bible 410 abrahamic covenant chart

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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James Bowers Bible 410 B07

Abrahamic Covenant Chart

The covenant that God made with Abraham covers, in effect, three things: Land, descendants and blessing. We read in

Genesis 12:1-3, “The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the

land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a

blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through

you. This is a theme that God reiterates to Abraham all through the course of Genesis, adding details and establishing the

same promise with Abraham’s son Isaac, and grandson Jacob. The following pages detail the process by which this covenant


Instructions for reading my chart are as follows. The Abrahamic Covenant Chart displays the references that I feel look at

the Abrahamic Covenant found in Genesis. The Scriptural References are found in the far left column. This is followed by

who it is addressed to, the circumstances under which it was reiterated, the ingredients which compose the Covenant, such as

the land, seed, or blessing, the development in the Book of Genesis, and any change in the content or emphasis. I would ask

that you not take my word for it, but would sit down with your own Bible and see for yourself. God speaks to us all we just

need to stop and listen to His still sweet voice.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Genesis 12:1 Abraham God’s call for Abraham to move from Haran to Canaan.

Abraham moved from Haran to Canaan--land.

Started with a call from God to Abraham.

There is emphasis put on faith as God’s call to Abraham required faith.

Genesis 12:2 Abraham God’s call for Abraham to move by faith.

God’s promise of blessing and seed.

This is Abraham’s call. “I will bless thee.”

Genesis 12:3 Abraham Again, God’s call for Abram’s move of faith.

God’s promise of blessing.

It continues in the beginning stages of development from v. 1 and 2.

God’s emphasis on who will be blessed and who cursed. This indicates the promise of the Messiah. Abraham will become a great nation – and ALL families will be blessed.

Gen. 12:7 AbrahamGod appeared to Abraham to let him know that this was the land of Canaan.

God’s promise of land.

Abraham, along with Sarai, Lot, their possession and those who they acquired in Haran went to Canaan as told by God.

God revealed to Abraham the land that would be given to his descendants.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Gen. 12:17-20Pharaoh, then Pharaoh to Abraham

Was not reiterated, but development was important.

God’s promise of land, seed and blessing.

Abraham made a mistake by allowing Pharaoh access to his “sister”. God acted by plaguing Pharaoh so that Pharaoh understood the importance of letting Sarah and Abraham go.

The Covenant was in jeopardy and God acted towards Pharaoh to preserve the Covenant.

Gen. 13:14-17 Abraham

After Lot chose what he thought was best for him, he left Abraham. Afterwards, God repeated His promise to Abraham.

God’s promise of land – as far as Abraham could see; God’s promise of seed – as the dust of the earth which could not be numbered.

This occurs after Abraham returns from Egypt. He settles in the land of Canaan.

There is emphasis on the extent of the land, as well as the innumerable blessing of descendants.

Gen. 14:18-20 Abraham via Melchizedek

This occurs immediately following Abraham’s rescue of Lot. Melchizedek recognizes the “blessing” of God on Abram.

God’s promise of blessing.

Though Lot was captured, God protected Abraham and allowed him to prevail in restoring Lot to freedom.

The main emphasis here is on blessing.

Genesis 15:4-5

AbrahamAbraham was having a crisis of belief because he had no natural heir.

God’s promise of seed – as innumerable as the stars in heaven.

Abraham is fearful and impatient in waiting for an heir, finding it incredible that he would have a child of his own.

The emphasis here is for Abraham to be patient and trust in the Lord.

Gen. 15:7 Abraham Again, a crisis of faith for God’s promise God tells Abraham what The emphasis here



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Abraham, this time regarding the land. of land. He has done to make it


is that God is faithful to give Abraham the land.

Gen. 15: 17-21 Abraham The covenant was reiterated with more details of the extent of the blessing.

God’s promise of land and seed.

This is in response to Abraham’s question, “how will I know?” The Lord demonstrates through a dream and through the ceremony of splitting the carcasses for the Lord to pass through.

This emphasized the covenant between the Lord and Abraham in a memorable event.

Genesis 16: 9-10 Hagar Hagar had fled from Sarah when the Angel appears to reassure her. Though this will be Abraham’s descendent and they will be multiplied, her child was not meant for the Covenant promise.

God’s promise of seed, though not the promised seed yet.

Abraham and Hagar’s child will be blessed with many descendants, which would be expected from Abraham’s seed.

Though the seed will be blessed through Ishmael, Ishmael was not the seed promised though with the Covenant will pass.

Genesis 17:1-2 Abraham Thirteen years had passed since Ishmael was born. God speaks again to Abraham in order to reiterate His covenant with Abraham.

God’s promise of seed.

Abraham took Sarah’s advice to try to fulfill God’s promise with Hagar, producing Ishmael. God comes to Abraham to let him understand the promise.

God wasn’t finished with Abraham and His Covenant promise. Abraham’s plan was no good, so now God explains.

Genesis 17:4-6 Abraham Same as previous: Note: “I God’s promise Same as previous. Abram is now



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

have” and “I will”. of seed. However, there is a distinction here with “I have made you a father of many nations” and “I will make you exceedingly fruitful...”

Abraham. The covenant is still with Abraham and has not been passed onto Ishmael. Abraham is told that he will still be fruitful.

Genesis 17: 7-8 Abraham Same as previous. God explains that Abraham’s descendents (future) will receive the covenant.

God’s promise of seed and land.

Same as previous. Not only will God establish his covenant, but He will also be their God.

The emphasis here is on the establishment of the Covenant promise with his future descendents.

Genesis 17: 9-11 Abraham Same as previous. A new part of the Covenant is revealed.

God’s promise of entire Covenant: land, seed and blessing.

For the first time, God requires something besides faith from Abraham and all his descendants – circumcision.

God has given Abraham the Covenantal promise before, but now adds a requirement, all must be circumcised as a sign of the Covenant. This will set apart those who participate from those who don’t.

Genesis 17:15-16 Abraham Same as previous. Here God God’s promise This shifts the focus of The emphasis here



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

is clarifying that Sarai, now Sarah, will be the mother of Abraham’s descendents.

of seed. Abraham from Ishmael, his son through Hagar, to a promised son from Sarah.

is that God is clarifying for Abraham what it is He is going to do and who He will use to accomplish it, Sarah.

Genesis 17: 19 Abraham Same as previous. Abraham offers Ishmael as his son for the Covenant, but God says no.

God’s promise of seed.

Abraham objects and wants Ishmael to be the son of promise, but God clears up any ideas on this matter, giving Abraham his son’s name, Isaac.

Again, God is clarifying this for Abraham, he will have a son through Sarah, but now He tells Abraham his name will be Isaac.

Genesis 17:20-21 Abraham Same as previous. God is responding to Abraham’s suggestion that Ishmael receive the promise.

God’s promise of seed.

A reiteration to Abraham that Ishmael will be blessed but Isaac is son to receive the Covenant.

The emphasis here changes just from a broad promise to an actually specific time for Isaac to be born.

Genesis 18:10 Abraham The Lord and men (or angels) have appeared to Abraham in human form.

God’s promise of seed.

Sarah laughs at the idea that she will have a child at her age, since she is past the time of bearing children.

This conversation was not only for Abraham’s benefit, for the Lord knew that Sarah would be listening also.

Genesis 18:14 Abraham Same as previous. The Lord God’s promise Because Sarah laughed, Again, the



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

knows that Sarah was listening and laughed.

of seed. the Lord is reiterating that she will have a son.

conversation was for Sarah’s benefit as much as Abraham’s.

Genesis 18: 17-19 Abraham Same as previous. After the events of the meal, Abraham walks for a while with his guests. The Lord queries and reasons whether or not to tell Abraham what is about to occur in Sodom and Gomorrah; because of the promise, He does.

God’s promise of seed and blessing. Note, the blessing here is extended beyond Israel, which was done many years later through the Messiah.

Sodom and Gomorrah are about to be judged and it is here that the Lord decides to inform Abraham of the cities’ impending doom. Lot and his family are there. This conversation speaks to the special and intimate relationship that Abraham has with God.

What is said in vs. 18 indicates the promise of the Messiah. Abraham will become a great nation – and ALL the nations shall be blessed in him. This is fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

Genesis 21:12-13 Abraham Sarah desires for Ishmael and Hagar to leave. The Lord tells Abraham to let them go because the promise is with Isaac.

God’s promise of seed.Abraham’s seed is blessed for both Isaac and Ishmael as nations, but Isaac is the “called” seed.

Sarah does not want Ishmael and Hagar to remain. Abraham is grieved but the Lord tells him to let them go. The blessing is with Isaac, however, Ishmael is also blessed.

It is time for Ishmael and Hagar to separate from Abraham, Sarah and Isaac. The emphasis here is Isaac as the “called” one, not Ishmael. Ishmael



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

is blessed as a nation.

Genesis 21:22-24 Abimelech and Phichol to Abraham

Abimelech is desirous of Abraham living in peace with them because he knows that Abraham has a God that is blessing everything he does.

God’s promise of blessing.

Abraham was apparently still living in the region of Gerar. It is unknown whether or not there we issues between Abraham and Abimelech, but Abimelech here comes with Phichol, his commander of the army, to work out a peace treaty of sorts.

This is a reaffirmation of the blessing on Abraham, affirmed by someone other than God. The emphasis is that Abraham is blessing in all that he does.

Genesis 22: 15-18 Abraham This conversation occurs when Abraham takes Isaac obediently to be sacrificed as required by the Lord. As Abraham lifted his hand to sacrifice Isaac, he was stopped by the Lord and sacrificed a ram instead. This conversation takes place following that sacrifice.

God’s promise of the seed, blessing and land.

Abraham was being tested by God. No better test would there be than to see if Abraham would be obedient enough to sacrifice his only son and the son of the promise! But Abraham was obedient right up to the moment of killing Isaac. This sheds light on the character of Abraham.

The Messianic prophecy here is clear, all nations shall be blessed, not just the Covenant promised nation and it will be accomplished through God’s son, His only Son, just as Isaac was Abraham’s only son.

Genesis 24: 6-8 The oldest Abraham does not wish for God’s promise Isaac needed a wife and The emphasis here



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

servant, possibly Eliezer, by Abraham.

Isaac to marry a woman from Canaan, but wishes for him to marry from Abraham’s father’s house. So, Abraham is sending his servant to acquire a wife for Isaac.

of seed and land. Abraham was seeing to it that he got an acceptable one. He relates to the servant that God spoke to him and that God said that He would give the land to Abraham’s descendents.

is twofold: first, Abraham didn’t want Isaac to choose from the local women, but to have a wife from his family. Second, Isaac was not to go back into the land that God had called Abraham from. The land they were to possess was where they were to stay.

Genesis 24: 59-60 Rebekah, by her family.

Because of a previous conversation between Rebekah’s family and the servant, the family came to an understanding that Abraham was blessed and Isaac was the son of the promise.

God’s promise of seed and land.

This is the blessing that Rebekah’s family gives to her as she goes to be the wife of Isaac. They must have had knowledge of the Covenant because the blessing follows this line of thinking.

Rebekah’s family recognizes God’s hand in choosing a wife for Isaac. The family here echoes what was earlier was said to Abraham in Gen. 17:16.

Genesis 25: 23 Rebekah Rebekah had been barren, Isaac prayed, she conceived and the babies struggled within her. This brought on

God’s promise of seed.

Isaac’s seed and firstborn should be next to receive the Covenant promise. However, there

It is emphasized that the older will serve the younger. This sets up



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

her prayer to God and His answer.

are twins (which will be nations) and Rebekah is told that the older shall serve the younger.

favoritism for the younger from Rebekah, though the elder is favored by Jacob.

Genesis 26:2-5 Isaac There was another famine and Isaac went to Abimelech in Gerar as Abraham had.

God’s promise of seed, land, and blessing.

Once again, as Abraham did, Isaac goes to Abimelech during a time of famine. Though it may not be the same Abimelech (perhaps a title), the situation is much the same.

God reiterates the promise given to Abraham, to his son, Isaac. Although Isaac received the blessing of the Covenant promise after Abraham’s death (25.11), this is the first occasion for God to speak to Isaac directly about His promise.

Genesis 26:24 Isaac Because of the God’s blessing on Isaac, Abimelech sent him away because Isaac was becoming mightier than he.

God’s promise of seed and blessing.

Isaac had followed in Abraham’s footsteps with Abimelech by telling him that his wife was his sister. They are driven away, but God tells him here to not fear.

This is similar to Abraham’s dealings with Abimelech. Isaac leaves as asked and seeks to find water. The Lord speaks to Isaac right before



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Abimelech comes after him, seeking peace.

Genesis 26:28-29 Isaac, by Abimelech, Ahuzzath, and Phichol

After sending Isaac away, Abimelech reasons that he should go after him in order to make peace with him. Isaac is becoming mightier than he; therefore, he wants to make peace with him.

God’s promise of blessing.

Abimelech has become wise enough to realize that God has blessed Isaac and that Isaac would make a formidable foe should he not make peace.

The emphasis here is not that Isaac will be blessed, but that “you are now” blessed. Abimelech recognized this and was taking action to safeguard his own nation.

Genesis 27: 27-29 Jacob, by Isaac Isaac is old and blind and desires to give his blessing to Esau. However, he is deceived by Jacob and Jacob instead receives the blessing.

God’s promise of land and blessing. The promise of seed is implied.

Jacob, as Rebekah’s favorite, was foretold by God to be the one to receive the blessing – “the elder shall serve the younger” (25:23). Just as foretold the events of deceit play out for Isaac to settle his blessing on Jacob.

This is the first blessing of Isaac given to Jacob. However, Isaac is unaware that he is giving his blessing to Jacob, thinking that he is giving his blessing to Esau.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Genesis 28:1-4 Jacob, by Isaac Again, Isaac blesses Jacob, this time knowing who he is. This is similar to the occasion when Abraham sent his old servant to secure a wife for Isaac from his family. Because of Esau’s hatred for Jacob and the need for a wife, Isaac and Rebekah sent Jacob to her brother to seek a wife.

God’s promise of blessing, seed and land.

Abraham did not allow Isaac to go out of the land to look for a wife, but Isaac thought it best to send Jacob directly since his deceit with Esau had kindled Esau’s anger.

This is the second blessing of Isaac given to Jacob, with much more detail than the initial blessing. Jacob is being sent away, but the idea here is that he will return to inherit the land of his grandfather, Abraham.

Genesis 28: 13-15 Jacob Jacob was on his way to Haran when he stopped for the night to sleep. He has a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven and angels ascending and descending from it. The Lord, from above speaks to him.

God’s promise of land, seed and blessing.

Jacob has fled from Esau’s wrath and is on his way to choose a bride. In so doing, he must leave the land of the promise. God tells him that He is with him and will bring him back to the land of promise.

This is the first time that God has spoken directly to Jacob. God lets Jacob know that he will be the one to carry on the Covenantal promise. Jacob is to leave for a time, but God will be with him to return to the land of the promise.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Genesis 32: 10-12 God, by Jacob Jacob is praying for God’s provision as he goes up to meet Esau. He is in fear for his life and the lives of his family.

God’s promise of seed and blessing.

Jacob is returning from Laban when he sends word to Esau that he is returning home. Jacob is fearful, but wants to make it right with Esau.

Jacob is crying out to God to save him from the hand of Esau. He is afraid. He feels it necessary to remind God that He has promised him good treatment (blessing) and descendants which cannot be numbered.

Genesis 32: 26-29 This is a discussion between Jacob and a “Man”, Who may be Jesus or an Angel.

Jacob had sent everyone ahead. This struggle of Jacob’s becomes a wrestling match between him and the Lord.

God’s promise of blessing.

Jacob has struggled his entire life and now he struggles with the Lord. It is not that the Lord couldn’t win, but it was a test for determination on the part of Jacob, with a generous dose of mercy on God’s part.

During the struggle, Jacob is adamant that he will not let go until he is blessed. This is the point where Jacob’s name is changed by God to Israel. He holds onto his struggle – prevails, not wins – and in return Israel receives the blessing of God.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Genesis 35: 11-12 Jacob/Israel The events that occurred after the rape of Dinah are worrisome for Jacob. God instructs Jacob to go to Bethel.

God’s promise of seed and land.

Jacob travels back to Bethel after having his entire family and their servants get rid of all gods and idols, which would include the teraphim that Rachel stole from Laban (31:19).

Jacob’s name has been changed to Israel and this is reiterated. The great “I Am” instructs Israel to be fruitful and multiply – nations and kings will come from his own body.

Genesis 45:5-7 Joseph is speaking to his brothers

Jacob’s son, Joseph, had been sold into slavery by his brothers. After much hardship, Joseph rose in power in Egypt with the power to save his family from famine.

God’s promise of blessing.

Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons. Joseph, being his favorite, was sold into slavery by his brothers to Egypt. Because Joseph could interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, he was given a position of high power in Egypt. This would put Joseph in a position to save his family when famine struck the land.

Although “blessing” is not used here, Joseph is telling his brothers that if they hadn’t sold him into slavery then he wouldn’t be in a position to save them now. Israel’s family must be saved in order for the Covenantal promise to come to pass.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Genesis 46: 3-4 Jacob God is reassuring Jacob that going to Egypt is the right thing to do. He tells him not to fear, that he will be a great nation and will return to the land of blessing.

God’s promise of seed. Reassurance of returning to the land, also. Blessing is implied as God will go with them.

Jacob was en route to Egypt when he stopped in Beersheba to sacrifice to God. Apparently he feared this move, but God sought to allay his fears.

They obviously will be in Egypt for a long time, as they will be made a great nation while there. Note the foretelling that Jacob will be with Joseph upon his death.

Genesis 48: 3-4 Joseph, by Jacob

Jacob is recalling his experiences with God and the promises that God has made to his family.

God’s promise of seed, land and blessing.

Jacob is sick and is drawing near death and Joseph has come to him with his two sons to receive Jacob’s blessing.

The covenant is reiterated here for Joseph.

Genesis 48: 15-16 Joseph, by Jacob

Joseph is receiving Jacob’s blessing.

God’s promise of seed.

Jacob now has a mature faith that he lacked earlier in life and in his blessing, reaffirms his great faith in God.

Jacob is nearing the end of his life and is about the struggle no more. However, he has grown over the years to have a mature faith in the living God. He desires such a blessing to be passed on to Joseph and his sons.



to:Circumstance(s) Under Which it was Reiterated

“Ingredients” Which

Compose the Covenant

Development in the Book of Genesis

Any Change in Content or Emphasis

Genesis 48:20 Ephraim and Manasseh, by Jacob

Manasseh and Ephraim are brought to Jacob for blessing. Manasseh is the eldest. Joseph tries to no avail to correct the situation – Jacob knows what he is doing.

God’s promise of blessing.

Jacob intentionally blesses Ephraim, the youngest over Manasseh, the eldest.

This is another example of when the youngest receives the blessing over the eldest. Jacob took it by deceit but now gives his blessing that way to Joseph’s children.

Genesis 50: 24 Joseph to his brothers

Joseph is on his deathbed and asks that his brothers will see to it that he is buried in the land of promise.

God’s promise of land.

Joseph knew that God would take them back to their land and wanted assurance that he wouldn’t be left behind.

This brings Genesis to an end, reaffirming that God’s Covenant will be fulfilled – as He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.


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