blade analysis

Post on 28-Jan-2015



Devices & Hardware



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Blade (1998)

Blade is an Action/Fantasy/Horror film directed by Stephen Norrington. The film is based on a half-mortal, half-vampire man becoming a protector of the moral race whilst slaying vampires. There are two sequels after this first movie in the trilogy, which were made in 2002 and 2004, named, “ Blade II,” AND , “Blade trinity.” With improvements to the storylines making the sequels almost seem like improvements. The director for, “Blade II,” was Guillermo Del Toro, and the director of, “Blade Trinity,” was David S. Goyer.

The character of Blade being in front of the eye’s looking straight ahead and being behind him makes it seem as though he’s being watched

The red lighting in this poster adds to the Gothic nature of the film and makes the eyes in the background look more disturbing and as if they have some evil behind them.

The border headers of the title looks sharp and the colour being silver like blades with the word “blade” between them adds to the title and puts emphasis on it

The wearing of the glasses in the poster could be to hide the fact he’s half-mortal, half-vampire, until revealed in the movie. As his iris is red in the actual movie when he takes the glasses off.

His facial expression and body language portrays him as a very sombre character

The font of the writing looks silver like a blade and the red outline of the font makes it look more harsh and the movie more hard-core/ action-packed

The holding of the sword in this poster helps to establish a new story line in the second edition to the “Blade” triologyand establishes action

This effect on the villain's face in the background makes the villain seem more mystical as it makes the features of the villain's face in this poster look more sci-fi like and the genre of this second edition movie actually involves Sci-fi

The showing of gadgets attached to his body establishes that although he’s half-vampire, he’s also half-mortal and still needs gadgets to defeat some of his enemies

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