bhartiya shikshan mandal anusandhan prakoshta rw2016/nagpur

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1 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal Anusandhan Prakoshta


Faculty wise Research topics

Major Domain Page

1 Education 2

2 Sociology, Political Science & Law 4

3 Science & Technology 5

4 Media & Journalism 8

5 Environment 10

6 Psychology & Humanities 13

7 Economics & Management 14

8 Agriculture 15

Explore 252 Research Ideas to built Bharat

For distribution among life member of ‘Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal’ & members of ‘Research for Resurgence Foundation’

Compiled by Vishwajit for BSM on 25th

September 2016 Version 1.0

2 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Education No. of Sub domains: 4 Total topics : 43 (Expandable)

Priority view : Quantification of objectives achieved after execution of any scheme/policy

Education as key for civilization development, nation building

Sub Domain: Pre-Elementary Education

Study of child tracking method and child development

Study of values imbibed in school, home and society

Study on nutritional levels and health

Critical Analysis of training programs for pre-school teachers with reference to Bharatiya culture

Study of parental awareness in upbringing child

Study of growth oriented protective environment

Study of ‘thought process’ of children

Development of Analysis tool for ‘physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth of child’

Impact of ‘anganwadi’ workers on fresh / young minds

Survey of selection methodologies in recruitment of ‘anganwadi’ workers

Comparative study of trained and untrained ‘anganwadi’ workers

Sub Domain: Elementary Education

Development of Bhartiya parameters based assessment & accreditation system for management &

governing body / school / Teachers / students

Development of orientation / training / updating program for management & governing body /

Parent / Teachers

Study of mid day meal program; Pros and Cons (Economic/ academic/administrative)

Evaluation of ‘no detention policy’ (quality /economic /skill & capabilities /administrative)

Review of text books with reference to Bhartiya content.

Review of non-text books (Supplementary to text book) with reference to validity of contents &


Structure designing of School Management / Governance Committee

Evaluation of Right To Education Act (Economic/ academic/administrative)

3 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Sub Domain: Secondary Education

Study of collaborative, cooperative, critical, creative and constructive approaches towards learning

Evaluation and quantification of basic language skills set among students

Evaluation and quantification of basic mathematical skills set among students

Structuring of process for identification of skill & Designing skill enhancing module for employability

Study of parental/peer pressure, anxiety and depression in adolescents

Study of impact of mobile technology (addiction /skill improvement / health)

Study of impact of Internet technology (addiction /skill improvement / health)

Study of ‘Adarsh’ schools in Rajasthan; pros and cons.

Sub Domain: University Education

Evaluation and quantification of achieved objectives at pre-university level (subject understanding /

value education / patriotism/ ethics/ bhartiyata/ determination skill / clarity of thoughts / clarity of goals /

vision for life / decision making capability )

Development of comprehensive and unbiased mentoring system

Study on impact of guidance and counseling on educational and career choices

Study of distribution & utilization of UGC funds

Study on ‘research project outcome & applicability’

Study of teacher education; challenges and opportunities

Study of student support services in distance education

Development of comprehensive and unbiased career guidance system

Comparatives study of semester system and yearly system with large universities

Evaluation & non-compliance to standards of education

4 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Sociology, Political science, Law No. of Sub domains: NA Total topics : 21

Priority view: Conceptualization of Tamasoma Jotirgamaya

Conceptualization of Rakshanti sma paraspare


Warfare techniques in ancient India

Social issues in ancient Indian scriptures

Dynasties and their contribution in nation building

Value system in ancient political systems

Autonomy of the village

Contribution of joint family system in the economics of ancient Bharat

Uniform civil code: opportunities for Sociology & Humanity

GST, co-operative federalism and center-state relation

Corporate social responsibility legal framework and challenges

Cyber crime and cyber security

Defining empowerment of women in bhartiya way

Legislative motor to empower women

Concept of Globalisation in Indian Political thinking

Impact of rehabilitation on human life, forestry, and environment

Modernization and traditional Indian lifestyle

Conceptualization of RamRajya : Good governance

Mahabharat – political system

Chanakya – Global leader for political science

Food habits and recipes of ancient India: Local impact as relevance

Study of political thought process of Dindayal Upadyaya

Dr. Hedgewar’s contribution in nation building

5 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Science and Technology No. of Sub domains: 3 Total topics : 55

Priority view : Adoption of contemporized methods (sahayyama na tu saMGaYa-:)

Nation Security: Defense & peace keeping force in glob

Science and technology ownership

Sub Domain: Electronics, Computer, Electrical

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Domain

Designing of energy efficient routing protocol for power aware consumption based on MAC layer parameters

Realistic sensory data evaluation in WSN based on MAC layer features

Interfacing of WSN with 5G communication based applications

Web services and service oriented Architecture (SOA)

Applicability of SOA as solution of agriculture

Middleware based analysis for agility in SOA

Enterprise Integration Pattern Analysis for Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) based solutions

Big data Analytics Domain

Sustainability of Big Data Analytics

Analysis of Fast Data using Big Data

Internet of Things (IOT)

Implication of IOT in building features for smart cities in India (weather prediction)

Interdisciplinary topic with health, education, defense, especially with IOT and Big Data

Generating electrical energy with the use of low water head (approx 5 ft ht)

Sensors for smart household and industrial lighting

Design and development of reliable high life drivers for LED lighting

Enhance human life expectancy by enhancing immunity

Cheaper solution for storage of electrical energy

6 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Sub Domain: Civil & infra

Replacement of concrete as construction material

Repairs and rehabilitation of heritage structures

Structural health diagnostic & monitoring

Scientific assessment of Vastu Shastra

Determination of in situ stresses in compounds of structures

Indian history and earthquakes –a review

Sthapatya veda and civil engineering

Vastu shastra and aesthetic engineering

Astrology and earthquakes

Heritage of India and civil engineering

Life of temples in Bharat

Making of metals and metal works and tribal technology existing

Mud construction technology

Local hut construction techniques and green technology

Sub Domain: General

Localized weather predictions

Precision agriculture

Smart micro grid for smart villages

Bio medical engineering for remote villages

Mobile: lab on the chip

Mobile: air quality monitoring

Earthquake early warning system

Hybrid cooling and heating system

Smart highways

Micro robots for surveillance

Areas of VLSI fabrication

Electronic nose for food, grains and fruits rotting in storage

7 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Automatic grocery dispenser for BPL

Cheap affordable smart home solution

Impact of gadgets and smart phones on kids

Energy conservation

Natural isolation of drug compound

Food preservation

Alternate fuel

Recycling of CO2, reusability of ash

Waste management systems

Disaster management systems

8 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Media and Journalism No. of Sub domains: 6 Total topics: 31

Priority view: Conceptualization of positive use of media

Media ethics: Bhartiya Approach

Social media / Digital media challenges and opportunities

Sub Domain: Media policy and philosophy in Indian Literature

Media policy in the Narad’s Devotional Voce

Media policy in Panini’s voce

Media policy of Dada Makhanlal , Ganesh Shankar

Media policy of Ramayana

Media flow process in the Vedas and Puranas

Environmental involvement and communication

Media study via Indian Semiotics

Sub Domain: India in Journalism in past 100 years

Facts and factual in Journalism in Independence and post independence

Transformed side of Indian journalism

Study of language oriented changes and its impacts in Indian journalism

Study of Code of conduct In Press

Influence of social media on language

Media cross honourship and centralization

Increasing market concept in media

Study of trustworthiness in media

Formulation of code of conduct for media according to Indian scenario

Sub Domain: Language of Media

Role of performing arts as media

Comparative study between Constitutional framework and the fundamental framework of media

Application of vernacular language and Lokoktinya

Creation of language norms for media

9 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Sub Domain: Folk Media and Loksanchar

Health issues

Search for Bhartiyata

Jan chetana and Janjagaran

Continued sustainable development

Medium for folk media

Rural life presented through entertainment.

Sub Domain: Bhartiya Sidhanta in Media

Natyashastra by Bharatmuni and sanchar sidhanta

Media sidhanta in Bhartiya parisima

Search for new media sidhanta and framework

Search for paradigm shift in social media

10 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Environment No. of Sub domains: 9 Total topics :33

Priority view: To popularize Indian culture in favors of Environment

To vanish the clouds of confusions being generated in various summits being organized

by developed countries (Rio Summit)

To generate funds (in house/ abroad) in favor of nature supporting activities

To increase individuals participation in favor of nature

To mitigate the effects of development

Identification & adoption of nature friendly activities / life style

Impact of nature on social, emotional, cultural environment

To work on concept of panchmahabhoots

Sub Domain:

Establishing Bhartiya Culture through Justification of various foot-printing ( carbon/food/water)

Awareness towards superiority of Indian culture over western practices in environment context

Harnessing natural resources

Alternatives of conventional sources of energy

Ways to reduce various foot printings like carbon, food, water

Alternatives of packaging materials

Management of solid and fluid waste / water resources / natural resources

Conservation of natural resources like air, water, soil, minerals, flora, fauna, various habitats and eco


Role of Indian culture in mitigating pace of development


Development of Indian /local techniques to evaluate various foot printing

Investigative efforts for estimation of increasing rate of foot printing per decade

Investigative research for developing solutions to mitigate increasing rate of foot printing

Comparative research to find global foot printing wrt to developed, developing and under developed


Historical research to explore Indian literature favoring nature

11 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Exploring the ethics, emotions, values and duties in Indians as rooted in through Indian culture

Comparing the life styles of NRI’s with the natives of various countries

Reviewing Indian methodology of harnessing natural resources in context to modern methods

Identifying ecofriendly methods of harnessing natural resources from the core of various religious,

cultural and ritualistic activities

Water shed and ground water management on the grounds Indian social, cultural, economic and

geographical scenario

Use of various natural resources in the field of cosmetics, medicines, recreation etc.

Secrets of various rituals like Ubtan (उबटन)

Panch karma activities to cure diseases

Exploration of panchkoshshikshanvidhi

Development of sustainability in the use of various non-conventional sources of energy like solar, wind,

thermal, geothermal, tidal

Methods for developing edible packaging

Ways to bring down packaging waste

Exploring the benefits of community feast culture like Kanyabhoj, langar, bhandara

Comparing the benefits of Indian style of serving food (pangat) wrt to buffet system

Reviewing the benefits of sanjhachulha wrt to campfire of west on the grounds of socio- economic and

cultural ethics

Solid waste management for biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste

Comparative methods of E-waste management in Indian and western contexts

Development of improved technology for the management of medical waste, slaughter house waste, food

waste (from hotels, feasts)

Comparing Indian system of open air defecation wrt to western flush system in terms of soil

conservation, water pollution, water waste, solid waste generated by western pattern

The role of rituals in the conservation of natural resources like bargad Amavasya, tulsipujan, worship of


Justifying the role of worship of Gods in the form of various flora, fauna and natural resources like nag

devta, Agni Dev, Pawan Dev

12 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

The role of Indian rituals in establishing the balance between generation and use of natural resources

thus bringing down the foot printing to 0.5-0.75 earth planets

Decoding the benefits of various rituals like hawan, ganga pujan, narmada parikrama, shankhnaad

Decoding the benefits of ecofriendly houses like parnkuti

Role of Indian culture in developing aesthetic senses towards nature in citizens

Culturing sense of responsibility towards environment through festivals and rituals

Eco friendly way of celebrating joys and happiness in the form of festivals in Indian culture

Comparative method to study the impact of celebrating festivals between Indian and western culture

13 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Psychology and Humanities No. of Sub domains: 2 Total topics : 43 (Expandable)

Priority view : Conceptualization of Vasundhaiva Kutumbakam

Balancing in self esteem, sacrifices Quantification of objectives achieved after execution of any


Education as key for civilization development, nation building

Sub Domain: psychology

Bhartiya work culture and western work culture

Psychological interpretations of economy centric system

Psychological interpretations of principles centric system

Psychology integrated with biochemistry, neurology and two way relations

Psychology behind the rise and fall of nations / nationalism / acceptance and relevance of a leader

Psychological aspects of Gita / ‘Sanskaras’/ Religion / Dharma

Concept sacrifice: psychological perspectives

Sub Domain: Humanities

Interpretations of ancient scriptures

Immortal moral values

Development of instrumentations for measuring three gunas: Satvik, Rajas and Tamas

Exploration of ‘shastras’ for contemporize relevance

Bhartiya approach for development stages of human beings as an individual / group / society / nation

Documentation on Local cultures and traditions

White papers on historical / social / cultural events, regime & time line

Similarities in apparently distinct cultures in Bharat

Omnipotent objectives among political domains of Bharat

Omnipotent objectives among Bharat originated religions

White papers on bharat’s contribution in social / economic policies of rest of the world

14 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Economics & Management No. of Sub domains: NA Total topics : 16

Priority view: Conceptualization of Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Designing of SOP / flow diagram / tools to bring Bhartiya perspective

Tools for Human-nature centric growth

HDI –Bhartiya perspective

White papers on Education Economics ( for govt / society / individual)

White papers on Health Economics ( for govt / society / individual)

Economic Model based on Bhartiya Approach ( for govt / society / individual)

Role of SHG

‘Quality of life’ evaluation and refremming indigenously

Social economic status of centralization / decentralization of policy

Indigenous knowledge system of ‘managing resources’

Degree of NRDI and FDI in rural areas

USP in rural areas in terms of skills and resources

Recycling of natural resources

Competency enhancement & talent management

Vishwakarma : creation of perfectionist

Ways of connecting skilled professionals to their social roots

Values and ethos of research

Coordinating with unorganized sector for growth

15 Identified research areas in various faculties, evolved during research workshop RW2016

Date 11th September 2016 Place – VANAMATI Nagpur

Major Domain: Agriculture No. of Sub domains: 2 Total topics : 10

Priority view: Agro-centric Bharat

Farmer not former: From sustenance to proud contributors to nation

Sub Domain: Bhartiya way of Farming

Documentation and evaluation of Indigenous technical knowledge

Weed control, Bhartiya way

Celestial effects on pest breeding and control

Crops by means of ‘Panchatatva’

Crop quality measurement in terms of health effects on consumer

Sub Domain: Farming science & technology

Agricultural engineering and equipments

Economics of organic farming

Water resource linking, control & monitoring

Viability and long term evaluation of support systems (fish / poultry/ cow)

Feasibility of ‘advance crop purchasing system’ (farmers to people)

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