blog defender 2016 review-$9700 bonus & 80% discount

Post on 04-Aug-2016






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Blog Defender 2016 review demo-- Blog Defender 2016 FREE bonus. TRUST review and Download MEGA bonuses of Blog Defender 2016: Blog Defender 2016 is the most up to date and comprehensive WP site security system, covering not only hosting and the only plugins to use, as well as some very special secret tools and code for keeping out hackers and the real nasty "super powered" botnets that have started appearing.


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Blog Defender 2016 – Stop Hackers In Their


Blog Defender 2016 is the most up to date and comprehensive WP site

security system, covering not only hosting and the only plugins to use, as

well as some very special secret tools and code for keeping out hackers and the real nasty "super powered" botnets that have started appearing.

Blog Defender 2016 Overview

Homepage: Blog Defender 2016 Official Site

Product Name: Blog Defender 2016

Type of Product: WP Plugin

Authors: Matt Garrett

Target niche: Wordpress Site Security, the most up to date

and comprehensive WP site security system, covering not

only hosting and the only plugins to use, as well as some

very special secret tools and code for keeping out hackers

and the real nasty "super powered" botnets that have

started appearing.

Official Price: $37

Special Offer: 50%-OFF! (It’s start at $17 and scale up to $37

within 24hrs)

Bonuses: [EXCLUSIVE] You will get any of the bonus packs

in below:

o GIANT Bonuses Pack 1

o SPECIAL Bonuses Pack 2

o ULTIMATE Bonuses Pack 3

o HUGE Bonuses Pack 4

o MEGA Bonuses Pack 5

What is Blog Defender 2016?

It never stops, in fact it's even getting worse...

#1: The Ponemon Institute say there's been a 42% rise in website attacks in the last 12 months, and it's still on the rise...

#2: Google has blacklisted over 11,000 malware-infected WordPress

domains, in otherwords, no more traffic for them, and over 100,000 sites in total have been affected by a new malware campaign...

#3: FBI Warn WP Users: Patch WordPress or face IS attacks

#4: 1 million sites imperiled by dangerous bug in WordPress plugin

Are you sure your site is secure..?

Make sure NOW:

With hacking activity set to double again this year & 162,000 WordPress

sites hacked in just one attack in March – how safe is your WordPress site today & can it survive the increasing barrage of bad traffic?

Hackers are now playing more destructive games by implanting fake login pages, fake shops, spam relays & very nasty malware!

Most webmasters don’t even know their sites have been hacked – it takes

an average of 162 days for a webmaster to spot a problem, 3 days to fix it & 1 in 4 hacked sites are never recovered...

Blog Defender has an impressive "0" hacked site track record since it was

first released in 2012. It’s the top selling "Security" system on JVZoo, with over 5,800 copies sold!

And the new version, Blog Defender 2016, is the most up to date and

comprehensive WP site security system, covering not only hosting and the

only plugins to use, as well as some very special secret tools and code for

keeping out hackers and the real nasty "super powered" botnets that have

started appearing.

Blog Defender 2016 now protects against low volume botnet attacks, spammers, bad spiders, content scrapers & known bandwidth killers.

No other product or service has gone to these lengths to keep websites secure & free of bad traffic.

Two Premium plugins (worth $150 per year each) are included as bonuses

with full developer rights, so customer can install them on as many of their

own sites as they want, AND as many of their customers sites as they need!

How Does Blog Defender 2016 Work?

Special Features of Blog Defender 2016:

Why should you Get Blog Defender 2016 Now?

Most website owners have no idea that their site has been hacked until it's actually too late...

The first you know could be when you receive an email from your webhost that your account has been suspended, or worse yet, closed down entirely!

BUT it could be even worse than that...

If your site has been hacked for a while and you've not noticed, Google

probably has, and they will have dropped your site out of their results, so no more traffic from all your hard work!

AND yet even that's not as bad as it can get...

If you're site has been used for a "phishing" attack to gather other people's

online banking or PayPal login info (one of the more common exploits)

then you could be about to get a call from the real world authorities, the Police!

Sounds pretty scary right?

Yup, it is, so you need to lock down your site right now!

The good news is it's really pretty simple to do, once you know how...

This brand new suite of premium security plugins will let you quickly lock down your WP blog to protect from 99%+ of hacks.

You also get 20+ easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorials show exactly

how to do everything from check your plugins and themes, to automate

remote backups and even how to clean your blog if it has been infected by something nasty!

The guys behind these video have over a decade of experience in running

hundreds of high traffic blogs, blogs that are often attacked, but no longer hacked.


Hackers can sleep soundly, they don't need to be at their computer to be attacking your site, they don't even need to be awake...

They use automated scripts and software to constantly and persistantly

hammer away at as many blogs as they can find, looking for any weakness, and there are many!

And they never stop looking for new blogs to attack, AND new ways to get in...

Your site may already have been compromised, how would you know if it has been hacked already..?

Learn how to check for yourself here:

If you haven't been hacked yet, how long do you think your luck will last?

How will you deal with it when it does happen..?

Simon Hodgkinson [of Hodgkinson Publishing] says:

"This is probably one of those times when you ask yourself 'Do I really need this product?'

...The truth is Yes, you do and you need it now.

I've been in the online business for 10+ years and had my fair share of

hacked sites which have cost me time and money (lots of it)... I've also seen

a good number of people have their reputations and entire businesses left in tatters when their sites have been hacked.

Right now is the time to act, because when it's too late, well basically you'll

be screwed (and you'll regret the day you passed over such a great

opportunity to protect yourself for so little). And by the way, if you think

your web host will come to your rescure think again, you'll be on your own, paying to put things right and suffering the cost of lost sales and business.

Don't end up another victim!"

of course Simon's right, and once you've locked down your site you'll be

able to sleep at night, without imagining that little "tap, tap, tap" sound of the hackers trying to get in to your blog...

But you need to be quick, this offer is gone at midnight on Monday 11th July!!!

Moreover, if you provide SEO or website services to clients you can even use these premium plugins to offer a high value service to your clients...

How cool is that!!!

Now let’s hear what other people have to say about Blog Defender 2016

"I've had to go through the inconvenience of a hacked blog before and let me tell you it's not nice.

With online security becoming an increasing problem, especially with Wordpress this is a great way to secure your blog.

I'll be following Matt's training and securing all my blogs.

Great job."

John Thornhill -

"Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re too small or not important enough to be hacked!

I’ve found out that I’ve had bots in the backend of my sites, making

alterations and changing things around, so there’s no telling what damage they’ve caused.

I’ve had my main blog for over 3 years now, and the thought of losing all the

hard work I’ve put into it is just devastating, not to mention costly! I have a

shared hosting plan, so of course once they can get into one site, they can also access the others.

Luckily, I now have the procedures detailed within Blog Defender in place

so that I can prevent the vast majority of this ever happening again. Once you’ve secured one site it gets a lot quicker to secure all subsequent sites.

With Blog Defender, you get easy-to-follow videos, along with a detailed

checklist that you can download. You are literally walked through the

process of securing your blog against hackers, which has given me real peace of mind.

This is a growing issue that all website owners are facing; so it isn’t going to

go away. Prevention is better than cure, particularly as some of the nastier hacks around can literally ruin your business.

So do yourself a favour – get your sites protected now, before it’s too late."

Nikki -

"In the past month alone, I've had 3 niche blogs hacked, costing me

hundreds of dollars in lost sales - all of which could have been avoided if I followed the steps in this training.

I can tell you, there's nothing worse than spending months building up a blog, adding posts every few days, and then finding it all gone in an instant.

The great thing about these 'over the shoulder' videos is that you get to see

exactly how to do everything, so it doesn't matter if you're technically

challenged. Just copy what you see on the screen, and then relax knowing your blogs are safe.

(Just one of the tips in the first video alone could probably have prevented

my blogs getting hacked)

I even noticed one or two tips in there that help with seo too ... so following these videos could even bring your blogs more traffic!"

Richard Legg -

"Since working with blogs, I... like many others, have been concerned about

how to handle the constant threat of blog attacks.

After having a look at Blog Defender you can't help but become most aware of the vulnerable areas all bloggers need to protect.

Blog Defender is viable Wordpress blog security prevention system that

offers video instruction along with 3 software plugins that are free to download.

The instruction shows the optimum settings on how to use the free plugins that will allow you top level force against blog hacker attacks.

Simply put, Matt's Blog Defender will keep your blogs safe from being hacked providing effective protection that is needed in today's blogosphere.

Don't be caught without the necessary counter-measures needed to keep your blogs safe from attacks... Blog Defender has you covered."

Michael Nicholas - Impact Info Marketing

And now after revealing all the features inside Blog Defender 2016, Matt

is not about to stop there. He includes a very valuable bonus, designed to enhance your result with Blog Defender 2016.

Special Bonuses From Blog Defender 2016:

Bonus #1 - Affiliate Cash Mastery + Private Label Rights ($247)

This is a brand new step by step video training that reveals how to make affiliate cash quickly and easily.

You can use these videos in anyway you wish to add value to your existing products or even sell it for a fee. The choice is completely yours.

Bonus #2 - Facebook Ad Secrets + Private Label Rights ($247)

This is a brand new step by step video training course that shows step by step how to pull in laser targeted traffic to any site, page or offer on demand

using cheap Facebook ads.

You can use these videos in anyway you wish to add value to your existing products or even sell it for a fee. The choice is completely yours.

Bonus #3 - Secret Instant Traffic + Private Label Rights ($247)

This is a brand new step by step video trainingcourse that reveals the secret way to get instant traffic to your site today.

You can use these videos in anyway you wish to add value to your existing products or even sell it for a fee. The choice is completely yours.

Bonus #4 - Embarrassing Niche Profits + Private Label Rights ($247)

This is a brand new step by step video training course that reveals how to pull in passive profits from niche marketing in embarrassing niches.

You can use these videos in anyway you wish to add value to your existing products or even sell it for a fee. The choice is completely yours.

Bonus #5 - Solo Ad Secrets + Private Label Rights ($247)

This is a brand new step by step video training course that reveals the secret to generating a big email subscriber list just using solo ads.

You can use these videos in anyway you wish to add value to your existing products or even sell it for a fee. The choice is completely yours.

Bonus #6 - Traffic Exchange Mastery + Private Label Rights ($247)

This is a brand new step by step video training course that reveals how to tap into traffic exchange sites for free, targeted traffic.

You can use these videos in anyway you wish to add value to your existing products or even sell it for a fee. The choice is completely yours.

Bonus #7 - Quick Start Internet Marketing Videos ($37)

This is your chance to grab over $1,500 of bonus products!


Hackers haven't slowed down in their efforts to compromise your sites, in

fact the number of attacks has risen again this year, and it's not going to stop...

If you haven't taken steps to secure your WordPress blog yet, you really do need to do so today!

Don't leave it until it's too late, the fall out from having your blog hacked can be far worse than you might expect...

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