beyond 2012. what on earth with mathematics, geometry and fibonacci sequence

Post on 20-May-2015






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All of life is animated by a single fantastic energy, which is the essence of everything that is -- including you. Isn't that amazing? Now, because this essence is who you are and what you are made of, the Reversal Pole shift can obviously affect you, all, and behavioral. In December 2012 the World Won't End, but It can be the time of the Winter Solstice from the precession of the equinox. Reality and Fact are that we are NOW in the transition period of the Magnetic Pole shift. Don’t worry; it is the rule and not an exception. So why and what can happen during the magnetic reversal? I just try to show you it with picture in the attached xmas2012.pdf. Feedbacks are welcome. Season Greetings Paolo Pomponi


Z34.5  PALAIMON  RIDING  DOLPHIN  Museum  Collec+on:  Antakya  Museum,  Antakya,  Turkey.      Catalogue  Number:  Antakya  1017    

Type:  Mosaic.  Context:  From  Daphne  near  An+och  .  Date:  C5th  AD  Period:  Imperial  Roman.  Link:  hIp://  

In  December  2012    the  World  Won't  End,  but  It  can  be  the  8me  of  the  Winter  Sols8ce  from  the  precession  of  the  equinox.  Reality  and  Fact  are  that  we  are  NOW  in  the  transi8on  period  of  the  Magne8c  Pole  shiJ  .    

Don’t  worry,  it  is  the  rule  and  not  an  excep8on.    So  why  it  happen?  and  what  can  happen  during  the  magne8c  reversal?  

Beyond  2012.  What  happen  to  the  Earth  in  picture.  

Next  North  Magne+c  Pole.  

2012:  Magne+c  Pole  Reversal  Happens    All  The  (Geologic)  Time  by  NASA.  hOp://­‐poleReversal.html    

Burma,  India,  Bangladesh,  China,  Laos  and  Thailand.  

Forward  this  document,  it  was  built  with  an  interdisciplinary  approach  and  contain  important  informa8on  for  the  safety  of  you  and  all  your  friends.  

Before  I  start  the  presenta8on  I  wish  you  …  

POLARIS  (AXIS  ON  2012  CE)  


(AXIS  ON  15.012  CE)  


All  the  placemark  reflect  reality  with  the   right   coordinates   In   longitude  and   la8tude   by   degrees.   all   the  circles  are  designed  according  to  the  Fibonacci  sequence.  

Precession  The  precession  courses   the  celes8al  pole   to   trace  out  a  cone  round  a  central  axis,  of  which  the  earth's  axis   is  from  21  to  26  degree  angle  to  (obliquity).  As  the  celes8al  pole  moves  round  this  axis,  the  celes8al  equator  moves  rela8ve  to  the  eclip8c,  the  points  of  intersec8on  of  these  two  circles,  the  equinoxes,  move  along  the  eclip8c  from  Age  to  Age,  about  1  degree   every   75   years.   The   slow   change   in   the   orienta8on  of   the   earth's   axis   of   rota8on   courses   the   sun   to   rise  with   a  different  constella8on  on  the  vernal  equinox  every  thousand  of  years.  

Precession  Circle  

South  Precession  

Precession  on  the  ground  floor  

Copyright  Paolo  Pomponi  2012  

0  –  1  –  1  –  2  –  3  –  5  –  8  –  13  –  21  -­‐  ……….at    5.702.887  (  Number  34  in  Fibonacci  Sequence)  Polaris  and  Vega  design  the  natural  Vesica  Pisces  Shape..  hOp://­‐sites/R.KnoO/Fibonacci/fibtable.html    

Polaris   Vega  

Arc:  5.702.887  meters  


White  Circle:  Precession  of  the  equinox.  

Precess ion .   Here   the  Winter  Sols+ce  Equinox.    The   actual   North   Pole   is  Just   at   82   KM   from   the  circle  that  intersect  Polaris.  

North   Pole   to   Polaris  Posi+on  Axis   are   just  8 2 K M   f a r a w a y .  Precession   is   a   one  r u l e ,   n o t   a n  e x c e p + o n   a s  obliquity,  eccentricity  and  magne+c  pole.  

Winter  Sols+ce  Equinox  by  Precession.  

Earth  Axis  2012  

Distance:  82  km  

Distance:  329  km  

Distance:  401  km  

Where  we  are  now  drawn  in  space-­‐8me  on  earth-­‐ground.  

You  are  somewhere  In  the  red  Circle  

The  rota8on  of  the  Earth  acts  like  cucchiarella  running  polenta.  

1)  TO  POLARIS  (Winter  Sols+ce)  2)  VIA  NORTH  POLE  (2012)  


In   astronomy,   axial   precession   is   a   gravity-­‐induced,   slow   and   con8nuous   change   in   the  orienta8on  of  the  Earth  rota8onal  axis.  It  refers  to  the  gradual  shiJ  in  the  orienta8on  of  Earth's  axis  of  rota8on,  which,  like  a  wobbling  top,  traces  out  a  pair  of  cones  joined  at  their  apices  in  a  cycle  of  approximately  30,000  years.  

Following  the  North  Magne+c  Pole  2012  

Next  North  Magne+c  Pole    Des+na+on  

Now  We  Are  Here  

Our  planet's  magne8c  field  is  in  a  constant  state  of  change,  say  researchers  who  are  beginning  to  understand  how   it   behaves   and   why.   The   movement   of   Earth's   north   magne8c   pole   across   the   Canadian   arc8c,  1831-­‐-­‐2012.(  Credit:  Geological  Survey  of  Canada.  By  NASA).  The  pole  kept  going  during  the  20th  century,  north  at  an  average  speed  of  10  km  per  year,  lately  accelera8ng  "to  40  km  per  year,"  says  NewiO.  At  this  rate  it  will  exit  North  America  and  reach  Siberia  in  a  few  decades  (by  NASA  on  2003).  




NORTH  MAGNETIC  POLE  ON  1.842  CE  Note:  The  NMP  moving  between  the  violet  circle  (2.178.309  meters  from  Fibonacci  sequence)  and  the  posi8on  of  the  rota8on  axis  from  age.  


NORTH  MAGNETIC  POLE  ON  1.998  CE  Note:  The  NMP  moving  between  the  violet  circle  (2.178.309  meters  from  Fibonacci  sequence)  and  the  posi8on  of  the  rota8on  axis  from  age.  

NORTH  MAGNETIC  POLE  ON  2.000  CE  Note:  The  NMP  moving  between  the  violet  circle  (2.178.309  meters  from  Fibonacci  sequence)  and  the  posi8on  of  the  rota8on  axis  from  age.  

NORTH  MAGNETIC  POLE  ON  2.012  CE  Note:  The  NMP  moving  between  the  violet  circle  (2.178.309  meters  from  Fibonacci  sequence)  and  the  posi8on  of  the  rota8on  axis  from  age.  


I  JUST  FOLLOW  MATHEMATICS,  FIBONACCI  AND  REVERSE.  Note:  the  Orange  Circle  is  2.178.309  meters  from  Fibonacci  sequence,  as  the  violet,  so    approximately  the  next  des8na8on  should  be…..  



As  we  spend  so  much  money  in  research  we  have  the  right  to  know  when  the  pole  will  shiJ.  Why?  

During  reversal  chaos  it’s  a  must.  As  we  are  all  energy,  so  perhaps  the  transi8onal  reversal  8me  put  us  all  in  chaos   it   effect   all   our   behavioral   and   ac8on   and  make   us   nervous.  We   know   that   the   economy   on   2012  collapse  because  of  people  ac8on,  did  somebody  consider  it  with  leaders?  Did  scien8st  inform  leaders  and  poli8cs   that   the   reversal   can   influence   as   well   their   ac8ons?  We   care   about   energy   or   we   are   just   here  without  considering  nature?  My  friend  nature  can  be  dangerous  if  we  all  don’t  care  about  her.    


2012  20  million  years  before  

Just   Keep   an   eye.   In   mo8on   it  l o o k   l i ke   a n   e x p l o s i o n ,  earthquake,   volcano   erup8on   it  happen,  are  the  rules  of  nature.  

US  GEOLOGICAL  SURVEY:  hOp://  Can  We  Predict  Earthquakes?  Despite  claims  to  the  contrary,  no  reliable  short-­‐term  earthquake  predic8on  method  has  ever  been  developed.  Nor  do  scien8sts  expect   to  develop  a  method   in  the  foreseeable  future.  


Undoubtedly,   earthquakes   are   one  of   the  most   feared  natural   hazards.   They   are   unavoidable,  mostly  unpredictable,  and  they  produce  a  feeling  of  helplessness  that  cannot  be  compared  with  anything  else.  Myths:  Many  myths  were  created  about   the  possible  origin  of  earthquakes:     In  Japan,  the  legend  has   it  that  the  earth   is  shaken  by  the  movement  of  a  giant  caqish  hidden  in  the  sea.  Just  a  Fractal.  But  Universe  is  Fractal  himself.  hOp://  

I  WISH  YOU….  The   research   behind   this   small   document   is  very   long,   there   are   no   government   or,  university   involved.   Just   remember   that   the  reversal   magne8c   shiJ   of   the   pole   include  also   you   and   your   environment,   don’t   ever  think   that   you   are   here   just   to   be,   you   are  here   and   you   are   a   part   of   the   rule,   that  magne8c   shiJ   is   an   important   issue   to  understand  for  a  beOer  future,  we  should  be  more  strong,  quite  and  think  two  8me  before  make   an   ac8on.   Think   now   two   8me   before  you  will  send!!!  It’s  up  to  you.  I  try  to  show  it  in  very  simple  mode,  hope  so  that  was  clear.    

All  the  best  Wednesday,  December  19,  2012  Paolo  Pomponi  

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