blockchain use cases

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Blockchain Use Cases

Ufuk Gümüş

IBTECH, April 2017


• Let’s Remember the Blockchain

• What's Ahead for 2017

•The Use Cases


The Trust Machine


Proof of Work





Let’s First Remember the BlockchainBlockchain Components

Let’s First Remember the Blockchain

Let’s First Remember the Blockchain

«…I see “blockchain technology” as a collection of technologies, a bit like a bag of Lego. From the bag, you can take out different bricks and put them together in different ways to create different results.»

Let’s First Remember the Blockchain

Primary Features of BlockchainThe primary benefits of using Blockchain technology are the • Elimination of intermediaries,• Ease of use, • Ease in verification of transactions, • Improved security,• Transparency with the lower cost,• Decentralization, • ImmutabilityThe most basic function of blockchain is record keeping via a distributed ledger. The biggest benefit of it is in its immutability that it is not easy to alter the data, once recorded. Besides you, no one else can access your data.

Public vs Private Blockchains“Private blockchains are valuable to solve efficiency, security and fraud problems within traditional financial institutions, but only incrementally. Private blockchains will not revolutionize the financial system.

Public blockchains, however, hold the potential to replace most functions of traditional financial institutions with software, fundamentally reshaping the way the financial system works.”

Public vs Private BlockchainsPublic blockchains with censorship resistance have the potential to disrupt society. The reason why you put up private blockchains is potentially because you want to have control over the participants in the blockchain. So as we have banks and financial institutions, who have to worry heavily about regulations, they can’t use the public blockchains right now because they are open and permission-free, and anyone can participate, and that’s contradictory to the regulations to which they must abide.

“Private blockchains have their uses. They can be faster; they do more transactions without scalability issues. There are security advantages, and also security disadvantages.”

Smart ContractA piece of code (the smart contract - an event-

driven program), deployed to the shared,

replicated ledger, which can maintain its own

state, control its own assets and which responds

to the arrival of external information or the receipt of assets:

Smart ContractsSuch rules cannot be circumvented – not even by the person who has written the code – and, if they are changed, it will be immediately visible.

This is not only about transparency: other smart contracts could allow the cars to pay for their own maintenance and fuel; if its shareholders decide the company needs a new logo, it could follow the rules set up in another contract to launch a competition and outsource the final decision to a service like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. A company governed by a cluster of smart contracts could essentially run itself.

Realising the Potential of Smart Contracts

There is a divide between blockchain apps that run smart contracts to DO USEFUL THINGS and blockchain apps that SIMPLY USE A BLOCKCHAIN like Bitcoin to store the results of logic run on a secondary software stack.


Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is sure to change the whole world a few years from now. It compares to what the internet was like in the early 90s. Nobody knew what the internet was going to be or what we were going to do with it. Twenty years later, the internet is just about everything. The same is said of Blockchain technology, which is still in its infancy.

We are at the very beginning of the blockchain technology. Every day new players enter or leave the game. So, I believe it shall take a few more years for us to see if it is going to be a revolutionary breakthrough or not.

is It too Early to Say That?

What's Ahead for 2017• The market will begin the long process of

determining which use cases are best served by blockchain technology.

• 2017 will be the year when a collection of lab-based tests move into limited pilot programs and early production.

• Success will be measured not only on functional merits but on economics, an area with a scant track record. Blockchain technology is just beginning to meet marketplace realities.

While 2016 was the year of firms and governments experimenting with blockchain technology, 2017 should be the year we see use cases being proven and actually coming to market, according to Abdul Naushad, chairman and founder of PayCommerce.

“So much venture capital money has been pumped into the market that investors, stakeholders and the industry should demand to see meaningful results based on the promises and proof of concepts introduced to the market,” Naushad told Bitcoin Magazine.

What's Ahead for 2017


As we move into 2017, we will see the transformation of blockchain from a

buzzword to a watchword. We will see the custodians of our fiat currencies, central banks, move closer to harnessing the power of blockchaintechnology for the benefit of entire economies.

Your Life is Destined for the Blockchain

A 2016 report by the UK government’s chief scientific advisers claimed the technology had the potential to help governments collect taxes, deliver benefits, issue passports, record land registries and “in general ensure the integrity of government records and services”. And now banks, the intended victims of the blockchain revolution, are asking firms such as R3 to create private, closed ledgers that borrow some elements of the technology to streamline inter-bank cross-border transfers.

The Blockchain Use Cases

Blockchain Markets &The Sharing EconomyOn Demand Economy

Collaborative EeconomyCrowd Based Capitalism

Institutions had been the sole market makers, now it is about to change to communities.

Meanwhile, the size of the sharing economy is set to explode. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recently released new research into the European sharing economy. PwC economist, Rob Vaughan, stated that “Our view is that growth in the sharing economy is only just beginning. By 2025, we estimate that many areas of the sharing economy will rival the size of their traditional counterparts.”

Sharing Economy

A Plethora of Use Cases

A Plethora of Use Cases

Global Look at the Use Cases

Moody's new report identifies 25 top blockchain use cases, from a list of 120

Demonstrating data ownership without revealing actual data:You can publicly reveal the digest and if conflict arises you can prove you had the data that generates the digest. Useful for copyrighted material, patents, etc.

Document timestamping:You can prove certain data exists at a certain moment of time. As we use the bitcoin blockchain to store the document proof, you can certify the existence of your document without the need of a central authority. Use the computing power of the whole bitcoin network to certify your data.Checking for document integrity:If you store a proof for your document and later re-upload it, the system will only recognize it if it is completely and fully the same document. The slightest change, and we'll recognize it is different, giving you the security that certified data can't be changed.

Proof of Existence

• Use our service to anonymously and securely store an online distributed proof of existence for any document. Your documents are NOT stored in our database or in the bitcoin blockchain, so you don't have to worry about your data being accessed by others.

• All we store is a cryptographic digest of the file, linked to the time in which you

submitted the document. In this way, you can later certify that the data existed at that time. This is the first online service allowing you to publicly prove that you have certain information without revealing the data or yourself, with a decentralized certification based on the bitcoin network.

• The key advantages are anonymity, privacy, and getting a decentralized proof which can't be erased or modified by anyone (third parties or governments). Your document's existence is permanently validated by the blockchain even if this site is compromised or down, so you don't depend or need to trust any central authority.




“You Prove” instantly proves any photos, videos or sound recordings using our simple world first App - Allows instant sharing, privately or publically, via the App or

Data on recordings taken with Uproov are stamped into the Blockchain Ledger, which the Economist calls the Trust machine , an amazing powerful new technology that’s been around since 2009.

Uproov removes any doubt or dispute about yours or others images, it time stamps to the nearest second and cannot be edited. If even the slightest change is made Uproov, will detect it.





David Mondrus and Joyce Bayo - 2014 - Bitcoin Conference - Disney, Florida

On October 5, the first 'blockchain marriage' was held at Disney World's Bitcoin

Conference in Orlando, Florida. The event was submitted to the online public registry,

the blockchain, where the two lovers recorded their wedding agreement without

involvement of neither governmental, nor religious representations.

The First Official Digital WeddingStarting Tuesday, the government of Estonia, in a partnership with an organization called Bitnation, is offering public notary services to Estonian e-residents. Its first official act was to register the marriage of two Spanish-born residents of London, Edurne Lolnaz and Mayel de Borniol. The marriage won't be recorded anywhere; instead, it'll be part of a blockchain -- a distributed database accessible to anyone with a private key, much like the process that registers bitcoin transactions.The blockchain "notarization" may be untested and not recognized by courts and other authorities, but its advocates hope it will gain currency once more people adopt it, in the same way as bitcoin. 1, 2015 2:42 PM EST

The First Official Digital WeddingThe couple wrote their own marriage contract under the lax family law of Ontario, Canada. It has a 42-month term, but it can be amended and extended if necessary. The blockchain will store the contract and any eventual changes. "Sorry everybody, this is a bit technical," de Borniolmuttered as the bride and groom entered their digital ID numbers. The notarization didn't work the first time. On the second attempt, a digital signature certificate was finally generated, everybody whooped and the bride and groom kissed. 1, 2015 2:42 PM EST

Powered by Blockchain, EthereumSmart Contracts Kibo to Revolutionize

Lottery Business

Kibo takes care of that by allowing purchases to anyone with access to the Internet. All

the winnings are paid out in cryptocurrencies, and the same goes for buying tickets.

Which means that you don’t have to travel anywhere, but can rather participate from the

comfort of your own home.The fact that Kibo is operating on the Internet and is powered by the Blockchain also allows for easier payouts. If you win in a regular lottery, you have to give up a huge amount of your prize (about 25%, depending on the jurisdiction) in taxes. Additional difficulties may arise if you’ve won a foreign lottery, making you wait for a very long time until you can arrange the legal issues and claim your money.

Smart Alarm DApp: Waking Up On Time Pays Off - in Bitcoin, a smart alarm clock DApp, powered

by Syscoin’s smart contracts platform, challenges you to

improve your wake-up routine and earn some money in the process.

Smart Alarm Dapp: how it works

First, every user deposits some Bitcoins to their app

account. Before going to sleep, they make a commitment to

wake up at a certain time or lose a certain amount of their

money. If a user fails to get up on time and confirm it with

the app, their funds are claimed by the system.

By the end of each month, all the funds, that the sleepy

users have lost, are pooled together. Then, 90 percent of

that money is redistributed back to those who have

managed to meet their commitments and wake up on time

throughout the month.

Importantly, all those operations aren’t managed by people.

The app is closely integrated with Syscoin and its

Blockchain and is governed by smart contracts - software

rules enforced automatically by a decentralized network of

computers. That leaves very little space for human error or


Vault OS

An Operating System for Banks

Vault OS creates banks that run in the Cloud. It provides secure, fast, reliable end to end banking systems, capable of managing users, accounts, savings, loans, mortgages and more sophisticated financial products. Our customers are banks who want a modern banking engine. Everything runs as Software as a Service, so a bank can scale from one customer to tens of millions without having to incur any hard costs. Vault OS is completely flexible, smart contracts are used to create products, so any type of loan or deposit account is configurable.

Vault OSThe Vault OS kernel runs the core functions of the bank. It uses a centralised, permissioned cryptographic ledger as a single source of truth for all transactions. This ensures the highest degree of security, while allowing the bank to retain ownership and control. All banking products (deposit accounts, savings, mortgages, loans, credit card accounts) use a system of smart contracts.

A New World of Contracts - Smart ContractsPaper contracts suffer from all sorts of problems. People often don't really understand what they are reading, signatures can be forged and contracts lost. Smart Contracts solve these problems and more. They are written in code and signed digitally by the parties. Most importantly, a Smart Contract can do things, specifically make payments. A smart employment contract not only tells you how much you will get paid, but once active, will calculate your tax and pay you every month, without you or your employer having to lift a finger.

Payments and Money Transfers

Not all services are

available in all

countries. Please

see Where is Abra

available? to find out

which services are

available in each


Abra is a Digital Wallet that Lives on Your Smartphone.


Fund your wallet with bitcoin, your bank account, oruse cash by visiting an Abra Teller in your area.


Use the Abra app to send or receive money worldwide with no sending fees. Buy things online wherever Abra or bitcoin is accepted.


Use the app to transfer funds to your bank account, your bitcoin wallet, or find a nearby Teller to get cash.

What is an Abra Teller?The Abra app allows qualified individuals to become an Abra Teller. Tellers will be able to perform ubiquitous mobile Abra transactions, helping users to add cash to an Abra wallet or withdraw cash from an Abra wallet. Tellers will conduct face-to-face transactions with users from an agreed meeting place, based upon teller's own fees per transaction and hours.

Academic Records and Academia

Holberton School to Authenticate Its Academic Certificates With the Bitcoin Blockchain

Holberton School to Authenticate Its Academic Certificates With the Bitcoin Blockchain

Holberton School announced today it has become the world's first school to deliver academic certificates secured and accessible via the blockchain, the technology behind bitcoins, ensuring a high-quality certificate recognition for Holberton School students and tackling the threats of false resumes and fake certificates.

The school also announced a partnership with Bitproof, a startup specialized in documents certification in the blockchain.

"Lying about education credentials is a common problem, and today it is very easy to counterfeit academic diplomas and certificates," said Blake Haggerty, recruiter at CoreOS. "In addition, the process to check someone's degree is quite laborious, as you need to get the school's contact information, reach the right person and do it again for every candidate. Medium and big companies often delegate this task to third parties as it's very time and money consuming."

By having students' certificates available in a public blockchain, Holberton School makes it easier for employers to check if a candidate is truly a graduate from the school. Using any free blockchain explorer available online, such as Merkle, employers can get the answer in seconds.


Follow My


Car Leasing and Sales


• To begin the process, a prospective customer chooses the car they want to lease after test-driving, evaluating their options, and completing any pre-approvals. That car’s identity is then registered on the Bitcoin Blockchain – the secure ledger database used to record transactions over broadly-distributed computer networks.

• From the driver’s seat, the customer then chooses the lease options for the car – low, mid or high mileage, for example and DocuSigns the leasing contract right there and then. This is all in turn updated on the Blockchain.



The entire research, analysis, consulting, and forecasting industries

could be shaken up by blockchain. The online crowd-funded

platform Augur hopes to capitalize on decentralized prediction markets. The company says it

will offer a service that looks like a normal betting exchange. The entire process will be

decentralized, and will not only offer users a place to place bets on sports and stocks, but on

other topics such as elections and natural disasters. The idea is to go beyond sports

gambling and create a “predictions market.”

Online Music - ProblemsOwning itThe first problem facing musicians comes down to the fact that no comprehensive database of music copyright ownership exists.Getting paidThe second problem is payments. Listeners can access tracks immediately with a click, yet according to a Rethink Music report it can take years for royalties to reach those responsible for making the music.Shining light into black boxesThird, the mechanism by which royalties are calculated and paid is often opaque. Some revenue ends up in a “black box” beyond the reach of the artists and songwriters to whom it rightly belongs.

Online Music – SolutionRecently, a number of music industry projects have turned to a particular technology as a possible solution to these problems. These include Mycelia, launched by singer, songwriter and producer Imogen Heap, and Dot Blockchain Music, launched by PledgeMusicfounder Benji Rogers. Then there’s UjoMusic, Blokur, Aurovine, Resonate, Peertracks,Stemand Bittunes, which already claims users in 70 countries. What links these projects is that they all are based on blockchain.

Online MusicTo demonstrate the power of blockchain technology, we worked

with singer-songwriter Imogen Heap to release her song Tiny

Human on the Ethereum blockchain. Debuting in October 2015, the

prototype allowed users to purchase licenses to download, stream, remix, and

sync the song. Each payment was automatically split on the

blockchain and sent directly to Imogen and each of her


The demo explored how music on the blockchain could look and

illuminated the importance of four central topics:

•How a decentralized platform can give artists greater

ownership over their creations

•How greater transparency can promote and incentivize efficient


•How direct licensing on the blockchain can improve


•How digital currency can be used to enable instant

payments among fans, artists, and service providers

Online Music

Concentric Ring Architecture

dotBC Concentric Architecture

.bcIt aims to develop a new standard for music content, called .bc –think of it as an alternative to .mp3 or .wav.But unlike those existing formats, .bc will contain not only the music itself, but also a host of information connected to it: rightsholder details, terms of use, licensing restrictions – basically, anything that you can express in a machine-readable format.MP3s, AACs and the rest, are laughably insecure when it comes to metadata. As Rogers points out, it is the work of seconds to strip out artist data from a file of this kind. But, he says, “the persistence of information on ownership is going to become really important. The bass player who played on a track that’s sampled 600 times and then played on a platform that makes money – how does that money get back to the bass player?” By hard-wiring the rightsholder information into the file, he thinks he can help to eliminate the black boxes being sat on by YouTube and their like – and, by building a system whereby rightsholders, labels, licensees and streaming platforms all transact on a blockchain, that information can be rendered immutable by anyone but the parties with the right to change it.

Supply Chain Management

One of the most universally applicable aspects of blockchain technology is that it enables more secure and transparent monitoring of transactions. Supply chains are basically a series of transaction nodes that link to move products from point A to the point-of-sale or final deployment. With blockchain, as products change hands across a supply chain from manufacture to sale, the transactions can be documented in a permanent decentralized record — reducing time delays, added costs, and human errors. Several blockchain startups are jumping into this sector: Provenance is building a traceability system for materials and products, Fluent offers an alternative platform for lending into global supply chains, and Skuchain builds blockchain-based products for the business-to-business trade and supply-chain finance market.


«Look beyond the label

Products are more than meets the eye. They are the sum of

their creators’ work, history and ownership. What if there

were a new digital dimension to products that gave verified

information about their producers, origins and ingredients? We

created Provenance to do just that.»

Cloud StorageEnterprises that offer cloud storage often secure customers’ data in a centralized server which can mean increased

network vulnerability from attacks by hackers. Blockchaincloud storage solutions allow storage to be decentralized, and therefore less prone to attacks that can cause systemic damage and widespread data loss. Storj is beta-testing a blockchain-enabled cloud storage network to improve security and lower the transaction costs of storing information in the cloud. Storj users can also rent out their unused digital storage space potentially creating a new market for crowdsourced cloud storage capacity.


Energy Management

Energy management is another industry that has historically been highly centralized. In the US, to transact in energy you have to go through a trusted power holding company like Duke Energy, or National Grid in the UK, or deal with a re-seller that buys from a big electricity company. Startups like Transactive Grid — a joint venture between LO3 Energy and Brooklyn-based Ethereum outfit Consensys —offer Ethereum blockchain technology that enables customers to transact in decentralized energy generation schemes, and effectively allows people to generate, buy, and sell energy to their neighbors. LO3 Energy also has projects that include Brooklyn Microgrid, and Project Exergy, the latter being a proof-of-concept for harnessing excess-heat expelled by computers.

Sports Management

Investing in athletes has generally been the purview of sports management agencies and corporations, but blockchain could decentralize the process of funding athletes by democratizing fans’ ability to have a financial stake in the future of tomorrow’s sports stars. The concept of using blockchain to invest in athletes with returns has not been tried on any significant scale. However, at least one organization, The Jetcoin Institute, has promoted the idea of cybercurrency (in this case, “Jetcoins”) with which fans can invest in their favorite athletes, and later the opportunity to receive a portion of the athlete’s future earnings, as well as VIP events and seat upgrades, etc. Jetcoin has experimented with this approach in a partnership with the Hellas Verona soccer team in Italy.

Gift Cards and Loyalty ProgramsBlockchains can help retailers that offer gift cards and loyalty programs make those systems cheaper and more secure. With fewer middle-men needed to process the issuing of cards and sales transactions, the process of acquiring and using blockchain-reliant gift cards is more efficient and cost effective. Similarly, increased levels of fraud prevention enabled by the blockchain’s unique verification capability also save costs and help prohibit illegitimate users from obtaining stolen accounts. Gyft, an online platform for buying, sending and redeeming gift cards that is owned by First Data, has partnered with blockchain infrastructure provider Chain to run gift cards for thousands of small businesses on the blockchain — the new program is called Gyft Block.


Gun TrackingBlockchain’s distributed ledger offers several opportunities for safer, smarter guns. Public records connected through blockchain would be harder to tamper with and could prevent applicants deemed unsuitable from acquiring guns in the first place. Additionally, linking health records with gun ownership could alert law enforcement when owners have undergone a life event that could be linked with an increased possibility of violence. A startup called Blocksafe is focusing on creating a blockchain-based system that would allow users to track their guns’ locations and whether or not they had recently been fired.


research and

development to




for enhanced

defense and

safety of smart

guns is our



Foundation is a

registered non-

profit private



technologies, such

as biometric

fingerprints and


Wills and InheritancesWills are a specific kind of contract and this makes them well suited to a blockchain smart-contracts solution. Blockchain Technologies Corp‘s legal counsel, Eric Dixon, states that “Most will-related litigation involves challenges to the genuineness of a will” and that while blockchain would not completely remove these challenges, its distributed ledger system would make it easier to identify factual information and dismiss claims that are without merit. Linking documents related to a person’s estate through a verifiable blockchain system would give executors access to a more trusted pool of data than current systems, where documents from disparate backgrounds need to be sorted through to determine their veracity.

Blockchain Tech Corp. is currently developing a self executing will system where the blockchain will automatically check the the government’s “Death Master File” and verify that a person did in fact pass. Then, pre-programmed rules setup by the person will automatically distribute their assets, eliminating the need for executors and court battles because the integrity of a will is in question.

RetailCurrently, trust in the retail system is mainly linked to trust in the marketplace where that purchase is being made, one element of Amazon’s place as most users’ first stop when shopping online. Startups like OpenBazaar are developing decentralized blockchain utilities designed to connect buyers and sellers without a middleman and the associated fees (sorry Amazon). In these cases, trust in the system would come from the security of blockchain exchanges and a smart contract system. OB1 has raised $4M in two rounds and boasts Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures among its investors.


OpenBazaar is a different way to do online commerce. Instead of

visiting a website, you download and install a program on your

computer that directly connects you to other people looking to

buy and sell goods and services with you. This peer to peer

network isn't controlled by any company or organization - it's a

community of people who want to engage in trade directly with each other.

It's like buying or

selling with someone in

person - except you're


CharityFor those interested in charitable donations, blockchain’s unique feature is the ability to precisely track where your donations are going, when they arrived, and whose hands they actually ended up in. Perennial complaints around charitable donations include organizational inefficiency and corruption which can prevent money from reaching those it was meant for or from being used effectively. Bitcoin-based charities like the BitGive Foundation use blockchain’ssecure and transparent distributed ledger to let donors see that the intended party has received the funds. Blockchain also makes tampering more difficult and facilitates transactions at lower fees than those usually associated with money transfer middlemen or larger charitable organizations.


Law EnforcementThere are two notable use cases for blockchain in law enforcement: evidence management/tracking and flagging suspicious transaction patterns. In police investigations, maintaining the integrity of the chain of evidence is paramount, so a distributed, hard-to-falsify record kept via blockchain could provide an added layer of security to the evidence-handling process. Startup Chronicled has raised almost $5M in funding to develop sealable, tamper-proof containers with near field communications chips that register the contents through a blockchain system, which could have law enforcement applications. Additionally, Elliptic, another startup with just over $7M in funding, is developing a system to continually scan bitcoin registries and flag suspicious transactions/histories and alert law enforcement officers so that they can begin investigations.

Chronicled Good


This visualisation shows the emergence over time of the largest entities

on the Bitcoin blockchain, and their interconnectivity.

We have anonymised most active businesses and private individuals in

order to protect their identities.

The distance from the centre represents the first appearance of each

entity, with Satoshi Nakomoto in the middle, depicting the genesis of

Bitcoin in 2009.

Human ResourcesDoing background checks and verifying employment histories are time-consuming tasks for human resources professionals. If employment and criminal records were stored in a blockchainledger and free from the possibility of falsification, HR professionals could streamline the vetting process. Recruit Technologies recently teamed with “to develop blockchain-backed cryptographic Certificates of Authenticity,” a possible first step towards building a more transparent and easily verified employment history system.

With blockchain technology, an institution can issue a degree to a

student in a cryptographically secure, immutable, public fashion.


ascribe is a service that empowers creators to truly own, securely share and

track the history of a digital work. We do this by giving creators the tools to lock

in authorship, set the intent and gain visibility into where their work spreads. By

doing this, creators can be recognized while giving buyers an easier way to

discover and reward them.ascribe is for any creator who wants to protect and manage their creative work. ascribe lets you share your work knowing that your authorship claim is secured and enables buyers to collect and truly own your digital work. With ascribe, selling digital property is as easy as selling physical property. ascribe allows you to transfer intellectual property (IP) to someone, anywhere in the world, simply by email. We aim to democratize IP by making it easily accessible to the individual.

Ride SharingRide apps like Uber seem to be the opposite of decentralization — that is, one company acting as a dispatching hub and using its algorithms to control its fleet of drivers and what they charge. Israeli startup La’Zooz wants to be the “anti-Uber,” according to Bloomberg. It makes its own proprietary digital currency — like bitcoin — which is recorded digitally using blockchain technology. Instead of using a centralized network to call cabs, people use La’Zoozby finding other people traveling similar routes and exchanging coins for the rides. These coins can then be used for future rides. Users earn (or “mine”) these coins by letting the app track their locations.


Ride HailingRide-hailing services like Uber and Lyft have struggled with issues like regulation and the treatment of their drivers, but blockchain solutions may offer riders and drivers alike new options. Startup Arcade City, a ride-hailing company in Austin, TX, takes a percentage of rider fares and facilitates all transactions through a blockchain system, but allows drivers to “establish their own forms of financial transaction,” as opposed to ride-sharing company La’Zooz, which uses a proprietary electronic currency to pay for rides on its service. Additionally, Arcade City was designed around ride hailing for professional drivers vs just connecting drivers with riders looking to go along a similar route.

Arcade City

Networking and IoT

Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry (ADEPT)

IBM and Samsung have been working on a concept known as ADEPT, which uses blockchain-type technology to form the backbone of a decentralized network of IoT devices. With ADEPT, which stands for Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry, a blockchain would serve as a public ledger for a massive amount of devices, which would no longer need a central hub to mediate communication between them, according to CoinDesk. Without a central control system to identify one another, the devices would be able to communicate with one another autonomously to manage software updates, bugs, or energy management.Others are also looking to build blockchain technology into an IoTplatform. For example, Filament, a company that builds a decentralized network using the blockchain (among other things) for sensors to communicate with each other, raised a $5M Series A, with both Verizon Ventures’ and Samsung Ventures’ participation.

IBM Watson IoT Platform enables IoT devices to

send data to private blockchain ledgers for

inclusion in shared transactions with tamper

resistant records. Blockchain’s distributed

replication allows your business partners to

access and supply IoT data without the need for

central control and management. All business

partners can verify each transaction, preventing

disputes and ensuring each partner is held

accountable for their individual roles in the

overall transaction.

Watson IoT

The Watson IoT Platform has a built-in capability that lets you add selected IoT data to

a private blockchain. The protected data is shared among only the business partners

involved with the transaction.

•IBM Blockchain provides the private blockchain infrastructure of distributed

peers that replicates the device data and validates the transaction through

secure contracts.

•Watson IoT Platform translates existing device data, from one or more device

types, into the format needed by the blockchain contract APIs. The blockchain

contract doesn’t need to know the specifics of your device data.

•Watson IoT Platform filters device events and sends only the required data to

the contract.

IBM Watson Internet of Things

Freight Transportation

Moving freight is a complex process involving

different parties with different priorities. An IoT-

enabled blockchain can store the temperatures,

position, arrival times, and status of shipping

containers as they move through the system.

Indelible blockchain transactions ensure that all

parties can trust the data and take action to move

the product quickly and efficiently.

With IBM Watson IoT blockchain, you can be

confident that contractual obligations are met all

along the road.

Component Tracking and Compliance

The ability to track the components that go into an

aircraft, automobile, or other vehicle is critical both

for safety and regulatory compliance. IoT data

stored in shared blockchain ledgers enables all

parties to see component provenance

throughout the vehicle’s life. Sharing this

information with regulatory agencies, shippers,

manufacturers and so on is secure, easy, and cost-


Use IBM Watson IoT blockchain as a shared

ledger to maintain an accurate and indelible

history of your critical components.

IoT devices track the state of safety critical machines

and their maintenance in your organization. From

aircraft engines to elevators. Blockchain provides for a

tamper free ledger of the operational data and the

resulting maintenance. Third party repair partners

can monitor the blockchain for preventative

maintenance and record their work back on the

blockchain. Operational records can also be

shared with government entities to verify


Use IBM Watson IoT blockchain as a shared ledger to

provide a record of operational data and maintenance.

Log operational Maintenance Data

Blockchain Use Cases in Healthcare

Use Case 1 : Drug Traceability• 10% to 30% of the drugs sold in developing countries are


• The counterfeit drug market is worth $200 billion annually;

• Internet sales of counterfeit drugs account for $75 billion of the total market;

• Most of the counterfeit drugs are manufactured in either India or China;

• About 60 different Pfizer medicines and products were being counterfeited around the world as of 2014;

• WHO estimates that 16% of counterfeit drugs contain the wrong ingredients, while 17% contain the wrong levels of necessarily ingredients.

How can Blockchain Help?The main characteristic of blockchain technology that is useful in drug traceability is security. Each new transaction added to a block is immutable and timestamped, making it easy to track a product and make sure the information cannot be altered.

A blockchain can be either public or private. To insure the authenticity and traceability of the drugs, the companies that register a product on the blockchain have to be trustworthy. Hence, only private blockchainscontrolled by a central entity are logical to make sure that fake drugs are not registered. A company’s access to the “drug blockchain” would therefore

be a proof that the drugs they produce are authentic.

The pharmaceutical companies decide which actors of the supply chain act as miners. It could be manufacturers, distributors or retailers. Depending on the position on the supply chain, each person could have different rights: labs can register drugs whereas wholesalers can only verify transactions.

When a drug is produced, a hash is generated that contains all the relevant information about the product. Each time the drug moves from an entity to another (eg: from the manufacturer to the distributor), the information is stored on the blockchain, making it easy to track the drug.

Use Case 2: Clinical TrialsDuring clinical trials, a considerable amount of data is produced – safety and quality reports, statistics, blood tests, surveys, medical imagery – and large groups of people are involved, making it hard to track and control everyone. Hence, mistakes can be committed along the way, some unintentionally and others not. Fraud usually includes modifying or hiding data that could compromise the advance of the clinical trial and damage the image of an organization among regulatory agencies or patients.

How can Blockchain Help?Blockchain can provide proof-of-existence for any document and allow anyone to verify the authenticity of said document. In order to add new data – in the form of transactions – the majority of nodes have to agree that it is valid and coherent with the blockchain history. Hence, modifying existing information would require changing the records of the majority of the computers in the network. This characteristic of blockchain is very powerful when applied to clinical trials. Indeed, as mentioned above, data is often altered or modified because there is currently no system that prevents it.

Clinical Trials

Use Case 3: Patient Data ManagementWhen it comes to patient data management, there are two main issues in the healthcare industry.

First, each patient is unique therefore there is no such thing as a common disease or common treatment strategy. Hence, access to complete medical records is essential in order to adapt the treatment and provide personalised care. Healthcare is becoming more-and-more patient-centred.

Second, sharing information among the medical community is a major challenge. This type of medical data is sensitive and should always go through secured networks when divulgated. Moreover, the lack of secure structure to share data is an important obstacle for scientific advances. Indeed, medical records are kept in very different locations, and there is no common database. Allowing the researchers to access the data could heavily contribute to scientific advances worldwide especially when it comes to rare diseases or minorities.

Finally, blockchain also adresses the notion of data ownership. Today, the patient cannot claim full ownership of his medical records because giving him complete control over the information would also allow him to change certain information or even delete parts of it.

How can Blockchain Help?Blockchain can provide a structure for data sharing as well as security. This is how: healthcare providers collect information from the patient such as name, date of birth, procedures performed and prescriptions. The data is stored in the organisation’s existing databases and/or on cloud computing systems. A hash is created from each source of data and is redirected to the blockchain along with the patient’s public ID. Smart contracts are used to manage patient data access.Through an API, healthcare stakeholders can query the blockchain that provides the location where the data can be found without revealing patient identity.If needed, the patient can share his full medical record (with or without identifiable data) to any stakeholder. For instance, he could share identifiable data with his doctors and non-identifiable data with Big Pharmas looking for phase IV information. The patient can decide to whom he gives access to and on which conditions. Once accessed, data can be analysed and shared by the medical community and researchers.



KYC (Know Your Customer)• Compliance and KYC procedures have become

increasingly important in the banking industry as regulators are keeping a very close eye on who banks are doing business with to avoid potential money laundering or terrorist financing.

• By developing compliance platforms and KYC processes on top of blockchain technology, banks can not only reduce operational costs in these departments but also increase the efficiency of compliance processes and develop a closer relationship with the financial regulator.

Performing KYCFinancial institutions and other service providers can perform KYC (Know Your Customer) with just one click. The customer can also authorize KYC with just one click. The once-performed KYC record will be available as reference for other future transactions as well.

Performing KYC


Trading Platforms

Trading platforms are a key use case for blockchaintechnology. By building securities exchanges on top of distributed ledger technology, there would be no need for a centralized trust or intermediaries as well as no risk of double spending in the securities-trading supply chain.

Digital Assets

Perhaps the most important and the most alluring of all uses is the creation of digital assets through blockchain. Even NASDAQ has started trading shares using the technology. Be it stocks or bonds, blockchain protocols can help create as well as trade or invest on these digitized assets.

A digital asset, in essence, is anything that exists in a binary format and comes with

the right to use. Data that do not possess that right are not considered assets.

Reduction of FraudCurrently, the majority of banking systems are built on a centralized database, which makes them more susceptible to cyber-attacks as all information is stored locally in one place. Also, many banking systems are outdated and are, therefore, more vulnerable to new forms of cyber-attacks.By building new banking systems on top of blockchaintechnology, the chance for fraud and data theft can be reduced substantially as the distributed ledger technology secures records; it stores, encrypts and verifies every single bit of data in a transaction. Therefore, should any data breach or fraudulent activity occur, it would be made immediately obvious to all parties who have permission to access the transaction data on the ledger.


Challenges for Blockchain Adoption in Banking

While blockchain technology can provide solutions to a number of issues in the banking sector, challenges still lie ahead for the technology to become a fully integrated part of the industry.

The primary issues that the FinTech Network’s whitepaper cites are privacy concerns, integration with legacy banking systems, regulatory uncertainty and scalability.


Challenges for Blockchain Adoption in Banking

• Blockchains that the industry would use to store, record and transfer data would need to be permissioned blockchains in order to comply with privacy laws and to ensure that customers’ data is safe. Cyber-security concerns would need to be addressed before blockchain technology can be fully deployed in the market. Furthermore, new blockchain-based systems would need to integrate with current banking systems for blockchain adoption to work.

• Regulatory uncertainty is another hindrance to blockchain adoption as there is no clear regulation on this new technology.

• Finally, scalability is also a challenge since banking blockchains would need to be able to hold and process a massive amount of data. Hence, it is paramount for these systems to be constructed so that scalability will not become an issue, as it has with the Bitcoin blockchain, for example.

While blockchain technology would become a huge cost saver for banks in the years to come, challenges for its adoption need to be addressed before blockchains will become a fully-integrated part of the financial services industry.


Blockchain Technologies could Transform Government Services

Government-to-Citizen (G2C):

Potential applications include

• secure e-voting,

• patient-controlled Electronic Health Records (EHR), and

• digital property titles. In Ghana, a pilot program is already underway that is enabling citizens to file and digitize land titles via GPS coordinates, register property disputes, and more.

Blockchain Technologies Could Transform Government Services

Government-to-Government (G2G)

• One potential application is DHS’ (Department of

Homeland Security) interest in using blockchain as an advanced analytics aid for quickly resolving identity issues and protecting national security.

• Another potential application is intra-agency identity management of people, goods, and services. In the UK, blockchain is currently being tested as a tax collection and remittance dispersal platform.

Blockchain Technologies Could Transform Government Services

Government-to-Vendor (G2V)

One potentially compelling G2V application is a blockchain-based chain-of-custody (chronological

documentation or paper trail, showing the seizure, custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence - synonym for provenance)

platform to provide supply chain assurance; such platforms are currently under development in the private sector, and the government could help drive adoption by making them a precondition for federal contracting eligibility.

Blockchain Technologies Could Transform Government Services

• Congress recently established a Blockchain Caucus with the goal of studying the technology and how it might aid in financial inclusion.

• Meanwhile, individual states are also giving blockchain a closer look. For example, Delaware, which is a favored domicile for many companies, is actively exploring how to use blockchainfor a corporate registry.

Tackling Human TraffickingOne fifth of the world’s population – an estimated 1.5 billion people – do not have an official document to prove their identity. Most of them live in Asia and Africa and a “disproportionate number” are women and children, the World Bank says.

Without legal identification, these people are “invisible” to society, and that makes them vulnerable to trafficking, prostitution and exploitation.

Microsoft has announced it is working with partners on a secure identity system that uses blockchain to independently verify people’s identities.


1.Create a self-sovereign identity on your mobile device.

2.Collect credentials from businesses and peers to build a rich reputation.

3.Share credentials as you authenticate everywhere.

4.Contribute your trust.

Decentralised Government ProjectBitnation Offers Refugees Blockchain IDs and Bitcoin

Debit Cards

Bitnation, an ambitious project for the decentralisation of governance using

blockchain technology, is offering victims of the current refugee crisis an

emergency digital ID and a bitcoin visa card to receive funds from family

in the absence of a bank account.

Tracking Blood DiamondsThe Kimberley Process, an international body launched in 2003 to clean up the trade in conflict-zone diamonds, is exploring how blockchain could help trace the provenance of diamonds.One start-up, Everledger, is already using blockchainto digitally certify diamond ownership. CEO and founder Leanne Kemp believes the technology could also be applied to other problems such as ivory poaching.“The question of authenticity is key because, for instance, counterfeit goods are funding terrorist activities,” she told WIRED: “We can apply this technology to solve very big problems: ivory poaching, blood diamonds, all these big ‘blood problems’ that are helping cartels, terrorists and criminals.” The fashion industry is also experimenting with blockchain as a method of tackling counterfeiting.

So far, 858,890 diamonds have been entered onto the

firm's ledger. Each gem is scanned to glean forty unique

points that are condensed into what Kemp calls "the

diamond’s digital thumbprint". This is then attached to

the smallest quantity of bitcoin available (a satoshi, in

homage to the cryptocurrency’s pseudonymous creator)

transforming the coin into a stand-in for the diamond on

a blockchain ledger. The unique ID moves every time the

diamond changes hands, leaving an unalterable digital

trail of ownerships back to its origin. Everledger also

built a smaller, private blockchain for transactions within

the industry.


Registering Real Estate

Ghana - In their presentation at the event, the pair showed a photo of a house with the words “this house is not for sale” spray painted on it. They said that this is a common way for homeowners to show that a place is occupied and that opportunists should not try taking it from them. “People sell land they don’t have,” he told the crowd.

Registering Land

• Sweden is experimenting with putting its land registry system on blockchain.The plan is to use the technology to make the details of real estate transactions visible to all parties – banks, brokers, government officials, buyers and sellers.

• For developing countries, building immutable title systems on blockchain could be a means of stamping out fraud and encouraging people to record unregistered land. It might also help banks to lend against land.

• In Honduras, one of the poorest countries in Latin America, US blockchain company Factom was reportedly in talks with the government in 2015 to create a decentralized database of land titles.

• Meanwhile, a different initiative, Bitland, is looking at the feasibility of putting titles on blockchain in Ghana, where an estimated 78% of land is unregistered.

• The Georgian government is also reported to be working with Bitcoin company BitFury on a system for registering land titles using blockchain.

Real EstatePain points for buying and selling property include: a lack of transparency during and after transactions, copious amounts of paperwork, possible fraud, and errors in public records to name just a few. Blockchain offers a way to reduce the need for paper-based record keeping and speed up transactions. Real estate blockchain applications can help record, track, and transfer land titles, property deeds, liens etc. and helps ensure the documents are accurate and verifiable. Ubitquity offers a platform for financial institutions, title, and mortgage companies and aims to secure documents, while enhancing transparency and reducing costs. The company’s alpha release will be available summer 2016.


What we offer:

We offer a simple user experience for securely recording & tracking property records

with our SaaS blockchain platform. We help e-recording companies, title

companies, and custom clients benefit from a clean record of ownership, reducing

future title search time, increased confidence and transparency. We envision a layered

approach to the adoption of this technology. Early adopters are parties with the most to

gain from efficiency/reduced transaction costs.

Our platform is meant to be a parallel recording and tracking system to the

current legacy paper one. When transactions occur, all relevant information about the

property are recorded on our platform. On September 15, 2016 we officially launched in

private alpha within and outside the United States.

On February 27, 2017 we offically launched alpha release v1.1. We are

currently piloting our SaaS platform with a Land Records

Bureau in Brazil.

Our platform uses Colu's API (on Colored Coins protocol). All transaction hashes

are recorded on the open Bitcoin blockchain for security and reliability.

Future House Purchases

We are piloting the first project in Sweden to model a property purchase

using blockchain and smart contract technology. The goal of the pilot is to evaluate the technology from a legal, business and IT perspective.

A clothing collection can be verified on the blockchainthrough Near Field Communications (NFC) — which allows devices to communicate with one another when brought into close proximity — or by scanning the QR code on the label. A person’s phone communicates with the small VeChain chip embedded inside the clothing or accessory, which then tells its “story” to the consumer.

The chip holds a unique public and private key pair. The public key is also stored in the blockchain and can be verifiedby the VeChain app. The app then verifies the public key with the VeChain servers to determine if the public key is genuine. As a result, product safety and quality assurance are maintained, helping to drive customer satisfaction.

Babyghost and VeChain: Fashion on the Blockchain

Seeing where your food was grown

From dinner at a restaurant to a bag of potato chips, every ingredient has a

history. Blockchains provide a shared and secured record, letting users

see where ingredients come from and how they were produced while

letting producers see where their ingredients and how they’re incorporated into finished food products.

Buying local produce in more flexible ways

Smart contracts built on blockchains create new options for buying goods that include naming your own price or automatic recurring orders.

Seeing how your food got from farm or sea to plate

Blockchains can create a formal registry to identify individual goods, and track possession of a good through different points in a supply chain.Internet connected equipment such as fishing boats, shipping trucks, and storage coolers can monitor which objects they’re housing and tag those objects with relevant environmental conditions like temperature or location, providing assurance that a product was safely handled through the entirety of its journey.

New kinds of markets that create new ways to participate

As an inexpensive and open payment system, bitcoin enables new kinds of trading and markets where makers can sell products they make part time.Beyond payments, blockchains create a way to register and sell goods in a more distributed way, as well as to track the identity and reputation of sellers, thus creating new kinds of sharing economies with open participation.

Knowing exactly what went into your food when it really matters

When blockchains track the movement of objects through the supply chain they can also note how individual ingredients combine to form a newly manufactured item.This 'provenance tree' allows an end user to know exactly what went into the product even if it has been through multiple manufacturing steps at different companies.

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