blog personal safety tips better to be safe than sorry

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Personal Safety Tips Better to be SAFE than sorry

Never take shorts cuts at night, stick to well-lit routes

Get your cash out of the cashpoint during daylight hours, if you are going out for the evening

Spread your valuables around your body e.g. keep your phone on your bag, keys in your

jackets pocket, cash in your jeans pocket.

If someone tries to take something for you, it maybe be wiser to let them take it rather than

to get into a confrontation and risk injury

Try to look and act confidently – look like you know where you are going and walk tall

You can use reasonable force in self-defence. You are allowed to protect yourself with

something you are carrying, e.g. keys or a can of deodorant, but you can't carry a weapon

If you decide to defend yourself, be aware that your attacker might be stronger than you, or

may take an object you are using in self-defence and use it against you. It is often better to

shout loudly and run away!

Shout something – it can get attention to put your off approaching in the first place

If you use a wheelchair, keep your things beside you rather than at the back of the chair

Be aware about the valuables you are carrying and don't show them off. Talking on your

mobile phone, carrying a laptop, or showing your friend your new gold ring all show thieves

that you are worth robbing

Do not listen to a personal stereo when out walking or jogging – you need to stay alert to

your surroundings

In case of emergency, keep a £5 note behind the back cover of your mobile phone

Put ICE (In Case of Emergency) phone numbers in your mobile phone. This way, if you are

hurt or in trouble and someone arrives to help you, they will be able to find an emergency

contact number in your phone

Stay with friends whenever possible and don't walk home alone

Look after friends if they've had too much to drink and make sure they get home safely

If you are alone, set your mobile phone to vibrate as not to draw attention to yourself

Don't walk and text. You're likely to be distracted and you are giving a potential thief a

chance to see what type of phone you have

If taking a lift or taxi, text the registration number to someone you trust

Mark valuable personal items with your house number and post code in UV pen

10% of all motorway accidents involve a collision with a vehicle on the hard shoulder. You

may want to stand on the grass verge while you are waiting for breakdown rescue, but only

if you feel safe outside your vehicle

Don't leave vehicle documents in your car. Registration documents, MOT and insurance

certificates will help a thief to sell your vehicle

Always keep the phone number of a trusted taxi firm with you

When arriving home by car or taxi ask the driver to wait until you are inside your home

Walk facing the traffic to avoid ‘kerb crawlers'

If you think you are being followed - Cross over the road. If you are followed, cross back

again. If you are still concerned, go to the nearest public place, a shop, pub or house with

lights on and call the police on 999. Don't use enclosed pay-phones, in which you could

become trapped

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