birth canal laceration

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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birth canal laseration


birth canal laceration

birth canal lacerationusually caused by an episiotomy , perineal rupture and trauma .

Perineal ruptureetiology : -maternal : presipitalus parturition , the uterine fundus forcibly driven , the expansion of the perineum.-fetus : macrosomia , breech and shoulder dystocia

rips level :Level 1 : occurs only on the mucous membranes of the vagina .Level 2 : the transverse perineal muscleLevel 3 : the anal sphincterLevel 4 : the rectum

laceration of the vagina

rips classification : Kolporeksi : tear in the vagina so that the upper portion of the uterine cervix and vagina apart . Tearing of the vaginal wall : tear on blood vessels . Vaginal injury- Rips vulva : a small tear in the labium minus , the vestibule or the rear .- Hematoma of the vulva : tearing of veins that exist under the skin vessels sexVesico - vaginal fistula : an abnormal connection between the bladder to the vagina . Recto - vaginal fistula: abnormal connection between the rectum to vagina

lacerations of the cervix

etiology : precipitate parturition trauma gave birth to a breech baby by force prolonged labor

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