bis tools of it

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

INFORMATION Defined as the characteristics of the

o/p of the process Is produced by all processes and it is

the value of characteristics in the process’ output that are information.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

PROCESS A set of logically related tasks

performed to achieve a defined goals Is a instance of a program (running in a


04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Processing Transforming / Converting / Changing

the data into desired outputs

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

KNOWLEDGE An awareness and understanding of a

set of information and ways that information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decision.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

INFORMATION SYSTEM IS – set of interrelated components IS – provides a feedback mechanism to

meet an objective E.g. of IS are

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Organization An organized group with a particular

purpose., e.g business System Collection of people/resources Objective is to make profits Maximize the stakeholders value

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

In any organization..

Inputs are Material / People / Money Outputs are Goods / Services

producedNote : Outputs have higher value than

Inputs.HOW ??

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Inputs Transformation Mechanism

Decision Making




Material and Physical Flow

Value flow

Model of an Organization

Org System Process Subsystem

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Objective / Goals of Organization Make Profits / Revenues Maximize the Stakeholders /

Shareholders value Who are responsible for this Money, People, Material, M/c,

Equipments, Information, Database, decision are constantly utilized.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Organization Structure Contains various subunits which

relates to each other and to the organization as a whole

WHY ?? for work decision, role assignment,

authority, responsibilities.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Types of Org. Structures 1. Traditional Generally – Hierarchical split

Structure Strategically to operationally High degree of Authority Corporate goals is major look out

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

2. Project OS Confined for particular period Forming of new team for new project Focused on prod / service as a center

point E.g ERP project

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

3. Team OS Focused on group / teams ( small or

large) Team is undefined E.g

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

4. Multidimensional OS Combination of TOS and POS It results in to Matrix WHAT are The Adv. and DIS-

Advantage? Several stru. Links at the same time Not preferred generally

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

5. Virtual OS Almost as Described (Incomplete) Temporary Geographically separated People can collaborate on any project

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Organization Culture WHAT ?? To understand the beliefs / values /

approach for decision making To make assumptions which is not

documented and not stated.E.G :

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Organization Change

Only constant thing It involves change-theories Identification of the phases and ways

to implement them Phase 1 – Unfreezing Phase 2 – Moving Phase 3 - Refreezing

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Unfreezing Discarding / leaving / ceasing /

removing the old habits or methodologies and

To make a climate / way to change E.g.,

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Moving Process of entry in to the new work

methods / methodology / system E.g.,

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Refreezing Vital phase as the reinforcing the

changes made happen here Need is to know-how of the dynamics

of change Used to maximize the efficiency and

effectiveness of the organization system.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Re-engineering Redesigning the process for business processes, for org

structure change, for IS change, for change of value (of org.)

WHY Required ??WHAT are the benefits ??

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Re-engineering is Required.. To remain competent To do any fundamental changes in

the business To gain / obtain the desired

breakthrough in business-results

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Benefits of Re-engineering Increases productivity Increases service quality Enhance customer satisfaction Increases revenues / profitability

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Technology Diffusion(TD) Diffusion means spreading over the

large area TD is spreading of technology widely

in an organization E.g :

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Technology Infusion (TI) Infuse means spreading throughout. TI is spread or imbedded technology

in an organization E.g:

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Total Quality Management Quality – Quality means ..a method, value-approach up to desired value

Management –?Management means.. a process of planning, organising, staffing, co-

ordinating and controlling the resources to achieve the business goals.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

TQM – is methodology to sustain and maintain the quality commitment level of an organization with reference to the way of approach, tools, and techniques.

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Total Cost of Ownership

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Careers in IS

04/08/23 Kamlesh Ghag

Please answer … How IS adhere to TQM in the

organization when integrated into business ??

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