bibliography - springer978-94-009-9786-8/1.pdfbibliography 251 30. krause, m., "stambuler...

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1. Abü 'I-Fida, Ismacil b. 'All, Al-mulilJtasarJi aMhiir al-hamar, Lithographic reproduction of Arabic lext in Sebool of Afriean and Orjeotal Studies, University of London, (from undated Calfo edition).

2. Bar Hebraeus, Ibn al-elbrl, Tarf1slJ. Mu1slJ.tasarfi a!s.!J.biir al-bamor, A. ~älihänT (ed.), Beirut 1890. 3. Brockelmann, C, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2nd Ed., Leiden 1943-9,2 vals; Supp!., Leiden

1937-1942,3 vols. For Banü Müsa see SuppL J, p. 856. 4. al-BtruilT, see Sachau. 5. Caussin, C, Le Livre de la Grande Tahle Hakemite, by lbn Yilnus, French translation, Paris 1804. 6. Carra de Vaux (1), "Le Livre des Appareils Pneumatiques et des Machines Hydrauliques paf Philon de

Byzance", Paris Academie des lnscriptions et Belles Lettres 38,1903, Pt. 1. 7. Idem (2), "Les Mecaniques ou J'Elevateur de Heron d'A1exandrie sur la Version Arabe de Qosta ibn

Lüqa", Journal Asiatique, 9' SeTie (1893), Tome I, pp. 386-472; Tarne JJ, pp. 152-269,420-514. 8. Chapuis, Alfred and Droz, Edmond, Automata, trans. Alcc Reid, NeuchateljLondon 1958. 9. Diels, H., "Über die von Prokop beschricbene Kunstuhr von Gaza", Abhandl. d. preuss Akad. Wiss.

Berlin, (PhiL-Hist. Klasse) 1917, No. 7. ID. Drachmann, A. G. (I), The Mechanieal Technology of Greek and Roman Antiquity.

CopenhagenjMadison/London 1963. Il. Idem (2), "Ktesibios, Philon and Heron; a study in Ancient Pneumatics", Acta Historica Scienticarum

Naturalium et Medicinalium, Ed. Biblioteca Universitatis Hauiensis, Copenhagen, 4 (1948), pp. 1-197. 12. Encylopaedia of Islam (E.!.), New cdition (in progress). 13. Ewbank, Thomas, Hydraulic and Other Machines, 16th Edition, New York 1876. 14. Frceman-Grenville, G. S. P., The ll1uslim and Christian Ca/endars, London 1963. 15. Gratlger, Frank, Vitruviuson Architecture, 2 vols. Loeb Classics, London and New York 1931 and 1934

(Latin Text and English Translation). 16. HajjI KDalIfa or Katib CelebI, Mu~~afa b. 'Abd Allah, published as Lexicon Bibliographicum el

Encyclopaedium, Arabic text and Latin translation and notes by Gustav Flügel, London 1850. 17. Hauser, E, "Über das Kitab al-I;Iiyal- das Werk über die sinnreichen Anordungen der Senli MUsa",

Abhandl. zur Gesch. der Nalurwissenschaften und der Medizin, Erlangen 1922, (see also under Wiedemann).

18. Hero of Alexandria (Is! Century A.D.l.,. see Oraehmann I and 2, Woodcroft. 19. Hill, Donald R. (1), The Book ofKnm-vledge 0.1 lngenious Mahanical Devices, An annotated translation

of al-JazarI's book on machines, D. Reidel, bordrecht/Boston 1974. 20. Idem (2), On the Construction ofWater-Clocks, An annotated translation from Arabic Mss. of the pseu­

Arehimedes treatise, Occasional Paper No. 4, Turner and Devereux, London 1976. 21. Idem (3), "Trebuchets", in ViafOr 4 (1973), University of California Press, Berkeley/London 1973. 22. Idem (4). 'A T~eatise on Machines' in Journal jol' the History oj Arahic Sc;ence Vol. I No. 1. Aleppo

1977, pp. 33-44. In this paper the treatise was attributed to Ibn Mu'adh but it is mare likely that its author was AlJmad b. Jalaf al-Murädf. (Private communication from Dr. Victoria Villuendas of the U niversity of Barcelona.)

23. Ibn Abi U!aybi'a, Uyun al-anbil, A. Müller (ed.), 2 vols., Cairo 1882. 24. Ibn Kbaldün, see Rosenthat. 25. Ibn Khallikan, Abmad b. Mul:tammad, Wajayiit al-A'rtin, Ihsan Abbas (ed.), Beirut, Vol. 5, undated. 26. Ibn al-Nadim, Abü 'l-Faraj Mu~ammad, Kitiih al-Fihrist, G. Flugel (ed.), 2 vols., Leipzig 1871 2,

reprinted Caira A.H. 1348. 27. Ibn al-QiftI, Jamal al-DIn Abu'I-I;Iasan, Kitab ikhhiir al-<ulamii' bi akhbtir al-ijukama" Cairo AH.

1326. 28. lbn YOnus, see Caussin. 29. AI-KhuwärizmI, Abu 'Abd Allah, Liba Maftitlh al-Olum, Arabic text edited by G. van Vloten with

critical apparatus in Latin, Leiden 1895.


Bibliography 251

30. Krause, M., "Stambuler Handschriften islamiseher Mathematiker", Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte de Mathematik, Astronomie, und Physik, Abt. B, iii (1936), pp. 437-532.

31. Mayr, Orto, The Origins of Feedback Control, MIT Press, 1970. 32. Needham, Joseph, in collaboration with Wang Ling, Science and Civilisatian in China. Vol. 4, Part II,

Mechanical Engineering, Carnbridge 1965. 33. Philo ofByzantium (e. 230 B.c.), see Carrade Vaux (I), Draehmann (I) and (2), Prager, Schmidt (I) and

(2). 34. Prager, F. D., Philo olByzantium -- Pneumatiea, Ludwig Reiehert, Wiesbaden 1974. (Unreliable in its

treatment ofthe Arabic Mss, especially the captions to the illustrations. Carra de Vaux -- see 6 above -is much superior.)

35. Price, Derek de So Ha (1), Gearsfrom the Greeks, Science History Publiealions, New York 1975. 36. Idem (2), "Automata in History", Symposium on Automata and Slmulated L!le as a Central Theme in the

Ristor}' of Science, University of California, Los Angeles 1963, pp. 9-23. 37. Ramelli, Agostino, Le Dü'erse el Artificiose Machines, Paris 1588, Facsimile edition by Gregg,

Farnborough, England, 1970, trans!. into English as The Various Ingenious Maehines of Agostino RamelIi, by Martha Teaeh Gnudi, The Seolar Press, London 1976.

38. RiQwan b. al-Sa<ati, see Wiedemann and Hauser (3). 39. Rosenthal, F., Muqaddimah by Ibn KJ]aldun, English translation, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 2nd Ed.,

London 1967. 40. Saehau, Edward, The Chronology of Ancien! Nations, by al-BlrunI, English translation, London 1879. 41. Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Sciellee, 5 vols., esp. Vol. 1, Baltimare 1927, p. 560. 42. Sehi~ler, Thorkild, Roman and Islamic Warer-hjting Wheeis, Odense University Press, 1973. 43. Semidt, W. (1), "Physikalisehes und Teehnisehes bei PhHon von Byzanz", in Bibliofhaa Mathematica 3,

Series II, 190 I. 44. Idem (2), "Aus der antiken Mechanik", in Neue lahrbucher Iür das klassisehe Altertum, 1904, pp.

329-351. 45. Sezgin, Fuad, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vo1s. 1- 5, Brill, Leiden 1967- 74, Especially Vol. 5

(1974), pp. 246-252, Vol. 8 (forthcoming) will dea1 with physics and meehanies. 46. Singer, C. (ed.), A History of'Technology, Vol. II, Oxford 1957. 47. Smith, Cyril Stanley (I), "The Early History ofeasting, MouIds .. and the Scienee ofSolidifieation", pp.

23 and 27, in Metal Tran'>jormations, W. W. Mullins and M. C. Shaw (eds.), Gordon and Breaeh, New York 1968.

48. Idem (2), "Metallurgical Footnotes to the History of Art", Proceedings 0./ the American Philosphical Society, Vol. 116, No. 2,1972, pp. 97-135.

49. Suter, H., "Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und Ihre Werke", Abhandl. zur Gesch. der malhematischen Wissenschajten, X (1900).

50. Al-Tabari, Abu Ja'far Mu1).ammad, Annales quos saipsit etc., Arabic text edited with Latin critical apparatus, by M. J. de Goeje, Leideo 1879-1901, (in three series).

51. TaqI al-DIn b. MaOrM(l), Al-Turuq al-saniyyajl-l-älät al-ruhäniyya, in Arabie eommentary on Taqi al­DTn's book of Machines, with facsimile reproduction of one of the Mss. Ahmad Y. Hassan, Aleppo University, 1976.

52. Idem (2), Al-Kawiikib al-dawrivva .. , TaqI al-DTn's treatise on eloeks, Edited, translated and annotated as "The cloek in [the] Ottornan Empire in the sixteenth eentury ... ", S. Tekeli, Ankara 1966.

53. Vitruvms, see Granger. 54. White, Lynn (I), Medieval Technology and Social Change, Oxford 1962. 55. Idem (2), "Medieval Borrowings from Further Asia", Medieval and Renaissanc(> Studies, No. 5, 1971. 56. Idem (3), "Medical Astrologers and Late Medieval Technology", Viator 6 (1975), pp. 295-308. 57. Wiedemann, Eilhard, AuJsätze zur Arabischen Wissenschaltsgeschichte, Olms, HildesheimjNew York

1970, (2 vols.). 58. Wiedemann, Eilhard and Hausef, F. (W.H. I), "über Trinkgefässe und Tafelaufsätze nach al-Gazari

und den Banü Müsa", Der Islam 8 (1918), pp. 55-93; al-Jazarl, pp. 268-291, Banü Müsa. 59. Idem (W.H. 2), "Uhr des Arehimedes und zwei andere Vorrichtungen", Nova Acta. Abh. der Kaiserl.

Leop. Deutschen Akad. der Natur/orscher 103, (Halle 1918), No. 2, pp. 164--202. 60. Idem(W.H. 3), "Über die Uhren in Bereich der lslamischen Kultur", Nova Acla 100 (1915), pp. 1-272,

RiQwan's treatise is given as an abridged translation, with notes on pp. 176- 272; in addition to the

252 Bibliography

Gotha MS, Arab 1348 used by Wiedemann and Hauser, a second is known: Ms Istanbul Köprülü 1. 949. 61. Winter. H. J. 1., "Musiim Mechanics and Mechanical Applianees", EndeavoUT 15 (1956), pp. 25-38. 62. Wooderoft, B., The Pneumatics of Bera of Alexandria, London 1851, Woodcroft's edition is available in

facsimile, with an introduction by Marie Boas Hall, LondonINew York 1971. 63. WulfT, H. E., The Traditional erafts of Persia, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1966.


Teehnieal expressions used by the Bann Mnsa (BM), al-Jazan (1), the pseudo­Arehimedes (A), and in MaJätfIJ al 'Ulüm (MU). Where referenees are made specifieally these are to the Model number in the Bann Mnsa, to Category, Chapter and Seetion in J (e.g. J. II, 2,2) and to the page (in Hill 2) in "Arehimedes". All the referenees in MaJa/fIJ al 'Ulüm are from Part II, Chapter 8.

~ /- I ibrfsam or ibrfsim silk. Persian.

(j.J./ I ibrfq pl. (J..!./ ~ I abärfq piteher with spout and


äU~ I



. ~ \.,.le-I

o .J.J .J Li...-- I

ijjäna basin or trough.

adam leather or hide.

asad- Leo - sign in Zodiae .

usruwäna eylinder, cylindrieal eolumn.

isJadrüh white bronze (J. I, 1, 6). Probably from

Persian isfid rüy.

:., ~ I uw,nän vegetable soda (J. III, 9, 1). Persian.

!:!' \ i~ba' finger; used as a measure, this is usually a

fingerbreadth t ~ f::' I isba' mat,imüm, 2.06 cm.·

Only J. distinguishes between a fingerbreadth and

fingerlength regularly.

/-;) I i/rfz pl. /Y U I aJärfz frieze or ledge.

• Weights and measures as provided by Professor GaIaI Shawki (letter 17 November, 1976). Where modem equivalents are given these were the quantities probably used by the Banü Miisa. AI·Jazari's quantities, however, appear to bc similar.


254 Glossary

-.;J T ala maehine or instrument.

~ \.; lina' pl. i0 T aniya vessel.

~ ~ I anbiib pl. ~ li I anablb pipe.

~ \ un1!Jil (Iil. female) soeket seat of valve or tap.

~) I iiqiyya often translated as ounce, but in fact egual to 40

dirhams i.e. 156 grammes. Word of Greek/Roman


~ L. hah pl. ?-;'" I y,l abwiib door, but in the treatises

usually a valve; FI ...,,~ bab al-midfa' a clack­

valve (MU); ,j ~ ""'"'~ bab marhiin ground valve,

usually conieal.

. .t). ~ Mliya pl. J, ~ bawiitin piteher .

../~ bu1!Jiir the pl. of p. ba1!Jr pimple; term for the seat

of a tap (J. II, 5, 3).

0~ baLiJyiin tap; also 'J* fitiin and j~ layWiin

Greek origin.

U barba1sJ1 pipe of large diameter; lead water-pipe (BM


(/ bwi pl. V./ buriij. I. Sign of Zodiae.2. Cylinder of

pump (J. V. 5, 2) .

..J 11:/ birkar compass, (pair of dividers).

J~ \ ,) ~ b. al-sum vanes of water-wheel (MU).

d/ birka pl. cJ/. birak, pool, eistem.


J ~. buzäl outlet pipe.

co\.i ~ bi!äna backing-ring.


~ baqqam red dye obtained from sappan wood.

~~ bakra pulley; drum on which cords are wound (A).

~ bulbula spout of a pitcher. Persian word.

:OJ, ~ balluta (Iil. acorn) iron fitting for the end of an axle

(J. I, I, 7).

ij ~ bunduqa ball of solid metal.

'\ ~ binkäm water-c1ock (A). See also LJIt.:; finkän.

~ bayt pl. -PY.!. buyut house, any small chamber or


~ ./ turs pl. ...,......y \ aträs shield, the shape of a fountain.

C/.' tajzi' inlaying.

/' tanjir ornate carpentry.

J Y" tanur (Iil. oven) seat of a vertical tap (J. III, 2, 2) .

./ jJ' 1l1awr bull, Taurus in the Zodiac.

, ~ jäm large basin (BM).

q.... \of. jäma small disco

u~ jadiCapricorn in the Zodiac.

Ö /- jarra I. jar (BM). 2. liquid measure (ca. 2Iitres).

C?- jaz' onyx.

~ /- jaz'a a piece of onyx; when drilled and used as an

orifice, the word takes on the meaning of "orifice".

256 Glossary

~ ja'ba (lit. a quiver) a cylindrical detachable receiver for

liquids (J. III, 5, 2).

~. juljul small bell.

i \;~ jawzä' Gemini in the Zodiac.

ö),.,p. jawza (lit. a walnut) a small round Iloat.

~ /:zabba mouthpiece (of Ilute) .

..}-p /:zabl p!. J>"':"f' /:zubül rope .

.r{, J..f> /:zadfd iron.

P /:zafr grooving (as decoration).

Dfl /:zufra socket (A).

<..jR /:zuqq a small pot; for an automatic Ilute (J. I, 1,8); for

the cap of a candle-c1ock (J. I, 7.1).

~ /:zalqa a ring.

y /:zarnaI Aries in the Zodiac.

~.:rP /:züf Pisces in the Zodiac.

ef ,.p I;aw<;l p!. ..;- I,.p I al;wä<;l tank, trough .

. iu;:J.4- lYläbiya large vesse!.

ö;/ lYlaraza bearing for a fine axle (J. I, 4, 5); small orifiee

(J. I, 4, 14).

;;,j.y lYlizäna reservoir, container .

.w !sJJ.ay! p!. J, #' !sJJ.uyÜ! string.

~ !sJJ.ayrna (lit. tent) tent-shaped sheet of water issuing

from fountain (J. IV, 5, I).

• G/ossary 257

~ ~ dabba floal.

rl ~ darj roll (of paper etc.) .

. ~..I:> daraqa (Iil. shield) convex plate.

~/.> dirham a weight - 52 /5 barleycorns, 3.9 grammes .

...;.Y----:> dastur flow-regulator (J. I, I, 3).

/ 0.:> dakka bench, platform.

YJ ~ dalw Aquarius in the Zodiac.

Ü \.;,:> dandiin tooth, Persian word used in Arabic pl.

~ ~ '....,;.> dandiinjiit.

VI' ..> duhn pl. v~.>1 adhän oil.

~':)-'..> du/äb pl. ~I-,J dawällb wheel;

~ ~ \ J-i ~ ,).~ c.:' j , .> du/äb ci!J.u dandänjät toothed wheel, cogwheel;

~. \,,:.:. ~~"J du/äb d!J.u ajni&a paddle­

wheel; u~ ~2J-,..> du/äb sindI chain-of-


~uf..J j .q 2.l:J':> du/äb d!J.u kafIät scoop-wheel;

e,.;.;..> L..:::--;.:/ ~ ~ -.-'.1)-,..> du/ab d!J.u rlshät vaned wheel.

[ .. /:> ci!J.irä' pl. C/,I aci!' cubit, 49.4 cm. One cubit

equals 24 fingerbreadths or 144 barleycorns.

jj d!J.akar (Iil. male) plug of valve or tap, spigol.

f!:! / rub' orig. a measure for crops; float-chamber (J. J, 12;


ö:> \.) / raddiida clack-valve (J. V, 5, 2).

258 G/ossar}'

ö).) razza staple.

v"V,I ra~a~ lead; ~. (;' V./ ra~a,' qal'r tin; hence

~ / ra~~a~a (vb.) to lin.

JJ ./ ra!l a weight varying from 450 gr. to 3.2 kg.

[. lp.) zu}a} glass (as substance).

/ ) zirr knob.

qji / .; zaraqa thrower; .w I 0-" j zaraqat al-nai!

naphtha thrower (J. V, 5, 20) .

./ ) zamr pl. f,-i) zumür vertical /lute.

U/~; zauraq pl. Ö.) 1,.,) zawariq boal.

~,1 zayt pl. .':"-y) zuyüt oil.

~ L-- sa'a clock, hour, a while;

~."";':----- :.u:. '-- sa'a mustawiyya constant or equal hour;

~ ~ j .iU:: L- sa'a zamaniyya temporai Of

solar hour (i.e. the hours of daylight divided by


,:;./ ~ saMara (Iil. witch) siphan made with bent tube (MU),

pipette (BM 28, 29);

~ ~ Ö.J ~ saMara malilJnüqa (Iil. strangled witch) concentric

siphan (MU); ~ P ö.J ~ sa~~ara mi~riyya

(Iil. Egyptian witch) bent-tube siphan (J. I, 1,8).

) 1.J...---' sidiid pl. o·~ 1 asidda stopper, bung.

V- sira} pl. V- suru} lamp (BM 95-98).

Glossary 259

.:.> u.,...,,--- sir{än Cancer in the Zodiac.

J~ surn (usually qualified as flp..J.!JJ :.;~

surn al-arl;ä') meaning varies: axle ofwater-wheel (J. I,

4, 11; Al3); water-wheel (1, II, I; MU).

/..r- sarlr pl. ~ I asirTa platform, dais.

\ Il.-- si{äm bar of metal with flattened end .

.)..,..e.- saJud pl. J.iJ \a:-- saJäfid rod, axle; lantem-pinion

(A19 and note 24).

/' ~.J-- sukurru}a bearing, usually for vertical axles (J. I, 2, 3).

li.L-L- sitsita pl. j-.!l-- saläsit chain.

~ ~ samM lug.

r: ~ sunbäda} emery, Persian word.

~ sunbula Virgo in the Zodiae.

~ sahm pl. t ~ sihäm (lit. arrow) lever arm, beam of


:r--,..-- susan (lit. lily-of-the-valley) shape offountain (BM 88,

J. IV, 3, 1).

J;; L.::- mäqul smalllead weight, plumb-bob.

~ mibr pl. ..) ~ I ambar span of the hand - 22 to 24


~ mabah brass.

? ~ marbum pointed eap (J. II, 6, 2).

~~ marI! wire.

260 Glossary

~ ma;iyya cam, trip lever, lug.

~ ma' fra or ~ ~ !;abbat ma' fr barleycorn.

Six barleycorns side by side equal one lingerbreadth,

hence a barleycorn is 3.4 mm.

~ makhl pl. jl&-::- \ amkiil model, type.

r-::-- manbar pl. .J.~ maniibir hoop. Persian word.

l I ~ m.ahiiras!iin lantern pinion; Persian words meaning J..,x--,; "

"four pi\lars".

<u ~ ~adafa deflector - a smal\ channel on a fulerum which

directs Iiquid now into one tank, now into another (J.

III, I, 2).

~ ~ufr bronze.

~ ~anja a smal\ metal weight.

J ~ ~ ~awlajiin (Iil. polo-stick) drumstick (J. 1,1,6); bent pipe

(J. II, 2, 2): curving jet of water (J. IV, i, 1).

U U. !iiri!; pawl (J. I, 6, 6).

c:r- tJ. !iis shal\ow drinking cup .

./ ~) tarjahiir timing device - a hemispherical float with an

orilice in its underside, made to submerse in a given

time (J. VI, 6); used as driving mechanism of water-

eloeks (J. I, 3 and 4).

Ö,.) I.(: -' tarjahiira similar to tarjahiir; a receiver for Iiquid with a

curved bottom in which there is a smal\ oriike (A.32).

Giossary 201

~ tast basin, bowl.

;;.j W taftija large float in water-clock used to drive the

mechanisms (J. I, 1,2).

?' ?ujr pl..J W'I a?jtir finger nai! ~ used as a measure.

c,,».J\..:. 'arilja crossbeam, transom.

~ 'ajala carl.

Ö J ~ 'at/Ma crosspiece, a!idade.

~P 'aqrab Scorpio in the Zodiac .

.::>.y 'amüd pl. ;j~ \ a'mida pillar, stanchion.

q,., ly 'awwtima small float having valve p!ug soldered to its

upper surface, used in float-chamber (J. I, 1,2; Al3).

murtib pl. ;,; I.j: lI1!.irbiin (Iil. crow) hook (J. I, 1,7).

fI!!:irbiil sieveo

~}}.i:. mi/tij pl. fI!i.uluj sheath; eap(s) of a coneentrie

siphon (BM). f

~ ~ or u-- 'u Jtis orja's pl. ..r-~;"- ju'üs axe.

P jitr small span-distanee between tips of thumb and

forefinger when outspread.

~:.? jurja gap ~ said of the euts made in a meta! disc in

order to make a vaned water-wheel (BM. 90).

~/ jarajiyya short jaeket (J. II, 7, I).

~./ jaras pl. ...;-Y I ajrtis (liI. horsel eotter, so called

because one end is in the shape of a horse's head (J. VI,

262 Glossary

3, I). The term is taken from the astrolabists - in

astrolabes the faras secures the pin which passes

through rete, plate and mater.

~ \.e.,; fi~äd phlebotomy, blood-Ietting.

~ fi<;ltja silver.

~ fals pl. u--"l..j fulüs (lit. a small coin) small metal


C2Jli falak pl. Q)~ \ afiäk celestial sphere; fiat disc

carrying representations ofheavenly bodies (J. I, 1,9).

;.;~ finkän pl. AWfanäkln clock - may be water-

clock as in J. I, 1-6, or candle-clock

(. ~ \ ~~finkän al-,wam'a) as in J. I, 7-10.

ö) ''''; fawwära fountain.

~ ~ fitün or J~ fay!lJ.ün tap.

i;~\9 qä'ida pl. .-'-"1;; quwä'idbase, support, pedestal.

r.::-' qadal; pl. ~...:; 1 aqdäh drinking cup, goblet.

/.;.J qidr pl. .I.,~. qudür pot, small airtight vessel (J. I, I,


tJ" ..J qur~ pl. CJ' Y \ aqrä~ disc, roundel.

.J. .) qur! pl. Jo ~ I aqrä! (lit. earring) decorative knob for

opening lock (J. VI, 3, 2).

~ qat;iJb pl. ..) 0 quifbän rod, bar, straight jet from a

fountain (J. IV, I, I).

· ~;; ~-~-

Glossary 263

qu!b pl. ~ \..lJ \ aq!iib pole, bearing for axle (A.21).

qulama nail-paring - a small measure.

qalansüwa eap with upturned brim (J. II, 7, I).

qimii! pl. ..v qumu! roll of paper or leather.

qima' pl. LV I aqmii' funne!.

qaniit p!. various. Ianee, ehannel, straight jet from

fountain (BM. 89).

qinnfna flask, bottle.

qandfl p!. y . .:> US qaniidfllamp, vase.

qaws Sagittarius in the Zodiae.

ka's pl. ..r-J ~ ku'üs eup, beaker.

ka's al-'adl concentrle siphon (BM. 1; A.36).

kiigEadlJ. paper. Persian word.

kagEad!! ma'jün bi' l-~arii papier maeh/:.

kattiin flax.

kura ball, sphere.

kaJJa bueket, scoop, tipping-bueket;

kaffa al-mfziin weighing-bueket,

kaffa al-manjanfq poueh of trebuehet's sling.

kundura pereh (of a bird).

küz jug, jar. Persian word.

kuw{; aperture.

kayl pl. J \jI akyiil a measure for grain.

264 Glossary

~) lawlab serew, worm-wheel.

J~ mitlJ.qiil a weight - 4.41 grammes .

../ ~ mihwar axle.

j...., Y makllrü! eonieal.

'i.J ,...." midaqqa mallet.

~J./ mirwad (lit. a stiek for applying kohl to the eyelids) a

small axle.

U",/ murfpointer.

~ mis!ara pl. } L- masä!ir ruler, straight-edge.

r- mismär pl. /-~ masämfr nail.

r.- masfl pl. y.\......--- masäyil place through whieh a

liquid flows, a ehannel.

~ ma~abb pl. äI liquid outlet, or hole into whieh liquid is


eY--ÖU? ~


JL. ~


ma$büb east (of ametal).

mi~rä' pl. t:!. .J le.- masärf' leaf of a door.

mic!!raja pl. .-J .... \,u mac!!ärif ladle, spoon.

maG!!.f!j (lit. a stagnant pool) a sump for liquid (A.ll).

maqallab siphon made with bent tube (J. I, I, 8).

miqliz pl. J~ maqälin spoon.

mukl;ala (lit. kohl pot) bearing for a large axle; soeket

at the end of an axle into whieh the end of a second axle

is fitted (J. II, 3, 4).

Glossary 265

J~ mikyäl measuring vessel.

~ mi/ban (lit. a tray for storing brieks) a reetangular plate

having a raised edge.

\' YL mall;um soldered.

<:::j-eJ...... mul~'aq fixed, soldered .

./ ~ mi/yär boiler (BM, 17 and 18).

J mann avolume measure equal to 2.6 litres.

ö...J \..:...or manära pl. ...J-'~ manäwir minaret; pillar support-

ing a lamp (BM. 97).

~ manjanfq pl. CJij ~ majäniq trebuchet, stone-

throwing siege-engine (J. I, 7, 3; A.26).

muhandam tight fitting - said of two parts that are

maehined until they fit together perfectly. Persian


c.;-"? mfzäb pl. c:..-:-":: j 4-- mayäzfb ehanne! made from

,I.,...., 0J"



~ J<'

wood or metal.

mfzän pl. (Y.. ) '."... mawäzTn balanee, seaJes. Libra in

the Zodiae.

nul;äs eopper.

narmädaja link, one seetion of a hinge. Persian word.

naqJlJ. pl. d-~ nuquJlJ. engraving, carving.

nahr pl. .-r< 1 anhur (lit. stream, river) groove in a



(An index of the components and techniques used in the Models is not provided. It is felt that the List of Models, the discussion on Motifs (Introduction 5) and the illustrations fullil the same purpose as such an index.)

CAbd Allah b. Tahir - army commander Abu A!)mad - rebel leader 5 Abu 'I-Fida 3 Abu 'I-Ha!an 'Ali b. A!)mad al-l;Iäsib 13,229 Abu Na!r Ya!)y' b. Jarfr 14,104, note 2; 111,244 al-'Afrft 14,86. 121, 171 Ahmad b. Müsa 3,4,86, 121, 171

- his contribution to The Book of lngenious De~'h'es 5,17, 19

Ahmad b. Muttasim Alexandria 19 Andalusia 22, 23 Antikythera - geared calendar from ca. 80 B.e.

21 Apollonjus of Byzantium, musieal autornaton by

13 Archimedes

- treatise on water-clock attributed to 13, 19. 20,21,22,31

Athens 21 automata 19

- musieal 13,21,22 Baghdad 3,4,5, 19,20 Banü Müsa 3, 4, 5, 14, 17ff., 45

- aerostatics and hydraulics, use of 22ff. - asteanomical observations 4 - astralabes, treatise on 6

BaDu Müsa - atmaspherk observations - automatic contral systems 23f. - geometry 4 - /liyal (ingenious devices) 4, 17 - measurement of earth's circumferenee 4 - medicine 4 -music 4 - public works - qarastiin (steelyard), treatise on

Bar Hebraeus 3, 17, 19 al-Ba!ra 5 hayt al-bikma (lit. house of wisdom - academy in

Baghdad) 3, 4 al-Birüni 3, 4, 5 Byzantium 4, 19f., 21 casting of metals 22 chain ~ of pots. See siiqiya


clock - candle 21 - meehanical 21, 23 - water 21,22,23

conical valves 22,23, 31f. crank 23f., 193 Ctesihius 21 Diaphantos 19 Edessa 20 escapement 23 Euclid 4 Far Eastern culture 23 al-Farl!!1änf, Al,1mad b. Ka!!!fr 5 Fat!) - slave of Banü Müsa 13, 229 Fihrist. See Ihn al-Nadim fountains 17, 22 gears 22 Gerard of Cremana Gonde~apür 20 Greek culture 19ff. Guido de Vigevano 36, note 33 l;:Iarran - town in Mesopotamia 20 al-l;Iasan b. Müs' 3, 5, 19

- his skill in geometry 4 Hauser, Fritz 7, 14, 17f., 34 Hero of Alexandria 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 223 Hibat Allah b. al-l;Iusayn 22 hiyal 4, 17 house of wisdom. See bayt al-/likma Hunayn b. Isl,1äq 4 Iberian peninsuta 23 Ibn Abf U saybi 'a 3, 5 Ibn K!>aldün 17 Ibn Khallikan 3, 4, 17 Ibn al-Nadfm 3,4, 5, 17, 20 Ibn al-Qim 3, 5, 17 Ibn Yünus 3, 4, 5, 6 Indian culture 21,23 Inln 19,20

- Sasänid 19, 21 Iranian culture 21, 23 'Iräq 4 Isl)äq b. Ibrahfm al-Mus'abf al-Jacfarf, city of 5 al-Jacfariyya canal 5 al,Jazarf 14,17, 21f., 31, 68, 95, 103 193,219,223

Jundaysäbür. See Gonde§.bapur Khuräsän 3, 21 ;i:"Khuwärizml, Abu 'Abd Allah 31 al-Kindi, Abii Yiisuf Ya'qüb 5 al-Kindi", 'Umar b. MulJammad 20 al-Kiifa 4 Leonardo da Vinci 24, 32 al-Ma'mün ~ 7th Abassid Caliph 3,4 Marw, town in !Q!uräsän 3 mechanieal engineering in Islam 2lff. Mesopotamia 20 Mu~ammad b. Miis. 3, I}, 19,229

- involvement in politics 5 ~ Journey to Byzantium 4 ~ patronage of scholars 4, 5

al-Munta~ir - 11th 'Abassid Caliph Musa b. §.häkir - father of the Banii Müsa al-MustaTn - 12th 'Abassid Caliph 5 al-Mutawakkil- 10th 'Abassid Caliph Nestorian C:::hristians 20 Nisibis - town in Mesopotamia 20 Pappos 19 Philo of Byzantium 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Ptolemy 19 Qusta b. Liiqii 20 Ramelli, Agostine 32


ratchet-and-pawl 20 Riciwan b. al-Sa 'atl 20, 22 rotary valve 21 Sabaeans 20 Sanad b. 'Ali 5, 6 säqiya ~ chain-ef-pots 20 siege-engines 20 siphons 21, 25, 26. 27 Sinjar 4 Syria 19,20 Syriac language 4, 20 al-Tabarl 3 taps 21 TaqI al-DIn b. Ma'rüf 22 Ihobit b. Qurri 4, 6, 20 Tigris, river 5 "Tower of the Winds" in Athens 21 translators in Baghdad 4 'Uliirid 14, III, 165, 169, 171 Vitruvius 19 al-Wäsi! 5 water-raising machines. See also säqiya 22 Wiedemann, Eilhard 7, 14, 17f., 34 YalJya b. AbI Man~ür 3 Yünus al-AsturlabI 21


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