bill burg author study unit plan

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This is an Author Study Unit Plan of Mercer Mayer.


Alyssa Billburg

Author Study Unit Plan

Children’s Literature


Oh, Mercy Me…It’s Mercer Mayer


When I reflect back on my favorite childhood books, I think of the ones with

humorous story lines, great illustrations, and those that directly related to me as a child.

Mercer Mayer’s books are often what I remember. I chose Mercer Mayer for my unit

plan for many reasons. His books can be used wonderfully with young readers. As a

great author and illustrator, Mercer Mayer, demonstrates frustrations, fears, struggles,

and daily activities that are of importance to children as they grow. His works

humorously portray a child’s world from a child’s perspective. His large number of works

appeal to a broad audience both young and old. The lessons that his books teach are

informative for young readers and serve as reminders for those elder. The intended

audience for this unit plan is second grade. This unit will take one week to complete.

Guiding Questions:

What information is the author trying to portray through his books?

Are the author’s books inspired by personal situations?

About the Author:

On December 10th, 1943, Mercer Mayer was born in

Little Rock, Arkansas. He did not live there long for his father

was in the Navy causing the family to move several times

during Mayer’s childhood. At thirteen, his family settled in

Honolulu, Hawaii where he attended the Hawaii Academy of

the Arts. It was here that Mayer’s love of picture books began

along with his interest in hunting for snakes and lizards; such a boy!

After graduating high school, Mercer moved to New York to study art at the Art

Students’ League in 1964 with the intention to become a children’s book illustrator. It

was at school that Mercer met his wife Marianna. However at school, his dreams were

tried by discouraging professors who did not think he had what it took to make a living in

the field. One art director told him to throw out his art portfolio because it was so bad.

Without giving up hope and while holding a job with an advertisement agency, Mercer

Mayer was able to create a new portfolio from scratch. He went on to publish his first

book in 1967. A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog was a wordless picture book that was highly

complimented. He illustrated five more books in this series because of the success of

his first wordless picture book. His love for telling stories through pictures has landed

him credit for being one of the creators of the wordless picture book form. Mercer Mayer

has gone on to write and/or illustrate more than 80 picture books. His illustrations are

drawn in the form of nonsense fiction which is a humorous, “way-out” fantasy.

While illustrating several wordless picture books, Mercer Mayer started to create

books with both text and pictures. As time went on Mercer became more comfortable

creating text to narrate his humorous illustrations. Mercer merged his talent of silly-filled

text with the illustrator Steven Kellogg, and together they created the Appelard and

Liverwurst books.

In 1975, Mercer Mayer created the loveable character Little Critter in Just For

You. In 1976, Mercer joined the publishers of Golden Books where he has published the

two series (over 200 books) he is best known for Little Critter and Little Monster. These

series distinguish racial and sex stereotypes and feature topics that are relevant to

children’s lives and things they fear and are frustrated by from fear of the dentist,

jealousy of a new sibling, to the responsibilities of keeping a pet. He says, “Most of my

books are about things that happen to me when I was a little kid. Now I’m a big kid and I

write about things that happen now, especially with my own children. They always

remind me of what it was like.” Mercer’s series’ cover many reading levels and reinforce

children’s social skills. Mercer Mayer has received numerous awards for his over 300

published books. His series have become so popular that there are audio cassettes, film

adaptations, and interactive CD-ROMs available for some of the books.

In 1978, Mayer and Marianna were divorced, and the following year he was

married to Jo. Together they have two children Len and Jessie. He is currently married

to his third wife, Gina, where they live in Roxbury, Connecticut. His wife Gina has co-

written many of the Little Critter books. To read more about Mercer Mayer go to:

Mercer Meyer’s Home Page Answer.Com Library

Greenville Public Library: Picture Books Author of the Month

Introductory Lesson Plan:

To introduce this lesson, I will divide students into groups of 2-3. I will provide

each group with a Mercer Mayer book. In their groups they will discuss what they

believe the book will be about. Next each group will read the book and discuss if their

predictions were true. After all groups have finished, I will ask if they have ever read a

book by Mercer Mayer including one from the Little Critter series. Next each student will

go online to the Little Critter’s official website found at There they will click on the Interactive Read and

Play section where they can read and explore the 12 interactive pages from one of the

Little Critter books.

I will then share some information about Mercer Mayer with the class: Mercer

Mayer started an interest in picture books while living in Honolulu, Hawaii. He wanted to

become an illustrator (someone who draws the pictures for books). After high school, he

attended an arts college in New York. When he was there his teachers told him that

they thought he would never make it, but he never gave up his dream to illustrate

children books. Because he worked so hard, Mercer Mayer was able to meet his dream

and become an author and illustrator of many children’s books.

Annotated Bibliography of Authors Work:

Just for You is the first book that started the Little Critter series. Every time Little Critter tries to do something nice for his mother he becomes distracted or the task is never finished. By the end of the day, Little Critter is able to give his mother a very special hug. The simple, repetitive text and wonderfully, colorful illustrations makes Just for You a great book for young readers.

In this story, Mercer Mayer uses dry humor to explain that although it is fun to play with friends, sometimes it is nice to just play alone. When Little Critter’s friend comes over to play a few things do not go so well. His friend accidentally drove an electronic car in the water, broke Little Critter’s bike, and did not help clean up. After Little Critters friend leaves, he decides that it is nice to play alone sometimes.

When a thunderstorm comes Little Critter and his little sister become afraid. Their mom and dad do many things to comfort them and share their knowledge of thunder, lightning, and rainbows. This story tells the scary reality that thunderstorms can bring a child, and this book is narrated Little Critter’s little sister. Although this book is co-written with Mercer Mayer’s current wife, Gina, the illustrations and text follows the same dry humor.

Just Go to Bed shows the struggle Little Critter’s father has while trying to put him to bed. Whether it is time for a bath, pajamas, or bed Little Critter manages to let his energetic imagination keep him from getting ready for bed. The comical illustrations and simple text make this story great for those of all ages.

It is every child’s dream to get a puppy! In this Little Critter episode, Little Critter is allowed to keep a puppy if he takes care of it. Although Little Critter believes he is doing a great job, the silly illustrations show that the puppy is a lot of work and even

some trouble. A child’s love or want for a pet is a classic story that all children and adults can relate to.

This is a very sweet story that shows all of the things Little Critter imagines him and his little brother doing together. Before they can fight bullies, share bunk beds, watch spooky movies, and build snowmen Little Critter’s little brother will have to learn to walk first. The numerous illustrations in this book are vibrant and fun. This is a great book to read to those children who are about to be “older” siblings.

While making the goal-winning score, Little Critter breaks his leg. This story follows the brave Little Critter while in his first ambulance ride, first trip to the hospital, first x-ray, and his first cast. Both the text and illustrations show that none of the above are scary or unbearable. This is a great book to help children become brave enough for a trip at the hospital.

Little Critter and Grandma spend a sunny, fun day together at the beach. The text and illustrations show the funny and true mishaps of a day at the beach. For example, when Grandma’s hotdog falls in the sand Little Critter comes to the rescue and washes it off in the water! This is a sweet story of how much fun a day at the beach with Grandma can truly be.

Just a Mess tells the all-true story of cleaning up a messy room. When Little Critter cannot find his baseball glove, he must clean up the giant mess to find it. The end of the clean up turned out to be funny, fast, and successful. Mercer Mayer’s text and illustrations are simply hilarious! This is a wonderful book to show children how messes can be bad, but how they can be easy and fast to clean.

This comical story is filled with childhood frustration and anger. When Little Critter is told “no” to the things he wants to do he

becomes so angry that he finally states that he will run away. That idea is put on hold when friends come by and ask if he wants to join in a baseball game. Mercer Mayer’s humorous illustrations in this story truly capture the frustration and aggravation that children house while angry.

Lesson Plan #1

Sunshine State Standards:

LA.B.1.1.1…makes a plan for writing that includes a central idea and related ideas.

Goal 3 Standards:

Information Managers

Creative and Critical Thinkers


After conducting research, the learner will create a business card as if they were Mercer Mayer incorporating the author’s name, job description, one aspect or accomplishment, quote (personal or from book) that describes writing style, and a thoughtful, catchy title with 100% accuracy.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Initial Assessment: The teacher will involve class first in small group discussions about Mercer Mayer’s books and his writing style. Each group will then share their ideas with the class. On the board, the teacher will record the student’s knowledge under the K section of a KWL chart. The teacher will ask students for anything they might want to know about Mercer Mayer and the writing style of his books. The teacher will record what the students want to know under the W section of the KWL chart. This will be used to determine student’s prior knowledge of Mercer Mayer, his books, and his writing style.

Informal Assessment: Using Mercer Mayer books and approved websites (found bellow) from the teacher, students will individually conduct research about Mercer Mayer and the writing style of his books. The teacher will walk around the classroom and check for student participation and understanding.

Approved websites:

Books by Mercer Mayer

About the Author

About the Author

Mercer Mayer

Formal Assessment: Using the various information the students have researched, they will create a business card that contains the author’s name, job description, one aspect or accomplishment, quote (personal or from book) that describes writing style, and a thoughtful, catchy title. It may also incorporate any other important information the student wants to add. This will be used as the final assessment of students learning.

Introduction to the Lesson:

“Hello class! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me who the author/illustrator we learned about yesterday was? That’s right; Mercer Mayer! Today we are going to research and learn more about Mercer Mayer, his books, and how he writes them. To get started, I will read aloud the first book from the Little Critter series Just for You.” After the teacher reads the book aloud to the class, the teacher will inform students that they will be creating business cards as if they were Mercer Mayer. The teacher will write the components needed for the business card on the board: author’s name, job description, one aspect or accomplishment, quote (personal or from book) that describes writing style, and a thoughtful, catchy title.


Just for You by Mercer Mayer Examples of personal business cards Two Mercer Mayer books for every student One paper for every student containing: business card components and

approved websites for research One piece of blank card stock in business card shape per student Markers/Colored Pencils for every student

Pens/Pencils for every student One computer per student

Technology Integration:

The overhead projector will be used to show examples of personal business cards to students.

The students will use the approved websites to research information about Mercer Mayer and the writing style of his books on the Internet.

Teacher Presentation or Facilitation:

1. “Hello class! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me who the author/illustrator we learned about yesterday was? (Allow students to answer until one provides correct answer). That’s right; Mercer Mayer! Today we are going to research and learn more about Mercer Mayer, his books, and how he writes them. To get started, I will read aloud the first book from the Little Critter series Just for You.”

2. After the teacher reads the book aloud to the class, the teacher will inform students that they will be creating business cards as if they were Mercer Mayer.

3. The teacher will write the components needed for the business card on the board: author’s name, job description, one aspect or accomplishment, quote (personal or from book) that describes writing style, and a thoughtful, catchy title.

4. The teacher will ask students to discuss in their table groups what they know about Mercer Mayer and his books. The teacher will create a KWL chart on the board.

5. The teacher will inform students that he/she will use students input to create a KWL chart-students Know, Want to know, and what they have Learned. The teacher will ask groups to share their knowledge with the class and record student’s knowledge under the K section of the chart.

6. The teacher will ask students what they would like to know/learn about the author and the writing style he uses in his books. The students input will be recorded under the W section of the chart.

7. Using the information on the board, the teacher will review with the students the business card assignment and its components. The teacher will state, “Each of you will use books by Mercer Mayer and approved websites to research information of this author. You will use your research to create a business card for yourself as if you were Mercer Mayer. The card should help others know and remember Mercer Mayer. It should convey a sense of who Mercer Mayer was and what he did. Your business card must include the following: author’s name, job description, one aspect or accomplishment, quote (personal or from book) that describes writing style, and a thoughtful, catchy title.”

8. The teacher will then use the overhead projector to show and discuss with class some examples of personal business cards.

9. The teacher will hand each student two Little Critter books and a piece of paper that contains the components for the business card [author’s name, job

description, one aspect or accomplishment, quote (personal or from book) that describes writing style, and a thoughtful, catchy title] and the approved website for research.

10.The teacher will inform students that they can use the hand out to record information and as a scratch paper for their business cards.

11.Students will be allowed to start their computer and text research. While researching, the teacher will be monitoring student’s research and understanding.

12. After students have conducted research and created a sketch of their business card, they will be given a piece blank card stock in business card shape to create their own. They can use pens, markers, colored pencils, and pencils to record information onto the card stock.

13.While students are creating their business cards out of card stock, the teacher will walk around the room and check for students understanding of components needed.

14.When students have finished their business cards, they will share them within their table groups and turn them into the teacher to be used as a graded assessment.

15.The teacher will then direct the class back to the KWL chart on the board. The teacher will ask class what they have learned about Mercer Mayer and the writing style he uses in his books and record the student’s answers under the L section of the chart.

Differentiated Instruction:

-Visual learners benefit from the KWL chart completed on the board, handout with components for business card and websites, the examples of personal business cards, reviewing two Little Critter books, researching online, the creation of the business card.

-Auditory learners benefit from the teacher read aloud of Just for You, the table group and whole class discussion of the KWL chart, the teacher instruction and explanation of assignment, and sharing of the business cards in table groups.

-Kinesthetic learners benefit from the participation of the discussions, the movement that the research allows, and the creation of the business cards.

-ESE students will be given a teacher helper if they require one. They will benefit from the repetition of the instructions from the teacher, group and class discussion, the KWL chart completion, and the creation of the business card.

-ESOL students will be provided with a translator if needed. Students will be given an English/Spanish dictionary if needed. The handout and a directions list will also be written in their home language. They will benefit from the group and class discussion, repetition of the instructions from the teacher, the KWL chart completion, and the creation of the business card.

-Students with Multiple Intelligences will benefit from sharing their knowledge during the discussion and completion of the KWL chart, being able to incorporate information into the business card that is not required, and sharing their findings within table groups.

Lesson Plan #2

Sunshine State Standards:

LA.A.2.1.3…reads for information to use in performing a task and learning a new task.

Goal 3 Standards:

Information Managers

Effective Communicators


Using materials and research done in class, the learner will create and present a collage about Mercer Mayer that includes but is not limited to describing words about his life and books, pictures of himself and books, and the students own drawing of a Mercer Mayer character.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Initial Assessment: The teacher will involve students in a discussion review about what they learned about Mercer Mayer from the day before. Student’s answers will provide the teacher with the student’s knowledge of the author thus far in the study. The L section of the KWL chart from the prior day will be reviewed with the class.

Informal Assessment: Students will research information about Mercer Mayer, his books, and his artwork to create a collage about the author. Students can also use their business cards from the day before for information. While students are conducting research, the teacher will walk around and check for students understanding of required information and productivity. Students will use the provided Mercer Mayer books, approved websites, and their business cards for resources.

Books by Mercer Mayer

About the Author

About the Author

Mercer Mayer

Mercer Meyer’s Home Page

Answer.Com Library


Formal Assessment: After students have acquired the needed information, they will use craft materials to create a collage about Mercer Mayer. The teacher will monitor student’s use of materials and check for student’s understanding of assessment. Students will present their collages in front of the class. The components of the collage and the student’s presentation will be used as the final assessment. After students create their collages they will individually present and explain what they have incorporated into the assessment.

Introduction to the Lesson:

“Good morning class! I want all of you to take out a piece of paper and write down one question to share with a partner about something you have learned about Mercer Mayer.” After students have written their questions, the teacher will pair students and have them ask and answer each others question.


Mercer Mayer books One list of approved website per student One piece of paper per student Markers-1 pack per student Colored pencils-1 pack per student One pair of scissors per student Computers/printers One bulletin board for mural

Technology Integration:

Each student will use the Internet to conduct research about Mercer Mayer.

Teacher Presentation or Facilitation:

1. “Good morning class! I want all of you to take out a piece of paper and write down one question to share with a partner about something you have learned before about Mercer Mayer.”

2. After students have written their questions, the teacher will pair students and have them ask and answer each others question. The teacher will walk around and check that all students are actively involved in asking and answering the questions.

3. Next the teacher will involve students in a discussion review about what they learned about Mercer Mayer from the day before.

4. The L section of the KWL chart from the prior day will be reviewed with the class. Student’s answers will provide the teacher with the student’s knowledge of the author thus far in the study.

5. After the class has finished reviewing, the teacher will explain, “Today each of you will be creating a collage about Mercer Mayer. You will use your business cards from yesterday, approved websites, and Mercer Mayer’s books to gather information for your collages.”

6. The teacher will pass out students’ business cards and a piece of paper with the requirements and approved websites.

7. Students will then be allowed to use provided Mercer Mayer books and computers to gain information for their collages and print off pictures. The teacher will monitor students’ research and make sure that all are focused on completing the task.

8. After students have gained the information needed, they will be allowed to use the crafts (collage paper, glue, markers, colored pencils, scissors, and scrap colored paper) to create their Mercer Mayer collage and their own illustration mocking Mercer Mayer’s style. The teacher must supervise all students at this time; making sure scissors and other crafts are being used properly.

9. When all students have finished their collages, they will individually present the collage in front of the class.

10.The teacher will inform students, “Each of you will have 2 minutes to share and describe your collage to the class. Please explain each part of your collage and why you chose to include it. All of your collages look great; I am very excited to hear your presentations!”

11.The teacher will take notes while students are presenting and record if they have explained and shared the pieces of their collages.

12.After each student presents their collage, the teacher will pin it to the empty bulletin board creating a class mural of Mercer Mayer collages.

Differentiated Instruction:

-Visual learners benefit from the review of the KWL chart and their business cards, researching the websites, reviewing Mercer Mayer books, the creation of the collages, and the presentations.

-Auditory learners benefit from the whole class review of the KWL chart, the teacher instructions of assignment, and sharing of collages through presentations.

-Kinesthetic learners benefit from the participation of the discussion, the movement that the research allows, and the creation of the collages.

-ESE students will be given a teacher helper if they require one or a student buddy aid them throughout the lesson. They will benefit from the KWL chart class discussion, the instructions from the teacher, the creation of the collage, and the repetition of information that the presentations will provide.

-ESOL students will be provided with a translator if needed. Students will be given an English/Spanish dictionary if needed. The handout and a directions list will also be written in their home language. They will benefit from the class review discussion, repetition of the instructions from the teacher, expressing their knowledge through the creation of the illustration and collage, and the repetition of information that the presentations provide.

-Students with Multiple Intelligences will benefit from sharing their knowledge during the review of the KWL chart, being able to incorporate numerous information into the collage that is not required, and sharing their findings during the presentation time.

Lesson Plan #3

Sunshine State Standards:

LA.E.1.1.2…identifies the story elements of setting, plot, character, problem, and solution/resolution.

Goal 3 Standards:

Cooperative Workers

Creative and Critical Thinkers

Effective Communicators


After choosing a Mercer Mayer book, the learner will identify the meaning of the story, importance of the illustrations, and demonstrate an understanding of the author’s writing and illustrative style.

In pairs, students will design and illustrate a story that mimics the author’s style including a setting, plot, character, problem, and solution/resolution.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Initial Assessment: The students will observe the teacher’s short skit and discuss how authors get their ideas for books.

Informal Assessment: Each student will chose one of Mercer Mayer’s books, read it, determine the purpose/meaning of the story, the importance that the illustrations play, and study the author’s writing and illustrative style. While students are reading and discovering, the teacher will ask students questions to check for understanding: “What was the story about? What was the purpose of the story? Does it teach anything to its readers? Did the illustrations affect the reading experience? How?”

Formal Assessment: Students will be placed in pairs and share their book and understanding of Mercer Mayer’s writing and illustrative style with each other. Each pair will then brainstorm ideas for a book that they will create following their understanding of Mercer Mayer’s style. Each student will be responsible for equal pages of the book creating both text and illustrations.

Introduction to the Lesson:

The teacher will enter classroom looking very concentrated and carrying a pad of paper and a pen. He/she will say, “Oh, what will I do?! I am an author, and I should have plenty of ideas for a great new book! But I am afraid that I am stuck.” Then he/she looks out the window and pretends to be inspired by something they saw and starts to write on the pad. “That would be a great beginning!” After a short time the teacher continues, “The dream I had last night would fit into this story perfectly!” The teacher continues to write on the pad.


Pad and paper for teacher skit Mercer Mayer books-1 per student List of requirements for students book-1 per student Book paper (top half for drawing and bottom half for text)-8 per student Markers-1 pack per student Colored pencils-1 pack per student

Hole puncher String-1 per pair

Technology Integration:

No technology has been used in this lesson.

Teacher Presentation or Facilitation:

1. The teacher will enter classroom looking very concentrated and carrying a pad of paper and a pen. He/she will say, “Oh, what will I do?! I am an author, and I should have plenty of ideas for a great new book! But I am afraid that I am stuck.” Then he/she looks out the window and pretends to be inspired by something they saw and starts to write on the pad. “That would be a great beginning!” After a short time the teacher continues, “The dream I had last night would fit into this story perfectly!” The teacher continues to write on the pad.

2. After writing on the pad for a few seconds, the teacher will place the pad and pen on his/her desk and ask, “Can any of you tell me who I was pretending to be? What was I doing? As an author how was I able to get ideas for a book? What are some other ways that an author can be inspired to write a book? Do authors ever write a book to teach a lesson or to prove a point?”

3. The teacher will use student’s answers to determine their prior knowledge. 4. After students demonstrate an understanding of some ways and means authors

create books, they will choose one of Mercer Mayer’s books to read. 5. The teacher will inform students, “While you are reading through your book try to

determine the purpose/meaning of the story and the importance that the illustrations play in the book. Also play close attention to the author’s style of writing. If his sentences are long, short, descriptive, information packed…”

6. While students are reading the teacher will individually ask “What was the story about? What was the purpose of the story? Does it teach anything to its readers? Did the illustrations affect the reading experience? How? What have you concluded about the author’s writing and illustrative style?”

7. After students are finished reading and discovering, the teacher will place the class in pairs. Then the teacher will announce, “In your pairs, share what you have discovered about your book.”

8. When students have finished sharing in pairs, the teacher will say, “Next I want each pair to brainstorm ideas for a Little Critter book idea that you will create together. This book must follow your understanding of Mercer Mayer’s style and be written and illustrated according to it. Use your understanding of Mercer Mayer’s themes to give you a book idea. Your book must have a setting, plot, character, problem, and solution/resolution. Each student will be responsible for equal pages of the book creating both text and illustrations. Your pair may choose to switch off pages between both of you; or your pair might decide that one student is responsible for the first half and the second students for the last

half. Any way you create it each student must produce the same amount of pages that require text and pictures.”

9. The teacher will pass out a piece of paper with requirements stated above and the materials (8 book pages per students, 1 pack of markers per student, and 1 pack of colored pencils per student) to each pair of students.

10.While students are brainstorming and creating their Little Critter books, the teacher will walk between pairs and check for student participation, collaborative brainstorming and work, and that the author’s style is being included in the text and illustrations. The teacher will check that the students are following and incorporating all of the required elements.

11.When pair of students has completed their Little Critter book, the teacher will whole punch it and bind it together with string. The books will be collected and graded for the final assessment.

Differentiated Instruction:

-Visual learners benefit from the teacher skit, reading and reviewing of a Mercer Mayer book, and the creation of the Little Critter book.

-Auditory learners benefit from the class discussion of author’s ideas and meanings of books, the teacher instructions of assignment, sharing of understanding of a Mercer Mayer book, and the collaborative work in pairs to create a Little Critter book.

-Kinesthetic learners benefit from the participation of the discussion, the movement that the book creating involves, and the creation of the Little Critter books.

-ESE students will be given a teacher helper if they require one. They will be paired with a student who will be sensitive and helpful to them throughout the lesson. They will benefit from the class and paired discussion, the instructions from the teacher, and the creation of the Little Critter book.

-ESOL students will be provided with a translator if needed. They will be paired with a student who is bilingual in their home language and/or who will be sensitive and helpful to them throughout the lesson. Students will be given an English/Spanish dictionary if needed. The handout and a directions list will also be written in their home language. The Mercer Mayer books will try to be located in their home language. They will benefit from the class and paired discussions, repetition of the instructions from the teacher, and the expression of their knowledge through the creation of the illustration and text.

-Students with Multiple Intelligences will benefit from sharing their knowledge during the class discussion, being able to determine information about the Mercer Mayer book to share with their pair, and using their skills and knowledge in the creation of their Little Critter book.

Culminating Activity:

To have students celebrate and reflect on their learning, they will write a letter to

Mercer Mayer. The letter must include the students’ favorite book by the author

and why it is their favorite. A description of what the students have learned about

the author’s writing and illustrative style must also be included. The students will

also include a brief description of their Little Critter book they created in pairs.

The last element to the letter will be a question that the students have for the

author. This activity is a fun activity that will aid students’ reflection on things they

have learned about the author/illustrator.

Works Cited:

Jeffery, Steven. (2008) Author Information: Mercer Mayer. Retrieved June 4, 2008, from Internet Book List Website:

Little Critter World Wide Network. Retrieved June 4, 2008 from Orchard House Licensing Company Website:

All About Mercer Mayer. Retrieved June 4, 2008 from Orchard House Licensing Company Website:

Mercer Mayer Teacher Resource File. Retrieved June 4, 2008 from Highlight’s Teacher Net Web Ring Website:

Ennis, Mary L. Fairy Tale Companion: Mercer Mayer. Retrieved June 5, 2008 from Website:

Wikipedia (2008) Mercer Mayer. Retrieved June 5, 2008 from Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia Website:

Picture Books Author of the Month Mercer Mayer. Retrieved June 5, 2008 from Greenville Public Library Website:

FEAP Reflection:

Although this was my first time creating an Author Study Unit Plan, I enjoyed it

very much. It was easy for me to decide on my author/illustrator Mercer Mayer for he is

one of my childhood favorites. However the research and execution of this unit plan was

quite extensive. While developing this unit plan, I demonstrated many FEAPs. The three

FEAPs that I have focused on are Planning, Communication, and Learning


When creating a unit plan, it is important that the teacher incorporates a creative

learning environment and uses proper learning strategies to meet the standards and

goals of the lessons. Because this was a unit plan it took a great deal of Planning. The

first indicator that I demonstrated through this assignment is, “Identifies student

performance outcomes for planned lessons.” After I chose my author, I had to conduct

research about his writing and illustrative styles. I had to know this in order to start

developing activities for my lessons. While creating my lesson plans I had to start with

the Sunshine State Standards and then start creating my ideas for the lesson plans.

Each lesson had to flow together and center on the author. The second indicator that I

have established is as follows, “Helps students develop concepts through a variety of

methods.” During this lesson students will use various methods to develop their

understanding of the meaning of Mercer Mayer’s books and his writing and illustrative

styles. Throughout the lessons, students will discuss in small and whole group

discussions what they know about the author’s written and illustrative style. Students

design a business card, collage, and their own Little Critter book to demonstrate their

understanding. Using many methods will benefit the various learning styles of the


Communication is needed in any classroom setting where effective instruction

and learning are to take place. I have had to address areas of communication in this

unit plan to assure that my students will understand the questions and discussions,

learn from each other, and are able to create and present their work with others. The

first indicator that I have shown in this lesson states, “Provides opportunities for

students to learn from each other.” This lesson involves several questions that students

will discuss in pairs, table groups, and with the whole class. These discussions allow

students to express their ideas about the author and other information and learn from

other students understanding and examples. The second indicator states, “Provides

opportunities for students to receive constructive feedback on individual work and

behavior.” After the first lesson, the teacher will collect, grade, and give constructive

feedback on student’s business cards. During the second lesson, students receive

feedback after they present and describe their collages to the class. After the third

lesson is complete, the teacher will provide feedback for student’s letter to the author.

Throughout the lessons, the teacher constantly checks on students understanding of

activities providing them with constructive responses to their work.

Through the creation of this unit plan, I have learned the importance of

comfortable and positive Learning Environments. The teacher is responsible for creating

the learning environment and supporting it with techniques and strategies to ensure

student learning. The first indicator that supports this states, “Provides clear directions

for instructional activities and routines.” Throughout the unit plan there are many easy

to follow directions for the students to follow. By providing students with easy directions,

they will stay on task and fully be able to apply their knowledge during activities. All of

the directions for the lessons have been typed up and passed out for each student to

have and follow. The second indicator that I will continue to sharpen is as follows,

“Develops short-term personal and professional goals relating to learning

environments.” By creating detailed lesson plans such as these, I have developed a

sense for a proper classroom learning environment. I have developed many techniques

and strategies that I plan on using in my future classroom. I realize that as I continue my

education I will sharpen these skills and learn many great ways to model an effective

learning environment.

Preparing this author study unit plan with all of the components has helped me

become more comfortable and confident in teaching unit plans. As an aspiring teacher I

need to develop the competencies required for that of a facilitator. Through this

experience I have displayed and sharpened some of these competencies. I plan to

continue on in my development towards a professional teacher.

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