bible point the old testament tells about god’s...

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123Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4

Praise Jesus!

Bible Point

Bible Verse“For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure” (Deuteronomy 7:6).

Growing Closer to JesusStudents will n learn that God chose the people of Israel, n discover what it means to belong to someone or to a special group, n learn about the promises God’s people made to God, and n learn how to be part of God’s family.

Teacher EnrichmentBible Basisn Paul recounts the history of God’s people, Israel.

In today’s passage, the Apostle Paul gives a speech in the Jewish synagogue in Pisidian Antioch. He begins by briefly retelling what all good Hebrew people already know: that God had worked faithfully through the people of Israel throughout the time of the Old Testament. In the text immediately following today’s passage, Paul points out what most Hebrew people didn’t want to hear: how all of the stories of Israel in the Old Testament culminated in the coming of Jesus as Israel’s Savior. Stephen presents a longer retelling of the Old Testament in Acts 7, and ends with the same point.

Indeed, the Old Testament focuses on the people of Israel and how God chose them from all the peoples of the earth to be his special people. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God at work in and through his people. And the great thing about the Old Testament is that it isn’t just meaningless history to Christians—it’s the background of our faith, the foundation upon which the New Testament was built, giving us the wonderful message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Other Scriptures used in this lesson are Genesis 17:1-9; 18:17-19; 28:10-22; Exodus 6:1-13; Joshua 1:1-9; Judges 2:16-18; 1 Samuel 8:1-10; 9:14-17; 15:10-11; 16:1-13; Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9; and John 1:12.

Prayer• Read Acts 7:2-53.• Why do you think God chose and stuck with the Hebrew people throughout the Old Testament?• Pray: Dear God, help me to have a better appreciation of the Old Testament, and to pass that appreciation along to

my students.

The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel.

Acts 13:16-23

Paul Recounts the History of God’s People, Israel • Lesson 11

Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4124

Lesson 11

What Students Will Do Classroom Supplies Learning Lab Supplies

Attention Grabber

Move It!—Suddenly move to a new location.

Bible Exploration &


Join Up—Decide what members of their clubs must do, and read various Scriptures about the people of Israel.


Let’s Make a Deal—Make a deal for a snack, and read Genesis 17:1-9; 28:10-22.

Bibles, snack

Bobbing Up—Try to keep a cork under water, and read Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9.

Bibles, bucket or bowl, water

Closing God’s Family—Read Deuteronomy 7:6 and John 1:12 to learn how to become children of God.


Before the Lessonn Collect the necessary items for the activities you plan to use, referring to the Classroom Supplies and Learning Lab

Supplies listed on the chart.n Make photocopies of the “Hands-On Fun at Home” handout (at the end of this lesson) to send home with your

students.n Pray for your students and for God’s direction as you teach the lesson.

This Lesson at a Glance


125Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4

Paul Recounts the History of God’s People, Israel

WelcomeAs kids arrive, ask them how they applied last week’s lesson

to their lives. Ask questions such as, “How did you use your new knowledge of the Bible?” and “How difficult was it to stick with your commitment of when and where to read the Bible for five minutes every day?”

Remind kids that whenever you say “B-I-B-L-E” as you click the bug clicker, they are to stop talking, clap twice, and focus on you. Explain that it’s important to respond to this signal quickly so the class can do as many fun activities as possible.

Attention Grabbern Move It!SUPPLIES: none

Before class, arrange for an alternate meeting place for your class. You might meet outdoors or in a different room. Your class will be “moving” during this activity.

When all kids have arrived, say: Oh no, look at the time! We have to move! Everybody pretend to pick up the things we need, and let’s go!

When kids begin to question why they have to move, say: Don’t you trust me? I’m your teacher. Hurry! Let’s go!

Hurry kids to the new location. When you arrive, quickly get settled and gather the kids together by saying “B-I-B-L-E” and clicking the bug clicker as you say each letter. Then ask:

• What thoughts went through your head when I suddenly announced that we had to move? (I was confused; I didn’t understand why we had to move; I felt surprised and a little unsure about what was going on; I was excited because you always have something fun planned.)

• Did you think you could trust me? Why or why not? (I thought we could trust you, but I still felt strange; I felt OK because I know you.)

• How are your feelings similar to the way people in the Bible might have felt when they were asked to trust God and do something they didn’t understand? (They probably felt confused even though God told them to do it; they may have wondered what was going on; they were probably used to trusting God, like we’re used to trusting you.)

Say: Just as you were surprised today when I suddenly asked you to move, people in the Bible were often surprised when God asked them to do certain things. The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel, and the things God asked them to do.

It’s important to say the Bible Point just as it’s written in each activity. Repeating the Bible Point over and over throughout the lesson will help kids remember it and apply it to their lives.

Be sure to take all Learning Lab items and other supplies you need for today’s lesson. If you’re meeting outdoors, put the Learning Lab items you need in a large paper bag so they won’t distract kids during the lesson. Leave a note in the room so kids who arrive late will know where you are. Make sure you have adults to escort children to your meeting area.

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Lesson 11

Bible Exploration & Applicationn Join UpSUPPLIES: Bibles

Before class, blow up the inflatable crayon. Have kids form groups of no more than four. Give each group one or more of the following gizmos: rainbow spring, Wikki Stix, linking hearts and stars, fishnet, mystery masks, and foam star. Ask several volunteers to help you demonstrate this activity. Have each volunteer place one hand on the inflatable crayon.

Say: Pretend each of your groups is a club. Using the Learning Lab items I’ve given you, make up some rules for your club so we’ll know your club is different from the other clubs. For example, in my club, we have to sign our names with the inflatable crayon. Lead the volunteers in wiggling the crayon as if they were writing.

Give groups several minutes to come up with one or more distinctive characteristics for their clubs. For example, kids might want to sit under the fishnet to talk or charge two of the linking hearts and stars for admission to club meetings. Kids could also come up with a special club cheer or handshake.

After several minutes, call the groups together by saying “B-I-B-L-E” and clicking the bug clicker as you say each letter. Wait for kids to respond, and then have clubs demonstrate what makes them different or special. Collect the Learning Lab items, and place them out of sight.

Have clubs discuss the following questions. Pause after each question to allow time for kids to discuss it.

Ask: • What was it like being part of a club? (I felt silly because we walked funny; it was fun because we got to do things no one else could do.)

• Does anyone belong to another club outside of this class? What does the club do? (I’m a Girl Scout, and we get to go to camp and sell cookies; I’m in choir at school, and sometimes we sing for assemblies.)

• What does it mean to belong to a club? (You do something together with other people in the club; sometimes you wear a special uniform.)

• How is belonging to a club like belonging to a group of God’s people? (Clubs have rules for their members, and God has rules for his people; sometimes God’s people do things together.)

After you’ve asked all the questions, call for kids’ attention by saying “B-I-B-L-E” and clicking the bug clicker as you say each letter. Wait for kids to respond. Then invite kids to share insights they gained from their discussions.

Say: The family of God is an important group to belong to. The book of Genesis tells us about Abraham’s role in God’s special family.

Distribute Bibles, and help kids find Genesis 18:17-19. When all kids have found the passage, ask a volunteer to read it aloud.

Ask: • Why did God choose Abraham and his children and descendants? (Because God knew Abraham believed in him; God wanted to make sure people would follow his rules.)

If you’re meeting outside, encourage kids to find objects from nature and use them in addition to the gizmos to distinguish their clubs.

If you have more than five clubs, assign the same passage to more than one club. Or have clubs work together on passages.

Kids may feel a little shy about teaching others about their leaders. Encourage them to use their Bibles, and offer your help as necessary.

127Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4

Paul Recounts the History of God’s People, Israel

• What did God promise to do for Abraham? (God promised to make Abraham’s children into a great and powerful nation; God promised to bless everyone on earth through Abraham’s children.)

Say: A few weeks ago, we learned that Abraham trusted God, even though he didn’t understand at first. Because Abraham trusted God, God chose Abraham and his descendants to be his special people. Abraham’s descendants became known as the people of Israel. The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel.

God did lots of good things for Israel. The Apostle Paul, a New Testament writer, was one of the people of Israel. Paul knew about many of the things God did for Israel in Old Testament times because he read about them in the Bible. Paul probably enjoyed remembering all that God had done for his people. Let’s read about some of the things Paul remembered.

Help students look up Acts 13:16-23. After everyone has found the passage, ask several volunteers to take turns reading the verses aloud. Have other students follow along in their Bibles.

After you’ve read the passage, have students return to their clubs. Assign each club one or more of the following passages:

The Exodus—Exodus 6:1-13Taking the Land—Joshua 1:1-9Judges—Judges 2:16-18Saul’s Kingship—1 Samuel 8:1-10; 9:14-17David’s Kingship—1 Samuel 15:10-11; 16:1-13Say: God provided many great leaders for Israel over the years. I’ve

given each club some verses that tell about a leader. As you read about your leader, think about why God chose that person to lead Israel. Make sure everyone in your group understands what happened to your leader and why God might have chosen that person.

Give clubs five or six minutes to read their passages and think of reasons that God chose the leaders. Then call kids back together by saying “B-I-B-L-E” and clicking the bug clicker as you say each letter. Wait for kids to respond, and then say: Now I want you to form new groups. Pretend you’re the leader that your group just read about and form a group with one of each of the other leaders. Each new group should have at least one representative who studied Moses, Joshua, the judges, Saul, and David. Have kids share what they’ve learned about their leaders with their new groups. After several minutes, call for kids’ attention by saying “B-I-B-L-E” and clicking the bug clicker as you say each letter. Wait for kids to respond, and then ask all groups:

• Which one of these leaders would you choose to lead your club? Why? (I’d choose David because he was the last one picked; I’d choose Joshua because he was brave; I’d choose Moses because he was a famous leader.)

Say: The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel. God gave Israel leaders to help the people follow him. Sometimes the people of Israel didn’t listen to the leaders, and they forgot about following God. But even when the people were unfaithful, God still loved them.

Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4128

Lesson 11

n Let’s Make a DealSUPPLIES: Bibles, snack

Hold up the snack you brought, and say: I promise to give each of you part of this snack. But you have to think of something to do for me in return.

Have kids think of something special to do to get their snacks. Encourage each person to do something different. If kids have trouble thinking of things to do, suggest favors like carrying the Learning Lab items back to your classroom, praying before the snack, helping serve the snack, or cleaning up the mess from the snack. Distribute the snacks. As kids are eating, have them discuss the following questions with partners.

Ask: • Did you think it was fair to ask you to do something for me in order to get your snack? Explain. (Yes, I thought it seemed like a fair deal; I thought it was strange because we’ve never had to do anything to get a snack before; no, I couldn’t think of anything to do.)

• Do you think it would be fair for God to ask people to do things for him in order for God to keep his promises to them? Why or why not? (No, if God makes a promise he should just keep it; yes, God wouldn’t ask them to do something that was wrong or bad.)

After a few minutes, call for kids’ attention by saying “B-I-B-L-E” and clicking the bug clicker as you say each letter. Wait for kids to respond, and then say: Let’s look at some of the promises between God and God’s people, Israel.

Distribute Bibles, and have partners look up Genesis 17:1-9. Encourage partners to take turns reading the verses aloud. After kids have read the passage, have them discuss the following questions with their partners.

Ask: • What did God promise to do for Abraham? (God promised to give Abraham many descendants who would become many nations and even kings; God promised to give Abraham’s descendants the land of Canaan; God gave him a new name; God promised to be Abraham’s God.)

• What did Abraham have to promise God? (Abraham promised to obey God and do what is right; Abraham had to trust God to keep his promise.)

• Do you think the agreement between God and Abraham was fair? Why or why not? (Yes, God could have asked Abraham to do much more; no, it might be hard for Abraham to obey God all the time.)

Say: By making an agreement with God, Abraham chose to become one of God’s people. God and Abraham also agreed that all of Abraham’s descendants would follow this agreement. Abraham’s descendants were called the people of Israel. Let’s look at another agreement between God and one of Abraham’s descendants named Jacob.

Have kids turn to Genesis 28:10-22 in their Bibles and read the passage with their partners. After several minutes, ask partners the following questions, one at a time.

• What did God promise Jacob? (God promised him the land; God promised Jacob many descendants; God promised to be with Jacob and protect him; God promised never to leave Jacob until God kept his promise.)

• What promise did Jacob make to God? (Jacob promised that God would be his God; he promised to give God one-tenth of all God gave him.)

• What do you think of the promises God and Jacob made to each other? (They seem like good promises since God and Jacob each had to do something and got something in return; it might be hard for Jacob to give one-tenth back to God.)

If you’re meeting outside, encourage kids to come up with more creative promises, such as standing on their heads, running to a certain place and back within a specified amount of time, or picking up one or two pieces of trash in the churchyard.

129Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4

Paul Recounts the History of God’s People, Israel

• How is the deal we made about the snack like what happened between God and Jacob? (In both deals, each person had to do something to get something; they’re a little alike, but God and Jacob got a better deal.)

Say: The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel. When God made agreements with his people in the Old Testament, God promised to do certain things. To show how thankful they were for the things God promised them, the people often promised to do something for God in return. Both God and the people gained from the agreements they made with each other.

n Bobbing UpSUPPLIES: Bibles, bucket or bowl, water

Before class, fill a bucket or bowl with enough water to completely submerge the large cork.

Put the large cork in the water. Let kids try to submerge the cork. It will keep popping back up.

Say: We’re going to read a passage from the Bible now. See if anything in this passage reminds you of the cork popping up from the water. Place the water and the cork out of reach. Help kids look up Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9. When everyone has found the passage, read it aloud while they follow along. Then ask:

• Why did God forgive the people of Israel, even when they turned away from him? (God loved them; God wanted to teach them; he felt sorry for them.)

• What happened to the cork when we tried to push it under the water? (It popped up again; it came back to us; it never really went away.)

• How is the cork that keeps popping out of the water like God’s love for the people of Israel? (God kept loving them, even when they tried to push him away; God’s love kept coming back.)

• Have you ever tried to push God out of your life? What happened? (Sometimes I’d rather watch television than go to church, but I always feel bad if I stay home; every time I try to push God away, my parents remind me of something good God has done for me.)

Say: The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel. The people of Israel knew God would keep coming back into their lives. Israel was God’s chosen people, and the people knew they couldn’t push God away. God pops into our lives, too. God wants each one of us to be part of his family, and God keeps bouncing right back to us.

HANDS-ON BIBLEGive each student a 3x5 card and a ball of yarn. Make a few pairs

of scissors available, plus glue and googley eyes. Make sure kids have their Hands-On Bibles.

Have students turn to Hosea 11 in their Bibles and complete the “God’s Children” activity found there. When kids have finished, have them show off their child-of-God dolls. Encourage kids to take their dolls home and use them to tell others how to become children of God!

Bible InsightThe Hebrew word for “covenant” is berît, and its etymology is unclear. It may be derived from the Hebrew word bara, meaning “eat bread with”; the Akkadian word biritu, or “fetter”; or the Akkadian preposition birit, meaning “between.”

Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4130

Lesson 11

Closingn God’s FamilySUPPLIES: Bibles

Help kids look up Deuteronomy 7:6, “For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure.” Ask for a volunteer to read the verse aloud while everyone else follows along in his or her Bible.

Say: This verse was originally spoken about the people of Israel. The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel. Let’s take a look at another Bible verse to see who else can become God’s people, his own special treasure.

Help kids find John 1:12. Read the verse aloud while kids follow along in their Bibles. Then ask:

• How does the Bible say we can become children of God? (We can believe in Jesus; we can accept Jesus.)

Say: Because of Jesus, and by believing in him, we, too, can become part of God’s family. We can become God’s chosen people, his own special treasure.

• What does it mean to you to be a child of God? (It means that God loves me; it means that I have the best Father ever; it makes me happy; I know that I’m safe and cared for; I’m glad I’m part of God’s family.)

Say: God loves us and wants us to be part of his family.Have kids stand in a circle and close their eyes for prayer. Say: Let’s thank

God for giving us the Old Testament, which tells about his people, Israel. And let’s thank God, too, for wanting to make us part of his family. I’ll start the prayer. You may join in whenever there’s a pause, or you may pray silently. I’ll finish the prayer.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the Bible. Thank you for giving us the Old Testament, which tells us about your people, Israel. We thank you, too, for sending Jesus, so that all who believe in him have the right to become children of God. Jesus, if there are any here today who have not yet accepted you, I pray they will open their hearts today, so that they may join the family of God. Pause for kids to offer their prayers, spoken or silent. After an appropriate time, close: In Jesus’ name, amen.

Close class with a group hug.

Growing closer to Jesus extends beyond the classroom.Photocopy the “Hands-On Fun at Home” handout (at the end of this lesson) for this week, and send it home with your kids. Encourage kids and parents to use the handout to spark meaningful discussion on this week’s topic.


“For you are a holy people, who belong to

the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has

chosen you to be his own special treasure” (Deuteronomy 7:6).

Lesson 11

The Old Testament tells about God’s people, Israel.

• Read Genesis 12:1-3.

What are some ways God has

blessed all people on earth?

• Read Exodus 15:2.

What does it mean to belong

to God? What responsibilities

do you have as one of God’s


• Read Deuteronomy 6:5.

How can you show you love

God with all your heart, soul,

and strength?

One night this week at

mealtime, ask each person

around the table to share one

good thing God has done for

your family. Commit to doing

something to thank God for

what he’s done for your family.

Fold a piece of construction paper in half the long

way. With white chalk or a thick marker, write your

name in cursive writing along the fold. Write as big

as you can, and make the bottom of each letter touch the fold. Cut around the

outside of the letters. Leave a little space around the

letters so they won’t be too skinny.

Glue your finished cutout to a different color paper,

ink or chalk side down. If you have the letter “i” in

your name, glue the dots on separately. Above your

name cutout, write, “God loves.” Post your artwork in

your bedroom. For even more fun, get your family to do the project with you.

Make a family display of everyone’s name for your living or family room.

Art Notes Fill out this coupon and give it to someone

you know as encouragement to follow God.

is on God’s team.

Permission to photocopy this handout from Group’s Hands-On Bible Curriculum®, Grades 3 & 4, granted for local church use. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc., 1515 Cascade Ave., Loveland, CO 80538.

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