bitdefender corporate july2011 v3

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Copyright@bitdefender 2011 / 7/26/2011 • 2

Life 2.0:New World. New Threats.

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Threat Motivation has Evolved

Old World New World

Teens and Geeks– Attention-Driven– Loner Profile

Cyber-criminals– Profit-Driven – Highly Organized

High Profile Attacks– Social Engineering – Mass Mailers

Stealth Attacks– Spyware/Adware– Automated Variant Creation and

Morphing – Persistent Threats

Lost productivity– Clogged E-mail Systems and

Networks– Help Desk and Data Loss Costs

Cyber-crime– Identity Theft and Online Fraud– Highly Targeted Corporate

Information Attacks




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Magnitude of the Problem/Opportunity

• “Even the best signature databases… have less than a 50% chance of catching completely new threats. Signatures are extremely ineffective against targeted and “zero day” threats.”

According to Gartner

• “Nobody can win the war against malware with a signature-driven product, but more proactive technologies are required ”

According to AV-Test’s Andreas Marx

Source: AV-Test Labs (

Around 1.5M unique malware samples are discovered every month!

Source: –Sample Collection Growth

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Magnitude of the Problem/Opportunity

Stuxnet wave/ World’s 1st cyber weapon

Launched in 2010, targeting a nuclear power plant and an uranium enrichment facility

A few million dollars invested in the design and development of the worm

Cross discipline knowledge/skills used (beyond “traditional” software, social engineering and NLP), new stage for sophistication

Take command (through cyberworld) of an industrial control system (physical world)

The bar has been lowered for destructive attacks on other control systems, whether at critical infrastructure or industrial factory

First copycats will be seen in H2, 2011

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Market Landscape and Trends

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Market Landscape and Trends

8 Billion $ in 2012IDC expects the Security Software Market market to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.3%, reaching a total revenue of over 8 billion$ in 2012 and nearly $10 billion by 2014!

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Market Landscape and Trends

Security Market – the place to be

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20130.0








6.4 6.67.1



Worldwide Corporate and Consumer Endpoint Security Revenue ($ billions)




Endpoint security has become more prominent over the past few years, despite economical downturn. IDC forecasts that the Consumer segment will grow by 10% to reach 4.4B $, while Enterprise segment will reach 5.2B $ in 2013.

The key to success in the security market will be product differentiation through improved performance and features.

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New Market Trends

• Virtualization• The move to the cloud• New consumer technologies and computing

models creates new market opportunities• Emerging regions: Eastern Europe, Latin

America, Asia/Pacific will grow at 12% per y

Security Software Market Overview

Security Software Market8 billion $ in 2012


• Top players: Symantec, McAfee, TrendMicro

• Market Challengers: Kaspersky, AVG, BitDefender


• Free products have 20% of consumer user base

• Freeware is used for gradual monetization• IDC believes Free will become part of

Managed Security Service

BitdefenderThe new product The new brand

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Bitdefender at a glance

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BitDefender at a Glance

The #1 Anti-Malware Security Technology in the world First security software vendor to receive top recommendations simultaneously from

the most important three key independent organizations in the US, UK, and Germany!

Moreover our technology is used by top security vendors: F-Secure, GData, Qihoo, Bullguard or IBM;

The only security technology to have won all 14 VB Antispam awards in a row;

BitDefender protects more than 400 million people worldwide (including technology partnerships);

Five local offices;

250+ engineers in R&D team;

Products localized in more than 20 languages.

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A Decade of Innovation

• First antivirus worldwide to offer intelligent updating

• First antivirus product to include an application firewall

• MIDAS (Malware Intrusion Detection Advanced System)- wins IST prize, “is set to revolutionize

antivirus design”

• BitDefender to release the first ever commercial antivirus for the Linux Samba 3 servers.

• BitDefender to release its proprietary Antispam technology.

• BitDefender to release the hourly update system

• BitDefender introduces B-HAVE (Behavioral Heuristic Analyzer in Virtual Environments)

• Spam Image Filter an important step in the combating of the new spamming techniques.

• BitDefender® Mobile Security to provide real-time protection for smartphones and PDAs.

• BitDefender® Active Virus Control to innovate with an proactive technology capable of detecting

and blocking new viruses in real time, on a live system.

• 60-Second QuickScan – The quickest way to find if your computer is infected!

• BitDefender to release safego - an application which protects Facebook users from spam, phishing

attacks, and profile privacy threats.  












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Understanding Consumer Security Trends

Challenges Actionable Solutions

Specialized attacks carried out by cyber criminals are increasing in numbers and variety.

New products must rely on both cloud and on premise technologies to block attacks proactively.

New platforms: Mac, smartphones, Tablets, Smart TVs bring new vulnerabilities.

Cloud technologies and server side services will be the basis for cross-platform protection.

People don't have time &/ knowledge to decide on security issues.

Consumer products should do 99% of the job themselves, with no user intervention. Simplicity is the key.

Cybercrime such as identity theft and targeted spam/scam use public information from social networks to support social engineering and manipulate users.

Use of proactive technologies to prevent information leaks and NLP (natural language processing) techniques. 

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Business Solutions Strategy

Worldwide Endpoint Security Revenue by Platform, 2008 – 2014 ($M) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009–2014

        CAGR (%)Software 6196.8 6383.1 6842.6 7284.1 7800.6 8330.1 8874.0 6.8Hardware 6.4 7.3 9.2 12.1 15.4 20.0 25.6 28.7Virtualized 3.2 9.5 21.3 36.6 91.5 172.8 305.4 100.2SaaS 178.8 197.9 241.9 301.6 411.8 570.1 647.3 26.7

Total 6385.2 6597.8 7115.1 7634.5 8319.3 9093.0 9852.4 8.3Source: IDC, 2010

Worldwide Endpoint Security Revenue by Platform:1. Software grows steadily being 90% of total revenues in 2014

2. SaaS is already the 2nd largest platform and it doubles share from 3% in 2008 to 7% in 2014, equal to $650M

3. Virtualized Platforms will increase the fastest (100% CAGR)

4. Hardware platform remains insignificant at nearly zero (0.2%)

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Business Solutions Strategy

1. Leverage best of breed technology in Blue Oceans Virtualization Security

VMware – tight partnership


2. Leverage Virtualization Security in Cloud Computing SaaS

3. Disrupt mainstream endpoint/server security “God-Mode” research project

4. Temporary Virtual Patching/Vulnerability Discovery Find the risk -> mitigate

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Business Solutions Strategy

1. Deliver solutions as platforms not products

2. BitDefender Unified Management Platform supports: SaaS Grid

Public Cloud

Private Cloud


Virtualization Security Hypervisor introspection

Patent pending network scanning engine

BitDefender hypervisor project

Vulnerability Assessment & Pen-Testing Engines Temporary Virtual Patching (pre-zero-day)

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Building Successful OEM Partnerships

Leverage on our strong technological leadership in security;

Opportunity to understand trends and to integrate with complementary technologies and products;

Opportunity to close long-term partnerships with strong players, generating predictable revenues streams;

Average growth rate in excess of 100% over the last two years;

Broad range of technologies covered:SDKs

Anti-malware SDK line-upAnti-spam SDKs for spam detectionAnti-phishing SDKsWeb security SDKsUpdater SDK & Mirroring Script

Extensive Platform Support Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, etc.Intel x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, etc.

BitDefender Security software for re-/co-brandingStreamDefender

technology for multi-Gb/s malware detectionQuickScan

SDK for fast, clientless, cloud-based infection assessment for end-point security

Sizeable pipeline of deals across all geographies and in all sectors (telecom, financial, network infrastructure, appliance vendors, virtual services providers etc).

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Moving Forward

The need for IT security is growing Increase of Internet penetration;

Exponential increase of data (personal and business) requiring protection;

Exponential evolution (number and technologies used) of malware …

… and professionalization (cybercrime, cyber terrorism) ;

Consumerization of technology;

Convergence of devices and services (new devices - same content, different form factors and different technologies, new services – same content, different delivery methods, different usage rationale).

and Bitdefender has the key enablers to grow in this changing environment One of the best R&D teams, with proven technologies ahead of the market;

Deep understanding of the consumer market needs and trends;

Knowledge sharing through OEM partnerships.

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Technology Leadership

It is Bitdefender’s ability to adapt to the changing threat landscape, constantly innovate, and raise the bar in proactive anti-malware technology that has made it a security technology leader.

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We are #1!First security software vendor in recent years to receive top recommendations simultaneously from the most important three key independent organizations in the US, UK, and Germany!

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Top Awarded Technology

 Reviewer First Place Second Place Followers

AV Test BitDefenderKaspersky, F-Secure, Symantec

AVG, G-Data, PandaWebroot

Consumer Reports (US) BitDefender ESET Avira Symantec

Which (UK) BitDefender Symantec Bulguard, AVG

Stiftungwarentest (DE) BitDefender Avira ESET, G-Data

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Experts endorsements

Note: In the latest results for Q2 Bitdefender is again #1 among 22 security products!

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Backup slides

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The New Brand

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• Dacia was a country located in Europe over the territories occupied today by Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Hungary and Serbia.

• The “Dacian Draco” was the standard of the ancient Dacian military.• A wolf head combined with a snake body that made a whistling sound when

galloping due to the air that entered the wolf's mouth.

We have the sharp mind of the wolf, the slickness of the snake, the vigilance of the alpha male and the indestructibility of the snake body!

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Brand promise

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Brand avatar

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2012 Box Pack

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2012 Online Pack

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