increased levels to a given ability. !f a shaman wishes to add acompletely new ability, however, she must generally contact the irst haman, orengage in some other spiritist action. This is often called a 3ision uest.

!f a shaman wants to learn an ability that is not granted by her tradition, ashaman that has that ability must be sought out. This will most likely be ashaman of another tradition. The shaman must face the 8nemy of the newtradition to gain the ability. Most traditions have some other traditions that theyfavor, and will allow, if not encourage their shamans to initiate into both. Noshamanic tradition teaches all abilities.

%onceal (etc) )rare*This is a rarely"available ability. !t is known

only to a few secretive sects, such as the cult of+lack ang. 8ach level of &onceal etch concealsthe fetch6s presence from one selected magic spell.

 Normally econd ight is chosen as the first spell,after which Mystic 3ision and oul ight areselected. #fter that, weirder sensory spells such asPamalt6s 8arthtouch or similar things are taken.

%ure $isease+y laying her hands on a diseased individual,

the shaman can roll ;d@ per level of ability,matching the total vs. an infecting spirit6s P/0. !fthe shaman overcomes the spirit, it is e-tracted,

usually in the form of a stone, bit of fluff, or small bloody organ. !f the sick person does not have adisease spirit, then instead the shaman adds her ;d@

 per level of ability to the target6s ne-t roll for diseaseresistance.

$iscorporation# shaman, by doing a successful hamanism

roll and taking an amount of time given below, canfree her spirit from her body and enter the piritPlane. 7er fetch stays behind to watch over her

 body. he can stay on the pirit Plane as long as shewants, but there is, of course, danger from theinhabitants thereof. #lso, her body can starve todeath.

+y casting 3isibility, the shaman6s spirit canmanifest on the mundane plane, and engage other

individuals in spirit combat. 0hile she is gone, thefetch can cast any spells she knows, automaticallysucceeding. The fetch normally has an e-tremelyhigh P/0, so its spells are to be feared. !t can alsorelease spirits trapped within it, or contained on theshaman6s person. The fetch can communicate in theshaman6s absence by the use of Mindspeech orsimilar spells. 0hile the shaman is discorporateneither she nor the fetch regenerate MPs.

le%el time re6uire to iscorporate; ;@ hours9 > hours< ; hour  > ;? minutes? ; Turn@ ; Melee ound

3i*e SoulThis allows the shaman to hide from an enemy

spirit on the spirit plane, if not already engaged inspirit combat. To do this, the shaman e-pends oneor more magic points. 7er chance of success ise(ual to the magic points e-pended - 9, - the levelof 7ide oul, minus the attacking spirit6s MPs

divided by ?. or instance, if a shaman with 7ideoul < was trying to hide from an evil wraith with;O MPs, she could spend ; MP for a @"< Q < or lesson a d9, or she could spend 9 MPs for a J or less,up to > MPs for 9; or less. &ritical successes andfumbles mean nothing on this die roll.

Magic Attac 8ach level adds ; to the shaman6s effective MPs

for the purpose of overcoming a foe6s MPs whencasting a spell.

Magic $e-ense8ach level adds ; to the shaman6s effective MPs

for the purpose of resisting a foe6s MPs whenattacked by a spell.

Min* E2pansionThis gives the fetch it4s own Memori:e skill forthe purpose of memori:ing spells only. 8ach leveladds ;d@ more to the fetch4s Memori:e skill for this


Possession!f a shaman can discorporate and engage other

folks in spirit combat, this ability lets her actuallytake over the body of a possessed victim, and controlhim as she sees fit. !f the victim is killed while theshaman is in possession, the shaman6s spirit isimmediately returned to her own body, and she takes;d@ general 7P damage. The results of increasedlevel are given below.

le%el abilit2

; Possess same species only9 Possess any other species with same body

shape )ie. 9 arms, 9 legs, ; head*<A Possess ; other body shape for each level of 

the ability

Secon* Sig)t )enhanced*This gives the shaman additional abilities for

her innate econd ight power. The first two levelsare automatic. #fter that, other abilities can bechosen, according to the list below.

le%el abilit2; &an tell a target6s P/0 within a range of ;

)ie., ;";, ;;"9*

9 &an tell a target6s MPs as above.<A gain one of the following$ the chosen by GMa* &an determine the MPs in petty spells cast on

an individual. b* &an determine a target6s e-act MPs.c* &an determine a target6s e-act P/0.d* &an determine the P/0 of any divine spells

cast on an individual.e* &an tell if someone knows any petty magic.f* &an tell if someome knows any sorcery at

all )can only be taken if ReS above is alreadychosen*

g* &an tell if someone knows any divine magicat all )only if ReS above is already chosen*

h* &an determine the e-act petty spells active)only if RaS above is already chosen*

 F* &an determine the cult providing active une

spells )only if RdS above is already chosen*.

8/10/2019 Beyke Shaman Rules 7/16

Sel- ResurrectionThe shaman can heal himself and return from

the dead. To do this, the shaman must heal himselfup to ; positive hit point "" however, it costs P/0rather than MPs to heal himself in this way. /ncethe healing is performed, the body and spirit arereFoined, but the shaman must remain in a deepcoma for a length of time depending on the level ofelf esurrection known, as shown below.

le%el abilit2; ; season )K weeks*9 ; week  

< ; day> ; hour  ? ; minute@ ; melee round

S)o0 SpiritThis e-poses discorporate spirits, making them

visible to others. The shaman must e-pend one ormore magic points to activate this ability. hecannot spend more magic points than her level ofhow pirit. The first magic point spent causes allspirits within a radius of the shaman6s P/0 inmeters to become visible as vague, half"unseenshadows. 8ach additional magic point increases theradius by another increment of the shaman6s P/0.Magic points spent can be used to heighten thespirits6 visibility rather than increase range. /ne MPspent for this purpose allows a person to see a

 particular spirit in some detail by use of a successful#wareness roll. Two MPs spent for this causes allthe spirits to be easily visible, no rolls needed.

Soul E2pansion8ach level of oul 8-pansion adds ; to the

shaman6s Ma- Magic score.

Spell #arrage/ne level of pell +arrage allows the fetch to

throw petty magic even when the shaman is notdiscorporate. 8ach additional level lets the fetchcast one more spell at the same time. # shaman withlevel < in pell +arrage could cast > spells in one

round "" one by herself, and three by her fetch. Thefetch automatically succeeds at casting.

#ll the spells go off at the same melee round, based on whichever is the largest spell in the barrage. !f multiple spells are launched at a singletarget, the shaman can decide whether the targetmust defend against each spell separately, or Fustmake a single MP vs. MP roll to see if he wasaffected by all the spells at once.

The MPs used to determine whether the fetchovercomes the defender6s MPs are the shaman6s, notthe fetch6s.

Spirit $e-ense=evels in pirit Defense gives the shaman some

 protection even when she is very weak magically.8ach level of pirit Defense lets the shaman engagein spirit combat as if she has < MPs, no matter whather real score is. or instance, a shaman with piritDefense < would always act as if she had at least JMPs. # shaman with pirit Defense ? would act asif she had at least ;? MPs.

!f the shaman6s true MPs are reduced to , shecan still be possessed.

Spirit Mastery8ach level adds A; to the MPs lost by a

defending spirit when the shaman overcomes it inspirit combat.

Spirit Trapping#llows the shaman to hold spirits within his

fetch. 8ach level lets the shaman hold ; spirit at atime. No trapped spirit may have MPs e-ceedingthe fetch6s current MPs. The shaman can use aspirit4s abilities as if it were in a bindingenchantment.

Tra*ition/ A--inity8ach shamanic tradition has one or more

affinities that their followers automatically gain. #shaman may only gain a new affinity if she goesthrough the awakening ritual for the tradition thatoffers it, and faces the appropriate +ad Man spirit.#n affinity reflects a bias for spirits associated to a

 particular tradition. The most direct benefit is that

spirits tied to that tradition tend to be friendlier,though spirits tied to enemy traditions may be morehostile.

!n addition, each level of )tradition* #ffinitygives the user a A9 modifier when casting a controlor command spell on an affected spirit. !t also givesa "9 modifier for an enemy to wrest control awayfrom the user. 0ind &hildren have an automatictorm pirit #ffinity ?, which is how they get suchgreat control over ylphs.

#lso, the affinity reduces the time re(uired tosearch for appropriate spirits by half for each level1i.e. level < would reduce the time needed to one

eighth normal. ince the amount of time needed tosearch for a spirit doubles for each < points ofdifficulty factor )see below*, this means a shamanwith a level four affinity for an elemental spiritcould find a difficulty 9 version in the time itwould take a typical shaman to find a difficulty Kversion.

inally, an affinity allows the shaman to moreeasily conduct spirit cult worship with those spiritsshe has an affinity with. Normal spirit cult worshipis performed as specified under the 7orned Manwriteup in Gods of Glorantha. This re(uires a largenumber of worshippers to each donate a point ofP/0 to establish a link to the spirit, and gives a

 percentile chance of working e(ual to the number ofsuch worshippers present. !f a shaman who has anaffinity for the spirit in (uestion leads the service,however, she may sacrifice magic points to aid thischance, increasing by one percent per pointsacrificed. 8ach level of the ability increases the

 bonus gained from the sacrifice, by a factor e(ual toher level. !n other words,

0orship chance bonus Q MPs sacrificed by shamantimes )level of ability*

The shaman must still donate one P/0 for theinitial link to the spirit, but as long as the worship issuccessfully performed each season, no furthersacrifice of P/0 is needed )other than P/0 givento the shaman6s fetch to raise this ability, of course*.

6.5.+ S)amanic RitualsThere are a number of rituals that shamans can do, by the nature of them having afetch. The first of these, inding pirits, is most important, and dealt with first.

(in*ing Spirits$ hamans often hunt spirits. They hunt down and capture manytypes of spirits to capture and bind, or to consult or commune with. hamans usethe hamanism skill to seek out and find the specific spirits they need. The lengthof time taken is based on the difficulty factor of the spirit. To figure a spirit6sdifficulty, use the following guidelines$

;* 8ach ;d@ in the spirit6s MPs, acts as < difficulty. !f the spirit has a bonus to itsMP die roll, add the full bonus to the base difficulty. or instance, a spirit with;d@A@ MPs has a base difficulty of < A @ Q J )< for the ;d@, and @ for the A@*. #ghost, with >d@ typical P/0, would have a base difficulty of ;9.

9* Take the base difficulty as figured in step ; and multiply it by a factor based onthe spirit6s rarity level to get the final arity. # common spirit multiplies by ;B9.#n uncommon spirit multiplies by ;. # rare spirit multiplies by 9, and a very rare

spirit multiplies by >.

Take the difficulty and find the time needed on the pirit 0orld earch Table inthe sidebar. The time shown assumes the shaman has the Discorporation ability.!f this is not so, double the time listed1 the shaman can still hunt spirits, but does itin the mundane plane with econd ight and other abilities. oll the shamanismskill, and check the result against the pirit earch esults Table.

Spell Spirit Rarity$ #n 2ncommon spell spirit might be a ritual spell, a &ontrol

spell, or an uncommon Detect. # are spirit might be an uncommon ritual spell, aminor spell variant )i.e., Toothsharp, rostblade*, or a cult special spell. # 3eryare spirit might be a significant spell variant )i.e., a variable ireblade or aranged 7ealing* or an uncommon cult6s specialty magic.

8t)er Rarity -actors$

• !f a spirit is otherwise typical, but has some strange feature in its nature, its rarity

factor is increased a level. or instance, a age passion spirit would be are,instead of 2ncommon, as would a 0raith that attacked P/0 instead of T, or&/N. # stone nymph would be 3ery are, not Fust are.

• The vicinity being searched affects rarity. !t may make contacting a spirit easier

 by one level of rarity, or more difficult by one, or even two levels. /r it maymake contacting the spirit totally impossible. 8-ample$ a tree spirit is normallyuncommon. 0ithin a maFor forest, these would be common. /n the other handin the 0astes it would be rare. #top 3alind6s glacier it would be very rare. #ndin the middle of the ocean, hundreds of miles from any land, it would Fustsimply be impossible. #s another e-ample, a troll spirit could not be found in

the 8ast !sles.• # weaker version of the spirit sought is one degree less common, regardless of the

degree weaker that is sought. 8-ample$ a ghost is typically P/0 >d@ for aarity of ;9. To find a P/0 <d@ ghost, the shaman increases rarity touncommon, for a total arity of ;K. ome spirits cannot be found in weakerversions. #ll Lrarshtides are at least 9d@A;9 MPs. The +ad Man is alwaysP/0 ;d@. #nd so on.

8/10/2019 Beyke Shaman Rules 8/16

Spirit orl* Searc) Ta&le

ifficult2 base time

Q K ; day

J " ;; 9 days

;9";> > days

;?";O K days

;K"9 ;@ days

8ach A< double previous

Spirit Rarity&ommon pirits$ 8lemental, Ghost,

!ntellect pirit, Magic pirit,

Power pirit, pell pirit

2ncommon pirits$ Disease pirit,

7ealing pirit, Passion pirit,


are pirits$ &honchon, Ghoul,

7ellion, Nymph )auloniad,

dryad, naiad, oread*, une pell

pirits )cult specialties are 3ery

are, or impossible if the god

has no presence in the area*

3ery are pirits$ The +ad Man )notrare enough*, Dreamwraiths,

7ollri, Lrarshtides, pectres,

orcery pell pirits )impossible

outside sorcery"using lands*

Spirit Searc) Results Ta&le

%ritical Success' pirit found in ;BKnormal time. #lternately, a spirit

node found )see below*.

Success' pirit found.

(ailure' pirit not found. #nother try

must be made.

(um&le' The wrong spirit is found.3ery wrong. Dang.

Ritual Mo*i-iers

"; haman does not have ritualmemori:ed

"9 haman has never done ritual before

A? haman has a teacher who hasspell memori:ed

A> haman is working from writteninstructions

Enc)antment %on*itions

Trigger &ondition$ pecify conditionsunder which enchantment willactivate. Must be an readily

 perceptable occurance, notsomething such as a lie beingtold. &ost$ A; P/0 per trigger 

2ser &ondition$ pecify who can usethe item. This can be non"

 perceptable if inclusive, i.e. anyshamans of Tradition -, but notanyone e-cept shamans of tradition -

Resol!ing t)e Searc)$ /nce the spirit Fas been found, there are a number of things that can be done.

• !f the spirit is a spell spirit, the shaman can attempt to learn it4s spell on the spot. No spirit combat roll is needed, as

the time listed includes the time re(uired stalk it and strike when it4s weak.

• orce it to reveal it4s true name for later summoning. !f the spirit is non"sentient, and it4s P/0 less than or e(ual

twice the shaman4s P/0, no spirit combat is re(uired, for the reason given above. /therwise the shaman mustresort to pirit &ombat, or negotiation. Note that finding the true name of a spell or magic spirit may not be veryhelpful unless it is summoned promptly1 if another person uses these spirits, then the new spell they get will likely bedifferent.

• &apture$ The shaman may try to capture the spirit if the pirit +inding ability is known or an appropriate binding

matri- is available. #gain, if the spirit is non"sentient, and it4s P/0 less than or e(ual twice the shaman4s P/0,this is automatic, otherwise the shaman must resort to spirit combat, or negotiation.

No*esThese are sites that create, attract, or imprison spirits. # shaman can always revisit a previously"known Node, unlessof course she is far from it.

8!erall No*e A--inities1+7 result  ;"> roll once on the 8lement table?"K roll once on the Power tableJ";9 roll once on the orm table;<";> roll once on the 8lement, and once on the Power table;?";@ roll once on the 8lement, and once on the orm table;O";K roll once on the Power, and once on the orm table;J roll once on each table.9 combination$ roll twice and combine. !f another 595 is rolled, add and roll again.

;d9 Power ;d9 8lement ;d@ orm;"9 &hange ;"< Dark ; +east<"> tasis >"@ 0ater 9 &haos?"@ 7armony O"J 8arth < ManO"K Disorder ;";9 ky > PlantJ"; =ife ;<";? torm ? pirit;;";9 Death ;@";K local dominant @ oll twice more, combining theresults;<";> Truth ;J"9 reroll on ;d@, picking a subrune of the chosen element ;?";@ !llusion;O"9 /ther une )pick any, even a non"Power une* choose the element which seems most manifest in the vicinity. for e-ample$ if ky is rerolled, select =ight or 7eat.

Ritual MagicTo do itual Magic, the caster spends at least a number of hours e(ual to the points in the ritual s(uared )unless it4sritual description specifies otherwise* plus any hours spent uing itual to raise chances of success. During the ritualshe may not eat, drink, sleep, or lose concentration. #t the end of the ritual, she rolls against the modified itual skill!f she succeeds, the spell goes off and the MPs or P/0 is lost. !f the roll fails, the P/0 and MPs are also lost, withno benefit. ome itual modifiers are given in the sidebar.

Re!erse Spells$ many ritual spells have a reverse effect that can be cast instead of the normal, beneficial form. !n suchcases, the reverse effect6s name is included in parentheses after the normal spell title. The reverse spell does not have to

 be learned separately. !f a smith learns 8nchant !ron, she also receives the ability to Disenchant !ron.

Special Summoning Rules; Po0er it)in$ take ; melee round and concentrate, gathering your inner strength. !t islegal to ummon for several rounds in a row. #t the end of the round, you lose ; hp, and receive one of the following


• MP e(ual to ;d@.

• A9 to your chance to cast the ne-t petty spell you try, provided that you attempt this on the round following your


Special Enc)antment Rules$ Typically, you cannot place more P/0 in an enchantment than your Ma- Magic score.or instance, if a shaman has Ma- Magic >, she can put > P/0 into the enchantment, but no more. /nce anenchanted obFect is finished, no more points can be added to it.

Special Materials$ 3ery fine or semi"magical materials permit an enchanter to put more P/0 into the obFect. This islargely up to GM discretion. Thus, a common pebble could only contain ; P/0 of enchantment. # simple pine staff

might only be able to hold > P/0. The carved branch of an awakened sapient tree might hold ; P/0. # carvedlength of ebonywood with a demon6s stoney heart as the end knob might be able to hold 9 or more P/0.

Enc)ante* Tattoos an* Ritual Scari-ication$ Normally, enchantments are engraved into an inanimate obFect.7owever, enchantments can be tattooed or scarred, or otherwise permanently attached to a living being )body paintcould be used, but when the paint rubs off, so would the enchantment*. This is not as easy a process as crafting anobFect, and the enchanter needs to spend an e-tra point of P/0 for each enchantment she places onto a live person.2ndead or dead"but"animate entities are e-empt from this e-tra P/0 re(uirement. /f course, beings lacking !I or

 permanent !I can6t have anything permanently tattooed onto their bodies. Note that a living being has no limit to theamount of P/0 that can be enchanted into her.

Tattooing or carifying a body re(uires the caster or an assistant to use the Tattoo skill.

%on*itions$ when placing 8nchantments, the castercan emplace &onditions at the same time.&onditions do not make the 8nchantment any

harder, but do increase the P/0 cost. )#nd thusmay render an enchantment impossible, by forcingthe total cost above the points in his 8nchant spell*.

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Memorie* Rituals$ hamanic rituals do not needto be memori:ed )i.e. have a point of Memori:e skilldevoted to it*, or indeed even known beforehand1shamans can try to do any ritual they have heardabout or seen. +ut if the ritual is not memori:ed,there is a "; modifier to the itual skill. !f theshaman has never done the ritual before, there is a "9modifier.

#IN$ING )+an*, ritual 8nchant=ets the caster spend P/0 to create an item

which can contain spirits. The base cost is ; P/0

 per <d@ P/0 the spirit has. The caster shoulddouble the base cost if the spirit is to be releasedwithout breaking the enchantment. The binding can

 be enhanced at the following costs$

A; P/0 &an communicate with the boundspirit as with Mindspeach

A; P/0 &an access the bound spirit4s MPsA; P/0 &an access the spirit4s spell knowledgeA; P/0 The spirit can cast spells out of the

 binding )if the spirit can cast spells*-< +ase The spirit can manifest while still

 bound )i.e. bind a salamander to makea flaming sword*.

/nce made, a binding is specific as to species.Thus, an 2ndine binding could not contain aGnome. &reatures in bindings cannot resist magiccast on them.

 Note$ when you initially summon an elemental,you need the appropriate amount of element present./nce the entity is bound, it can be called forth atwill, but there must be a trace of the appropriateelement present, or it cannot take shape. #s a rule,figure you need around a liter of the element foreach cubic meter it has. or instance, a good"si:edtorch will serve to call forth a 9m elemental.

The reverse spell, +an, can be used on an obFector as an area enchantment to keep a specific type ofentity out. 2sed this way, MPs must be placedwithin the +inding. 0henever the banned type ofentity tries to enter the obFect or area, it mustsuccessfully overcome the +inding6s MPs with itsown. /nce it succeeds, it must make the die rollagain on each melee round or it is unceremoniously

e-pelled. !f the entity has MPs 9 or more above the ban, it can ignore this effect.

#LESS, ritual &eremony# common ritual typically used at births,

funerals, and other occasions. The ritual can takefrom a few minutes to a few days, depending on theoccasion. #t the ritual6s end, all participants e-penda number of MPs less than or e(ual to the +lessing.Thus, if a +lessing 9 were cast, everyone wouldspend 9 MPs. The GM adFudges the effect, if any. !ngeneral, longer rituals, with more participants and ahigher value +less cast, have more tangible results.

#REA9 EN%3ANTMENT, ritual 8nchantThe shaman takes an enchanted obFect, spends

; P/0, and rolls itual modified by "9- the amountof P/0 in the enchantment. !f she succeeds, theenchantment is broken, and she receives all theP/0 in the magic item added directly to his fetch6sP/0, unless the item had conditions preventing himfrom using it, in which case the P/0 is simply lost.

%URSE, ritual ummon# ritual used to send curses against one6s foes.

The mechanics of performing a &urse are similar tothe +less ritual, and the results e(ually vague.

EN%3ANT RstatS )Decrease RstatS*, ritual 8nchant=ets the caster increase a statistic of the target.

!f a living being is the target )the normal case*, shemust be tattooed. !t cannot be used for !I or P/0.8ach P/0 in the spell ups the selectedcharacteristic by ;. Thus, 8nchant T > increasesa man6s T by > and costs the caster ? P/0, )thee-tra point because it was tattooed*.

/nly one enchantment on a given statistic is ineffect at a time. or instance, if a man receives both8nchant &/N @ and 8nchant &/N K, his &/N is

 boosted by K, not ;>.This spell can be used in reverse, as Decrease

RstatisticS. !f so used, the chosen characteristic isreduced by ;d< per P/0. Decrease can be used todecrease P/0 )but still not !I*. !f someone has

 both 8nchant and a Decrease on him, the the higherof each adds together. # man with 8nchant &/N Kand Decrease &/N @ has a A9 &/N.

EN%3ANT <metal=, ritual 8nchant=ets the caster temper one of the magic metals

of Glorantha, by spending ; P/0 per ; 8N& of

metal. #n appropriate !ndustry skill is generallyhandy to use at the same time.

MAGI% P8INT MATRI>, ritual 8nchant#llows a magician to create an MP storage

device. The caster must have an appropriate obFect before her, and she then performs the ritual, markingrunes onto the obFect6s surface, or tying a medicine

 bag onto it. 0hile she does this she sacrifices P/0.!f she succeeds, she creates a matri- capable of 

holding ;d; MPs. !f she spends 9 P/0 instead,when first making the matri-, it becomes capable ofregenerating MPs as if it had true P/0.

SPELL MATRI>, ritual 8nchantThis lets you place a spell in an item, so you

don6t have to memori:e it any more. or each pointof P/0 you place in the item, ; spell may beemplaced. or each e-tra P/0 spent per spell, thematri- gives a A; to Ma- Magic for that spell. ore-ample, if ubatai enchanted +ladesharp into hersword, using > P/0, then whoever uses the swordcan cast +ladesharp at her Ma- Magic score A<.

The spell you put into the Matri- is forgotten byyou. # spell inside a Matri- can be emplaced intoanother Matri-, but this causes the first spell to be5forgotten5, so the first Matri- is now useless.

ST8RE SPELL, ritual, 8nchant=ets the shaman make a one use magic item.

This is done Fust like spell matri- enchantment, withany desired conditions )trigger, user, etc.* e-cept thainstead of P/0, > times the cost in MPs is spent.

STRENGT3ENING )Debilitation*, ritual 8nchan!ncreases an attribute of an obFect by ;d< for ;

P/0. Normal attributes that can be affected are#rmor, #rmor points )for weapons, for instance*,7it Points, )living beings only*, etc.

&an be used in reverse, as Debilitation, todecrease an obFect6s #Ps by ;d;. !f #Ps are reducedto or less, any rough touch will shatter the obFect "the lower the #Ps, the more fragments are produced#ll enchantments on the obFect are permanentlydestroyed when it shatters. Debilitation can be usedwith a &ondition so only certain beings woulddestroy the obFect with their touch. # shaman whotries to +reak a Debilitation must subtract ; fromher itual skill for each negative #P )see the +reakspell for details*. !f the roll fails, the obFect shatters.

SUMM8N, ritual ummons=ets the caster summon a creature from the

/therworld. The total points in the ummon must beat least ; per ;d@ of the summoned creature6s MPs.

!f the caster knows the actual name of thecreature being summoned, she gets it. /therwise,she gets a random member of the targeted species.

The spirit is under no compulsion to obey thesummoner, so the shaman should be prepared to deawith it..

!f the ummon roll is fumbled, a link to the/therworld appears anyway, and a creature showsup, but not of the desired species. /nly hostile anddangerous entities appear on such a bungledummoning.

6.: $I4INE MAGI%Divine magic is based on petitioning deities and reenacting their deeds to gain

 powers. To gain access to divine magic, one must normally Foin a religion or cult.There are three types of magic gained from cults, petty magic, une Magic, anditual magic. une magic can be the most powerful form of magic on Glorantha.

6.:.1 $i!ine%ultsDivine cults are organi:ations of people who worship the same deity. /ften,several cults that worship allied deities are grouped together into a pantheon.Most cults offer their magic only to initiates, or people who have dedicatedthemselves spiritually to the deity.

Initiates# candidate for initiation must pass a rigorous test to determine suitability formembership. This test can be abstracted as follows$ you must make a gift to thetemple worth at least ? pennies1 understand the re(uirements and obligations ofan initiate )make trait rolls for the cult6s five virtues and succeed in at least three*1

 prove knowledge of the religion6s specialty skills, and of eligion )make skill rollsfor five cult skills and succeed in at least three*. These re(uirements are waived ifthe applicant6s parent was an initiate. The initiate must sacrifice a point of P/0to his god.

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$uties o- Initiates$ !nitiates must donate one tenth their yearly income and onetenth their time to the temple. !n a clan, this is usually included in the work youdo and the donations you make to the clan. !nitiates are e-pected to attendworship ceremonies regularly. They are e-pected to defend and support the cult,

 based on their abilities and the nature of the cult.

#ene-its o- Initiation$ !nitiates may learn cult petty magic and can petition tolearn une magic. They may take part in cult ceremonies, and can gain benefitsfrom that.

They may purchase petty magic offered by the cult at the normal price. They maylearn any resusable une magic, though not spells that are one"use )see the uneMagic section*. =earnig une magic involves sacrificing a point of P/0 per

 point of spell, and paying for the time of the priest, typically ;@ pennies per day ittakes to learn the spell. !t takes one day per point to learn a une spell. !nitiatescan recover used une magic by attending seasonal holy day and yearly high holyday worship services.

!nitiates have a link to their deity through the P/0 they sacrificed. This allowstheir prayers to be heard by the deity )though what actions the deity takes, if any,are up to the GM*. !t also allows a special type of prayer known as Petitioning for Divine !ntervention. This should only be done in situations of mortal need,

 because, if it works, it reduces the petitioner4s P/0, sometime fatally so.

ome cults offer speciali:ed training, either magical or mundane, to initates. This,and any other specific benefits, are given in the cult writeups, below.

PriestsPriests are the spiritual representatives of the deity. Priests are e-pected to leadworship services, teach magic, and advance the deities goals.

To become a priest, there must be an oppening1 a congregation or temple thatneeds a priest. The candidate must have been an initiate of the cult for at least twoyears, must have at least ; points of unused une magic, and have at least a ;skill in eligion or itual and four other cult skills )skill re(uirements are listed inthe cult writeups where different*. The applicant must pass the Test of 7oliness)make a P/0 roll, and at least four trait rolls out of the five cult virtues1 =ove)Deity* or Piety may replace one virtue*. !f all rolls in the test are successful, thecandidate will be sent an allied spirit by the god.

$uties o- Priests$ Priests must donate JU of their time and income to thetemple. Priests may not become rune lords, sorcerers, shamans, or priests ofanother cult, unless the cult description specifically says so. Priests may becomeinitiates or acolytes of associated cults. They are e-pected to hold regular worshipservices, and lead the cult.

#ene-its o- Priests$ Priests can learn both reusable and one"use divine spells andcult petty magic by simply sacrificing any P/0 re(uired and spending the time

needed1 no money is charged. Priests can recover ; point of cast reusable unemagic by spending ; day in prayer at a temple. They also regain magic byattending worship services, but at a faster rate than initiates. # priest is supported

 by the cult, and may use cult resources for her needs, accountable only to higherranking priests and rune lords. !f the priest leads a congregation in the high holyday services, and makes a successful eligion roll, she gets a point of P/0.Priests may also Petition for Divine !ntervention.

Acolytes Go*i or Gy*a/$ The re(uirements are typically the same as for priests, but vacancies are more common. #llied spirits are not granted to acolytes.#colytes gain most of the benefits of priests, but do not lead congregations.

Rune Lor*sune =ords are the temporal representatives of their deity, and are usually onlyfound in martial cults. ome especially martial cults have no priest1 the rune lords

 perform those tasks as well. une lords are agents for the cult and deity, performing necessary tasks out in the world. They hunt down cult enemies,

avenge crimes against the faith, teach cult skills, and guard priests and temples.

To become a rune lord, a candidate must belong to a cult that has rune lords, andmust have five cult skills at ;K or better, and pass the Test of 7oliness )make aP/0 roll, and at least three trait rolls out of the five cult virtues*. he will begranted an allied spirit if she succeeds in four virtues.

$uties o- Rune Lor*s$ une lords can be initiates or acolytes of an associatedcult, but may not be priests, shamans, sorcerers, or rune lords of another cultunless the cult description specifically says so. They must donate JU of theirtime and income to their cult. They are e-pected to attend regular worshipservices when not on missions.

#ene-its o- Rune Lor*s$ une =ords can learn cult magics, both petty and une,at no monetary cost. They can learn both reusable and one"use une magic. Theycan recover ; point of cast reusable une magic by spending ; day in prayer at atemple. They also regain magic by attending worship services, at ahigher rate

than initiates. They are supported by the cult, and may use cult resources for theirneeds, subFect only to higher ranking rune lords and priests. They also have amuch greater chance to Petition Divine !ntervention.

Allie* Spirits#n allied spirit is a spiritual represtative of the deity. !f a priest or rune lord wasnot given an allied spirit when she was ordained, she may try to gain one eachyear at the high holy day services until successful, by retaking the test.

#n allied spirit is an awakened animal or bound spirit that is in permanentMindlink with the priest or rune lord. The two can share MPs, spell knowledge,etc., Fust as described in the une spell Mindlink, with all the benefits anddrawbacks of the spell. !t is are friendly to it4s ally, and will use it4s abilities to aid

her. The allied spirit is an initiate of the cult, with an initiate4s access to magic,Divine !ntervention, etc.

$i!ine Inter!entionDivine !nterventioon is a petetion for divine aid. !f successful, the deity will dowhat is in his power to aid the petitioner, along the lines of what was specificallyasked for and the deity4s temperament. #sking &halana #rroy to help you killthings, or torm +ull to calm everyone down, is fruitless. #lso, deities will not acdirectly to harm others1 they may heal you and make you a killing machine, butwill not kill, or even wound, another directly.

#n initiate or priest attempting Divine !ntervention must roll a d; less than ore(ual to her P/0 for success. # rune lord needs only to roll a d; vs. P/0. !neither case, the petitioner loses P/0 e(ual to the rolled number. !f the numberrolled e(uals the P/0 score, the re(uest is granted, but the petitioner is taken upto serve the deity.

Learning Petty MagicMost cults teach some petty magic to their members. To learn a petty spell, youschedule time with a priest, and when one4s available, pay him ; pennies. he

 performs a spellteaching ritual, which takes about an hour. ome cults givemembers the ability to cast certain spells at higher intensities than their Ma-Magic score1 this is only the case if the spell was learned from the cult.

Associate* %ults#ssociated cults are allied, and cooperate. 2sually associated cults offer specificune spells to each other1 unless stated otherwise, any cult member may learn theoffered spell, but no other une spells may be learned. #ny petty magic anassociate cult teaches maybe learned by an associated cult member, but will notreceive any bonus to Ma- Magic.

%ult $escriptions&ults will be presented in the following format$

$eity Name Runes&ommon title of eit2ors)ippers$ Those who commonly Foin the cultSills$ avored skills in the cult$uties$ Tasks e-pected of cultists4irtues$ Personality traits stressed by the cult#onus$ Gift gained if all virtues are ;@ or morePetty Magic$ Petty magic taught by the cult. #ny that are marked with a%Anumber' mean the cult gives the number as a bonus to Ma- Magic for castingthose spells.(or&i**en Spells$ Petty magic spells cultist must not know, if any.Priest Name/$ e(uirements for becoming a priest, if the cult has the class.Rune Lor* Name/$ e(uirements for becoming a rune lord, if cult has the classRune Magic$ une spells taught by the cult.Associate*$ #ssociated cults )magic they provide*Notes$ Miscellaneous notes, if any.

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%)alana Arroy   HXH8oess of )ealin$ an &omfort ors)ipers$ 7ealers, doctors, herbalists, midwives.Sills$ irst #id, &hirurgery, Plant =ore, eligion,itual, inging.$uties$ 7ealing, caring for the sick, comforting thosein distress.4irtues$ Diplomatic, orgiving, Merciful, Modest,Trusting.#onus$ A< to P/0 for resisting spellsPetty Magic$ +efuddle, Dullblade, 8ndurance,7ealA>, =ight, himmer, leep.(or&i**en Spells$ +ladesharp, +ludgeon, &ontrol,Demorali:e, Disruption, anaticism, irearrow,ireblade, !ronhand, Multimissile, peedart.Priest $octor*$ ;K in one cult skill, ; in two othersand eligion or itual, and must know 7eal.Rune Magic$ all common, &omfort ong, &ommand7ealing pirit, &ure &haos 0ound, 7eal +ody,egrow =imb, estore )any*, estore 3ision,esurrect, ummon 7ealing piritAssociate*$ !ssaries )&reate Neutral Ground*,=hankor Mhy )#naly:e Magic*, /rlanth )hield*,2ro-., elm )ight Disease*.Notes$ !nitiates must swear an oath of non"violence,eat no meat, and cannot study weapon skills or usespells that harm others, including 0arding. !nitiatesand priests may become shamans. They areconsidered inviolate, and never attacked.

Ernal*a   XeeH Earth /other ors)ipers$ 7erders, farmers, healers, homemakers,women.Sills$ #nimal =ore, &hirurgery, irst #id, Mineral=ore, Plant =ore, eligion, itual, tewardship.$uties$ Providing food and shelter, healing,delivering animals and babies, blessing the herds,

 blessing crops, conveying sovereignty.4irtues$ =ustful, orgiving, Generous, Merciful,Prudent.#onus$ A9 to &hildbirth, A; to &hild urvival rollsPetty Magic$ 8ndurance, arsee, 7ealA9, econdight, himmerA9, trength,3igor, 3isibility.Priest Eart) Priestess/$ women who have given

 birth to a healthy child. ;K in one cult skill, ; in twoothers and eligion or itual, and must knowtewardship.Rune Magic$ all common, +less &ow, +less &rops,&ommand Gnome, &ommand )domestic animal*,&ommand nake, 8nchant &opper, 8arthpower, 7eal+ody, egrow =imb, estore &/N, estore T,peak with &ows, ummon Gnome.Associate*$ #rgan #rgar )&reate hadow*, #srelia)7ide 0ealth*, +abeester Gor )Great Parry*, 8iritha)peak 0ith +east*, 8lmal )8arthwarm*, Maran Gor)+last 8arth*, /rlanth )&loudcall*, Ty Lora Tek)+less Grave*, 2ro- )!mpede &haos*, 3oria)!nvigorate*.



 4onesmith, 8o of the 9or$eors)ippers$ mithsSills$ !ndustry )mithing*, Mineral =ore, eligion$uties$ &reating arms, armor, and metalwork 4irtues$ 8nergetic, Generous, 7onest, Proud, Prudent#onus$ A< to !ndustry skillPetty Magic$ +ludgeon, irearrow, ireblade, 7eatMetal A>, !gnite, !ronhand, Protection, epair,trength.Priest Smit)/$ ;K in !ndustry )mithing*, ;? inMineral =ore, ; in eligion.Rune Magic$ &ommand alamander, DismissMagic, Divination, 8nchant )+ron:e, !ron, ilver*,8-tension, anctify, pellteaching, ummonalamander, 0arding, 0orship Gustbran.Associate*$ 8rnalda )8nchant &opper*, /rlanth)hield*Notes$ Protection spells count for double vs. heat orfire damage.

3umat   TYT8o of 'eath, War Enin$sors)ipers$ 0arriors, mercenaries, bodyguards,adventurers.Sills$ #wareness, +attle, irst #id, eligion, itual,/rate, iding, ense #ssassin, word, Dagger.$uties$ oldier, bodyguard, teaching combat skills,destroying undead.4irtues$ 8nergetic, 7onest, ust, Temperate, 3alorous#onus$ /pponents swords can break on ties andfumbles.Petty Magic$ +ladesharpA>, &oordination,Demorali:e, Detect 8nemies, Detect 2ndead, Disrupt,ireblade, 7eal, Parry, Protection, epair, trength,3igor.(or&i**en Spells$ Dullblade.Rune Lor* S0or*/$ ;K in word, and four of$ anyother sword, any other weapon, #wareness, +attle,&onceal, irst #id, /rate, iding, or ense #ssassin1? in eligion and itual.Rune Magic$ all common, +erserk, &reate Ghost,Detect Truth, 8nchant!ron, Morale, /ath, everpirit, hield, Truesword, Turn 2ndeadAssociate*$ NoneNotes$ !nitiates and words may never be brought

 back from the dead by any means. They must acceptgifts and geases. They may learn ever piritreusably.

Issaries   H#V8o of "rae, &ommunications an "ra%el ors)ipers$ Merchants, messengers, heralds,e-plorers, travelers.Sills$ +argaining, &ompose, Memori:e, ecogni:e,eligion, itual, peak )/wn*, peak )Tradetalk*,peak )language*$uties$ Trading, &onveying messages, acting asherald, telling stories and poems, reciting genealogies,teaching languages.4irtues$ Diplomatic, 8nergetic, 7onest, #nalytical,Prudent.#onus$ A9 Movement atePriests$ ;K in +argaining, &ompose, or peak, and; in four cult skills.Petty Magic$ GlamourA9, Glue, Mindspeech,MobilityA9.Rune Magic$ all common, &reate )Great* Market,=ock, Passage, Path 0atch, pell Trading.Associate*$ &halana #rroy )egrow =imb*, 8urmal)&lever Tongue*, =ankor Mhy )#naly:e Magic*,/rlanth )light*.

Lanor M)y   LY 8o of ;a#speakin$, ;or of <no#le$eors)ipers$ ages, lawspeakers, seers.Sills$ any =ore, &ourtesy, &ustom )/rlanthi*,Memori:e, /ratory, ecogni:e, eligion, itual.$uties$ Lnowing the =aw, resolving lawsuits,remembering agreements, teaching.4irtues$ ust, #nalytical, Prudent, Temperate,uspicious.#onus$ A< to Memori:e skillPetty Magic$Detect )any*, arseeA9, MindspeechA9Priest Sage/$ ;K in two =ores and &ustom, and ;

in eligion or itual.Rune Magic$ all common, #naly:e Magic,&lairvoyance, 8nchant !ron, Lnowledge, Mind"ead,econstruction, Translate, Truespeak.Associate*$ &halana #rroy )estore &/N*, 8urmal)&lever Tongue*, !ssaries )&reate Market*, /rlanth)0ind 0ords*.Notes$ !nitiates must have ;K in a cult skill.

8rlant)   VAAW <in$ of the 8os, the Storm <in$ ors)ipers$ #dventurers, warriors, farmers, herders,chieftains, kings, lawspeakers, poets, thievesSills$ #thletics, &ompose, /rate, eligion, itual,peak )tormspeech*, peak )own*, 0eapon, 0orld=ore

$uties$ =eadership, defending worshipers, fightingchaos4irtues$ 8nergetic, Generous, 7onest, ust, 3alorous.#onus$ A; #rmor, A; Movement atePetty Magic$ +ladesharpA9, Demorali:e, Glamour,7eal, Mindspeech, MobilityA9, Protection, trength.Priest Storm 4oice/$ ;K in two of #wareness,tealth, /ratory, peak )tormspeech*, 0eapon, and; in three of &ompose, eligion, itual, and 0orld=ore.Storm 4oice Rune Magic$ all common, +lessThunderstone, &loudcall, &loudclear, &ommandylph, Decrease 0ind, 8nchant ilver, !ncrease 0ind

ummon ylph, Thunderbolt, 0ind 0arpRune Lor* in* Lor*/$ ;K in word and four of#wareness, +attle, /ratory, iding, peak)tormspeech*, tealth,* Lor* Rune Magic$ +less 0oad, &ommandylph, Dark 0alk, 8nchant !ron, light, Great Parry,=ightning, Mist &loud, anctify, hield, ummonylph, 0ind un, 0ind 0ords, 0orship /rlanth.Associate*$ &halana #rroy )estore &/N*, 8urmal)&harisma*, 7eler )ain*, !ssaries )Path 0atch*,=hankor Mhy )Truespeak*, Mastakos )GuidedTeleport, Teleport*, 8rnalda )estore T*, 2ro-)ace &haos*, inkin )&atfoot*.Notes$ Many subcults e-ist, including /rlanth e-,worshiped by rulers and poets1 /rlanth Thunderous,worshiped by herders and farmers1 /rlanth=ightbringer, worshiped by (uesters1 /rlanth#dventurous, worshiped by adventurers and thieves1the weapon subcults )=ightning pear, hield of#rran, carf of Mist, and andals of Darkness*, and3inga the #dventuress, worshiped by femaleadventurers )who dye their hair red*. Temples oftenhave a shrine to Drogarsi, deity of war dances and

 bagpipe music.

Uro2; t)e Storm #ull   ABT 4erserker 8o, &haos <iller ors)ipers$ 0arriors, berserks.Sills$ #nimal =ore, #wareness, 7unting, eligion,itual, ense &haos, 0eapon.$uties$ eeking and killing chaos.4irtues$ &ombative, !ndulgent, eckless, uspicious3alorous.#onus$ A;d@ DamagePetty Magic$ Detect 8nemies, Dispel Magic,

anaticism, 7eal, ProtectionA9, trengthA9.Rune Lor* Storm 9)an/$ ;K in 0eapon, know7eal, and ;K in four of #wareness, 7unting, iding,ense &haos, 0eapon.Rune Magic$ all common, +erserk, &ommandylph, 8nchant !ron, ace &haos, !mpede &haos,ummon ylph.Associate*$ &halana #rroy )&ure &haos 0ound*,/rlanth )hield*, 3alind )&loudcall*, Iorak Ioran)ear*.

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Rune Magic Reco!ery77DQ7igh 7oly Day service7DQeasonal 7oly Day service,00Q0eekly 0orship ervice,DP Q Day pent in Prayer at temple

Initiates$ ecover ; point per 7D attended.ecover Ma- Magic score if attend77D. eligion must be rolledsuccessfully for recovery.

Acolytes$ ecover ; point per DP, and ; per 00 attended. ecover Ma- Magicscore if attend 7D. ecover all used

magic if attend 77D.Rune Lor*s$ ecover ; point per DP.

ecover Ma- Magic per 00.ecover all magic each 7D or 77D

Priests$ ecover ; point per DP. ecover Ma- Magic per 00. ecover allmagic each 7D or 77D

%ommon Rune Spells spell cost t2pe#rmoring 8nchantment ; tackable+inding 8nchantment ; i-ed&ult Magic 8nchantment; tackableDismiss Magic ; tackableDivination ; i-ed8-communicate ; i-ed8-tension ; tackable

ind 8nemy ; i-edind )substance* ; i-ed7eal 0ound ; i-ed!nitiation ; i-edMindlink ; tackableanctify ; i-edoul ight ; tackablepellteaching ; i-edpirit +lock ;

tackableummon )species* ; i-ed0arding ; tackable0orship ; i-ed

Special Rune Spells spell cost t2pe#bsorbtion ; tackable#naly:e Magic ; tackable+erserk 9 i-ed+less &rops ; i-ed&loudcall ; tackable&loudclear ; tackable&ommand )species* ;

tackable&ommand &ult pirit ; i-ed&onceal < i-edDarkwalk ; i-edDetect Truth ; i-ed8nchant )Metal* ; tackableear ; i-edly ; tackableGreat Parry < i-ed7eal +ody < i-ed!mpede &haos ; i-ed=ightning ; tackable

Pathwatch 9 i-edeflection ; tackableegrow =imb 9 i-edesurrect < i-edestore )tatistic* ; i-edever pirit < i-edhield ;

tackableunspear < i-edureshot ; i-edThunderbolt <

tackableTrue )0eapon* ; i-ed

6.:.+ Rune MagicLearning Rune SpellsTo learn a cult4s une magic spell, you must be at least an initiate in the cult. ou must learn the spell from a priestwho knows the spell, unless you are a priest, acolyte, or rune lord of the cult. !f the spell is one"use, then initiatescannot learn it1 acolytes and rune lords must learn on"use spells from a priest that knows the spell.

To learn a une spell, you must sacrifice one point of P/0 for each point of the spell. !t takes one day per point ofspell. !nitiates must also pay for the time of the priest that teaches them the spell, typically ;@ pennies per day.

une magic re(uires no memori:ation )i.e. they do not need a point of the Memori:e skill assigned to them*. &ultmembers can learn as many une spells as they can sacrifice P/0 for.

une spells must be learned at a temple )e-cept under some very unusual circumstances*. The si:e of the temple maylimit what spells can be learned there1 the fewer worshippers that attended the last seasonal holy day service, the morelimited the selection of spells.

The classes of temple si:es are$

• ite )"? initiates, usually *$ # site is a simple place of reverence where no true worship occurs. No divine spells

may be learned or regained at a site.

• hrine );"; initiates, usually 9?*$ hrines are common. 8very clan or villiage will have at least a shrine to the main

deities worshipped there. #ny place that is sacred to a cult is at least a shrine. #t a shrine one can only learn theune spells !nitiation, anctify, 0orship, and one spell special to the shrine. /ne can also learn cult petty magics.Maintaining a shrine re(uires the sacrifice of at least ; MPs each seasonal holy day. !f the shrine is not sanctified,then ? MPs are re(uired.

• Minor Temple );"> initiates, usually ;*$ Most towns will have one or more minor temples. #t a minor temple,

one can only learn the une spells !nitiation, anctify, pellteaching, 0orship, and cult special spells. /ne can alsolearn cult petty magics. Maintaining a minor temple re(uires the sacrifice of at least ? MPs each seasonal holyday. !f the temple is not sactified, then 9? MPs are re(uired.

• MaFor Temple );"; initiates, usually >*$ MaFor temples are commonly found in cities. #t a maFor temple, on

can learn all common and special cult une spells, plus some associate une spells. /ne can also learn cult pettymagics. Maintaining a maFor temple re(uires the sacrifice of at least 9? MPs each seasonal holy day. !f the templis not sanctified, then ;9? MPs are re(uired.

• Great Temple )?A initiates, usually ;@*$ Great temples are only rarely found outside of large cities. #t a great

temple all une spells taught by the cult, including some obscure or rare spells, plus all associate ne spells. /ne canalso learn cult and associate petty magic. Maintaining a great temple re(uires the sacrifice of at least ;9? MPs eachseasonal holy day. !f the temple is not sanctified, then ? MPs are re(uired.

pell availability is also dependent on the culture1 a cult in one area may offer spells that are not offerd by the same cultelsewhere. 0hat spells are to be found where will have to be found out in game.

Using Rune Magicune magic re(uires no casting roll1 it4s casting is automatic. !f the spell is cast offensively on a target, then anovercome roll may be needed. !t usually re(uires no MPs to cast, though some specific spells may need to be boostedwith MPs to work.

/nce a une spell is cast, it is gone. !f it is a reusable spell, then it can be recovered1 see below for details. !f it is one"

use, it cannot be recovered1 to regain it it must be sacrificed for again.

Multiple points of the same rune spell may be learned, to have more than one casting. !f the spell is listed as tackable,then these multiple casting can be used another way1 they can be %tacked', or cast several at a time, to get a more

 powerful version of the spell. The caster controls how many castings are stacked together1 if @ castings of a stackablespell are known, then any number from ; to all @ may be cast at once, with the remainer still available for later use. !f aspell is not stackable, it is said to be fi-ed.


• Intensity$ The intensity of a une magic spell is twice the number of points in the spell. !f the spell is stacked, then

the intensity is twice the total number points in all the spells cast at once, i.e. twice the cost per spell times thenumber of spells stacked together.

• Range$ The standard range of une spells is ; meters.

• $uration$ The standard duration of une spells is ;? minutes.

• %asting Time$ une magic is a standard action to cast, regardless of the number of spells stacked. !f the spell is

 boosted with MPs, then each ? MPs its boosted with takes ; melee round to cast, not counting the first five, that is, boosting a une spell with up to five MPs takes the same amount of time to cast as the unboosted spell.

Reco!ering Rune Magic!nitiates recover une magic slowly1 only if an initiate attends the seasonal holy day services or the yearly high holyday service will she recover any une magic. #colytes, priests and rune lords recover rune magic more readily. eethe table in the sidebar for recovery rates.

ecovery of une spells is also limited by temple si:e. No spells can be recovered at a site. pells can be recoveredfrom other temples if they could be learned from the ne-t larger si:e temple. Thus all common spells can be recoveredat a shrine, etc.

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Rune Spell List$

A&sor&tion$ ; pointanged, Passive, tackable, eusable

This spell absorbs incoming spells, convertingthem to magic points that the target can use. Theeffects of the absorbed spell are cancelled.

8ach point of #bsorbtion stacked soaks up anyone point of une magic, or any two points of pettymagic or sorcery. The #bsorbtion spell will not affect

 part of a spell1 if the incoming spell has more MPsthan twice the points of )or is a une spell of more

 points than* the #bsorbtion, the incoming spell is

unaffected1 boosting can be used to enhance this.!f the spell is absorbed, then all it4s MPs )or

double it4s points in MPs, if a une spell* becomesuspended in an aura around the target, usuable as shewishes. They add to her MPs for purposes of resistingmagic, and may be used to cast spells. /nce the spellends, any MPs in e-cess of her P/0 are lost.

Analye Magic$ ; pointTouch, !nstant, tackable, eusable

This spell gives a true statement about at leastone function of a single magical item, entity, orsubstance. The statement is detailed, and tells how touse the function and what limitations )if any* apply tothe use of the function. !f more than one point is castsimultaneously, more than one truth is discovered. !fthe spells are not cast simultaneously, the same truthsmay be repeated.

Though the range is touch, it is possible to castthe spell Fust above the surface of an item, to avoidtriggering any curses or other effects.

Armoring Enc)antment$ ; point

itual )enchant*, tackable, eusable8ach point of this spell allows one point of P/0

to be enchanted into increasing the armor ofsomething. 8ach point of P/0 in the enchantmentincreases the armor value of a single obFect by ;d<.The spell can affect a single weapon, shield, or a pieceof armor covering a single location of the body)locations for humans are$ arms )9*, legs )9*, head,chest, and abdomen*. 8nough points must beenchanted at once to affect the entire item, so for amail coat that covers arms, chest, and abdomen, amultiple of four points of P/0 must be enchanted

)giving that multiple of d<s to the entire coat.This can be applied to a person4s skin, but each

location re(uires a point of P/0, so at least seven points must be done at once.

#erser $ 9 pointsanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell sends the recipient into a murderousfury. Personal safety and all but the strongest loyaltiesare forgotten, but the stamina and combat skills of thetarget are greatly enhanced.

# berserker is preserved from incapacitation,shock, unconsciousness or e-haustion1 all other ef"fects of a maFor wound will be suffered. #ll poisonsdo only minimal damage. The target will fall uncon"scious when 7Ps drop to or below.

+erserkers add ; to any attack skills, and to

3alorous, 3engeful, and any 7ate passions. They willnot parry )so a shield provides no additional damage*or use any other tactic e-cept +erserker #ttack. Theycannot cast magic.

# person under the effects of this spell may notflee the combat, or attempt to shake off it6s effects

 before the spell e-pires unless e-tenuatingcircumstances, as Fudged by the GM, allow the

 berserker to snap out of the battle rage before that. !fruled possible this re(uires an opposed roll of themodified 3engeful against the e-tenuating passion.

0hen the spell e-pires the berserker collapses,e-hausted. #n 8nergetic roll must bemade to move,modified by "< the first round, "9J the ne-t, until the<;st round when an unmodified roll is needed.

#in*ing Enc)antment$ ; point

itual )enchant*, i-ed, eusable=ets the caster spend P/0 to create an item

which can contain spirits. The base cost is ; P/0 per<d@ P/0 the spirit has. The caster should double the

 base cost if the spirit is to be released without break"ing the enchantment. The binding can be enhanced atthe following costs$

A; P/0 &an communicate with the bound spiritas with Mindspeach

A; P/0 &an access the bound spirit4s MPsA; P/0 &an access the spirit4s spell knowledgeA; P/0 The spirit can cast spells out of the

 binding )if the spirit can cast spells*-< +ase The spirit can manifest while still bound

)i.e. bind a salamander to make aflaming sword*.

/nce made, a binding is specific to species.+ound creatures cannot resist magic cast on them.

 Note$ when you release an elemental, you needthe appropriate amount of element present.

#less %rops$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, i-ed, eusable.

This spell is cast on the amount of ground that afarmer can plow in a week when it is planted. !tincreases crop yeilds by ;U above what they wouldotherwise be1 given the weather conditions, this maystill be a less than average yeild. # priestess must

assist in the casting, and it is generally a communityevent, with all fields blessed together in a festival.

%lou* %all$ ; pointpecial range, !nstant, tackable, eusable.

This spell affects the area of sky that can be seen by the caster. 8ach point of spell increases the overallcloud density by ; per cent.

The effects can vary based on local climate andseason. !n particularly stormy regions, or in torm orea seasons, the GM may have each point add up to?U, or up to ;U if both conditions apply.

%lou* %lear$ ; pointpecial range, !nstant, tackable, eusable.

This spell affects the area of sky that can be seen by the caster. 8ach point of spell decreases the overallcloud density by ; per cent.

The effects can vary based on local climate andseason. !n particularly dry regions, or in ire season,the GM may have each point remove up to ?U, or upto ;U if both conditions apply.

%omman* creature or spirit/$ ; pointanged, Passive, tackable, eusable

This spell allows the caster to force the speci"fiedcreature to do her bidding. The creature4s P/0 must

 be overcome for this spell to work. !f successful, thecreature is in a special telepathic communication withthe caster. The caster must form mental images ofwhat actions she wishes done1 this re(uires a standardmelee action, and the creature will begin to act thene-t round.

This spell may be stacked to enhance chance toovercome1 each e-tra point of spell adds ? to caster6s

P/0 for purposes of overcoming.%omman* %ult Spirit$ ; pointanged, !nstant, i-ed, eusable

This spell is used to cause a cult spirit to performa single task. !f the cult spirit is unwilling, the castermust over their P/0. This must be cast in a templeor area sanctified to the cult in (uestion.

Different cults each have their own variety of cultspirits. Not all spirits of a given type are cult spiritsof any cult1 for instance, not all, or even most, sylphsare /rlanth cult spirits.

%onceal$ < pointsanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell causes someone to be unnoticed by anyviewers by diverting their attention elsewhere. #ny

round a &oncealed character enters melee she gets aA?B"? refle-ive modifier to her attack1 after the firstround of melee this modifier goes away. 0hen shedisengages or ends melee, she will vanish again thefollowing round.

!f she attacks someone with missiles or magic,then she may be attacked in return with a "? modifier.

%ult Magic Enc)antment$ ; pointitual )enchant*, tackable, eusable

This spell allows the caster to place a cult pettyspell or une spell into an item. The caster has toknow the spell before starting, and will forget the spel

once cast1 une spells enchanted into items cannot berecovered by the enchanter. 8ach point stackedallows ; P/0 to be enchanted.

Petty magic$ for each point of P/0 you place inthe item, ; spell may be emplaced. or each e-traP/0 spent per spell, the matri- gives a A; to Ma-Magic for that spell. or e-ample, if Pelli the

 priestess enchanted himmer into an amulet, using >P/0, then whoever uses the amulet can casthimmer at their Ma- Magic score A<.

une Magic$ for each point of P/0 placed intothe item, one P/0 of a particular une spell canalso be placed, up to the amount of points of the spellknown. or e-ample, Pelli enchants hield into thesame amulet. he knows hield <, so can enchantthree points of hield into it1 she loses the points ofthe spell herself, and cannot recover them )though she

can sacrifice for more later*.# divine spell matri- recovers used spells as doesa priest1 someone must be praying over it to get thedaily recovery, since it cannot pray1 being on the altarat worship services counts for this.

$ar0al $ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell allows the user to be totally invisibleand soundless in darkness and shadow to any

 potential viewers. +lend in is total. !f the userattacks from the darkness, the effect is the same asattacking from a &onceal spell.

$etect Trut)$ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell allows the caster to detect if anyonewithin ? meters of the spell4s target site is consciouslylying. !f a conscious lie is told, the speaker emits adark, smokey glow visible only to cultists of the god.

$ismiss Magic$ ; pointanged, !nstant, tackable, eusable

This spell eliminates magic from the target. 8ach point of Dismiss eliminates > intensities of magic1 itcan partially eliminate a spell. 0hen cast against ageneral target, without specifying any particular spellto affect, Dismiss will always first reduce defensivespells, beginning with the most pow"erful spell.8-cess points will go on to reduce other spells on thetarget, if any, starting with other defen"sive spells. !tcan always be cast against a specific spell if the casterspecifies that spell. This does not have to be by name%the spell that4s blocking magic', or such , issufficient.

$i!ination$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, tackable, eusable

This spell allows the caster to receive an answerfrom her deity to a (uestion posed during theceremony. 8ach point of spell stacked gives the castea message of up to seven words, or a brief vision, orthe e(uivalent, based on the method of divinationused by the cult.

2nfortunately, the messages of the gods areseldom subFect to clear interpretation by even themost skilled diviners. The gods e-ist outside of themundane world, and much of their knowledge of whaoccurs there is based on what they hear in prayers,and is therefore highly subFective in nature.

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Enc)ant metal/$ ; pointitual )enchant*, tackable, eusable.

This allows the caster to enchant up to 9 poundsworth of the specified metal per point of spell. Themetal should already be forged and crafted, asreforging )or breaking* an enchanted piece of metaldestroys the enchantment. # point of the caster4sP/0 is used up for each point of enchantment.

Different metals gain different properties whenenchanted. +ron:e is rarely enchanted, as it changeslittle. #ll enchanted metal weapons can damagecreatures normally affected only by magic, such aswerewolves and wraiths.

E2communicate$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, tackable, eusable.

This spell severs the mystical link between aninitiate and her god, ending her membership in thecult. /nly the priest that initiated the cultist, or a

 priest who has authority over her, can do this. The8-communication ritual takes an hour to perform.

8-communication can be performed at anydistance from the target. /nce completed, she isstripped of all atatus in the cult. #ny unused unemagic is retained until used, but cannot be regained.Petty magic is retained, but any bonuses to Ma-Magic for spells are lost, as well as any religious

 bonuses for virtuous behavior.Priests cannot use the oul ight spell to tell if

someone is e-communicated from their cult1 this will

only show that she is not currently a member.

E2tension$ ; pointpecial range, pecial duration, tackable, eusable

This spell increases the duration of a petty magicor une spell1 it must be cast simultaneously with thespell )the only case where simultaneous casting ofune or petty magic is allowed* and has whateverrange that spell has. The first point increases durationto < minutes, then to ; hour, until sunrise or sunset,whichever comes first, full day, ; week, ; season, ;year, permanant )until dispelled*. Note$ an e-tendeddiving spell, and the 8-tension spell itself, cannot berecovered until the spell lapses.

(ear$ ; pointanged, !nstant, Nonstackable, eusable.

This spell causes the target to fell an intense,incapacitating fear. To be effective, the caster mustovercome the P/0 of the target. The effects of thespell are based on the result of the overcome roll.

 =oll =esult %ritical$ 3ictim collapses for ;? minutes, and

must make a 3alorous roll or die.Success$ 3ictim is Demorali:ed for ;? minutes.(ailure$ apient creatures are unaffected.

 Nonsapient creatures are Demorali:edfor ;? minutes as per the petty spell.

(um&le$ 3ictim is unaffected.

(in* Enemy$ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell alerts the caster to danger. The caster psychically knows if anyone within the spell4s intendsto harm her, whether or not the person can be seen.The caster can cast the spell on another, in which case

 both the caster and the target would detect the target4senemies. This spell is blocked by a meter or more ofany solid substance.

(in* su&stance/$ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell This spell informs the caster of the presence of the substance sought. The spell is cast onan obFect that is used as a %divining rod', which will

 point to the nearest occurance of the substance withinrange. The caster can cause the spell to ignore anyknown instances, and thereby find as many instancesas possible limited by the range and duration of the

spell. This spell is blocked by a meter or more of anysolid substance.

(ly$ ; pointsanged, #ctive, tackable, eusable

0hen cast on a person or obFect, this spell allowsthe caster to cause it to fly. i- !I points can beaffected per point of spell. The obFect will move under the caster4s control, at a ma-imum speed of herMovement ate1 each e-tra level of spell stacked

 beyond what is needed for the !I increases the speed by the Movement ate. !f the caster wants to affectanother being, a P/0 overcome roll must be made.

Great Parry$ < pointsanged, Passive, tackable, eusable

This spell is cast on a shield. !t gives the shieldan infinite amount of armor1 if the user rolls a partialsuccess, no damage will be taken, and the shield can"not be broken. Lnockdown can still affect the user.

3eal #o*y$ < pointsTouch, !nstant, i-ed, eusable.

This spell cures the total damage done to a body,regardless of the number of wounds. !t will not,however, regrow or heal a maimed or severed limb, or eliminate the need for &hirurgery.

3eal oun*$ ; pointTouch, !nstant, i-ed, eusable

This spell repairs hit point damage. !t convertsmagic points into 7Ps. The caster must e-pend anumber of MPs e(ual to the 7Ps to be healed. Thespell cures a single wound, but does not eliminate amaFor wound4s need for &hirurgery.

Impe*e %)aos$ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell reduces all attack skills of any chaoscreatures attacking the recipient by ?. This includes

 both wapon and natural weapon attacks, as well asattack spell resistance rolls

Initiation$ ; pointitual )&eremony*, i-ed, eusable

This ritual sets up the link between an initiateand the deity. !t costs a point of P/0 from therecipient.

Lig)tning$ ; pointanged, !nstant, tackable, eusable

This spell causes a small bolt of lightning toshoot from the hand of, or some item held by, thecaster toward a target. 8ach point of =ightning willcause ;d@ points of wound damage if an overcome

roll is made. No armor protects against this, butspells that protect from physical damage will.

Min*lin $ ; pointanged, Passive, tackable, eusable

8ach point of this spell allows mind to mindcommunication between two people. !t must be caston both people at once, and allows the transmission ofconscious thought, magic points, and spellknowledge.

Mindlink may be stakced to link more than two people together. 8ach point connects only two peopleif person # is linked to person + and person &, + and& are not linked. 8ach person in the link may use thespell knowledge and MPs of the others at will,without their concent, though they must consent to theMindlink in the first place.

Mind affecting spells, such as +efuddle,

Demorali:e, or ear, cast against one member of aMindlnk can affect all members. The caster of such aspell rolls a single overcome roll that each membertries to resist separately. Thus the person cast on maynot be affected when someone she is Mindlinked to is,if their P/0 scores are different.

Pat)0atc)$ 9 pointself, pecial duration, Nonstackable, eusable

This spell is used when traveling. !t is cast on avisible path or road which the caster is travelling on.The spell alerts the caster to the direction and numberof any enemies and traps within ; meters of themas they travel. The spell lasts as long as the road lastsand the caster stays awake..

Re-lection$ ; point

anged, Passive, tackable, eusableThis spell reflects spells which fail to overcome

the protected being. #t the end of the round cast, thereflected spells will strike their caster. The castermakes a resistance roll based on their current MPs)i.e. MPs reduced by casting the spell, if personal MPswere used*1 if this fails against their originalovercome roll, the spell affects them.

The spell reflects up to two intensities of magic per point. #ny number of spells may be reflected atonce, as long as they are resisted and do not e-ceedthe spell. eflection has no effect if the incoming spelis too powerful.

Regro0 Lim&$ 9 pointsTouch, pecial duration, Nonstackable, eusable

This spell regrows a severed or mangled limb,

and can be used to treat any maFor wound. !t doublesthe 7ealing ate for a particular wound )allowingthat wound to heal concurrently with other woundstaken* and eliminates the wound4s need for&hirurgery. 8.g. #mbrose has a 7ealing ate of <,and has taken wounds totalling ;9 points and ; greatwound for ;@ points, on which egrow =imb is cast.7is other wounds heal in > weeks, and his greatwound heals in <, for a total of > weeks healing.

Resurrect$ < pointsitual )ceremony*, i-ed, /ne"use

This spell restores a dead person to life. The bodymust first be healed to a positive 7P total. !f the

 person is dead from disease, the disease must beeliminated or esurrect is futile.

8/10/2019 Beyke Shaman Rules 15/16

8ach day after the first that the person is deadreduces their T, &/N, D8E, and #PP scores by;d< points each.

Restore Statistic/$ ; pointTouch, !nstant, tackable, /ne"use

This is actually group of ? similar spells, each ofwhich affects a different statistic. 8ach will restore

 points of the statistic that have been lost to disease,maFor wound, or the effects of the sorcery spell Tap.They do not cure any damage or disease that may be

 present, nor statistics lost due to aging.8ach point of estore )statistic* restores ; point

of the specified statistic. This can only be used torestore points to their original )i.e. untrained* value.

Sancti-y$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, i-ed, eusable

This spell blesses the volumn of a ; meterradius sphere. The anctified sphere is not normallyvisible or otherwise sensible, but will detect as magicand is visible to oul ight. 8ach additional pointstacked increases the radius of the sphere by half)i.e.9 H ;?m, < H 99.?m, etc.*

&eremonies can be performed within the acti"fied area as if it were a temple. This is the main waythat new temples are consecrated. The anctified arealasts as long as the caster doesn4t recover the spell. #ssoon as the spell is recovered, the previouslyanctified area becomes unsanctified.

Se!er Spirit$ < pointanged, !nstant, i-ed, /ne"use

This spell cuts the bond between the body andspirit of the target. !f the caster overcomes the target4sresistance, the target dies. !f the target successfullyresists, he still takes ;d@ 7Ps of damage. The damagetaken on a failed resistance roll is not wound damage,and so is not treatable by irst #id or most healingmagics.

S)iel*$ ; pointanged, Passive, tackable, eusable

This spell protects the target from damage andmagic. 8ach point of hield acts as 9 points of theProtection spell and 9 points of &ountermagic, withthe bonus that spells that penetrate the hield spell do

not eliminate it. The effects of this spell are cumula"tive with both Protection and &ountermagic.

Soul Sig)t$ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

This spell allows the target to see both the P/0aura and current MPs of beings, including the MPs incurrently running spells. oul ight does not identifyspells, but some knowledge of their nature can besurmised from their appearance1 i.e. a spell that formsan aura around someone is probably a protection spellof some sort.

!n addition, oul ight shows whether a personviewed is an initiate of the caster4s cult, or any alliedcult. #ctual cult rank is not discerned.

Spellteac)ing$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, i-ed, eusable

This spell is used to teach a cult Petty magic spellto someone. !t must be cast within a temple or otherholy place of the cult, and the recipient of the spellmust be there for the entire ritual.

Spirit #loc $ ; pointanged, Passive, tackable, eusable

This spell protects the target in spirit combat. Theopposed spirit combat rolls are made normally. !f thetarget wins, she rolls for damage as normal, and may

lose MPs if the opponent got a partial success. !f thetarget loses the roll, each point of pirit +lock adds; to his MPs for the purpose of determining whetherthe opponent succeeded. !f the MPs of the attackingspirit fall below the value of the pirit +lock, it canno longer attack.

Summon Species/$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, i-ed, eusable

This ritual spell summons a particular type ofcult spirit or creature. =arge cults often have a widevariety of cult spirits, and thus many varieties of thisspell.

ome common types of cult spirits are$ alliedspirits, elementals, messemger spirits, spirits ofretribution, and temple spirits. ome cults have accessto other spirits. or instance, &halana #rroy has culthealing spirits, 7umakt has cult ghosts, and 2ro- has

cult age pirits.

Sunspear$ < pointsanged, !nstant, i-ed, eusable

This spell only works in direct sunlight. 0hencast, a cylinder of sunfire blasts anything inside a ;meter diameter circle specified by the caster. Noovercome roll is needed, but the target does need to bevisible to the caster.

8ach living thing in the circle takes @d@ points of non"wound damage. /nly the target4s physical armor will protect against this damage1 spells are ineffective,including armor"like spells such as Protection orhield.

Sures)ot$ ; pointanged, Triggered, i-ed, eusable

This spell is cast on a missile. The ne-t shottaken with that missile will hit e-cept on a roll of 9,regardless of modifiers for movement, range )as longas the target is within ma-imum range for theweapon*, concealment, etc. &hances for a critical orfumble are based on the user4s own missile skill.

T)un*er&olt$ < pointsanged, !nstant, tackable, eusable

This spell draws a bolt of divine energy from thestormclouds and directs it to a specified target,without needing to overcome his resistance. The skymust have a cloud cover of at least ?;U. 8achadditional casting adds another target that can beaffected.

The spell does ?d@ points of non"wound damageto the target. Neither armor nor spells that protectagainst physical damage are effective against this,though &ountermagic will work.

True eapon/$ ; pointanged, Passive, i-ed, eusable

Different cults offer variations of this spell thatwork on a specific weapon types. Thus 7umaktoffers Truesword, elm offers Truespear, etc.

The weapon this is cast on will do A<d@ damage.!t is incompatible with ireblade, but can be usedwith +ladesharp or +ludgeon.

ar*ing$ ; pointitual, pecial duration, tackable, eusable

This ritual spell creates an area of safety forthose inside. !t re(uires > wands ;? centimeters longto act as props. The wands are spaced to define the >corners of an area of up to K; s(uare meters. The spelencloses a volume that include the area, e-tendsupward from the wands for < meters, and is even withthe lower end of the wands. The wands need not bevisible to work.

/nce cast, the surface of the defined volume isinvisible, but detectable by magic. 0hen physical orspiritual enemies of the caster cross the surface, or aspell is cast through it, an audible alarm sounds,which may be suppressed by the caster )though she isstill alerted*.

8ach point of spell stacked in the casting protectsall inside with ; point of &ountermagic against spellscast across the surface, ; point of pirit creen vs.enemy spirits, and does ;d< points of wound damage,ignoring armor, to any physical enemy crossing thesurface in either direction. #lternatively, e-tra pointsof 0arding can be used to increase the area1 each

 point used for this purpose gives another K; s(uaremeters of coverage.

The 0arding spell remains in effect until thewands are removed. #nyone e-cept the caster whotouches the wands will set off the alarm and suffer theeffects of the spell. The spell cannot be regained untilthe spell ends.

ors)ip$ ; pointitual )ceremony*, i-ed, eusable

This ritual spell allows a priest to lead a formalworship service to the deity. !f held in a temple on aholy day of the god, it gives priest a P/0 check. !fheld on a high holy day, it gives all the attendeeinitiates P/0 gain rolls as well.

This spell can be used to start any divine ritualnot defined with a une spell, such as mythicreenactments and 7ero(uests. The 0orship spell iscast to start the magical energies flowing, to link the

 participants to the divine. The actions then taken inthe ritual determine what the effects will be, based onwhich deitiy4s worship spell is used, what myths arereenacted, number of participants, and other the Divine ituals section for more information.

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6.:.+ $i!ine Ritualsome divine are given in the une spell list1 these are those rituals that have

 become well defined and formatted. +ut there are other rituals done, perhaps themost often actually done, that are not preset spells. These rituals are usuallymythic reenactments, staged for numerous reasons. ome of these are$

• enew or bolster the benefits gained in the original myth.

• To deal with a problem that is similar to the probelm dealt with in the myth.

• To gain a benefit or power that was gained in the original myth.

• To head off a coming problem.

• To seek aid or help.

#acgroun*Glorantha is a magical world, and actions taken may have far reaching effects due tomagical resonances. The magnitude of the effects, and how e-tended they are, is

 based on many factors, such as social position, state of mind, pro-imity to holy sitesor other places of power, etc. Degree of focus also has an effect1 actually working toreproduce a particular effect by reenacting a particular myth in Fust the right waywill tend to ma-imi:e the desired effect. +ut is also possible to %accidentally'hero(uest, and have one4s unregarded actions cause unintended magical effects. ore-ample, if a begger casually kills his brother, nothing magical will likely come ofit1 if, on the other hand, a king4s son commits fratricide, however casually done, themagical repercussions will likely engulf the tribe, if they don4t e-tend further.

or this reason, most cultures in Glorantha are theocratic in nature. Lingships are both sacral and temporal in nature1 indeed, most cultures define kingship in sacralterms, and re(uire a ritual, if not actual, marriage between the king and the localland goddess, to ensure the fertility of the land. #s the king fares, so does the land.The movie The =ion Ling is an e-cellent illustration of this1 it is very Gloranthan inthat way.

!n /rlanthi society, a position e(ual to the king in status and power was the 7ighPriestess. 7er power was of a different nature than the kings1 kings are primarilywarleaders, whereas the high priestess is concerned with the day to day business ofsurvival. These two, 7igh Priest of /rlanth e- )for that is what the king is* and7igh Priestess or 8rnalda, represent the ruling deities of the universe to the tribe.Most ceremonies will involve one or both of them, mainly because most of the mythstold are about /rlanth and 8rnalda. These ceremonies can ensure the fertility of theland, or grant mlitary prowess against enemies, or any number of other thingsaffecting the tribe as a whole.

8r*inary (ol +ut all rituals do not have to invole either of those two. Gloranthans treat mythicreenactment as real world people treat prayer1 something done daily, whenever a

 problem come up. ure you go to church on unday, but when you have a roughmoment during the week, you ask for help. /rlanthi attend the services run by the

king and high priestess, but during the week they do their little mythic rituals.tarting on a FourneyC Pour some beer into a well or river, reenacting !ssaries gift tothe iver gods before he went searching for friends. =ooking for a lost sheepCPerhaps you step on a li:ard, reenacting /rlanth4s killing of the Dragon #roka,where he rescued 7eler, the ain God )the clouds are 7eler4s sheep, after all1 they

 both have fleecy fur*. Trouble with unruly neighborsC +ake them some cookies,reenacting 8rnalda offering grain to #rgan #rgar, gaining his friendship and

 protection. =ittle rituals are done every day, each a tiny magic ritual that has real,albeit small, effects.

T)e Typical A*!enturero how does this apply to the player charactersC They would fall somewhere in

 between, ! would guess. !f you would like a little more magical oomph to your sidein a fight, do a ritual beforehand. 7ave some broos been stealthily raiding yourherdsC Try /rlanth4s ummons of 8vil to draw them to you in the open. Preparingfor a big battleC Go through the #rming of /rlanth. omeone bringing a lawsuitagainst youC eenact 7eort4s +lessing of the=awstaff. The +less &rops spell isnothing more than a reenactment of /rlanth4s 0ooing of 8rnalda. ou won4t get themagnified results you would if you were the king or high priestess, but if you arededicated, focused on what you want, and try to include a lot of detail from the

myth, then significant results can be had.

In T)e Game' ?1 Roleplayingo how do we represent this in the gameC 0ell, a lot of it will be roleplaying. Noneof us know as much of the myths as the natives would, but creativity can fill in the

 blanks. !f you want to do a ritual for some purpose, make it up. Tell the story, atleast a capsule version, with Fust enough detail to give something to roleplay. !guarantee, ! will accept anything that sounds reasonable1 the more detail youinclude, the better. #fter all, how many of the mythettes ! mentioned above here did! make upC The answer is greater than . #nd Fust as many things may happen in amyth, a given myth can be reenacted to produce any of several results, depending onwhat is stressed in the reenacting.

Some Sample Myt)ic Reenactmentsm2th result sou$ht  /rlanth lays #roka kill a monster, rescue a friend, make a new

friend, end a drought.

The #rming of /rlanth protection in battle, might in battle/rlanth Tames 2ro- calming a bull, dealing with a violent neighbor 8rnalda 0elcomes #rgan #rgar peaceful relations with trolls, calming an unruly

neighbor, getting a protector 8urmal +rings ire to 7umans ending a free:e, looking for a smith7umakt evers his Linshipescaping from pursuit, breaking a curse7umakt rightens 8urmal sobering up fast, getting rid of a freeloader 

In T)e Game' ? +; Mec)anics0hen trying to do a mythic reenactment, the first step is have someone involved castthe 0orship spell. This is not necessary, but will amplify the effects and bring more

 potent results.

 Ne-t, most of the rolls made in the course of the enactment will be trait and passion rolls. tate of mind is vitally important.Trying to recreate a torm +ull myth while clear headed and

 peaceful will defeat the purpose1 get someone short temperedand unruly to play the part of 2ro-, and you4ll do better. 7ighPiety scores will be useful also, as well as someone with gooditual and eligion )cult* skills. +ut mostly it will beroleplaying1 if that4s done well, with good preparation, few rollswill be needed.

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