bhaja govindam in sanskrit transliteration and translation

Post on 04-Apr-2015






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Bhaja Govindam भज गोििन्दम्

Copyright© Veeraswamy Krishnaraj

Reference: Monier Williams Sanskrit English Dictionary

Reference: Vedabase Dictionary

Sankaracharya (788-820 CE) the leading proponent of Advaita appeared in

South India, when India was afflicted with numerous sects within decadent

Hinduism and the ascendancy of decadent Buddhism. Before he attained

Maha Samadhi, he was a one-man army who talked Buddhism out of the

country and precipitated concomitant conversion of Buddhists back to their

Hindu fold. He re-established monistic Hinduism single-handedly in the

confused landscape of diverse philosophical thoughts.

He traveled far and wide in India and established mutts. He won over such

intellectual titans like Mandana Misra and his spouse Bharati.

Click here for more details on the life of Sankara: Hymns of Sankara.

The popular view among people is that Sankara is a Siva devotee. Not

exclusively so. His devotion encompasses all Gods and Goddesses under

a monistic sign-post.

A story unfolds as to how a panegyric on Govinda, Bhaja govindam,

flowered in the fertile beds on the banks of Ganges River in Benares. This

piece tells incontrovertibly that Faustian knowledge serves no purpose,

when it comes to liberation. Only uttering the name of Govinda can take

you beyond the roiling ocean of Samsara to the shores of liberation.

Learning or teaching Grammar is euphemism for Faustian knowledge. The

story goes as follows. Sankara was walking along with a flock of fourteen

disciples tagging along behind him in Benares. A pundit known for

precision in Sanskrit grammar was uttering the rules of Grammar, wasting

his intellect and dedication to teaching mere apara vidya. He should have

been using that time in advancing his spiritual stature. Sankara came down

hard with mellifluous verses on the pundit (with a sledge hammer = Moha-

Mudgara = मोहमुद्गर = Bhajagovindam). The message is that Grammar does

not save one from the ocean of Samsara but Govinda does.

Each stanza ends with a refrain, Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam,

extolling Vishnu in the name of Govinda.

मोहमुद्गर = delusion-busting hammer.

The essence of monistic Hinduism

God and You (It, That, He, She) are One.

Mahavakya = The Mahavakyas are the four "Great Sayings" of the

Upanishads, the religious texts of Hinduism. Each of the

Mahavakyas belongs to one of the four Vedas and is said to

condense the essence of the entire Veda in one statement.

These sayings encapsulate the central Truth of Hinduism.

The Mahavakyas are:

1. Prajnanam Brahma - "Consciousness is Brahman" (Aitreya

Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda)

2. Ayam Atma Brahma - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman"

(Mandukya Upanishad1.2 of the Atharva-Veda)

3. Tat Tvam Asi - "Thou art That" (Chadogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of

the Sama Veda)

4. Aham Brahmasmi - "I am Brahman" ( Brahadaranyaka

Upanishad)1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda) -wikipedia.

Copyright© Veeraswamy Krishnaraj

1) Faustian knowledge does not liberate you.

भज गोििन्द ंभज गोििन्द ं

गोििन्द ंभज मूढमते ।

संप्रापे्त सिििहते काल े

न िह न िह रक्षित डुकृञ ्करणे


bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ

gōvindaṃ bhaja mūḍhamate,

samprāpte sannihite kāle

na hi na hi rakṣati ḍukṛñ karaṇe.(01)

bhaja gōvindaṃ1 bhaja gōvindaṃ2

gōvindaṃ bhaja4 mūḍhamate5

samprāpte6 sannihite kāle7

na hi8 na hi9 rakṣati10 ḍukṛñ


भज गोविन्दं * भज गोविन्दं * गोविन्दं * भज * मूढमते * संप्रापे्त * सन्निहहते काऱे * न हह * न हह * रऺवत * डुकृञ् करणे ।01।।

bhaja gōvindaṃ1 bhaja gōvindaṃ2 gōvindaṃ3 bhaja4 mūḍhamate5 samprāpte6 sannihite kāle7 na hi8 na hi9

rakṣati10 ḍukṛñ karaṇe11.(01)

1 2 3 4 5 6

भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं गोविन्दं भज मूढमते संप्रापे्त





gōvindaṃ3 bhaja4 mūḍhamate5 samprāpte6



seek govinda Govinda Seek = O Fool when


7 8 9 10 11 12

सन्निहहते काऱे

न हह न हह रऺवत डुकृञ् करणे

sannihite kāle7 na hi8 na hi9 rakṣati10 ḍukṛñ karaṇe11

set time never certainly never certainly protect or save grammar rule

Worship Govinda1, Seek Govinda2, seek4 Govinda3, O fool5. When the Time comes for departure6-7,

rules of grammar11 will not save you8-9-10. 01

2) Give up desires; entertain good thoughts. Be contented with what you have.

2) Give up desires; entertain good thoughts. Be contented with what you have.

मूढ जहीिह धनागमतृषणा ं

कुरु सद्बुद्धिं मनिस

िितृषणाम् ।

यल्लभसे िनजकमोपात्त ं

िित्तम् तेन ििनोदय िित्तम्


mūḍha jahīhi


kuru sadbuddhiṃ manasi


yallabhase nijakarmopāttaṃ

vittaṃ tena vinodaya


mūḍha * jahīhi * dhana * āgama *

tṛṣṇāṃ * kuru * sadbuddhiṃ * manasi

* vitṛṣṇām *, yat * labhase * nija*

karma * upāttaṃ * vittaṃ * tena *

vinodaya * cittam. (02)

मूढ * जहीिह * धन * अगम * तृषणा ं* कुरु * सद्बुद्धिं * मनिस * िितृषणाम ्* यत् लभस े*

िनज * कमम उपात्त ं* िित्तम् * तेन * ििनोदय * िित्तम् (02)

mūḍha * jahīhi * dhana * āgama * tṛṣṇāṃ * kuru * sadbuddhiṃ * manasi * vitṛṣṇām *, yat * labhase * nija*

karma * upāttaṃ * vittaṃ * tena * vinodaya * cittam.(2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

मूढ जहीिह धन अगम तृषणा ं कुरु सद्बुद्धिं मनिस िितृषणाम ्

mūḍha jahīhi dhana āgama tṛṣṇāṃ kuru sadbuddhiṃ manasi vitṛṣṇām

O Fool give


wealth acquiring desire entertain thoughts of

the Real

In [your]


Free of


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

यत् लभस े िनज कमम उपात्तं िित्तम् तेन ििनोदय िित्तम्

yat labhase nija karma upāttaṃ vittaṃ tena vinodaya cittam

whatever You





actions gotten wealth By that delight [your]


Verse 02. Rub out your desire; develop (invite) thoughts of the Real in your mind; whatever your

actions bring to you by way of wealth, be happy with it in your mind.

3) Don't go berserk on seeing a woman with shapely breasts and beautiful navel....

नारीस्तनभर नाभीदशें

दषृ्िा मागामोहािेशम् .

एतन्मांसािसादद ििकारं

मनिस ििििन्तय िारं िारम् ||३||


dṛṣṭvā mā gā mohāveśam,


manasi vicintaya vāraṃ vāraṃ (3)

नारी स्तन भर नाभीदेशं3 दृष्ट्वा4 मा5 गा्6 मोह आिेशम्7 एतत्8 िस10 आहद11 विकारं12 मनवस13 विविन्तय14 िारं िारम्15 ||३|| nārī1 stana bhara2 nābhīdeśam3 dṛṣṭvā4 mā5 gāḥ6 moha āveśam7, etat8 māṃsa9 vasa10 ādi11 vikāraṃ12

manasi13 vicintaya14 vāraṃ vāraṃ15 (3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

नारी1 स्तन भर2

नाभीदेशं3 दृष्ट्वा4 मा5 गा्6 मोह आिेशम्7


nārī1 stana


nābhīdeśam3 dṛṣṭvā4 mā5 gāḥ6 moha






of the


their navel seeing do not fall victim Delusional




9 10 11 12 13 14 15

मांस9 िस10 आहद11 विकारं12 मनवस13 विविन्तय14 िारं िारम्15

māṃsa9 vasa10 ādi11 vikāraṃ12 manasi13 vicintaya14 vāraṃ vāraṃ15

flesh fat such things transformation In [your]


consider again and again

Verse 3. Having seen a woman1 with full breasts2 and a beautiful navel3, don't go into a fit of

crushing infatuation6-7. It is mere modification of flesh and fat8-9-10-11-12; think it well in your mind,

think it well again13-14-15.

4) Live a fruitful life apart from evil ways of the world.

निलनीदलगत जलमिततरल ं

तद्वज्जीिितमितशयिपलम् |

ििििं व्याध्यिभमानग्रस्तं

लोकं शोकहतं ि समस्तम् ||४||

nalinīdalagatajalam atitaralam

tadvaj-jīvitam atiśayacapalam,

viddhi vyādhy-abhimāna-grastaṃ

lokaṃ śokahataṃ ca samastaṃ.(4)

नवऱनी-दऱ-गत-जऱम1 अवत2 तरऱं3 तद्वत्4 जीवितम्5 अवतशय6 िपऱम्7 विद्धि8 व्यावि9

अद्धभमान10 ग्रस्तं11 ऱोकं12 शोक13 हतं14 ि15 समस्तम्16 ||४||

निलनी-दल-गत-जलम1= (nalinī = lotus lake; dala = leaf; gata = unattached; jalam = water)

The water remaining untattached on the lotus leaf; ऄित2 = taralam = moves to and fro; ऄित2

= ati = extremely. तद्वत्4 = tadvat = Similarly; ििििं8 = viddhi = understand; ऄितशय6 =

atiśaya = excessively; िपलम7् = capalam = unsteady; जीिितम्5 = jīvitam = life; ग्रस्तं11 =

grastaṃ = is seized; [with] व्यािध9 = vyādhi = disease; ि15 = ca = and; ऄिभमान10 =

abhimāna = conceit. समस्तम्16 = samastaṃ = all [Whole]; लोकं12 = lokaṃ = world; हत1ं4 =

hataṃ = is struck; [with] शोक13 = śoka = misery. (04) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

Verse 4. A drop of water on a lotus leaf moves to and fro; likewise, know for sure, this

wonderful and yet up-and-down life is prone to diseases and seized by conceit; know that the

whole world is struck by misery. Worship Govinda. (04)

Verse 5. Wealth invites company; penury invites loneliness.

याििद्वत्तोपाजमन सक्तः

स्तािििज पररिारो रक्तः .

पश्चाज्जीिित जजमर दहे े

िाताां कोऽिप न पृच्छित गेह े||५||


stāvannija parivaro raktaḥ

paścajjivati jarjara dehe

vārtām ko'pi na pṛcchati gehe.(5)

याित्1 वित्त2 उपाज जन3 सक्त्4 ताित्5 वनजपहरिार्6 रक्त्7 पश्चात्8 जीिवत9 जज जर10 देहे11 िाता ां12

को अवप13 न14 पृच्छवत15 गेहे16 ।।५।।

याित1् = Yāvat = As long as; [one has] िित्त2 = vitta = wealth; [and] सक्तः4 = saktaḥ = is able;

उपाजमन3 = upārjana = to earn; ताित5् = tāvat = so long ; िनजपररिारः6 = nijaparivāraḥ = your

family; रक्तः7 = raktaḥ = have affinity; [to you]. पश्चात्8 = paścāt = later; [when you]जीिित9 =

jīvati = live; [with a] जजमर10 = jarjara = decrepit; दहे1े1 = dehe = body; न14 कः ऄिप13 = no

one;पृच्छित15 = pṛcchati = utters; िाताां12 = vārtām = a word; [to you] गेह1े6 = gehe = in the

house .(5) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

As long as you have wealth and are able to earn, your family is attached to you. Later, when

you live with a decrepit body, no one in the household utters a word to you. (05)

Verse 6. Breath is life; body without life is feared.

याित्पिनो िनिसित दहे े

ताित्पृच्छित कुशलं गेह े|

गतिित िायौ दहेापाये

भायाम िबभ्यित तिस्मन्काये ||६||

yāvat-pavano nivasati dehe

tāvat-pṛcchati kuśalam gehe,

gatavati vāyau dehāpāye

bhāryā bibhyati tasmin kāye.(6)

याित्1 पिनः2 िनिसित3 दहे4े ताित्5 पृच्छित6 कुशल7ं गेह8े गतिित9 िायौ10 दहे11 ऄपाय1े2

भायाम13 िबभ्यित14 तिस्मन्15 काय1े6 ||६||

याित्1 = yāvat = As long as; पिनः2 = pavanaḥ = breath; िनिसित3 = nivasati = dwells; दहे4े =

dehe = in the body; ताित5् = tāvat= so long; [the family members and others] पृच्छित6 =

pṛcchati = enquire, ask, utter; कुशलं7 = kuśalam = [your] welfare; गेह8े = gehe = at home.

िायौ10 = vāyau = When the breath; गतिित9 = gatavati = leaves; दहे11 ऄपाये12 = deha apāye =

the body at the end; भायाम13 = bhārya = wife; िबभ्यित14 = bibhyati = is afraid of; तिस्मन1्5 काये16

= tasmin kāye = that very body .(6) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

Verse 6. As long as breath dwells in the body, people in the house enquire about your welfare;

once the breath leaves the body, even the dear wife is afraid of the remains (lifeless body).

Verse 7. Attachment is ubiquitous; attachment to Brahman is rare.


तरुणस्ताित्तरुणीसक्तः ।


परमे ब्रह्मिण कोऽिप न सक्तः ।।७।।

bālastāvat krīḍāsaktaḥ

taruṇastāvat taruṇīsaktaḥ


parme brahmaṇi ko'pi na saktaḥ(7)

बाऱ्1 ताित्2 क्रीडा3 आसक्त्4 तरुण्5 ताित्6 तरुणी7 सक्त्8 िृि्9 ताित्10 विन्ता11 आसक्त्12 परमे13 ब्रह्मद्धण14 क् अवप न15 सक्त्16 ।।७।।

bālaḥ1 tāvat2 krīḍā3 āsaktaḥ4 taruṇa5 tāvat6 taruṇī7 saktaḥ8 vṛddha9 tāvat10 cintā11 āsaktaḥ12 parame13 brahmaṇi14

kaḥ api na15 saktaḥ16 (7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

बाऱः् ताित् क्रीडा आसक्त् तरुण् ताित् तरुणी7 सक्त्

bālaḥ tāvat krīḍā āsaktaḥ taruṇaḥ tāvat taruṇī saktaḥ

During Childhood play is attached

to youth

[So long]

During young girls

one is

attached to

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

िृि् ताित् विन्ता आसक्त् परमे ब्रह्मद्धण क् अवप न सक्त् vṛddha tāvat cintā āsaktaḥ parame brahmaṇi kaḥ api na saktaḥ

old (age)


so long

anxiety [one is]

attached to

to the

Supreme Brahman no one is attached

बालःः1 ताित्2 = bālaḥ tāvat = so long During childhood; [one] असक्तः4 = āsaktaḥ = is attached to ; रीडा3 =

krīḍā = play. ताित्6 tāvat = so long During; तरुणः5 = taruṇah = youth; सक्तः8 = saktaḥ = one is attached to;

तरुणी7 = taruṇī = young girls. ताित्10 = tāvat = so long During ;िृिंः9 = vṛddhah = old [age]; असक्तः12 =

āsaktaḥ = [one is] attached to. ििन्ता11 = cintā = anxiety. कः ऄिप न15 = kaḥ api na = no one; सक्तः16 = saktaḥ

= is attached; परम1े3 = parame = to the supreme; ब्रह्मिण14 = brahmaṇi = Brahman. (7) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja

gōvindaṃ.Child is attached to play, youth to young girls, and the old to worries. No one is attached to the

Supreme Brahman. (07)

Verse 8. Know who you are?

का ते कान्ता कस्ते पुत्रः

संसारोऽयमतीि िििित्रः|

कस्य त्िं कः कुत अयातः

तत्त्िं ििन्तय तददह भ्रातः ||८||

kā te kāntā kaste putraḥ

samsāro'yamatīva vicitraḥ |

kasya tvaṃ kaḥ kuta āyātaḥ-

tattvaṃ cintaya tadiha bhrātah.(8)

का1 ते2 कान्ता3 कः4 ते5 पुत्रः6 संसारः7 ऄय8ं ऄतीि9 िििित्रः10 कस्य11 त्िं12 कः13 कुतः14

अयातः15 तत्त्िं16 ििन्तय17 तत्18 आह19 भ्रातः20 ||८||

kā te kāntā kaḥ te putraḥ samsāraḥ ayam atīva vicitraḥ kasya tvaṃ kaḥ kuta āyātaḥ tattvaṃ cintaya tad

iha bhrātah.(8)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

का ते कान्ता क् ते पुत्र संसार् अयं अतीि विवित्र् kā te kāntā kaḥ te putraḥ samsāraḥ ayam atīva vicitraḥ

Who is your wife who is your son samsara this very wonderful

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

कस्य त्िं क् कुत् आयात् तत्त्िं विन्तय तत् इह भ्रात् kasya tvaṃ kaḥ kuta āyātaḥ tattvaṃ cintaya tat iha bhrātah

of whom you who are




have you

come Truth think of that in here brother

का1 = kā = Who is; ते2 = te = your; कान्ता3 = kāntā = wife? कः4 = kaḥ = who is; ते5 = te = your; पुत्रः6 = putraḥ =

son? ऄयं8 = ayam = This; संसारः7 = samsāraḥ = samsara; [is] ऄतीि9 = atīva = very; िििित्रः10 = vicitraḥ =

wonderful. कस्य11 = kasya = of whom; त्िं12 = tvaṃ = you? कः13 कः13 = kaḥ = who are [you]? कुतः14 = kutaḥ =

from where; अयातः15 = āyātaḥ = have [you] come? ििन्तय17 = cintaya = think of; तत्18 = tat = that; तत्त्िं16 =

tattvaṃ = Truth; आह19 = iha = in here; भ्रातः20 = bhrātah = O brother. (8) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

Who is your wife? Who is your son? This Samsara is very wonderful. Of whom are you? Who are you? From

where have you come? Think of that Truth, O brother. (8)

9) Good company leads to liberation of the embodied soul.

सत्सङ्गत्िे िनस्स्ङ्गत्िं

िनःसङ्गत्िे िनमोहत्िम् ।

िनमोहत्िे िनश्चलतत्त्िं

िनश्चलतत्त्िे जीिन्मुिक्तः ।।९।।

Satsaṅgatve nissaṅgatvaṃ

niḥsaṅgatve nīrmohatvam

nirmohatve niścalitatvam

niścalitatve jīvanmuktiḥ.(9)

सत् सङ्गत्िे1 िनःसङ्गत्िं2 िनःसङ्गत्िे3 िनमोहत्िमं4 िनमोहत्िे5 िनश्चल6 तत्त्िं7 िनश्चल8 तत्त्िे9

जीिन्मुिक्तः10 ।।९।।

Sat saṅgatve1 niḥsaṅgatvaṃ2 niḥsaṅgatve3 nirmohatvam4 nirmohatve5 niścala6 tatvam7 niścala8 tatve9


1 2 3 4 5

सत् सङ्गत्िे वन्सङ्गत्िं वन्सङ्गत्िे वनमोहत्िमं वनमोहत्िे Sat saṅgatve niḥsaṅgatvaṃ niḥsaṅgatve nirmohatvam nirmohatve

through good

company non-attachment

through non-

attachment absence of delusion

through freedom from


6 7 8 9 10

वनश्चऱ तत्त्िं वनश्चऱ तत्त्िे जीिन्मुवक्त् niścala tatvam niścala tatve jīvanmuktiḥ

immutable Truth, Reality immutable through Reality liberation of the

embodied soul

सत् सङ्गत्िे1 = Sat saṅgatve =Through a good company; [comes] िनःसङ्गत्िं2 = niḥsaṅgatvaṃ = non-

attachment. िनःसङ्गत्िे3 = niḥsaṅgatve = through non-attachment; [comes] िनमोहत्िम4ं = nirmohatvam =

freedom from delusion. िनमोहत्िे5 = nirmohatve = Through absence of delusion; [comes] िनश्चल6 = niścala =

immutable; तत्त्िं7 = tatvam = Reality. िनश्चल8 तत्त्िे9 = niścala tatve = through Immutable Reality; [comes]

जीिन्मुिक्तः10 = jīvanmuktiḥ = liberation of the embodied soul. (09) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

Good company leads to non-attachment which gives rise to freedom from delusion, which again gives rise to

Immutable Reality, which helps the embodied soul obtain liberation. (09)

10) Youth, wealth and water evaporate. [Eternal]Truth leads to liberation.

ियिस गते कः कामििकारः

शुषके नीरे कः कासारः ।

क्षीणे िित्ते कः पररिारो

ज्ञाते तत्त्िे कः संसारः ।।१०।।

Vayasi gate kaḥ kāmavikāraḥ

Śuṣke nīre kaḥ kāsāraḥ

kṣīṇe vitte kaḥ parivāro

jñāte tattve kaḥ samsāraḥ.(10)

ियिस गते * कः * कामििकारः * शुषके नीरे * कः * कासारः * क्षीणे िित्ते * कः * पररिारः *

ज्ञाते तत्त्िे * कः * संसारः ।।१०।।

Vayasi gate * kaḥ * kāmavikāraḥ * Śuṣke nīre * kaḥ * kāsāraḥ * kṣīṇe vitte * kaḥ * parivāraḥ * jñāte tattve * kaḥ *


1 2 3 4 5 6

ियिस गते कः कामििकारः शुषके नीरे कः कासारः

Vayasi gate kaḥ kāmavikāraḥ Śuṣke nīre kaḥ kāsāraḥ

With youth

gone Where is lustful play?

With water

dried where is the lake?

7 8 9 10 11 12

क्षीणे िित्त े कः पररिारः ज्ञाते तत्त्िे कः संसारः

kṣīṇe vitte kaḥ parivāraḥ jñāte tattve kaḥ samsāraḥ

with dwindling

wealth where is the family?

Knowing the

Truth where is Samsara?

With youth gone, where is lust and the rest? With water evaporated, where is the lake? With

dwindling wealth, where is the family? Knowing the Truth, where is Samsara or life on earth?

bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

11) Pride in ephemeral possessions is delusion. Brahmanhood is


मा कुरु धन जन यौिन गिां

हरित िनमेषात्कालः सिमम् ।

मायामयिमदमििलं बुिंिा

ब्रह्मपद ंत्िं प्रििश ििददत्िा।।११।।

ma kuru dhana jana yauvana garvaṃ

harati nimeṣāt kālaḥ sarvam,

māyāmayamidamākhilam buddhvā,

brahmapadaṃ tvaṃ praviśa viditvā.(11)

मा1 * कुरु2 * धन3 * जन4 * यौिन5 * गिां6 * हरित7 * िनमेषात्8 * कालः9 * सिमम1्0 *

मायामय1ं1 * आद1ं2 * अििल1ं3 * बुिंिा14 * ब्रह्मपद1ं5 * त्िं16 * प्रििश17 * ििददत्िा18 ।।११।।

mā * kuru * dhana * jana * yauvana * garvaṃ * harati * nimeṣāt * kālaḥ * sarvam * māyāmayam

idam * ākhilam * buddhvā * brahmapadaṃ * tvaṃ * praviśa * viditvā.(11)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

मा कुरु िन जन यौिन गि ां हरवत वनमेषात् काऱ् mā kuru dhana jana yauvana garvaṃ harati nimeṣāt kālaḥ

Do not take wealth people youth pride destroys in a



10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

सि जम् मायामयं इदं आखिऱं बुििा ब्रह्मपदं त्िं प्रविश विहदत्िा sarvam māyāmayam idam ākhilam buddhvā brahmapadaṃ tvaṃ praviśa viditvā



replete with


this all after


Brahmanhood you enter




Do not1 take2 pride6 in wealth3, people4, and youth5; time9 destroys7 all these10 in a moment8. After knowing14 all13

this12 replete with delusion11, realize18 and enter into17 Brahmanhood15 . (11) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

Do not take pride in wealth, people, and youth; time destroys all these in a moment. After knowing all this replete

with delusion, realize and enter into the state of Brahman. (11)

12) Seasons come and go. And yet desire hangs on.

ददनयािमन्यौ सायं प्रातः

िशिशरिसन्तौ पुनरायातः ।

कालः रीडित गच्छत्यायुः

तदिप न मुञ्चत्याशािायुः ।।१२।।

dinayaminyau sāyam prātaḥ

śīśiravasantau punarāyataḥ

kālaḥ krīḍati gacchatyayuḥ

tadapi na muñcatyāśāvayuḥ.(12)

dinayaminyau1 sāyam2 prātaḥ3 śīśira4

vasantau5 punaḥ6 āyataḥ7 kālaḥ8

krīḍati9 gacchati10 ayuḥ11

tat api12 na13 muñcati14 āśā15


ददनयािमन्यौ1 * सायं2 * प्रातः3 * िशिशर4 * िसन्तौ5 * पुनःः6 * अयातः7 * कालः8 * रीडित9 *

गच्छित10 * अयुः11 * तत् ऄिप12 * न13 * मुञ्चित14 * अशा15 * िायुः16 ।।१२।।

dinayaminyau1 * sāyam2 * prātaḥ3 * śīśira4 * vasantau5 * punaḥ6 * āyataḥ7 * kālaḥ8 * krīḍati9 *

gacchati10 * āyuḥ11 * tat api12 * na13 * muñcati14 * āśā15 * vayuḥ16.(12)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

हदनयावमन्यौ1 सायं2 प्रात्3 द्धशद्धशर4 िसन्तौ5 पुनः्6 आयात्7 काऱ्8 dinayaminyau1 sāyam2 prātaḥ3 śīśira4 vasantau5 punaḥ6 āyataḥ7 kālaḥ8

Day and night dusk dawn winter spring again come time

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

क्रीडवत9 गच्छवत10 आयु्11 तत् अवप12 न13 मुञ्चवत14 आशा15 िायु्16 krīḍati9 gacchati10 āyuḥ11 tat api12 na13 muñcati14 āśā15 vayuḥ16

plays goes life and yet does not give up desire the winds of

Day and night1, dawn3 and dusk2, spring5 and winter4 come7 again and again [and go] . Time8 plays9 and life11

goes10. And yet12 the winds of16 desire15 does not let up13-14. (12) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

Day and night, dawn and dusk, Spring and winter come and go again and again. Time plays and life goes. And yet

the winds of desire does not let up. (12)

13) Don't be anxious about wealth and wife. Keep good company to attain liberation.

काते कान्ता धन गतििन्ता

िातुल कक ति नािस्त िनयन्ता ।

ित्रजगित सज्जनसंगितरेका

भिित भिाणमितरणे नौका


ka te kāntā dhana gata-cintā

vatula kim tava nāsti niyantā

trijagati sajjanasaṅgatirekā

bhavati bhavārṇavataraṇe


Kā* te * kāntā * dhana* gata * cintā * vātula

* kim * tava * na asti * niyantā * trijagati *

sajjana * saṅgatiḥ * ekā * bhavati * bhava

arṇava taraṇe * naukā.(13)

का1 * ते2 * कान्ता3 * धन4 * गत5 * ििन्ता6 * िातुल7 * कक8 * ति9 * न ऄिस्त10 * िनयन्ता11 *

ित्रजगित12 * सज्जन13 * संगितः14 * एका15 * भिित16 * भि17 * ऄणमि18 * तरण1े9 * नौका20 ।।१३।।

Kā1* te2 * kāntā3 * dhana4* gata5 * cintā6 * vātula7 * kim8* tava9 * na āsti10 * niyantā11 * trijagati12 *

sajjana13 * saṅgatiḥ14 * ekā15 * bhavati16 * bhava17 * arṇava18 * taraṇe19 * naukā20.(13)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

का1 ते2 कान्ता3 िन4 गत5 विन्ता6 िातुऱ7 वकं8 ति9 न अखस्त10 Kā1 te2 kāntā3 dhana4 gata5 cintā6 vātula7 kim8 tava9 na āsti10

Who are you? wife wealth with

regards to anxiety crazy one is there to you not

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

वनयन्ता11 वत्रजगवत12 सज्जन13 संगवत्14 एका15 भिवत16 भि17 अण जि18 तरणे19 नौका20 niyantā11 trijagati12 sajjana13 saṅgatiḥ14 ekā15 bhavati16 bhava17 arṇava18 taraṇe19 naukā20





of the

good company alone becomes become ocean cross boat

O Crazy one7, who are1 you2? Why are you so anxious5 - 6 about wife and wealth3-4? is there not one

who ordains for you 8-9-10-11? In the three worlds12, good company13-14 alone15 serves as 16-17the boat20 to

cross19 the sea of Samsara18. (13) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ. O Crazy one, who are you? Why

are you so anxious about wife and wealth? Is there not one who ordains for you? In the three worlds,

good company serves as the boat to cross the sea of Samsara. (13)

14) Many-fangled disguises like matted locks and ochre robes serve to fill the


जरिलो मुण्डी लुिञ्चतकेशः

काषायाम्बरबहुकृतिेषः |

पश्यििप ि न पश्यित मूढो

ह्युदरिनिमत्तं बहुकृतिेषः||१४||

jaṭilo muṇḍi luñcitakeśaḥ


paśyannapi ca na paśyati mūḍho



jaṭilaḥ muṇḍi luñchita keśaḥ

kāṣāya ambara bahukṛta veṣaḥ

paśyan api ca na paśyati mūḍhaḥ

hi udara nimittam bahukṛta


जरिलः * मुण्डी * लुिछछत * केशः* काषाय * ऄंबर * बहुकृत * िेषहः * पषयन् * ऄिप * ि * न *

पश्यित * मूढः * िह * उदर * िनिमत्तं * बहुकृत * िेषः||१४||

jaṭilaḥ * muṇḍi *luñchita * keśaḥ * kāṣāya * ambara * bahukṛta * veṣaḥ * paśyan *api * ca *na * paśyati *

mūḍhaḥ * hi * udara * nimittam * bahukṛta * veṣaḥ.(14)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

जरिलः मुण्डी लुिछछत केशः काषाय ऄंबर बहुकृत िेषहः पषयन् ऄिप

jaṭilaḥ muṇḍi luñchita keśaḥ kāṣāya ambara bahukṛta veṣaḥ paśyan api

one with



one with



one with plucked hair ochre robes 'many-

fangled' disguises seeing though

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

ि न पश्यित मूढः िह उदर िनिमत्तं बहुकृत िेषः

ca na paśyati mūḍhaḥ hi udara nimittam bahukṛta veṣaḥ

and not seeing fool certainly stomach for the

sake of


fangled' disguises

One with matted locks1, one with shaven head2, one with plucked hair3-4, and11 one with ochre robes5-6: these

fools14 with 'many-fangled'7 disguises8 claim to see9 though not seeing10-12-13. Indeed15 the 'many-fangled'18

disguises19 are certainly15 for the sake of17 the stomach16. (14) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

15) Toothless limping old man with a walking stick insists on carrying a heavy

suitcase of desires.

ऄङ्गं गिलतं पिलतं मुण्ड ं

दशनििहीनं जातं तुण्डम् ।

िृिंो याित गृहीत्िा दण्ड ं

तदिप न मुञ्चत्याशािपण्डम्


aṇgaṃ galitaṃ palitaṃ muṇḍaṃ

daśanavihīnaṃ jātaṃ tuṇḍaṃ

vṛddho yāti gṛhītva daṇḍaṃ

tadapi na muñcatyāśāpiṇḍaṃ.(15)

aṇgaṃ galitaṃ palitaṃ muṇḍaṃ

daśanavihīnaṃ jātaṃ tuṇḍaṃ

vṛddho yāti gṛhītva daṇḍaṃ

tadapi na muñcati āśāpiṇḍaṃ.(15)

ऄङ्गं * गिलत ं* पिलतं * मुण्डम ्* दशनििहीनं * जातं * तुण्डम ्* िृिंः * याित * गृहीत्िा * दण्ड ं*

तदिप * न * मुञ्चित * अशािपण्डम् ।।१५।।

aṇgaṃ * galitaṃ * palitaṃ *muṇḍaṃ * daśanavihīnaṃ * jātaṃ * tuṇḍaṃ * vṛddhaḥ * yāti * gṛhītva *

daṇḍaṃ * tadapi * na * muñcati * āśāpiṇḍaṃ (15)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ऄङ्गं गिलत ं पिलतं मुण्डम ् दशनििहीनं जातं तुण्डम् िृिंः

aṇgaṃ galitaṃ palitaṃ muṇḍaṃ daśanavihīnaṃ jātaṃ tuṇḍaṃ vṛddhaḥ

body ripe w old

age grey head toothless


become mouth oldman

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

याित गृहीत्िा दण्ड ं तदिप न मुञ्चित अशािपण्डम्

yāti gṛhītva daṇḍaṃ tadapi na muñcati āśāpiṇḍaṃ

goes taking staff even then never givs up body of


Body1 is ripe with old age2, head grey4-3, mouth toothless7-6-5.The oldman8 goes [limps]9 taking

a staff10-11; even then12 [he] never13 gives up14 the body of desires15. (15) Pindam = body; here

a bag, suitcase, bundle. (15) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

16) The indigent living under the tree hangs by the noose of desires.

ऄगे्र ििह्नः पृष्ठभेानुः

रात्रौ िुबुकसमर्पपतजानुः ।


तदिप न मुञ्चत्याशापाशः ।।१६।।

agre vahniḥ pṛṣṭhe bhānū

rātrau cubukasamarpitajanuḥ


tadapi na muñcatyāśāpāśaḥ.(16)

agre vahniḥ pṛṣṭhe bhānuḥ

rātrau cubuka samarpita jānuḥ

karatala bhikṣaḥ tarutalavasaḥ

tat api na muñcati āśāpāśaḥ.(16)

ऄगे्र * ििह्नः * पृष्ठ े* भानुः * रात्रौ * िुबुक * समर्पपत * जानुः * करतल * िभक्षः * तरुतलिासः * तत्

ऄिप * न * मुञ्चित * अशापाशः ।।१६।।

Agre * vahniḥ * pṛṣṭhe * bhānuḥ * rātrau * cubuka *samarpita * jānuḥ* karatala * bhikṣaḥ * tarutalavasaḥ

*tat api * na * muñcati * āśāpāśaḥ.(16)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ऄगे्र ििह्नः पृष्ठ े भानुः रात्रौ िुबुक समर्पपत जानुः

agre vahniḥ pṛṣṭhe bhānuḥ rātrau cubuka samarpita jānuḥ

In the front of the fire in the back of the sun at night chin placed knees

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

करतल िभक्षः तरुतलिासः तत् ऄिप न मुञ्चित अशापाशः

karatala bhikṣaḥ tarutalavāsaḥ tat api na muñcati āśāpāśaḥ


palm of

the hand

alms living under

the tree and yet never let go of

the noose

of desires

In front of the fire1-2, in the back of the sun3-4, and at night5, [he sits] with his chin6placed7 to

the knees8. [He receives] alms10 by the cupped palms of his hands9, living under a tree11 and

yet12 never13lets go of14 the noose of desires15. (16) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

17) All bereft of spiritual knowledge do not confer liberation even over 100


कुरुते गङ्गासागरगमनं

व्रतपररपालनमथिा दानम् ।

ज्ञानििहीनः सिममतेन

भजित न मुद्धक्त जन्मशतेन ।।१७।।

kurute gaṅgāsāgaragamanam

vratapāripalanamathavā dānam,

jñanavihīnaḥ sarvamatena

bhajati na muktiṃ


kurute gaṅgā sāgara gamanam

vrata pāripalanam athavā dānam,

jñana vihīnaḥ sarvamatena

bhajati na muktiṃ


कुरुते * गङ्गा * सागर * गमनं * व्रत * पररपालन ं* ऄथिा * दानम ्* ज्ञान * ििहीनः * सिममतेन

* भजित * न * मुद्धक्त * जन्मशतेन ।।१७।।

kurute * gaṅgā * sāgara * gamanam * vrata * pāripalanam * athavā * dānam * jñana * vihīnaḥ *

sarvamatena * bhajati * na * muktiṃ * janmaśatena.(17)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

कुरुते गङ्गा सागर गमनं व्रत पररपालनं ऄथिा दानम्

kurute gaṅgā sāgara gamanam vrata pāripalanam athavā dānam

go [on

pilgrimage] Ganges ocean go [join] vows observe moreover charity

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

ज्ञान ििहीनः सिममतेन भजित न मुद्धक्त जन्मशतेन

jñana vihīnaḥ sarvamatena bhajati na muktiṃ janmaśatena

knowledge bereft of

according to

all schools of


attains never liberation in hundred


[One may] go to1 Gangasagara2-3-4, foster6 vows5 or give to charity7-8. [If he] is bereft10 of

spiritual knowledge9, [he] never attains13-12 liberation14 in one hundred lifetimes15. (17) bhaja

gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

18) Happiness is dispassion.

सुर मंददर तरु मूल िनिासः

शय्या भूतल मिजनं िासः .

सिम पररग्रह भोग त्यागः

कस्य सुिं न करोित

ििरागः ।। १८।।


śayyā bhūtalamajinaṃ vāsaḥ


kasya sukhaṃ na karoti


Sura * mandira * taru *mūla

*nivāsaḥ *

śayyā * bhūtalaṃ * ajinaṃ *

vāsaḥ *

sarva * parigraha * bhogaḥ

* tyāgaḥ *

kasya * sukhaṃ * na *

karoti * virāgaḥ.(18)

सुर * मंददर * तरु * मूल * िनिासः * शय्या * भूतलं * ऄिजनं * िासः * सिम * पररग्रह * भोगः *

त्यागः * कस्य * सुिं * न * करोित * ििरागः ।। १८।।

Sura * mandira * taru *mūla *nivāsaḥ * śayyā * bhūtalaṃ * ajinaṃ * vāsaḥ * sarva * parigraha *

bhogaḥ * tyāgaḥ * kasya * sukhaṃ * na * karoti * virāgaḥ.(18)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

सुर मंददर तरु मूल िनिासः शय्या भूतलं ऄिजनं िासः

Sura mandira taru mūla nivāsaḥ śayyā bhūtala

ṃ ajinaṃ vāsaḥ

God's temple tree base abode/hous

e sleeping




n clothing

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

सिम पररग्रह भोगः त्यागः कस्य सुिं न करोित ििरागः




a bhogaḥ tyāgaḥ kasya sukhaṃ na karoti virāgaḥ

all renounc





n whose


s do not bring



[He takes] shelter5 in the temple1-2 and under a tree4-3, sleeping on the bare ground6-7,

wearing deerskin8 for clothes9 and foregoing all enjoyments11-10-12 and [practicing]

renunciation13. Would not16 his14 dispassion18 bring17 happiness15? (18) bhaja gōvindaṃ

bhaja gōvindaṃ.

19) O Yogis, Bhogis...:He whose mind revels in Brahman truly revels.

योगरतो िा भोगरतो िा

सङ्गरतो िा सङ्गिीहीनः |

यस्य ब्रह्मिण रमते िित्त ं

नन्दित नन्दित नन्दत्येि ।।१९।।

yogarato vā bhogarato vā

saṅgarato vā saṅgavīhinaḥ

yasya brahmaṇi ramate cittaṃ

nandati nandati nandatyeva.(19)

yogarataḥ * vā * bhogarataḥ * vā *

saṅgarataḥ * vā * saṅgavihīnaḥ *

yasya * brahmaṇi * ramate * cittam

* nandati * nandati *


योगरतः * िा * भोगरतः * िा * सङ्गरतः * िा * सङ्गिीहीनः * यस्य * ब्रह्मिण * रमते * िित्त ं*

नन्दित * नन्दित * नन्दत्येि * ।।१९।।

yogarataḥ * vā * bhogarataḥ * vā * saṅgarataḥ * vā * saṅgavihīnaḥ * yasya * brahmaṇi * ramate * cittam

* nandati * nandati * nandatyeva.(19)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

योगरतः िा भोगरतः िा सङ्गरतः िा सङ्गिीहीनः

yogarataḥ vā bhogarataḥ vā saṅgarataḥ vā saṅgavihīnaḥ

enjoyer of

Yoga or

enjoyer of

Bhoga or

enjoyer of

company or recluse

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

यस्य ब्रह्मिण रमते िित्तं नन्दित नन्दित नन्दत्येि

yasya brahmaṇi ramate cittam nandati nandati nandatyeva

for whom in Brahman enjoys mind enjoys revels certainly


[One may be] an enjoyer of yoga1, bhoga3, or company5, or6 a recluse7. [He] whose8 mind11

revels12-13 in Brahman9, truly revels14. (19) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

20) One who has read Bhagavadgita...has no quarrels with Yama.

भगिद्गीता दकिञ्चदधीता

गङ्गा जललिकिणका पीता ।

सकृदिप येन मुराररसमिाम

दरयते तस्य यमेन न ििाम ।।२०।।

bhagavadgītā kiñcidadhītā

gaṅgā jalalavakaṇikā pītā,

sakṛdapi yena murārisamarcā

kriyate tasya yamena na


Bhagavadgīta * kiñcit * adhītā *

gaṅga * jala * lava * kaṇikā * pītā *

sakṛt * api * yena * murāri-

samarcā *

kriyate * tasya * yamena * na *


भगिद्गीता * दकिञ्चत् * ऄधीता * गङ्गा * जल * लि * किणका * पीता * सकृत् * ऄिप * येन *

मुराररसमिाम. * दरयते * तस्य * यमेन * न * ििाम ।।२०।।

Bhagavadgīta * kiñcit * adhītā * gaṅga * jala * lava * kaṇikā * pītā * sakṛt * api * yena * murāri-

samarcā * kriyate * tasya * yamena * na * carcā.(20)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

भगिद्गीता दकिञ्चत् ऄधीता गङ्गा जल लि किणका पीता सकृत्

Bhagavadgīta kiñcit adhītā gaṅga jala lava kaṇikā pītā sakṛt

Bhagavadgīta a little studied Ganges water trace a drop has

sipped once

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

ऄिप येन मुराररसमिाम दरयते तस्य यमेन न ििाम

api yena murāri-samarcā kriyate tasya yamena na carcā

even by whom worship of Murāri is done to him with

Yama no discussion

[He who has] studied3 the Bhagavadgita1 a little2, who has sipped a drop of Ganges water5-6-7-8,

and who has worshipped Lord Murari12 even10 once9, for him14 there is no16 discussion17 with

Yama15, the Lord of death. (20) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

21) O Murare, protect us from transmigration of souls.

पुनरिप जननं पुनरिप मरण ं

पुनरिप जननीजठरे शयनम् ।

आह संसारे बहुदसु्तारे

कृपयाऽपारे पािह मुरारे ।।२१।।

punarapi jananaṃ punarapi


punarapi jananī-jaṭhare


iha samsāre bahu-dustāre

kṛpayā' pāre pāhi murāre.(21)

punaḥ api jananaṃ punaḥ api


punaḥ api jananījaṭhare


iha samsāre bahu dustāre

kṛpayā' apāre pāhi murāre.(21)

पुनः ऄिप * जननं * पुन: ऄिप * मरणं * पुनः ऄिप * जननीजठरे * शयनम् * आह * संसारे * बहु * दसु्तारे

* कृपया * ऄपारे * पािह * मुरारे ।।२१।।

punaḥ api * jananaṃ * punaḥ api * maraṇaṃ * punaḥ api * jananījaṭhare * śayanam * iha *

samsāre * bahu * dustāre * kṛpayā * apāre * pāhi * murāre.(21)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

पुनः ऄिप जननं पुन: ऄिप मरण ं पुनः ऄिप जननीजठरे शयनम् आह

punaḥ api jananaṃ punaḥ api maraṇaṃ punaḥ api jananījaṭhare śayanam iha


again birth once again death once again

in the



lying here

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

संसारे बहु दसु्तारे कृपया ऄपारे पािह murāre

samsāre bahu dustāre kṛpayā apāre pāhi murāre


Samsara very insurmountable mercy no end protect O Murare

Again and again1-3-5 birth2, death4 and sojourn in mother's womb7-6: here this Samsara

(transmigration of the soul)8-9 is very insurmountable10-11 with no end13. O Murare15 protect us14

with You mercy12 . (21) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

22) Yogi steady in Yogam enjoys God-consciousness.


पुण्यापुण्यिििर्पजतपन्थः ।

योगी योगिनयोिजतिित्तो

रमते बालोन्मत्तिदिे ।।२२।।



yogī yoga-niyojita-citto

ramate bālonmattavadeva.(22)


puṇya-apuṇya vivarjita panthaḥ,

yogī yoga-niyojita-cittaḥ

ramate bālo unmattavat


रथ्या * िपमि * ििरिित * कन्थः * पुण्य-ऄपुण्य * िििर्पजत * पन्थः * योगी * योग * िनयोिजत * िित्तो

* रमते * बालित् * एि * (िा) [उन्मत्तित् एि] ।।२२।।

Rathyā *carpata * viracita * kanthaḥ * puṇya-apuṇya * vivarjita * panthaḥ * yogī * yoga *niyojita

* cittaḥ * ramate * bālavat eva or unmattavat eva.(22)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

रथ्या िपमि ििरिित कन्थः पुण्य-ऄपुण्य िििर्पजत पन्थः

Rathyā carpata viracita kanthaḥ puṇya-

apuṇya vivarjita panthaḥ

the road rags

formed =



shawl merit and

demerit exempt from the path

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

योगी िनयोिजत िित्तो रमते बालित् एि उन्मत्तित् एि

yogī niyojita cittaḥ ramate bālavat eva unmattavat


Yogi attached to mind enjoys like a child like a


The Yogi8 who wears the shawl4 stitched together3 from rags2 cast off on the roadside1, who

walks the path7 exempt from6 merit and demerit5, and whose mind10 is anchored9 [in Yogam]

enjoys11 [in god Consciousness] like a child13-12 or madman14. (22) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja


23) Leave aside the external world of names and forms. Look within.

कस्त्िं कोऽह ंकुत अयातः

का मे जननी को मे तातः ।

आित पररभािय सिममसारम ्

ििश्वं त्यक्तत्िा स्िप्निििारम्


kastvaṃ ko'ham kuta āyātaḥ

ka me jananī ko me tātaḥ,

iti paribhāvaya sarvamasāram

viśvam tyaktvā


Ka tvaṃ kaḥ aham kutaḥ


kā me jananī kaḥ me tātaḥ

iti paribhāvaya sarva asāram

viśvam tyaktvā


क * त्िम् * कः * ऄहम् * कुत * अयातः * का * मे * जननी * क: * मे * तातः * आित * पररभािय * सिम

* ऄसारम ्* ििश्वं * त्यक्तत्िा * स्िप्निििारम् ।।२३।।

Ka * tvaṃ * kaḥ * aham * kutaḥ * āyātaḥ * kā * me * jananī * kaḥ * me * tātaḥ * iti * paribhāvaya

* sarva * asāram * viśvam * tyaktvā * svapnavicāram .(23)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

क त्िम् कः ऄहम् कुत अयातः का मे जननी क:

Ka tvaṃ kaḥ aham kutaḥ āyātaḥ kā me jananī kaḥ

Who [are]

you? Who am I?



did I

come? Who [is] my mother? Who [is]

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

मे तातः आित पररभािय सिम ऄसारम ् ििश्वं त्यक्तत्िा स्िप्निििारम्

me tātaḥ iti paribhāvaya sarva asāram viśvam tyaktvā svapnavicāram

my father? thus investigate all







aside a dream world

Who are you? Who am I? Where did I come from? Who is my mother? Who is my father? Thus

make an enquiry leaving aside all devoid of essence and a world of dreams. (23) bhaja

gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

24) Vishnu is all-pervasive. Even-mindedness helps attain Vishnuhood.

त्ििय मिय िान्यत्रैको ििषणुः

व्यथां कुप्यिस मय्यसिहषणुः ।

भि समिित्तः सिमत्र त्िं

िाछछस्यििराद्यदद ििषणुत्िम्


tvayi mayi cānyatraiko viṣṇuḥ

vyarthaṃ kupyasi


bhava samacittaḥ sarvatra




tvayi mayi ca anyatra ekaḥ


vyarthaṃ kupyasi mayi


bhava samacittaḥ sarvatra


vāñchasi acirāt yadi


त्ििय1 * मिय2 * िा3 * ऄन्यत्र4ै * एकः5 * ििषणुः6 * व्यथां7 * कुप्यिस8 * मिय9 * ऄसिहषणुः10 * भि11 *

समिित्तः12 * सिमत्र13 * त्िं14 * िाछछिस15 * ऄििरात्16 * यदद17 * ििषणुत्िम1्8 ।।२४।।

tvayi * mayi * ca * anyatra * ekaḥ * viṣṇuḥ * vyarthaṃ * kupyasi * mayi * asahiṣṇuḥ * bhava *

samacittaḥ * sarvatra * tvaṃ * vāñchasi * acirāt *yadi * viṣṇutvam * (24)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

त्ििय मिय िा ऄन्यत्र ै एकः ििषणुः व्यथां कुप्यिस मिय

tvayi mayi ca anyatra ekaḥ viṣṇuḥ vyarthaṃ kupyasi mayi

In you in me and in others one Vishnu in vain you are

irate with me

10 11 12 13 17 14 15 16 18

ऄसिहषणुः भि समिित्तः सिमत्र यदद त्िं िाछछिस ऄििरात् ििषणुत्िम्

asahiṣṇuḥ bhava samacittaḥ sarvatra yadi tvaṃ vāñchasi acirāt viṣṇutvam

impatient become even-

minded everywhere if you desire soon Vishnuhood

[There is] one Vishnu5-6 in you1, in me2 and in others3-4. Being impatient10 you are angry8 with

me9 unnecessarily7. [You should be] even-minded12 at all times13, if17 you14 want15 to attain11

Vishnuhood18 soon16. (24) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

25) See the Self in all: enemy, son, friend, and relative with a sense of oneness of all.

शत्रौ िमत्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ

मा कुरु यत्नं ििग्रहसन्धौ

सिमिस्मििप पश्यात्मानं

सिमत्रोत्सृज भेदाज्ञानम् ।।२५।।

Śatrau mitre putre bandhau

mā kuru yatnaṃ


sarvaminnapi paśyātmānaṃ



Śatrau mitre putre bandhau

mā kuru yatnaṃ


sarvamin api paśya ātmānaṃ

sarvatra utsṛja


शत्रौ* िमत्रे * पुत्रे * बन्धौ * मा * कुरु * यत्न ं * ििग्रहसन्धौ * सिमिस्मन् ऄिप * पश्य * अत्मानं * सिमत्र

उत्सृज * भेद ऄज्ञानम् ।।२५।।

Śatrau * mitre * putre * bandhau * mā * kuru * yatnaṃ * vigrahasandhau * sarvamin api * paśya

* ātmānaṃ * sarvatra * utsṛja * bheda ajñānam.(25)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

शत्रौ िमत्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ मा कुरु यत्न ं

Śatrau mitre putre bandhau mā kuru yatnaṃ

with an enemy with a friend with a son with a relative no do endevour

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

ििग्रहसन्धौ सिमिस्मन्

ऄिप पश्य अत्मानं सिमत्र उत्सृज भेद ऄज्ञानम्

vigrahasandhau sarvamin api paśya ātmānaṃ sarvatra utsṛja bheda


for fight or

friendship in all things see the Self everywhere expel or reject

sense of

difference due

to ignorance.

Spend no effort6-5-7 for fight or frienship8 with an enemy1, a friend2, a son3 or a relative4.

Seeing10 the Self11 in all things9 everywhere12, expel or reject13 the sense of difference

[between people and things] due to ignorance14-- see the Self in all. (25) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja


26) Giving up all dross, the aspirant sees in the Self SOHAM. The fools devoid of Self-

Knowledge fry in hell.

कामं रोधं लोभं मोह ं

त्यक्तत्िाऽत्मानं पस्यित सोऽहम् .

अत्मज्ञान ििहीना मूढाः

ते पच्यन्ते नरकिनगूढाः ।।२६।।

kamaṃ krodhaṃ lobhaṃ


tyaktvā ātmanaṃ paśyati


atmajñāna vihīnā mūḍhāḥ

te pacyante


kamaṃ krodhaṃ lobhaṃ


tyaktvā ātmanaṃ paśyati saḥ


atmajñāna vihīnā mūḍhāḥ

te pacyante


कामं रोधं लोभं मोह ंत्यक्तत्िा अत्मानं पस्यित सः ऄहम् अत्मज्ञान ििहीना मूढाः ते पच्यन्ते नरक

िनगूढाः ।।२६।।

kamaṃ * krodhaṃ * lobhaṃ * mohaṃ * tyaktvā * ātmanaṃ * paśyati * saḥ aham * atmjñāna *

vihīnā * mūḍhāḥ * te * pacyante * naraka *nigūḍhāḥ.(26)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

कामं रोधं लोभं मोह ं त्यक्तत्िा अत्मानं पस्यित सः ऄहम ्

kamaṃ krodhaṃ lobhaṃ mohaṃ tyaktvā ātmanaṃ paśyati saḥ aham

desire anger greed delusion giving up the Self see I am He

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

अत्मज्ञान ििहीना मूढाः ते पच्यन्ते नरक िनगूढाः ।।२६।।

atmajñāna vihīnā mūḍhāḥ te pacyante naraka nigūḍhāḥ (26)


Knowledge devoid of the fools they are cooked

hell (concealed) =

captives (26)

Giving up5 desire, anger, greed, and delusion1-2-3-4, [the aspirant] sees in the Self7-6, 'I am He8'

lacking Self-Knowledge10-9, they, the fools12-11, held as captives in hell15-14, are cooked13

(tortured). (26) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

27) Chant theBhagavadgita and Sahasranama meditating on Sripati. Keep good company.

Distribute the wealth to the needy.

गेयं गीतानामसहस्रं

ध्येयं श्रीपितरूपमजस्रम् .

नेयं सज्जनसङ्गे िित्त ं

दयें दीनजनाय ि िित्तम् ।।२७।।

geyam gītānāmasahasraṃ

dhyeyaṃ śrīpatirūpamajasraṃ

neyaṃ sajjanasaṅge cittaṃ

deyam dīnajanāya ca


geyam gītā nāma-sahasraṃ

dhyeyaṃ śrīpati-rūpam ajasraṃ

neyaṃ sajjana saṅge cittaṃ

deyam dīnajanāya ca vittaṃ(27)

गेय ं* गीता * नामसहस्र ं* ध्येय ं* श्रीपित रूप ं* ऄजस्रम् * नेय ं* सज्जन-सङ्गे * िित्तं * दयें *

दीनजनाय * ि * िित्तम ् ।।२७।।

geyam gītā nāma-sahasraṃ dhyeyaṃ śrīpati-rūpam ajasraṃ neyaṃ sajjana saṅge cittaṃ

deyam dīnajanāya ca vittaṃ(27)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

गेय ं गीता नामसहस्र ं ध्येय ं श्रीपित रूप ं ऄजस्रम् नेय ं

geyam gītā nāma-

sahasraṃ dhyeyaṃ śrīpati-rūpam ajasraṃ neyaṃ

to be recited Bhagavadgita




for meditation the form of

Sripati always to be guided

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

सज्जन-सङ्गे िित्तं दयें दीनजनाय ि िित्तम्

sajjana saṅge cittaṃ deyam dīnajanāya ca vittaṃ

company of good people mind to be given to the poor

people and

wealth or


Bhagavadgita and Sahasranama1-3 are to be recited1 with meditation on Vishnu in the form of

Sripati4-5. The mind should always be guided10-6-7 towards the company of good people9-8.

wealth should be given to the poor and the needy14-11-12. (27) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

28) Knowing death brings everything to an end, one does not give up sinful conduct.

सुितः दरयते रामाभोगः

पश्चािंन्त शरीरे रोगः .

यद्यिप लोके मरणं शरण ं

तदिप न मुञ्चित पापािरणम् ।।


sukhataḥ kriyate rāmābhogaḥ

paścāddhanta śarīre rogaḥ

yadyapi loke maraṇaṃ


tadapi na muñcati


sukhataḥ * kriyate *

rāmābhogaḥ *

paścāt *hanta * śarīre * rogaḥ *

yat api * loke * maraṇaṃ *

śaraṇaṃ *

tat api* na * muñcati* pāpa


सुितः * दरयते * रामाभोगः * पस्िात् * हन्त * शरीरे * रोगः * यत् ऄिप * लोके * मरण ं* शरण ं* तत्

ऄिप * न * मुञ्चित * पाप * अिरणम् ।। २८।।

sukhataḥ * kriyate * rāmābhogaḥ * paścāt *hanta* śarīre * rogaḥ * yat api * loke * maraṇaṃ *

śaraṇaṃ * tat api* na * muñcati* pāpa * ācaraṇam.(28)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

सुितः दरयते रामाभोगः पस्िात् हन्त शरीरे रोगः यत् ऄिप

sukhataḥ kriyate rāmābhogaḥ paścāt hanta śarīre rogaḥ yat api






pleasures at the end alas body disease



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

लोके मरणं शरणं तत् ऄिप न मुञ्चित पाप अिरणम् ।।

loke maraṇaṃ śaraṇaṃ tat api na muñcati pāpa ācaraṇam

world death end of all that even no leave sinful conduct

One engages2 in sexual pleasures3 for happiness1. Alas5 at the end4, the body6 [suffers]

disease7. Though8 death10 is the end of all11 in the world9, even then12 one does not13 give up14

sinful15 conduct16. (28) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

29) Wealth is fraught with little happiness and fear; that is its ordained way.

ऄथममनथां भािय िनत्यं

नािस्त ततः सुिलेशः सत्यम्

पुत्रादिप धनभाजां भीितः

सिमत्रैषा िििहता रीितः ।।२९।।

arthamanarthaṃ bhāvaya


nāsti tataḥ sukhaleśaḥ satyam

putrādapi dhanabhājāṃ bhītiḥ

sarvatraiṣa vihitā rītiḥ.(29)

artham* anarthaṃ * bhāvaya *


Na asti * tataḥ * sukhaleśaḥ *

satyam *

putrāt api * dhanabhājāṃ *

bhītiḥ *

sarvatra * eṣa * vihitā * rītiḥ.(29)

ऄथां * ऄनथां * भािय * िनत्यं * न ऄिस्त * ततः * सुिलेशः * सत्यम् * पुत्रात् ऄिप * धनभाजां * भीितः

* सिमत्र * एषा * िििहता * रीितः ।।२९।।

artham* anarthaṃ * bhāvaya * nityaṃ* Na asti * tataḥ * sukhaleśaḥ * satyam * putrāt api *

dhanabhājāṃ * bhītiḥ * sarvatra * eṣa * vihitā * rītiḥ.(29)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ऄथां ऄनथां भािय िनत्यं न ऄिस्त ततः सुिलेशः सत्यम्

artham anarthaṃ bhāvaya nityaṃ Na asti tataḥ sukhaleśaḥ satyam

wealth undesirable think

about it constantly there is no there from

a little

happines truth

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

पुत्रात् ऄिप धनभाजां भीितः सिमत्र एषा िििहता रीितः ।।२९।।

putrāt api dhanabhājāṃ bhītiḥ sarvatra eṣa vihitā rītiḥ (29)

even from

his son

one endowed

with wealth fear everywhere this


ordained the way

Wealth1 is undesirable2. Think about it3 constantly4. There is not5 even a little happiness7 there

from6. The truth8 is that the rich10 has to fear11 his own son9. Everywhere12, this is13 the

ordained14 way15. (29) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

30) Yogi pays attention to eight angas, discrimination, Japa, Samadhi, union with Universal


प्राणायामं प्रत्याहारं

िनत्यािनत्य िििेकिििारम् ।

जाप्यसमेत समािधििधानं

कुिमिधानं महदिधानम् ।।


praṇāyāmaṃ pratyāhāraṃ


jāpyasameta samādhividhānaṃ



praṇāyāmaṃ * pratyāhāraṃ *

nitya anitya viveka vicāram,

jāpya sameta samādhi


kuru avadhānaṃ mahat


प्राणायामं * प्रत्याहारं * िनत्य * ऄिनत्य * िििेक * िििारम् * जाप्य * समेत * समािध * ििधानं * कुरु

* ऄिधानं * महत् * ऄिधानम् ।। ३०।।

praṇāyāmaṃ * pratyāhāraṃ * nitya * anitya * viveka * vicāram *, jāpya * sameta * samādhi

vidhānaṃ * kuru * avadhānaṃ * mahat * avadhānam.(30)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

प्राणायामं प्रत्याहारं िनत्य ऄिनत्य िििेक िििारम् जाप्य

praṇāyāmaṃ pratyāhāraṃ nitya anitya viveka vicāram jāpya

regulation of



withdrawal of

senses permanence impermanence discrimination enquiry japa

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

समेत समािध ििधानं कुरु ऄिधानं महत् ऄिधानम्

sameta samādhi vidhānaṃ kuru avadhānaṃ mahat avadhānam

go into a

state of union accomplishing perform attention great attention

Pranayamam1, pratyaharam2, enquiry into discrimination between permanence and

impermanence6-5-3-4, Japa7, going into Samadhi8, accomplishing union10-9 and performing with

care11-12, with great care13-14.... (30) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

31) Control your senses. You don't have to go far to find God; He dwells in your heart.

गुरुिरणाम्बुज िनभमर भक्तः

संसारादििराद्भि मुक्तः ।

सेिन्ियमानस िनयमादिें

िक्ष्यिस िनज हृदयस्थं दिेम्


gurucaraṇāmbuja nirbhara


samsārādacirādbhava muktaḥ

sendriyamanasa niyamādevam

drakṣyasi nijahṛdayasthaṃ


Guru *caraṇa * ambuja * nirbhara *

bhaktaḥ *

samsārāt * acirāt * bhava *

muktaḥ *

sendriya * manasa * niyamāt *

evam *

drakṣyasi * nija *hṛdayasthaṃ *


गुरु* िरण * ऄम्बुज * िनभमर * भक्तः * संसारात् ऄििरात् * भि मुक्तः * सेिन्िय * मानस * िनयमात् *

एिं * िक्ष्यिस * िनज * हृदयस्थं * दिेम् ।।३१।।

Guru *caraṇa * ambuja * nirbhara * bhaktaḥ * samsārāt * acirāt * bhava muktaḥ * sendriya *

manasa * niyamāt * evam * drakṣyasi * nija *hṛdayasthaṃ * devam.(31)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

गुरु िरण ऄम्बुज िनभमर भक्तः संसारात् ऄििरात् भि मुक्तः

Guru caraṇa ambuja nirbhara bhaktaḥ samsārāt acirāt bhava


Guru feet lotus dependent devotee from

Samsara soon



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

सेिन्िय मानस िनयमात् एिं िक्ष्यिस िनज हृदयस्थं दिेम् ।।

sendriya manasa niyamāt evam drakṣyasi nija hṛdayasthaṃ devam


organs mind


control thus you will see own's own in-dwelling Lord

O dependent devotee of lotus-feet of the Guru, you will become released soon from Samsara

through the control of the sense organs and the mind. Thus you will see in your own heart the

in-dwelling Lord. (31) bhaja gōvindaṃ bhaja gōvindaṃ.

About the author:

Veeraswamy Krishnaraj, M.D; F.R.C.P (Canada) is a board certified pediatrician in active practice until

the end of 1998. He immersed himself in study of Hinduism in depth. He has sufficient knowledge and

understanding of Hindu religion that he is confident to publish this book. He kept the words simple,

supple, illuminating and to the point, while retaining the original flavor, beauty and grace. Compound

words in Sanskrit are a nightmare for the beginner, as they are spliced together compactly in one

continuous stretch of characters. He parsed the compound words into digestible syllables or words with

superscripts and sequential numbers and rearranged the words in the verse in a readable form in English.

In this book, he claims ownership of shortcomings and cedes the rest to Bhagavan.

This book is good for students, and devotees reading Bhaja Govindam in Satsang (true company). One

verse nestles on one page with no break or carry-over to the next page. Diacritics help the reader

enunciate the words like a Sanskritist. The English words are reader-friendly


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Sample Verse

ऄजुमन उिाि

ये शास्त्रिििधमुत्सृज्य यजन्ते श्रिंयािन्िताः ।

तेषां िनष्ठा तु का कृषण सत्त्िमाहो रजस्तमः ॥१७- १॥

arjuna uvāca: ye śāstravidhim utsṛjya yajante śraddhayānvitāḥ

teṣāṁ niṣṭhā tu kā kṛṣṇa sattvam āho rajas tamaḥ 17.1

arjuna uvāca: ye1 śāstra-vidhim2 utsṛjya3 yajante4 śraddhayā5 anvitāḥ6

teṣām7 niṣṭhā8 tu9 kā10 kṛṣṇa11 sattvam12 āho13 raja14 tamaḥ15 17.1

arjuna uvāca = Arjuna said: ye1 = those who; utsṛjya3 = give up; śāstra-vidhim2 = Scriptural injunctions;

[and yet] anvitāḥ6 = are endowed; śraddhayā5 = with faith; [and] yajante4 = worship; tu9 = but; kā10 =

what; [is] niṣṭhā8 = the status; teṣām7 = of them; kṛṣṇa11 = O Krishna; [Is it] sattvam12 = virtue; raja14 =

passion; āho13 = or; tamaḥ15 = darkness. 17.1

17.1: Arjuna said: What is the status of those who give up the scriptural injunctions and worship with

faith? Is it Sattva, Rajas, or Tamas: Goodness, passion, or ignorance?

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