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Post on 06-Dec-2015






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Carambola, as in many other fruits will also provide benefits for health because the nutrients they contain. Starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola) also have efficacy for treatment as an antipyretic and expectorant, so the traditional secra can be used to treat cough in children. Known fruit contains vitamin C is also useful as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and diuretic, so it is good to cure cough, wound infection, sore throat, fever, problems with diabetes, and cholesterol. High content of vitamin C is also good eaten cancer. Traditionally Roots star fruit is also used to cure headaches and joint pain. While the leaves can be used to treat stomach ulcers, purulent skin inflammation and ulcers.

Behind of the many health benefits for the star fruit, carambola not turn out well if widely consumed, especially for people with kidney problems. That's because the star fruit also contains oxalic acid which could endanger the health of the kidneys.

Carambola is a tropical fruit that is very low in calories. 100gram star fruit provides 31 calories, which is much lower than the calories in popular tropical fruits other. Nonetheless, starfruit contains many essential nutrients, such as antioxidants, minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy body.Table nutrients star fruit (Averrhoa carambola), fresh raw.

Nutritive value per 100 g :

1. Calories 31 Kcal 1.5%

2. Carbohydrates 6.73 g of 5%3. Protein 1:04 g 2%4. Fat g 1%

5. Fiber 2.80 g 7%6. vitamin7. Folate 12 mcg 3%8. Niacin 0367 mg of 2.25%9. 0017 mg pyridoxine 1.5%10. 0.016 mg riboflavin 1:25%11. Thiamin 0.014 mg 1%12. 61 IU Vitamin A 2%13. Vitamin C 34.4 mg 57%14. Vitamin E 0:15 mg 1%15. Vitamin C 0 mg 0% Electrolytes16. Sodium 2 mg 0%17. Potassium 133 mg 3%18. mineral19. Calcium 3 mg 0.3%20. 0:08 mg iron 1%21. Magnesium 10 mg 2%22. Phosphorus 12 mg 2%23. Zinc 0:12 mg 1%

Carambola for health benefits :

1. Low in calories and healthy

Carambola is one of the exotic fruits are high in calories so low (described above). It is thus very good for people who are dieting reduce calorie intake. Nevertheless, starfruit contains vital nutrients, such as antioxidants, and vitamins needed oeleh health.

2. High fiber

Star fruit is eaten with the skin will give a good amount of fiber for the body. Fiber will help prevent the absorption of LDL cholesterol in the food in the intestine. Fiber also helps protect the mucous membrane in the large intestine of exposure to toxic substances with the binding of colon cancer-causing chemicals. Again, fibrous foods that are good for diet foods to lose weight.

3. Rich in vitamin C

Carambola contains lots of vitamin-C. Vitamin C is known to be a powerful natural antioxidant. 100 g fresh star fruit provide 34.7 mg, equivalent to 57% of the value of the body's need for vitamin C daily. In general, the consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C will help the human

body to enhance the immune system from infection, influenza virus, as well as free radicals.

4. Containing Antioxidant flavonoids

Once again Carambola including fruit rich in antioxidants. In case this is of polyphenol antioxidant flavonoids. Some important types of flavonoids are quercetin, epicatechin and gallic acid. Levels of polyphenols (Folin assay) in the star fruit is 143 mg / 100 g. This compound will help protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

5. Sources of vitamin B

Vitamin B is essential vitamins, including the essential vitamins your body needs every day. Carambola is also a source of vitamin B complex, such as folate, riboflavin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). In Synergy types of these vitamins will help as an enzyme cofactor metabolism, and is used for various synthetic functions in the body.

6. Contains potassium

Carambola contains several minerals and electrolytes, such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that are needed to help control heart rate and prevent the adverse effects of sodium. Thus the star fruit is also good to help lower high blood pressure.


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit plant that can grow up to 5-8 m. This plant is expected to come from Iran, but has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Moors gave the name of one of the ancient cities in Spain, Granada based on the name of this fruit. This plant is also widely grown in the area of the South China and Southeast Asia.Pomegranate comes from the Middle East, spread in the subtropical to tropical, from lowlands to below 1,000 m above sea level. This plant likes loose soil that is not submerged in water, the ground water is not deep. Pomegranates are often grown in gardens as ornamental plants, medicinal plants, or because of hisedible.

Tree shape shrubs or small trees with a height of 2-5 m. Woody stems, twigs sided, branching many, weak, spiked in the armpit leaves, brown when young, green and dirty after dark. Single leaf, short-stemmed, located in groups. Leaf blade oblong to oblong shape, base tapering, blunt tip, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, shiny surface, 1-9 cm long, 0.5 to 2.5 cm wide, green color.Single short-stemmed flowers, came out at the end of a twig or in the armpit leaves at the top. Typically, there are one to five flowers, the colors red, white, or purple. Flowering throughout the year. Buni fruit fruit, round shape with a diameter of 5-12 cm, color variety, such as purplish green, white, reddish brown, or blackish purple. Sometimes, there are patches of color rather prominent old tebih. Seeds many, small, round shape multifaceted long-terms rather flat, hard, irregularly arranged, the color red, pink, or white.Various pomegranate

Known three kinds of pomegranate, namely white pomegranate, pomegranate red, and purple pomegranate. Propagation by cuttings, root buds or grafts. Pome or pomegranate is often planted as ornamental plants, medicinal plants, or because the fruit that can be eaten. Pomegranate can be eaten fresh, as a mixed fruit salad, fruit salad, juice or cider. To make pomegranate juice should be

taken with the seeds because the seeds are contained in the polyphenol compounds.

General characteristics of the pomegranate plant1. Plants in the form of shrubs with between 2-5 meters high, some can reach a

maximum height

of about 8 meters.

2. Stem woody, with growing branched, branches faceted, weak and there is a

thorn in the

armpit leaves. Stems brown when young, and turns green when the old

dirty.3. single short-stemmed leaves, growing in groups. green leaf blade with oval

to oblong shape

with the base of the taper and the tip blunt, flat leaf edge, bone pinnate leaves, shiny surface. Size of leaf: 1-9 cm long, 0.5 to 2.5 cm wide.

4. Single Flower with a short stalk, grows at the end of the branch or the top of

the leaf. Red,

white, or purple, flowers grow throughout the year.

5. Pomegranate is spherical with a diameter of 5-12 cm, diverse fruit skin

color, including white,

green, purple, reddish brown, and purple-black. Pomegranate seedy, small size with rounded shape multifaceted long-terms rather flat, hard seeds texture and irregular position. The color of pomegranate seeds are also diverse, ranging from red, pink, and white.

Nutrient content of pomegranate / 100 g

Pomegranate is known to contain a lot of elements / chemicals is important and beneficial for the body. Here are some nutrient content in pomegranates to know.

• Energy 346 kJ (83 kcal)• Carbohydrates 18.7 g• Sugar 13.7 g

• Dietary fiber 4.0 g• Fat 1.2 g• Protein 1.7 g• Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0:07 mg (5%)• Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.05 mg (3%)• Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.29 mg (2%)• Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.38 mg (8%)• Vitamin B6 0.08 mg (6%)• Folate (Vit. B9) 38 mg (10%)• Vitamin C 10 mg (17%)• Calcium 10 mg (1%)• Iron 0.30 mg (2%)• Magnesium 12 mg (3%)• Phosphorus 36 mg (5%) Potassium 236 mg (5%)• Zinc 0.35 mg (3%)

Benefits of Pomegranate

1. The benefits of pomegranate first is excellence in maintaining

youthfulness. He is anti-aging. Compounds in it to protect the body

from free radicals. These benefits are even

more powerful than some sort of citrus fruits, apples and others.2. Pomegranate can protect the kidneys. This has been discussed in the

Journal of Renal Failure.3. Pomegranate is also known to protect the liver. This is in line with

what is stated in the journal Toxilogy And Industrial Health. The

consumption of pomegranate juice regularly can protect as well

improve damaged liver.4. Pomegranate is anti-alegic. This is related to the polyphenol

compounds in it.5. Pomegranate can prevent heart attacks. This is in accordance with a

result penilitian contained in Altheroclerosis. Pomegranate has the

ability to synthesize cholesterol and

then destroy free radicals substances that exist in our vascular system.6. One of the benefits of pomegranate are widely discussed is the ability

to ward off cancer. This has been reviewed in the journal Translational

Oncology. Mentioned take pomegranate able to ward off breast cancer

and skin cancer.

7. The benefits of pomegranate other is to protect the DNA. It is

associated with anti-oxidant content that is in pomegranate can protect

the genetic components of the human body.

8. Another thing that can be obtained from the consumption of

pomegranate is a normal blood pressure is maintained. This is

described in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. Mentioned

that pomegranate juice may help also prevent blood pressure rise.

9. Benefits of Pomegranate other is to set a condition called insulin

resistance syndrome. Indeed pomegranate able to balance sugar levels

in the blood while increasing the body's sensitivity to the presence of

insulin. Thus it will prevent diabetes.

10. The benefits of pomegranate latter is optimizing drugs. Pomegranate

juice itself is known to improve performance, especially drugs

consumed to kill gram-negative bacteria types. These bacteria are

known as microbes that can fight drug action.


Matoa or who have lating name Pometia pinnata is a plant fruit that comes from Papua. Matoa relatively tall plant that can reach a height of 18 meters with a diameter of up to 1 meter. Matoa generally only bear fruit once a year and usually bear fruit in July until October and then bear fruit again 4 months later. Matoa spread in almost all regions of Papua, this plant grows d dry place that is not inundated by water.

In Papua, there are two types of Matoa, the first is matoa coconut and the other is matoa pepeda. Characteristic that distinguishes them is the fruit, coconut matoa fruit pulp has a chewy characteristics while matoa pepeda have his characteristic soft and sticky.Benefits of Fruit MatoaMatoa fruit can be consumed fresh and tastes like a combination of rambutan and longan which of course makes it very tasty fruit. Because it tastes good, this fruit has a fairly high selling value.

Matoa fruiting plants have spread in Papua in almost every lowlands up to an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level. This plant will grow better when grown on dry land or under water and thick soil layer. Climate necessary for plant life is the climate of high rainfall and more than 1200 mm per year.

Skin and shape of this fruit as fruit kedondong glance, with brownish-green color with an oval shape. Not too hard shell making it easier to open and have a thin membrane as a wrapper around it, the texture of this fruit as longan fruit slightly chewy.Matoa there are two types, namely coconut matoa and the other is matoa pepeda. Characteristic that distinguishes them is the fruit, the fruit has a characteristic coconut matoa chewy meat while matoa pepeda have his characteristic soft and sticky.

The content of matoaThe content of vitamins A and C may be easily found in many types of fruits. But there are many types of fruits that contain vitamin E. Matoa is one of the fruits that contain the vitamin content. Obviously with the vitamin content will be greatly needed by our body. In addition, the fruit is rich in saturated glucose so if too much to consume will cause a "hangover".

Benefit of matoa• vitamin C in fruit matoa antioxidant benefits that can counteract free radicals that attack the

immune system.•Vitamin C is also beneficial to increase the body's resistance against a variety of diseases.• vitamin E on matoa fruit can also help relieve stress, increase endurance, improve fertility

and minimize the risk of developing cancer and coronary heart disease.

• Vitamin E in fruit matoa also have an important role in maintaining healthy skin by

maintaining and increasing skin moisture and elasticity.• Vitamin E also beranfaat as an antioxidant in charge of keeping the body from free radicals

that can damage and undermined the body's cells.• matoa fruit contains vitamin C. Vitamin C has been known to prevent free radicals and helps

increase endurance. If you increase endurance, of course, will be spared from various

disease virus attacks.• Fruit matoa have some content that is useful as a natural tranquilizer. One is vitamin E,

which will help to relieve stress. How to use it to cope with stress enough to eat them alone.

• Vitamin C in fruit matoa would have believed to help reduce heart disease. In addition, if you are less healthy diet, you can use matoa fruit as food (fruit) counterweight.• Some cosmetic products often use vitamin E as an ingredient. Matoa fruit contains vitamin E, you can eat to help nourish your skin. In addition, vitamin E vitamins you get is sourced from natural ingredients.

• The content of antioxidants in fruits matoa will help prevent the growth of cancer cells and derived from carcinogens. Matoa fruit also contains vitamin C which will help enable these antioxidants.



Fruits and vegetables are best when consumed fresh. Meraciknya so the salad is a delicious alternative that fresh fruit taste better. Not only tasty, but the menu also has a variety of great benefit to health.

Salad is the kind of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Salad is defined by The Dictionary of American Food and Drink, as food in the form of green vegetables are watered with various condiments and sauces, then add the vegetables or other fruits. According to history, the salad had consumed the Romans and Ancient Greeks. The word salad comes from the Latin "sal" which means "salt". Salt at that time is an essential ingredient to give flavor to the food. The word "sal" absorbed into the French language fashioned into a salade and at the end of the 14th century in English absorbed into salads or Sallet.

Nutrient content in the fruit and vegetable salad

a. rich with ironb. calcium phosphorusc. sodiumd. potassium

e. Vitamin Af. Vitamin Cg. magnesiumh. zinc.

The habit of inserting the salad into the daily menu would be something positive. The salad also be an interesting menu, because the variant composition can be combined and match.

Benefit of salad for healty :

1. High Fiber

Consumption of salad with high-fiber composition can prevent constipation as well as lowering cholesterol levels. Fiber is able to expedite the process of absorption of food. Also lose weight because it can absorb the fat and discard along with dirt. High-fiber foods such as salads can make the stomach feel fuller and consequently become more controlled appetite.

2. The maximum benefits of fruits and vegetables

Various types of fruit and vegetables can be combined in a mixing salads. Fruits such as apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, and strawberries bleuberry often encountered. For vegetables, which are commonly used are lettuce, carrots, corn, tomatoes, cabbage, plus nuts. The fresh blend of fresh besides also rich in nutrients, can even prevent cancer due to the consumption of fruits and vegetables are high.

3. Reducing calories

Website MD reveal if eating a salad could trigger a feeling of fullness for longer, and reduce the number of calories consumed. Unlike unhealthy menus are often avoided, eating salad in a high number it is much recommended. Effects induced satiety make someone automatically reduce your intake of high calorie foods.

4. Get good fats

The body also needs good fats are commonly found in olive oil, avocados, beans. Integrating foods that contain good fats with various vegetables help the body absorb nutrients. According to a study from Ohio

State University, the content of phytochemicals in good fatty foods can be absorbed better after eating vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, spinach well.

The characteristics of a good diet salad :

• The addition of materials is based on flour• Line use of grain• Choose olive oil and foods and foods rich in omega 3 benefits• Do not add sugar in a salad dish• Make sure to eat fruit once a day• Subtract the addition kekacang in a salad dish• Avoid the addition of fatty foods• Add a little efficacy of protein such as fish, and meat tenusu (Optional)


Tuna is a type of fish that are rich in protein and minerals. Tuna also contains potassium and vitamin B complex that the body needs. Consider the benefits of tuna for health, as quoted from the following for Women Mag.

The position of Indonesian waters located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific is a crossing point in the odyssey tuna tuna long-range consists of various types, among others mandidihang / yellowfin (Thunnus albacores), big eyes (Thunus obesus), gray ( Thunus tonggol), Albakora (Thunus alalunga), and bluefin (Thunus thynnus).

Until now, the tuna was generated from fishing activities, not the result of cultivation. The success of fishing operations is determined by the skill to recognize patterns of behavior associated with tuna fish eating habits, water temperature, water flow, and the mating season.

The content of tuna:1. Calories2. Protein & Amino Acids3. Carbohydrates4. Vitamins5. Fats & Minerals

Benefit of Tuna :

1. Coping with dry eye syndromeDry eyes due to too long staring at a television or computer screen can cause itching and burning. By eating tuna, dry eye syndrome can be overcome.2. Good for heart healthThe content of omega 3 in tuna can increase the concentration of HDL or good cholesterol in the body, suppress the occurrence of blood clots, and keep the rhythm of the heartbeat. Omega 3 is also believed to maintain cardiac function.3. Preventing breast cancerOmega 3 content in tuna useful for inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase proinflammatory 2 (COX 2) which is an enzyme supporter of breast cancer. Omega 3 is also efficacious for DNA repair.4. Good for eye healthThe content of omega 3 in tuna efficacious to maintain eye health. Omega 3 works to prevent the body against macular degeneration of the eye, a condition when the vision deteriorates, which can lead to vision loss in more than 50 years of age.5. Preventing strokeHigh nutrient content in tuna efficacious for preventing various diseases, including stroke. By regularly consume tuna, can reduce the risk of stroke.6. Prevent ObesityHigh EPA content in tuna can stimulate hormone leptin so efficacious for preventing obesity. Due to these regulations, the body will be protected from excessive food consumption.7. Improving cognitive function otakOmega-3 helps improve the function of remembering or cognitive function of the brain, so that keeps us from diseases such as Alzheimer's degeneration of brain function because it helps facilitate blood supply to the brain. Omega-3 also lowers the risk of inflammation, mediates the signal to be received by the brain, the person who suffers Alzhemeir be impaired in terms of delivering signals or impulses to the brain.8. Increase the hormone response InsulinTuna also recommended for consumption for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, because it contains omega-3nya abundant. Various studies suggest,

omega-3 in tuna -Prevents you from obesity and improve the body's response to insulin. Omega-3 fatty acids are known as the EPA is what helps regulate body weight and metabolism of the body to secrete the hormone leptin.9. Assist the detoksifikasiSelenium along with omega-3 contained in tuna, an important fuel for the production of Glutathione peroxidase-type antioxidants. This antioxidant is important for healthy liver function-which contribute to detoxification. Selenium also plays a role in preventing cancer and heart disease.10. Tuna useful against Alzheimer's disease.11. Tuna is also good for skin healthOmega-3 in tuna provide protection against gastrointestinal and ovarian cancer.

Tips on Choosing Tuna

Tuna containing mercury contaminated or have physical characteristics that differ according to the mercury content. Tuna that has a yellow physical has a lower mercury content than white or albacore tunah. For pregnant women are advised to consume no more than 6 ounces of tuna 'white' per week.


Tempe is a food made from the fermentation of soy beans or some other material that uses some kind of Rhizopus, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifer (bread mold), or Rh. arrhizus. The preparation of this fermentation is generally known as "tempeh".

Mold that grows on hydrolyze soy complex compounds into simpler compounds that are easily digested by humans. Tempe is rich in dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B and iron. Various kinds of content in soybean have medicinal value, such as antibiotics to cure the infection and antioxidants preventing degenerative diseases.

In general, tempeh is white because mycelial growth of mold that holds the seeds of soybean, forming a solidified texture. Degradation components in fermented soybean make tempeh has a distinctive flavor and aroma. In contrast with tofu, tempeh feels a bit sour.

Tempe widely consumed in Indonesia, but now has worldwide. Vegetarians around the world many who have used tempeh instead of meat. As a result now tempeh produced in many places in the world, not only in Indonesia. Various studies in a number of countries, such as Germany, Japan, and the United States. Indonesia is also now trying to develop strains (strains) to produce a superior Rhizopus tempe faster, quality, or improve the nutritional content of tempeh. Some worry this activity can threaten the existence of tempeh as a food ingredient public property because strains superior tempeh can be registered so that the use of patent rights reserved (requires a license from the patent holder).

Although it looks simple, soybean was having a lot of benefits both for health and our bodies. Tempe is also often used as a meat substitute food for its nutritional value is very high, not least with cheese, tempeh also has a high nutritional value and very good for health.

The content of tempe :• dietary fiber

• carbohydrates• calcium• iron• vitamin B• vegetable protein• phosphorus• keratin

Tempe Benefits for Health :

• Able to cure diarrhea.• Lowers blood pressure.• Lowering cholesterol levels that exist in our bodies.• Is one of anticancer foods.• Ability to prevent osteoporosis.• Prevents anemia.• Rich in natural antioxidants that can improve the body immunity.• Rich in fiber that can aid digestion.• Being able to prevent the onset of hypertension.• Prevent heart disease.



For some people who are allergic to cow's milk, soy milk can be used as an alternative as a source of nutrients your body needs. Soybean is the most complete food would nutritional content, because soy contains protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals are good and certainly much needed by the body to keep it healthy and protected from various diseases.

Soy protein better than other nuts because soy contains all the essential amino acids that are good for the body, and other advantages are to be useful to reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, blood clots and hardening of the arteries, as well as lower cholesterol levels and many others.

Usually soybeans processed into other foods such as tofu or tempeh, and of course we are familiar with both these foods as a complementary side dishes or made other dishes, but not only that soy can also be processed into soy milk drink which is very good for health, and you know it turns out the benefits of soy milk is better than cow's milk, so it never hurts to try switching from cow's milk to soy milk.

Content of soy milk :• Non-cholesterol• Suitable consumed by children and adults• Does not contain saturated fat• Contains fibers• Contains high protein• Contains saponin• Contains isoflavones• Contains lecithin• Contains natural phytoestrogens

Some of the health benefits of soy milk for:• Lowers cholesterol, unsaturated fatty acid content in soybean beneficial to

inhibit the transport of cholesterol in the blood and to consume soy milk

regularly can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

• Preventing osteoporosis, the content of phytoestrogens in soy is beneficial to

accelerate the absorption of calcium in the body that affect the bones

become stronger, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

• Helps you lose weight, sugar content in soy milk is lower than cow's milk,

as well as fatty acids in soy milk can be beneficial to inhibit the absorption

of fat in the intestine due to the consumption of soy milk is perfect for those

who are dieting.• Preventing prostate cancer, the content of phytoestrogens in soy milk is very

useful to inhibit testosterone production, thereby reducing the risk of

prostate cancer in men.• Coping with the symptoms of menopause, soy milk contains isoflavones

that are useful to regulate the hormone estrogen that women entering

menopause will be healthier.

• Healthy heart, saturated fat content is very little in the soy milk is very good

for your heart health.• Drink a vegetarian, soy milk is the right choice for vegetarians because the

soy milk contains a source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates

and fats.• Drink for people with autism, for people with autism can replace cow's

milk with soy milk because soy milk does not contain casein glutein and

that can lead to brain dysfunction.• Prevents premature aging, soy milk is excellent for overcoming premature

aging such as wrinkles and facial become dull because soy milk contains

anti-oxidants that can counteract premature aging so that people who

regularly consume soy milk will look more youthful.• Anti-cancer, soy milk is an excellent source of minerals, selenium, isoflvon,

triptopan amino acids and vitamin E which act as anti-oxidants that are

useful to counteract free radicals trigger cancer.• Prevent migraine, by consuming soy milk regularly disease or migraine

headaches caused by a nutritional deficiency can be prevented because the

soy milk is a good source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

How to make soy milk itself:

1. Prepare soy then wash with clean water2. Then boil for 15 minutes after it was soaked in water for 12 hours.3. Then wash back while squeezing through the skin to peel.4. Once clean the blender by adding water.5. Add enough hot water and stir until evenly distributed.6. Then filtered to produce a green bean juice.7. Add the sugar, flavorings and NaPO4 then filtered again.8. Heat, stirring frequently, but try not to boil.9. Then pour the soy milk into a bottle and soak in boiling water for 15

minutes.10. Then the bottle tightly closed up and soak in boiling water for 15 minutes.11. Finally lift the bottle and let cool at room temperature.12. Soy milk is ready to be consumed.


Tomatoes much loved by the people. It features compared to other fruits lies in a sense, benefits, shapes, and colors. The shape of the tomato itself varies. There are round like apples, flat round, and there are like a light bulb.

Based on the shape / appearance tomatoes are classified as follows:• Ordinary tomatoes (Lycopersicum commune)• The shape is round and flat and irregular.• Apples Tomato (Lycopersicum pyriform)• The shape is round, solid, slightly hard to resemble an apple.• Potato Tomato (Lycopersicum grandfolium)• The shape is round, big, solid, resembling apples just a little small bit and leaves it wide.• Curly Tomato (Lycopersicum validium)

Slightly oval shape, hard as avocado or papaya, known as the Roman type. Tomato is much favored, because of thick skin.

Nutrition Tomato Juice:In tomato fruit contains many substances that are useful for the human body. Substances contained in it, among others:1. Carbohydrates2. Protein3. Fat4. Vitamin B1, B2, B3, and C5. Calcium6. Phosphorus7. Iron8. Sodium9. Potassium10. The fiber and water11. Carotene

Benefit of tomato juice :• Prevent and treat appendicitis

• Helps cure night blindness disease• Treating diseases caused by lack of vitamin C• Treat your teeth and gums• Maintain stamina• Accelerate wound healing

Treating Acne• Prevent gallstones in the urinary tract, liver, gout, tuberculosis asthma• As forming provitamin A and Lycoppen that can prevent cancer.

Based on research conducted by doctors Michael Avira, head of Lipid Research Laboratory in Technision Institute of Technology and Rabam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel proved that the administration of 60 mg lycoppen for 3 months to 30 people, can reduce 14% of plasma density LDL (Low Density lipoprotein) in the blood vessels.

Another study conducted by Dr. Vaket A. Rao, Professor of the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada, stated that the application of the diet with tomato juice, spaghetti tomato sauce, and tomato extract lycoppen of the 19 healthy people during the week shown to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol.

How to make :• Wash all ingredients and then cut into small to be easily destroyed.• Enter into a glass blender, puree.• Pour into a glass and add ice cubes that you made tomato juice fresh.• This recipe is perfect for those of you who are on a diet because it contains

minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping you lose weight.

Time Consuming

Fresh fruit is a high water content foods, nutrients, and generally alkaline-forming properties except ripe tomatoes. Because that's better ripe tomatoes consumed after eating / when the stomach is not empty because if taken on an empty stomach can lead to acid in the stomach more triggering cause of ulcer disease.



Health info this time will be to review the benefits of cat whiskers and nutrition in it. The flowers have a long stamens and smooth resembling cat whiskers make this plant named cat's whiskers. Beautiful flowers make this plant is better known as an ornamental plant. However, the use of cat whiskers as a drug has been done a long time and this time use was more prevalent in the community. Cat's whiskers have the scientific name of Orthosiphon aristatus Miq. In Indonesia, the plant is known as the big cat's whiskers or dizzy; in Central Java, known as remujung; The Sunda known as ucing mustache; whereas in Madura called soengot koceng.

Cat whiskers is a herbaceous plant with slightly salty taste, Sepet, yet soothing. This plant grows tall with stems can reach 1-2 meters. The trunk quadrilateral slightly grooved, short hair or even gudul. Cat's whiskers leaves a single leaf with a round or oval shape and fluffy. The edge of irregularly coarsely toothed leaves, and its surface is mottled because there contains oil in it. While the cat's whiskers are bunches of flowers which come out at the end of the branch with pale purple or white. The content of Cats Whisker

The content of the active compounds in the cat's whiskers are also many other herbs as well. Some of the active compound contained is anthosiphon, glycosides, oil volatile, sponin, sapofonin, potassium, tanning substances, orthosiphonglikosida, fatty oils, potassium salt (0,6-3.5cYo) and myoinositol. Active compound earlier pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory,

destroying urinary tract stones, as well as a diuretic or laxative. Because of these effects, cat whiskers effectively used in the treatment of urinary tract infections, inflammation of the kidneys, kidney stones, gallstones, and inflammation of the prostate.

Cats whiskers cat whiskers believed to cure kidney stones and gall bladder problems. Efficacy was sponsored by the content of allergy, antihypertensives, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic so it can break down kidney stones. Cat's whiskers are also believed to treat hypertension with cat whiskers diligently eating leaves commonly processed in the form of herbal medicine. This efficacy is obtained from the leaves cat whiskers with metilripariokromen content that could inhibit smooth muscle contraction response of the blood vessel walls so that blood pressure tends to decrease. In addition, there are nevertheless potassium salt content and ortosifonin nan are found in the leaves. Both of these contents are useful in helping to dissolve phosphate, oxalate, and uric acid in the body; especially in the kidneys, bladder, and bladder.

With these capabilities, the potassium salt and ortosifonin in this plant can anticipate kidney stones if consumed regularly. This plant also contains tannins and saponins nan believed to reduce and treat the symptoms of vaginal discharge in women.

Characteristics Plant Cats Whisker

These tropical plants have soft stems erect nan firmly rooted. The stem covered with feathers sometimes short and smooth. Stems can sustain this herbal plant until it reaches a height of 2 meters.

The leaves are varied, ranging from oval (like eggs), perfectly round, until rhombic. These leaves can grow along 1 cm - 10 cm in width 7.5 mm - 1.5 cm. On the outskirts (vein) leaves usually are fine hairs. Meanwhile on the leaf surface can be found spots gland in large quantities. Petiole this plant has a length nan varied, ranging from 7 cm to 29 cmMedicinal plants have distinctive characteristics nan distinguish it from other plants. These characteristics are evident in the interest nan has glands, and nerves and nan fluffy flower stems and thin. Flowers of this plant has a crown-shaped terminal bunches. This crown emerged from the ends of branches. Crown length ranging from 13 mm to 27 mm.

Flower color is usually white purple cat's whiskers. The top was purple and getting down increasingly graying. Details of this plant flower size varies, the

tube length ranges from 10 mm - 18 mm with a lip along the 4.5 mm - 10 mm. This flower stamens equipped with nan longer than the tube and lip interest.

When fruit, herbs produces a hard-skinned fruit with dark brown hue. The length of the fruit is small relative, only between 1, 75 mm to 2 mm.

How to Treat Cats Whisker

Part cat whiskers are used as medicine flowers and leaves, although other parts of the plant can also be used as medicine. Benefits cat whiskers can be consumed by boiling the leaves or flowers, or can also dry the leaves and flowers and then poured boiling hot water.

Cat whiskers is homogeneous soft trunked plant (herb) nan upright spread across the region and the northern part of the continent of Australia. This plant is also known as cat whiskers, cat's whiskers, or Java tea. This plant is known efficacious in curing various diseases.In Indonesia, the leaves dry cat whiskers nan (bulbs) is used as a drug can accelerate spending nan urine (deuretik). In India, this plant is used as a remedy for rheumatic diseases.

Moreover, our society use this plant as a traditional medicine for treating rheumatism, colds, and constipation (constipation). This plant is also believed to cure kidney stones, kidney inflammation, diabetes, albuninuria and syphilis.

From all parts of this plant, the leaves and the stems are part of the most generic nan used herbal remedies. For more details, here are some ways of processing these herbs as medicine.1. To treat diseases of the urinary tract and kidney stones is by picking stalks

and leaves cat whiskers as much as 30 grams, then add the leaves and

commelia communis meniran each 30 grams. The third leaf boiled. After

mature let stand until cool, then drink.2. To treat urinary problems expenditure (deuretik) and urinary nan stuttering

is accompanied by pain, the treatment is the cat's whiskers leaves dry. The

dry nan leaves brewed as a tea, and add the palm sugar.3. To treat high blood pressure, prepare nan cat whiskers leaves wet and dry as

much as 50 grams. Clean, then boiled with water. After boiling, strain until

one glass. Drink one glass a day.4. To treat fever, prepare the roots of cat whiskers as much as 100 grams, then

boiled in water and let stand until boiling. After boiling let stand for a

moment to feel warm, strain until one glass. Simply drink one glass a day.5. To relieve the symptoms of arthritis, crushed 1 small spoon leaves, mix with

leaves as much as 1 tablespoon meniran then boiled. Drink regularly.6. To treat pain, take 2 to trim the roots and 7 leaves, wash them clean. Boil in

1 cup of water and leave overnight. Drinking in the morning.

In addition to treating diseases above, is also a potent herbs to treat infections of kidney stones, inflammation of the kidney stones, syphilis, and increase appetite. Core processing plant cat whiskers into medicine is to process it into tea; namely by boiling the leaves or dried leaves are then ignored or squeezed first, then drink.


Brotowali is a wild plant that can thrive in the home page or abandoned in the woods. The Latin name of Tinospora crispa Brotowali is (L.) Miers ex Hoff.f. This plant for generations has provided many health benefits, one of them by making it as a traditional medicinal plant. Brotowali also known as andawali, antawali, putrawali or leaves Gadel.

Since the first of our ancestors have bequeathed tradisionl treatments with plant brotowali. Some examples of diseases that can ditumpaskan by brotowali is arthritis, diabetes, lowers glucose (blood sugar) and drug fever.

The most commonly treated are brotowali, because bitter substances stored in plant stems that are easily found in Indonesia has a very strong character to eradicate viruses or toxins that are bergelombol sneak into the body. So, as running this herbal treatment, the virus or bacteria that enter the body will die by itself.

In brotowali plants, there are two parts most commonly used for treat disease inside or outside. The second part is the stem and leaves, but not infrequently also the root of brotowali be used for other purposes.

In ancient times, there is no cream cleanser as it is today. So, when the face is dull as dirt, people who live in earlier times using water decoction of brotowali to wash your face, and skin reaction caused the positive indeed.

Almost forgot, on the bark of this plant there are also several chemical compounds such as alkaloids and resin are soft yellow, while roots contain berberine and kolumbin substances. The function of alkaloids is a bacteria killer.

The wounds caused by falls. Pikroretin bitter substances contained in the roots and stemsbrotowali plant acts as a nerve stimulator work in the respiratory tract, impact on body temperature is hot will be lowered as much the exchange of substances.

Since the previously mentioned benefits for health brotowali is as rheumatism, fever and peminimalisir symptoms of diabetes. Here's how manufacture of traditional medicine of plant diseases brotowali.

The content of plants brotowali

1. alkaloids that are stored in the roots and stems2. soft resin3. starch4. bitter substances pokroretin5. glycosides pikroretosid6. hars, palmatin7. berberine8. kolumbin at the root and kokulin (pikrotoksin).

Benefit of Brotowali :

Brotowali as Rheumatic drugs

Actually not only rheumatism course, other health problems such as bruising could alsotreated with this magical plant.

Here's how to make a concoction of medicine:1. Cut one finger brotowali, cleaned first, make sure that you cut brotowali suit any

requirement.2. If it has been chopped, heat 3 cups of water in a saucepan, then enter brotowali pieces.

Wait for the water to boil and the remaining 1 1/2 cups.3. Ignore for a moment until the water temperature cools a bit, so not too bitter pour a

little honey, then drink it down 3 times a day each 1 cup

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