bible month magazine: supplementary web viewwe hold out our hands and open our hearts for more; for...

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Bible Month Magazine: Supplementary Material

Week One: Doers of the Word (James 1)

Prayers from Adult & All Age

The following prayers are from ROOTs (issue 61, Sep/Oct 2012),

Call to worship

Come, let us gather before God in gratitude.

We will worship God in word and in deed!

Gathering prayer

Gracious God,

we gather,

grateful for your gifts of one another

and your life-giving Word.

bless us with your presence as we seek your will.


A prayer of approach

We come before you, Lord,

in gratitude for your goodness to us;

and as we thank you for all your gifts,

we hold out our hands and open our hearts for more;

for we want your Word to be implanted within us, Lord,

so that it may flourish, and direct us,

and produce a harvest of good in your world.


A prayer of thanksgiving

Lord, we thank you for all your many gifts.

And we thank you for those who have gratitude with attitude;

those people who, in thankfulness for what they have received,

hold as the deepest desire of their hearts

the wish to give something back.

So for all those in our community who hear your Word,

and act upon it,

we thank you; and we pray that we may do likewise.


A personal prayer

Lord, help me to be not just a hearer, but a doer.

Anybody can listen, but it takes faith and courage to act.

So bless me, Lord, with the conviction of what I hear,

so that I may turn your words of life

into acts of living goodness.


A prayer for all ages together

Gratitude with attitude!

is what we pray today.

Gratitude with attitude!

will help us all the way.

Gratitude with attitude!

is the way God wants us to live.

Gratitude with attitude!

Receive and then give!Amen.

A prayer for a thankful heart

Lord, we live in such a cynical world.

Its cool to feign disinterest,

to smirk rather than to smile.

We take so much for granted,

as if the world owes us a living.

Forgive us, Lord, and grant us a thankful heart;

a heart which greets each day with gratitude,

and seeks to give rather than take.


A sending out prayer

Lord, you have placed your Word in our hearts.

Help us to be doers of your Word, not merely hearers,

so that you may work through us,

to make the world a better place.


Prayers from Children & Young People

The following prayers are from ROOTs (issue 61, Sep/Oct 2012),

A prayer of thanks

For all the gifts of every day,

the blessings that you send our way,

we thank you, God.

For trees and plants, for mountains high,

for all that lives below sea and sky,

we thank you, God.

For homes and food, for life and

health, your concern for our poverty,

the challenge of wealth,

we thank you, God.

For our bodies, faces, hands and feet,

for families to love and friends to meet,

we thank you, God.

For every gift of life and love,

given to us from God above,we thank you, God.Amen.

A sending out prayer

Gracious Father,

we thank you for all your giftsand we celebrate your generosity.


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