bhu pet 2011 m.a. history

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  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 2 4 0 3 0


    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 30

    05 What was the main central point of the Rigvedic civilization?(1) Ganga valley(2) Punjab and Delhi(3) Indus valley(4) The Region between Swat and Indus valleys

    * ' ~ r ~ < j i U 'fffi 'fiT T9'I ~ ffi

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    l lP 240 30

    14. Which one of the following was not prevalent during the SangamAge?(1) Slave system (2) Custom of Sati(3) Rituals of Marriage (4) ProstitutionR 1ff( f iI' Q ~ f < ' l d m >ft ?(1) Gm O11'1f>j] (2) > 'IT(3) ~ I I f l ; l i ll-'Ii J1Ti5 (4) ~ ~ ~ I i f f l

    15. Which one of the following was not a very familiar agricultural product of the Sangam Age?(1) Wheat Rice(3) Sugarcane (4) Turmeric

    (1) 7){ (2) < ffi'f (3) 1l?IT (4)16. In the reign of which king did the Mahayaan sect evolve formally?

    (1) Ajatshatru (2) Dharm Pal(3) Ashok (4) Kanishkafil>B iI; mRR- I>f( f iI' ' 4 i > I ~ I ' 1 ' * i Q ~ I ~ ai1NIR li iI'"O'RT ?(1) N l I d ~ l a(3)

    (2)(4) lif1,,*,

    17. Of which famous work is IDhammapad the compilation of Buddh steachings - a part of ?(1) Sutta Pitaka (2) Vinay pitaka(3) Abhidhamma Pitaka (4) Deegh Nikaay


    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


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    l lP 240 30

    ~ ~ I f I \ 'II; ~ 'lll 'II; l1QR :l'" 7:[[

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    l lP 240 30

    31 What were the government buildings of the Mauryan period madeof?(1) Burnt Bricks(3) Plaster

    (2) Wood(4) Mud and lime


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    l lP 240 30

    F ';j 2'11 11

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    l lP 240 30

    m 1Pii' >1' mil m lit '

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    l lP 240 30

    51 Which general was appointed by Alauddin KhaJji to lead military ex-peditions in the Mangol territories ?(1) Gazi Tughlaq (2) Vlugh Khan(3) Mangu Khan (4) Khan Vmar

    3 R ' 1 I 3 ~ 1 ';l('I

  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 30

    54 Which Sultan of Delhi assumed the title of Caliph ?(1) Balban (2) Alauddin Khalji(3) Qutbuddin Mubarak Khalji (4) Mohammad Tughlaq

    ~ f

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    l lP 240 30

    foR 'l"'1'.l,n'1 l T>1 : - ' 1 l l T(3) ~ d"'hld '

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    l lP 240 30

    'IT'R 'f \JUlT "@TI 'lit t q

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    l lP 240 3 0

    65 Which Mughal Emperor abolished the custom of 'Sijd,,' ?(1) Akbar (2) Jahangir(3) Shahjahan (4) Aurangzebf

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    l lP 240 30

    R 1 f< l f@d s;'if if -?r q; \-., 31'I>'R i\ f. flfu Itf 'li(q1 1 IT ?(1) ' ; M I ~ I ' (2) awm(3) fc::< < fi (4)

    69 Who among the following was not punished by Akbar?(1) Abdul Nabi (2) Abdullah Sultanpuri(3) Mulla Mohammad Yazdi (4) Abdul Qadir BadaoniR"1f'R m ",fUM Itf -g31T 'IT ?I) ~ ' f i l l (2) 31'1(11 W II'13(13) 'F"fT 4 l ~ ' 1 ' (4) q; fu ~ ' I i ; j l

    70 During whose reign did Sir Thomas oe visit India?I) Akbar (2) Jahangir

    (3) Shahjahan

    (I) 31'I>'R(3) ~ 1 I ~ I ~ i

    (4) Aurangzeb

    (2) I ~ i n {(4) 3 i l { ' I > i I ~

    71 Where in India did the Portuguese built their first fortress?(1) Cochin (2) Goa(3) Anjidiv (4) Cannanore'IT

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    l lP 240 30

    72 Which medieval ruler introduced the system of Patta and Qabuliyat ?(1) Mohammad Tughlaq (2) Sher Shah(3) Jahangir (4) Jahandar ShahflRIll'U11'n'1 IfRl h t ~ v:ci ' h ' l < 1 ~ ' i " 'li't ' I q ~ m\PIl 'li't >it ?(1) < i ' I ~ l ~ q 1(1 h t (2) : i l m ~ t(3) , ~ i ' n { t (4) , ~ i ~ R ~ I l ~ t

    73 In which Regnal year did Akbar introduced granting of Zat and SawarSanks?(1) 30' (2) 35' (3) 40' (4) 43

    t '''IT< v:ci GR 'lWIT m\PIl foI;'1] 2fT ?(1) 30 i (2) 35 i (3) 40 i (4) 43 i

    74 Who issued Fatwa against Akbar?(1) Mulla Yazdi (2) Mirza Hakim(3) Abdul Nabi (4) Abdullah Sulthanpuri

    'l;- Ii

  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 30

    76 Where is Akbar s mausoleum situated?(1) In Kabul (2) In Lahore(3) At Sikandra (4) At Allahabad

    'liT 4't>'HI i 'R ft>Rr(1) ~ i(3) f{lifi'i;

  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    (1) f< 1MOf;(3) ~

    (2) < i t < f f i ~(4) ' 1 q ~ l I , ,

    SO.What was the gaz called during Akbar's reign?(1) Gaz-I- Sikandari (2) Gaz-I- Alai(3) Gaz-I- Akbari (4) Gaz-I- IIahi

    it; 'IiR'f it 1J if 'liT I l l w

  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 30

    83 Which one of the following social reform was not implemented byTipu Sultan?(1) Prohibiting Child marriage (2) Curtailing Marriage expenses(3) Prohibiting Wine Drinking (4) Prohibiting Prostitutionf-1 1fl om q;'\;, mn ?(1) 'lilf{1'l < T"IR (2) i'R'liq(3) wR'ft (4) ' I f f < ; I ' i I ~


    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 3 0

    86 What was the percentage of land revenue claimed y the East IndiaCompany from the Zamindars after the permanent settlement?

    iil'dl mR (4) 'I'I]:[q;m ' 1 R I ~ u l

    2 9 P.T.O.

    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 30

    90 Who is considered the founder of communist ideology in India?(1) M.N. Roy (2) U. Chattopadhyaya(3) S.A. Dange (4) B.N Dutt"Ifl: i j t (lll4qlGl f ll F 'l :it ?(1)

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    l lP /240/30

    94 Who is called 'the father of modern India' ?(1) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (2) Rabindranath Tagore(3) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (4) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

    l l T ~ lmI q;r ~ f rit fi (4) m 3WIG < f

    95 Whose policy was called the 'Policy of Lapse'?(1) Bentick (2) Wellesley(3) Dalhougie (4) Cornwallisfq;\1 1il -;ftfu '-.ffi; RiI l -;ftfu' ' I i ~ ( 1 l f f i i ?(l) ~ f o i ' I i (2) ~ ( 1 1 < . 1 l(3) ~ ( 1 ~ I 3 i ; , f t (4) 'lir.f'lif

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    l lP 240 30

    ( 1 3lfIRT 1l 'i 'h .1 'h 1(3) ' h i . 1 ' h ~ 1 1l 'i

    (2) 1l 'i ' h i . 1 ' h ~ 1(4) ~ 1 l ' i ~

    98 Who established the 'Prathana Sarnai' ?(1) Dr. Atma Ram Pandurang (2) M.G.Ranade(3) RG.Bhandarkar (4) Shankar Pandurang' 'WlT"f' qi if.t qi oil ?(1) 610 3111RI'1 411:-iiRm(1) S i . 1 ~ I 3 > o i l(3) ~ f i i I

    (4) Cornwallis

    m IT ?


    (2)(4) 'hT;jqJf'c.'H"I

    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    l lP 240 30

    102 When was Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed?(I) March 1.1931 (2) March 3,1931(3) March 5,1931 (4) March 9,1931'li>lt-';R ( 1 4 ~ ~ d R ~ \ R 'Ii"il ;j ?(I) llT"f 1,1931 (2) llT"f 3,1931(3) llT"f 5,1931

    103 Who wrote India Unrest?(I) Valentine Chiro1(3) H.H. Wilson.[0 ; ~ I 3l'iW:' qij {It ?

    (4) llT"f 9,1931

    (2) Annie Beasant(4) Persival Spear

    (I) MI'i I{'1 fum;r (2) 1 .'ft ifi'R:(3) 1l:" . 1l:" . fl1 f'l ""Ifu; IT ?(I) f

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    l lP 240 30


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    l lP 240 30

    110 Who among the following escaped hanging in the famous KakariConspiracy Case ?(1) Ash faqullah Khan (2) Rajendra Lahiri(3) Ram Ptasad Bismil (4) Chandra Shekhar AzadR If

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    113. Who was the first lady to unfurl the Indian tri colour?(1) Durga Bhabhi(3) Aruna Asaf Ali

    (2) Bhikaji Cama(4) Kamla Devi Chattopadhyaya


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    l lP 240 30

    116 The book Hind Swaraj was originally written in the language:(1) English (2) Gujrati(3) Hindi (4) Marathi'W

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    l lP 240 30

    if Ti;;jf'l(ol f ; l > R1" oo 11311 IT ?(1) lIim (2)(3) m (4)

    120 Who wrote Praise of Folly' ?(1) Erasmus(3) Calvin

    ~ alfq;- tfiR;ft' ft;mit oft ?(1) {t;;jG{j(3) M< 'I1

    (2) Hobbes(4) Zvingli

    (2)(4) f ~ l c t l

    121 Who wrote the famous work Decameron ?(1) Dente(3) Bocaccio

    (2) Petrask(4) Ariosto

    122 Who is famous for his paintings in the Sistine chapel ?(1) Leonarado Da Vinci (2) Michael Angelo(3) Raphael (4) BoticelliT ~ R I ~ ~ ~ f . i 'h1 ~ ffil< "'h'\' t ?(1) f

  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    123.Who among the following was the earliest reformer?(I) John Wycliff (2) Ulrich Zwingli(3) Martin Luther (4) John Calvin

    f . l " 1 f < 1 f ~ d i i ff'Iff'f'li ~ ~ IT ?(I) oiR c l l ~ f < R 1 ' " (2) 'ifct'1 foci.t1I(3) ll1fi;J ~ R (4) oiR t f ' 1

    124.The Lutheran Movement began in :(I) Germany (2) France(3) England (4) Belgium

    ~ W11 {I 11'rnI ~(4) i l f WI

    125. 'The Council of Trent is related to :(1) The Renaissance(2) The Reformation(3) The counter (catholic) Refermation(4) The commercial Revolution

    ~ qi\

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    l lP 240 30

    '4j;o;djuii:.B ~ ~ ~ B 1 1 ' [ m < iT q;f.l 'IT ?(1) Nif

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    l lP 240 30

    if,1.1"ll lit 311' fi;rn (2) 'lfll;ft(3) (4) ~ r 0 l ~ A

    131 Who was the king of England in 1688 A.D.during 'Glorious Revolu-tion ?(1) James 11(3) Prince William of Orange

    (2) Charles 11(4) Edward VI11

    1688 t it t wi] ;orf.ij' ~ 1 8 u:s q;J I1Rl 1i 'lit.r 11 ?(1) itm (2) . m(3) ftR r q r ~ A * (.4) pd VllI

    132 Who was the king to appoint Richelieu as his Chief Minister?(1) Henry IV(3) Louis XllI

    (2) Louis X11(4) Louis XIV

    lit:31 RT lj& - .:cit q;G ' lf0TlRl 'lit.r 11 ?(1) m IV (2) X11(3) XllI (4) XIV

    133 Fredrick 11 was the ruler of :(1) Prussia(3) FranceM,.ih 11 I1Rl 1i 11 :(1) WIlT q;J(3) m q;J


    (2) England(4) Spain

    (2) ~ 8 u : s q;J(4) q;J


    A laSem Admi
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    l lP 240 30

    134 With which Czar did the Europeanization of Russia begin?(1) Ivan IV (2) Theodore(3) Peter the Great (4) Peter II

    f l i f i { U I iI; f < i ~ I < I < t fMif i l \'114f->m w(1) q T < ' 2 ~ {(3)

    2) ~ T ~ P i(4) *

    156 Who was the author of The Social Contract ?(1) Rosseau (2) Voltaire(3) Montessquicu (4) Locke' G i f iH 'lIT 11 ?(1) (2) q T < ' 2 ~ {3) ~ T ~ ' P i (4) *

    137 When was the famous Tennis Court Oath held?(1) June 12,1789(3) June 20,1789

    4 2

    (2) June 15,1789(4) June 25,1789

    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    (1) B 12,1789(3) B 20,1789

    (2) B 15,1789(4) B 25,1789

    l lP 240 30

    138 Who among the following was not a member of the extremish factionduring the period of National Convection?(1) Mirabeu (2) Marat(3) Danton

    (1)(3) GJ

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    l lP 240 30

    141 Who among the following diplomats present at the Vienna Congresswas a rench representative?(1) Talleyrand(3) Castlereagh

    (2) Metternich(4) Alexander I


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    l lP 240 3 0

    f'l(,(H ("5 'f'l R ' 1 - ~ il; d4

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    l lP 240 30

    149.What was the policy followed by the United States of America to overcome the effects of the Great Depression?(1) Financial Deal (2) Fair Deal(3) New Deal (4) Economic Deall im (lFJ)-,:q,'\fu' i t >r lf< ij

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    I lP 240 3 0

    P T O

    A laSem Admi
  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


    (p r gffilo;, ~ IT ' 3mffT1T lIT ffl 1T 3fT1fq; ffl 1T ik: '"' f"1l" :; l"IIi'i/'lIT mj i

    6, ailo l{'70 = f11r lIT 31jihoit 'JII / ~ ,,4

  • 7/23/2019 BHU PET 2011 M.A. History


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