bi 7 upgrade

Post on 30-Sep-2015






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We upgraded from BW 7.01 SP 06 to BW 7.30 SP 07.

The following table contains all issues experienced during the upgrade, root causes and solutions.


Details / Root Cause

Change / Solution

0FISCPER text display as July 2012 as opposed to July 2011

Entries for table RSADMINS changed with the upgrade. This table controls the text values displayed for the time dimension and implemented read class.

Update entries in table RSADMINS.

Program ZBW_RSADMINS_UPDATE was custom built for this change.

Text variables do not display the text (label) for 0CALDAY

Refer to SAP Article 1693785.

In BW 7.30 the infoobject 0DATE and other time characteristics do not have a text table maintained in RSD1. Therefore, if you try to use a variable withreplacement path "replaced by label", you will see that the texts arenot replaced. However, in the lower system 7.00 and 7.01, for 0DATE internallyset text flags are set and hence you can see text are being replaced. Thisbehaviour has been changed in 7.30.

RSA1->InfoObjects->Searchfor 0CALMONTH->Change->In the 'Master Data/texts' tab, check 'Withtexts'->Activate->Continue and accept all warnings.

Performabove steps for each of the following time chars:





FM BAPI_ISREQUEST_GETSTATUS returns different results.

This function module is returning a blank TECHSTATUS.

Amendthe handling of the field TECHSTATUS as returned from the FM i.e.

Replacethe following code:

WHEN 'Y'. " Y = Yellow (request still processing)

With this new code:

WHEN 'Y' OR ''. " Y = Yellow (request still processing)

Activate the new version of the program

FM RSKC_CHAVL_OF_IOBJ_CHECK returns different results.

FM RSKC_CHAVL_OF_IOBJ_CHECKchanged with the upgrade.

Before the upgrade, the above FM return RC=00 when there is no InfoObject template in a DSS. After the upgrade the FM returns RC=04.

Removed the call to the RSKC_CHAVL_OF_IOBJ_CHECK completely. Replace the FM with corrected code toperform valid character checks.

Aggregate roll-up step failed

Roll up steps where aggregates were deactivated, and the process chain role-up variant did not have flag ""End process successfully if no aggregate exists"set - failed after the upgrade.

The behaviour in BW 7.3 seems to be different for aggregates that have beendeactivated i.e.

BW 7.1, - if the flag was not set in the roll up,and the aggregate was deactivated, the chain would be successful

BW 7.3, - if the flag was not set in the roll up, and the aggregate was deactivated,the chain fails

Adjust the variants in the following base chains - by checking the flag: "End process successfully if no aggregateexists".

Key figure in Bex Queries returns zeroes.

Caused by a program error.

The key figure is derived from a calculated key figure which uses theNODIM function.

Implement SAP Note: 1696274: A calculated key figure outputs the value 0.

KFs display 0 ERR or * inconsistently

Caused by a program error.

Implement notes:

1708084 - Mistaken '0 ERROR' cells for keyfigure withunit/currency

1698057 - * for currency-dependent and unit-dependent key figures

ABAP Programming Error


Caused by a program error.

Implement1722725 - Input-ready query terminates with BIT_OFFSET_NOT_POSITIVE

KFs return blank values

Caused by a program error.

Implement Note 1736862

Text variable returns technical name as opposed to characteristic value

Refer to SAP Article 1693785.

In BW 7.30 the infoobject 0DATE and other time characteristics do not have a text table maintained in RSD1. Therefore, if you try to use a variable with replacement path "replaced by label", you will see that the texts are not replaced. However, in the lower system 7.00 and 7.01, for 0DATE internally settext flags are set and hence you can see text are being replaced. Thisbehaviour has been changed in 7.30.

Apply the following change to the problematic variables:

Change replacement path from Label to Characteristic Value

Queries on MultiProviders without 0CALDAY, where the underlying Cube(s) are non-*** cubes and contain 0CALDAY, generate errors

The participating InfoProvider is a stock InfoCube, meaning that it containsat least one stock key figure. There must therefore be a time characteristicCalendar day[0CALDAY] (NCUMTIM) in the MultiProvider and Calendar day[0CALDAY] can only be assigned to itself. For InfoProvider JSD_B_012, Calendar day[0CALDAY] may not be assigned to the characteristic ''.

Change the multi provider by including 0CALDAY intothe time dimension

Detail analysis using t/c ST03 fails

Program error

Apply manual steps as per note: 1608989

APD filter from a non-cumulative cube fails

Program error

The argument '00"' cannot be interpreted as a number

An exception with the type CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER occurred

Implement SAP Note 1674845


When reading from a non-cumulative InfoProvider using the function RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ, atermination occurs in the method CL_RSDRS_ORACLE_SQL_STMT->BUILD_FORMULA.

Other terms


Queries with exception aggregation after variable replacement

You are trying to replace a variable from a hierarchy attribute or the text of characteristic [0FISCPER]Fiscal year/period or from characteristic [0FISCPER]Fiscal year/period. This replacement should be made after aggregation by [0FISCPER]Fiscal year/period (see Note 1385580). The variable is used in a context though that forces replacement before aggregation by [0FISCPER]Fiscal year/period. An exception aggregation for [0FISCPER]Fiscal year/period is specified for example on formula Working Days FY2007 or a higher-level formula, or a second variable is used there which also shold bereplaced from characteristic [0FISCPER]Fiscal year/period but beforeaggregation.System ResponseThe system cannot resolve this conflict. The query cannot be generated.ProcedureChange the definition of the variable or query by breaking up formula WorkingDays FY2007 into corresponding subformulas.For example: F = B * ( Va -Vb) to F = Fa - Fb or G = B* Va * Vb to G = Va * GbFa = B * Va is calculated after aggregation here, while Fb = B * Vb or Gb = B *Vb is calculated before aggregation.

Change the exception aggregation from Summation to Use Standard Aggregation

ABAP dump when trying to run an SQL query in t/code ST04

Program error



Application Component BC-CCM-MON-ORA

Implement SAP Note 1709951


This SAP Note is valid for the DBA Cockpit on Oracle.

A dump occurs when you execute any SQL statement using the SQL Command Editor

Other terms


Z* Programs deleted after upgrade

Programs were assigned to $tmp and not on a transport package.

Programs can be identified by listing all programs ontable TRDIR which are not on table TADIR i.e. If a program is of type PROG(excluding classes and function modules) and it is in table TRDIR and not intable TADIR it might be deleted after performing the upgrade.

Prior to the upgrade, add theprograms to a package, set the required program attributes i.e. Executable, Customer Production Program and Business Intelligence Program.

Warning message when executing InfoPackage

File ending does not match the current adapter CSVFLCONV;Ending CSV expected

Implement SAP note: 1687349

The function module call to RSNDI_SHIE_STRUCTURE_GET3 fails

The issue has 2 root causes. RCA 1 below is the primary issue it was a bug to being with. RCA 2 is only highlighting the bug.

RCA 1 The object was typed incorrectly in a custom BW Z-program . It should have been of type RSNDI_S_HIEDIR2 and not RSNDI_S_HIEDIR - to align with the FM interface.

RCA 2 - SAP changed the structure of RSNDI_S_HIEDIR2 and RSNDI_S_HIEDIR

If programs use the FM and variable definitions are typed with RSNDI_S_HIEDIR as opposed to RSNDI_S_HIEDIR2, change all calling programs to use the latter i.e. RSNDI_S_HIEDIR2

Calculate result as.Summation on CKF does not return a summated result.

Standard functionality as per note 1151957.

It only occurs if a hierarchy info object is in the rows i.e. 0PLANT. If the hierarchy is turned off, the error is resolved however, this does not satisfy the user requirements

Changing the aggregation at CKF level to Before Aggregation resolves the problem.

Apply the following change: Open the query, drill to CKFs and uncheck Calculation After Aggregation

Generating reporting authorizations do not work

Program error caused by OSS note: 1634458

Implement OSS note 1714370

Error when activating data in DSO.


Program error. Activation of a DSO fails

Implement OSS note 1807028

Note: RSRV->All Elementary tests->"PSA Tests" will report the error and also "repair" the error. However, when the Activation is performed again, the error will re-appear. RSRV is therefore not a solution for the error.

Metadata repository service not active

RSA1, Select Metadata Repository, The following error is displayed:

URL call was terminated because thecorresponding service is not available.

Error Service cannot be reached



F8 Selectthe service (child node in the displayed hierarchy)

Select Service/Host from the main menu

Select Activate

Click Yes whenprompted to confirm

Data loaded is not visible for reporting inInfoCubes

Corrected/changed functionality in one of the Support Packs included in BW 7.3 SP 07.

As per SAP's response to a customer message, raised for this issue: "This is the intended behaviour for 730 system"

Change the "Set Quality Status to OK" flag for each InfoCube where this issue will occur. Identify the list of cubes as follows:


Tablename: RSDCUBE

Filters:OBJVERS = 'A', CUBETYPE='B', AUTOQUALOKFL=initial values.

For every cube in the list ,do the following.

T/C RSA1 and select "InfoProvider"

Search for the cube and Select "Manage"

From the Main Menu, Select "Environment" and "Automatic Request Processing"

Check "Set Quality Status to OK (Confirm Quality of Data)" and select "Save"

When prompted to Write a transport request, select "No"

Once all the changes were applied, generate the SE 16 list again and ensure no cubes are returned.

BEx Exit variable project components deleted

T/C CMOD, the custom "Component" does not exist after the upgrade. Error "no component exists" is displayed.

The custom abap code is not lost however.

T/C: MOD. Provide the componennt name andselect Deactivate on the toolbar

Check Enhancements and select change

Select the current enhancements and select Delete Row on the toolbar and select Save

Add the enhancement (RSR00001) and select Components

When prompted, select Save.

In the list of Components, select Activate

**Note. ENhancementRSR00003 is not required - only enhancement RSR00001 and the related componentneed to be created.

Inactive local chains cause process chains to fail

RCA unknown.

Local chains embedded in other chains fail if the local chain is inactive.

Only a very small percentage of chains are "inactive" after the upgrade.

The chains that are inactive are not consistent between clients i.e. not the same chains in development and QA.

Identify process chains to be re-activated. Re-activate the chain in each environment (the re-activated chains are therefore not transported)

Identify the chains as follows: T/C: SE16->RSPCCHAINATTR



No authorization to maintain routines (Startroutines and transformation routines)

Changed after the upgrade

The following is required for Auth. S_DEVELOP:

Activity: 02


Object name: GP123

Object type: PROG

Authorization group:$BWROUT _GROUP

Locks on temporary table RSDD_TMPNM_ADM not deleted

Caused by a program error.

Implement note: 1669796 - RSDD_TMPNM_ADM:Lock conflict that cannot be removed in BW7.3

BW Stats loads fail with error 'Characteristic value'20120321143760' of characteristic 0TCTTIMSTMP is not TIMES-converted'

Caused by a change in the BW 7.3

Apply manual changes to the update rules as per Note: 1713932

Goto RSA1. Navigate to infoprovider 0TCT_C22 and double click on the transfer rulesfor datasource 0TCT_DS22

Change to edit mode

Choose the field 0TCTTIMSTMP in the transfer rules and click on assignment button andselect the radio button 'Routine' and click on 'Create' button.

Enter the transfer routine name as 'Long timestamp -> short timestamp'.

Select the field '0TCTSTRTTST' and enter.


Save the routine.

Do this for each BW Stats update rule activated in the system that fails after the upgrade.

Auth. error when running a WebI report "No RFCauthorization for function module "BAPI_IOBJ_GETDETAIL"

Caused by a change in the BW 7.3

Add the following RFC authorizations to user/developer security roles:

execute access (Activity 16) for RFC = RSBAPI_IOBJ (Type = FUGR)

execute access (Activity 16) for RFC = BAPI_IOBJ_GETDETAIL (type FUNC)

execute access (Activity 16) for RFC = BDL5 (Type = FUGR)

execute access (Activity 16) for RFC = BDL_GET_CENTRAL_TIMESTAMP (Type FUNC)

execute access (Activity 16) for RFC = RSBAPI_IOBJ (Type = FUGR)

execute access(Activity 16) for RFC = BAPI_IOBJ_GETDETAIL (Type = FUGR)

0GLACCEXT hierarchy data load failswith the following error:

'00000610098 A' of characteristic 0GLACCEXT is not ACCEX-converted

Caused by a change in the BW 7.3

Change the transfer rule from iDoc to PSA

Delete the modified version of the Hierarchy

Reload the data

The roll-up for InfoCube has terminated.

Caused by a program error in Note 1663614 - P29:BATCH:RSBATCH_CHECK_PROCESS:Yellow too long; Hold Procs which is part of BW7.3 SP 07.

Problem solution - implement SAP Note: 1708027 -P29:BATCH:Rolling up aggregates terminates with RSDD353.

Error during assignment of RequestODSR_4SY8GZ4IU9G1DU6672D4RC2TU to Partition

The value of field 'PARTNO' in PSA definition table 'RSTSODS' for PSA/Changelog table does not match with the value of thehighest partition of the corresponding PSA/Changelog table.

Implement SAP Note 1762200

Execute RS_PSA_PART_HIGH_VALUE_CHECK in repair mode

When performing an F4 (lookup) on Plant in BEx Analyser, the following error is displayed:

Could not generate the data object; the type does not exist

An exception with the type CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERRORoccurred

Brain 670

Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method :UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION

Program error

Implement OSS Note: 1679791

Metadata repository graphical display not available

Program error

Complete solution is outstanding.

Implement OSS note: 1706675???

This note was implemented but did not resolve the issues, and also produce new errors. Need a more extensive analysis, correction and test.

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