biodiversity carbon technical details

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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The Sierra Gorda Alliance is a pioneer in the voluntary global market, developing the only forest carbon project in Mexico to attain validation for its design under two international standards in 2011: the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), and the Climate, Community and BiodiversityStandard (CCB).

Today, the Sierra Gorda Alliance continues to build on its 15 years of experience in developing local, practical applications of the Kyoto Protocol. We work to ensure these solutions meaningfully engage and compensate local forest owners, who, with their local knowledge and experience, areultimately best-placed to pultimately best-placed to protect this unique and diverse region. As a result, these programs are not only securing the ongoing conservation of the Reserve, but are providing a much-needed income for some of the country’s poorest communities.

Known as the “green jewel of Mexico”, the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve covers one third of the state of Queretaro, Mexico, or approximately one million acres. Forming part of the Eastern Sierra Madre mountain range, the region is the most biodiverse naturally protected area in the country, and is home to 10 out of 11 of Mexico’s eco-systems.

The ReseThe Reserve shelters numerous species of flora and fauna at risk of extinction. It also serves as a refuge for migratory species of birds and butterflies and is recognized as being a globally important habitat for the conservation of bird populations (IBA).

By offsetting your carbon with us, you’ll not only be helping to fight climate change, you’ll be helping to preserve one of Latin America’s most significant natural areas.

Your support will help local communities overcome poverty while combating climate change.

TOTAL:23,635 tons of carbon offset

with partners in 6 countries

The Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve

Local Solutions to a Global Environmental Challenge

Carbon Neutral Events • Carbon Neutral Travel • Carbon Neutral Businesses • Carbon Neutral Governments

Protection and regeneration of natural forests in the Sierra Gorda World Biosphere Reserve.

Biodiversity Carbon | |


We work in partnership with local landowners to protect and regenerate old growth natural forests. Landowners receive fair compensation for the ecoservices they provide, which include forest fire preven-tion activities and ensuring that any environmentally damaging practices such as livestock grazing, log-ging, and wood extraction are ceased. In addition, the owners commit to guarding their lands from hunt-ing and the extraction of wild flora and fauna species.

Through these activities, damaged forests and vital undergrowth are able to regenerate, and capture more carbon, with one hectare of old forest able to capture up to 5 tons of CO2 each year. Local animal species – many of which are threatened – are also benefitting through the restoration of their natural habitats and the prohibition of hunting. These inlcude mammals such as jaguars, pumas, deer, coatis and martuchos, amphibians including salamanders and tree frogs, and threatened bird species such as the great currasow and the bearded-wood partridge.

The Biodiversity Carbon Project

Until recently, many families in the Sierra Gorda had few options to earn an income beyond destructive illegal logging, and unsustainable farming and hunting practices. The forests and soils became degraded following years of high impact farming, with landowners yielding less and less each year as the land and its productivity deteriorated. Without economic value, such forests aare at a much higher risk of arson, and become an endangered habitat. Through programs like Biodiversity Carbon, we are able to increase both the economic and environmental value of the land, and create opportunities for local landowners to generate an income while protecting these natural resources.

With almost 30 years experience in conservation and more than 15 years experience in carbon programs, the Sierra Gorda Alliance is one of Mexico’s leading environmental agencies. Our experience has shown that sustainable conservation of the vital ecosystems can only be achieved by generating eco-nomic opportunities for local landowners. As such, we continue to invest in innovative programs that perform across the triple bottom line – people, planet and profit.

Local engagement contributing to a global solution.

A Transformative Approach

About the Sierra Gorda Alliance

You can help local communities protect old forests while reducing your carbon footprint.

Become a Biodiversity Carbon partner today.

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