bicycle training for adults in the netherlands

Post on 06-May-2015






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‘Bicycle training for adults in the Netherlands. Good practices and methods.’

In the Netherlands cycling is a crucial part of the transport system and culture. For men and women, for young,

middle-aged and old, for the rich and for the poor, for the masses, but also for several aldermen, ministers. From the beginning of the 20th

century on, Dutch princesses and queens could be seen on a bicycle.

Author: Angela van der Kloof, Mobycon,

People that have come to live in the Netherlands and came from

non-cycling countries started picking up cycling. Especially women

with young children want to learn to cycle, as the opportunities that

cycling offers fits very well for their specific transport needs.

They find that with the bike it is easier to take the shoppings (if you

have the right bags and racks). They know that cycling is healthy, it

gives them independence, it makes them feel more comfortable to

adapt to the local transportation culture and off course it makes it

easier to combine their roles in the household with work or school,

Why cycle training?

We have a history of cycle training for immigrant and refugee

women for more than 25 years. From the 1970’s on many women

from countries around the Mediterranean and from Surinam started

to come and live in the Netherlands. These were typically countries

without a cycling-culture for women. Many women have been taught

as a girl that cycling is not suitable for them, but for their brothers

and fathers. Cycling is associated with masculinity, speed, danger

and freedom of movement. All things that a lot of parents do not wish

for their daughters…

Arriving in the Netherlands, seeing so many women cycling, things start

to change. Many participants in cycling courses state that they want

to learn to cycle, because it is like a dream they hope to become true.

Some women learn cycling from a neighbour, a husband or a sister.

But for most women it is really important to do this in a group with an

experienced cyclist as a trainer. The group helps you to overcome the

cultural and personal barriers.

What about the men?

Many men learn to cycle in their youth. Also, they develop the skills

a person needs when active in public space. Parents encourage

boys to explore the world and take part in traffic. This starting point

makes it easier for most immigrant and refugee men to pick up

cycling in the Netherlands. On the other hand, many men are more

sensitive than women, for the fact that a bicycle is seen as a poor

man’s vehicle. This is a serious constraint.

Also, knowing the skills of riding a bicycle, does not mean knowing

the rules of traffic for cyclists, knowing how to repair bicycles, or

knowing how to teach your children safe cycling.

In the Netherlands a few initiatives of cycling courses for men have

started up.

Who organises the cycle training and why do they do this?

Most courses are being organised in community centres and

women’s organisations all over the country. Here it started as

grassroots activity: women asked their language teachers and

volunteers to teach them how to cycle. This process of women

asking for cycle training is still going on in the whole country.

The organisations use the cycle training as an instrument to stimulate

people to participate in society and not as a goal in itself. This is a

very important finding as it has implications for choices made in the

fields of materials, methods, organisation and personnel. Also it has

implications for the impact of the cycle training.

Impact of the training

From an instrumental perspective (seeing cycling as an instrument

for participation) the impact of the cycle training on the personal level can be described as:

• The mobility is enlarged;

• People have adapted to the local usages and modes of


• The sense of equality is enhanced;

• The sense of freedom is enhanced.

On the level of the family and informal network the impact can also

be seen:

• The children are being taken out by bike (so they learn to cycle

in traffic by doing it with their parents);

• Families can have recreational bicycle rides together;

• The female cyclists are role models for their sisters, daughters

and friends!

On the level of the society the impact can be in the fields of:

• More cyclists;

• Less congestion in the city;

• Air quality;

• Health;

• Social cohesion.

Materials, methods, organisation and personnel

When starting cycle training for adults a lot of choices need to be

made. Here we will discuss several important issues. Keep in mind

that the cycle training is an instrument, not a goal!

What materials and methods do we use?

Cycle courses typically consist of a theoretical part and a practical

part. In the theoretical part the participants learn the basic rules of

traffic for cyclists. In the practical part the physical skills are being

taught. When the participants are skilled enough they also start to

practise cycling in traffic.

For the theoretical part the teaching method: ‘Get on your bike’ (Stap op de fiets) is being used. This method consists of a booklet

for participants, a booklet for the trainer, picture cards to be used

during the training and certificates.

Judith from Kenya:

“I learned cycling, so I can learn anything!”

For the practical lessons the materials and methods mostly used in

the Netherlands are the DVD and booklet ‘Get on your bike step by step’ (Stap voor stap op de fiets).

Some of the basic ideas behind these publications:

• Start with level 0

• Aim at as much success as possible, so make small steps

• Making mistakes is part of the learning process

• Be aware of the different ways to learn: by hearing, by seeing, by

doing• In the multicultural context the seeing and doing is even more

important than with homogeneous groups

• Make room for diversity

• A professional image of the materials

What about organisation and personnel?

When organising a cycle course for women several specific aspects

need to be taken into account. A few examples follow here.

It is important to provide the group with some training bikes. These

bikes should be small enough to put the foot on the pedal. The anxiety

to fall will be far less. Special attention for the saddle is a good idea.

Sitting on a saddle for the first time hurts and a very hard saddle will

make it worse. In this multicultural context it is helpful to be aware

of female circumcision. Everybody can imagine the impact of that on

sitting on the saddle.

For many women starting to learn the skills of cycling is really scary.

You need courage to pick up cycling as an adult, especially when

your cultural background does not support cycling or mobility for

women. In many cases the most comfortable way to learn it, is within

“It’s hard to stop!”, Hassina Sakher cries out. The front wheel of the bike waggles while one of her legs hops to kill the speed.

Ithelma Nicolaas steps onto her bike, but doesn’t manage to move it forward before she steps down again. “My problem is that I

turn the pedals the wrong direction and get out of balance”, she laughs.

a peer group and with some role models around. Having that in mind,

it becomes clear that the choice for personnel is very important. The

best match is a mix of trainers and volunteers with different cultural

backgrounds (including a Dutch background).

A good training for the trainers helps building expertise and quality.

Recent developments

Over the years we can see that there is more attention for cycle

training for adults in the Netherlands. Local organisations manage

to get some kind of funding, although this is mainly project based.

Getting the attention and budgets needed is very often due to the

dedication of a person (or a few persons) at the local level. In the

good cases these are the managers and project leaders1 . In the one

city the funding comes from the safety in traffic budget (like Tilburg),

in other cities most courses are being paid by sport and budgets (like

Amsterdam), also the budgets for participation and community work

are addressed (like Weert, Breda, Den Haag, Rotterdam).

More policymakers start paying attention to cycle training for adults,

for children and the elderly. The training for children started to be an

issue as in some cities less and less children cycle to school and as

children of 12-14 years old have a relatively high percentage of road

accidents. The attention for the elderly must be seen in the Dutch

context of a growing percentage of elderly people that want to lead

an active life.

There is more awareness in Dutch society that learning to cycle as

an adult is not easy. The cycle training in itself is always a nice item

for local newspapers, radio and television. As more immigrant and

1 Unfortunately there are also a lot of cases where the management cannot be convinced by the workers and volunteers.

refugee women dear to speak and be seen in public, there is more

attention for it. The Cycle Friends programme (Fietsvriendinnen) by

Cycling Support (Landelijk Steunpunt Fiets) contributed to the rise of

attention and awareness by using a positive image.

Also, the Fietsberaad and the Fietsersbond (Cyclist Federation)

started to pay attention to immigrants and refugees as a target group

and to cycle training for adults, children and elderly.

Interested in a better understanding of the qualitative aspect and train-the-trainers? Please contact Angela van der Kloof at Mobycon:

Foto: Sander Foederer


Due to more awareness a rise of attention for the quality of the courses

can be seen. Organisations feel the need to deliver nice courses that

people like to attend, with good consideration of safety aspects. This

goes hand in hand with a growing attention for train-the-trainers.

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