bio 342 human physiology. a physiologist asks… how do things work in the human body? – how is...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Bio 342Human


A physiologist asks…

• How do things work in the human body?– How is stability achieved?– What are the causes and consequences of

disruptions of stability?– Physicians ask “How can stability be restored?”

• How do we know what’s going on inside the body?

Theme of this course:

HomeostasisAging, infection, injury Disturbed homeostasis

Group advising for premed students

Monday, Sept 3 Evening 1st day of classes

• For those interested in medical school, an advisor will present and answer questions at the following times and locations:– Freshmen: two sessions either from 8-8:30 pm or 8:30-9:00 Advisor Dr.

Spivey, meet in RMSC 122 (The Pit) and bring your course schedules. – Sophomores: 9:00-9:30 pm Advisor Dr. Moss, meet in RMSC 122.– Juniors: 8:30-9:00 pm Advisor Dr. Moeller, meet in RMSC 121.– Seniors: 9:00-9:30 pm Advisor Dr. Moeller, meet in RMSC 121.

• For those interested in Physician Assistant (PA) programs you can meet with your PA advisor Dr. Moss in RMSC 121 at 8:00-8:30 pm (all years)

• For those students interested in graduate programs in biology and allied fields we will have an interest/advising meeting in the near future.


• PHYSIOLOGY: The study of the function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

• THE TEXT: Widmaier et al. 20011 (12th ed.)– Chapter 2-5 review of other courses– Using your textbook– Using chapter questions from


The Syllabus (on the course website Moodle Site for Grades and Electronic Assignments

• Office & cell phone numbers• E-mail (• Lecture topics by week

– Text chapters in parentheses– Read in advance of lectures

LABORATORIES• May shift topics due to availability of animals• One Lab Report in the form of abstracts

– very concise, based on lab data– Incorporate statistics– With revision and resubmission

• No separate lab tests; lab material included on lecture tests

GRADING• 3 lecture tests = 60%

– multiple multiple choice (choose all correct answers)– Some short answer in the space provided– Rarely fill in the blank– Sometime create or complete graph or diagram– discussion question(s) from a list

• Cumulative final exam = 20%• Other work = 20%

– Abstract = 10%– 1 Question Quizzes (1QQs) = 10%

Honor Code

• All worked is “pledged.”• Issues of plagiarism to be handled by the

Honor Court.• Work together, but submit your own work.


• Limited use of electronics in classroom & lab– Only for class/lab-related activities


Study Questions & Quizzes

• Questions provided for each chapter (On the website!)

• Read the book and answer the questions PRIOR to class meeting

• Class time is used to deal with problematical topics and reinforce the major concepts

• Be ready for 1QQs

Study Questions & Quizzes

• Rationale for this format:– See what Dr. Davis thinks you ought to emphasize– Writing helps to consolidate memory and recall– Greater effort results in better retention and

understanding– Students are engaged learners– Able to cover more information

Improve MCAT, DCAT and GRE scores

1QQ # 1Name on top edge, back side of paperAnswer on blank side of paper.Answer one of the following:

1.The 200+ cell types in the human body can be classified into one of 4 cell types or tissue types. List the 4 types and their distinguishing characteristics.

2.List the 4 modes of heat exchange.3.What is the difference between an

organ and a tissue?

Cognitive Domain (Revised Bloom) Description    Action verbs        Original Bloom’s term

1.Remember (LOCS)**  Retrieve relevant knowledge   Recognize, identify, recall, list, label      Knowledge

2. Understand (LOCS)  Describe meaning    Interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize/explain/describe in own words    


3. Apply (LOCS/HOCS)  Use/apply procedures or info in novel context  Execute, predict         Application

4. Analyze (HOCS)  Infer relationships between components or parts and bigger picture Differentiate, organize, link, attribute, infer, interpret, diagnose, compare/contrast, conclude, speculate Analysis

5. Evaluate (HOCS)  Make judgments based on evidence, criteria, and standards Verify, critique, assess merit       Evaluation

6. Create (HOCS)   Piece together info to form novel whole; create original product Generate, plan, build, produce, design, model      Synthesis

A Taxonomy of Cognitive Skills for Developing Student Assignments and Assessments**SC SDE (Pat Mohr). Adapted from Lorin W. Anderson, David R. Krathwohl et al (Eds.) A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives 2001; modified by Ellen Goldey, Wofford College, to incorporate “Biology in Bloom,” Crowe et al., 2008, CBE – Life Sci Edu., 7: 368-381. **HOCS = higher order cognitive skills, LOCS = lower order cognitive skills.

More stuff

• Arrive early for lecture and lab• Pay attention (no cell phones, email,

Facebook, etc. during lecture or lab)• Take notes on what is said….don’t wait for

boardwork.• Powerpoints usually posted AFTER lecture• Drop by the office for a visit!

Chapter 1 and parts of 16

• Tissues• Organs• Organ Systems• Homeostasis• Negative & positive feedback, acclimation• Two detailed examples: Thermoregulation

and Glucose Homeostasis

Genetics & Development

Cell & Molecular



Name and organ and verify it has all 4 tissue types.

Figure 01.01cAnatomy

Cell types (1)

• Hepatocyte• Cardiac myofiber• Type II pneumocyte • Purkinje fiber (heart)• Erythrocyte• Enteroendocrine cell• Simple cuboidal cell of

the proximal renal tubule

• Principal cell of the thyroid gland

• Endothelial cell• Fibroblast• Osteocyte• Lactotroph• Acinar cell of pancreas• Beta cell of Islet of

Langerhans• Schwann cell

More cell types (2)

• Rod cell of the retina• Leydig cell• Hair cell of cochlea• Smooth myofiber of

arteriole• Mast cell• Unilocular adipocyte• Alpha motoneuron• Gamma motoneuron

• Retinal ganglion cell• Megakaryocyte• Satellite cell (ganglion)• Astrocyte• Dorsal root ganglion cell• Merkel cell• Myoepithelial cell of

salivary gland

Even More Cell Types (3)

• Parietal cell of stomach• Chief cell of stomach• Paneth cell• Podocyte• Juxtaglomerular cell• Cell of the macula

densa• Chromaffin cell of the

adrenal medulla

• Parafollicular cell of the thyroid

• Cell of the collecting duct in the kidney

• Secretory cell of the zona glomerulosa in adrenal cortex

• Secretory cell of the zonal fasciculata in adrenal cortex

The Human Body:A Society of Cells

• Imagine you are a cell. Ask yourself:• Which type of cell am I? (Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, or Muscle)• What do I do for myself? (What are my special characteristics and

functions?) • What do I do for the person in whom I reside? (What are my contributions

to the whole organism? To homeostasis?) • What do I need simply to survive?• In what ways to I depend on other cells?• What governs my actions? • How long will I live?• What would happen to the organism if I along with all the other cells of my

type were to fail to function properly?

Check Moodle Site to find which cell type you are.Submit your answers to the Moodle Site by Wednesday 9 am.

Bring a printout to class on Wednesday.


Cell Membrane: selectively permeable

Capillaries: highly permeable except to proteins


• The relative constancy of the internal environment

• Steady state vs. equilibrium

BeggarThessaloniki, Greece

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