blackpool children and young people’s university

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Blackpool Children and Young People’s University

Launched at St Nicholas – May 2007

Open to pupils at St Nicholas C of E Primary School

A Brief Description

It will provide an opportunity to value the learning that takes place in and out of schools, beyond the timetabled school day.

Why this project?

It supports the Extended Schools Agenda

It shows that we value learning at all times not just when teachers are delivering the National Curriculum.

Who can join?

Any school can join.All pupils between Year 1 to

Year 9.

How does a child graduate?

Students enrol into: Kids College Years 1 - 3Primary University Years 4 - 6Secondary University Years 7 - 9The BCYPU Awarding Body will

validate all awards at either Gold, Silver, Bronze plus Honours.

Graduation Day 2007

This will be held in July each year at schools and will focus on the Bronze Awards in Year 1 of the scheme.

Who will administer the BCYPU

BCYPU Team in Progress House will be Adrian Metcalf - Adviser

St Nicholas project manager – Mr Mellor

Graduation is achieved by:

School must be a BCYPU Centre.All courses must have clear learning

outcomes.Students must submit a BCYPU passbook. The passbook must contain the relevant

number of hours, certified by the school’s BCYPU Manager and contain signatures against all activities by a qualified person.

Criteria for courses

Course must be organised by the school or another recognised body.

The course must be led by a qualified person in the skills and knowledge to be learnt.

Training, not playing will be accepted

Examples which will be accepted

Learning to play a sport.Learning a part in a play.Learning to make something.Learning to play a musical instrument.Learning how to create digital media.

Non acceptable examples

Playing sportPerforming in a production

On completion of relevant hours

Student submits the passbook to the School BCYPU Manager for certification.

School BCYPU Manager sends passbooks and form to BCYPU Awarding Body.

BCYPU Awarding Body meets to agree to the awarding of the BCYPU Award at the appropriate level.

BCYPU Awarding Body arranges the Graduation Ceremony with the school.

Graduation Ceremony

For Bronze and Silver Awards these will be held in the school.

For Bronze and Silver with Honours this will be at the annual BCYPU Graduation Ceremony.

For Gold and Gold with Honours this will be at the annual BCYPU Graduation Ceremony.

Factors unknown

Graduation may be for all awards if numbers allow.

In future years the annual graduation ceremony may have to be twice yearly.

Awards Bronze award – must undertake 2 different learning activities For Bronze Award with Honours must undertake at least 4

different learning activities Silver award – must undertake 3 different learning activities For the Silver Award with Honours must undertake at least 5

different learning activities Gold award – must undertake 4 different learning activities For the Gold Award with Honours must undertake at least 6

different learning activities

Next step…

Contact Mr Mellor at school for more info if required

If no additional info required, pop into school and request that you enrol your child with the University, collect your passbook and begin to collect your hours!

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